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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 26, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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concerned about, you know, it happening again to us. >> dana: just think what you could write for your college essay. >> i know. >> martha: you guys are great. i hope you enjoy the rest of the summer out there on the water. >> dana: what does your insurance agent say? >> yeah, i haven't actually contacted them yet because i don't know if it's an act or god or what it is. but the boat was not mine. it was my buddy's father-in-law's. >> martha: oh oh. >> dana: you will have story for days and great you are all okay. good luck to you if high school this year, colin. >> martha: thank you, guys. >> dana: wonderful story, what a week. great to be with you. >> martha: maybe we'll get through the weekend. >> dana: "the faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: we come in with
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breaking news. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is on the ground after just arriving a short time ago in west palm beach, florida. of course, we know he is going there to meet with former president donald trump. netanyahu will now head to trump's home at mar-a-lago. the two have not met in person since donald trump was president more than three years ago. you see all of this coming in in the last couple of minutes. so we don't have an exact meeting time but we know it is soon. having been there recently to interview donald trump at mar-a-lago, the airport is not far from his house. we'll cover this stem to stern. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." we reported to you that president biden and vice president kamala harris met with the israeli prime minister separately this week. and just how those leaders are talking about the ongoing war between one of our longest allies, israel, is making huge news. she is running for biden's job so maybe that's why they didn't
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meet together. maybe their plan forward would be different. of course, the hostage taking terror group hamas is at the center of this all recently before this week biden had said and before he dropped out of the race for the white house that he would consider talking to the hamas savages. wonder what kamala harris would consider doing? also how they handle the explosion of anti-semitism and jewish hate and american hate on our own american soil is critical to know about kamala harris versus donald trump. we know what trump would do. we've seen it already. what would she do? someone so much farther left and republicans painting her as radically far left on issues. doesn't have much of a track record with foreign policy, though. so we don't really know. israeli officials expressed concern after the vice president's meeting. they said the critical tone in her statement after ward could
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actually put a hostage deal and cease-fire efforts at risk. president biden also ignored the question on the protests which got violent. these anti-israel agitators scrawled blood red graffiti across federal property. that's against the law. there are a lot of things they could have arrested these people for and you can see many of their faces, not everybody's. they wrote hamas is coming. if you are jewish and american in this country that is a threat. also a hate crime. they also clashed with capitol police and burned an american flag. former president trump demanded accountability. let's watch. >> i think you should get a one-year jail sentence if you do anything to desecrate the american flag. now people will say it's unconstitutional. those are stupid people. those are stupid people that say that. we have to work in congress to get a one-year jail sentence. when they are allowed to stomp on the flag and put lighter
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fluid on the flag and set it afire, we look so bad to the world. that was a disgraceful display. >> harris: court records reportedly show at least 11 of those anti-israel protestors had their cases completely dropped already. they arrested a few people but the same thing we saw after the anti-jewish and israel hate protesting that blew up in new york city a couple of months ago, they let most of those people go, too, after arresting them. the "new york post" editorial board says the anti-semitic and anti-american d.c. rioters must face more than wrist slaps. joey jones, fox news contributor and retired marine bomb tech. we understand free speech. you fought for this country valiantly and i know you believe in its principles. where do we put what we saw yesterday against netanyahu? >> yeah, i guess i'll start with
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the protestors and president's trump's idea of putting them in jail. i don't agree with that. the government doesn't have any right to tell me the weapons i have to defend myself or express my opinions. >> harris: and the violence they perpetrated? >> it is not just burning the flag. it is attacking park police officers. it is spray painting terrorist i can threats on monuments and burning the flag bought with federal funds and flown on a federal monument. i know it's good red meat for president trump to say lock them up but they broke laws that already exist and they are being set free. so what makes you think that any other law is going to hold them accountable? the fact is we have a federal government and administration and a d.c. government that's friendly to this type of political violence and friendly to this type of political
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unrest. look at january 6th and thousands of people merely walked into the capitol after some rioted and treated as rioters. a lot different standard. that's where the frustration of a lot of americans are. >> harris: an excellent point that nobody is talking about. maybe there is just that sort of resistance to i would imagine on the left to compare anything to january 6th because it is such a political talking point for them. yesterday as you watched the screen and see the words. look at the guys. they spray painted in realtime and watch it yesterday hamas is coming. that's a direct threat to jewish americans and a direct threat to all of us. >> you are absolutely right. i call it political violence. one thing, though, if you are jewish american and lives you in a state to arm yourself. if hamas gets here they'll understand what it means to come here. >> harris: kamala harris spoke after her meeting with the
