tv Hannity FOX News July 25, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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. every thursday, america is streaming what only tookk five years, but gavin newsoms is finally taking some actiobun on his state's homelessness crisis, thanks to a recent supreme court rulings thanksrops newsom today issued an executive order giving state agencies the green light to clear out thousands of homeless encampment clears. r the state. here's the interesting part this prison to homelesesart.omes homelessness pipeline. you know where it all began. kamala harris. kaop 47. the regulations, the sofmat crie policies. and now gavin newsom having to news us of kamala h harris. that's all for tonight. >>d blesarris. tonights america. sean's nex t.
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>> welcome to "hannity". and tonight, extremism and bigotrty," tony is festerine the democratic party. far left individuals who hate our country, our way of life. they are desecratingag flag, ens vandalizing our monuments and openly supportinupg a terrorist organization. in response, the biden-harrisran administration can barely muster a o cly musten joe, as p, is barely able to get through the day. meanwhile, democratic party's newly anointed presidential nominee, kamala presominee k, summoned just enoh courage to release a written statt politely condemning the pro-hamas riots. you know, the people burning our flags and so on and so forth. but don't expect anyvirtuous big virtuous speeches condemning this extrempeechese. you see, kamala does not have the moral courage to call out her own radical side. remember- , supported that bail fund after the police precinct was burned dow n, minneapolis,
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for days. she tweeted out a support forthi the bailll fund after after the precinct burned down, said the riots they're noting to going to stop. they shouldn't stop. we're not going to stoyp. plus, she said she needs she the radicals. we all know this in her party to vote for her. god forbid she stand up to them. now, despite the honeymoon and th e sugar high in the days after kamala's ascension, a brand new emerso aftern poll d that trump is still leading in key battleground, includingio arizona, georgia, michigan, pennsylvania. it's tied in wisconsin jackup m. meanwhile, trump is up by two nationwide. in a "new york times up b" and despite all the glowing coverage from the state run media mob, harris is struggling to hide her radicas l record. so rid by the way, on this show, our vetting has only begundi. today, house democrats were sent this memo beggings memo to pretend that kamala's border czar title was invented out of nowhere by republicans. the document goeicans.s on to dl
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how kamala really wasn't involved with the border , evenn though she was second in command at the biden administrationd in forr th the past three years. who was specifically taskedom with preventing illegal immigrants from several countries. she presumed that was her job, accordin thag to own bill ofmigt illusion. illegal immigrant immigration is uion is up whopping 140% froe countries. but kamala, like joe would, mayorkas, they lied to you for three straight years, telling you the border is secure. the border is secure you, the border is closed. it was a big lie, just like covering up and lying about joe's cognitive state, just like lying about theg inflation problem being transitory. you know, this transi a huge problemalah's for kamala's campaign. her failures c are her extreme, positions are well documented. it's on tape. it's iasher --n her own words. for example, let's go down memory lane. word kamala in her own words. and here she is talkingan about leadingon's e
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the administration's efforts at the border. the a. >> are you going to say q that right now is thuestioe right time to make your first trip to the border? well, it's not my first trip. i border many times. the person in charge of 75. so the import aspect of this is it is leaving. t this is after the work that we a did in guatemala, because as iha said, i said back in march, i'm going to come to the border. >> so this is not a new plan. she sounds like the are. ince h so let's be clear. kamala harris owns the borderoue crisist's be, as does joe. >> they both have blood on their hands for every, ever o yrape murder that has occurred by their 11 plus million by t illegal immigrants from over 180 countries, including countrie terror s wita ties and on top geopolitical foes. and to has done, she absolutely nothing to solve the crisis. absolutely house republicans and democrats, they just passed a resolution condemnining kamal'
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harris' failure at the border. and don't forget, lastt we showed you her repeated pleas for illegal immigratios gan to e decriminalized, wanted them to have free health care and education that you pay for. and tonight, here is kamala harrisd tonigh suggestingt shou that immigration and customs enforcement shouldldse look. be abolished. >> take a close look. a lot of the signs f th at the rally you just held were people standing there saying abolissaying ah ice? is that a position that you agree with? u listen, i think there's no've go question that we've got to critically reexamineviee icei its role and the way that it is being administered and the work ie wa it't is doing.nk abo and we need to probably think about starting from scratch becausutatch.e there's a lot ths wrong with the way that is conductingg itself and we needi to deal with that. >> and she falselyth accused ice people of whipping immigrants was not truepeople o. ever never apologized. kamala harris essentially called for america'se. ssential borders to be dissolved. and that's exactly what has happened exactlyhappenin.
