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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 29, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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>> carley: you are so kind. >> i used it last night. i love the squash. thank you, i appreciate it. it is called progressively worse. this couldn't be better planned, this book coming out tomorrow. because you look at the fri this the democratic party used to stand for. working men and women. party of big tax cuts and strong military under jimmy carter we had a democratic president who was pro-life. go figure. bill clinton, the guy who worked with republicans, worked with newt gingrich to balance budget amendment what's that we had budget surpluses. barack obama deported more people out of this country than anybody. when you look at the democratic party then and now, very, very different viewpoints no. question. >> carley: it going to be a big best seller as all of your books are. joe, congratulations. thank you for joining us. "fox & friends" starts now. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> steve: it is 6:00 here on the couch in new york city. it is monday, july 29th, 2024. welcome to "fox & friends." welcome to you as well. >> thank you so much. glad to be here. >> brian: you match the house. >> is that okay? all right. good to be here. thanks for having mere. >> steve: she is going to be on the couch for three hours starting now. we start with a fox news alert. law enforcement sharing shocking new revelations about the assassination attempt on former president trump and the timeline. police became aware of the gunman at least 90 minutes before the shooting. more on this and apparent breakdown in communications coming up. >> shannon: more on those details coming up, steve. this just, in president biden proposing major changes to the supreme court. what it means for the state of the judiciary moving forward. >> brian: would less than 100 days to go. some say 99. trump and harris kick off a 1kwr578 packed week across critical battle ground states and she still needs somebody to
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run with as progressive senator elizabeth warren promises harris will make mass amnesty for migrants part of her agenda. >> i need we need to create a pathway to citizenship. kamala harris will work with congress and get that done. >> brian: all right. "fox & friends" starts right now. mornings are better with friends. ♪ fox news alert local law enforcement on the site of deadly rally where president trump was nearly killed revealing for the first time ever that they never got a briefing with secret service before the shooting even though they wanted it. >> shannon: yeah, brian. all of this coming as new texts reveal time bine line of the attemaassassination attempt. >> texts between sniper gunman
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thomas crooks was tracked 90 minutes before the president was shot. first one 4:26 p.m. reads, quote: someone followed our lead and snuck in and parked by our cars just so you know. i'm just letting you know because you see me go out with my rifle and tut it in my car he knows you guys are up there sitting to the direct right on a picnic table about fifth yards from the exit. a little more than an hour later and crooks was already a step ahead. another text from a local counter sniper reads, quote: kid lurking around the building we are in agr i believe it is. did i see him with a rage finder looking towards stage. if yi if you want to notice secret service snipers to look out, i lost sight of him. at the same time the reporters relate to a series of state to local to state officers to the secret service posted in a commands center. the secret service agents providing trump's security detail were reportedly never
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alerted a and now for the first time in abc news exclusive, a local counter sniper shares what he saw as an early warning sign. >> we were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the secret service snipers. whenever they arrived and that never happened. so, i think that was probably a pivotal point where i started thinking things were wrong because that never happened. and we had no communication with the secret service. >> the secret service has now told fox it's committed to better understanding what happened to ensure it never takes place again. and secret service action director ronald roe is set to testify before senate committees on tuesday. back to you three. >> steve: all right, cb, thank you very much. when you read this report from the "new york times," it's interesting because they've got the text messages are apparently were leaked or given to chuck grassley of iowa by one of the local counter snipers. and so he shared all that stuff. you know why this guy, the
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shooter was originally deemed suspicious? because he was outside -- there is a picture right there. he was not trying to get in through the check point. he was just outside. he was at a picnic table and it's like well, everybody here is trying to get in. why is this guy just sitting around? so that is the first tell that he was suspicious. >> shannon: you have to assume there is going to be many more details that come from. this so far it's not looking good. you know, you think about the initial details of the police that were on traffic duty, who scaled the side of the building after they were told someone was up there saw the guy, retreated. that was minutes before. now we are learning there was a heads up to secret service 90 minutes before with these text messages? there's a lot of details here that would show that this could have been prevented. >> brian: ah 15 got it or bought it from his dad. he didn't steal it from his dad. he mailed away for fertilizer which would be used as bombs.
