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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  July 28, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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a fox news alert. as raise the israeli military conducting overnight stripes in lebanon as part of its counter response to a deadly attack and the northern part of the jewish state. the strike is adding to fears and skirmishes between the idf and hezbollah could escalate into a full-blown wart welcome everyone welcome to "fox news live" i am arthel neville hi eric. before thank you everyone for joining us on fox news i am eric shawn for the rocket fired from southern lebanon struck a soccer field 12 people, many of them were children playing soccer. those children killed. hezbollah denies responsibility but it happens to be the only group of course in the region that has the type of rock its use in that attack on children. diplomats both here and in the united states and in the middle east now working to try to avoid a widening war. trey yingst is live on the ground in northern israel with more on this unspeakable tragedy
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targeting children on the soccer field. quick's eric, good afternoon. we are here where just yesterday 12 teenagers and children were killed by eight hezbollah rocket that was launched over the border. i do to show the scene looks like you're behind me. you can see the impact crater just on the other side of the soccer field some soldiers walking behind in r reefs late r the victims. we were here in this area this morning as funerals and got underway. it was a tragic moment for this entire druze community this is an area that has spent so much time under rocket fire since got involved in the fight on octobeo group clearly concerned about an israeli counter attack that issued a rare statement they did not conduct the strike but they are lying about the situation for it all evidence points to the fact this wasn't iran made a
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rocket that was fired over the border striking these children who were playing soccer. the entire region is waiting to sit today to see how the israelis are going to respond we understand this are at the israeli cabinet is meeting with the prime minister netanyahu who just returned from the united states israel's defense minister and other top security officials determining what the response will be but security officials that spoke with fox news earlier today said this is not a question of if israel will respond against hezbollah but a question of when and where. eric: thank you so much on this tragedy we will continue to follow this story. the druze you men mentioned areb and arab speaking. coming up the israeli counsel general of israel here in new york will be giving his latest views on this horrific event. arthel: in fact back here at home just days after president biden said supreme court reform
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to be among his top priorities for the remainder of his term. the president is set to propose sweeping changes tomorrow. politico saying the plan could include term limits for justices constitutional amendment that would reverse the presidential immunity decision new jersey congressman jeff van drew is standing by with his reaction. first we are going to go to madeline is live in washington. >> of this would mark a major shift for president biden as a former chairman of the senate judiciary committee he has long resisted calls to reform the supreme court. but over the last few years the president has become increasingly critical of several of the courts rulings like overturning roe v wade and gutting affirmative action and college admissions politico as you mentioned the president's proposal would establishing term limits for justices and enforceable code of justice. he is also considering whether to introduce a constitutional amendment limiting immunity for
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presidency. this comes after the high court ruled earlier this month for president trump cannot be criminally prosecuted for official acts he took while in office. the president reportedly told members of the congressional progressive caucus a couple of weeks ago he had been working with constitutional scholars of the last three months on an initiative to limit the court. massachusetts senator elizabeth warren is on board with the president's about-face. >> i think would joe biden will do over the next six months is he is going to keep drawing and that to the attention of the american people and reminding them when they vote in november the supreme court is on the ballot. >> reforms to the supreme court would require congressional approval a tall task given the republican controlled house and the slim democratic majority in the senate. a constitutional amendment would require ratification by 38 states. arthel: it madeleine rivera,
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thanks. eric: a nation has been here before. president franklin delano roosevelt packed the court back in 1937 he was unhappy with its rulings back then, very similar to now. his effort failed. will history repeat itself of president biden let's bring a new jersey republican congressman jeff van drew he serves on the house judiciary committee so he knows a lot about this. congressman what is your reaction from what were expecting to her for the president tomorrow? >> political pandering at the worst level. for years they have been obviously since the beginning the supreme court has been there up always been decisions that you that republicans did not like or democrats did not like or both did not like. they are independent body and they should be. so, with this it president joe biden is trying to do is in essence practice to incorporate his administration and people around him the far left have no