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but her commitment to upending the law, law and order in ourbod country doesn't stop at the border. last night, weerlast night we t specificity kamala's efforts that bailoney for fund that freed murderers,, violent rioter kawhis from 2020, mostly peaceful summer of love. anything f lo but. but get this. t the time, she also frequently toyedwith a an insann to defund, dismantle, reimagineo the police. and according to kamala, fewer police means a saf pe for america. in her own words words, are your defunding the police? >> how are you defining defund the police? >> talk to me about the defund the police movement and what do you think is the most the first piece of legislatione of should happen towards reforming the police . >> so at its essence and it really, i believe, is about reimagining public safetyg th
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and how we achieve it. you know, for far too long, the status quo thinking has beet to believe that by puttingin more police on the street, you're gonna have more safety. and that's just wrong. it's jusy. t not how it works. >> it is wrong. not how it works. kamala harris doesn't just want fewer police. t just pee's in favor of removing penalties for a variety y ofof crimes, including certain drug offenses. which is ironic. i'll explain dg in a minute. >> but in her own words. take a listen. they say you oppos>> youe legalg weed. >> that's not true. i know. >> i kand look, i joke about itf joking. >> i have. my family's from jamaica. are you kidding me ? have you ever smoked? - >> i have. okay. and i inhale. i and i did it. >> and it was a long time ago. but, yeah, you have to go. you have to go.. i just broke loose. >> i mean, what wasn't in college? huh? so, you see, i like stuff like
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that. that's a minor joint. b >> it was a hey, i remember r high.if >> i do.was le so if it wasga legalized or the country medicinal, would you, you know, do it? y an >> listen, i think that it moves a lot of people joy, and were we have a poll. what's worse, the answer or the giggling? and while kamalaiggling? impoing about smoking weed, it is important to remember that as a d.a. in san, ka francisco, kamala harris locked up quitemaharris few people for that exact crime, including many africanincludin american m. but it apparently is the political winds change. so did kamala harris. that was a born again socialisat ,the left of bernie sanders. she doesn't even want violent se criminals behind bars. and as we showed you last night, sheu last n thinks if you're between the ages of 18 and 24 , that you're stupid. >> in her own words. what's other thing we know about this population? and it's a specific phase of lifabout th ae, remember?onic
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age is more than a chronological fact. what else do we knowtologica about? this population 18 through 24. they are stupi d. that is why, we put them in dormitories and they have a an. e re they make really bad decision. >> since a lot of older adult politicians. i'd say they're pretty stupid too. now she is demanding equitshe iy all not equality, but equity. in other words, in kamala' swon' dream society, it won't matter how hard you work or how smart are or the quality of your decisions as an individual. ions aindivieveryone, regardles, will end up in the exactin same place. >> in her own words. and if the goal is truly about equality, it has to be about a goal of saying everybodo abouy end up in theeni same place. and since we didn't start in the same place, some folksnes wn might need more equitable distribution. e su
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it's about giving people the resources and the support they need so that everyone can o be on equal footing and then compete on equal footing. >> so there's a big difference betweelo there'n equality and ey equality suggest oftenld get everybody should get the same thing. well, that often assumesace. asarted out in the same place as opposed to equity.d up which is everyone should end upp in the same placlae. and if you then understand that everybody started outome pe the same place, you understand some people needop more like. a real life saturday night live skit. now, what's in la that's in line, obviously, with her support of 70 to 80% tax rateorg that will disincentivize everybody from working. take a look at alexandria ocasio-cortez, the new darlingsh of the party. she officially has more twitter followers than nancy pelosi. losie's doneshe's on 60 minutes-
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weekend, proudly calling herself a radical. and she'e's promoting policies like saying that every single carbon emission in the country, everyle carn in car shd be eliminated within the next 11 years. everythinge ne from a 70 to 80% tax rate. do you agree that she could possibly thapossibly, in this id of the socialist left, could splinter your party? tyno. you know, i think that she is challenging the status quo. i think that's fantastic. i think that she is introducing bold ideas that that should be discussed. >> fantastic>> sean: ideas.d communism has failed everywhere in the world, but apparentlye wl kamala would like to give it one more shot right here in the good old us navy. all in the name of equity. make no mistakic, kamae, kamalas is far more radical thane do joe biden barack obama combined. but she does shareesis love hise of public transportation. take a look. so here's the thing. >> who doesn't love a yellowl b? school bus?
