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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 26, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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♪ >> thank you all so much. [cheers and applause] >> steve: have a great weekend. did you enjoy the ? have a nice weekend. here we go, "america's newsroom" right now. >> dana: what a rocking friday, guys, thank you.
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barraco obama and michelle endorsed harris. >> posted a video of the vice president getting the phone call. >> i am proud of you, kamala. this is going to be historic. >> we called to say, michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office. >> oh my goodness. michelle and barack, this means so much so me. >> dana: harris is condemning the anti-israel protests that spiraled out of control in washington, d.c. this week. yesterday she held a one-on-one meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. afterwards she pledged her support to israel but said she would not be silent on civilians killed in gaza.
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>> it is time for this war to end, and end in a way where israel is secure, all the hostages are released, the suffering of palestinians in gaza ends, and the palestinian people can exercise their right to freedom, dignity and self-determination. >> martha: let's get a look at poll number. new polls show the former president is leading harris but by a very slim margin as she closes the gap in the early days of her candidacy. lucas tomlinson has more on this from the white house. good morning, lucas. >> good morning, martha. "new york times" poll shows a dead heat with former president donald trump up just one point over vice president kamala harris who says she won't shy away from trump. >> i'm ready to debate donald trump. i have agreed to the previously agreed upon september 10th debate. he agreed to that previously.
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now appears he is back pedaling. i'm ready. i think the voters deserve to see the split screen that exists in this race on a debate stage and so i'm ready, let's go. >> yesterday israeli prime minister netanyahu arrived at the white house for separate meetings with president biden and vice president harris. now that harris has the endorsement of the obamas were nomination is all but assured to show daylight between her and biden including u.s. policy toward israel. more from the vice president yesterday. >> i have had an unwavering commitment to the existence of the state of israel, to its security, and to the people of israel. what has happened in gaza over the past nine months is devastating. we cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and i will not be silent. >> it's not likely harris is not
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talking about israelis. she read the names of hostages. israeli officials are nervous about harris being more critical than bidens. >> netanyahu concerned it may harm hostage deal. aide to the vice president responded to that report saying, quote, i don't know what they are talking about. president biden and vice president harris delivered the same message in their private meetings to prime minister netanyahu. it is time to get the cease-fire and hostage deal done and what the vice president said publicly as well. netanyahu will be heading to meet with former president trump at mar-a-lago later today. >> martha: thank you very much. >> dana: let's bring in jessica tarlov and guy benson. talk about the debate issue. she said on the video i agreed to the debate terms. you weren't the candidate then. she actually didn't agree to a debate on september 10th.
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>> it's a different campaign now. they put out a tweet whatever happened to any time, any place. the bravado of donald trump. a challenge and gauntlet he threw down to the winner of the democratic primaries. no longer the candidate. we had a general election debate and went so badly for the democratic nominee he dropped out of the race. if kamala harris would like to have debate with donald trump moving forward it would be good to have one. trump is 100% right to open negotiations all over again. you can't switch in a new candidate midstream in the middle of a general election and pretend like the previously agreed to things all must remain in place for you. this is very abnormal. this is the right move by the trump campaign. >> if i were donald trump i wouldn't want to debate anyone else. he probably regrets having the debate with joe biden because he would still be running against joe biden, who it looks like the american public would be less
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enthusiastic about on november 5th than kamala harris with the early polling of all of this. but his statement wasn't just a we should agree to new terms about this. i understand he doesn't want to do one with stephanopoulos and does one with us. i hope they do a series of them. but his statement said she might not even be the candidate because barack hussain obama hasn't endorsed her yet. the video was pre-recorded not something that happened at 2:00 in the morning there. they were using it as part of a roll-out of endorsements. they didn't want everything to flow in in the first 24 to 48 hours. they wanted it to be a slow drip of this and one of the most big ones coming from the obamas. >> dana: i think biden regrets debating trump.
