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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 29, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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child as well as robbery causing great bodily injury. back out here live the white house says president biden has been fully briefed on this fire and offering full federal support to the locals out here trying to get the upper hand on this blaze. >> dana: bill melugin. thank you for bringing us the story. troubling for those people who had just been through it. before we go on a monday. there is this dog named gizmo reunited with his owner nine years after he went missing. 2015 when he slipped through a broken gate in the backyard. heads-up, the fritzs fast forward to last week. someone found him and turned him into a vet. he called the owner. the news made her fall to her knees crying. she was missing the dog since 2015. amazing news. >> technology worked. >> dana: harris faulkner is up next. >> harris: breaking news. just the fact alone we can't
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really nail down and exact number. estimates between eight and 10 million illegal immigrants have poured across our southern border in the last 3 1/2 years. our national security is at risk because we don't know who they are period. some of them waiting for court dates for years. some not vetted at all. some gotaways, 2 million of them. another major concern right now is that a vote for vice president kamala harris would be a vote for four more years of broken and dangerous border policies. i'm harris faulkner. just today after a deadly shooting near the randalls island migrant shelter, new york city is watching. one woman died, two others injured and we don't know yet if there is a link to the shelter but the nypd reportedly is
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looking for at least two suspects. we have known shootings not to be far from those and off times square on the west side or mid town. we've seen it because the suspects have ended up on our property not far from there here at fox. we know it can happen. they are looking into it. fox has confirmed the suspect who shot a texas police officer over the weekend was here illegally. a 25-year-old gunman is a venezuelan national who crossed illegally into eagle pass, texas, in november of 2023 and apprehended by border patrol and then released with a court date set for 2026. he was killed this weekend in a shoot-out with police after he shot a cop. the texas officer he did shoot is expected to survive. we have seen a string of recent deadly violent illegal immigrant crime. it is not everybody. beautiful people come across the
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border. but we aren't vetting people the way we should so when the bad ones come, they come packing whatever they bring with them, their crime, their hate, whatever it is. some of their victims. look at your tv. jocelyn, liz, ruby, rachel, jeremy and lakin. those are just a few most recent. the "new york post" is reporting border agents designed three palestinians as well and one person from turkey who illegally crossed our border last month. all four suspected of terror ties. there were more than 375 suspects on the terror watch listen countered under president biden and vice president kamala harris. remember, he tasked her with border responsibility. now either she abdicated that
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responsibility or is really bad at it. compare that number under biden, 375 people tied to the terror watch list, to 11 under former president trump. what does that mean for america come november and the presidential elections with kamala harris running? republicans say v.p. harris cannot escape her record. >> she was assigned to deal with an immigration problem that was a problem 3 1/2 years ago. it is beyond a disaster now. >> she owns all the policies of the biden/harris administration and owns the border. she was there cheerleading that every day for the last 3 1/2 years. >> she still has to defend the policies of the biden administration. nothing was done well for the american people and she is responsible for that. >> harris: republican governor greg abbott of the great state of texas. there have been tough times under the leadership of both
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biden and harris with her being in charge of it all. how many times have you talked with kamala harris? your state being the one that has taken in the most illegals during their administration. >> regardless of whatever title kamala harris has, border czar, whatever the case may be. everyone has seen the videotape where president biden clearly assigned to kamala harris the responsibility to take care of the border and this past weekend a video surfaced about kamala harris having a press conference at the border along with secretary mayorkas talking about assuming the responsibility to provide a secure border. the bottom line is despite the fact she has been in charge of securing the border, she has talked to me, the state that is ground 0 for illegal border crossings, the state that represents 2/three of the border kamala harris has talked to me exactly 0 times. >> harris: have you tried
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reaching out to her? >> the person i reached out to has been president biden. when he arrived on the tarmac in el paso i handed him a one-page letter to make it easy to comprehend the three laws that exist under laws passed by congress about action he can take immediately to secure the border. he never once took me up on that offer. >> harris: i remember that day. we spoke right after that and i was curious to know if he handed that letter right away to kamala harris. this is something that they share because it has been the most explosive part of their administration. and he attached her name to it. i don't call her a border czar. she is the woman in charge. czar seems too light. he said he wanted her in the room. the last person in the room of every major decision. she is tied to this, which i would imagine is why democrats are trying so hard to make america forget that it's her. i want to get to this with you, governor. miranda devine's new opinion
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piece kamala harris must still hold biden's border inflation baggage even as the machine fires on all cylinders. despite attempts by media to erase history as a border czar there is ample video evidence she was handed the poison portfolio of managing the border crisis. she was on optics. she refashioned the role into something -- root cause gig where she jetted around to a few countries and handed out our money. she came to el paso in your state for a heartbeat and somebody cleaned everybody up off the streets. we covered it. >> you are exactly right. it was a sanitized version of what she saw on the border. she never went to the areas where biden and kamala harris were allowing 5,000 people to cross a day, which was eagle pass, texas.