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right. can you raise your hand if you love a yello your waf yow bus? right. just. there's something about the. and most of us many of us wentou to school on the yellow school bus. right. and it's part of its of ourowin experience growing up. upit's part of, you know, a nostalgia and a memory of of o the excitement and joy of going tol to be with yourh favorite teacher, to be with your best friendst friend . learn. the school bus takes there. >> i don't like school buses i n myself't, but that's my own personal taste. didn't joe biden try to preven. t the integration of schools and bussing? and she was that girl, shejo said in that debate because joe partnered with the former klansmannered wir in to stop the integration of schools. he didn't want schools, his words to be racial jungles. now, in addition to hyping up america's school buses, vice president harris was also alsohe the mission to bring
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the wonders of space to communities. all across america and to fulfill this very vague mission. s vagukamala hired several childar actors and created a short film showing her while awkwardly talking to these children. child actorsildren - about plans while they pretended to be interested. they weren't.. >> take a look. i just love the ideae unkn of exposinowg the unknown.s and then there's other things h that we justaven't haven't figud out or discovered yet to think thin thereuch that's out that we still have to learn. i kind of love that. i love that.d and so i'm very excited about the space council. we're going to learnt the counc. you guys are going to see you're going literally seeur own the craters on the moon with your ow en time, with your own eyes. i'm telling you, it is going to be unbelievable. 5 so tonight, with just 54 days until early voting begindays uns in pennsylvania and then around the country and only 102 days
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until november the fifth. they really want to takelitician a chance on an incompetent politician with a radical extreme far left eme fa agenda. etur or do you want to return to the trump years? low taxe s, lower interest rates, lower gas prices, no inflation, secure borders, lawpe and order, peace and prosperityh for all, and the world'sct dictators not running wild around the worldators g becausee they actually respect the president. the choice has never clear been more clear. joining us now, the host of the sage steel sae shows sage deals. ret by the way, it's great to havei. you on the program. you did a podcast with jillian michaels. i it might have been the best podcast i think i've ever seen. it was fascinatingeverit was poo me. great job. how you? t ike doing it thank i love it because i get to have conversations, it's the c word that a lot of are afraide ca to touch, right? yes, we can have conversations even with people who thinkn have differently. julie and i have very different mainions on many things, but ipn
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think the most important things are the things that she talked about in the clipd you're referring to. i think that kind of went viral with her talking about the state of californioft t a. n in and as a woman, a woman, a jewish woman with a child black child and a hispanic child, she went through all theo lessons she's and she's from california and she's like, icalf i'm saying i'm out. and she moved three years ago to florida, what does that telfl you? and she spoke for so manyth people, i think, who love the state of californie stata. r i just respect her for for getting out there. y. ortunatel we now know that it takes courage to be honest, no matter what side of the wha aisles be that you're on. but it's just been an honor to be able to haveen b people st down and talk to me about everything, because that's what we neegbecause d in. country. >> you know, i think she's one of the best fitness coaches in the country. y anand i heard that story. and by the way, i left o the state of new york for the free state of floride fra. c we're glad to have glad she's coming. let me ask you about this. you'you were not happy about joe biden being pushed off die ticket and the
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disenfranchisement of all those millions of democratic primaryys voters. >> why. ? w >> it's not that i was unhappy i that he was pushed off the ticket. i was pusheds disappointed thatt didn't happen a long time ago. disappointed that th, e people inrcle his circle, his camp, namely dr. jill, his family mai and friends, didn't put him at the top of their of priorities, like as the human being that he is. hi interviewed him when i wasii still working at espn, interviewed him on sportscentepr and like march april 20, 21. and sean i'll never forget the conversation before we began to tape not live tape for sure. and i was actually saddened because he loss t his train a of thought while having a conversation with me about when he playen t whd football. and as a as a young woman, not young man anymore. un as a young woman, i lost my grandmother to alzheimer's and dementiaother to. as soon so i'm really sensitive about that. and as soon as i heard him hearm
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trail off like that, h my heart kind of skipped a beat because, you know because, a lot of us had wondered about his how he was cognitively before then. nversa and when i saw that during my own conversation with himti three and a half years ago, i said, what's going on here? i whatwhen i i said on my instam for just shame on the family for waiting this long. and now all of a suddeg thnis it's like, oh, praise joe for doing the right thing. no, no, no, no, no. this should have happened a longthey s time ago time ago. number one, by his family for k his health. but if you do sauipey you prioritize the american people, well, then prove itunti and don't stay in until you're actually shoved out. two weeks ago, he's saying actu here, i'm staying. and then everybody stabbed him in the back. so nowg y kept h i i just think right thing. it should have happened a very long time agshouldg o. and now let's watch. it's been fascinating to see how the democrats are liketing t , oh, yes, yes. good job, joe. and yay, kamala, when she wagios in the basement just a couple of months ago as well. this is not about politicsfwell ld loo in my mind as far as how we as americans should look at it. it's -- it's the track record.
