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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 27, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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washington tonight. well, the folks in butler, pennsylvaniannsylvan, about to e their fighter return by trump says he's heading to finish that rally. and christopher wray sorstophert of apologized to trump for these comments. >> there's. >> some question about whether or not it's aow, bullet or shrapnelthat, you kno, that hit his ear. >> but is it too late? we'r theho tree to talk to the . treated trump shortly after the shooting. >> and college doesn't have the star power. we all know that of michelle obama. but they'r re working overtime overtime tou her relatable. spece are cooking, but we have a very special guest, very specia harris.l senator kamala , >> hi, guys. but first, karma chameleon. that's the focus of tonight'sf o angle. nion so changing your hairstyle, your fashion sense, even on issues, on big issues.. well, that's called being a human being.
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ing toe but to change factst is something quite different. and right. rs kamala harris is a cadre of high paid consultants and fat cat donorson are frantically trying to create an alternative realitwhere kay, one where kamaa harris is the candidate that america has been hungrys for. worried about crime. don't because kamala's on it. >> so let's just be clearecutor about this.. ught kamala harris was a prosecutor. she got elected in san>> francisco and fought crime. >> somebody who is, she says,e smart on crime. you could argutough one on crim. kamala harris owns the message of being tough crime.n >> oh, really? because i didn't know you could be tough on crime and anti-police. >> defund thd police. the issue behind it is that we need to reimagine how we are creating safety. e 1/ and when you have many cities that have one third of their entire city budget focused on, y we know that is not the smart way.
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right or the right way to achieve safety. for too long, the quo thinking has been you get more safetyth by putting more cops on the street. >> well, that's wrong. that'swell, kamala harris tries to blend in to whatever backgrounin td in. so during the 2020 riots, when it was trendy, be anti-law enforcement, she echoed whatever trite blathere echo otr liberals everywhere were posting on social media. shouart of thi thimovements andt just a moment, it's a movement. standing on the shoulders of the movements before. part of this hasanging o to abop changing the system, recalling the systemg, upending the system. this whole movement is about right, saying we need to take a look at these budgets and figure outgure whether it reflects the right priorities. >> now, it's funny how you don't hear harris talk about that movement much anymor movemen anymoree, because i checked, various blm groups that being investigated waste,
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fraud and abuse of the tens of millions and funds that they raked in. and atlanta. kamala might not be awar e of this, but one activist was already found guilty of funding his lavish lifestyle with donorh money. >> and it wasn't just one chapter. followine murderf georgeg the m floyd in 2020, supporters donated a staggering $90 million to black lives matter. the nonprofit ended last fiscal year with a $9 million deficit. but that's okay. those are just inconvenienat kal that kamala harris and her liberal ilk prefer not to dwel l on. but we're not going to let them sweep it under the rug because by giving bl m status, by givinga them credibility. elected officials likeharris has did enormous harm to law enforcement and also to our own public safety. karma chameleon tries to thel no tough gal though now, but ine june 2020, she jumped on the pro-criminal bandwagon by helping money for a groupal that posts bail not just for protesters, but for and murderers as well.
