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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  July 29, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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thank you for joining us on a sunday night because it looks like you are really busy with ae court full of kids so thank you. >> i appreciate it, and honestly, tell that young teenager thank you so much. my husband set on multigenerational and there are people 6-year-olds that come up to me and 96-year-old's come up to me today. hav i feel very blessed to have a positive part in people's liveso >> trey: and closer to 96 and i say thank you for coming on,n. a sunday night. you take care of yourself i'm okay?ou f >> thank you, trey, take carepey appearance bound yes, bye-bye. thank you for spending your sunday with that spirit i hope you have a great week and you can find us on the trey gowdy podcast. good night from south carolina. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> carley: a fox news alert, we are hearing from the local
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law enforcement who were on site during the assassination attempt against former president trump. they are rebuilding medical breakdowns in the secret service security plan, but that is not all we are learning this morning. the very latest coming of. >> trey: political chaos in nicolas maduro declares victory and the country's high-profile election. but the u.s. and other countries are pulling the results into question and now there are concerns the unrest could cause more migrants to flit across our border. we are live overseas. >> carley: an olympic athlete refuses to shake hands with competitor and shouts before the match and more on that shocking moment. you are watching "fox & friends first" come on carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro and we have a lot of news but brand-new details about the trump assassination attempt, local law enforcement agents on site at the deadly rally we feel for the first time they never got a face-to-face briefing with
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secret service before the shooting. >> carley: brooke singman with all the details, hi, brooke. speak with the local s.w.a.t. team to protect donald trump at the butler rally said they did not see hear from secret servics morning. we were to get a face-to-face briefing with the secret service members whenever they arrived and that never happened. we had no communication. what i believe our team did everything humanly possible that they. the secret service responding to those claims saying, "we are committing to better understanding what happened before, during, after the assassination attempt on former president trump to ensure that never happens again. that includes complete cooperation with congress, the fbi, other relevant investigations." meanwhile newly released text messages shows would-be assassins was on the radar moree shooting took place. at 4:26 p.m. july 13th, a local counter sniper flag thomas matthew crooks to his coworkers
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and he wrote "someone followed air late and snuck in and parked by our car just so you know, he knows you are up there sitting to the direct right on a picnic table 50 yards from the exit." trump was ultimately shot xpm there are congresses continuing in the attempted assassination and house foreign affairs breaks down the would-be assassins escape plan and says a report is on the way. >> is it feasible to get a report done on the assassination attempt at the end of the sheer? >> i think so my went to the site the rooftop and this individual should never be that close to the president of the united states. it was very, very close, and the fact he got there was a failure. it should have been stopped. what is interesting, robert, he had a detonation device on him and to bonds in the car. his plan was to assassinate the president, create a diversion by blowing up his vehicle and the other side of the property, he could escape.
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>> the acting secret service director will testify on capitol hill before senate judiciary and homeland security on this assassination attempt. >> carley: his name is ronald rowe the deputy director and l acting director we will watch to see forthcoming with information. brooke, thank you so much. democrats working hard to distance vice president errors from the border crisis. >> todd: this comes as fox news poll shows swing state voters who prioritize immigration for trump over harris by a huge margin. natalie rivera with the latest. this stems from 2021 where president biden was assigned harris, vice president kamala harris to stem migrants from so-called tranquil country is salvador, guatemala, honduras. texas governor greg abbott became one of the first to label harris as border czar but the white house rejected but nevertheless stuck. democrats are pushing back saying harris' role was a diplomatic one and she was not
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in charge of boardroom horsemen. >> let's be very clear about this because there's been a lot of mischaracterization, she was not in charge of the border, the homeland security is in charge of the border. >> republicans are willing to work with democrats to get something done but you know who blew up border security? it was donald trump. >> but it's really a question who do you trust on the border? do you trust someone who has actually been a prosecutor and then they are in a border state who works with congress towards a solution, or do you trust someone who says, you know, chaos is politically helpful to him so he's going to go with that customer >> we will list political vulnerability for harris appeared fox news poll he said the issue ranks second in battleground states like wisconsin and michigan and voters who prioritize immigration before donald trump's lead on the issue? as the states ramp up josh shapiro who believed to be top
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contender for harris running mate is campaigning for her in pennsylvania today. michigan governor gretchen whitmer will be assigned there beside him. and she heads to the battleground state to georgia before traveling to houston on wednesday. >> carley: thank you. the border is vulnerability because at this very reason and border agents in san diego reportedly caught three palestinian terrorist suspects after they crossed into the u.s. illegally. agent say they found the suspects they group of dozens other migrants including another terrorist suspects from turkey. agents found a photo of a masked man holding an ak-47 rifle on one of the suspects moans, but it is still unclear which migrants are affiliated with. >> todd: a fox news alert, both candidates claim in a swing this high-stakes presidential election adding to the nation's political chaos, which is already driving a massive surge of migrants to the u.s.