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they never firsthand witnesses the chaos they caused. but to tie this back in, harris, to what you initially talked about in this segment. listen, regardless of what whatever title they have the president and vice president have a primary duty. sacred duty is to protect the united states of america from terrorists and know this, the new number about the number of -- the known terrorists who have been apprehended coming across the border is 383 under the biden/harris administration. know this also, however, those are the ones apprehended. if you are on the terrorist watch list you pay more to the cartels to not be apprehended. we don't know how many hundreds or thousands of terrorists are in our country because the biden and harris administration did not secure the border. as the director of the f.b.i., director wray testified he said he anticipates the possibility of another 9/11-style attack because of the people allowed
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across the border by the biden/harris presidency. kamala is now running to be the president of the united states. their job is to guard our national security. when it concerns guarding national security kamala harris has been an abject failure and has endangered americans. if we have a 9/11 style attack it is on the hands of kamala harris. >> harris: i want us to put up the terrorist watch graphic a couple times. it is important to take another look. look at the number already for fiscal year 24. 93. during all the years that trump was president during his term 11. you add up all the numbers on the right and we need to correct that graphic because it is biden/harris. now she is running for president. you pointed that out. that's true. during that time 375 and if you do the math between 23 and 24 we're on track to at least tie that, i would imagine, if we
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don't change something. talk to me about the citizens of texas right now and what do you tell them when you know there is only so much you can do when it comes to doing the federal government's job? >> first i tell you what we did do and tell the perspective of texans right now. that area where 5,000 people were coming across the border is eagle pass, texas. because we wired it shut no longer are there 5,000 people crossing the border. there is less than one illegal immigrant crossing the border a day. if you look at the entire border of texas from brownsville to el paso, we have reduced illegal immigration by 85%. but today, harris, connected to i think something you alluded to early on in your show, texans are angry because over the weekend there was a police officer in san antonio, texas, who was shot by a gun by an illegal immigrant, allowed in
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and allowed to remain in the united states of america and this is deadly dangerous because of the policies that the biden administration and kamala harris are allowing to take place. this is important to say. kamala in this video that surfaced this weekend said illegal immigrants are not criminals. she has prosecuted criminals. they aren't criminals. the man who tried to kill a police officer in san antonio, he is a criminal. the man who -- the men who raped and murdered jocelyn are criminals. there are criminals coming across our border and act accordingly. >> harris: in the case of the police officer shot in one of your texas communities in san antonio and we pray for her recovery and for her family's support of her as she makes a
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recovery we're hoping will be a full one, at the same time if kamala harris recognizes criminals, she will have to make sure her administration does, too. he was actually caught and released and given a court date of 2026. he was part of the system that has become so toxic with people that really don't vet the way we should. last quick word. >> kamala has a chance of redemption. she will show up if houston, texas on thursday of this week. and there is a bill filed by ted cruz in the united states congress called justice for jocelyn that would require a united states to hold for ice to hold these people in detention and not let them loose. kamala harris can step up on thursday in houston, texas say she supports the justice or jocelyn act. if she refuses to do it, it is a signal to america she isn't
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taken her job serious as potential president of the united states that she would continue to release -- catch and release into the united states dangerous criminals and this is a tell to americans when they go cast their vote, is kamala up to the duty of detaining illegal immigrants who cross the border who pose an imminent danger to our fellow americans? >> harris: you set the standard and the bar high for her on thursday to really make a stand on this. we'll all watch for it. governor abbott of the great state of texas we're always with you in this and watching even when the federal government wanted to sue you over the wiring shut of the border that you talked about. if it weren't for that you wouldn't see an 85% drop in numbers in the rio grande sector. we wish it was contagious for this administration. paris olympic organizers have doubled down on their drag show
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and parity of jesus's last supper. the outrage growing now over what some people say is an attack on their christianity. do we have any doubt? plus this. >> every time democrats see a decision they don't like, they threaten supreme court. biden knows he can't do this. but like many of the things he proposes, he does it anyway to troll for votes. >> harris: critics are going after president biden and vice president kamala harris after they proposed a massive overhaul of the u.s. supreme court. they are calling it reform. well, we own a dictionary and we don't know what they are talking about. they want to change the u.s. constitution potentially through this process. brian kilmeade joins me next. he will simulcast on fox news radio station and tv next.