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but does scene look like a peaceful protest vote? >> by the way, the group i is still taking in donations. >> thankn donatis kamala. but even with her prosecutorr pass kamala was hard left one sm the crime issue long before the summer of lovef. et any policies that put criminals back out on the street. united >> she was them. i've been a leader in the united states senate on what we need to do to get rid of the cash bail system in america. and why? because i know the system from the inside. this, to me, is not only about criminal justiceit's n, but ecoc justice. >> why? economic justice? cstice. laura: well, that's jusl jargon for higher taxes. serris' policies and the anti-police sentiment that she helped fuee hal has led to pol dangerous police recruitment eshortfalls as well. the and in the cities, by the way,
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where people really need policing the most, including in her hometown of san u.ancisco. and the shortfall seems to have even reached the ranks of the us police. >> the head of the fraternal of pr of police told us at a the ingram angle that the reason that sot few arrests happened at the anti-israel protests on wednesday walys, because they only had 29 officers assigned to tens of thousands and the nasty mob. so course vandals, they hadwh free reign. coen we askey theyd why they dit arrest more people, we were told, quote, we physicallyses hd couldn't. we were getting our handed to us. they wthey were defacing governt property with pro-hamasknow in broad daylight. just, you know what? couple hundred yards, 300 yards, maybe from the capitol. now, why did they do it so brazenlythey denly? because they knew there would be no consequences. thhy.. why and by the way, kamala harris' late to the game statement and after jusase
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the anti-american property damage was done, that was just political, but covering nothing more. laever, every story the media is promoting about harris right now until election night is untrue. she's not a visionary leader. she's not a brilliant politician. she's not a tough former prosecutor. she's a left-wink ang hack. and i wonder, bernie sanders said he's going to do helpn help her win because they agree on pretty much everything. now, by all means, if you want more crime. vote kamala. but i think most americans think we have too much cri already. >> and while karma chameleon was a hit for the culture clubmy in the eighties, my guess is that karma chameleon will fall off the charts in 2024. and that's the angle fall off tr >> joining me now is charlie spearing, political reporter for the dailil andy mail and aur of amateur hour, kamala harris in the white house. and sergeantd se brandt brantner brantner smith, retired police officer from the chicago area
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and spokeswoman for the national police association. want you tocharlie, i want youk us through kamala harris' transformation into a defund. the police activist, right, for laura, when she first ran for district attorney in san francisco, she ran to the right of the current leftist, that person in office. and then she accusing that that district attorney of failing, you know, minority communities and women. and then when she took officimm she immediately pivoted and refused to prosecute a cophe killer with the death penalty, a decision that even even senator diandiannee feinstein criticized at the time. flash forwarrward, she then bece the attorney general and talked about he r record as being the top cop. but then when she got into the senate, she started d workim it again for for for criminal a justice reformls. st and then also she moved even further to the left on issues policing like you just mentioned.
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>> well, i'v e to say, when you try to track her views, it it's pretty tough to kind of get to get them straight. it seems like she kind of goesgw whichever way the wind blows, but therhihee a hard core leftit centeris of harris. but her allies, they're trying to kind of cover u p her pro crime record. politico reports that her aides and allies argue her past record shows that she wa of ths middle of the road prosecutor. >> she's very pragmatic, said scott s, democratic state senator in california. she has strong corrong core vals not an ideologue. nonow, sw, smith not an ideologe does that describe the woman who was tweeting out support for that bail fund aftera ri the violent minnesota riots? that's pragmatic, laura.. a not pragmatic look.ew whe in june of 2020, she didre a national radio interview where she said, look, we
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have got to defund the policels and demilitarize them and put all that money toward schools. she very famously commended eric garcetti. then mayor o the mayor of l.a., taking $150 million out of theth lapd budget. thhow did that work out for200 the lapd? now, instead of graduating hundred recruits in each class, they graduate many, maybe 30. they're brave. they're bringing back retireese and doca recipients to be police officers. rs.r policipolicies are going te dangerous, not just for the american law enforcement officer, but absolutely for our. our toughest hit cities in this nation. she wants to re-imagine police. rioteed to support the and i think the 2020 riots offt such a bad taste in mouths of most americans, not everybody, but in most americans, becausef t what stad off as kind of this was wrong
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and what was done was horribleog ,you know, with george and the image turned into something muchch - much, much wn into many people's eyes, which is the destruction of property. and so many people lost their lives that thatarlie, they kamala harris and company don't want to talk about. so charlieeffort , this this effort that they're putting out there to champion her as as thism proc paragon of freedom protecting. f >> will it work? f watch this. oursor freed a fight for freedou in this moment across nation. we witness a full on attack on hard won, hard fought freedoms, extra tamest attack,vl our freedom to live safe from gun violence.ra: ch >> charlie, if shear wantsee fro to live free from violence, whyo does she not speak out in favor of policies that would actually encourage police, not demonize the police that are already on the beat?