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it's honesty. and that's what is missing right now. >> you know, i watched the controversw. you knoy abouty you were at espn. and by the way, you're a great broadcaste the wayr. supp felt bad for you.or my whole career, i've neverre supported a cancel culture. i don't support boycotts. i don't support firings. i actually believe people can make mistakee mistaks and they ought to be given second chances. and i have advocated for people that on the left stuff that have said stupid stuff to not c fired. and i just felt fundamentally i mean, you went out there,, you owned it, and you still got fired. i'm like, you can't wi andn. oughts i want your thoughts o on the state of freedom i of speech in this country because i watch you now and your podcast and i'm likrtir you know what? you're free to say whatever you want. and i'm like, good fornt, li yo. thank you. well, sometimes i still have to like, look behind me. u i keep saying, i'm afraid, like bob iger is going to come up from behind and choke me outd because for so many years and as you know, working in corporate mediadia for almost
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three decades. >> listen, my friend steven, a one time on the air i'm on n and stevenot a little bit careful. >> they'll fire you. no, no, no, no, no. >> sean, there's the rules at espn, and then there's the steven the rules. rent >> and those rules. and i love him and he's a friend of mine to completelyy. different things. but don't don't drag me in thi >>s wasn't fired. >> i know. yeah, we should talk about steven, who was brilliant, but i wasn't fired. i was suspended for giving my thoughts on a podcast off the air about being forced to get a vaccine to keep my job . and then when i got repeatedly punished, that's when i stood up and decided.t to file a lawsuit. we settled last august with disney, so it w my heart. however, i wouldn't change a thing because what i'vet we learned is that when you do speak up, it's not jusk t about you. and by the way, i have 20, 20 and 22.s 18 so apparently, according to kamala, they're stupi4 --dcor
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right. now, let me tell you about the great conversations i have with my kids who are takinsa win the time to actually listen and study and know why they believeknow weve what thes at the end of the day, thiits is about diversity of thought. i've been preaching that whenever i speak at colleges ore. ddears anywhere for 15 years, long before even i was in existencei stence, i t, but i knew that with my skincall color, people automaticallyy assume what i vote, what i think, who i should, who i should date. that's why when we talk about the black vote, i laugh. bli'm really we're not a monolia here. we actually have brain mons andn think and unique ways despite te fact that we might all hav brown skin. so there are so many things that i believe we must continue to taln be scak about. it can be scary. you will get canceled, but then i don't know. hopefully i'm one tiny example that you're still going to wake up'r the next morning and realizeu how much better you feel whcause it's not jusel becaut au . >> it's about others who feel silenced as well. we silen you being with us,k you can't, but you can't break the bond with me and my buddthye
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steve and i.nd >> i mean, we're just we're just tight. we're good for him. and by the waym an the, sean,onh i'm moving to florida in a couple of months, too, so i'm going to join you guys. join i will see you. you >> and you're welcome on tv and radio any is sage steele, thank you. all right. joining us nowh , project 21-- chairman horace cooper is with us. fox news conserv, -- contributor joe concha. horace, start with you tonight. let's get your takcan i.t yourea harris. the vetting has begun her innern own words as radical a person to ever run for the presidencycy . >> well, she absolutely is. she has demonstrated how unpopular her views are. she ran for president even whene we were talking about a large number of left wingers runninnning. one >> she was one of the first not one of she was the first to endg up dropping off. she t to thet make i off first primary. her views are far out of therunn mainstream. and when she was named the running mateg mate, we saw something very interesting a negative bounce by the biden
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biden-harris ticke-ht when sheeo was first named, and largely because a number of black americans were watching her when she was in california and they didn't approve. nothing has changed. you know, joe, i think it's thec biggest lie cover up campaignn of allab time. us i mean, look at all the lies kamala harris has told us. she's that. why the big push and allmedia the media is jumping on boarisd that she was not the border czar. mediate had a had a point today they use the exact wordst that she was in charge of theth border at the time that jojoe be biden tasked her with that. and now they want everybody to den y it.sual >> the media falls right in line, as per usual. th >> the same people, sean, who said the steele dossier was absolutely that actuallyn joe biden falling down and saying all the thingwn ands he said they were cheap, fake videos, edited, manipulated a and now they're telling, you know, actually kamala harris wasn't in charge of the