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the goal seems to have been create the shooting, kill president trump, as many other people as possible. and create a diversification by setting up explosive car on the other side of the field allowing him to get away that didn't work. but almost everything else did. you saw crooks. you see him there. from the picnic table right below the counter sniper in the warehouse. they took pictures of him. at 5:38 the photo shared in a group chat and another text went out among the officers saying they should inform the secret service. and the kid was spotted with a range finder. but the secret service was not using the walkie-talkies originally handed out to the local cops, the swat team and the secret service. so they were not in communication. and, also, the swat team was upset where they were placed by the secret service. they didn't think they should be in the location they were in in order to have perfect view to be able to act should they need to act. >> steve: was on july 8th, which
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was about the time that the rally was declared is when apparently the secret service did hold a walk through with local law enforcement. and that's when the secret service decided to exclude that warehouse from the inner security perimeter. and here's the problem. local law enforcement then had trouble finding people, particularly snipers, to man those particular hours in fact one of the bosses said hey, look, can i get one sniper, come in at 8:00 a.m. but he has to leave at 4:00. the rally wasn't until the 6:00 hour. there were two hours they were uncovered. >> brian: in the "new york times" story they have the goodbye text message from him where he says hey, guys, it's 4:10. i got to go. stay safe. really? thanks. >> steve: it was when he went downstairs and saw the guy at the picnic table. by the way, there is this long haired guy picnic table a little suspicious. later said you might want to tell the secret service.
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it's easy for us. behind hind sight is always 202t there were a lot of red flags. >> shannon: when anybody looks at the building how was that left alone that close to the president. >> brian: still examining the lincoln assassination. if he had killed president trump, no one would ever believe that this wasn't a total set-up. they would say there's no way they would ever have a situation where swat doesn't talk to secret service to talk to local cops. so i think there's a lot -- there should be motivation on both sides to get this investigation done thoroughly. because, also on the list was a.g. merrick garland. and fbi director chris wray to be killed by this guy. >> steve: it does look as if congress has authorized a task force. the big question is can they conclude it by the end of the year. and do you know what happens in
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november, first tuesday in november, 99 days from today is the election. and the trump and harris campaigns are both kicking off a jam-packed week of campaigning. >> shannon: pennsylvania governor josh shapiro will be holding a rally for harris in his home state. that will be happening today while former president trump holds a tele rally in arizona and tomorrow, harris will be heading to the battleground state of georgia. as j.d. vance hold a paver haste delivering political remarks in texas. trump returns to pennsylvania since the shooting and vance easy. butler? >> shannon: heading back. interesting. what do you think of that messaging? i'm back, tougher than ever? >> brian: back tougher than ever. he got a huge crowd. going to do outdoor rallies. big crowd on saturday.
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he campaigned with kari lake. kamala harris a lot of her time is focused on white washing her past. literally taking it offer the internet and trying to come up with what her policies were as opposed to joe biden's. when it comes to afghanistan. are you going to go behind that. because you said you were in the room when you came up with brilliant plan to embarrass this country in the biggest epic fail in the history of our miller. were you there when the when it comes to immigration. you wered of the border czar. all netted works say you were the border czar. they want you to believe your is not what you read. embrace your record or explain your record. denying your record shouldn't be an option. >> shannon: peter doocy pointing out in multiple instances where he was speaking with her or people associated with the white house referencing her as heading up the border charge. and it was never disputed then, somehow it is being disputed
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now. one thing you did leaf out was the economy. and the opportunity that is here for republicans to ask the question: what have you done for us lately? people are still living through these sky high prices. you have got grocery bills up more than 20%. gas bills up almost 50% under this current presidency. and where was the empathy for the american voter? the american people living through this? it will be interesting to see what her positioning will be as she goes through her campaign. >> steve: yeah. because the ultimate question are you better off today than you were four years ago? and i think we all know the answer, particularly if you just go to the grocery store and keep in mind kamala harris was joe biden's co-pilot for the last almost four years. >> brian: either that or she is going to say she wasn't. she is going to say i didn't really do anything. >> steve: i was locked in the basement. down in joe's basement. both trump and harris were out campaigning this weekend. if you missed a little, you missed a lot. walch this. >> kamala harris was the
