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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  July 26, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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>> greg: out of time. thank you to our guests and studio audience, "fox news @ night" is next. i love you, america. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher, 11:00 pm on the
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east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is america's late news, "fox news @ night". we choose freedom. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> trace: breaking tonight, she chooses freedom but wants to take away your guns, abolish your private health insurance, it rid of your gas stove as well as the meet you might want to cook on it and don't even get commonsense started on taxes. meantime almost two weeks since donald trump was assassinated, nearly assassinated online -- live television and the liberal democrats and doj are hoping you forgot. >> there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear. >> trace: some questions? the bullet was caught in fort k but they don't want you to believe your eyes.
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the obama's finally endorsing kamala harris in an overnight post on x even after a notable delay. so what was the hold up and will the endorsement make a difference? it's a nightcap we need your input on but we begin with the meeting of the minds at mar-a-lago. trump, netanyahu in talk of a third world war. team fox coverage with west palm beach and here in los angeles. >> reporter: good evening, trace. we saw the former president addressed a crowd at the west palm beach convention center focusing largely his speech on his relationship with israel as well as highlighting his meeting with prime minister netanyahu this afternoon. >> i've done more for israel by far than any other president. not even close. with the historic abraham accords as you know we created peace in the middle east. >> reporter: this was their first face-to-face meeting in
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nearly four years. the leaders shook hands and netanyahu gave former president trump a picture of one of the toddlers who still in hamas captivity. netanyahu said today there's been significant progress on getting hostages home. the possibility of a gaza cease-fire deal and the static apostate negotiations was discussed today. trump said the country needs to find a way to end the conflict because it's hurting israel's reputation globally. he also said tonight on stage, i will support israel's right to win this war on terror. earlier today netanyahu was greeted by anti-israeli protesters on his way to mar-a-lago. this parallels the protesters in dc that erupted during netanyahu's speech to congress. yesterday president biden ignored questions shouted at him about the protests and former president trump suggested a one-year jail sentence if anyone desecrated the american flag. during his speech tonight, the former president announced a brand-new program, an initiative
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called believers for trump. he's really trying to target those religious voters in key battleground states. >> trace: danamarie mcnicholl live in west palm beach, thank you. the first fox news poll since president biden ended his reelection bid shows a harris honeymoon. the vice president virtually tied with or beating former president trump in a handful of key battleground states. it comes as kamala scores are biggest endorsement yet. merry and rafferty is live with the new numbers. >> reporter: that big endorsement came from the obama's who called the vice president on her cell phone earlier today. listen. >> i can't have this phone call without saying to my girl kamala, i am proud of you. this is going to be historic. >> we called to say michelle and i could not be prouder to endorse you. >> reporter: and now that biden is out, the vp saying she's ready to take his place in a debate against former president trump as if it had been the plan all along. posting on x what happened to
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anytime anyplace, implying the trump campaign is refusing to debate. >> i have agreed to the previously agreed upon september 10th debate. he agreed to that previously. now it appears he's backpedaling but i'm ready and i think the voters deserve to see a split screen that exists in this race on a debate stage and so i'm ready, let's go. >> reporter: the trump campaign responding with, given the continued political chaos surrounding crooked joe biden and the democrat party, general election debate details cannot be finalized until democrats formally decide on their nominee. meanwhile the most recent fox news poll of swing state voters revealing that harris honeymoon is in full effect. the gap between the former president and vp harris narrowing in michigan, minnesota, pennsylvania and wisconsin. harris and trump are still in a virtual tie among voters nationwide with trump leading harris 48-47%.