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that's so true. laura and look, cornellr supporters, you know, rejectedl her in 2019 when she ran her failed presidential campaign becauseuac of her record of prosecuting truant children and parenthintsc and now, you know, they trying to bring back that prosecutout,r to a record, hoping that democrat voters will wantrr that want a prosecutor to throw donald trump in jail. and it's ver what thare y appart what they're doing right now. they're trying to completely reboot her imageh he and, pushsergeant her forward as the number one trump slayer. agh, you agree wan you with this proposition that while p people want people want people treated fairly by law enforcement,e sys by the criminal justice system, there's no doubt about it. and i have no doubet about thein fact that there have been problems, real problems. and thheway afrie african-ameris have been treated over time. but this point in this pointi in our country's history, i think leaning into these issues as the way she's that i don't think it's popularpopul
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i think people want safety. they want the illegals out and they want to crack dowese gn on these gangs and the and the cartels. that's what i'm getting. but maybtting.e reading it wron, i don't know. no. and in fact, gallu polp polling tells us that people want more police officers in their te neighborhood. and our polling at the national police station, eve nthey a tells us that people are worried about us. they're worried about ourebout safety. ce they're worried about our mental health. they don't want their police de.departments they want them refundedn and they want more in their neighborhood. are her policies the policies that someone like her likes to talk about have gotten 80,000 police officers a year hurt in this country, assaulted. we've had over 200 police officers shot already this year. theseven, laura, in the last 48 hours. most. departments are short d staffed. we just want to be able to doo our jobsdo i, do it safely, and keep the american public
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safe. policies like hers are not going to help us do that. charli>>, sergea, bothe smith, n thank you so much. all right. trump is making g a triumphant return to butler, pennsylvania. he will nol w move into a defensive crouch. >> we have the details next. honestly, i was scared when. the i was told age related maculargi degeneration could jeopardize vision. >> great. one more thing to worry about. it was all too to deal with in the beginning. but making a plan with my doctor to add preservation wastv easy. preservation reds, tooanced contains the exact any recommended clinically proven recommended clinically proven nutrient formulathat i'ing help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. thanks to preservationvision., l better that i'm doing something about it. like millions of others. >> preservation. these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a gold mine. >> she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurancevene policm
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. >> butler, pennsylvania readyomn because trump is coming back two weeks after being sho t the ear and nearly losing his life. donald trump wrote on his social. i will be going back to butler, pennsylvania for a big and beautiful rallpennsyy, the of our beloved firefighting whro, corey and thos core patris injured two weeks ago. what a day it will be. figh it,t fight, fight this is coming just days aftersc "the washington post" reported that the secret service is urging trump to move it all inside all the rallies inside. joining me now, paul mauro newsd in fox news contributor, former nypd inspector. >>paul, paul, we don't know yeh the rally would be. i would imagine it would be after the dnc because the site is stilc l, you know, a crime investigation, crime scene investigation.
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but could he, in yourn estimation, continue to holdr al rallies outside? after all, obama helds some huge rallies and he's held huge rallies. is thi t s something that you think is good for the country and frankly, good for us? >> so for him, i think my answer would be yes. you know, these the kind of conversations we had after 911. right. are we going to have a horrifi 1 event really affect the way wet live our lives and the wayth our culture moves forward politically and otherwise? and obviousltical a y, i think b ultimately default to the idea that, no, we you know, we can't be constrained by events like this. we have to do what we've always done. and look, outdoor events can be secured. are they hardesurer? tdoor sure.ev well, let's remember how many outdoor events donald trump has heldld trump . he had 80 to 100,000 people in wildwood, new jersey. he wen wt upt up into the bronxn and held an unprecedented evente in open field. you can do it. you just have to do with theri right kind of planningght kif ph you have to have the resources. you have to have the rightound people on the ground..