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"the new york times" poll. might be too early to tell. six days into this situation. trump at 48, harris at 46. so it's tighter. >> yeah. look, trump lost the popular vote to hillary clinton by two points and won the election in 2016. a tide situation for trump is generally pretty good. i'm more interested in the swing state polling than the national polling. that same poll had biden trailing by six points against donald trump so the gap has closed. we have now seen something closer to a normal general election like up in the high 40s relatively close kind of tied. that much closer to something that we've been accost tomorrowed to seeing for a while. harris is surging a little ahead with independents and up on the sugar high. i think people are excited to see biden out of the race. she will have a convention bump as well. the trump campaign is putting it out there saying expect her to maybe pull ahead in some of the
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polling. there is also quite a virtual trail of things that she has said that are radically extreme for the country and there will be a case prosecuted in the months to come and we'll see. >> dana: we'll see if wikipedia erases them before then. >> the realtime gas lighting is extraordinary. >> martha: there is a realtime argument. we have offered the opportunity to do a debate for us and hope they take us up on it. you have this incredibly tight window from this choice to the election, i think it is all the more important to see these candidates debate a few times. and i think abc has the one that was agreed to by the previous match-up and fine. but i think there is an opportunity for them to do more of this. do you think kamala harris will want to do that? >> absolutely. her team is very eager to be able to prosecute this case in front of the american public and aware of the fact that kamala harris has a lot of room to grow
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and define herself. donald trump has been designed since 2016. that's why everyone is paying such close attention whether he breaks to 50% support. if he hangs around 46 where he has been and lost those elections it is much better for the democrats. the harris team wants that and on the polling front what we have been excited to see is the consolidation of the base. blacks and latino support heading towards hillary clinton levels. astronomical. she did much better than joe biden did. the national head-to-head and we'll see who the vp pick is. if you pick up a shapiro. the debate in pennsylvania will be major. kelly with the astronaut with the heart of gold and gabby gifford would be a great pairing there and arizona becomes more of a focus. you see restructuring. the sun belt is back in play. only the blue wall we were focused on. a much broader map with kamala
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at the top of his ticket. >> dana: biden said the next six months i'll get all this done and america turned the page and we're done. then kamala harris met with netanyahu yesterday and looked like a president. >> he is the lameest of lame ducks. jesse's analysis is correct. i wonder does that stay the case once americans realize this is someone who called for the end of private healthcare, the end of fracking, the green new deal, free healthcare paid for by us for illegal im granulitis. decriminalizing the border. the list goes on and paper in her own words. >> we have to also talk the vance's recordings that are there. the cat lady comments. also new audio that came out last night where he talks about a federal response to women going to other states to get abortions. that is not going to play well.
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>> dana: lots to discuss indeed. >> martha: good to see you both. benjamin netanyahu has been expected to land in west palm beach, florida, this morning meeting with former president trump and current candidate for the republican party. madison is there ahead of this meeting. good morning. >> security has been beefed up in west palm beach and palm beach ahead of the arrival of netanyahu set to meet with donald trump after he met separately with kamala harris and president biden. after two days of protests in washington, d.c., that included desecrating monuments with words like hamas is coming and the burning of the american flag. president biden ignored questions shouted at him about those protests and former president trump spoke out strongly in an interview on "fox & friends." >> i think you should get a one-year jail sentence if you do anything to desecrate the
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american flag. now, people will say it's unconstitutional. those are stupid people. those are stupid people that say that. we have to work in congress to get a one year jail sentence. when they are allowed to stomp on the flag and put lighter fluid on the flag and set it on fire. >> it is expected the issue will come up today with netanyahu. the prime minister making the rounds with u.s. political leaders. in his meeting with president biden he thanked him for his support and met with the families of hostages still held in gaza with both sides hopeful that americans will be brought home soon. following harris's meeting, she pledged her support in public comments but also criticized israel's handling of the conflict. >> i have had an unwavering commitment to the state of israel, to its security and to the people of israel. what has happened in gaza over the past nine months is devastating. we cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and
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i will not be silent. >> this reportedly upset netanyahu who fears harris's comments could harm the negotiation process and cease-fire deal at the finish line. harris's statement was more critical than biden's. this was her first meeting with a foreign leader since announcing her current campaign for president. when you look at these meetings netanyahu met with biden for multiple hours. met with v.p. harris for 40 minutes. expected he could meet with trump today for multiple hours as well. just the start of president trump's day. after that he will head to the convention hall for a turning point action convention. tomorrow headed to a bitcoin conference in nashville and ending the day in st. cloud, minnesota. send it back to you, martha. >> dana: fox news alert on the border crisis. united states arresting two major cartel leaders, one of them related to el chapo. we have the details on that. plus this. >> we'll get down to the bottom of this. we have to have accountability
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and insure anything like this never happens again. so we'll have very serious people on the task force doing very serious work and the american people are owed that. >> martha: lawmakers visiting the site of the trump assassination attempt. what they saw from the rooftop where the gunman was perched. plus this. >> dana: you saw that earlier this week. a whale smashing into a fishing boat sending people overboard. we'll talk to one of those fishermen who went flying and the guy who caught it on camera. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day.