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venezuelan president, nicolas maduro has officially declared the winner but opposition candidate gonzalez and leaders around the world are rejecting the results. exit polls in venezuela are actually illegal, but independent exit polls from the u.s. show gonzales beating maduro with 30% of the vote. secretary antony blinken calling on the venezuelan government to release the results of the election to the public. he said international leaders are watching carefully and will respond accordingly. a live report with all the breaking details coming up. you don't want to miss that. now to the middle east where israel is going to make hezbollah pay for the price for an attack on israeli soccer field that killed 12 children. >> carley: our next guest said harsh -- from vice president harris is having deadly consequences. they are here to explain coming up next. ♪ ♪ how your genes stack up against world-class athletes. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> todd: we are back with a fox news alert. negotiators meeting to revive a push for a cease-fire and a hostage release in gaza and alyssa says israel fails to make hezbollah pay for a strike on israeli soccer field that killed 12 children. the idea of striking the targets in lebanon ramping up years of a wider war in the region and mark
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told and national security and foreign policy expert and colonel jonathan suites serve 30 years as military intel officer and they both join me now. mark, first question of all the attacks we have reported on since october 7th, why was this one so significant besides the fact that obviously took the life of so many innocent children? >> todd, thank you for having us back, significant because for americans, you need to understand how important it is inside of israel. they just don't go to northern israel and many of them are israeli citizens, many serve in idf and many extreme accomplish what they have done in the idea. this is a special relationship. they uniquely have a special ethnicity city assigned to them by the state of israel. so this hits close and hard to home in israel and the need to defend these people will be
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great. so from that standpoint, it is like october 7th all over again, but to a different part of israel and abated ethnic part of israel. >> todd: colonel, do expect full-blown two-part war and if so, how soon can it start or has it already started? >> that is a great question but as far as full front 2-front were not yet because it is really is not and that by. the past four weeks positioning assets to northern israel. they have been targeting hezbollah's senior officials here they have gone after irc officials in the region. they are posturing and will send a message with air strikes they are having right now that hezbollah clearly in the front of the military. >> todd: mark, we started off this discussion talking about potential for cease-fire with hamas. how does an attack by hezbollah
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affect cease-fire deal with hamas if at all? >> it probably makes it that much harder. the article that john and i wrote for "the new york post" really calls out kamala harris for causing this problem to begin with. it was bad enough she did not attend the joint session. that sent the wrong message. it was even worse, she threw the whole gas can on the fire with the comment she made subsequently at the white house with cutting off netanyahu's legs. she has to think about her deeds and right now hezbollah and hamas interpreting the green lights, okay, we can create a wedge and a light between the u.s. and israel. and it's only going to get better for us should harris win. so there was a lot of mess on i'll to be cleaned up. and harris if she wins, national security advisor is already starting to do that.