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original marxist, district attorney. she destroyed san francisco. and she will destroy our country. >> list donald trump has been resorting to some wild lies about my record. and some of what he is running are saying -- just plain weird. >> i sent in the national guard to save minneapolis while kamala harris sided with the arsonist and reuters rioters and raisedo bail out the criminal. >> in this campaign i will say in all seriousness, i will proudly put my record against his any day. >> kamala harris presidency means four more years of extremism, weakness, failure, chaos. >> we're the underdogs in this race. but this is a people-powered campaign. and we have momentum. >> steve: in the mexico couple of weeks what they're going to be doing on the harris side, on
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the democratic side vetting various people who could stand next to her as the vice president. politico has a piece up right now that says they talked to 30 people up on capitol hill, house democrats. their number one pick to be her number two is mark kelly. the senator from the great state of arizona. it's for the central reason keanau centralize her biggest problem which is the border. five days before joe dropped out. mark kelly was down in mexico talking to the president of mexico about security and about how to manage the border together. henry cuellar said. he said he is one of the guys who knows what he is talking about when it comes. >> shannon: starting to sound like more and more that's becoming the obvious choice. we will see if it is indeed. what she would do as a president kamala harris is the question. senator elizabeth warren was speaking over the weekend insisting that harris will grant mass citizenship to illegal immigrants. listen here. >> voters overwind chillingly disapprove how the biden harris
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administration has handled the border by giving the nomination to one of the leaders of the border effort. aren't democrats doubling down on one of your party's biggest vulnerabilities? >> well, let's remember to start with the facts and that is that border crossings now are lower than they were in the last year of the trump administration. this is a problem that ultimately has to be solved by congress. we need the tools in order to have more resources at the border, to have more resources in the states and cities that are supporting migrants. and i believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship. all of that is a part of what we need to do for comprehensive immigration reform. kamala harris will work with congress and get that done. >> shannon: yeah that's going to be -- go ahead, -- challenged. >> brian: it going to be challenged. a lot of people are coming across the border. not come across the border, being flown. in go on app. west chester
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airport and small pennsylvania towns. they are trying to get them there a different way. also, the craziest statement ever is that the border crossings are now lower than they whrp donald trump left office. that's not true. if you don't believe it. title 42 and the pandemic was stopping allowing the border patrol to actually do their job at the same time. the numbers are exrordly high. if you want to give, say, she wants you to say i was focusing on the root causes, guatemala, hun door race, he will salazar door. all right. when you realize there were more people from other countries from tajikistan to congo from china coming through, did you ever think about trying to solve the problem and realize you have to pupivot away in the way to go wh root causes go countries hey if you want aid from us start with your border. incentives to start acting. that's what trump was doing successfully. for him her to say she was looking for a pathway to
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citizenship. northwestern people are not on board with that at all. a foosball citizenship for the millions of people that came here illegally. do you know who also doesn't want that is the historic voters who came here illegally and did it the right way. if you don't believe me, look at the polls why has donald trump closed the gab on the hispanic voters. most part they take great pride in having done it the right way. >> steve: for elizabeth warren to say hey, she is going to make the dreamers citizens. that gins up that part of the base. there have been a lot of the progressives who have been asleep at the wheel when joe biden was running. now that clarifies is doing it. hey, look what she is going to do now. when it comes to immigration. we have some fox news polls that have -- were freshly baked. and it shows you that in the state of risk, people trust trump by 89% over harris. in the state of michigan. which has a lot of people from other countries who have immigrated there. trump almost 90.
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and harris, once again at 10%. >> did you go back to the primary season and it was immigration. it was immigration. every state we went. to say well we thought maybe this time it's the economy. it was about immigration. and so far from the border. and we'll went back to the tape on thursday. kamala harris, her first trip abroad after she was appointed border czar. whatever you want to call it. white house is pushing back on that. she felt her mission and her message then was don't come. she said it twice. don't come. you won't be allowed over the border. well, they came and they came in record numbers. >> steve: 8 million didn't listen to her. let's see what happens. >> i love that pete buttigieg said over the weekend that illegal immigrants don't commit crimes. tell that lake lynn riley families and rachel no written's family. the venezuelans who beat up two cops on tape gave us the finger when they got out with no time. i would love, too. pete buttigieg over the weekend said crime is down.