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fox news has invited both harris and trump to debate in pennsylvania in september. >> trace: we shall see if they take us up on it. thank you, marianne rafferty. the "fox news @ night" commonsense department could not help but notice that in her first campaign add kamala harris chose to use the beyoncé song called "freedom". the harris campaign apparently wants to emphasize freedom, the same kamala harris who as a california prosecutor and attorney general put people in prison to use them as cheap labor. firefighters to be exact. the same kamala harris who called then supreme court nominee bret kavanagh a rapist, with no evidence. nothing screams freedom like eliminating due process. commonsense thanks it's important to remember this freedom loving presidential candidate never met a left-wing cause she did not embrace. from abolishing ice to adopting the new green deal. that's where big brother comes looking for your gas powered
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cars and gas powered appliances. you can still cook, you just need to add a cup of communism and a gallon of government. commonsense gives you look credit for finding her way onto the presidential ballot without capturing a single vote. and don't you dare question the dnc decision because descent is denial and deniers are the death of democracy. the lyrics of "freedom" sake sitting in freedom, freedom, where are you? commonsense thanks the answer is that freedom for kamala harris is where it belongs, in a campaign add. without let's bring in princeton university political scientist and axiom strategies erin perrine. thank you for coming on. obama, a little bit late to the party. what do you think of the late endorsement? >> they obama's would argue that they did not want to put their finger on the scale in the democratic process on their party when it comes to selecting
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who would come after joe biden. but democrats very quickly coalesced behind kamala harris and that's why you saw the obama slowly but surely get on board and put their name behind her. it was not a ringing endorsement, they were not first out of the gait, but democrats can argue that now that they are on board, this is a complete coalescing of the party that booted joe biden, the sitting president, off the ballot and have now put kamala at the top. my bigger question is how little are we going to see of joe biden going forward because after that netanyahu meeting with kamala, she made remarks to the american people but joe biden did not. how much are we seeing a replacement of joe biden by kamala harris versus her just running as the vice president trying to be the candidate in november? >> trace: meantime the wall street journal writes, a notable endorsement holdout is mister bernie sanders who has mastered the art of exerting leverage, many of his progressive brethren are publicly vowing to withhold
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support for miss harris unless she adopts medicare for all, a total ban on fracking, open borders and national rent control. i mean could she go farther to the left? i don't know. >> no, she can't. she has a very reliable liberal voting record in the senate. it's plain for all to see. she stood on that 2020 primary debate stage, said that she thought illegal immigrants should be given publicly funded programs, so did the rest of -- rest of the democrats. there's plenty to examine, she does not need to move to the left, she needs to move to the center as much as possible and i think that's what her team is trying to do. >> trace: battleground states, talking about michigan, pennsylvania, minnesota and wisconsin, this is independent voters. you look, donald trump doing very well with independent voters. you move to white women and you have kamala harris doing a lot better. i'm wondering as you look at these if there's any surprises
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that you see here. >> we are certainly seeing the bump that will come with the news of kamala becoming the top of the ticket. a democrat bass coalescing behind her. but republicans have a true opportunity here in donald trump's campaign, let's go to pennsylvania, let's talk about harris wanting to ban fracking, let's go to the industrial midwest, michigan and wisconsin and talk about how republican policies made this economy better. let's go to the southwest of the united states, the southern border, to arizona and new mexico and nevada and talk about the border policy failures of the biden harris administration. republicans can win this on policy alone because favourability is recently in a wall street journal poll show donald trump above 50% in approval of his work as president and kamala around 41 as her job as vice president. policy will win, let's go. >> trace: next is the family
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financial situation. you don't have to do the math, i can just tell you the bottom two holding steady and falling behind in every single battleground state. it is above 80% of people just holding steady or falling behind it is going to be tough for kamala harris to say, you know, it's not us, we are doing a great job, you guys, you know, just don't feel it. >> impossible because for the last couple of years, what to the administration done a good job saying is that harris is an equal partner to biden, she's made every single decision with him, she's a relied upon partner you cannot have both. you can't say i did not see the mental decline, i was not there and i own this record that the administration said is an extraordinary economic turnaround, which he does not even according to left-leaning economists and obama era economists. americans feel the pain. she owns the record and that's
