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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  July 29, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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for which he had pled guilty. >> he went in front of a camera and said their policies they go in and pick file numbers. that's russian roulette. >> the minnesota freedom fund and harris campaign say her support was limited to that tweet. no record of her spending any money. dana. >> dana: mike tobin, thank you. >> bill: senator elizabeth warren treating kamala harris's far left record as a third rail. the massachusetts democrat not going very close to that. >> is it not true that a president harris would be the most progressive president in american history and in your view isn't that a good thing? >> look, what i see is a vice president who is ready to be president. >> bill: worded very craftly not the most liberal. bernie sanders was out there, too. >> dana: he was offended the
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other day. i don't think he is more liberal than me. >> bill: border czar, not border czar. >> dana: president biden revealed plans to dramatically change the u.s. supreme court and amend the u.s. constitution. i guess he will do this in six months? a move to tip the balance of power between co-equal branches of government. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. make it a campaign issue. calling for several sweeping changes including one that could alter the constitution if ever passed. he wants congress to set term limits for the supreme court and a binding enforceable code of conduct. lindsey graham says they could go much further. >> could you work with president biden, yes or no, on a supreme court reform package this year? >> no. he wants to destroy the court. they want to pack the court.
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their initiatives coming from biden will be dead on arrival in the senate. they have no desire to make the court better, they are trying to make it more liberal. >> dana: biden wants to amend the constitution to limit presidential immunity following the supreme court decision granting former president trump and all presidents broad immunity from prosecution. president biden writing in today's "washington post" i share our founder's believe the president's power is limited, not absolute. we're a nation of laws, not of kings or dictators. >> bill: former deputy assistant a.g. john yu joins us for his analysis. we go to david spunt on this story and more. good morning. >> big proposals but not a surprise. president biden has been teasing changes to the supreme court since he came to office and ultimately vice president harris will be the one to answer for those proposals. her campaign announced hours ago 100% on board with the proposed changes including no immunity for crimes of a former president
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committed in office. term limits for supreme court justices and binding code of conduct for the supreme court. the first would require a change to the constitution in the form of an amendment. it comes after the supreme court in early july on july 4th ruled former president donald trump was largely immune from prosecution in his federal trial for attempts to overturn the election. biden calls it the no one is above the law amendment. he says no one is above the law amendment states the constitution doesn't confer any immunity from con vick -- president wants to change that. president biden supports a system in which the president would appoint a justice every two years to spend 18 years in active service on the supreme court. the third and final change a binding code of conduct for the supreme court. the key phrase a code of conduct that is enforceable. the president says justices
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shouldn't be exempt from the enforceable code of conduct that applies to every other federal judge in the country and require justices to disclose gifts, refrain from public political activity and recuse themselves from cases in which they or their spouses have financial or other conflicts of interest. congress must be involved in all these steps across the way. not something that will happen because the president wants it to happen. expect it to be a fight in the president. vice president kamala harris will have to consider this and she is 100% on board. >> dana: for more on this john yu, a former assistant attorney general and law professor at berkeley. i think a lot of this has to do with the fact there is a ton of left-wing dark money in the whole judicial reform space and i feel like they were getting agitated that biden hadn't moved forward on this and decided to
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do the op-ed but really is plowing the ground for kamala harris. want you to listen to what joe biden said in 1983 for a similar such idea. >> president roosevelt had the right to send to the united states senate and united states congress a proposal to pack the court. it was totally within his right to do that. he violated no law, he was legalistically correct, but it was a bone head idea. it was a terrible, terrible mistake to make and it put in question for an entire decade the independence of the most significant body, including the congress in my view, the most significant body in this country, the supreme court of the united states of america. >> dana: john, apparently he has changed his mind. what do you think of this idea? >> it's sad to see president biden at the end of his four decade career repudiating his past positions and jumping on
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this progressive train to attack the independence of the judiciary. i think a lot of the proposal is unconstitutional. the constitution gives justices of the supreme court lifetime tenure. it doesn't give congress the power to set term limits or the power to impose some ethics code. the reason why is because that would allow the elected branches to pressure the court because it doesn't like its decisions on abortion or guns or presidential immunity. now the problem is we need the courts to be independent in order to protect our basic constitutional rights. president biden in his op-ed said all the other countries in the world have term limits on their justice. do americans want to have the same constitutional rights they have in the rest of the world? we're known for our court's protection of our liberties. i don't think americans want to change that. >> bill: here is the "wall street journal." undermining the separation of powers, the
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bedrock of american liberty is quite a way to raise the stakes in november. your move, miss harris. it is a campaign issue. he wants to draw attention to the dobbs decision. they want to sully yet again clarence thomas and sam alito and anyone else on the right side of the conservative side that court. >> i think what you've seen is part of a progressive attack on the supreme court and other institutions. kamala harris also wants to get rid of the electoral college and wants to add puerto rico and washington, d.c. to the senate and get rid of the filibuster. at least this is revealing what the real choice is in november. i agree this is part also of a coordinated campaign by the left to attack justices thomas, alito, gorsuch. people who have interpreted the constitution based on its original understanding, which is what i think again most americans believe the supreme court should be doing.