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but yeah, you can do it. and anybody who's been to the site i was out there reporting fog ford thatr fox and to that s scribble and forget the roof. you know, that's an issue. who was supposed to cover the roof? sure. but you knowe is, that that sith is proscribed. there is a farm fieleyd where they hold this farm affair. that's that that's the fairgrounds that he was on. adjacentex and tbut then you hg industrial complex, and that's the roofot that crooks guide upe onto. >> well, is the secure areas. well guy, you got to secure i the roofs. the guy with an aortic killing. i mean, how can kiand walkywhe in with an nail 15 anywhere near the president? >> it's securet. . >> paul, we all we now have drone footage showing, the gunman's vantage point on the roof. now, this was crooks. cas line of sigh crooks' lint. you can clearly see the stage where trump was speaking. trees oyou can also see trees on the left, which kind of conceal him him pretty perfey from the counter snipers. coulhis is the line sight for the first sniper team where crooks would be completelyomplem view. and then this is the
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perspective of the second sniper team. it's a bit further away, th. it's less obstructedd anis s and this was the team that ended up killing crooks by the way. paul, what does this all tell us? us?so, you know, the real rub e is the fact the the roof that crooks got up on top of is in front of a two story building. that twothat two story buildings directly out onto the roof. that was on. and there was a counter sniper team reportedly on that roof. so it's very hard to envision how he was not spotted climbing up onto that roof. that really is where the investigatio whereis goingne that crime kind of sniper team was. ow is e disputand you know, thaw is the dispute that's going on among some of the local who is supposed to be in that second floor locatior locan. det but i have to speak up for the butler township police department, because they were just given traffic posts. they were outside the evenent t the event that there was a threat came over the radio
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for them, peeled off,nto left their traffic posts, came running intoth the the two of them went where the civilians were pointing. stone gave the other one a boose up above the parapet, above the roofhe cop. him with that's the cop who put eyes on crooks. crooks rounded on him with theco air. according to the facts we have now, that guy dropped , f hi the cop dropped, got right on the radio. crooks was taken out of his wholort hy h and that's why he had to rush the shot. so some place embedded in this whole thin hotg, the localsp who the service was leaking hard against. there's a locawho stk l cop who. his head up above that roof and saved the day. well, than laura: god he dk god. paul thank god he did. i'm glad you went downpaul, th . >> paul, thank you so much. thank you. just with respect to formerere s president trum sp, there's some question about whether or not it's a tha bullet or shrapnl that, you know, that his ear. now and why is it still a question of whether trump was actually shot? these people kidding me. w th now, we all saw the video.
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we saw the photos, we heard the shots. we saw them go dowwe sawhis fan we saw blood on his face. so it seems to just regular people that there's an effort ofcause they think it helps politically, i guess, to minimize the attempted killinormeg of the former and possibly future president. joining me now, texa congrsobam, congressman ronny jackson, a former white house physician under trump anongressmd. r th congressman, i know you were there just a few hours after the president was shot. he wanted you to be there to examine him. g, the fbi did try to clean up wray's remarks, saying quote,t what struck former president trump in the air was a bullet, whether or fragmented into smaller pieces fired from the deceased subject'sdeceased. now, this only came, i believe, after you him out. >> you've assessed the ear. sogh sett fo record straight fod is there any doubt in your mind that a bullet struck the president's ear? >> absolutely. positivelylaura. not, laura.