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>> dana: two leaders of mexico's most violent and powerful drug cartel in u.s. custody. the son of el chapo were
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arrested in texas after evading authorities for decades. how did it come to be? matt finn with the details from los angeles. >> the united states calls this arrest an enormous blow to the sinaloa cartel and played out like a scene from a movie. sources tell fox the son of cartel leader el chapo tricked the other powerful cartel boss el mayo into getting on a plane headed for texas where they were both arrested. lopez, el chapo's son. all mayo were taken into custody yesterday. el chapo's son said they were headed to south to see property in mexico but the plane flew noerthd and landed in el paso, texas. the son turned on el mayo because he blamed him for his father's capture. the u.s. was offering a $15
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million reward to track down mayo, guzman and his brothers took control of the cartel after el chapo was extradited to the united states. it is one of the most powerful crime organizations dominated drug trade in the u.s., including the recent fendt fendt deaths. here is attorney general merrick garland announcing the arrest. >> fentanyl is the most deadly drug threat our country has ever faced. the justice department will not rest until every cartel leader, member and associate responsible for poisoning our communities is held accountable. >> the f.b.i. says these two cartel bosses have eluded law enforcement for decades and personally oversaw the trafficking of tens of thousands of pounds of drugs into our country and are responsible for all of the related violence.
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dana. >> dana: amazing. more details to come, i'm sure. >> martha: congress looking for answers after the assassination attempt on president trump. a group of lawmakers went to the site yesterday. eli crane was among them, a former navy seal sniper. congressman crane, good to have you with us today. tell me what your thoughts were when you got up on the roof and looked around given your personal experience as a navy seal sniper. >> thanks for having me. myself and cory mills went to the site yesterday. we went with bennie johnson, who was there to document the event. at the end of the day, martha, the bottom line is this. we are both representatives of the american people and they want answers on this. quite frankly they don't trust the federal government to, you know, do this investigation properly and get them the answers. so we'll keep trying to help
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them unturn every stone and make sure we do everything we can to make sure that they get the truth and yesterday was the second time i've been at the rally site this week. we actually got to get up on one of the roofs that one of the counter snipers was up on so myself and corey could observe the site line, site angle the counter snipers would have had to the shooter and we also got to talk to several other people that had intimate knowledge of the security and some of the investigations that took place after this shooting. we'll keep conducting our oversight, martha, because at the end of the day we've got to make sure this never happens again. >> martha: it never should have happened in the first place. the water tower location, the shooter location about 150 yards from the stage. i'm struck by the fact that the former and now resigned kim
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cheatle had a u.s. secret service didn't visit the scene. as far as i know the current person who was her deputy, who is now in charge, has not visited the scene. when you were there, you know, members of congress, how active is this investigation in your mind? >> well, i can't speak to the how active the investigation is. let me clarify, martha. i do have trust in many of our rank and file f.b.i. members and d.o.j. folks. i know many of them and they are great folks. our question and our problem is the folks at the top actually being willing to release the information and not gas light the american people like the cold open that was on before me where merrick garland was saying he was going to make sure that every cartel member, leader, you know, got accountability. i mean, are you kidding me? do the american people believe that? i surely don't. when i go to that site, i look
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at that water tower as a former sniper myself and wondering why wasn't any counter sniper on that water tower, 360 degree coverage. the highest structure. i doubt if anybody got on that to look at the site angles and site lines. it was only 160 yard shot. if somebody would have got up on the water tower they wouldn't have got up the roof let alone to get seven or eight shots at the president. >> martha: the president wouldn't have injury that almost took his life. just very quickly i only have a couple of seconds. senator hawley says the u.s. secret service repeatedly denied offers by local law enforcement to put drones up in the air. one of the first things i heard saying why weren't there any drones over this site? quick if you can, sir. >> that's another thing that
