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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 26, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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bathroom. and that doesn't hurt delta. it hurts the people that have to clean it up. >> i hate it. does knuckle okay and me did you know this that a lot of people will use pets in their wedding ceremonies in new york? >> yes. guess what? they can actually serve as a legal witness to your marriage to keep it from the ceremony. >> but any pet, including dogs, parakeets, all kinds of stuff, they can actually be. they put their little paw print on the legal document. >> it counts as a witness. i'm not kidding. oh, it also this weekend, i got people to judge on fox news sunday. >> charlie. oh, how does that not count as animal cruelty? >> breaking a dog's at their wedding? oh, that some people like wedding snacks. >> what about your wife? i know. i'm like my wedding. it was great. okay, make it quick. i wouldn't want to go. you got 10 seconds to me. >> you? yeah, you. oh, we got down to florida's hemingway. six decades after his death. we've got a parade of ernest hemingway look alikes running the bulls. >> okay, that's it. >> got to go.
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>> hello. it's 8 p.m. on the east coast, 7 p.m. in god's country. and welcome to a special'm pete edition of jesse waters primetime. >> i'm pete hegseth in for jesse on a friday night. and we start with the fox news alert. in moments, donald trump will be takinwill be g the stage in f palm beach, florida. we're monitoring it right heree to you in the studio. >> we will bring it to you as soon as he begins his remark s. but expect to hear some fresh lines of attack tonight from fre the former president. >> you see earlier this week, i you rdemember, he vowe to not be nice aftere af the so-called democrat party successfulter -called early stae to ouster. >> their president, joe biden, fromnt, joe the presidential tif and replace him, of course, with kamala harris, the clintons, pelosi, schumer, even biden throwin, schumeg their weight behind kamala. but the messiah has arrived. barack obama waited until this morning to make the call. >> kamala.
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hi. hey there. oh, hi. you're both together. oh, it's good to hear you both. ou both.i can't have this phoneg without saying to my girl, kamala, i am proud of you.o this is going to be his store. we call to say michelle and i couldn't be proude r to endorsen you and to do everything we can to get you through this election. throand into the oval office. oh, my goodness. michelle, barackchelle. , this o much to me. i am looking forward to doing this with th fe two of you, doug and i both. and getting oubotht there, beinn the road. but most of all, i just want to tell you thatnt the words th you have spoken and the friendship that you have given over all these years mean more than i can express. so thank you both. it means th so much. we're >> and we're going to have g some fun with this, too, on ohhy ,so bad. and they thought it was good.sod and if that didn't sound genuine to youenuine t, it's pry because it definitely wasn't a source close wa to the
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biden family told the new york post that obama's have bee n very upset because barack knows she can't win. >> obama knows she's just. ob incompetent and was shocked her when biden endorsed her. >> and now obama is furious that things aren't going his way. >> but the machine just happened to move a little bit too fastppened. even for barack. the media is already in ther ba camelot honeymoon phase. and it's not just obama world that's worry. anxiety is rippling through clintoingn world and they had to send out the raging cajun be to bthee the skunk in their garn party after bitter skunk at the garden party. this is too triumphalist. okay triumph? this is everybody's giddy. i look at the coverage and it's great. and we jusge and i great. t let me if i had to write a play about what i think it's going to be like, it would be entitled the ice pick comments. okay pick, get ready.ight. an they're coming.
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all right. and it's good. everybody should feel good and liberated and everything else. but if we don't win the election, we hadn't done anything this kindanything of gi elation is not going to be very helpful much longer, because that's not what we're going to be facecause th whatd. >> right. well, don't believe carville, then believe the numbers. cnn's chief numbers guy says th the harris mentum is nothing but a mirage. here's the thing to keepthere' in mind. i think there's all this talk of all this harris momentul this m. maybe there's a slight bit of momentum, but i would argue it's actually a little bit smaller than folks think. so pretty biting, dropping out. look, trump was up by two over harris. we look at the polls now this week. what do we see? we see trump is up by one over. harris the massive change is actually the change of candidates because prior to biden dropping out, he trailed by six points among these in these exact same polls that we look at here, where harris was only trailing by two points. so the movement is actually from biden to harris, not
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actually harris herself necessarily moving the cnn nerd has spoken a new rasmussen poll has trump beating kamala by seven points. >> a new emerson poll doesn't have kamala winning a single swing state. >> the media says they're falling in love with kamala, but the country isn't. msnbc asked voters in wisconsin what they thought of kamala. >> here's what they told them. how do you perceive vice president harris compared to president biden in terms of competency and experience? >> i think she's worse. she doesn't even know what'shat going on at the border. and that's what she was supposed to be doing. >> is there anyone that kamalare harris could appoint as her vice president that you would find reassuring would make you consider voting for her? >> nng o, no, no. never considered. no, no, i would no w rfk jr. wae before. >> yeah. when do you think america willra
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have a female president? >> when there's a competent ge one. >> i don't get a good feel for her. i think she's an idioter.. right. mary, why do you think t? t she's not that bright because she hasn't done anything in the time that she's had. >> she's not real smart. she's not real smart. alwhat do you think?dent? america will have its firsta female president when there'scr a competent one. it's not her. democrats are hoping to pumparnt that obama 2008 excitement back into their base. nto theirbut unlike 2008, when s were energized by the chants of yes, we can. >> the democrat voter base in 2024 feels powerless. and why wouldn't they? after they were sidelined by their party kingmakerthey weo >> how do you feel about the process in which president biden decided notion?w to run for reelection? >> well, it would have been nice if he made this decisioelun a year ago, but we could and, have had a primary and, you know, maybyou kne decided we want to replace him rather than just offim rathe flocking to kaa
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harris. i think by trying to clear it the field and ensure that was going to be biden and make sure that there wasn't any sort of not allow us to have an actual democratic primary proces of nothaves. g to l you know, i'm not saying incoming harris is going to lose, but i do thinos k that we would have been benefited significantly if he had figuredr out what was like figured this out and far sooner. so that could have actually been more time soo to, like,ave have an internal debate, have internal democracy within the party. >> i don't like the process either. this whole we startedconv the conversation with like, there are people behind closed doors and curtainser with, lre making the decisions for us and it's supposed to be a process. w partsthatsed to be of it. so that part i don't like on principle. it would have been nice if we had a primary that would help dc the party of democracy. >> the party has been callinraeo you a threat to democracy. just disenfranchizhizede 14 miln voters and offered no explanation for it. >> maybexplanati because the trh is ugly. this was never about joe u bide.