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but she's not being helpful. in my mind, cease-fire is further away in gaza and ever and we are facing a very, very dangerous situation an end 11 on. >> todd: let's get into that article you wrote together, how kamala harris harsh criticism of israel is turning out to have deadly results. you going to write, "vice president kamala harris honeymoon ended saturday and the golan heights on a bloody soccer field." mark started off but you can finish it, how do you tie harris to that attack that we chose saul? is it literally or meeting with benjamin netanyahu and subsequent cutting off the legs as mark referred to or is it more? >> but is more than that, but that is a big piece of it. well, there were two meetings in the white house and the first was with the president of the second with a vice president and then there was a third meeting that obviously in florida with former president trump. no, what it is doing is creating
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division. her perspective is cease-fire solves all of this. israel is telling her, that is not going to solve all of this and hezbollah demonstrated again they are willing to put civilians in the front side post of both air missiles and israeli missiles and tried to drive that wedge. they know an overreaction by israel is going to further divide the camp between the white house and israel if they hit civilian and willing to put is from that position. let's not forget the enemy here, they are just a piece of the problem. the true enemies is iran funding hezbollah, the hamas and the houthis. it is i you are cheesy and all the proxies involved. so the militias that continue to target throughout the region. >> todd: unfortunately it appears the attempt to win far left muslims in michigan and
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throughout northern part of our country is costing and will continue to cost lives in the middle east. jonathan and mark, we thank you for your time on these important topics, carley. >> carley: olympic games, an athlete refusing to shake is shake israeli opponents hand after their match. instead, he walked off the mat holding up a prayer of symbols and the athlete did win the match against israel but dislocated his shoulder and the very next round against japan. he was carried off the map by olympic staffers here and here at home, vice presidential nominee j.d. vance responding to backlash from the left over recent comments he made about ct ladies, listen. >> they try to take this out of context and blow it out of context, the democratic party explicitly antifamily and their policies. >> todd: it comes as the deep states get into full swing 100 days without 99 days until the
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election. >> carley: double digits for the first time. >> todd: unreal. we are breaking it down next. ♪ ♪ with bugs, the struggle-is-real. that's why you need zevo traps. zevo works 24/7 to attract and trap flying insects.
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>> todd: vice presidential nominee j.d. vance clarifying what he meant by viral cat lady comment from 2021. >> you look at the full context of what i said, it is clear the democrats tried to take this out of context and blow it out of proportion, which is what they always do, trey, because i don't have an agenda to run on themselves. what american people are concerned about, trey it's not out of context quip i made three years ago but the kamala harris open the border and the fact the democratic party has become explicitly antifamily and some of their policies. >> todd: vance said when you become a parent it changes your perspective in a profound way. boy, isn't that the case. spitzer that is a cape here at josh shapiro and gretchen whitmer will be campaigning for vice president harris and both could be auditioning to be harris' runnit
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"wall street journal" poll found witmer has an negative favorability rating and highest favorability and that ps arizona senator, mark kelly. the director of the center for economic opportunity at the independent women's forum and joins me now. good morning to you, so we are calling the deep state and has to make a decision august 7th. who do you think she will pick? >> she will definitely lean into a governor and it would not surprise me a governor from a swing state. she needs someone with executive experience, someone who has led a large institution or a body with lots of people. she need someone also who is going to be a little bit more balanced. i think, obviously, the moniker of her being radical appellee fits her, but she is also going to need to appeal to the democrats in your feel the party has left them behind and someone a little more moderate and maybe she can actually fill that gap here and she needs someone with good policy experience and
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policy depth. that is something we see lacking with her. you go to her website, for example and there was no policy but sign me up and send me money. that is what she will lean into and any of the candidates, but it would be interesting to see her pick a woman and gretchen whitmer. >> carley: she has some good news because a busy news has a new poll that shows over one week. max, her favorability rating has jumped by eight points from 35% to 43% from before and after joe biden dropped out. same woman seven days later, how do you explain that? >> well, you know, she's getting a lot of enthusiasm. every headline it is about enthusiasm pure look at the money she's raising here at the star-studded that she's getting. but is not surprising there will be and she has so much younger than joe biden. that helps her. with that said, when voters look under the hood, they will not