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we've heard. it is another reason that a lot of americans are not believing the official narrative that came out. i think as we continue to peel back the onion you will see so many more things where the reality doesn't jive being put out by the government. individuals like corey and i need to make sure we do our own investigations. >> martha: thank you for doing that and for joining us today, congressman crane. good to see you. >> thank you. >> dana: a wild home explosion sends crews scattering for cover. we have the latest on the raging inferno in california. you will want to see that. the white house now trying to change the narrative surrounding harris's role at the border. but will voters buy that? >> democrats apparently believe in an open border. that's what their actions have shown. radical kamala harris bears the
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responsibility for this disaster. or 30,000 steps tina in a mountain cabin. ooh! booking.yeah
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>> dana: that was the sounds of a home explosion and sent firefighters running for their lives in northern california. one of many buildings that has been destroyed by what is known as the park fire. crews are fighting to get this under control. it has scorched more than 160,000 acres and makes it california's largest wildfire this year. check this out swirling winds forming a fire tornado. look at that thing. the wildfire forced thousands of people to evacuate. police have arrested a suspect accused of starting this intentionally. >> we did it, we did it, joe. you are going to be the next president of the united states.
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>> dana: less than four years later he is out and she is in. with the election just over 100 days away, how much do voters really know about vice president kamala harris? we'll help you out. william la jeunesse is live from los angeles and got an in-depth look at her background. hi, william. >> good morning. today "the new york times" columnist called harris smart and forceful but also a mediocre vice president who demeaned her colleagues and found 92% of her staff left in the last three years. one calling her a bully to work for. harris got her start in politics at age 30 thanks to her mentor at the time, assembly speaker willie brown who appointed her to two high paying state commissions she was unqualified for by using that elevated profile she got hired as a deputy d.a. but demoted for refusing to charge juveniles as adults in violent felonies. born in oakland forindian mother and jamaican father her parents
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divorced add age seven and moved to quebec and attended howard university where she joined the debate team and claimed to demonstrate every weekend. she attended hastings law school. like many classmates failed the bar on her first attempt but passed on the second. with brown's help she climbed the ladder in politics. d.a. in san francisco opposed the death penalty. state a.g. went after oil companies and forced officers to attend implicit bias training. 2016 she ran for the senate. ranked as the most politically left and least bipartisan democrat. wrote the fewest laws of any senate sophomore. 2020 she ran for president to ban fracking, eliminate health insurance and decriminalize illegal immigration but dropped out before the iowa caucus. >> it was just a couple of
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blocks from this very spot nearly 30 years ago as a young district attorney i walked into the courtroom for the first time and said the five words that would guide my life's work. kamala harris for the people. >> in 2013 president obama called harris the best looking a.g. in the country. apologized later for the sexist remark but has now endorsed her for president. >> dana: also a compliment. appreciate it. >> martha: the effort to downplay vice president's role in the border crisis is in full force in washington. fox news obtained talking points to house democrats claiming harris was never appointed border czar nor asked to lead the administration's immigration and border enforcement. the white house is denying any knowledge of these talking points. >> democrats on capitol hill are being handed this card with
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talking points about the vice president and the border. do you know who is handing this out? >> i have no idea. ask her campaign. >> the first one says vice president harris was never appointed border czar. there has never been such a position, it doesn't exist. why are democrats so sensitive about the vice president and the border? >> why are republicans so sensitive not owning up to them getting in the way of a border deal? >> martha: the first part of that question. bring in columnist from a "new york post" carroll markowitz. what do you think about the reintroduction of kamala harris. >> amazing how they are trying to gas light the american people. we all know she was the border czar and how the media is trying to help them. the media were the ones using that term. it goes way beyond administration and media. wikipedia changed their entry for kamala harris removing a