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>> sure, his polls were bad, but so are kamala's. ays for democrats, this has always been about completing cotheir progressivmpe takeover of the country. kamala harris wasn't just liberal senator, evenlying ab though they're lying about it now. >> if she's elected, she it nowt will be the most radical president ever. ami am prepared to get rid of te filibuster to pass a green new deal. there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. so would you ban offshore drilling i'mracking. y? >> yes. and i've again, worked on thatin h . >> we need to have medicare for t all. the status quo thinkinhe statust been to believe that by putting more police on the stree t, you're going to have more safety. >> and that's just wrong. we've got to critically re ice and its role w and the way that it is being administered and the work it is doing. >> and we need to probably think about starting from scratch. yeah, abolisabout startingh it m >> the only thing stopping that from being our commandeeinr in chief is you in november, charlie hurt and monica crowley join me now. charlie, great to have you.
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e, greatmonica, thanks for bein. we're monitoring president trump. he'll be stepping on stage any e moment. >> and when we do, we'll have to break in on this conversation. but monica doo break , first, h. the obamas have endorsed kamala. themasdoes it ring true to yout and will it help? well, they're very late to the party and very reluctant ves so according to the reporting that we've seen so far, charlie and pete, what we know is that barack obama had an alternative plan and are ready to go. he wanted joe biden remove td. he saw that he could not win.thy the new york post was reporting that they actually moved up the debate because they were trying to frame joe biden. they knew that he would implode. so they wanted enough timeo replac and runway to replace him with someone else. obam witha had a different plan in mind and it was not. kamala harri kamlas. but come on. harris proved to be very wildly along with herwidely handlers. she was able to accelerate the process to lock up the support and the money so that her nomination was a fait
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accompli. she got joe biden on board to endorse her. she got the clintons on board. and remember, mrs. clinton losto to barack obama in 2008. so she got her little bit her of revenge as well. got so kamala got a fait accompli of a nomination. thi she got the obamas endorsement. now, at this late date. so the word of warning to everybody here is do not underestimate kamala and her handlers, because they boxedtmae obama. they outmaneuvered him really for probablyhim, the first timeh in his political career. he is not very happy about it. they will hit the campaign trail for kamala t, but heer. ts will not be an enthusiastic supporter. >> trust m e, charlie, we're seeing donald trump is on stage hugging ben carson right now. we're going to get to that in a moment. >> real quick. your thoughts? no, i think it's absolutely extraordinar reaquick.thoughts y what we're seeing right now. and if you know the comeuppanc d that that barack obama has had to suffer at the hands t
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of joe biden, sort of one last indignity from the guy that he picked and dragged out of the dustbiof tn of history and brout back to political life in washington. raordi it really, really is extraordinary. and of course, the real problem fcourse,r kamala going forward e fact that, you know, she is the most radical person every to front a ticket in history and she's not really been tested because she's never been at the top of the ticket. and so the top , you know, at te point, when you're supposed to be running to the center,d all of these horrible things for our past are coming out. >> and she's going to have to defenngs fromming outd all of and it's going to be fresh in everybody's minds when they go to the polls for sur i o i mean, it's all coming out. it'll it'll be even more in ts. days and weekr >> monica, here we are. i can't help but reflect. e two weeks since anre two w assassination attempt. we're still debating, thanksfbir to the fbi director, about whether it's a bullet or not. but here's whether donald trump on stage about to speak. >> this man has been going ever sincto sbeene. you know, really fromly the moment he came down escal that escalator in juneat of 2015
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. he has been targeted by the deep statee deep, the permanentn administrative state, the imperial media. you knowow , the entire rulinghim as class views him as an existential threat. so they have thrown the kitchen sink at this man now for nine years. for ninthey cannot believe thae man is not just still standing, b, leading in all the polls and likely to be the next president. li they have literally triedo everything to neutralize himby as a political force and by extension, to neutralizextensiof us. the america first movement, normal americans who love their countramericany. and they have failed at all of it.ha and the man that you seet you on that stage is still standing with superhuman energy and strength. ership. this is real leadership. this is courage, strength and leadership. >> charlie, we thought joe biden was the guy that that donald trump would mosd t want to run against. but the more we learn about reminded about kamala harrised about kam, she might be want. >> yeah. . and and it's going to be. and it's going to get serious
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very sooitserioun. very much. all right. fox news alert. president donald trump speakinns in west palm beach, florida. >> let's go to his remarks now. we're going to be talkin weoingg a little bit about a wonderful thing called religion tonight. >> is that okay? a little bit more than normal and that's good. that's really good. and i just want to say helloy to everybodyhello and to turning point for the fantastic job, that turning point tha does. thank you very much. turning point is a great group. is a grthis is from corner to d this room is packed and there are a lot of peopl e outside, et but we have to forget about them. we just have to make to it. be life goes. but i'm thrilled to be working back with so many proud, hardworking american patriots who believe and faith and family, god and country. thank you very muc counh. a and we want to thank each and every one of the believers in this room for your prayers
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and your incredible support. i really did re appreciate it.og something was working that we know something was t working inside. thank you very much. and i stand before you tonight.o . thanks to the power of prayer and the grace of almightandmighy god as i think you can see, i've recovered well. and in fact, jusct,t took offy the last bandage off of my ear . oh, my. just got it off. i took it off for this i don't know why i did that fo r this this group, but that's it. i think that's it. i hope that's it. let me also thank charlie kirkrr for hosting this event and forp his leadership, as well as bishop aubrey shines. thank you, bishop. a great friend of mine, a tremendous woman of faith, p white is here and she has been so incredible, wherever you may be, paula, where, aye i was.nks, pau where's paula?