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find very much or they will not like what they see both from the position she has taken in the past to her attachment to the te biden-harris administration and they'll all their so-called achievements and including the southern border. so it will be a little bit of a honeymoon but it will be hard to keep up that momentum the next 99 days. >> carley: at the harris campaign is doing the best job to distance kamala harris from the border issues and circulated that memo last week despising that she was ever the border czar. elizabeth warren was on one of the shows yesterday and she did her best job in trying to undermine that effort. listen to this. >> we need the tools in order to have more resources at the border, to have more resources in the states and cities that are supporting migrants, and, i believe, we need to create a path to citizenship. that is all part of what we need to do for comprehensive
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immigration reform. kamala harris will work with congress to get that done. >> carley: senator warren said if kamala harris becomes president, she will grant mass citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants in this country. what a gift to the trump campaign. >> absolutely come up because let's not get who was impacted by illegal immigration. you are talking urban areas where they are seeing their resources, public resources and public safety put at risk. if you can't go to high school to a soccer game on a soccer field because they are housing illegal migrants, you are going to be pretty upset. elizabeth warren said we can quiet the voices by throwing a lot of money at them and give new york city, eric adams i'm a lot of money and they will be quiet. you can give illegal immigrants a lot of citizenship compared to the rest of us. my family who had spent a lot of money and time to come to this country not out of the shadows, but very fully and become a part
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of this country and a part of what makes us great. you know, it is a giveaway, and it is meant to turn millions of democratic voters on day one. i think a lot of americans black, brown, and even those nationalized citizens like myself will say no, that is not what we want. >> carley: she did get the obama endorsement last week and yesterday michelle obama released a video urging people to vote. it includes her celebrity powells. watch this. >> our future is on the ballot so are you voting this year? >> are you voting this year? >> are you voting this year? >> joined me... >> join me... >> join us. getting rather just know mike registered to vote today. >> carley: we know they are voting for. does the celebrity opinion meet the needle at all? >> carley: don't make >> very little and that there is an empathy problem democrats up too
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get disenchanted and disengaged voters to actually care. they have removed one candidate that was very unpopular and replaced as a placeholder in that role. that is not enough and that will not be enough to move the needle. i look at these young rappers who are saying they are actually listening to president trump because they go to vice president harris' campaign website and see no policy solutions. there are a lot of disengaged voters who say, we voted for the democratic party for the left so long and yet, the communities are still struggling and our children are still in failing schools, and our communities are no safer. they are willing to give the alternative the benefit of the doubt or tried. star-studded celebrity endorsements, they may carry with a few folks but the celebrities liked me before and lied to me about joe biden for the past four years and they will lie again, i will consider something different. this is a one-time stop and it will not be sustainable. >> carley: that is the most
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important thing. thank you for joining us and have a great day, happy monday. todd come over to you. >> todd: a fox news alert, president biden president biden announced proposals to reform the supreme court. this happening literally a minute ago. this would include no immunity for crimes a former president committed in office, term limits for supreme court justices, and a binding code of conduct for the supreme court. joe biden also releasing a new op-ed saying, "this nation founded on simple but profound principle, no one is above the law, not the president of the united states, not a justice on the supreme court of the united states, no one. i have overseen more supreme court nations as senator, president, vice president than anyone living today and i have great respect for institutions and separation of powers. what is happening now is not normal and undermines the public's confidence spirit including impacting personal freedoms. we now stand in a breach.