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mention of her being in charge of a border. we're just being lied to constantly and the administration and their media friends are fully in on it and get to the truth of what happened here and that is that kamala harris was in charge of the border. she did a terrible job and here we are. >> dana: in march of 2021 when biden said this is the job i want you to do to harris. three months later she was talking to peter doocy, call for number one here. >> right now is the time to make your first trip to the border. >> it's not my first trip. i've been in the border many times. >> as the person in charge with the response. >> the important aspect of this visit is leading this visit after the work we did in guatemala and mexico. reality of it is we have to deal with causes and we have to deal with the effects. >> dana: border crossings from then to today northern triangle
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countries from mexico and northern triangle countries where you do root causes are up 140%. >> what's so interesting is democrats won't admit that there has been a problem for so long. in 2009 chuck schumer said there were 12 million illegal immigrants in the country. now he says there are 11 million after 200,000 crossed the border every month. the other thing is that biden's executive order has helped at the border, which meant he could have done that the whole time. there was no need as karine jean-pierre says there was a need for congress to get together and pass a border bill. there wasn't. biden got it done with an executive order. it didn't solve the problem but it has helped. >> martha: she puts to rest any question about whether or not she was supposed to be in charge of the border. she says the reality of it is we have to deal with the causes and we have to deal with the effects. and the effects are these hundreds of thousands of people, millions over the course of this
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time and people in cities across the country know the impact it has had on their city. they see it every single day in terms of the stress on healthcare and schools and all of the places where all of these millions of migrants have had to find places to put their heads down and go to school and get healthcare. >> i've been in new york for the last two days. there are so many children begging on the street now with signs that say we're immigrants and please help us. it just really sad to see that we've allowed this to go on. it is not compassionate or humane to allow it to happen. an oper border hurts everybody. >> dana: i shouldn't do this musing out loud but she does have to find a way to distance herself from biden in a couple of different areas. a key area would be on immigration. interesting to see if she or any of her people say biden should have done the executive order sooner. >> i can see them throwing him under the bus, so yes. >> dana: they already did. they put it in reverse and go
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back over him. carol, thanks. >> martha: welcome back to new york for a little bit. >> dana: arson attacks targeting france's trains in paris. the ongoing agony of american hostages. is the biden administration doing enough to get their release? we hear from one of the parents. >> imagine over nine months not knowing whether your son is alive. >> bring them home. >> this was not merely an attack on israel. this was and remains an attack on americans. that helps you get the most for your money, so you can be any traveler you want to be. you can be a free, hot breakfast hero at a comfort hotel. -yes! -that's how you waffle! mr. “this script got a plot twist” at a radisson hotel. a business big leaguer. go for key. even the ultimate pool float inflator.
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but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill
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that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia. >> dana: vice president kamala
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harris pressing israeli prime minister netanyahu for a gaza cease-fire and hostage release deal during their meeting at the white house yesterday. those still being held include a duly american/israeli citizen, his parents join us now. on their shirts is the number 294. those are the longest days of your lives and i appreciate so much that you are here. i understand you did not meet with kamala harris but you did meet with biden and maybe even netanyahu. can you tell us, start with you how the meetings went. >> well, it was a pretty unique special meeting. we were invited together. seven american hostages' families and prime minister bibi netanyahu to meet with the president and his team.
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it was a special moment to be together there and to emphasize from our perspective the family's urgency of the moment, the fact that we are close to 300 days that our loved ones are in the most horrible conditions in the tunnels and of gaza, not getting appropriate medical condition, hardly being fed. being tortured. we know that from people that came back and we were there to tell both leaders that it is time to bring them home and that they have to work on an agreement and reach it as soon as possible. >> dana: did you get the sense that biden and netanyahu were at least the two of them close to an agreement? then there is another party here, hamas, the terrorists holding your son. >> it's true.