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but unfortunately for left it doesn't reach the progressive results if they can't get through congress or state legislatures. >> dana: what does it take to make a change like this? it's not that easy. biden is like i'll do this in six months? i don't think that will happen. obviously it's a campaign issue. for everybody to remember if they wanted to try to do this what would they have to accomplish? >> i think they require constitutional amendment. biden and harris will say congress can pass a statute. if you want to be changing the term limits of justices of the supreme court, which in the constitution are granted for life, i think you need to amend the constitution. that requires 2/three of the congress and 3/four of the state legislatures, i think you are right in part it's a political ploy rather than a real promise but also reveals how radical some of the ideas that kamala
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harris and joe biden now are pressing. >> bill: do you think biden really believes this? >> dana: well, actually, i don't know. at this point. >> bill: 41 years later. thank you, john, nice to see you. come on back. >> thanks, guys. >> we are the underdog in this race and we're the underdog in this race. but this is a people power campaign. and we have momentum. >> bill: v.p. kamala harris painting herself as an underdog and donald trump as hell bent on rolling back americans' freedoms as her new campaign presses forward. mark meredith is live on the north lawn of the white house. >> democrats claim they've got momentum. the question this week is will it last? the vice president has raised more than $2 hundred million in recent days. now they will deploy that money to the battleground states to
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try to get out the vote. we're hearing more about the strategy they hope to use. a new memo out from the dnc chairman who writes democratic voters, volunteers and grassroots donors are fired up. they're confident we'll win up and down the ballot in november. harris is back on the road tomorrow going to georgia. a battleground state that democrats narrowly won four years ago. looking to see if she drops hints who she will end up picking as her running mate. several democrats reportedly under consideration. the governor of pennsylvania, arizona senator mark kelly. but one person who says she is not going to be making this list is michigan governor gretchen whitmer. >> she has a great group of people. i can be a co-chair of this campaign as well. that's my focus. i have communicated that with everybody. >> over the weekend harris saw a public support in an unlikely
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place, the villages in central florida. there was a golf cart parade for harris, area considered to be pro-trump country. ron desantis was not impressed with the turnout and posted online that a small fraction of the golf carts that descend on the golf courses every morning. harris back into the road on another deep red state texas. expected the visit there in the next couple of days. could texas be a toss-up? yet to be seen. >> bill: thank you, mark. we'll follow all of it from the white house there. mark meredith, thank you. >> dana: the idf fired retaliatory strikes on lebanon and israel waving further response after a rocket attack on a soccer field killed 12 children. israel and united states blamed hezbollah militants. all 12 of the victims were 17 or younger. >> bill: jack keane had to say
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last hour was very interest being, right? shiites living in a northern part of israel. they broke off from hundreds of years ago that population and very happy where they live. "new york post" says joe biden and kamala harris israel bashing has made all-out war with hezbollah more likely. if washington wants to end the cycle of violence it needs to work with israel, confront its sources hezbollah, hamas, houthis, iran biden/harris fear of escalation will -- hezbollah hasn't claimed responsibility for this. netanyahu was up there earlier today saying we won't allow this to pass. our response will come and it will be strong. so far they've hit a few areas in southern lebanon but not in i would argue a significant way yet. >> dana: another opportunity for the administration to address root causes of the problem. we'll see if they will do that. all right. check this out as well. >> people -- sniper and swat
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teams were on different communications channels than the patrol officers and different channels from secret service. all funneled through a central communications system. >> dana: brand-new information revealing a critical communications breakdown between the secret service and local law enforcement allowing the former gunman who shot president trump to slip through their fingers. >> bill: democrat trying to rewrite history when it comes to harris and her role in the border crisis. that's not all, either. that's just one thing. are voters ready to buy what they're hoping to sell? >> in fact, she owns all the policies of the biden/harris administration. she owns the border, she owns the inflation, but make no mistake about it, you are in for 100 days of massive gas lighting from the corporate press.