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israeli prime minister and expressed commitment for israel's security while at the same time speaking about the suffering in gaza. let's watch. >> it is time for this war to end, and end in a way where israel is secure, all the hostages are released, the suffering of palestinians ends and the palestinian people can exercise their right to freedom, dignity and self-determination. let's get the deal done so we can get a cease-fire to end the war. let's provide much-needed relief to the palestinian people. >> harris: axios with this headline. netanyahu irked by critical harris comments. it says harris's statement after the meeting was much more critical than what she told netanyahu in the meeting. one israeli official claimed netanyahu was upset about the fact harris spoke about the hostage and cease-fire deal as an end to the war while israel
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maintains its position that it will be able to resume the fighting after the deal is implemented. joey, we're looking at somebody we know to be farther left than president biden. how critical is what she said? >> there are a couple of points i want to make. first of all, who is stopping palestinians from their rights to freedom, dignity and self-determination? how can you make the case when israel left gaza years ago? when they did the people in gaza chose a terrorist organization to be their legal representation and government and from everything we've seen, they've supported the terrorist acts that hamas has done. so when you stand up there and give a speech that in the beginning sounds a lot quite frankly like what president trump said end this war as quickly as possible. the exact words of president trump. you have to look at the track record of each of these individuals. president trump moved the embassy to jerusalem. killed soleimani, put pressure on iran and was instrumental in
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creating the abraham accords to legitimize israel's kinship with the other arab nations in the region. if he says end the war as soon as possible the understood you there is that he will support israel in ending that war. when kamala harris says the exact same words and then follows it up solely focused on people in gaza you know she is throwing red meat to the far left and benjamin netanyahue was irked because her words from the podium did not echo her words to him and that's a plague this add ministration through the entire biden presidency. >> harris: the accountability between the two of them is not there. one can't say biden, i don't know if he could or would say it. that's not what netanyahu said in the meeting to us. he can't say that. netanyahu comes out and calls it out and he rightfully should.
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those are two different policies toward our greatest ally in the middle east. i think, though, joey, we have a little bit of an idea where kamala harris is coming from when it comes to this part of her foreign policy. we know she has a more pro palestinian position on the israel/hamas war which by the way is not pro-palestinian that gets you to back hamas. that would be pro-terrorist. anyway, analysts expect her to maintain biden's stance when it comes to china and nato overall. some reports expect her to have a more assertive pro-ukraine, anti-putin line. a former pentagon and nato official points out she really doesn't have a background for the foreign policy we can point to. she is dependent on her advisors where she has to take part. here she is in 2021 saying she had a key role in biden's botched afghanistan withdrawal. >> president biden always said that he wants you to be the last
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person in the room particularly for big decisions just as he was for president obama. he just made a really big decision, afghanistan. >> yes. >> were you the last person in the room? >> yes. >> you feel comfortable? >> i do. >> harris: they've called it the most embarrassing and one of the saddest moments in american history, our withdrawal from afghanistan. what do you say when you hear her back it like that? >> that moment disqualifies her from being commander-in-chief in my opinion. 13 people died. not in a battle to take a hill or save lives in the moment. they died needlessly. that's the part they always overlook. this is an administration. you have seen kirby stand up and say it's the best airlift. he won't acknowledge the 13 lives killed. if she believes that's what being the commander-in-chief has
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she shouldn't have it. president biden said this. it flabbergasted me. he said he is the first president in this century to proudly tell americans we're not at war anywhere in the world. when i hear that i want to know what he means by that because i've seen a naval battle group going to the mediterranean sea to shoot down rockets and missiles from yemen and marine corp special moment go into the red sea. two navy seals die trying to commandeer weapons headed from iran to yemen. our military is actively engaged in a war in israel and ukraine. by the way, africa is in a peaceful place. we have troops there, too. every single day doing operations. south china sea, we have a potential war on three continents and he wants to tell us he is proud we aren't at war. we haven't been at war since
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world war ii but lost lives. >> harris: we have been at war. >> by a declaration of congress, yes. >> harris: they have american hostages among those hostages in israel. >> exactly. >> harris: we shouldn't be leaving them behind. we could be at war if we chose to. >> we should wage war holding americans hostages right now today in my opinion. >> harris: we aren't at war because his mind says we're not. not because our morals say we shouldn't be. >> it is tough. >> harris: all right. we know that netanyahu is on his way right now to mar-a-lago. the prime minister of israel, to meet with former president donald trump. his plane landed and already in west palm beach florida you see the protestors are massing. a lot of security on the ground in the foreground of that. they are out there for the route from the airport that netanyahu will take to mar-a-lago through west palm beach. we're covering all of this.