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it was 100% a bullet. the medical providerers ats thai butler hospital stated the same. the discharge diagnosim ths when he was discharged from the hospital. i reviewed the records. they document itight as.ter a gunshot wound to the right ear. i examined him just hours afterk it happened. it was it was typical of ae gunshot wound. it was scooped outa piec his --g a piece of the top of his ear off. there was a lot of surrounedemam edema and swelling, which is very typical in a hallmark of gunshot wound from a high powered, high powered rifle like that.y no that.mes," there is absolutely no doubt that this was a bullet. and the "new york times" e ou, id i think, just came out with some stuff where they analyzed some stuff and theying they also said thata looking at the trajectory where the bullet was fired from and wher ae it ended up that ith was a straight shot that went right through the top of trump's ear. >> but they wanted a goodrds. record. i think congressman and congressman, they want his medicaey hidl records. dec >> i mean, they they had biden's decline for years. >> all of them are complicitp in the cover up of biden. >> but now, when we the have literally a new york times
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photo with a shot of the bullet in midair, they they'reit like, we want the medical records. are people sick and and they they're absolutely and laura. ot look, this is the establishment and i put the fbi director int os an that category. they are losing their minds right now because this man, a american icon. and there are people all over to who did not intend to vote for president trump, who saw him stand at that rallyy with blood all over his head and shake his fist in defiance.e and they saw a warrior and a leader. and they are voting for trump. t and the left is freaking out about right now. so this was a politically motivated statement by the fbige director. he should not be making statements like that. i'm glad they're walking that back. i'but, look, they don't need to get those medical records. i'm saying i'm encouraging not to. they will attack the providers at butler the same way that they attacked me.abou if they're not saying what the left wants to hear and president trump careting thc about protecting the privacy and the security of the
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good doctors and nursear himsrsn that took care of him that night. and so the whole country saw firsthan real tid in real time . what happened. this is a this is a done deal, ludicrouuss. t these people look so stupid. i'm sorry. they just are stupid media. >> all right. even cnn, by the way, >>ew going back to butler, another rally to finish the first rally is a good idea. >> watch thia gos. ng >> it's a good move for him.e and i think it will be a very strong symbol. t the line. i think as a as a message point, he's certainly free to to western pennsylvania. that's a place he needs to win. wit's pennsylvania. >> maybe he who winsbly wi pennsylvania or she mally probably will be the next president. >> well, i'm gla presd zelenyy anno said he's free to go. he's free to go. he was annoyed. isy, that trump's goingr the back. but honest assessment is it's just it's smarpeoplet. good for the people of pennsylvania. are you happy about that newt nh >> absolutely, 100%. this is a man that will nots ou be stopped. this is his trademark. he does big rallies outside. he drawstside. thousands
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and thousands of people to these big rallieses.. id the people want to see him. he wants to be out there with the people. he is noant het afraid. >> and i'm so glad that he'sssm, doing this again. and i hope to be there t. all right, congressman, thank you very much. yw? democrats desperatel trying to revamp kamala's image. so if she cuthat'st obam next.a. >> that's next. >> this treasure taps ducat, trying to find the gold. now the dark tweet coming and got cut a squirrel in half. go big or go home. looking at what we find, does it tell the story? you see how we find it? dignity and a handshake. a new season. family treasure streaming now on fox nation. sign up at fox nation .com. >> a heart attack. do they have life insurance? no, but we have life insurance.
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but most of all, i just want to tell you that the words you have spokeen and the friendship that you have given over all these years mean more than i coulressd. f that phone call remindans me of another famous kamala moment. we did it. he uni we did it, joete. you're going to be the next president of the united states. >> somehow she always goty. that camera crew on standby. >> it's interesting how that happens. but here's the hard truth. if kaminto try to turn kamala io obama 2.0, they're going to be sorely disappointeppointedd bece doesn't have the political vertical skill o r the charm. >> joining me now, vivek ramaswamy, former republican presidential vivek. the obamas did the phone call, the obligatory phone call, the acting actin seeg seemed convincing to me. but you know, it is the razzlews dazzle. will it help? goink it's going.n to help. but, laura, here's the real reality for our side. kamala kamala
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harris is not our risk. keep in mind, forgetting about republican voter s. democratic voters wanted her to come nowhere near the whitates,. house. she got zero delegates. she didn't even make it to the iowa caucus. i ra firstn for 30 days as a 37-year-old first timer to politics. i've gotten more delegates u.s, us president, than kamala harris had. nonetheless, she risfor ust actually creating a risk for us in a different way. ded that is thaty th get distrad by the shenanigans of the democrats and forgetli to delivr our own message of who we are and what we actually stand o for. that's what i think is the big risk of kamala. not that she's compellinf kamalg but that this entire drama and poorly acted version of it at times d is itself a distraction for us. and that is something i have a concern about. well, i think that again, t the razzle dazzle is to get everyone to look at this distraction, shiny object analogy. and meanwhile, have a caravan, another one, thousands of people in i wayt making its y to the southern border. and she's trying to run awayfroi