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going to be very difficult to back up from, especially if she wants to emphasize how involved she was in the president's administration. >> trace: and when you talk about the economy and the border, they are two top issues. it will be difficult to slide away from those. lauren wright, erin perrine, thank you both. >> thank you. okay, what is my vision for the future, the kamala harris vision for the future? that's why we haven't seen interviews yet from the vice president or any of hurt spokespeople on the campaign yet, because they are still teasing out that message. >> trace: unsurprisingly the mainstream media is all in on backing harris for her short campaign and slamming trump for allegedly backpedaling on debating his new opponent. let's bring in the author of what's killing america, seattle talk radio host along with the national political reporter. thank you both for coming on. i want to play pete booted judge
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on morning joe, jason. >> tough talk is this guy's calling card and now there's this extraordinary show of weakness. he agreed, he said any time, any place. but more than that he agreed to the specific debate on the specific network on this specific date. now he's pulling out and of course it shows that he's afraid. >> trace: afraid. i saw trump today, jason rantz, he was literally quaking he was petrified of this. >> yeah, it's so silly, like they will goad him into this. it seems reasonable to suggest i did have an agreement with someone else who was the candidate and now things have changed so now we go back to the drawing board and have a basic discussion. they obviously have some of the basics agreed to so it's now just about moving forward in a way that's fair for both sides. i think the biden administration and team biden have proven if
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you don't go in with a smart strategy to a debate, it might not work out for you. all they are doing is making sure they are on the same page with a new nominee, assuming she is, almost certainly will be, but it's reasonable to point out , i agree, it was someone else. >> trace: we struck a deal but not with you. meantime, this is an argument as to why kamala harris is a moderate. >> prosecutors are not really leftist. they put people in jail for a living, okay, they are pretty moderate. i know the vice president personally. she is moderate. >> trace: moderate. what do you think about that argument? >> well luck, he's gotten some pushback from the left for her background of being a prosecutor. we are just seeing already in her vp selection in the discussion surrounding that some pushback again some of her potential picks including pennsylvania governor josh schapiro, former attorney
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general as well as roy cooper, the governor of north carolina, also in attorney general. it's interesting because you have the trump campaign and republicans really trying to define kamala harris right now as far to the left, but you have the harris campaign the same time really looking to find more of a moderate vp to sort of balance out the ticket. but there's no question she has gotten some pushback from parts of the far left of the democratic party for her prosecutorial background. >> trace: i mean that's exactly right. joy reid by the way says that donald trump's grandkids do not like you, jason. >> donald trump has grandkids too. but, you know, just the interaction, physical interactions they had at the convention just felt so cold and clinical and sort of, you know, it did not feel real. you really don't see milani a. >> trace: sounds like they want the fbi to investigate of
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those were really has grandkids are not. >> that could be next on the list. it's so ludicrous we are even going to that place. look, he's damp if he doesn't damp if he doesn't. if he shows any affection towards his kids or grandkids, it's cold. if he doesn't show any it's also cold so what do you want from him? these are the same people who told us how great a mother hillary clinton was, who has no personality and is a robot and yet i don't question whether or not she love her kids. i think she clearly does. i think we can offer that kind of good faith assumption here. i don't think he comes off as cold at all. >> trace: lastly, this advice. >> the trump team is using some of kamala harris' previous remarks about banning fracking, demilitarize think the police to convince voters that she is a radical leftist. how do you think she should respond?
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>> with her record. she has a record as a prosecutor in california. all she has to do is bring attention to her record. >> trace: she is running for the hills from her record at this point in time. >> this all goes back to the race to define kamala harris on the right and from the trump campaign. like i said, they are looking to paint her as someone who is very far left and point to some of her previous stances that -- comments she made when running for president when she was trying to appeal to portions of the gym -- democratic party electorate that are more far to the left. she's going to have this balancing act. >> trace: and by all accounts or record is in california and across the country left, left, further left. thank you. meantime fox news is learning several anti-israel protesters who defaced monuments at assaulted police officers in dc now facing federal charges.