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>> bill: we have a bit of good news from butler, pennsylvania today. the families of the two injured bystanders, the assassination of donald trump speaking out over the weekend. james and david families thanking the medical staffers who treated them. both now released from the hospital. dutch last week, david over the weekend. trump plans to visit the site and honor korey comperatore, the father of two killed while shielding his family from the gunfire. trump is in harrisburg, pennsylvania on thursday. going back to the keystone state this week for a rally. all right. 19 past. >> dana: beautiful part of that state. meantime the senate is investigating the assassination attempt of donald trump. two panels will hold hearings this week and one of the star
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witnesses, the new acting director of the secret service, senior congressional correspondent chad pergram live on capitol hill. hi. >> good morning. senators are probing texts from local police officers, texts obtained by senator chuck grassley show one sniper indicated to fellow officers his shift was done and he was leaving. more than 100 minutes before the rally began. lawmakers demand transparency. >> these briefings need to be done in public. i didn't hearing anything classified. they changed the classification level after they scheduled the briefing and took off the classified label. it wasn't classified. nothing we heard was classified. you all should have been in the room. they ought to answer our questions but questions of the american people. >> there is a hearing tomorrow by two senate committees with the new acting secret service director ronald roe who took over from kimberly cheatle. she resigned after a disastrous
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house hearing last week. ron johnson has roe has a lot to explain. >> unfortunately the federal agencies are hiding behind excuse, we'll try to work cooperatively. we need democratic senators to use their process. the house will have their investigation, inspectors generals and f.b.i. there will be a lot of people investigating this. >> the house is also has a task force. they want recommendations to pluck sure a catastrophe like this does not happen again. >> i want it done very professionally. we have a lot of theater. you want to be credible more than anything. >> there was a group chat among police at the rally. one officer texting colleagues there was a man with a range finder near the warehouse. one message advises officers to
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notify secret service snipers about the subject. it says i lost sight of him. >> dana: chad, thank you. >> bill: as all these investigations unfold there are growing questions about communication failures ahead of that attempt on donald trump's life. want to bring in john ratcliffe, former director of national intelligence. good morning to you. been some time since we had a conversation. thank you for coming back here. thank god he survived or all this stuff -- no meeting with the secret service that day. 90 minutes before he was notified was on the radar. the acting head of the secret service will be before a congressional panel tomorrow. as you try to work through all this information and data, what questions do you now have based on your background in intelligence? >> well, as you are finding out, bill and dana, the more we know the worse this gets.
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the communication failures between secret service, its own components as well as law enforcement and now the length of time that there was a threat known and apparent indifference to the threat. even though the outcome wasn't as catastrophic as in the case of jfk or rfk or reagan you can argue this is a much bigger failure. in none of those cases was there 90 minutes of warning about specific threats from multiple officers with text messages and photographs. so i think obviously we need to look closely at that. i guess the main question that i would have, bill and dana, if i were looking at this is look, are these colossal failures really keystone cop security 101 failures, are they systemic to the secret service or particular to president trump as the protectee? if we look at the biden/harris
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public events would we find the same kind of mistakes or indifference? in other words, secret service not showing up for face-to-face briefings and those types of things. the reason it's important is these are questions that our adversaries are asking. you know, i'm less concerned about china or russia trying to assassinate a president or presidential nominee because they understand the chaos that would bring to the world. but we know in the case of iran that they not only have plans but have taken actions in further answer of plans to assassinate president trump or members of his cabinet. and groups like isis and al qaeda and others who watch this are sitting there thinking gosh, we thought the secret service was ten feet tall. we didn't think this was possible. we just saw some 20-year-old living in his mom's basement who was able to pull this off. is there an opportunity there that we're not taking advantage of? i think that's the reason that
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this type of inquiry has to continue laser focused the find out how big a problem, how deep is this within the secret service? >> dana: listen to jason woods, the lead sharpshooter for beaver county, pennsylvania swat team. >> we were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the secret service snipers whenever they arrived. that never happened. so i think that was probably a pivotal point where i started thinking things were wrong because that never happens. we had no communication with the secret service. >> dana: i had a friend i worked with at the white house the longer i work in government the more convinced i am that lee harvey oswald worked alone. do you believe that incompetence and come placeensy can be the sole explanation of this situation in pennsylvania? >> it can be but unfortunately, you know, because people online
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obviously have those legitimate concerns about was this some inside job or was there a political motivation there? and the problem is when the only defense that the secret service offers you in denial of that is no, no, we're really that bad at our job, we really made that many mistakes in consecutive order, the types of things that would never happen. i think that again that draws into question how was this possible? one of the text messages i think 33 minutes before at 5:38 there is a specific text message about warn secret service about this potential shooter and the response was we'll call it in and we'll have a uniform check it out. what happened? 33 minutes and no action. that is hard to believe that there would be that level of incompetence with a protection detail for a former president who is the leading candidate to become the president. i think that's only -- and this
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has been compounded by both secret service and the f.b.i.'s failure to be transparent in communicating. if it truly is just a 20-year-old who was living in mom and dad's house who pulled this off, then they ought to be more transparent where this investigation is and that was not been the case. >> in 24 hours we'll know whether the acting director of the secret service has more to say about this after a week ago the frustration that everybody felt with no answers. john ratcliffe. thank you for coming on today. thank you for your time. >> great to see you. [shouting] >> dana: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling anti-israel protestors useful idiots for iran and suggested tehran may be funding the protests. so how the state department is responding to that. plus the political winds they may be shifting. what fox news polling shows about the match-up between donald trump and kamala harris.