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being borders are so that's the truth and that'sthat's w what the republicans have to keep focusing on. that's what j.d.presiden that's what president trump all that all the time. i would even almost ignore kamala harris and focus on what they've doneand ng to the county and how they're going to save the country. to me, that' narrativs the narrative here. you nailed naid it because we an really running against a candidate anyway. >> we are running againso we a a machine. we want to get in ther nd d and dismantle that machine and do it for the betterment of the american people. talk about our vision for i do. r thture. i don't think it's going to be particularly successful or to go after thesesiticale micro political attacks of kamala hagwashe was protectinsh joe before she had a stageds a coup on him, or the fact that as ae ridio tough prosecutor. that lends implicit credibility to her otherwise ridiculoucu cle claim that she's a lawlp and order candidate. these things aren't helping us. we h o have to offer our own vin for the future of why don america first is the way not just for republicans, but for the country. outstanding d trump's done an
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outstanding job of that in the last several months. >> i want to see that continue t ,though, rather than fall into. a trap that i think has been laid for us, which is the media's artificial astroturf enthusiasm arouns nod. it's not going to work because they tried to do it. tf itwhen she ran as a democran in primary in 2020. the only way it works is if it ultimately throws republicans off their tilt to focus f on micro attacks against kamala instead of offering our own vision forthe ited s the of thed states. >> and how would you how would >>yoo how would to d you advise president trump if you if he were advising himhe on how to debate her? he's going to have to debatedeba her. i don't think he's going to not debater. sote how how do you think he should do that? we only got like 20 seconds. sorry about thatsorry abhe real >> well, the reality is she's made identity politics a core part of het ofr identity that ms it very difficult to attack her personally. sh irrelevant.e irrelevant.e >> she is part of a broader get machine offer. how are you're going to stic th. to it in a global economy? that's how you get the job done. k, you ahe you're the best 20 seconds.
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risk test at do i have pre-diabetes? >> be your own hero. >> oh, thank it's friday.
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that means it's time foray fol friday follies. and for that, we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo . >> raymond kamala is getting a pop makeover. like, has anyone ever seen anything like this. >> i mean, this is something that hollywood really should be proud thin be prou of.r. >> yeah, this is more than o a makeover. this is like the share of rebrandf s for the final"the result. looks nothing like the original. okay. s even try "the washington post" is even trying to turn her blazers intos a daring fashion choice. the post said she has suddenlyhe changed what she wears. harris has a new gloss, a power and polish. her she looked almost hip. tel they say her clothes tell lprecise the story the wearer pr wants to tell. i am powerfuful together, e demanding and in elections, journalist journals dug up old h videos of kamala fromerel her youtube channel, praisingg her for her one handed egg crack method and the "new york times" says she's leaning into cooking in a way no candidate has. i gi chei you, chef kamala chil.
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>> today are cooking. but we have a very special guest. very special senator kamala>> harris. >> hi, guys. you have a big reputatio you hae as a chef? no, i'm just a home. >> your cook at home. how cool i is.n >> amazing. tell me about a cookbook, because i do have it in front right? everything's funny. everything is very funny. i mean, i like laughter. laughter. it's wonderful. but it's a lot of laughter l. >> well, it's important, though, for people to realize what's happening fat is . eall and i know.e look, you've opened the show with kamala's policies, which really shouls.d be the focus, but conservatives often miss this law. f th joe biden is out the of the race is not because of his policies. he's out because of themagini projected. and so they're trying to remake kamala. imaginng cane she can stay in tg race because of her image, reich is kind of the inverse of what happened to joe. but this is important to note
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that that's taking place. the brand reshaping that we'reyt seeing happen before our eyes. and, look, the harris campaign is also trying to sell t her to various constituencies, everything from drag queens to,o children. i didn't realize the drag queen constituency was a challengetuey for kamala, but and i didn't even know children could vote. >> but what do i know? each day we are seeing we ar our rights freedoms under attack. how are you going to help stop g change by 2035? >> by 2035 we'll have electric l buses. love who they loved openly andey pride. >> by 2045, we'll have a clean>> economas wt bay. so as we fight back against these attacks, let's all remember no one is alone. >> there's a loto of greatd moe teachers?. >> how would you try to getre them paid more? they're not paidorth as muchnove as they're worth. >> so please make sure your voice is heard this novembermb cial. >> i want to have a social worker in every public schoo aln >> can i get in a man?