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she is fed. thanks, paula. pastor jensen franklin, one of the biggest one of the most powerful, one of the greats. thank you. passes one been with us from dar one, pastor lorenzo sewell, whossewelle church i visited in detroit. and this guy can speak. where is he? he can speak. he spoke at the convention at tw >> and i'll tell you, nobody wanted to follow him. where is h e? where is that, pastor? oh, hello, pasto? r. nobody wanted to follow him. i can tell you that there was the people that i'll pass. you were fantastic. thank you very much. faster. than. d it was an honor to be in detroit. and we were in serious detroit . ,right? that was the real detroit. thank you very much. so respected. such a wonderful man. and speaking of respect, secretary ben carson, what anobl great guy. nobody like him. espn >> former espn anchor sagean steele. . sage >> thank you. sage. sage has bee bn terrificeen.
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>> she's been terrific. amazing person . another amazing person is a mano named peter navarro. >> peter navarro, a patriot, one of the best trade people ever. he understood china better than anybody but me. i understood him better now. we both understood. whereas peter, what a great guy. gpeter all right, you paintedmh areas. peter thank you very much. what a great guy. he got it. >> he got it. it was something special and he's going to come back wit h us, i think. peter, you're coming back with us. wherever. yeah, there you are. thank you, peter.ack. h he's coming back. he really did. he understood trade. he understooe real did. he d it better thanhe just about anybody. he understood how we were being ripped undewere off for yd years and years, and nobody did anything about i nobody t. but we did. and today we're delightedda to announcy we'r e the launch of our for new coalition believers for trump. >> believers, your believers of trumpp, as you know,
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five days ago, we officially defeated the worstdefeated prese the history of the united states. >> crooked joe biden. you know, i thought a lot about it. we defeated him. he was badly beaten. and, you know, everybody was goinhim. he and,g to him, said,. beat him. you're not going to beat this guy. you can't beat him. get out, get out younot to beat . we want you out. ge there was nothing nice about what they were doingt ouy and they were saying, we want you out of the race. you're going to lose. we wanere sayit to put somebodyo in. how about that? it's like a prizefighter. like he's losing badly. reader.y to be knocked out. and they say, well, wait, let's stop the fight. let's put somebody the else in. it doesn't work that way. and it's not suppose,d to work o that way. and this really was a coup by the democrats. this was a couup byhe democ. th nothing else. he got 14 million votes. i hate to sticn votes.k up for , but, you know, he didn't want to do what he did. ohe said, i'll never go out. i'll never, ever go out. too days later, i'm proud to g
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out because the fascists went after him. they threatened him with thetheh 25th amendment. they said, we can do the nice way or wit the ne can do it thed way. joe, that's what happened. i know. i know. as man hapy people on that sides as i know on our side, so to speak. but that's what happened. they said we can do it the hard wad way.y. the ea we can do it the easy way.symene 25th amendment. ifnt if you go. and he said, huh, i'll go. and now they're trying to make him into a brave hero. he's so bravim into a e. last night he made it. the other night he made a speech behind the beautiful resolute desk in the oval o. ice and look, i'm not looking to knock. i want to give people credit or noieoplet credit. >> it was horrible. and then you turn on to like an cnn and most dnc, the worst, just horrible. >> and they're saying one of the finest speeches we've ever seen. i bet churchillian somebodyad it
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said churchill, winston churchill. no, winston had it on. i'm a little bit on himtle it wd and they pretended it was good. and they're doing the same thing with her. >> she was aher. she three wee. she was a . a a failed vice president and a failed administration with millions of peoplerder c crossing. and she was the borders are now ty she neverng to saza was the borders. she had nothing to do with the borders. she was the borderhe border. she trying to take it. they're deleting it all over the place. they want to tak it.e because we have the worst border in history. woborder iand three and a half, we had the best border that we've eve order thr had. in fact, my chart that i looked over to the right, that chart, you know, the famousyou know cht that showed we had the bestrs numbers in history at leastbordr recorded history on the border, that you're probably t savedit my life. >> can you believe it? because i looked ove? becausr h. if i didn't look over, i gotot a a problem.