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>> i expect it to get tighter with the convention that's a coronation for the vice president. that is normal politics leading into labor day. the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire?
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like me, the golo success stories are real. give golo a shot. you won't be sorry. >> dana: could iranian influence by seeping its way into american free speech. they're checking to see if an anti-israel protest could be receiving support from a dark backer. gillian turner is live at the state department with the latest. >> you may recall this seminole moment from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahue, he accused protestors of being patsys for the regime. >> i have a message for protestors. when the tyrants of tehran who murder women for not covering their hair are praising, promoting and funding you you have officially become iran's
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useful idiots. >> now senior state department and white house officials are taking issue with the likelihood iran was backing those protests that terrorized the nation's capital. >> most of the people who might have received support from iran wouldn't even know that's where it was coming from. >> director of national intelligence came out and said we do know that iran has been funding and encouraging some of the protest activity here in the united states. >> indeed an urgent warning july 9th cautioned americans iranian government actors sought to take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in gaza. we have observed actors posing as activists online seeking to encourage protests and providing financial support to protestors. as if proof of that was needed the iran's foreign ministry tried to stir american division in realtime in may when campus protests erupted saying look at these universities in the u.s.,
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what these students have done is so significant it compelled the u.s. government to put aside hesitations and directly intervene. the u.s. lost its reputation in the world. officials are quick to say it is not all american protestors compromised. american pro-hamas protestors who are compromised in this way. with this effort by the iranian government now it's becoming increasingly difficult to find out who is sincere and real from who is not at these protests. >> dana: fascinating. gillian turner, thank you. >> bill: we have 99 days before the election in 2024. want to bring in guy benson, host of the guy benson show and the ceo of blueprint strategy. welcome to the program and a good monday morning. i want to show a bunch of graphics we put together that go back in time and tell us where we think are now and doesn't it
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feel like forever in a day ago it was june, right? okay. back in june this is where we thought the electoral count was, trump 251, biden 241. until we get further data we'll stick with it for the moment. you need 270 to win. what's happened in the last 32 days in america. the debate june 27th. thursday night. two weeks later assassination attempt in butler, p.a. a week later biden drops and harris joins the ticket. two days later. 32 days. you can write history books forever based on the last 32 days. late on friday evening upper midwest polling. two things right now. one dead tie in michigan 49-49. margin of error is three.