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but there are many protesters who got arrested and have now had their charges dropped. chanley painter is live with more on this. good evening. >> reporter: hello trace, the u.s. attorney's office in washington has charged eight of the 23 arrested in wednesday's anti-israel protest after hundreds to send it on our nations capital for the israeli prime minister's address to congress. the scene turned chaotic with agitators clashing with police, to facing monuments, ripping american flags down, burning them and replacing them with palestinian flags. at least one protester was spotted with a hamas flag and a large effigy of netanyahu was burnt. now three people face charges of carrying a dangerous weapon, one with assaulting a police officer, three more with attempted theft and one with making threats. but we are also learning that allow others have had their lower dc charges dropped.
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>> you can't do selective prosecution and that's what's going on. let's be clear, if they were doing anything from the right they would be rounded up for three or four years. >> reporter: the chaos received widespread bipartisan condemnation, including a statement from vice president kamala harris denouncing what she called despicable acts by unpatriotic protesters. federal authorities emphasize that this is an ongoing investigation and more charges may be filed but noticeably missing from those charges are federal counts for destroying government property, which of course carries much more serious consequences. >> trace: chanley painter live in new york, thank you. let's bring in former florida attorney general pam bondi. great to have you. we know the vast majority, maybe all of these anti-israel protesters, are not going to face punishment. >> and they should. it's heartbreaking to see our american flag burned. we've fought wars so people can protest peacefully.
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think about our gold star families, our troops overseas right now who where the american flag on their uniform. that was federal property, that flag was federal property and because it was valued at over $100, they can face up to ten years in prison for that and for defacing our monuments. so they must be charged. i believe they have to be charged because that is the country in which we live. look at that video, it's horrific what they are doing right now. we live in a democracy and they have to be charged. >> trace: it's unbelievable and goes toward the trust in the administration. the federalist rights, harris owns a record of federal meddling in elections and attacking election integrity laws. i mean it brings us to protect to the vote which is what you are pushing for. because you know this election is in some capacity going to be filled with shenanigans here there and everywhere. >> and how can anyone quarrel
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with wanting to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat? that's what we have been all over the country on protect the signing up poll watchers, workers and attorneys to monitor the polls on election day. i would rather have a police car parked in front of my business before they throw a rock through it. that's what we are trying to do. people need to go online and sign-up, do your civic duty and help us protect the vote. who can quarrel with that? ninety% of americans believe that only americans should vote in an american election. >> trace: it is such a strange and novel concept. always great to have you on the show, thank you. >> thank you, trace. >> trace: coming up, democrats and members of the media won't concede that trump was hit with a bullet. why are they debating this? we will talk about that and more coming up next.
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[♪♪] >> trace: the fbi issuing a statement today saying former president trump was actually hit with either a bullet or fragment of a bullet during the attempt on his life 13 days ago. clarifying director christopher ray's congressional testimony from earlier this week. we are live in butler pennsylvania with the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: we are also learning that the former president donald trump will be coming back here to butler, pennsylvania at some point for a future rally. no word yet on the timing or the day with the former president only saying to stay tuned for details but trump had this to
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say on social media, saying in part "i will be going back to butler pennsylvania for a big and beautiful rally honoring the soul of our beloved firefighting hero and those brave patriots injured two weeks ago. what a day it will be. fight, fight, fight." the development comes as more lawmakers are questioning some of the decisions that were made prior to the rally. one senator says a whistleblower told him that local law enforcement offered drone coverage of the day of the rally multiple times and that secret service turned it down. now wants to know why the secret service was not using their own drones that day. then arizona congressman whose highlighting the location of the counter snipers and other personnel the day of the rally. the former navy seal just visited the site of the shooting in butler and took note the highest point in the area which is the water tower. >> i look at that water tower as a former sniper myself and i'm