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do you know anyone in washington, d.c. where he works things crime is out. it's not all we have in the headlines, today in a fox news alert. this morning president biden is going-to-announce proposals from reform the supreme court. >> shannon: brian, these would include no immunity for crimes. a former president committed while in office along with term limits for supreme court justices and a binding code of conduct for the supreme court. >> steve: our next guest says she's flans are not realistic any time in the near future. andrew cherkasky is here to explain. shan hey, andrew. >> steve: andrew, it sounds like if you were on the losing end of a battle in congress write down all the things that are bugging me these are the things. they didn't like the way the supreme court ruled recently and how donald trump has immunity did when he was president if
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they were in an official capacity. >> these proposed changes are quite extreme crying over spilled milk. over 150 years since the court structure has changed in terms of the number of people. to say deviate from the number of people on the supreme court it would essentially require a super majority of the senate in order to beat a filibuster. there sorry ideas like term limits. it's constitutionally mandated that it's a life appointment. that would take a constitutional amendment, which takes three fourths of the states. it's an incredible lift. what i see this as as simple political pandering. ideas to put forward to give folks some concept. >> steve: excite. >> how can you change the things that we don't like? how can you overthrow the legal rulings of the supreme court? this is their proposal. >> shannon: this is a reversal from where we have seen him in the past. clearly he is doing this in his final months as president. >> that's right. he has had another position on this not wanting to change the supreme court. kamala harris has had a
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different stance on this. she has been in favor of changing it. kind of interesting whether this is coming more from the biden camp or coming more from the harris camp. in either case, this is something that would take an incredible number of people in the democratic party to change the fails of the country entirely. >> brian: he said this court is not normal. senator schumer this court is not normal. conservative court. lindsey said graham a push back over the weekend. you say no term limits or age limits on supreme court justices. when you talk about a code of conduct, do you think individually, for example the code of conduct might be somewhat embraced by the supreme court when it comes to what you can and can't do. they were talking about should you be able to go on vacation with certain people that may be in front of the supreme court before? >> nothing like that has ever been in writing before. do you think there might be some bipartisan and supreme court buy in on that. >> first, let me say that the
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supreme court is perfectly normal and doing exactly its job. it's following the intent of the constitution and it does so repeatedly, and there are many decisions that are knocked down party lines, unanimous decisions come out recently and otherwise. now, when you look at those term limits and you actually look at the ethics that they want to put on. that's trying to legislate what going on in the supreme court. remember, the supreme court is full of the justices show ho have the minds to kind of set the ethics of our country. now you want congress getting in there and who can you take. >> brian: what if they do it to themselves? >> that's something that is interesting in terms the blow back or what would be the consequence. they kind of self-regulate within the supreme court. they often recuse themselves from certain cases for conflicts, but they are in a highly trysted position. just like the president of the united states, they need to show up to work every single day. and so they have got to be careful in the conflicts that they have. it's not been an issue before. >> brian: like, for example, they can make money off a book but house members can't.
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senate can. little things like that. >> there are but do you want congress controlling. >> steve: separate separate powers. zero chance. >> zero chance. >> brian: should we carry the speech at the lbj library? >> steve: let's roll back the tape. >> brian: j.d. vance response to left wing attack on controversial comments about childless cat ladies. >> if you look at the full context of what i said it's very clear the democrats have tried to take this thing out of context and blow it out of proportion which is what they always do, tray, because they don't have an agenda to run on themselves. >> steve: okay. another veep states in full swing. who will kamala harris choose to run with her? >> shannon: that is a big question. tammy bruce on contenders and their records. ♪
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whole host of children. and they are certainly great people who can participate fully in the life of this country. that's not what i said, trey. if you look at what the left has done they have radically taken this out of con texas and in fact aggressively lied what i did say. this goats to the heart of what i was talking about in those comments and going to be something that i continue to talk about. the left has increasingly become explicitly anti-child and antifamily. they have encouraged young families not to have children at all concerns of climate change. suggested people who do have children are somehow selfish. being a parent is the selfless thing can you do and does transform your perspective. this was not a criticism. neff a criticism, trey, of everybody without children. that is a lie of the left. it is a criticism of the increasingly anti-parent and anti-child attitude of the left
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former democrat agreed old party never david about women. tammy bruce author explain fear itself. >> i spent a third of my adult life working on the feminist movement. working to improve women's lives. and frankly so many things are now in trouble. but this is not the thing we have to care about. nobody cares about that but it's -- is he correct. this is a distraction. it may have been slightly inept. but my goodness the people who are clutching their pearls right now have created an economy that is destroying women's lives. they don't want minute it talk about that. creating a condition around the world where women and men and their children are going off to die. it is an extraordinary dynamic in addition to the crime, to when you are -- whether you have children or not, what you're
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going to be able do could if you are going to get to work whether or not have you enough gas in the car. well, crime, can you walk to work and be safe. so those are the real issues. >> brian: on this in particular he was responding to the fact aoc said with climate change i don't think it's responsible to have kids our society. that's what morphed into that. as trey gowdy pointed out. george washington didn't have kids. nunns don't have kids and they are great americans. >> he knows that. >> . when you look at the fear moving into people regarding climate change choosing to not have 70% hamgd. no pro-choice involved here. they would have a child if they knew they could do it. but you stand there and think i can't do this. i don't have the money. you are working two jobs. that's the democrat economy. >> brian: speaking about democrats. it's up to, it looks like kamala harris. the vice president to pick a running mate for her. look at the some of the finalists step over here, tammy, to see who made the finalist.