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it wasn't too good. anyway did you see the fbi today apologized? they said, well, i? apolt might have been a bullet, but it might have been glass. so really, where did the glass come fro ly? wher ht or it might have been shrapnel? well, the shrapnel come from hla now. >> they then said it was a bullet. they just try and do it. with it just never ends with these people. they raid mar-a-lago. thin they do things so bad, so bad.ty our country is so sick.ize. w >> but they apologized. we accept their apologe y. so now we have a new candidate to defeat the most incompetent, ur left vicehefa president in american history. that's what she is the most incompetent, but certainly the most far left together. four months from now, wewe are are going to defeat kamala harris, who a short time ago strongly fought to defund the police and the radical left democrat party.
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we're going to take back that very beautiful white house and we're going to make great again, guaranteed. and it's going to go fast with your vote. i will defend religious liberty in all of its forms. i will protect christians in our schools and our military and our government, in our workplaces, in our hospitals, in our our public square. and i will also protect other religious means. we want that right, other religions. and we will bring our country back together. one nation under god. but radical liberal kamala harris gets in and by the way,nn there are numerous ways of saying her name. they were explaining wer to me.y you can say kamala, you could say kamala. worry ab i said, don't worry about it. doesn't matter what i say. i couldn't care less if i mispronounce
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it or not.'t car i couldn't care less. some people think i mispronouncee some pek on purc but actually i've heard it said about seven differentof ways. there are a lot of ways. there are a lot of way ways.s. >> but a radical liberal, kamala harris, gets in, you will have the exact opposite effect. harrisite effect. will appoint m of extreme far left judges to forcibly impose crazy san francisco liberal values on americans nationwide. now, you've seen what's happened seen wh to san francist it was the best city maybe in our entire country 15 years ago, and now it's barely what livable. that's what she and she's the one that started. sh and one thae was an original. she was a defender of the a defpolice. she said, let's defund the police. she was the first one to n start it. but now, of course, she's so, which is toughow, so she'. one she did not they always one thing about a politician, i guess, including aboutn, i me, you always go back to your original thought. ml thoughts were very
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good. >> you'll like my original dogne . i'm the only one out there that probably got worse. >> it's true. always my original thoughts. you always go back to them. and she wentback to back to thm and she will go back if she ever got in. she will go back to those all of those horrible original thoughts that sh oe had. th she'll appoint marxists to theoh supreme courred t to shred our our constitution and all of our religious liberty. that. she will do that.ab absolutely. she will try as hard as she cana to add as many justices as possible to the u.s. supreme court. we don't want that to happen, do we? we want we like our nine justices the way they are. we don't want to havwante 17. i've heard numbers 2121 sounds like a great number. 21what about? 23? they want to have an odd number. that's the only thing we agree on. >> in other words, she wantsnts to pack the court, whicha. and w is their number one agenda, and we can't let that happen.
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we're not going to let that happen. we're not going to have anybody added. we're goinadded. we'reg to do iy we've done it for many, many years. that's many y really a stopper. it's a stopper. the supreme court and by the way, you can take a look. there have been many thingsthe that have happened over the last fewast few years wherei there's been great uniformity on things that aren't necessarilty thing ary conserva, but they did the right thing. that's what's supposed to be h happening and that's what's happened. tdone t, the the right thing but they can't pack the court. the hordes of illegal aliens storming across our borders will exceed 40 or 50 million by the time they're finished0 mt that's what they want. they want millions. you know the number? i believe the real number alreadlions. ybelieve y we're v0 million people have come across our border. i think of it overorder. think y short period of time with four more years of harrisr more, whos worse than joe biden in a true sense and far more liberal
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america will be decimated by migrant crime, demolishedd by fascism, ravaged by rampantii and impoverished by the complete obliteratioleten of american energy. they don't want any fossil fuel, no matter what. yo >> in other words, good luck. i hope you enjoy walking kn to work. >> you know what makeslectrici electricity right?rstand >> fossil fuel. they don't understand that. you know, it comes from someplace, right? comes from fossil fuel. i'm here tonight because we must never let that happen. our task is touel. i'm defeat socialism, to defeat marxism, communisocialismm to defeat thee and the criminals and the human traffickers in women.eans d and that means defeating kamalaf harris in a landslide. we want a landslide this november we want something too big to rig. >> too big to rig too big to
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rig too big to win. we cannot let this.e to i have to say, once country, but we'll soon be a great country again. but right now we don't feel like this is a great country. we're a laughing stock all over the world. co s but we can't let our country fail. as everyone here understands cok the radical left ideology. kamala support sus is really militantly hostile toward durin american is of faith. and you saw that during the pandemic where people couldn't get togethertheo even when they wanted to get together with big spaces outsidth big se, they were rava. >> as a senator, she viciously attacked highly qualified judicial nominees simply because they were members that of the knights of columbus, suggesting that their catholic faith disqualifiedth them from serving on the federal bench.
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and i'll tell you something i don't know. we have a lot of catholics in here, probably not too many. catholihere. how many catholic? >> whoa, that's a lot. i don't know how a catholic can vote for the democrats because they're after the catholics, almost much as they're after me. >> i would say i top i'm prououdd to admit. >> but they're really after the catholics. >> and, you know, i met today ty with bibi netanyah wu. >> and i will tell you, i asked him a question and he said he's getting asked that question a lot. >> i said, how can a jewish person or a person that lovesvo israel vote? think of thithinks vote for thi. this these parties, i mean,can how can they vote democrat? how can they vote for thesent horrible these horrible people that want to destroy? troybut asked them, how did they vote for democrats?