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wondering why we wasn't any counter sniper on the water tower. it gave 360-degree coverage, it was definitely the highest structure on the property. if somebody would have gotten on the water tower they would not have even gotten up the roof let alone been able to get seven or eight shots off at the president. >> reporter: we are getting an update on the former precedence health. the former white house doctor and current texas congressman issued a letter earlier today saying that the former president is recovering rapidly and doing well. >> trace: jeff paul live in butler, thank you. let's bring in former fbi special agent. great to have you on. the newsweek headline said " donald trump may not have been hit by a bullet fbi director says." of course the fbi director did not say that. he said it was either a bullet or shrapnel and clarified today. but it seems like the media would love for donald trump to
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have not been hit by anything. i'm not sure why. >> well they know that there's a lot of sympathy that goes along with it. they know the american people when they saw how strong he was, if you say he wasn't shot, that decreases his strength. that's the way the left thanks. i thought christopher wray, i thought that was ridiculous for him to say that because every other time when it's an investigation, what's the comment that comes out of his mouth? i can't comment because there's an investigation. but for some reason he was able to comment saying i don't know, it's either shrapnel or it could have been a bullet, but he totally downplayed that entire thing and i found that very troubling from the director of the fbi who is supposed to be very neutral in these things. >> trace: again and again he says i can't comment and then comments on something and screws it up and it's like will why would you comment if you did not know? here's the police response. i want to play some of the body
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camera video. this is after the shooting, up to about 21 seconds and well worth it. watch and listen. >> a device, gray in color, five or 6 inches tall, an inch and/or two wide. >> looks like at least eight. one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. at least eight. >> trace: as this video goes on you can see the guys doing the best they can but it's confusing. it was confusing before. it was confusing after and still a lot of confusion out there. >> and i think eli crane should be given credit for going up there and showing people what it looks like from that vantage point. when these individuals are talking about this stuff, what is so chilling about this, it's not just the shooter and the fact he got eight shots off, it's a fact that these are law
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enforcement officers fully decked out in gear, they were supposed to be policing the area and they are looking at this and saying it was a street corner, a mile away and they just drove up on it. this was their job, to secure that. as they speak about it, for me it's just chilling to listen to these officers talk about it because nobody stopped it. >> trace: i want to know from your experience, do you expect any surprises, you expect the investigation to take a different turn, maybe pointing at other people, other suspects, other things that should have been looked at? >> if it wasn't political in nature, then that's a possibility. but i can't be confident in the investigation of the fbi or the secret service or even the internal investigations that are going on, with the back-and-forth from law enforcement, everyone blaming each other. i don't know how much in-depth we will get on this investigation and how much the political leaders of these
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agencies are going to be willing to share, much like they did in memphis i believe it was or nashville where they shooter shot and they never release the information. >> trace: took them a long time to get that out. thank you for your time, we appreciate it. the top american commander in iraq and syria is talking about iranian efforts to push the u.s. out of iraq. here's the chief national security correspondent. >> reporter: for two days this week iraqi leaders and their u.s. military counterparts were in dc negotiating the way ahead for u.s. troops in iraq. those troops as you know are there keeping a lid on isis. there are still 9000 ice as fighters under the watch of u.s. allied forces in syria. i sat down for an exclusive interview with the top u.s. general in iraq and syria and asked him what is at stake. >> reporter: is there a possibility the iraqi government will ask u.s. forces to leave?
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>> they don't want to ask us to leave. >> reporter: but they are coming under pressure from iran to push the u.s. military out of the middle east. >> there's a framework that is pushing the coalition. that became a lot more heated after october 7th and the militias got involved in trying to, i say kill u.s. soldiers out of iraq and syria as a strategy. yes, iran is behind a lot of the pressure we have and we've seen it at volume since october 7th. >> reporter: so half of the iraqi military is made up now of these iranian backed militias and they are now attacking u.s. bases. >> correct. >> reporter: do you think isis has the ability to attack western targets, do you see evidence they want to strike the u.s. homeland? >> yes, and yes, absolutely if they could strike western targets in europe or the united states they would. we know this. >> reporter: are you still disrupting potential isis attacks on the west?