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a constitutional law attorney and former federal prosecutor and she is here to react, katie, that is a mouthful. what is your reaction to those plans? >> this is pie-in-the-sky ideas and nothing can be immediately implemented, but it shows the position of the democrat party. they don't like the outcome of the court's ruling so they want to change the rules here. many other reforms would require if not legislation, actual constitutional amendments. so again, not politically viable at the moment, but certainly strong and radical position. >> todd: such an important point that politically this can never happen because the constitutional amendment requires all three branches of government, not the free bridge but the house, senate and you need 38 of 50 states to sign on. too many republicans for this to work. on the immunity front, let's focus on that. isn't this basically creating a
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law and in this case an amendment that targets one person, donald j. trump? >> i think that would certainly be the argument. and not only that but myopic position. the recent scotus came down with the immunity decision is because they consider the impact of the presidential office and the idea of prosecuting a president. so to take away that idea throughout legislation, which again is not feasible come up with the impact so many other things that would not be a viable office. essentially, a separation of powers all over the place and constitutional issues all over the place so again, political talking point but an extreme one in my opinion. >> todd: joe biden said this is about restoring faith in the supreme court, but doesn't something like this, a statement like this and policy position like this clothed with a veneer of the white house really end up undermining trust in the supreme court in the first place? >> well, that is exactly what's been going on. they have been sowing distrust
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in the supreme court because they simply don't like the decisions that have come out and that is a myopic position. many of the positions are unanimous or don't follow along partisan lines. so certainly, they were key issues democrats don't like, and that is what is motivating this. but certainly disrespectful to coequal branch of permit from the branch. >> todd: for supreme court is the one institution in our country that democrats have not been able to undermine the way they want to take control of the way they want. it frustrates them to no end. do you agree with that? absolutely, and president trump to appoint three justices and biden only one and that is the look of the draw and it's very disappointing i'm sure. >> todd: before we let you go, how do republicans with the speedy announcement that literally came down 4 minutes ago on the campaign trail president trump against harris? >> this is clearly anti-constitutional and what the democrats are proposing would require an amendment to the
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constitution so it is ironic coming from the party talking about stealing democracy and they are going forward with a radical talking point. >> todd: katie cherkasky they gave them a talking point if you wanted. thank you so much from appreciated as always. let's go to the weather janice dean with fox weather forecast. what do we have? >> can you believe it is the last week of july? i know, it is crazy, holy moly! live radar and we have the potential for severe weather for parts of the northern plains as well as ohio and tennessee river valley. we are also talking about the heat come another week of extreme heat. a heat wave starting the month of august wednesday thursday friday and that we can so the sn sets up just the plain states, the west and that will bring the potential for more record highs, not only for the west but then it will move across portions of the southeast later in the week. they were sure forecast heat index and what it feels like with the temperature and
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humidity well above 100 degrees for a lot of the big cities dallas, oklahoma city, memphis. we talk about the wildfires, active across the west. some of the smoke from the wildfires will bu build a move across the plane states. people with respiratory issues need to be on alert. then we talk about the tropics i'm okay, the time of season we really have to be vigilant and we have this area of development across the atlantic that could potentially become something, but a lot of uncertainty with this one. what i can tell you was the water is warm and conditions are becoming more conducive for development. there is a chance of development. the bottom line is, nothing to a sound the alarm but we need to watch and we will. >> watch it we will, janice, thank you. google is being accused of results on the assassination attempt. and cheryl casone has those details in this here at nicolas maduro declares an
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election victory but other countries are doubting those results. we have a live report as protesters and venezuela take to ♪ ♪ tire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you book direct.
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lyles will need a good leg here. can he deliver? here comes the pass! look at this kid! coming in tight on the line. team usa, what a run!
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it's gold for team usa. noah lyles with another gold medal. in case there was any doubt, who was the breakout star of these world championships. ♪ ♪ >> carley: we are back with a fox news alert. political chaos and venezuela
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overnight as nicolas maduro declares victory and the president's high-stakes election. >> todd: and erupting around the world, attention to the southern border with unrest to drive more migrants to the u.s. alex hogan live overseas with the details, alex. high matt, carley and carley. both candidates claiming that they have declared victory and this is why president maduro had to say while declaring that he is has officially won a third term. take a listen. >> i can say before the people of venezuela and the world, i am nicolas maduro and reelected president of the bowl of republic of venezuela, and i will defend our democracy, our law, and our people. >> protests broke out after the head of the national electoral counsel who is an ally. maduro won 51% of the vote and that opposition edmundo gonzalez 144%.