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everything is negativeything i. everything. they want to stay in the way. they don't want to have victortt . they want to stop you from having victory. they want to and they want to put you io y.n jail. they want to persecute you. how does a jewish person vote for a democrat? and traditionally they have no traditionallvote fory they have. and we came to the conclusion be it's mostly habit because they have for 50 years. i mean 50 year, they have it's t they've done. but how does a jewish person hoe vote for a democrat? how does a catholic person vote for a democraperson vt witt they're doing to catholics? i just don't get it don't t. ina somebody doesn't like catholics in that administration. and t i don't even know who itnh is. i don't think it's biden because i don't think he has any ideaink it's bidi don' whatl he's doing. i don't think he has any ideasas on any subject. kamala harris supports california's outrageous new la w trampling on parental rights and allowing minors to chang ane their gender without parental notification or consent. >> can you imaginen you she's in
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favor of that, by the way? well, she was she's probably losing you know, they're losing as much as they ca they'ren. but remember, a politician always goes back to whergoes bay they started. harris wants to forcibly compel doctors and nurses againstratiod their will to give chemical castration drugsto to young children. you know that, right? s supports, and she supports n the biden-harris title nine policy of forcing every public school in americ publica to let men into women's and girls locker rooms. can you imagine a psych? you kn what are we doing? what? you know, the wholow the whold ' laughing at us. you do know that, right? we've gone wackoone. as president, i will protect the safety and well-being of america's children. and i will defend the valuesn. l of the american family. >> and above all, i will a restorlle common sense to washington, dc because this
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republicans and i said this for the last year, and i think it's so true what conservative and all of that stuf of thatf. y but you know what? o we're the party of common sense. common sense. we mon sens want borders, we wante security, women's safety. we want good educationwant s, and we'd like low interest rates. we'd like to be able to buy. wew house. we want safety. we want safetyan gh., we wantsdom strength, we want wisdom. we don'twe don't want to have an electric car where everybody has an electric car that doesn'r thatt go far is made ina ,cost too much. and by the way, and i want to thank elon musk fori endorsing me. >> by the way, i have to tel hal you. >> and i said, you know, elon, remember, i love electric carsr . i think your car is great. i love it. b. it's not for everybody it, and, you know, he never said toe me, look, i'm going to endorse, you, but, you know, you have to show because i think
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the electric car and i think nkr the tesla, i think it's incredible what they've done. >> but there are other reasons like sometimes you want to drive lon g distances. stop. y you don't want to stop, you know, in the midwest, y putp someplace in the midwest, they put up eight charging stations. you know that, right? they spent $9 billion. $9 now, you know what, a charging station. it's like a gas pump. it's the equivalent of a gas pump t gas for >> right to little thing.e thin they spend $9 billion.if that would mean that if they did it throughout the country, all the locations designated itionst would cost $r trillion. so our country would have to y would hafile for bankruptcy. they would have to file bankruptcy protection and to build. yet the whole thing is crazy. >> they want everything to be all electric. but elon's great. helectron's gred me. he said, look, you know, you got to say what you say. youand i love the car.e i think it's great.
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and some people love them and some ove them people want them.if you'r but i think if you're going to go long distances, it's a little tdistan bit you're chall. >>ch you challengealled. in my first term, i defended, and like nobody, christians against hate and bigotryns agais did what i did and marxist aggression. not president has ever done what i've done for christians before. >> i restored religious liberty for doctors, nurses, teachers and faith groups like the beautiful littlehe sisterspoor. of the poor. >> we defended them veryef stronglyended st. from i stopped the irs from using the johnson amendment. that's a vicioushe johns after lyndon johnson, who had a problem with a certain pasto r in houston, didn't like him. so he passed an amendment. it was p a disaster to interfere with pastors, freedom of speechn . he would let pastors even discuss anything. having to do with politics. and if they did do that, they'd take away their tax exempt status. tors so passes were afraid because
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they need the tax exempt status in order to do what they have to do. yand we want to listen to ourn' pastors. we don't want them to be silenced becauset be these paste are incredible people. >> that'e peoples right. i listen to you sometimes. i don't listen well enough, though. i willough say, you know, frankn graham, you probably heard me say this. i said it a couple of times. but he is a great guy and been a supporter of mine. he was never a supporter of people politicall ay, probaby can't be, but he was always supporter and openly a . but he wrote me a letter a few weeks ago. he said, president trump, i love listening love li to your stories. you're a great storyteller. that was very nice said. orytellebut please, if it's posi it'll be even betterbl. >> don't use foul language, he told me. please do away with foul language. if you don't use foul language
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,it will be even better.though and i thought about it and iforo tried it for a couple o of nights, actually. actually, it didn't work out so well. it you know, when i get to thepl punchline, i'm ready to use one word. jn one word.nkli and then i use a politically correct word and the whole thing just falls flat. ry. i' but i try i'm trying, franklm y i'm telling you now, he's a good man. >> is a good mann. he's. i issued guidance making that the right to freedom of worship does not en does node door of a public school. >> we know that i was the first and only president to convene a meeting at the united nations to end religious persecutionesit worldwide. >> that's the first president to do it. they didn't want to get intoo d. all of these very religious precedents that you've had, you know, religious in quotes. ts. they, we'll pass