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>> we are. >> reporter: does iran have full control over these proxy groups in iraq and syria? >> we know that they are able to stop the attacks early and december. there was a period where they were told to stop and they did. after the strikes here in february, we responded. they were told to stop and they've stopped attacking because iran told them to. >> reporter: u.s. officials say talks with the iraqi government will continue in the coming weeks and months with a lot at stake right now in the middle east. >> trace: thank you. if you missed the summer olympics opening ceremony, he missed a lot. there was the parade and the nations athletes along the river, but there was also plenty of woke with decapitated marie antoinette's performing a satanic skid and drag queens parodying the last supper. that is next. and later in the nightcap... >> former president barack obama and firstly michelle obama have officially endorsed vice president kamala harris for president.
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no surprise here, this is of course part of a coordinated rollout of endorsements. there has been some chatter on the right that the obama's were having doubts about the vice president. that could not be further from the truth. >> trace: why did the obama's take five days to endorse kamala harris? was it a part of the coordinated rollout of endorsements or was obama reticent to offer support and will the endorsement make a difference? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher, we will read your responses coming up next in the nightcap. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts.
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[♪♪] >> trace: opening ceremonies at the paralympics did more than just introduced to athletes, they had drag queens, even some doing a parody of the last supper -- paris olympics -- marianne rafferty is live with more on that. >> reporter: good evening, the 2024 paris olympics opening ceremony sparking outrage over drag queen themed religious and historic imagery. along the seine and with the
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eiffel tower in the background, drag queens and others lined up along a bridge and appear to perform a parody of the last supper leading into an eclectic and sometimes strange fashion show. also spotted amidst the parade of athletes, uploading copy of the mona lisa and a headless marie antoinette, the executed french queen, and what some say is drag makeup. this is new international olympic committee guidelines deeming it harmful to refer to trans athletes using the terms biological mail and biological female saying the phrases like those can "be dehumanizing and inaccurate when used to describe transgender sportspeople and athletes with sex variations it's always preferable to emphasize a person's actual gender rather than potentially calling their identity into question by referring to the sex category that was registered on their original birth certificate. just last month transgender swimmer thomas failed in a challenge to olympic rules that barred her from competing in the games.
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that led to this post on x from former teammate paula who said okay, but is anyone going to apologize for forcing us to undress with him 18 times a week? >> trace: thank you, let's bring an independent women's former ncaa swimmer and the owner of athletics. thank you for coming on. i want to read these, saying the following on x, men in wigs front and center at the olympic games, no one tell me this group is oppressed or marginalized again. elon musk, this was extremely disrespectful to christians. radio host said there are 2.4 billion christians on earth and apparently the olympics wanted to declare loudly to all of them right out of the gait, not welcome. so bizarre. why would they -- what's the theme here? what's the reasoning here in your estimation?
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>> look, let's just say this, they won't be doing this to any other religion. as a christian i find it highly offensive. beyond that, we had children watching the olympics, children love watching the olympics. i would not want my future children watching what i just saw. what are they thinking in doing this and why are we allowing this to happen, why are athletes supporting this? it's mind-boggling they think this is going to get them more attention and get more people on their side. >> trace: that's the question to you, why are they doing this? are they so dedicated to the woke or is this just a big thumbing their nose at the world? >> i think they are so dedicated to the woke they can't see clearly. what happened to the real meaning of the olympics? athletes coming together in the spirit of competition. this has nothing to do with that. at the same time they are policing our language, telling us we can't call trans women biological males.