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she said she is going to decide by august 7th. first off the governor of pennsylvania. he was campaigning hard over the weekend. it will be doing it again today without her by his side. but is he a so-called moderate in a purple state. >> tammy: one of the issues is we have heard this' it's awful. an issue regarding israel and the jewish people. >> brian: is he pro-israel. >> tammy: she has got to balance 89% of american jews support israel but the base doesn't. the democrat base that she is pandering to doesn't. that would be hard for her to do. >> brian: 40% of people have no opinion on him. he is going at it hard. we will see what happened. have to find a way to get pennsylvania. >> tammy: important swing state. >> brian: mark kelly brings fine credentials and resume to the table over in arizona. >> tammy: he does. he is well-liked in arizona. at the same time, his wife and her organization are giving millions of dollars. >> brian: gabriel giffords. >> millions of dollars regarding
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the gun issue to kamala harris that could be an issue. mostly he invested in a spy balloon company with investments also from a company that ties to the chinese communist party. space immediately. very quickly into defense and surveillance. >> so, of course, battleground state and they think they will be stronger on the border than kamala harris who possibly is the weakest on the border and that might be the top issue. let's look at tim walz. the governor of minnesota suddenly in play. this is. i would suggest they made a big issue regarding age. they didn't with biden but now suddenly they are complaining about trump's age. i would argue with walz and ivan cooper. walz is even 60. looks like a bit older than that you have to think about the 3 #-year-old j.d. vance at the
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other podium that could be an issue. whether it's the border or any other issue. she is not going to want, frankly, someone to be making the decisions and i think that, you know, it's not -- kelly is going to be making decisions about the border as the vice president. >> brian: right. so things bring to the table think about george floyd and unrest started in minneapolis and how terribly that was handled. you do see the fact he was a military background. he was serving in the national guard for a couple of decades. >> tammy: more aligned with her when it comes to the issues. >> brian: socialist spending. let's move on. another contender shortly on the short list appeared on the short list for the first time he was on with shannon yesterday. >> tammy: weakest decision. failed mayor. plenty of things to be concerned about. paternity leave during the supply chain crisis. the bridge clasp. collapse.don't know where is hen
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crash. >> brian: transportation has never been worse. >> tammy: horrible. maybe he will end up in the cabinet as he already has. he is not going to be the vice presidential choice. >> brian: president biden rarely met with his cabinet they haven't met in nine months. hasn't done great job as transportation. very average mayor. but he is definitely comfortable in front of the camera. next, take a look at these two. two very successful, so-called moderate governors in red states. >> tammy: problem. >> brian: let's start 450er with roy cooper. >> north carolina, swing state. 67 years old. that seems like it could be an interesting choice. >> brian: democrats think they can still take north carolina. >> they do. that would be key for her. actually georgia and north carolina. andy beshear, kentucky, not a swing state. but he won his office in a state that trump won by 20 points. so that would be an interesting addition to her team. >> brian: kentucky will not go into the democrats' column with or without andy beshear.