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but it was a very different story from the opposition party. >> what happened during today's polling day was violation of all the rules here and struggle continues, and we won't rest until the will of the people of venezuela is respected. >> edmundo gonzalez at 70% of the votes in this election and nicolas maduro receive 30% of the votes. until the end is until the end and the end will be the truth coming through and respect for the popular sovereignty that spoke today. >> mixed reaction pouring in from world leaders. argentina president who has called maduro a dictator writing, argentina will not recognize another fraud and this time the armed forces will defend democracy and popular will. meanwhile vladimir putin congratulating maduro singing his praises writing this, "nicolas maduro, my
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brother, your victory has unequivocally pro and the people spoke and won. "antony blinken said this. >> we have serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the venezuelan people. it is critical that every vote be counted fairly and transparently. the international community is watching this very closely and will respond accordingly. >> so this showdown today raising concerns that the chaos will plunge the country and to further instability. according to the united states refugee agent the last ten years since 2014 come about 7 million people have fled venezuela. carley and todd, that is 25% of the population living under the current administration. >> carley: venezuelan still there hoping for change are not getting it. alex hogan live in london, alex,
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thank you. back your brand-new information of the trump assassination attempt as newly surfaced text message show the would-be assassin was on authorities radar more than 90 minutes before the shooting. local law enforcement on site also speaking out for the first time saying they never got a face-to-face briefing and had no communication with secret service on july 13th until after the former president was shot. >> todd: that is bad, but listen to this. as these new details are coming to light seemingly by the minute, by the day, google is accused of suppressing search results about the assassination attempt. cheryl casone with fox business on that and google's response. >> google users to search for attempted assassination of former donald president trump noticed they failed to show suggestions for july 13th assassination attempt. instead, use or said the website auto complete feature shows
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recommended search results on attempted assassination of president reagan, truman, ford but the attempt on trump nowhere to be found. even the keyword trump assassination attempt no search from google. but telling fox business, there was no manual action taken on these predictions. our systems have protections against auto complete predictions with social violence which working to this horrific event. we are working on improvements to make sure the systems up-to-date. roger marshall is calling out the company. he says, why is coco suppressing the search about the presidents assassination attempt and i will make an inquiry into global this week and i look forward to thei. into auto complete feature is just a tool that help people save time. but users can search for anything that they want on google and apparently they still can find anything they want on google. >> carley: that is more than
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suspicious. i tried assassination on an truman came up not trump. trump is not in the search bar. auto populated is how, the question is. i can guarantee more looking up assassination attempt on trump than truman. it will remain there. >> todd: it sounds like they are testing up the playbook from previous election, cheryl, if you are asking me but we will see. >> back to the selection, there were concerns small business owners about potential harris administration. >> certainly come up poll after poll it's about the economy and that is coming back to focus especially after the last week and the events we covered together but now that you have this entrepreneur telling fox business that a possible kamala harris presidency should concerns small business owners. watch. >> i think business men and are definitely concerned about a
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presidency led by harris. and as far left as she is, they should be. that is a very valid concern. it is a lot harder today than it was when trump took off in spirit really what i talk about, can you obtain the american dream today? i tell people with the current administration, it is a lot harder. >> the optimism has reached 11 year low during the biden-harris administration, but the white house said they have been great for small business owners. president biden said my administration is supporting the wave of entrepreneurship with investments in small businesses and communities across the country. the trump tax cuts set to expire next year. that result in a major tax increase for most americans. they say talk about inflation and how these business owners are dealing with that, if you look at so far under the biden-harris administration $499 billion in total spending. it and many point to that is the reason.