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hey, i don't like meeting people. i like donald trump. yeah, me either either. how did we go from, like, how did we go from truman? >> truman, jfk? . like, i mean, i don't know. i i don't know.e recr >>ui this is just a world i operate. i hate the recruitmentchildre wl of children to be used in a p political battle here. >> and we'll seeai. we'll see if the pain of the goerican people is overwhelmed by this. v >> it's their choice. i mean, they're right. go vote. >> io sai was going to say, ray, i was going to say raymond, i hope she doesn't start using e you know how some add some products they use those talking babiespr because then the babies might say, wait, you tried woul- feo you you know, we want fewer or fewer of the talking babies wouldn't work. yeah, those talking babies aren't allowed to talk. and laurhe mosa the most perplea thing i've seen is the brazen attempt by some in mediao to clean up harris' glaring liability. washingtonname as if
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"the washington post" wrote a piece claiming that donald trump's names fos r his opponents, lion, kamala, term actually terms of endearment that his generation uses to demonstrate affectiohat inn. ris' with that in mind, "the washington post" had the gall to write of harris' coconut tree and venn diagram foolishness. there's something surprisingly pure about all these episodepus and. this is what has made them great. rather than groan inducing. >> laura what wrote thing is that writing i meanin grown and but do i mean this meh obam the arraignment of what they did with obama. >> right. but obama. hada had political talentso the and he was he's actually really smarlot. so they had a lot to work with obama, right. with obama. >> but they're trying to do the same thing with kamala, tr the he's not obama as much as they're trying to make her into a she's not. barack obama. and he knows that. i mean, i know he endorser, know you't - that.e
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>> but you can't look but you s can't try to erase the public memoryometct i of something. and the fact is we've seen years of her talkingcan fo in rhetorical bazaar rabbit holes. shno one can follow what she's saying. she uses the samee word in one. sentence five times. this is not normal . it's just not. no. and the guardian praised her for her self-help speakinga style. >> white is out therhee as detap oriented and precise. she has a stump speech style that embraces metaphor and new age vernacular not often heard in national politics. the meme makers love to quote it. it's even led some to draw comparisons with julialouise's louis-dreyfus, this portrayal of selina meyer, the frothy pol politician in veep. i don't know if they wantit they wan. parthat right. s that last part of the story, though, that last part of the story. >> hard to disagre ite with. the past was once the future the future is, i should say, unknown. the significance passage of the passage sig
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of time. so when you think about it, thernificance e is significancei passage of time. >> i detest jazz, but this is impressive. ep cha laura, just so you know, that veep character shrasoe alsh the president stepped aside. she ran, she lost. teand the veep creator said shea hopes people don't make the comparison to kamalarris because she'd like miss harris to win. >> ray, i lovelove you your luc. ravens out in l.a. but you looku the l.a. part, you go out theree and you you are like a chameleon. you go int thao. yeah, i like that. no tie. i mean, what what is raymond not wearing. >> okay. they're going to pretty soon they're going to be praising my sartorial style a tra, saying i was a trailblazer for wearing a blazer. robin givhan will be writingneve about you in the washington post. you never know. you never know. . all right, raymond, thanks so much. and up next, the 2024 ad wars. >> stay there.
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according to fox. it's morning again in america and under the leadership of president reagan. our country is prouder and stronger and better. why would we ever want to return to where we were less than four short years ago? >> well, that ad was, a classic perfectly framing what was at stake in the 1984 election between reagan and mondale. but 40 years later, a new ad from the dave mccormack's senate campaign in pennsylvania . >> it's right up there. there's no question i'm in favor of banning. would you ban offshore drilling? yes. we're not going to treat people who are under documented cross borders, criminals. so for people out there who like their insurance, they don't get to keep it. let's eliminate all of that. let's move on to more. they're going to be particularly impressed by our ability. we really did it, joe.