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border bordersctyarris n. talkin what's that? and all these talking points, mel the spin, the worl beed by r hopelessly corrupt legacy media, sean, cannodit change the fact that if you're giving out grades as far as performancer as of securing the border and finding the root causes of mass migration. kamala harris, who was putn, in charge of it, there's no questionin she gets whatever is below an ff minus as a grade. it's nots just the border, seay i mean, you tell me how voterslt in pennsylvania are going to like it when they hear that kamala harris has publicly stated that she supportsed t banning fracking or ending the fossil fuel industry.y're those are her words. they're all on video. how about in michigaon videon? she supports government mandated ev sales phasing outtha gas powered cars that would result in thousands of jobs lostnd auto ind and the auto industry. how are michigan voters going to feel about that? oh, how about border a tha like arizona, new mexico? how are they going to feel about the fact that kamala hasthat she declared that she wants to abolish ice? ice wants comparedh ice to the kkk. >> she has said that illegal
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border crossingsl actually should be made legal. >> again, you know, painer is temporary film this forever and it's all on there. >> how are voter alls across the nation going to feel when they see their gas prices that have gone up more than 50% since donald trump left office, that she's all for banning offshore drilling? how are they going to feel when they hear that she wanted then thhear tha private health insurance? oh, you need that emergency procedure. take a numbee r. mark wait six months. maybe it will work out. ask people who live in canada. thin a whond ek about how that r and over again. shawn. maere are many examples heree on that the media needs to point out, and they won't in an effort to try to get her over wan atr the finish link it ain't going to work because of shows like this and of social media. flikes inshawn yeah, an 18 tout 24 year olds are stupid, but we do put advance weapons in their hands, send them into combat. and by the way, they're no tarines living in dorms. >> they're living in submarines and aircraft carrier as or driving. wow. unbelievable thank you both.ciat appreciate it. when we come back, former illinois governor rod blagojevica bidh saying biden ge
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learn more at stoke gokhan all right. this is a fox news alert tonight. the trump campaign g not goingn a to commit to debating kamala harris until the democratic mechse is official.e last by the way, unlike the last debate, they should have a say . where's the venue? what are the rules? is there an audience, not ana audience. they get a say. he firthat's the first time that one candidate had no say was the debate with joe that that's not going to fly. th tonight, politicobama and is reporting that former president barack obama obam michelle obama are about to formally endorse vice president kamala harris eay perhaps as early as tomorrow. once he doesow., the coronation
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will be complete. vp harris will be the newout democratic nominee without a single primary vote being cast for eing cas her. but those who know the democrats best, they don't find any of this surprising. former democratic governor of illinois, rod blagojevich wrote an op ed for the wall op- street journal entitled biden gets the the chicagoth treatment. barack obama an old fashioned word, bosse orchestrates the president's removal. anyway, rod blagojevicosh joinse us now to explain. let me ask you, because i found this fascinatingmo ins about your opin t ed in the old school wayl wa of chicago backroom politics. obama was the conductor of the band that successfully orchestrated the removal of a presidential candidate remov chn by millions of democratic primary voters. what's the chicago way?>> the well, the chicago wa cy is thins that happen in the back room by the political bosseks. now, in the old school chicagoss way, those bosses looked different than obamaes l and pei ,who really are today's bosses s
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in the national democratic party. geth obama and i came up together in chicago politics. i've knownercago pol him since . he learned his lessons well. he's a lot slickered, impressive than the old traditional bosses. out they make their decisionhe s in the back rooms outside of the view of the people, and they're the ones who pullins the strings, they manipulate and they they move things around s o that they can get the candidate they're looking for to run. they propped up biden all these lied to us about him being fit as a fiddle filled with themvigo vigor and vitality, which he never was. nod vitaliw they got exposed. they could no longer hide it. they had to dump him and theybe dumped him against his will. and so the campaign began even beforeev that debate with president trump. they were laying the foundation. they do it in stages. and, you know, they they did what they do prison. >> they use the ship and theyhe a ab biden in the back sta. would you call it a coup? you talk about the party that'sc running to save democracy, but yet weaponizedt ye our justd system and that biden's withdrawal proves somethinrag