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very comfortable into the camera until did you go and pick somebody as moderate when you are known as pretty left wing. a quick look at the finalists. she said she is going to be deciding by next week. it's going to be big. >> tammy: do you remember who hillary clinton's choice was? tim kaine. had you to think about it. >> so-called moderate from virginia. it didn't work out for him. do you know what worked out for us. carley shimkus. >> carley: you are so kind. come in. elevator and came down. >> carley: fox news alert. protests breaking out an venezuelan socialist leader maduro claimed winner of. the opposition party also declaring victory. secretary of state antony blinken is now weighing in saying the u.s. is concerned. the country's national electoral counsel think maduro has won with 51% of the vote compared to his opponent's 44%. another fox news alert. a far left activist has been
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arrested in connection with the stab taj attack on france's high speed rail network on friday. it's the first arrest made since the incident which took place hours before the olympic game's opening ceremony got underway. the sabotage causing mass transportation delays to transit lines across france. organizers of the olympic ceremonies at the paris olympics apologizing for this controversial scene which featured drag queens depicting the last suspect ir. a spokesperson north games says, quote: clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. we really did try to celebrate community tolerance. we believe that this ambition was achieved if people have taken any offense, we are, of course, really, really sorry. >> brian: right. >> carley: those are your headlines. >> brian: most of the world offended. stupidest idea ever. who signed off on that. >> shannon: if the goal wasn't to offend what was it? clearly mocking the last supper.
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>> brian: try that in the muslim religion? they would be wide open. they have great sense of humor. >> steve: one advertiser pulled his. >> shannon: unfortunate. the athletes shouldn't have to pay the price. i'm not parted of the #ban. >> steve: simone biles doing a great job kind of hurt. >> brian: it's her ankle, right? >> steve: it's her ankle. >> brian: if she is watching, ice it. >> steve: watching live from paris. hello. we got a fox news alert for you right now. renewed pushes for a hostage release and cease-fire deal in gaza after that horrific attack on israeli playground this weekend that killed 12 kids. u.n. da danny danon will be hero react next. ♪ earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee.
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in english, what's the hardest thing to say? anything with a th? they threw three thick things. sixth, like fourth, fifth, and then sixth. or you mean what's really hard emotionally to say? yeah, like that. oh... um... goodbye. i forgive you. i was wrong. for me, it's saying i love you, but that's tough to say in any language. steve fox news alert.this week m
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israel, united states and qatar meeting over cease-fire and hostage release deal in gaza as tensions grow in the middle east. and, of course, israel hitting back against hezbollah in lebanon after the iranian-backed terrorists fired rockets at israeli play ground over the weekend, killing 12 children. in the latest attack since october the 7th. israeli ambassador to the united states danny dannon joins us now. mr. ambassador, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. >> steve: obviously iran told hezbollah go ahead, they gave them the green light. why would they do this now? >> since october 7th. mez launched thousands of missiles and rockets into israel. you have to ask why. >> what was the reason to believe. you heard we want to show sympathy to hamas. israel being very patient. what happened this weekend was deficit stating. 12 kids, boys and girls were playing soccer over the weekend in our miller.
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iranian miller killed all of them and many others were still in hospital. we are prayed for the wounded people and families of the victim. with you we cannot sit idly by there will be a response. our response will be visit, harsh and painful. and we are now picking the targets. and i believe in the next few days. we will make sure that hezbollah will learn the legislative. we have no intention lebanon. at the same time we cannot allow them to target civilian communities in israel. >> steve: right. i know the biden administration has counseled israel if you go and you have a -- you know, because if israel thinks they can have a limited war a regional war. iran is getting going to get dragged into it. and next thing you know a big war. >> in the game already. they launched an attack on apri. against israel. hundred of projectiles into israel. we intercepted most of them. today they are using their
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proxies, hezbollah, hamas, houthis to attack israel. and i think at the end of the day we are going to call iranians behind everything. they are hiding. democracy have to face evil and we are getting yesterday for that. >> steve: give us an update on we have been hearing the last couple of weeks, actually the last couple of months, we are getting closer to a sire and hostage release deal. it seems like we get that close and something hans. >> we hear a lot of breaking news. but, you know, the hamas is not a rationale player. every time we think we have an agreement they come up with new demands. we have 115 hostages today still in the hands of hamas. we are talking about babies, girls, women, that are being tortured in the tunnels ever hamas. we are willing to pay prices to bring them back home. i don't know. because it's not rationale, we will do everything we can to release them. but, at the end of the day, they the answer is to eradicate hamas. otherwise they will do it over
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and over again. >> steve: you know the administration is saying hey, you guys, wrap it up. let's go. >> you know, with all due respect to all administrations we cannot wrap it up until we bring all our girls and boys back home. we ever will not forget them. very biz with the election cycle here in the u.s. hamas, iran, hezbollah, houthis don't care about the election in u.s. or other world. that's why we have to do what is good for israel. >> steve: ambassador, thank you very much. >> thank you very much for having me. >> steve: meanwhile this story. overdose deaths from a drug 100 times stronger than fentanyl are doubling in the new york city area over the last year. dr. marc siegel on the spread oe dr. marc siegel on the spread oe three deadly drug? he is next. ♪ me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next. always dry scoop before you run.