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we don't have control on hamas, but all parties need to put the pressure on hamas to accept whatever deal is on the table through the mediateors. the united states and israel need to be aligned and to press qatar and egypt and everyone who has influence on hamas to except whatever is presented. it has been way too long. 294 days today. it's just an unbelievable amount of time and the deal needs to be strikeed as possible. >> dana: is it imminent or are we still in a waiting game? >> we got commitment from the leaders that they understand the urgency and working on a new revised draft that the american administration are going to be
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getting from the israeli team and that will be forwarded to hamas. i think again the importance was to see us, to hear our stories, to make it personal to understand these are kids and brothers and parents and they are rotting there. i thought that the message was loud and clear and that both administrations are fully aligned. >> dana: i want to read to you from harris -- vice president likely to be nominee at the convention, she said this about anti-israel protests in d.c. i condemn the burning of the american flag. that represents the promise of america and never desecrated in that way. i support the right to peacefully protest but let's be clear, anti-semitism, hate and violence of any kind have no place in our nation. you are dual citizens and this
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outrageous behavior while netanyahu was speaking, what kind of message would you leave us with today so all of us can be thinking about that over the weekend as we hope to get this deal done for you soon? >> i think anyone concerned about the future of the palestinians or the region should be calling for release of the hostages at this point. hamas has been holding hostage not only our children and family members, they have been holding hostage the whole region. and any call for that to stop, this is just disgusting what we're seeing in the footage that you are showing us right now. it is completely misguided. anyone who is interested in any kind of calm in the region should call for hamas to release their own people which they are holding as human shields and
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hostages in this conflict and of course the hostages first and foremost. >> there is such a misunderstanding and lack of knowledge on those people that are demonstrating. they don't understand the conflict and they don't understand that hamas is a terrorist group and as such they need to be eliminated, they need to let their own people choose much more moderate group of people that will lead them and educate their kids for peace and not for destroying the israeli nation. there will never be successful. at this point releasing the hostages will be the first step toward getting the whole region and the middle east some calm and rebuild and that's what the people in gaza need. of course that's what the israeli people want. >> dana: you make a great point about the whole region being
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held hostage. thank you both. we have your son in our prayers and keep in touch with you. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> thank you very much. >> martha: gavin newsom ordering state agencies to clear homeless camps. will his plan fix california's crippling homelessness crisis? and why now?
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political event i've ever gotten based on my race. there is that. i'm told that's progress. i am not sure about that. there is a little asterisk everyone is welcome. the question for all these efforts this is obviously an effort to reach out to women voters on behalf of the kamala harris campaign. a wise thing to do. a large part of their constituency. the question is when you are doing that are you reaching out to persuadeable voters for turning them off? in this case i want to get on a zoom call and here celebrities berate me on my white privilege i got tired of that in 2020 and many people got tired of that in 2020. a throwback vibe. it doesn't mean it won't excite the people on the call. doyle works for that. for the democratic party and the republicans will face some of this as well. the gender gap has been growing in favor of trump in that in 2020 biden won women by 15 minutes and trump won men by
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eight. earlier this year biden was winning women by ten and trump was winning men by 22, right? so they have an issue on the other side of this coin. when you are doing events like this are you turning off the other side? are you saying to men with college degrees like maybe i'm not part of that team, right? and the women who love them and who are not part of this team? that's the challenge that both sides face. on the other side trump is if he is having a brat summer he is have a bro summer. dana white giving a speech at the convention as well as hulk hogan. those are cultural figures who appeal to men. again, he has been growing that support. this is going to be a little bit of a fight between those two demographics and how they are able to appeal to them without weirding out the people on the other side. >> martha: have a minute. she did seem in those polls to have picked up ground with young voters and hispanic voters.
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>> i think she will. i think the feeling a lot of people are feeling is not necessarily excitement as it is relief. relief can turn to excitement, right? i think you are seeing some of that. she will get a boost out of this because there feels like there is a new lease on life for this campaign. trump, of course, was running further ahead than he ever ran in 2020 so she has a lot to do to change the momentum of this race and having 2020 zoom calls might not be the way you are convincing persuadeable women voters who you need for this campaign. >> martha: i really don't like anything racial. >> dana: i think we're all people. i don't like it. they wouldn't like it if it was the other way around. >> no, they would not. >> dana: thank you for listening to that and bringing your thoughts. interesting. good points. thank you, mary kathryn hamm. [shouting]


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