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even more sinister. they've been lying to us the whole time and thasinistt tw convention in chicago next month will provide the perfect place for obama to finish the job. and now it looks like maybe tomorrow he and michelle will endorse kamala harrise. gh >> you know, they might as well have the democratic convention nowell have democrt in my hometh but in beijing. this is the stuff the chinesomny communist party does when dandi they select their candidates from the back roomdate . it's a selection masquerading as election. >> look, the democratic party today are the biggest hypocrites in history and theliar biggest liars, too. they should call the democratsso the undemocratic party. they claim that they're running to save democracy. they'rey, yet they've weaponized the criminal justice system to get president trump. m togethey told the big lie about biden. now they've been exposed and no.d.w from the shadows of e back room, obama and pelosi got just like they did in old school chicago politics and. they decided to dump
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the candidate who was the n 80% vot president who wo of the primary vote making suckers out of themaking s 14 ad a half million democratic voters who voted for biden. they are cynical for bid. they have contempt for the people. in fact, i would say i think that they think that the working class voters of the omocrat party belon g in that same basket of deplorables that hillary clinton talked linton, y back iy back in 2016. >> let me ask you this. getting and i think this is getting pretty interesting herree, because we saw what happened yesterday. we saw kamala harris snuday kelb prime minister netanyahu. beyterday, we saw these craz protesters, some of them getting violent, you know, pre ofr. we shu akba we saw the palestinian flag being put up instead of thawtint american flag. we saw people burning the american flasa burningg. is kamala harris now appealing to that radical wing of the democratic party? is that the new democratic partyw demo? >> that is the neww democratic party. that's where the energdemocratye democratic party is this the socialist wing
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and increasingly win anti anti-semitic wing of the democrat party that have rethought the priorities that our party once stood for? and the irony is thats r. the workin g class people that the democrats historically claim to have been for and ic believe when i was a democrat governor, we were for they n wea have a voice in our party. the party now is a party of elitists. and whenf clooney calls, barack obama listens. and jos,e biden his position on the ballot. no, this is a party that's controlleds s by movie stars, by wall street financiers, silicon valley billionaires. they pretend to be on the side bill on the people and in the ui situation of the e poorcommunity whertu people disproportionately are black, the democrats are not interestedproporti in lg them up out of where they are because they'll lose those votes. they do just enoug tes. h to keepar them where they are and then they pander and get their votes. pander and, haven't done a thing to stop the violence in chicago. many of the people sho t shot and killed are african-americans, names we never hear of. exit questioesn, yes or no.
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do you believe barack obama led a coup against joe biden? >> i believe barack obama was the lead player, the central figure in throwing him off the ballot. and frankly, some of the difficulties that i ended di havin having all those years. >> rod blagojevich, thanks forac being with us. when we come back, kamala harris has a big israel problem whilrris hasle the democrats co to turn their back on our strongest ally in the middle east. there bsenator tim scott, he ws in as we continue. four years of hard work for years of dedication, everything comes down to this moment. why start bringing home the gold? that's why you put that guy on that relay. australia has been unbelievable . the greatest female swimmer of all time. wow. welcome. does simone biles continue to amaze us every time see piece?
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in support of a permanent cease fire in gaza. sot is she going to cave to the new radical pro-hamas wing of the democratic party? de rad prowell, one jewish group is warning that a kamala harris presidencydency could make thins worse. with anti-semitism on the rise we sit on in the hallsngre of congress, we see itss, on college campuset ans. the is we see it worldwide. meanwhile, the israeli prime minister, benjamin jamin nera u, was at the white house today to meet with a seemingly unconscious joe bis bd then later, kamala harris. and after her meetinr meeting, d at a hard leftward shift in us policy. >> if she was in charge, listen to this. i also expressed with the also prime minister my serious concerexn about the scale of human suffering in gaza, f including the death of far too many innocent civiliantoo ma boi and i made clear my serious concern about the dire humanitarian situation there sha and where she praised the crazy college kids for speakin
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g truth tak about israel. the ones like taking over older at columbia university. now, these meetings came justprs one day after anti-israel protests took to the streetsts a wreaked havoc all across washington, d.c., burning american flags burning, raising palestinian ones in their place. thankfullyr pl, prime minister netanyahu, he will be meeting with president trump tomorrow. we need the adult back in charge now following the chaosow and destructioing thn in the st. it took kamala hours justa to put out a statementho, the disgusting displays across the city. >> anyway, here with reaction, o south carolina senator tim scott. you know, i kindi kind of get i believe the kamala harris that supported students speaking their truth when they were showing support, el'sh the worst terror attack in israel's history. isi think it spoke volumes.ons i think actions are louder words. she chose not to be at this joint session yesterday with the prime minister, who i