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>> shannon: here we go. a fox weather alert. california's park fire putting millions under air quality alerts. burning more than 360,000 acres across northern california. more than 130 buildings have been destroyed since the fire started five days ago. and, in the atlantic, we are tracking a system that could become a three-point line depression before moving toward florida. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. a throat watch here, janice. >> janice: yes, indeed. let's take a look at.
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it ie getting into the heart of hurricane season. listen, we don't have a grasp on whether or not this storm is going it even develop. we just have to keep an eye on it. okay? so, you know, if you live in florida. if you live in the gulf coast. if you live across the atlantic basin. need pay attention to this. the east coast as well we are not sure we know whatever develops it will move northward. we have to be vigilant. active wildfires over 270 of them. over 3 million acres burned and that means the smoke from these wildfires is going to continue to move eastward. poor air quality alerts and people with respiratory issues need to be paying attention to this as well. today's forecast. we do have the potential for strong to severe thunderstorms for parts of the northern plains and the ohio and tennessee river valley. the heat is going to be a big story this he can would. heat alerts for the central u.s. through thursday and into friday our forecast highs are going to be, you know, above 90 degrees for over 100 million people.
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today through wednesday. we're going to have to watch this as well. so a lot of big stories we are following, fox for all of the details. sandra, always good to see you. >> shannon: you too, janice. we know you will keep us up on that. deaths linked to car fentanyl and opioid 100 times stronger than fentanyl. double across the city. the drug, an animal tranquilizer powerful enough to sedate an elephant, has now made its rounds across the city's drug supply, found mixed with heroin, fentanyl, and cocaine here with more on this is fox news exhibiter dr. marc siegel, this is terrifying dr. siegel, what can you tell us about it? >> >> good morning, sandra, medical mondays, over 20% of the drug overdose deaths now. and car penalty as you just said is basically an elephant
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tranquilizer. i kid you not. they use a dart and they tranquilize elephants with this. 100 times more paraphernalia than fentanyl. what does that mean to me? that means that if you have this in your system, you could stop breathing really rapidly or your heart gets suppressed or i can't get there or any emergency responder can't get there fast enough to do anything. so, even if you have narcan, and even if you get over there and know how to push narcan up into someone's nostrils and i would encourage everyone out there to learn because it's not difficult. can you carry it and you literally just shove it into someone's nostrils who isn't responding to you on the street, even then we have to do it repeatedly and get the person to the hospital. and it is mixed with other drugs. and, by the way, where do you think this is coming from? mainly from china via mexico, via the cartels into the united states. of course they don't care about how powerful this is, sandra. >> shannon: any way to identify if this is mixed in with
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anything they are about to take on the street, dr. siegel? >> that's extremely important questions. and it's absolutely impossible to know that except, of course, where are you getting this from? if you are getting something i illicitly i want to tell you this is increasing problem. more and more we are getting mixtures, a lot like thank, xylazine also getting mixed into this by the way you can't even use narcan on that. sedative, decreases your heart rate and nothing can i do about it except get you into the hospital. what the drug dealers and cartels are doing mixing everything. all these ingredients coming from china. causing a massive problem as if we didn't have one already with over 70,000 deaths from fentanyl a year. >> massive and growing problem. and add that one to the list. before did you go, dr. siegel, on this "medical monday." strats burger brand liver burst made in virginia old fashioned ham, extra hot italian, cappy
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style ham. there has been a boar's head recall of these meat products. we are putting them up on the screen so people can see garlic bologna, beef bologna. what should people. >> a bacteria called listeria worried about very jung and very old. get early enough. gi systems. ann arbor, headache. i know what this is i can treat it with a an antibiotic. most of the way goes away by itself as i said those groups we worry about. 16,000 cases a year of this. we have to be on the lookout. >> shannon: dr. siegel, thank you. great information as always. all right. big show still ahead. there is the lineup. stay with us. we'll be right back. ♪ggle zevo works 24/7 to attract and trap flying insects. for effortless protection.
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