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you know what happened outside of union station as he spoke to congress this week. we fully anticipation they won't turn into that. they don't have access to anything and they are on a street corner. what i'm understanding this may follow his route. we don't know if there are other pop-up points. the prime minister of israel headed to mar-a-lago for a key meeting with former president donald trump. stay with me. "the faulkner focus" continues. '. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment.
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>> kamala has come to texas. is at this timeing border czar directly responsible for the crisis at our southern border, for the open borders we have had for 3 1/2 years, for the
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invasion of 11 1/2 million people. she was put in charge and she did nothing. it was a spectacular, historic failure that has resulted in death and misery and despair. >> harris: senator ted cruz on with me yesterday tore into vice president kamala harris and he pushed back on democrats and the media claiming that she was never the border czar despite using the term themselves since her appointment in 2021. fox news exclusively obtained talking points being given now to democratic lawmakers with instructions on how to reframe history when it comes to kamala harris's role on the border. white house press secretary karine jean-pierre responded to questions about that yesterday. >> democrats on capitol hill are being handed this card with talking points about the vice president and the border. do you know who is handing this out? >> i have no idea. >> the first one says vice
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president harris was never appointed border czar. why are democrats so sensitive about the vice president and the border >> why are republicans sensitive to not owning them getting in the way of a border deal? why? so yes, we are going to debunk the false -- the false characterization of the vice president. she was not a border czar. >> harris: there is so much fact checking. you know the house passed the border bill and they didn't want to take a really good look at it. there was a little movement on the senate side but not to actually bring it fully to the floor. fox news has confirmed that harris has not spoken to any of the three border chiefs serving under her watch and she went south to guatemala and went to the border once. she went to el paso. remember they had cleaned it up for biden's visit and did so for her and that was in june of 2021. it's the summer of 2024.
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we talked to her about that visit and her role back then. >> as of right now is the right time to make your first trip to the border? >> it is not my first trip. i have been to the border many times. >> as the person in charge. >> so, the important aspect of this visit to leading this visit after the work we did in guatemala and mexico. the reality of it is we have to deal with causes and we have to deal with the effects. >> harris: i don't know, i think she is mincing words there again. lester holt on nbc asked kamala harris when she was going to the border. she hadn't been and she said i haven't been to europe, either. you can't erase the tape completely. >> people can quibble about the title czar, but not the responsibility that president biden gave her, which is to
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reduce illegal immigrants at our border coming through central america and mexico. that didn't happen. with illegal crossings from those countries up 140% over trump's first term. >> the overall issue, which is root causes and then deals with what's happening at the border. >> that was vice president kamala harris's assessment after her sole four-hour visit to the border six months after taking office. >> these issues must be addressed in a way that is informed by fact and informed by reality. >> president biden: it will be a tough job. >> president biden tapped harris to help secure the border by combating violence in mexico and central america. >> let's address the root causes that cause people to make the trek. >> that so-called root cause strategy failed with growing --
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mexico is ranked the world's most dangerous country. >> if you come to our border you will be turned back. >> since that visit more than 4 million migrants entered the u.s. from central america and mexico, most were never sent back. >> we have a secure border. >> that's a claim disputed by all three border patrol chiefs who served under harris. they say she never reached out for a briefing, even after this. stampede of migrants in texas, or this, uprising of haitian migrants, without evidence harris likened the agents' actions to whipping slaves. >> that kind of behavior has been used against the indigenous people of our country and african-americans during times of slavery. >> harris told "the new york times" she prides herself on speaking factually, accurately and precisely.
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she did not do that. never apologized to those agents accusing them of doing something they didn't do. and when you listen to the q and a over the last three years when asked about the border not once did she correct the anchor or peter doocy saying it's not my job. i was only on a diplomatic mission. in that sense you take ownership. back to you. >> harris: we have some disturbing numbers that are a bit of what she talked about, william. thank you for the great report. william was just talking about the burst in illegal immigration down at the border under trump versus the biden administration, which put kamala harris in charge of that issue, 138% it went up from trump to kamala harris in charge of it. the other disturbing number has to do with the amount of illegals coming across the border who are on the terror watch list. under donald trump, it was 11. 11.