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respect for the rule of law. no respect for the basic foundation and structure of the united states of america. completing her gas reserves. in order to try to temporarily lower the price of gases because of all the bad energy prices are paying off everyone's student loans. because quite frankly universities and colleges cost too much these days. anything and everything to make sure they win it. it is wrong. you have to try to be a statesman once in a while. this is truly disappointing. because this break down a couple of his proposals. first of all term limits it's a lifetime appointment. what you think about term limits? >> term limits do not have a place in the supreme court. we have function for all of these years without it. the reason we don't is because any justice should not be worried i am only going to be
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here so many years. it doesn't work and there is no reason for it and people have tried to bring this up because including franklin delano roosevelt those who want to pass the supreme court. the supreme court is the founders envisioned it was to reflect a gradual change. it's like the u.s. senate is to reflect a gradual change where the house of representatives is a more immediate change. it is a system in which our country will not go too much arrive but they do not care about this and that's one of the reasons they want to have this because i just want to change in the court as quickly as they can. they've also talked of an increase the number of justices appear to have not heard that most recently but that is another didn't have as well but. >> is also disgusting presidential immunity bringing a congressional bill after the controversial ruling by the supreme court granting the president presumptive immunity. look congressman, we've been taught since gigs no man it's a love but the law. democrats are really slim that that it could lead to a
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dictatorship or authoritarian dictatorship in this country throwing out the constitution. that the supreme court did that, their words not mine. what is your view of that criticism? >> the founders always envisioned presidential immunity. you cannot weaponize nor should you against a particular president. the president has to be able to make decisions whether republican or democrat. every single president when their time is up or during their time will be brought to court over different decisions that they make. that is wrong. it weakens our presidency. it weakens the country we've never done it before. we are the greatest country in the face of the earth and we have done very well with the system in place sometimes liberals don't like it. sometimes conservatives don't like it. sometimes republicans don't like
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it. sometimes democrats don't like it. that's the way it is in the way you know you're doing a good job. these are all political pandering. invite the way you know as well as i do it's not going to happen for it takes two thirds of congress, three quarters of the states, this is just for an election were these the constitution in order to win election, painful. eric: it certainly vice president harris has been using this and appoint roe versus wade. here's what she said let's listen. >> president donald trump hand picked three members of the lysate supreme court with the intention they would overturn roe. he intended for them to take your freedoms it. and he brags about it. eric: what is your reaction to that? she accuses president trump of using the supreme court for political purposes.
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>> every president throughout history picks the supreme court justices. that's why it has always been since our founding. it's beginning to reflect the role of the people and reflect the president who then puts certain supreme court justices breed that is not unusual. we have the liberal courts and all of us who are more conservative have complained about that but we never suggested that the supreme court of the united states. whether you are pro-choice or pro- life said they were real constitutional issues with roe versus wade. she was very pro-choice. but she said there were real issues. it's gotta be up to the individual states where they are pro-choice are pro life doesn't mean you should destroy the constitution in order to get your point across. >> finally, i open this segment up talk about franklin delano roosevelt his famous or infamous packing of the supreme court effort he won by a landslide
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1936 , 37 he proposes expanding the court. here's what is been written about that. let me read you from the institute. frame the issue is a struggle between a popular government and a nonelected judicial oligarchy bent on preventing needed social economic reform secure the economic problems. quote we cannot yield our constitutional destiny and the personal judgment are fearful for the future would deny us in dealing with the present he said. but the damage has been done, denounces court packing plan. the proposal drew opposition not only from republicans but also from key democratic leaders. as i said, that went down in flames. what do you predict will happen to president biden's plan? >> this the plan is not going anywhere. the fact did produce the plan the fact he would push the plan, the fact he does not care and the people around him including
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vice president harris do not care about the constitution. what roosevelt did was wrong. he won an overwhelmingly mandate spent no longer a president. that should never happen. i do not care if you're republican president or democrat president you never ever should do that. this country is such a finely tuned mechanism you can make change but has to be made with the rule of law carefully and gradually so we don't do anything stupid. click to see what the president says tomorrow. congressman jeff van drew of new jersey paid congressman, always good to see you. thank you for your judicial insight tonight. >> my pleasure. arthel: thank you. it vice president kamala harris has shaken things up since president biden dropped out of the presidential race. who will beat harris' running mate? we'll take a close look at the candidates. that is coming up next.