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>> harris: brian kilmeade simulcasting with me. let's start. good to have you. president biden claims he wants to reform the u.s. supreme court. now actually he wants big changes. how that might impact the u.s. constitution and by the way, you don't get a say in any of this, american people. biden is set to speak later today about this issue in texas. he already outlined them in the "washington post." wrote an op-ed titled my plan to reform the supreme court and insure no president is above the law. there is so much we could say about that but it is only an hour show about the law, joe biden got a pass because he is a nice elderly old man with no
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memory. the plan, a constitutional amendment to limit presidential immunity for crimes committed in office. that's what he wants to target. term limits for the justices and a binding code of conduct. the court's current ethics code is voluntary. a constitutional law attorney says this about it all. >> it certainly shows the position of the democrat party. they don't like the outcome of the court's ruling and want to change the rules. ironic coming from a party talking about stealing democracy that they are going forward with such a radical talking point here. >> harris: brian kilmeade this is interesting because they changed the vocabulary on this whole thing. a reform is not completely changing something. >> this would change. no doubt about it. they would provide ethics rules that i guess the president and congress would tell the supreme court to abide by equal branch of justice. i don't think so.
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then they'll give term limits. you don't want to be too old or too conservative or too liberal. when their retirement age. right now it is lifetime. what do the founding fathers know? then what's the other thing they want to do? they want to have -- make sure immunity does not transfer over to the former and current president of the united states. now and in the future. none of this is going to fly. think about this. if you are a senator tester trying to convince a punch of republicans in your state to give you another six years in office, you have to pretend at least for a few months that you are conservative or somewhat moderate even though he always votes liberal. he won't vote for this. nobody in a battleground state will vote for this. also you have a situation where in the senate not going to pass and in the house it won't pass. it is an exercise and statement to keep the president busy. >> harris: this is an exercise to give them something to run on
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down ballot should kamala harris was not helping them at the top of the ticket. i think it's obvious now. i don't think they can get done anything moving forward. he is lame duck biden and that is being generous. >> i would add one other thing. he keeps on putting down the supreme court. can you imagine if the supreme court put down the president because he is too liberal or failed on the border or because of what happened in afghanistan? everybody would be outraged. what is going on with the supreme court? every day he wants us to doubt our institutions and blames trump for that. >> harris: but remember, he wants student bail reform as he calls it. a change. he wants to pay off billions in loans that will cause our debt to go up exponentially in this country and he wants to do that. the u.s. supreme court said no and so of course he will act this way. he wants the u.s. supreme court to capitulate to him and he is willing to disrespect the court by exactly what you are saying,
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brian, going against them verbally but now with action. he has already done it. he doesn't respect the court. >> the way you do it traditionally is you do what happened in 2016. hillary clinton says let me win and i will appoint a supreme court justice that democrats would approve. trump said you let me win i'll put a supreme court justice here and it mobilized republicans to get to the polls and you got gorsuch and trump for four years. now you can say sotomayor is not healthy. people are worried about her. you have justice clarence thomas, somebody else not getting any younger. i'm sure he might take an opportunity if trump wins to step aside. just outline the stakes the old-fashioned way and debate on it. you don't have to take everything apart in our country. >> harris: you do if your legacy is at stake. she is basically monster stomped him with the party. she didn't have to win any votes to replace biden.