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she leads in minnesota. he leads in wisconsin. pennsylvania tied. ignore the name biden here. we'll update the graphics and get them in order and figure where we think we are. what we thought for a long time is that trump had a lead in georgia and a slight lead in north carolina, had a lead in arizona and a bigger lead in the state of nevada. let's say for the sake of this argument that is still the case now in all four of those states. if that's the case, he only needs to get one of these in the upper midwest, which means this polling right now is absolutely critical. in the polling so close in pennsylvania and michigan and wisconsin with a one-point lead. even if i were to win wisconsin under that scenario he would go back to the white house. as of today, my friend. how do you see this race? >> well, i would point out in the fox news polling that you were just referencing when you
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broaden it out to the wider field trump has a two point lead in pennsylvania, two point lead in michigan. tied in wisconsin and trailing by six in minnesota. that kind of feels like a reversion to the mean. right before biden dropped out of the race the trump campaign was feeling very bullish in all of the states that you mentioned and they were starting to look really quite competitive in the minnesota, new hampshire, virginia of the world. i think since the democrats nullified their primary election and put in a new candidate you are seeing the more blue states sliding back in that direction and battleground states looking battlegroundy with trump slightly favored nationally in a number of those states. it is kind of where we were a month ago but more competitive for the democrats in the crucial states and less scary in some of the states that they were banking on having. >> bill: antoine, how do you see it today? >> this rollercoaster ride will
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take us on many twists and turns between now and november 5th. what i can tell you is kamala harris is a once in a generational candidate. the kamala momentum with non-traditional communities is a reflection of what you see in the polling. i do not think that any polling before her entering into the race means anything. in fact, it does not mean the paper it was printed on. however, i do think it is important to note the race to the white house or the race for the white house is a race of 270. national polling doesn't mean a thing. when you look at battleground maps and polling what we see from her entering into the race, we see the base starting to unify. she is unifying the base perhaps stronger and quicker than joe biden did before he entered out of the race but you will start to see independent voters make up their mind. i think that is certainly in favor of her. if you look at the states that
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you have up on your big board, if you will. things that matter like reproductive freedom and justice, democracy and freedom will play a big role in how voters lean in as we get closer to november. >> bill: i agree with a lot of what you said. take you back to michigan. the demographics we broke down. look at the top line here. women 55 for harris, 43 trump. she leads him by 12 points. go to the groups that favor trump, all right? top line men. trump 56, harris 43. he leads her by 13. jump down four lines. you see that independents? trump has an eight-point lead among independents in the state of michigan in our polling, guy. >> well, i think that there is a good chance the independent-minded voters and registered voters in some of these states. if antoine is right and kamala
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can bring them over. the problem she has is herself and her own words and positions widely out of step with the american people especially people in the middle on a whole host of issues. >> bill: that mccormick ad in pennsylvania against casey is a bruiser. 90 seconds long and hit after hit. can you do it in 15 seconds? >> we're running against the oldest candidate in american history. the question will be can he serve another four years? a 59-year-old candidate with a dynamic appeal to multi-generations and reproductive freedom in states like michigan will matter a whole lot. >> bill: to be continued. nice to see you both. come on back. thanks. >> everybody knows kamala harris owns every failure of the ultra liberal policies of the last four years. as america's border czar and she was the border czar, the media all said it. >> dana: vice president
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candidate j.d. vance shining a spotlight on the border as democrats try to deflect from harris's failures as the border czar. s, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. what will you do when the power goes out? power outages can be unpredictable and inconvenient, but with a generac home standby generator, your life goes on uninterrupted. because when your generac detects a power outage, it automatically powers up, giving your family the security and peace of mind they deserve. we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not. if the utility company does not come through,
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>> let's be clear about this. there has been a lot of mischaracterization. she was not in xharj of the border. the homeland security department is in charge of the border.
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she was assigned to conduct diplomacy with central american countries knowing that that's part of the bigger picture of what is affecting the border. >> dana: democrats continuing to rewrite history as their presidential candidate kamala harris is facing consequences being in charge of the border. refusing to let the record be erased. joining now is the vice president of the national border patrol council. what did you think was in charge of the border? >> the administration told us, vice president kamala harris. even if their original intent was to send her to central america to deal with the root causes i would say where did that get us? she was originally told and tasked with slowing down the flow toward the border. that's not -- she is not tasked with fixing border security but i don't know what her goal was.