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eric: we are exactly 100 days out from election day. just a week after president
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biden decided to drop out of the race and vice president harris, she is all basically secured her spot of the top of the democratic ticket. it's a question for democrats who will be her running mate? what will it mean for her race against former president donald trump? ♪ correspondent sera bedford standing by with her predictions. versus go to lucas thomason who is live at the white house with a closer look at those front runners. hate lucas. >> good afternoon, eric just a few minutes ago president biden landed on the south lawn here at the white house from camp david. we are told this is normal he was supposed to land about two hours from that we are told he is preparing for his trip to austin later this week that president is a back here at the white house but with the president having dropped out of the race it is a vice president for all intents and purposes the nominee for president xi is out of the campaign trail peers vice president harris in massachusetts. >> let us be clear we have a
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fight ahead of us. we've got a fight ahead of us. we are the underdogs in this race okay? we are the underdogs in this race. but this is a people power campaign. and we have momentum. >> aat pete buttigieg appeared n "fox news sunday" appearing as a private citizen not as biden's transportation secretary spoke earlier. of course he beat biden the 2020 iowa caucuses and the new hampshire primary. cooks and pretty sure voters are worried about the age of president trump compared to kamala harris who represents being a generation younger. how could anyone not watch the stuff he is saying the rambling on the trail and not be just a little bit concerned? >> here are some of the other names being floated to be a possible running mate for harris pennsylvania governor josh appear arizona mark kelly north carolina governor roy cooper cooper supposed be the safe bet kelly the former intruder pilot
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thousands of combat missions up the uss midway during the gulf war. it's also a former astronaut of course one potential liability, he helped fund the chinese venture capital firm high altitude surveillance balloon company of their vp option governor shapiro a very popular governor and the key swing state of pennsylvania. he spoke yesterday. >> my glass is half-full and i will tell you why because kamala harris and all of you. [cheering] you see it, i am optimistic because i have seen the great spirit of pennsylvania. you are the epicenter of this battle. >> paris campaign that it has raised more than $200 million when the vice president came for all intensive purposes the nominee. eric: he mentioned austin going to the lbj library to announce the supreme court reforms
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tomorrow thank you. cook sorry guys, early polls show a much tighter race with advice and president harrison out the top of the ticket. former president trump had an eight percentage point lead over president biden in the "new york times" survey from earlier this month. and now, with voters choosing between harris and trump the margin is down to two. let's bring a political correspondent sarah bedford. alright sarah, so listen there is no denying it the enthusiasm surrounding kamala harris took off at lightning speed with a record high campaign contributions within a short window an uptick in voter registration among young people. but here is the question can vp harris sustain this epic and historic sugar high? >> i think that's going to be really difficult for vice president harris. this is an unprecedented
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historic situation that we find ourselves in with the incumbent president withdrawing from reelection some 100 days before voters are casting their ballots. so because of that you should expect to see this kind of activity around harrison. the problem for her is once this race settles back into the same fundamental dynamics that were at play before joe biden took the debate stage and tanked his reelection the playing field just does not favor democrats the cycle the switch out for biden and harris is not necessarily what predated her race the concerns about inflation about inflation, she is not necessarily well-positioned to address those from a position of strength she is settled with the same baggage as biden i do expect that sugar high as you put it, to wear for the weeks ahead. arthel: i'm sure the weeks ahead we will begin to see the vice president doing some key interviews we will get to see
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what she has to say about some of the issues you just pointed out. meanwhile you just heard our report from lucas tomlinson. so i ask you which of her potential running mates can help propel kamala harris all the way to 1600 pennsylvania avenue. things they started doing the supreme court looks more like what a candidate would do in a democratic primary. in a lot of ways kamala harris has skepticism of democratic primary voters might feel disenfranchised who did vote for biden in the primary. >> dab in the middle of a general election. there swing state voters juice up those emergent and the kings