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under biden with kamala harris in charge of the border it was 375. fact. let's move on. that's too disturbing to lean on. for more on this let's bring me south carolina congresswoman nancy mace. we saw you recently the kimberly cheatle and the secret service. >> she may have wanted to take me up on my advice. >> harris: let's talk about the border and the dangers for americans. 11 illegals known on the terror watch list. 375 with kamala harris in charge of the border, biden put her there. >> i will not let mainstream media or kamala harris rewrite history here. she had one job as the border czar and failed miserably. even joe biden said that she was quote in charge of the southern border. he was very specific about it.
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he said mexico and the northern triangle, which is where the mass are migrants are coming from. she has done nothing to stem the tide. ist is an epic disaster and she owns all of this. >> harris: i know you get the reports and the wider public doesn't. there is a tamp down in numbers during the summer, the heat zone and so forth. however, this year, we just saw another caravan. what are your thoughts on what we face come fall? >> these caravans are paid for by the american taxpayer because this money is going to ngos helping migrants coming across and telling them how to get here and how to vote when they get here and how to take advantage of our healthcare and education system. it is funded by the american taxpayer. i want to say one more thing about the vice president and the border and everything going on in this country. there was only one person more weak on the world stage than joe biden and that is kamala harris. this is going to make us more
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vulnerable here and abroad if she is ever president of the united states. >> harris: you use the term border czar and a lot of argument over joe biden didn't say it. let me show you who did say it. a lot of people in the liberal media. she knew she was in charge as william la jeunesse charged. she didn't argue with anybody who questioned her about it. some of the wider media were saying border czar as well. let's take a peek. >> president biden: i have asked the v.p. today, she is the most qualified to do it. to lead our efforts with mexico and the northern triangle. >> this will be her first visit to the u.s./mexico border regions since she was appointed as the border czar by president biden. >> now the point person on immigration. >> kamala harris who was appointed as the border czar hasn't gone there at all. >> she was the border czar. >> harris: they can say that fox made up that word but they would
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never use it if they did it because they don't like us, right? they came up with that word. i wanted to show that because there has been a lotf discussion about it. most importantly out of all of that is it is a symbol of what we don't know about her versus what we do. we don't know how she will be on foreign policy but we know how she is on keeping americans safe. your last word. >> we see on foreign policy she wouldn't show up to netanyahu's speech this week. how will she get the hamas wing of her party to vote for her if she doesn't go against israel? took her 18 hours to say anything about the protests that were happening in the country right now. i think she will be an epic disaster as president. foreign policy is not tested. when she ran for president she ran to the left of bernie sanders. she is a san francisco liberal. you cannot trust her. the mainstream media how is electing her as president without her earning a single vote. that is what's wrong with the democrat party today. this is an affront to democracy.
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>> harris: quickly gov track had called her back in 2019. i did a screen grab of the page before they took it down. they recently did that in the last 72 hours. >> smart woman. >> harris: i'm picky. gov track.u.s. is the organization's website. when you go to the front page it will tell you their mission is to look at senate and congressional leaders on the hill. and to report their voting record. they confirmed to fox news digital it had been removed that 2019 webpage that ranked kamala harris as that year's most liberal u.s. senator. the link now displays a page not found message. gov track founder says it is due to a company policy adopted several years ago to only do ratings based on congressional sessions which are every two years. how come i found it a couple weeks ago? if that's the rule why do i have it on my my phones? i figured people might want to see it.
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no idea they would take it down. a fun fact about you, you code. >> i caught myself the code in college and when crowd strike happened a couple of days ago i'm all over tech and cybersecurity and a.i. now. the future, here and it won't stop. they are trying to rewrite history with kamala. >> harris: can they get away with taking stuff down and people not seeing it? >> a lot of the information is archived in different places around the web. appears you can look it. it is archived and the stuff exists. >> harris: thank you very much for being here. president trump and netanyahu will meet in florida. the motorcade is taking netanyahu to mar-a-lago to meet with trump. he is on his way and we're following it. stay close.
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assassination of former president trump and we don't know much. we do know this. we are learning a whistleblower told a senator josh hawley that local law enforcement repeatedly offered to provide drone coverage above that rally but the secret service declined that help. imagine if they could have seen from above what was going on ahead of time. maybe donald trump wouldn't have been shot and thank the lord he survived. here is senator hawley. >> they made less progress in the investigation that you would want at this point. and as i think about it, most of what i know about the facts of this case are from whistleblowers. at every stage the coordination between local and state law enforcement and secret service appears to be in some cases non-existent. sit a miracle more people aren't dead. when you listen to the details of what happened on that day it was really a shambles.