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so kamala harris is in the cat bird seat now and he is trying to get legacy points and give people something to run on. in case she doesn't work out down ballot. outrage at a stunt in the paris olympics. i know you are covering this. during the opening ceremony, it went global. organizers put on a drag queen show making fun of jesus christ's last supper. and the people behind it did apologize sort of. they said they did not mean to mock christianity. organizeer say it was about illusion and tolerance. clay travis said this. >> the goal is to appeal to everyone from every walk of life to the billions of people watching the olympic. whether make fun of christianity, islam, or jewish faith or hindu, i was stunned they would even do this. i thought it was a really poor
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choice. >> harris: today's "new york post" front page calls it the last straw. the op-ed reads olympics last supper debacle was latest effort to denigrate western culture. >> you put a lot of money in and build stadiums. tell people in major cities to stay home from work if it gets too crowded and you hope to sell your city paris, the most famous city in the world and want people to come there. you want to show your country in the best light. easy, tone it down. guys. instead we get somebody who has something that has nothing to do with france and so outrageous about their insult to chris christianity. they didn't insult a lot of people that watch. italy, england and in france are outraged about the putdown. the outright putdown and the mockery and tongue in cheek apology we got from the producers yesterday. sorry you guys are upset.
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they knew exactly what they were doing. they did a bad job at choreographing on purpose. they wanted to make a mockery of the mockery and said i could do anything. so those people on the fence wondering every four years should i watch the olympics and field hockey and figure out why you are carrying a gun and skiing at the same time? should i do that? oh they're telling me not to watch. i have an idea. why don't you try this for the closing ceremonies. why don't you have a transgender mohammed and see how that goes with the muslim faith and how funny they take that. instead you take a shot to the christians and say get over it, we lit a torch, now we have to go. to me it is unnecessary. i don't think twice about it. we have other things to do in our lives but in paris you should be embarrassed. in no one checked that off and let them do it, it's bad. if you saw it and checked it
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off, that's even worse. >> harris: wow, you have said it all. brian kilmeade, you summed up with so many people felt. it is an open door right now for christianity to take a punch to the solarplex us. we have to close that door. they aren't welcome to do that. thank you very much. good to simulcast with you and your listeners. the u.s. senate now is taking up the investigation into the assassination attempt on former president trump. tomorrow the new acting secret service director will stand up and face the music. he is sure to be asked about in yourly surfaced checked messages that the gunman was on radar earlier that reported. a retired f.b.i. agent is with us on "focus" next. bill, you lo! now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire?
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tensions in the middle east. israel fired retaliation. they fired rockets deep into lebanon after accusing the hezbollah terrorists there that were funded and guided by iran basically at their right hand, they are accused of the deadliest attack on civilian israelis since october 7th. [shouting] >> harris: the cruelty never stops with people firing on that nation. our greatest ally in the middle east. this happened on saturday. rocket fire came in from lebanon where hezbollah operates. it hit a soccer field and the israeli controlled golan heights. a section of syria, 12 children and teenagers were killed. in a rare move hezbollah denied responsibility and israel is still vowing to retaliate.
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officials say they aren't looking to start a second all-out war but they won't sit silent. trey yengst is live in tel aviv, israel. trey. >> good morning. overnight israel's cabinet met to discuss advanced operational plans against the iran-backed group hezbollah coming after 12 teens and children were killed in a rocket attack on saturday. we were there just after the attack. take a look. the cousin of 11-year-old alma weeps as she clutched her photo. it is all she has left of the young child, one of 12 people killed in saturday's hezbollah rocket attack. at their family home, her father stands in her bright pink room. >> this was her schoolwork. >> eliminate hezbollah, that's it. that's what i want. he says. >> what do you remember about
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her most? >> when she was alive or when i had to collect the pieces of her, he responds? with a population of just 11,000 people, the trauma of this attack affected every resident of this town. a community in the golan heights that had a large funeral today for the dead. the grief that they are experiencing collectively right now is unimaginable. there are 12 young members of their community being buried in the after math of this horrific hezbollah rocket attack. at the scene of the attack teams are going inch by inch searchinging for any one killed. the wounded and dead were children wearing sports gear. this first responder says. it is a disaster. the region is bracing for the possibility of a broader war with hezbollah already international airlines are