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we stick swing states who bring a more record to the table someone like tim from minnesota or even pete buttigieg who might appeal a little more to progressives. those are just not the people, here is news to win over when she has such a short amount of time left. quick she's going to make the announcement 10 days from now on august 7. of course vp harris running mate will say a lot about how they plan to run the campaign. so i ask you, what is the trump campaign strategy that would perhaps stop harris momentum? two hot thai just as much a part of a legacy as biden himself. the trump campaign is helping even if you take the age question out of the equation that could be enough to drag down the democratic ticket this year that's another reason
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doubling down the biden ministration record by picking someone else also from the biden administration like pete buttigieg could be a bad idea for kamala harris. whether that will work obviously remains to be seen because she does overcome more biden or bind specificprobes if you lg states there were a number of states where the democratic incumbent senator was running ahead of biden. had a biden problem not necessary a policy problem in some ways. arthel:55 arthel: they've had ag problem as well as you know we will see if kamala harris is a better messenger in terms of what the administration that she is currently a part of has achieved you. we will see meanwhile vice president harris says she wants to earn not only the trust of the delegates but she also wants to earn the trust of the american people. i want to show you right now a map highlighting harris a massive week one travel schedule. we will put it up for you. and i ask you, are there any
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areas of attack that mr. trump himself and his campaign should avoid? >> i think the lien you have heard from some republicans you've not heard as much of the trump campaign itself but the line that kamala harris is a dei fired back 40 cell republican leadership move to tamp down that kind of rhetoric from the right. it is not going to be helpful it can make people who are open to voting for trump potentially become a little defensive of kamala harris and democrats the lines of attack about the buy demonstration record our potency there is been a number of failures there that donald trump has to work with. that really resonate with voters. >> how can they get to her directly i'm sorry, how do you directly attack kamala harris? she is going to be able to distance herself but i imagine from some level from the biden administration, or are they going to pull out to attack her directly? she in fact will now be for all intents and purposes be the
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candidate. >> the distancing effort is going to be difficult with the biden/harris ticket that is been stressed throughout the three years of the presidency i would argue distancing is going to be a lot more difficult than democrats probably hope. in terms of her as a candidate she has her own personal weaknesses. she is not very strong when she is off-the-cuff when she is not reading from a teleprompter. when she is in these high-profile interviews she has had moments that have become embarrassments for the one that comes to mind she tried to stress the reason why she had not been to the board or the same as why she had not been to europe that infamous interviewed lester holt. she deafly has her own weaknesses the more she comes under the national spotlight will become more apparent to voters who right now are excited about that glossy will manage diversion of her from this rollout. >> well, the world is watching we will report and have your analysis again. sarah bedford thank you very much. >> thank you.
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eric: former president trump vows to head back to butler, pennsylvania and hold a nether rally at the spot where he was shot at. chef paul is there at the very latest. >> it has been more than two weeks and the attempted assassination of former president trump and we are seemingly no closer to understanding how this all happened what one center saying about communication problems that they after the break. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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writing on exit was shocked by the mockery the ceremony's ceres artistic director says his goal was to highlight france diversity. eric: just over two weeks and see assincethe assassination atn former president trump. there are seven federal investigations now underway over the motives of the shooter thomas crooks as well as the secret service and law enforcement failures the former president, he says he will go back to butler honoring the victims. jeff paul is there is a lace on those investigations in the plan. hey jeff. >> it has now been more than two weeks since the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. investigators are still trying to piece things together as we wait on any sort of details about how this happened and more importantly why. but just today at one of our photographers spotted what appeared work federal agents carrying papers with the word fbi on the side of them.