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joining me now, rob collins, former executive director of the nrsc. he's also ceo of coin credit card. also with me, jason chaffetz, news contributor, former utah congressman. jason, now mccormack is down a little bit in pennsylvania. he's trying to unseat the democrat incumbent, bob casey. obviously, he's endorsed harris. is this effective the way he's framing? >> oh, it definitely is. like dave mccormick's the he's is the guy. his success record i think whens everybody in pennsylvania understands it. but it is a very effectiveta but it i ad because it's using your own words. and there you have the sitting o senator saying, oh, you're going to really be impressed by her. u'eally be imbut all those polie talked, all policies he talks about are so counter to what the people of pennsylvania really want. >>lvania r rob, move to the newt ad that he just released today u . >> check it out. by dynamics.
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that is called biden. and we are very proud of bidenim on thiics. >> well, see, they kind of want her to be a little bit distanced from. the oth biden-nomics, the new york times in a piece the other day saying, well, she didn't really h with the to do economic policies. but since it's theomic pol the o heel for the democrats. does that approachcr make sense, rob? >> well, what they're going to try to do is brea they'retryd between biden and harris. you saw today they're trying to make a link between obamaay n and harris. but as vice president, she owns the biden record.ard and so the trump campaign is working extra hard to make sure they remind all the votersn that if you are unhappy with biden, kamala harris is more of the same. >> yeah, well, here's kamala's ad it was just released she sh joe. she chose joked. se to well her. >> watch. there are some people who think we should be a country of chaos, a fear of hate.
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but we choose freedom. the freedom not just to get by, but get ahead. the freedom to be safe from tomo violence. >> the freedom to make decisions about your own bodcis >> jason while ignoring the content, is that framed well? no. freedom. dom. sheshe's the one that want rid of me. she does. you the one that wants to get rid of cop the ones. he she's the one that wants to get rid of the border so we can be free of a border and a safe immigration plan. so go ahead and keep it up. but n plan.i think america willy it. well, it's a little hard when she says we want i dica people o get ahead. well, you had for years and wan people have less savings nowsavs than they had then. so, like, we want to d nowo that you had for years. that's the problem with having a record. all right. let's move on to the senathe prm wie, other senate races. eric holder is a republican running in wisconsi.d . >> this ad, interesting. watch. one of the most successful aersnistrations in generations . and we deserve better than leaders who babylon while america crumbles.
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time to retire.ldwi >> tammy baldwinn,. r rob attacking one's opponent directly right. going right at her with a bobblehead. does that work? >> well, you want to define your opponent, especially if you're a challenger. you know chall how these come in from behind to take out a well-known incumbent. umbent.but wisconsin has a habit of changing out their senators when they get a little tooorson. far little to washington. and tammy baldwin's been in washington, very liberand hasl, very out of step with the state. so i think this adds really a nice so kind of shows that she's kind of a sock puppet for a s a democraticoc, democratic liberals in washington. >> hank, how is the go liberalse candidate in virginia? so he decide hed use the ad, his new ad, to focus on his own instead of the other person. >> watch. we pe we esca escaped from vietn days before saigon fell to the communists. >> america saved my life. we must refuse to be intimidated. we must be fearless. >> jason is not mentioning
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his opponent. is that helpful? hurtful? if you're if you're trying to unseat an incumbent. i think he has such a compelling and strong story. if people just listen to wha tmw he did what his family went through, especially in a place like virginienthrough,a which hh a strong tradition of military service and belief mil. i think that's the right play here, because his storyncoura is absolutely amazing. i encourage everybody to watch it in its totalitygerybodyt andl be moved by it. >> rob and jason, the firstnstal installment of our 2020 ad wars. >> thanks so mucme our 2020h. that is it for us tonight.e make sure to follow meton on social medi a. >> we had a special visitor in the studio tonight. and you want to see who it, is? thank you for watching. remember, it's america now and foreve r. from h >> waters. he takes it from herere. [♪ hell


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