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we will call them males then because that's what they are. people are tired of their language being policed. i think the success, you mentioned my brand, we were kicked off tiktok. the more we get ban, the more people lean into it. they are tired of the language police. >> trace: i want to go back because another judge, you know this, has blocked the title ix rewrite from the biden a ministration, the missouri attorney general wrote the following, this is a huge win for women and girls across the country, the court recognized that joe biden's plan to allow biological males into female spaces would not only be blatantly illegal but a slap in the face to every woman in america. what do you think about the decision? it's not unexpected. >> obviously we are seeing this in courts across the country. nobody wants this, nobody wants men and women's locker rooms and on women's sports teams. even people left of center don't agree. i don't know why the olympics is
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pushing these things and supporting these crazy ideologies. we are seeing it time and time again. nobody wants to deal with it. the court and what happens shows us that and i'm very hopeful that this won't stand. i know august 1st is coming up where they are having this rewrite and i'm very curious to see what ends up happening and how many more schools will boycott the new rules and say enough is enough. >> trace: it will be a lot. meantime the olympics media guide says according to the international olympic committee, the ioc updated per trail guidelines using the terms of biological mail or biological female in reference to trans athletes is problematic. why is it problematic? >> it's not problematic, it's truthful. like i said, the actual thing -- weigh that we should refer to trans female athletes is as male it's honest. we are in such an upside down
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world that the truth is somehow harmful and bigoted. it's hate speech. in fact our ads that was banned from tiktok, we were told it was hate speech because we encouraged women and girls to stand up for themselves. that's hate speech in this upside down world. it's crazy. people are tired of it. twenty-five out of 50 states have blocked the title ix rewrite. people are done, they are pushing back, women are tired of it, we believe in common sense. >> trace: exactly right. thank you for coming on. obama had a different plan and it was not kamala harris but kamala harris proved to be very widely, they out maneuver at him from probably the first time in his political career. he's not very happy about it. >> trace: different stories on exactly why it took the obama's so long to endorse kamala harris. what do you think, was he waiting for a better candidate to come forward, perhaps he was
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leading biden have his moment, and do you think the endorsement will make a difference? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher, we will read your responses coming up in the nightcap. but first, a live look at japan where watermelons are often grown and sold in the shape of a cube, if you did not know. we are coming right back with the nightcap crew. friday night version you will want to hang around four. with dexcom g7, managing your diabetes just got easier. so, what's your glucose number right now?
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[♪♪] >> trace: back with the nightcap crew, chanley painter, marianne rafferty, jason rantz, erin perrine. tonight, delay decision. after five days barack obama endorses kamala harris early this morning with the stakes so high. why in the world did it take so long? >> maybe he had some doubt and wanted to wait a few days, see the reaction, who rallied around before giving support but if it was strategic it creates speculation as to the reasoning especially when biden himself in the clintons immediately endorsed on sunday. >> trace: lauren wright. >> i don't think it's a complicated. i think the obama's are some of the most famous people in the world, scheduling is tough and biden himself only endorsed his own vice president on sunday.
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i thought it was lightning fast actually. she got the majority of delegates and then there it was. i wasn't -- i did not think it was that controversial. >> trace: without a single vote. erin perrine. >> i think the obama's waited until they knew kamala had it so they did not seem to be kingmakers or forcing the hand of the democratic party however i will say i don't think endorsements make a difference really anywhere in a campaign. i don't think this one is going to do anything other than show democrats that they are all united behind kamala. >> trace: jason. >> i suspect they wanted to make sure everyone would in fact coalesce and it would not result in some super big pushback coming from folks who said we haven't actually gotten a chance to decide ourselves. i agree, this will not mean anything. if you are an adult who cares what the obama's think, you are voting for harris. if you are a kid, you were like ten or 11 when starting the
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second term. >> trace: jennifer. >> i think everyone has it right. a short period of time it went from biden can't resign because harris does not have the support or likability numbers. suddenly the media did their full-court press. i think obama was waiting to see which way the wind would blow and it blue and he stood up and endorsed her. >> trace: marianne rafferty. >> i agree with the majority of the panel, that they were waiting to see how this panned out before they came out and made their endorsement. >> trace: we'll make a difference? yes ten%, no 90%. delayed his endorsement for dramatic pause. waiting to see if something better came along. hoping for a double bump in the polls. -- she wasn't his choice, thought they would be able to nominate at the dnc convention and peter says they had to weigh the pros and cons and the money won them over. thank you for watching america's late news "fox news @ night". i'm trace gallagher. have a great weekend and see you monday. [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis.
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