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we watch them as they went into the grounds first got on top of one of the rooftops insight what would be the scene of the shooting. they then walked the perimeter of one of the buildings at the butler farm show. this is something we've seen investigators continue to do in recent days. we are also learning according to reporting by the "washington post," members of donald trump secret service detail and some of his top advisers are questioning why their team was not informed of the suspicious person if police located and were tracking senator ron johnson told "fox news sunday" 26 minutes before the first shot local counter snipers spotted what would be thomas crooks a suspicious person. his photo was taken and sent to a command center about members of trump's secret service detail who were with him reportedly were never made aware senator johnson says there were clearly communication problems that day. >> all the communication was channeled. the snipers and swat teams were on different communication channels in the patrol officers for different communication
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channels from secret service all final enter central communication system which obviously delayed things and allow this tragedy to happen. >> meanwhile trump last night hitting the campaign trail after saying he is recovering rapidly the former president spent his evening speaking at a rally in st. cloud, minnesota they think the secret service agents who work with him the day of the shooting. >> their bravery was incredible because those bullets were flying, they were flying nasty and it did not stop them you saw how fast they moved. they moved in they jumped on me. [laughter] these are strong people. but i will tell you, they were very brave people. >> we do note trump is going to be returning her to butler, pennsylvania at some point for a future rally. no details on the timing or the day of that. trump says it will honor the victims of the shooting and he also made it clear he will continue to host outdoor rallies.
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eric: promises to be quite emotional when he goes back. jeff, thank you. >> there is no justification for terrorism. in every indication is that indeed the rockets or the rocket was from hezbollah i emphasize it has a right to defend it citizen and determination to make sure they are able to do that. but we also do not see the conflict escalate. arthel: bec back to the tops are fears of a wider conflict in the middle east after the deadliest attack in northern israel since the war with hamas began in october. a rocket killing 12 people yesterday, most of them children and teens on a soccer field. they blame has a lot in lebanon they do night responsibilities s bring in counsel general of
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israel in new york. sir, thank you for being here but let me ask you right away do you think hezbollah are the rocket if so how far it might the footprint of this war expand? >> first of all thank you for having me. i went to sent from here my condolences to the families the tower this is the translation the name of the place, 12 teenagers kids shot by hezbollah missile it's actually an iranian missile we know the details the iranians are truly armed the hezbollah including that specific missile and they can deny what we know the truth and the facts. arthel: condolences of course very much appropriate so if iran is the puppet master, what strings my people next?
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>> first of all i will tell you that we will do whatever's necessary to defend our people. in the golan heights, and the north, the south, judea and samaria. we are under attack as you said from october 7 actually that was the cruelest attack since october 7. we can see now together the horrific pictures from the playground actually the soccer playground. it is unacceptable we will do whatever we need to to defend our people in golan heights or near the gaza strip or wherever in israel. and we will respond. we do not want an escalation, that is for sure. the hezbollah one and escalation. they want to, they are doing whatever they can to make the escalation. we will do whatever we need with our brave forces to defend our people.
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arthel: that said how should prime minister netanyahu respond? should he signed a cease-fire deal and free the hostages or do you think he might wait until november 5 when the next u.s. president is elected? >> no i don't think it is an american issue. it is not part of the campaign here. israel's security is ours, of course we need to do it for our people for our citizens we will not wait until november with all due respect and i will tell you why because they are attacking us all the time 24/7 from gaza, hamas, hezbollah, from lebanon and the judea and samaria and the radical organizations are doing it right now in judea and samaria. you must understand they are doing it from lebanon, from the gaza strip, from samaria and judaica that the addresses i run the addresses and iran.
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they are all proxies of the iranian regime. we know it and we cannot wait there are hundreds of thousands of israelis they are not living in the upper they are not living near the border with lebanon and in other places. this is our homeland. this is their private homes that theyneed to be there again to rn to their homes into their own towns. arthel: understood i went to get a couple more questions in the short time that we have how should israel respond? [laughter] you know, we have a lot of ideas the prime minister is dealing right now with the minister of defense with the chief of staff we will not talk about it with all due respect of course to this program. >> fair enough.