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on that. but i went and i did it and i was proud to do it. i for four years, i stood proudly with our friend and ally, the stat proudlye israel. and for them and us, i withdrewn from the iran nuclear deal, we left iran. we broke and unable to fund terror and we would have hadelen a deal. if the election weren't rigged, instalen't rigl and we would hak a deal within the first week after the election instead,althy iran is now a very wealthy country. they were a poor country. i said nobody can buy fromm. them. if you buy from them, you can't do busines if yous with the us c china didn't buy and nobodhiy bought and they didn't have the money to give to hamas the money and hezbollah. they had no money. they were broke. a democrat wer congressman was a show called deface the nation. >> do you know, ladies and gentlemen, it's deface
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the nation. >> you know, they spend millions of dollars with people to try and build up their name. and then trump comes up, makes this speech. look at all the television. trump comes up, makes a speech, and you go to face the natio cou so much for that pr campaign. but it's true. impaign. of the nation. in many cases, the others are no different. aabc, nbc, cbs, they're all bad. >> but, you know, we have to an bring back an honest press if we don't bring back honesty i in our press, this whole thing is not going to work. but i kept my promise. recognize israel's a turtle t capital and open the american embassy in jerusalem was a big deal and got it built for $2 billion on the budget,bug took an old buildinget. and reconverted it for peanutsed using jerusalem stone friend lov of mine said, oh, i love jerusalem. stone is in new york. stone. he'syorkbig, big, rich g. every time i walk into his office, you knowo his of whs
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is? i know what's jerusalem stone. you tell me every time. jerusall comes from jerusalem.i >> so now i'm building. i want i notlding. only wanted o it going, but i want to build it because i know i can get. it built fast and they had aa building already. they were going to spend hundredsready. t of millions ofs to buy a site in jerusalem. i said, wait a minute. don'lem. waitt we have somethin? we checked. yeah, we always do, because we were there a long time ago. we were there sort of first, always by the post office like i did in washington. if you get a post office, you it's always the first building that they put in. years ago. locati it's always the best location. so i said, do we have a do they? yeah. i saidonng, hey, listen to thest people. we're goino theg to spend $2 bin on building an embassy. they said, an emba how much do you think we can do it for? we think we can do it for $350,000. so real. we're going to take an. building and reconvert it. i said 300. sait's the only time i ever said this. i said, you know, honestly, it's too lownestly, it sounds t cheap. >> i've never done that before. usuall sayy i say, okay, let's
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it 300, right? let's make it to 50. but i said, i think it's too cheap. it sounds terrible. 0. yes, do it for under 500,000. yes, sir. i said, any chance we can of mi use jerusalem stone? a friend of mine says it's very expensive. he goes, absolutely, sir. it's all over the place. . >> where? in jerusalem. so we built the whol so wilt tht of jerusalem. stone can you believe it? and got it done foe it? anr not. and it's beautiful. it's a beautiful embassy it's. and that was the capitol of isr israel. every president foae r decadesd that and decades promised that they were going to do that capita tl of israel, jerusalem. but i even got the building built and we got it built.g. i we had a beautiful opening. i went it was a beautifu l a you opening. and i had a younngg lady named ivanka there. >> we had our great first lady there. we had out of my children a lot of my friends. it was a beautiful opening of me
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remember, it was always going to be a disaster if you do that. and ever disastey president goio it, they got to the office, they go into the white house , s all of a sudden they get hit by every said they never did it. >> they neveevery side. theyr c. i understand that the tremendous pressure not to do it not, but i got it done. i i got the building built and it was a great thing. we opened it and theree buildi o problems. you know, people said there are going to be big problems. there woul therere no ud be bloe all over the middle east. it never happened. it never happenehed all d. >> and we had it recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. it was a great thing. it was a great day, actually. i also recognize olan hei israeli sovereignty over the golan heights. i never even said i was going to do it. i mean, the fact is i've done more for israel by far than anyp other president, not even closrr . >> and with the historic a a, middlerds, as you knowic we created peace in the middle east. unfortunately, they didn't add any countriefortunately, s to but we will. by contrast, kamala harrisd it's
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stabbed israel in the back. and it's great our need.efused two days ago, she refused to attend the speech in congresend the s. e the prime minister of israel, she said, oh, i can't make it. there wa s a small groupbut th of people, but i couldn't make it because that's her originaley thought. that's where she comes from. sh frome she doesn't like jewisw people. shople. she doesn't like israely that's the way it is.that's and that's the way it's alwaysno going to be. >> she's not going to change together with jot go. togethe, e billions and billions of dollars to iran and hamas rror. to fund their campaigns of terror. she gave them billions of dollarse g. they were broke. remember, when i left, they were broke. there were storiesrememb t thats is out of business. hezbollah is out of business . they were broke. october 7th would have never happened if i were president. >> the attac k the attack on ukraine by russia wouldd. i have never happened. ie to president putin ab
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often about it. it was the apple of his eye. he wouldit.ple have never done . wouldn't have done it. i said, you'll never do it. dot he would have never done it. it was only after i left that army started aligning the with ukraine armies. and i said, oh and i, he's just. negotiating. he'll never do it. but he did it. he did it because we it. h had a weakk president. he did it also because our mov n out of afghanistan was so incompetently done. ampetentlk he saw the way we did that. he said, well, this is a paper tige wow, th ar that we're deal, but they weren't a paper tiger with me. wtiger d in four weeks year instead of five years. >> it was supposed to take five years, blow ipposed years,s of the heinous october seventh attack on israel, kamala harris praised the anti-ishe pra israel protesters. you saw that, right? she praised themisshe. she betrayed america's ally and sided with the radical fringe of her party only for political gain.