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suspending flights to beirut and some countries are urging civilians to leave lebanon immediately. harris. >> harris: all right, we'll see what we do for the allies via the biden/kamala. they met with the prime minister separately just last week. we don't know where we stand on our policy with them and they are taking incoming from a new direction, the north. trey yengst, thank you. the f.b.i. just finished up giving an update on their investigation into the trump assassination attempt and they say they still have not determined really the overall meaning for the shooting. we know the motive was to kill but was there anything behind that? they also reveal the former president will sit down for a formal victim interview at some point. we don't have a date or time on that yet. fox news has now obtained some text messages from local law enforcement that were given and
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sent out the day of the assassination attempt on our nation's 45th president. they seem to show the suspect was spotted much earlier than officials previously told us. iowa senator chuck grassley has a copy of the local sniper's group chat and forwarded it out. look at this. at 4:261 of the snipers texted someone followed our lead and snuck in and parked by our cars, just so you know. i'm just letting you know because you see me go out with my rifle and put it on my car, so he knows you guys are up there. then at 5:38 p.m. a sniper sent a photo of the gunman lurking around the agr building. and texted i did see him with a range finder looking towards stage, fyi. if you want to notify s.s. snipers to look out, i lost
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sight of him. now that person, as i understand it, was on a job shift and handing over. i want to double-check with my team. that's what i had in my breakdown. here with us is a retired f.b.i. agent. you have one guy leaving and he said i saw him and he had a range finder. this was so much before 6:11. they had plenty of time not to put trump up on the stage. it is getting worse day-by-day. why is it happening this way? >> those of us who worked these special events it's astounding. the lack of urgency is incredible. if you want to notify s.s. snipers like it is a casual thing? they should have been much more urgency and a plan in place to deal with contingencies like these. i put plans together for events like the olympics and oscars and things like that.
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you have contingencies and everything is spelled out what should happen if any of those take place. if you have a guy inside your perimeter with a range finder you have to take immediate action to address that potential threat. the lack of urgency on all involved is incredible. >> harris: this goes deeper. one of the lot swat police officers shared how the u.s. secret service also had a lot less to do with what was going on in terms of communications than we thought. >> we were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the secret service snipers whenever they' arrived. that never happened. that was a pivotal point where i started thinking things were wrong. that never happens. we had no communication with the secret service. >> you had no communication with the secret service at all on that saturday? >> not until after the shooting. >> harris: they had time to text
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message back and forth and change shifts and be -- the secret service responded this way. of course, that's a huge accusation when a swat team said you didn't call us or communicate before the president got shot so here is the secret service on the record today. as it relates to communications on that day, we are committed to better understanding what happened before, during and after the assassination attempt of former president trump to insure that never happens again. that includes complete cooperation with congress, the f.b.i. and other relevant investigations. they didn't deny it. they didn't deny they didn't do their jobs and communicate with the swat team and possibly others on the ground. look, we want to think great things about people who have great responsibility. what do you think? >> it's inexcusable. every field officer on the f.b.i. has a million dollar
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command post. we invite the lapd and la sheriff and we sit side-by-side and dedicate a guy to sit in their command posts. we're next to each other. for these people not to brief in person on the morning of the rally is unheard of. i've done these events. you brief, plan and brief again and meet constantly throughout the day and you have a command post where all the communication goes in so that they can coordinate and then action can be taken almost immediately. the fact this was done so nonchalantly is astounding to those of us who worked special events. >> harris: like they don't own a shift all caps button. if they use emojis put in all caps, i see the same guy you are talking about with a rifle and range finder and i'm leaving the post to hand it off and i want to make you aware. put it in all caps if you have to. >> absolutely. hold the protectee, don't let
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him take the stage. >> harris: the special agent in charge are drilling down on this. any quick thoughts about the f.b.i.? >> they've got to be quick. they have to be transparent. it is two separate investigations. f.b.i. is investigating the shooter what his motivations are. he wasn't active on social media and they have to figure it out. secret service has to figure out safety going down the road. the homestretch of a contentious presidential election. a man lost his life exercising his right to be part of the political process for one of these candidates. it can't happen in the country. >> harris: making sure it doesn't happen again knowing what the dead shooter had behind his plans. that's important, i guess, for history. we have to keep people alive now. mainly the people who lead our country. bobby, thank you. the vice president is apparently sharpening her attack against
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former president trump because he is going after her very liberal record. kamala harris expected to announce her running mate in the next week or so. power panel is next. >> it wouldn't surprise me if it will be a governor from a swing state. she needs someone who has led a large institution or body with lots of people. she needs someone also who will be a little more balanced.