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thought gave a churchill- wh in speech. that, to me meanos a lotords a more than words that somebody wrote for her to put out, just to try to puy will thet the cony to rest. >> well, shawn, you're 100% right. once again, there's no doubt that her snubbing prime minister netanyahu in the most amazing speech i've heard all long is absolutely abdication of herty a responsibility as vice president. but more importantlyce, it's a step to the left. i didn't know that you coulde go further to the left than joe bide joe bidn, but kamala hs never disappoints when it comes goingoing g left. she is more aggressive againstia israel than joe biden. she's more pro-palestinian and anti-semitic as it relates relahe wing of her party that leads the conversation. she is willing to appease thoste in her party. that is disgusting. g and will ring
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knllow to those of us who know you have to be loyal to youryoua allies so that you canll t be lethal to your adversaries. she is looking for powere is loo and not doing the right thing. i got to say, the countr theye in leadership, listening to prime minister netanyahetanyu talk about our enemies are your enemies. and therefore your victory,our our victory will be your victoryvi b. a harris >> what did kamala harris say?ba nothing. because she wasn'tuse wasn't t . she can't stand up to students who are saying, jewish. she says, as you've already said, speak your truth. >> speak your truth. that's a lie. d john, 31 and 32, tells us that to know the truth sets you free to speak a lie oppresses you. there are so many to in israel.e >> yes. sol.s? she's scored to the left of
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bernie sanders. all right. we all know that. but here'sloveters, we my quest. you know, we watch what happened in israel on october seven. it would have been the equivalent of 40,000 dead americans in a day on 911. we a day lost 2977 and have losy lives from 911 relateder illnesses and 40,000 dead americans. >> if you extrapolate population. and my question is, what part of murder ,, beheading, torture and, kidnapping do these people on the left not not care about, not understand, and why wouldn't they support israel's right towhy y suppor win their t a group that is that has t in their charter a pledge to destroy israel anraeld as pre minister netanyahu said, this is civilization versusnister n, barbarism. why wouldn't joe and kamala support their righ joe at to win that war? >> the bottom line is simply this want power not to protect o people. it is a very simple factple.
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. we look at the october 7th tragedy. we know you have to stay- th on the side of justice. she chose to situndersid down. >> unbelievable. >> ssenator, great to see you as always. thank you. all right. when we come back, our oldin n friend gavin newsom, he just ordered officials in his statee remove homeless encampments. why the change? baronne what happened? our very own sara carter on the ground in san francisco e speaking to residents as we continue. before revolution, before america, before destiny came calling. >> it was george. you have ambitions. >> i have pride, sir. a pioneer, a soldier, a leader on the rise. how do you sense that it is here? get the general out of here now . >> this is the story of the greatest american. before there was an american.rew e story of george. george rise of a revolutionary.
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he actually issued an executive ordenait seemir, state agenciesn clearing the extensive homeless encampments on state property and asked cities to do the same in their jurisdictions. now, some claim newsom is acting now due to a recentrnt supreme court decision allowing local governments crack downdoe' on homeless encampments. but the timing doesn't seem well, it doesn't. guess in some ways it seems pretty rich because, you know,nb considering we're so close to the november elections anywayer, our own sara carter spent the day in san francisco asking localfranci askins for their reaction to the news. >> here's what they had to say. whagovernor newsom's executives order to up the state now.e so he just signed an executiveno order was on a supreme court decision in june to get the state cleaneo ged up. eopl that means homeless encampments on the street, people out with it. so how do you feel about that? ' now that is feel, i guess, appropriate. the city definitely needs h to help. i'm conflicted because i know the supremnitelyhelp.e passed tl
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the decision which allows himto to do this do . reas i do see the areas in sanancisc francisco which i really really do need to be cleaned up. but then i thinkd the other halfe of the equation is where do people go? what kind of servicee gos are te and cannot be afforded? yeah. do you think - it's a more of a political issue now that it's an election year? i mean, some people said thepolr would have rather seen this 100% increas se in political. that certainly is political. i mean, sometime s it's incentives, right. if if the people who are wh power are incentivized to act only when it's political, you're then sometimes that's the way ienl yi do you feel like leadershipfo in california is particular with the governor newsom? do you think that they should have been thinking about this much longer? n i mean, much, much before 2024 in the november elections? yeah, well, but it took mak actually the supreme court . make the the change and so maybe that impacted it also. yeah. in is that mind boggling to you? like, why wouldn't you want your state to be clear exactlyy-