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maybe for personal gain, k i don't know. and this week, many of those kamala harris supporters burnedt of american flags in the heart of our nation's capital and desecrated our monuments. did you say they sprayed very powerful spray paint into magnificent the lions, the bells, you. into yes. and you know, when that gets into limestone , you neverou'll really get it out. you'll see it in a hundred years from now. they desecrated. and by the way, january 6. well, what's happening to these people that have done serious damage? have they been have they been arrested? are they in jail now, like the januar? are thy three,ey lei six hostages? >> and when are they letting them out?suprem you know, we had a greatrt supreme court ruling for rulin s ago that really will should let most of them outd let mo. ere. e when are they coming out? they're still there. when are they coming out out? >> unlike liberal kamala, i will support israel's
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right to winto win this warto on terror. you have to support that. that's a win. gt to finish it off. pande and instead of pandering to the sympathizers and america hating radicals, we will deport them. >> we will deport them verye no quickly. we have no choic choicee. and they understand that. they understand that. i have many friends in theriends middle east, many great friends in the middle east. >> they understand iddle eas. w and my next term, i will once again appoint rock solid conservative judges who will protect religious liberty and not let marxisect reliy ando rewrite our constitution in my first four years, we will totally transform the federal bencformh appointing nearly. remember this i appointed nearly 300 judges to defend the law and the constitution as written. i defended i defended this lawot ,this constitution. then they say he is not for democracy. >> see, i took a bullet for democracy. he didn'tt.
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and i might have taken it because of their rhetoric. i might have takenc. i mig becai of their rhetoric. who knows? i withstood vicious attackacks epic and confirmed three great supreme court justices neil gorsuc h, brad kavanaugh and amy coney barrett. they're great people. they're courageous people. we'v alsoe also achievedought what the pro-life movement foughtto get to get for 50 year. rkingve wanted to get this for 50 years. >> they've been working so hard, getting abortion out want of the federal government. they wanted it out. that means everybody democrats, liberals,they w republican conservatives, they wanted it out and they wanted to bring itan back to the states for 51 years, to be exact. and that's exact. the way every, all legal scholars, virtually everybody they wanted out of the federal government brought back to the states. and no tow it's up to the will a the people in each state. it's up to the votertos.
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they're doing it. and some some statesstates w bee conservative in what they vote for and other states will be more libera er statel. but t >> i mean, ohio, we love ohio,he but they voted quite a liberal law. kansas, same thing, very liberal. then you'll have a texas and you'll have other places. but it's nowve other being votel over. the people will decide and that's the way they always wanted it. if kamala harris has her way, they will have a federal law for abortion to rip the baby out of the. and the eighth, ninth monthen at and even after birther, the baby after birth, the baby is born. remember the former governor of virginia? he said the babyrginia? he is b. we sit with the mother and we discuss what you want to do with the baby. in other words, if you willbaby execute the baby after birth and they have laws and they
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want to pass laws to that effect, these people are rd and they're sick. >> they're sick people. so they're reall peoy if you lok at it, they're really the radical ones are like ronald reaganald rean. i strongly believe in exceptions for life of,st. i the mother, rape and incest. i think it's very important. don't forget t, we have to you have to go. you have to go with your heart, but you also have to win elections. very important. you havein elect to win. so go with your heart. do what you want. but you do have toant, but winwe elections. we have elections that are very importan t win. and if you don't if you don't do certain things, you're not vy going to win elections. and it'll be a very pyrrhic victory. it'll be arrhic vie a victory. that's not really a victory at all. but ronald victory at reagan fe. i felt that many people feel that. and we really did something that nobody thought was possible. i want to thank the six supreme court justices, clarence
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thomas, samuel alito, john roberts, brad kavanaugh, neil gorsuch, and amy coney barrett for the wisdom and the s courage they showed on this long term. andand very, very contentious issue and getting it back to the states puts the question where it belongs with a vote of the people. and it's ith a all over the country. you having the vote of the people and over time it will all work out. it's working outk out. it' at a rapid rate already. you know that it's going to many, manat it's goy states a on it now and many have already voted. and sometimedyand sometimess ags the vote will be as you like it, sometimes it won'tike. be qe as you like it. but our country can finally our come together. this issue has been killing our countrcouny for 51 years.1 r >> as soons. as i take the oath of office, i will stop the biden-harris administration's weaponize bided version of law enforcement against americans of faith and agains andt, frankly, their political opponents.