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>> harris: f.b.i. director christopher wray provided some information on the timelines of that day but a lot of questions what led to the shooting and how that would be assassin was able to get so close to president trump. there are currently seven federal investigations going on, including a bipartisan task force to hopefully get more answers. let's bring in nichole parker, former f.b.i. special agent. nichole, you are the perfect guest on this because you come carrying information. three screen grabs directly from the f.b.i. tell me what you found out. >> well, based on this investigation what i have learned is that there is no motive that has been determined yet in this investigation of the trump assassination attempt. the f.b.i. is looking into it. it was very difficult to determine that based on the fact the shooter had a very small list of contacts in his phone and small social network. one thing the f.b.i. profilers are looking into is the online gaming system.
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something that will be utilized in determining who was he talking to and what kind of video games was he playing. he made an important announcement on july 13th, his premier. i believe that is a very integral part of determining his motive. he may not have had a lot of friends but this online gaming platform was where he got his identity and validation. that's very important. so the drone point, harris, it is mind-boggling. as a law enforcement officer i understand the secret service is understaffed and seem to be under resourced and understaffed, overworked. whatever it might be. i've tried to defend that. for them to not utilize the resources offered to them by the locals is absolutely stunning and mind-boggling. they needed that. on the fourth side you have the shooter and he is using the technology, right? he had that drone flying around two hours before the event. he had the tactical advantage and awful to say he had a
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tactical advantage over law enforcement because they denied resources. >> harris: i understand we'll show what you have been able to get from the f.b.i. shortly. you mentioned them being understaffed. the former, now former because she quit kimberly cheatle leading the secret service said on the hill she was 1,500 at least agents and staff under staffed. that there were about 8,000 on her staff that she was leading and she needed 9,500. that lets you know right there that there were huge gaps. we don't know what areas they were in. can you imagine running a corporation that's 1500 under staffed? you would feel that. the way you would feel it i would imagine is what you used to do as a special agent is in terms of safety. >> exactly. that's why you have to lean on local and state partners offering your assistance. you need to take it. they need to step up to the line and perform the duties delegated
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to them. the whistleblowers in this investigation are going to glean the most amount of information on what actually happened that day. >> harris: yeah, let's hope that we get to really -- i understand the initial conversations with the whistleblower will not be public but hopefully we can really find out how they will change the operations at the usss. that's critical. pop up on the screen if we can. this is what you have sent us, the documents of f.b.i. director christopher wray and he was facing questions over a partisan questionnaire given to some agency employees. he testified on wednesday of this week that that questionnaire asked whether they supported former president trump. watch this. >> who approved what is termed the trump questionnaire within the f.b.i. that was done? >> so the document you are asking about is an interview outline that we only recently learned about and in my view is completely inappropriate.
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i asked my team to get to the bottom of what happened and to insure that doesn't happen again. it is not an f.b.i. form. its use was isolated and created not by an f.b.i. employee but by an outside contractor and that individual is no longer affiliated with the f.b.i. >> harris: he didn't tell us why there was a need to know why people vote. whether you support trump or anybody else. tell us about what we're looking at on the screen. >> here we are again. i left the f.b.i. because it was politically weaponized. you see the evidence on the screen. it is entirely inappropriate. the questionnaire was used by contractors which wray said they were f.b.i. contractors, not employees. director wray, you are the f.b.i. director and freebody contractors and you are responsible for the questions asked to your employees by contractors. it is against everything that the f.b.i. stands for and everything that the constitution stands for to ask an f.b.i.
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employee what their political opinions are and their approach on the covid-19 vaccines. that is entirely a violation of everything that we stand for at the f.b.i. for that to be occurring and the way the questions were asked was first ever all you were being asked to -- if you don't choose to answer this your security clearance could be in question. they were used to determine if f.b.i. agents top secret security credentials should be renewed. should your security clearance be revoked because you supported president trump? it is entirely irrelevant and a hatch act violation and stunning to me. what boggles my mind is the individual from what we understand who was in charge of the security division at the f.b.i. when this occurred has been promoted to be the special agent in charge of the miami division. that's mind-boggling to me. how is that happening?