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but we will respond because this is our duty to our citizens this is unacceptable that families they truly buried their beloved. arthel: i want to get in here, sir they are telling me too wrap i do want to say and ask this because you did point out earlier this is not an american issue. former president trump says this would not have happened on his watch he would've prevented the deadly attacks on israel do you believe this? >> i will tell you something. actually the reality in our world these days i want to correct myself, okay? this is in american issue this is a european issue this is the western world versus the axis of evil. iran wants you. you saw with me together all of us all the horrific pictures from washington last thursday they burned an american flag state with the plo flag instead this is unacceptable this is a
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threat on you my fellow americans. these are the pictures from washington d.c. >> they are horrible, unacceptable indeed. so do you think former president trump could have stopped those attacks? >> i do not know i really do not know. it's not a personal issue it's a matter of policy. all of us together must wake up. it is unbelievable what we are seeing right now. i think it is something that everybody must condemn republicans, democrats, independents, any american that wants to live here in the land of the brave must condemn and actually act against these horrific pictures from washington and other places as well. and actually from hear from manhattan. i saw in front of my consulate the israeli consulate the
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hezbollah flag this is unacceptable and we all must actually personnel condemn and then enforce the law. arthel: condemn hamas indeed. thank you very much. ofir akunis. support v vice president hair starting her career as a prosecutor the d.a. in san francisco but is the record as good as she's making it out to be? we will take a closer look at her record as district attorney. richard greenberg here next on "fox news live." it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs.
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arthel: the justice department out with another bombshell claim against tiktok. the china owned app has been gathering information on american users and their views on issues like gun control, abortion, and religion. then said dio jada sims info
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directly to engineers with tiktok parent company in china using an internal web sweep assistant remember president biden signed a bipartisan bill in april that would force them to sell tiktok or face a ban on the apps starting next year. space bar yellowstone national park biscuit basin are closed for the summer there is a hydrothermal explosion for take a look at that. it sent debris scalding water flying into the air people had to scramble for safety on tuesday. the blast destroyed a nearby boardwalk you see basically alter the shape of the park's famous black diamond pool. luckily there were no injuries and all of that. park officials say small explosions and boiling water it still remained possible so they do not want anybody near it. the kamala harris record in san francisco d.a., what did she do? what could have been fixed? that next on "fox news live."
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the line of duty. officer isaac espinoza gunned down by an alleged gang member with an ak-47. officer espinoza was 29 years old let the wife and 3-year-old daughter. harris saw life in prison for the shooter not the death pensively that sparked outrage in the police union and some fellow democrats but she later did defend the death penalty as attorney general. so what was her record in the city by the bay light? richard greenberg san francisco activists who once ran for mayor what type of d.a. with the vice president? >> what is really important is to see how she acted then versus how she is acting and now what she promised to do it now. you cannot compartmentalize and this is a liberal not just
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american she is a california liberal and san francisco liberal which are the first worst kind her father was a marxist and this is very telling for americans. when san francisco's are worried the nation about some like harris and her attitude american needs to listen. district attorney she did whatever she could to be a chameleon shooed tough on crime on some issues like truancy and to jail parents that allow their children to miss school. looking to expunge the record of illegal aliens in criminal records such as that that is very problematic. you have to take that in context and move it over too today and even while she was a senator she did things are very problematic. eric: she supported sanctuary cities at the time that let's
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illegal aliens report crimes. she supported something gavin newsom was the mayor of san francisco supported which is a report criminal juvenile undocumented immigrants to authorities. she was then tough and potentially on crime. >> here is a pr the problem now. this is 2024 in the last few years we learned about this concept of aerobic d.a.'s many are soros backed. and over time kamala harris and her attitude has evolved with how the concept of progressive das they are anti- accountability. they are anti- because of people like kamala harris and beau dean who we got fed up with this attitude of letting criminals off the hook.
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before him gascon who was similar to kamala harris was initially tough on crime but something happened and he had a change of heart for he changed his mind became very, very liberal a progressive d.a. just like kamala harris as time went on. this is a problem we cannot allow this kind of attitude to progress forward. progressive das the liberal san francisco. eric: 30 seconds left. when she took office crime did go up but then went down must wastake a look at the numbers. when she left office crime wasn't below, violent crime was below what it was when she assumed office isn't that a positive she could say i reduce crime isn't that a good thing that she was successful? >> do you know what also happens is a lot of the decision to
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charge and try a criminal is based on the das office it. that is what happened we see it over and over again that when ada wants to look better then they don't charge and it looks like the crime went down. eric: all right we are out of time thank you, good to s see yu as always. arthel: we are back at 4:00 p.m. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ why do some things have to be so complicated? we don't know either stanley... but at least when it comes to dental care
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