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>> dana: have you ever met kamala harris? >> no, we have never had any contact with her. >> dana: has anybody you worked with ever had meetings with her? >> none of us as she made her one trip to the border in el paso a couple of years ago, a few years ago. i'm sure she met with some agents there. none of us in our organization, never. >> dana: what do you think about the administration saying now the harris campaign, now saying that it's the republicans' fault that you had so many illegal aliens come into this country over the last 3 1/2 years. >> it doesn't make any sense. if the white house had literally just done nothing when joe biden's administration began. left in place the trump policies we wouldn't be sitting here. like you said they ended a bunch of policies and executive orders and basically opened the door for the world to show up at the southwest border to enter illegally and abuse the asylum
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system. >> dana: they say that the flow has slowed down considerably. do you see that? >> well, between the ports of entry where border patrol works fewer people are crossing. that doesn't tell the whole story because a lot of them -- most of them are showing up at ports of entry along the border or being flown to airports in the interior of the country where customs officers are processing them. so the overall number isn't really changing, it is a matter of who is doing the processing and where. >> dana: one of the things that is important from an administration is to be a management. you have the president, the vice president and the cabinet secretary in charge of the personnel. what is morale like for the people you work with? >> it's terrible. even though some agents are allowed to get back into the field now because we're dealing with fewer asylum seekers it doesn't change the fact of what it has been the past few years basically the entire agency has
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been demoralized. the administration has shown they don't care about the border patrol and its mission. if they did they wouldn't do what they've been doing. we have retention and recruitment issues. for some people they figure why do they want to deal with the mess they have been seeing? challenging the past few years. >> dana: senator mark kelly of arizona could be a potential vice presidential pick. do you think it could help her candidacy being he is from arizona? >> bringing somebody in a border state could help but i don't know that there is anybody who will be a good enough candidate to help her out considering her stance on the border. i just don't see how anybody will be that significant of a help for her. >> dana: i hope you have a great day and thank you for joining us on this monday. >> thank you. >> bill: ten minutes before the hour. devastating wildfires tearing through northern california. it is the burning season there.
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the latest on the peak fire and the effort to get it under control. r any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you book direct. (granddaughter laughing) when pain freezes you in your tracks... ...vapofreeze your pain away. penetrating pain relief... ...with vicks vapors. (granddaughter laughing) vapofreeze your pain away. now at walmart. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day.
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the most comprehensive pet insurance. get your free quote today. >> harris: brand-new text messages reveal more about the timeline of the attempted assassination of donald trump and local police on the ground, those officers, are telling the truth about the secret service on that day. and again an illegal border crosser is at the center of a violent case. this time a cop shot. plus three more illegals with terror ties caught at the southern border. kamala harris's border policies on full display unfortunately. texas governor greg abbott will be with me. retired f.b.i. agent and brian kilmeade simulcasting. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: a briefing happening with the f.b.i. right now and reporters are on this. they include what is a new
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f.b.i. timeline here. here we go. on the day ammunition purchased legally 50 rounds local gun store. we heard that earlier, right?e july 11th a.m. spent an hour near the shooting sight and came back home. at 1:30 he left his house said he was going to the shooting range. 3:45 crooks started flying a drone at the scene. no photos or video taken from the drone. no memory card in the drone. we had the thing about the livestreaming and 4:00 in the afternoon, ten minutes later crooks drove around the area of the shooting which i assume was on his bicycle. it doesn't say and the eight rounds shot before being neutralized and eight shell casing at the scene. david spunt working the story. c.b. cotton said behavioral analysts believe crooks was a
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loaner. >> dana: not a lot new. >> bill: a little bit there. we'll see what the hearing gives us tomorrow 23 hours from now and on ward we roll. >> dana: parts of california are feeling the devastating effects of a massive wildfire. thousands have been forced to evacuate their homes. bill melugin live in chico, california. some of these people went through this a few years ago in the same spot. >> good morning to you. they did. this fire we're talking about has exploded to 350,000 acres. that's an area bigger than the entire city of los angeles. that has already been incinerated. the park fire burning north of chico, california. conditions have gotten a little bit better. 4,000 fire personnel working this fire have managed to get the containment to 12%. the fire burning is dense vegetation acting as a constant
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supply of fuel. always a risk of it expanding any time wind or heat kick up. evacuations are in place. the mark fire has destroyed over 100 structures. one of them was the home of susan singleton, a local evacuee up here. packed up her s.u.v. and her seven dogs and got out in the nick of time. >> people we know that went by and looked at the property said it is burned down. whatever we had can be replaced, but i wouldn't have left the animals at all. >> now authorities say the park fire started on wednesday after a local two-strike felon named stout was seen pushing a flaming vehicle into a gulley which sparked and spread the fire in that dry vegetable. he is under arrest for arson and held without bail. he has prior convictions in
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california for lewd acts with a child as well as robbery causing great bodily injury. back out here live the white house says president biden has been fully briefed on this fire and offering full federal support to the locals out here trying to get the upper hand on this blaze. >> dana: bill melugin. thank you for bringing us the story. troubling for those people who had just been through it. before we go on a monday. there is this dog named gizmo reunited with his owner nine years after he went missing. 2015 when he slipped through a broken gate in the backyard. heads-up, the fritzs fast forward to last week. someone found him and turned him into a vet. he called the owner. the news made her fall to her knees crying. she was missing the dog since 2015. amazing news. >> technology worked. >> dana: harris faulkner is up next. >> harris: breaking news. just the fact alone


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