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all right. that donald trump continues to speak. he said at the beginningtrump c he would talk tonight about a wonderful thing called religion. now he's talkingonderfuland targ about political persecution and targeting of his political opponents to includehd catholics and christians across the country leading into the overturning of v wade. we, charlie hurt and monica probably join us again crowley r some quick reaction. then we'll get back to the speech as soon as we canion.. ng charlie, he's refining his argument on his new opponent n his, kamala harris. >> you can tell that tonight. oh, yeah, without a doubt. ae, he'sourse, she's talking about a lot of her radical positions, including wanting to pack the courts and pack o in dozens of new justices. and but i love the line. he kept saying, which is that no matter how much they try to waffle now and try to rebrand her, politicians go back to their original thoughtsans go and you can't get that out of their dna. yeah, he did go. times back to that a couple of times. monica, her original thoughts are she doesn't she's a radicaal l defender. she doesn't support israel. she supports the radical protestspport is. e radica that
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she did nothing about the border. he said kamala was ahed three weeks ago. >> monica, your thoughts? >> yeah, he is very successfully reframing his entire approach to this campaign, although appro we're e doesn't require that much because we are talking about th we ar aboue biden harrs administration. and she's certainly a key part of this administration, but she is the most radical u.s. senator apart from bernie sanders. that was her record when shenie. was and on top of it, she ise is the most to unpopular vice president in recent american history. so i think what president trump understands is the democrats could run, you know, a map if it came out of the mop administration, and that map would still have to own all of s the radical policies that brought us to this catastrophic momen to t from a y weak economy with skyrocketingei inflation to the no borders policy and the flood of tens
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of thousands excuse me, tens of millions of illegal immigrants coming into the country to the collapse of law and order and leading to the collapsleading e of our t cities. two hot wars breaking out all across the world. and so it really doesn't matter who the democrats run. kamala harris certainly does own this radical agendwn this a that has brought the country to a real precipice here. coand great thing about presidt trump is, look, we've got two back to back presidencies'sm to compare. and people's memories are very fresorare veryfresh h about wha, which is a robust, booming economy, an enforced border, world peace, fair trade and law and order. >> and charlie, he's certainly laying out a contras t. l it's not, you know, radical left-wing policies with kamala harris has always representeiesd versus, you know, conservative policies. it's common sense. and i think that's a linvative m going to hear more and more from him. >> yeah, i think that, you know, looking at kamala harris , she is by far the most radical nominee for a majorfor r
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party that has ever run foesrn president in american history. >> and you compare that to donald trump, who and you gosini issue by issue, every single issue, whether ie's you're talking about th economy, you're talking about the border, you're talking about overseas i, every issue. donald trump is a centrist. he is a he is a he's not anue. ideologue. shing he is not a partisan. he is pushing commonsense policiese. and you compare that to kamalad harris' record andwhat what she stands for. and there's no question where thethe american people come do. and i might add that right now what kamala harris has right now is probably the highesbably tht the most po, most. this is the sweetest, sweet to e part of her honeymoon. and it's going to be tough sledding from here on ou sledt. well, monica crowley and charlie here, thank you both for sticking with us and giving, than sti us some analysise before and after. >> we've got more prime time coming up next.
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fox bringing you the world according to fox. we're back with a fox alert today. former president donald trump announcing he will return to butler, pennsylvania and hold a rally honoring the liverds of those who were injured and killed by the shooting that nearly his own life. that will be must see tvlife. fe >> sure. in the meantime, we have major questions about how quess was able to evade law enforcement and get onto the roof of the ag building with a rifle pointed at donald wi to pullwas able the trigger eight times. >> well, congressman corey 8 ssman jor militarymill sniper and was on the ground in butler, pennsylvania, yesterda nipey he joins us now.ns congressman, thanks for being here. base doeson what you saw. >> how does it change how you y feel about what happenedou? >> well, you know, yesterday myself, congressman eli crane, who was a navy seal sniper, i waa navys actually doingnipe
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counter sniper advanced stuff with the state department stafre i left the militarye and other agencies. and also bennie johnson, who got about 4 hours of video and commentary as we documented this, whicgoh be released mondao did talk to a whistleblower who approached us that we've been discussing, as well as for a retired fbi agent. and what we're finding outwe and this is where it's going to get tricky, areut i is that t get to a point where gross negligencea point and purposefl intent is almost indistinguishable. when you looe -- purk at the fat that there were three police officers that was in the thilding behind the position where thomas crooks took the shotthe shot, where one hado home for a family emergency earlier in the day, who i'mt of told is a great officer and had a true emergency. emergenthen we had one who wenn when he was having the report of a suspicious personhen havi and didn't he wasn't able to get back upstairs with his key cardhe, which means that the second person then left its post. now, look, you know as welt l as i do under our regular orders in the military, you'd never leave a post untilr reguld it's properly relieved. and so that gave thomas crooks the ability to get up theretelyu
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completely unseen by the law enforcement officersnsbeing in building is what we're being told now. we're continuing to look at the fact wuing t, as well that how d someone not secure a larger perimeter area that wasperfec only 100 yards perfectly adjacent to line of sight to thetl president on the stage?to we know that others had sight. on him for 15 to 20 minutes as one of the whistleblowers had told us. we know that there was not a proper presidential package that was supplie wasd by the set service to control an area of that size with a crowd of that size. and we had a retired fbi agenta who had said that at one point,r only 100 yards away from where the president was giving speech, there was large crowds of people that was completely uncheckecrowds completd. o id whey had no idea of what was in their bags, what was in their totesatn thei, was in r vehicles that was actually posed outside the air. so we're looking at this.t i was able to get at where the counter snipers were ablnd y on roof. i was able to lay in the exact i position where thomas thomas crooks took his shot and was ultimately killed by the counter sniper team. but also exactly where tru
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president trump was himself. so we're going to continue this to investigate this. but there's a lot more questions than answers at this poin ia lot. >> at a minimum, to your point, it is gross negligence. and the fbi has been such lac a lack of transparency that it causes all of us to have to lose faith in whatever narrativ ie their peddling, true or untrue. we look forward to that report. ntrucongressman, on monday. >> thanks for being with us and for going to the spot. thanks. look to following up. that's what we want from our leaders. thank you, sir. all right. well, that'sing up all for us tonight, by the way, ife on you get a chance. you can still check out the war on warriorors. it's been on the new york times list for seven straight weeks. it's now the numberhe one political book of 2024. it will be worth your read1 pola >> thank you to all the vets who helped make it happen. also, "fox and friends" weekendw be back on the air tomorrow morning. >> i'll be there to call parker turleyg tu. walt, god bless america. i'm not water. this is not my world. >> sean hannity next. >>


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