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>> carley: 499, my goodness you are hosting the morning, don't miss at 6:00 until 9:00 a.m. eastern time. it will be a long day, cheryl, thank you. democrats are embracing a new talking point to discredit trump running mate j.d. vance. watch. >> it comes out vance has done something more extreme, weird, erratic. >> donald trump and his weirdo running mate. >> carley: weirdo running mate and joe concha will respond to that next. >> todd: peter doocy who has never been described as weird joins us with what is coming up on fox & friends and steve, people often describe. >> you apparently have not talked to my wife or neighbors. >> todd: stop it! >> good morning todd and carley, coming up fox & friends in 10 minutes and four seconds, 100 days to go donald trump and kamala harris kick off jam-packed week with back-to-back events as
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election day is just 99 days away. and another veep states in full swing and who will kamala harris choose to stand beside her? we will break down top contenders and their records. i will be on the loose, goose on the loose asking folks on the streets what they think you are and can they identify any of those people's? it should be clear is biden to impale the prim court reforms including term limits and limiting presidential immunity. i wonder where they got that? andrew czajkowski with separation of powers will unpack it all appear at israel, egypt, cutter and the united states neo revive the push for hostage release and cease-fire deal in gaza after saturday's horrific attack on israeli playground. we know what happened there. he is really investor to the united nation stan gannon will be live in the studio on the
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state of negotiations. and elizabeth warren calls for citizenship to 11 million migrants and kamala harris says i'm apparently i'm the one to get it done. tom homan will sound off on that. plus, bill hemmer, dr. marc siegel marc siegel, tammy bruce all stop by. we will see at the top of the hour appeared in the meantime todd and carley, you are watching "fox & friends first." ♪ ♪ id. you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise.
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>> carley: democrats are piling on criticism against j.d. vance including senate majority leader schumer. listen to this. >> vance comes down vance has done something more extreme, more weird, more erratic. vance seems to be more erratic and extreme than pump president trump. i bet president trump is sitting there wondering why did i pick this guy. the choice may be one of the best things he ever did for democrats. >> joe concha that word weird coming into the unison for democrats throughout the weekend. circle bass to jeb psaki. >> weird rockie mountaining mate. group. misog miss cyst, sexist. all of the things. harris herself conceded yesterday she is the underdog in this race and that's how everybody should treat it. >> how can the party that pushes porn in schools, men woman beating in women's sports and men getting pregnant accuse
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anyone else of being weird? >> yes but all means donald trump should take the advise of chuck schumer. the guy who threatens supreme court with dangerous rhetoric. or jen psaki had to apologize to republican leaders in the house because she claimed that joe biden never looked at his watch during a to your knowledge ceremony for our fallen soldiers and then turns out obviously there were pictures that he did. so let's not take add is a vice from these folks. especially the guy you see on your screen. this is the same chuck schumer who has known about president biden's mental decline for years and didn't say a word about it until it was clearly apparent. clearly apparent that biden would lose to donald trump in a landslide if he was the democratic nominee. so, mr. senate majority leader take not one but two seats on giving anyone advice on anything. j.d. vance is doing just fine. nip comments he has made about women who don't have children
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are being completely and totally taken out of context. if did you go back and watch his interview with our ben domenech 13 years ago his only point is that children bring joy and stability to everyone's lives. vance went out of his way to say his comments have nothing to do with people who can't have children that want them having e nothing to do with ivf. is he doing quite well when it comes to courting voters michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin. look at polling any momentum we look at kamala harris does not exist. they are afraid j.d. vance will help carry those states for donald trump. that's why they're coming out and saying things that j.d. vance is weird when they have nothing to back it up, guys. >> congratulations are in order. you have a new book out called progressively worse. >> i do, here it is. >> carley: it's on sale tomorrow. tell us about it. >> okay. great. well, i was about to say i was going to put this book instead because i think that i'm holding
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in my hands is tremendous. >> carley: you are so kind. >> i used it last night. i love the squash. thank you, i appreciate it. it is called progressively worse. this couldn't be better planned, this book coming out tomorrow. because you look at the fri this the democratic party used to stand for. working men and women. party of big tax cuts and strong military under jimmy carter we had a democratic president who was pro-life. go figure. bill clinton, the guy who worked with republicans, worked with newt gingrich to balance budget amendment what's that we had budget surpluses. barack obama deported more people out of this country than anybody. when you look at the democratic party then and now, very, very different viewpoints no. question. >> carley: it going to be a big best seller as all of your books are. joe, congratulations. thank you for joining us. "fox & friends" starts now. ♪ ♪ ♪


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