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>> harris: two governors in battleground states, pennsylvania and michigan, are going to hit the stump for kamala harris today. they are both on her reported short list of potential running mates. senior white house correspondent jackui heinrich with more on this. >> in her first fundraiser vice president harris did something joe biden never did. that is allowing cameras inside. a sign she wants to capitalize on every bit of momentum she has right now. listen. >> let us be clear eyed. we have a fight ahead of us. we have a fight ahead of us and we are the underdog in this race, okay?
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we're the underdog in this race. but this is a people power campaign. and we have momentum. the day after i announced by candidacy we saw the best 24 hours of grassroots fundraising in presidential campaign history. >> it broke its all-time fundraising record the day president biden dropped out of the race. polls show democrats were eager to dismiss him. his favorable jump after pulling out. excitement for harris has been stronger, it raised $2 hundred million so far and added 170 volunteers in the first week. at the community of the villages in florida, a trump stronghold. harris supporters held a golf cart rally. jamie harrison said democratic voters, volunteers are fired up. we're confident in our battleground states democrats will win up and down the ballot in november. that is definitely a shift in language from harrison and
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democrats. harris's big decision is going to be choosing a running mate. democrats are viewing arizona senator mark kelly as a possible antidote to republican criticism of her handling of the border. gretchen whitmer who might have made a two-woman ticket said she had no interest in running. it is down to a shorter short list. today pennsylvania governor josh shapiro is stumping for harris in his state. right now pennsylvania on the ticket with harris could give them the best chance at 270 and see how it shakes out. >> harris: we're covering it stem to stern. power panel great debate. david avella and patrick murphy. he is also former army under secretary. great to see you both. david, i will start with you. we had governor abbott on at the
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beginning of the program and he outlined the differences on what has been people's top one, two or three priority for the last 36 months, the illegal border. now you have the u.s. supreme court that biden wants to change. i would think that she would be part of that conversation, too. she is hitting him with her governors now. put it all in context for us. early in the race against kamala harris. >> the vice president might want to use biden's basement strategy 2.0 because as republicans factually and calmly make the case that her ideas are backwards. she wants to get rid of the childcare tax credit. she wants to instead of building on the foundation of fossil fuels to get us more clean energy, she wants to get rid of fossil fuels. instead of using the private sector to make healthcare more affordable and give us greater access she wants medicare for all. we are setting ourselves up here to have an election, harris,
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just like it was for mcgovern and just like it was for michael dukakis. she was up 19 points before the election. as more people learned about his ideas, he went on to lose by nine points. if republicans make the case for her ideas being backwards we'll see a similar thing this november. >> harris: we don't have five months but 99 days from today. rebuttal, patrick. >> we're double digits. david i love you, brother, when you say they are trying to get rid of fossil fuels the carpet doesn't match the drapes. we have had more fossil fuel production. the audio doesn't match the video. he said they are against fossil fuels. we have drilled more for oil and natural gas in america than american in history. >> harris: why does he keep tapping the reserve. harris the last person in the
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room on every major decision that affects us. why in the world do they keep tapping the reserve when we know that we're in trouble when you do that and don't put as much in? >> because gas prices were at over $5 a gallon. now down to $3.42. >> harris: one of what you just mentioned in terms of energy independent. we aren't. don't sniff it anymore since trump left office. now you have to dip into the reserve. how is that a competent argument for why you don't want to push out fossil fuels? it is obvious that's what's happening. >> harris, last summer president biden and harris authorized a project 500,000 more gallons of oil produced in america. >> harris: it wasn't enough. >> we need to do more. i'm not arguing that. we need to do more natural gas but david can't say they are against. >> harris: where does she stand on fracking, do you know?
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>> she agreed with president biden yeah, she agreed with president biden that she believes in fracking natural gas. >> harris: no, no, no, i'll pull that tape for tomorrow. let's let david take us out. >> patrick has me rethinking. i thought we might talk about v.p. thoughts and i was going to say he is a veteran of the army, he comes from a swing state, he served in congress, he won competitive elections. i would say patrick murphy should be on the v.p. list. the fact that she said people that work in the fossil fuel industry could get other jobs does not give great confidence to those in the fossil fuel industry that she is for them. here is the other thing that probably is the reality. kamala harris, joe biden nor joe lieberman were picked to reinforce the base and that's where kamala harris will go. >> harris: great to see you. thank you, everybody, for
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