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. >> all right. joining us now fromng san francisc us o, own sara car. what's next? they're going to get rid of sanctuary state status with free health care and education for illegal immigrants. >> is that next? i don't know if that's next, sean, but this executive order t basically directed state agencies and the local governmentagencies to identify e most dangerous encampments. many of the ones which you and o i on in the past, both here in san francisco and in los angeles, once they identify those encampments, they're giving wan people onlyoy two days to get out of them. and residents are saying, wait, how much money is this going to cost? where are you going to put these people? are they going to end upgo co aboutt lo back on the streets? it's going to take a lot longer than a few months before an elections beforeection a. and this about face is another thing that they've been questioning. is goingng to take a lotstioning more than a few months to get everything cleaned up in the ge, state of california. in fact, they're saying it looks more like years. ty sayearand honestly, i thinkf of residents will believe it when they see it
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. n. >> back to you, sean. wow. all right. sean: scarter i, francisco thank you. joining us now, the host of tomi lahren is fearless on outkick, tomi lahres of outnn, s. the co-host of outnumbered. emily compagno is with us. all righlutely nt. you absolutely nailed it, tommy. joe is out. campbell is in. but part two, was it was going to be gavin. >> what happened? well, listen, he's doing everything he can to, again, inspire my theories that he'sdea still on the stand. >> that kamala harrinds is the likely nominee. but in looking at this, it's really convening and that before an election, he's deciding to finally clean up his state. i thinfinall statek in year 11 w now to clean up california. l of but all of this is motivated by something. it's not juss ist his goodwill to the people. i'm wondering if a donor or friend of his is contractedui with building housing. there's got to bldinghousine sog more here. otherwise, maybe sean, he's just been watching your show for so long that he's finally taking the red pil
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l and he finally wants to clean up california. i'm not going to hold my breatan hs ,but i know he's a fan, so maybe, just maybe, i don't>> knw if he's a fan, is the quite the right word. i know he does. watc he does foxh fox.ur take? >> we're grateful for that. emily, what's your take? well, look, he shares a donor pool with kamala harris, right?m they both came up out of the seven very wealthy californi th families like the gettys and the like. so i think also likeli her, he shares an inability to commit to any type of ideologtypy that makes sense over 20 years ago, i was subjected to his care, notr of s cash policy, while he was mayor of san francisco. that was disastrous.d and he clearly didn't take his own advice becauseno his ths all he did was dump cash into the homelessness problem. calir in the last five years alone. california has spent $24lessne billion on the homeless situation, and yet the homelessness has spikessd, r fact skyrocketed to the point where when you break that down per homelesse ak person,
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it's $160,000 that california has spent. of those californians, hard earned tax dollarsf theians haro individual homeless person, l.a. county, count $1 billie in the year 2021. so now he is coming in andfollow he's saying, oh, i'm following the supreme court, and this cruel and unusual punishment. look, it's for the safety of those homeless. but at, wou the end of the dayt the policy is absolute trash just like that.naviga and what he's doing is trying to navigate those slippery waters. soteslippery he can hitch himsef to kamala's train that apparently was anointedn dt by the democratic machine. >> and he's just waiting forrati his turnt . exit question. quick answer, both of you. tommy, i think as america as wer now vet kamala harris beginsis to understand her radical do yist leftist khalif, your values, they will reject her. >> do you agree? boy, i hope so. but it's going to be up to the trump campaign to really hitr her on policy and to brandascali thr as a california liberafornl
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i really fear that some of the cheap shots, even though laey're funny, callinghey're fub as rocks or laughing kamala, i fear that they're not going to worugey're nok much better tt her on policy and hit her hard. she's a california liberal h at end of the day, don't she care? >> ee day america any real scruo i don't think she can survive. 10 seconds. n't n rvive.emily, remember, she was educated in canada. tommy is right. it's not in the bad guys.e to we got to get out and vote. all right. than aotk you both emily and to? when we come back, more "hannity" straight ahead. >> >> remember when i said we need to screen for colon cancer? >> was that aft-y i texted the screen was now 45? because i said, oh, lookupreen d be there. where did you come from? yep, with me.n canc you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. well, s thnon-inva cardr well, s thnon-inva cardr and do it my way. cologuard is a one of a kindgua. way to screen for colon cancer. that's effective and noninvasive. and noninvasive. 45 plus at average risk, not high risk, false, positive
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