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>> harris: that's a lot of information and this is earth shattering to know whether or not an outside contractor would come in and ask employees about how they vote. we know what it looks like. they were missing 1,500 staff at the secret service looking at an outside contractor has to be one of your main priorities, somebody who has any type of relationship, particularly potentially political with political aspirations or leanings with your rank and file. that's so important to know. >> i think what's important to know is the person asking the questions of the employees was a contractor and that's why wray dismisses it and says it is a contractor. he was hired by the f.b.i. and troubling and concerning and shows the f.b.i.'s is politicized and go hard after conservatives. that's exactly what we're seeing over and over and over. i hate to say it. >> harris: don't hate to tell people the truth. we need it and so appreciative of you, nichole parker, for bringing some today with
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receipts. great to see you. thank you. >> thank you. >> harris: at any moment israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahue will arrive and meet with former president donald trump at mar-a-lago. he has landed in west palm beach this hour and watching the motorcade on and off. we'll continue to watch for his arrival and bring you any news out of their meeting. also vice president kamala harris, who now is running for her boss's job, is shifting into campaign mode and taking shots at former president trump. i wasn't happy about this yesterday because the white house had sent us out information on that speech we covered right here at this hour. it should have come from the campaign because she was clearly campaigning. trump is leaning on her liberal positions and polls show a razor tight race, power panel next. s. snacking. just. got. serious. introducing new $3 footlong dippers. the world might not be ready for them...
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>> harris: on the stump we're seeing vice president kamala harris hit all the democratic go-to policies and taking shots at president trump. trump is reminding the entire nation about her far left positions for the border crisis to crime. here is a text from his new tiktok. >> you are ultra liberal.
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kamala, you are fired. get out of here. you are fired. [cheers and applause] >> harris: all right. so this is the latest poll showing president trump just one point ahead of kamala harris. i would say there have been other polls. we really need to take a look at the bump he got from the rnc convention, historically true for almost anyone. we haven't seen those numbers and we don't know after the assassination attempt on donald trump's life what type of support he is getting from across the aisle among independents because that fight, fight, fight fist in the air was really a uniter across the country. we have heard everybody say things about it. power panel now. cassie, former rnc deputy communications director and david carlucci former state senator from new york. cassie, i will come to you with donald trump pointing to the liberal positions, far left
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positions of kamala harris. >> as you pointed out in the past segment working overtime to erase that record, to erase anything that indicated she was the most liberal senator sitting with bernie sanders and to the left of him in some cases, erase the border czar tag about her. and the reason being is because they know it's a liability. if whatever she did or didn't do on the border was working and wasn't the top concern of voters they wouldn't care what she was called. if being a socialist and being to the left of bernie sanders wasn't politically problematic to them they wouldn't care or mind if it was all over the internet. those are the indicators you have to look at now from democrats and the left that they're having to work overtime to try and make her palatable to moderate democrats or independents and swing voters . right now she just sounds extreme and frankly incapable of doing the job. >> harris: and since we know because we have run during this hour all of the liberal legacy
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networks that called her the border czar, right out of the gate after biden's announcement of giving her the job. since we know that to be the case if she abdicated her duties, who did she give them to is my question? for you, david. let's watch this together. james carville warning his party to temper their excitement about replacing biden with kamala harris. >> this is -- this is everybody is giddy. everybody should feel good and liberated and everything else. if we don't win the election we haven't done anything. this kind of giddy elation is not going to be very helpful much longer. that is not what we'll be faced with. i think the vice president needs a really good cut man on the corner. she is getting ready to get cut. >> harris: oh my goodness. that's a lot. i don't know how many people are listening to james carville. he hasn't been wrong about much
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recently. >> we talk about the liabilities for kamala harris and it's not a liability. just a lie from donald trump. the fact that she is left of bernie sanders. >> harris: well, that's based on her record. that's based on her record. nobody mirror will tell us anything except the record. >> why donald trump has to lie about these things and overexaggerate all the time just -- >> harris: can i ask you a question, david. i hear the talking point in you. wasn't she senator and wasn't bernie sanders is senator. the answer is yes, yes. >> to say she is the most liberal democrat. >> harris: when gov track before they took down the page said she was the most liberal senator based on her voting record. they didn't have a game in this they say. what do you say to them? and
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a reputable place where people weren't to look for that information. >> it is totally incredible. we know that kamala harris, why she didn't do well in that primary for president is she is a moderate democrat. a prosecutor, the head prosecutor in california. nobody takes it seriously. >> harris: how has she done on the border, ten seconds left for you. >> look, i think kamala harris is exactly what donald trump is afraid. on the border she went to central america to try to help from the root of the problem. not the symptoms. if donald trump cared about the border, he wouldn't have blocked policies to change it. >> harris: we'll move on. it was the current president and his vice president who flipped the switch on that. cassie, david, i will bring you back when we have more time on a different day. appreciate your time.
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