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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 29, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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i think they need to answer for that. >> that will be a talking point. changing the u.s. supreme court because the current president says it is not ethical. that means he doesn't like it because you have conservatives on it. >> you throughout the institution when you don't like a ruling. that makes sense. >> we know what he thinks of the supreme court because the court said no to his bailout plan for student loans, big talking point for running this year. and he's going to do it anyway. >> this 18 term limit for justices applied to fight and he would've had to retire 1991 in the country would've been better. >> oh, my goodness. let's end there because that was interesting but here's the president getting off of marine one. he will get off air force one headed for austin, texas, today. we will cover it all. thank you for watching outnumbered. now here is b5. >> sandra: fox news alert and we will pick it up from there as we do now.
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see the president stepping off joint base andrews. he has arrived there. he will be boarding air force one soon. welcome ever appeared this is sandra smith in new york and we are covering the presidents arrival their life. >> john: i am john roberts in washington and you've been up for a long time pair the president headed to air force one pure he's going down to austin, texas, visiting the lbj library where he will commemorate the 60th anniversary of the passage and signing of the civil rights act which of course was done by the johnson administration back in 1964. >> sandra: all right. president biden has arrived there ahead of the speech where he will announce these new reforms he is calling for on the supreme court of the united states. all of this as we see a campaigning kamala harris out there. making her pitch to american voters why she is the one who should come after the president as he steps on air force one. >> john: something we will be talking about has the hours
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progress as afternoon is that op-ed that the president pinned and "the washington post" calling for a reform of the supreme court. including term limits and a strict ethics guidelines. of course nothing will happen on that before he ceases to become president because it is an election year and looking at the makeup of congress but it could serve as a road map for talking points for the democratic party as they had toward november. >> sandra: expect to hear a lot from it and we will hear from the president a bit later on. and now this. >> we had a text group between the local snipers that were on scene. i sent those pictures to that group and advised them of what i noticed and what i had seen. i assumed there would be somebody coming out to speak with this individual or find out what's going on. >> how do you know if greg's concerns about the crooks are being relayed properly question rick >> we don't.
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we have to assume that when you put that information to command, command took that information and did something with it. we don't know if they did. speak to the butler county s.w.a.t. team speaking out for the very first time revealing that they had no communication with secret service until after the assassination attempt on former president trump. >> john: he's expected to sit down with an fbi more than two weeks after the assassination. brand-new text messages obtained by fox news revealing a s.w.a.t. team member flagged that he saw the gunman nearly 100 minutes before trump took the stage. that is roughly a half hour more than what officials have previously claimed. >> sandra: the time they gets more and more interesting. the local s.w.a.t. team claiming it never had a face-to-face briefing with secret service performer secret service presidential detective division richard starr poley, he has here live with his thoughts. he will offer them in a moment. >> john: first cb cotton is live in butler, pennsylvania,
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where she has been since the shooting. the fbi just wrapped up its briefing. what did we learn? >> a new alarming detail from the fbi which says the explosives found in common thomas matthew crooks car could've exploded had the receivers not been in the off position. this as we learn more about the would-be assassin. the fbi calling him a loner but also highly intelligent. so much so that he tried to go unnoticed. federal investigators telling us he used aliases and foreign encrypted accounts to make nearly three dozen online purchases for gun materials and chemical precursors from the spring of 2023 through the first half of this year. the fbi says in his parents are cooperating and never suspected anything of their son who enjoy to science and experiments leaving family members unfazed by the chemicals in their home.
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the fbi said crooks did online searches of former president trump and president biden and investigators say he also looked up mass shooting events, ieds, and the attempted assassination of the slovakian prime minister earlier this year. these latest details, as text messages between local counter snipers now revealed crooks was spotted 90 minutes before the gunfire as you mentioned which is earlier than previously reported. the secret service agents tasked with directly protecting trump were reportedly never alerted. one local counter snipers sharing what he saw as an early warning sign. >> we were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the secret service snipers, whenever they arrived and that never happened. so i think that was probably a pivotal point where i started thinking things were wrong because that never happens and we had no communication with the secret service.
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>> the fbi said more than 2100 tips have been investigated and more than 450 people have been interviewed. federal investigators say as of right now they believe crooks acted alone. don. >> john: peel back the layers of this onion and it gets more and more troubling. sandra. >> sandra: thank you. let's bring in richard starr poley. thank you for jumping back on with us. you have joined us throughout. these text messages are disturbing and when you read them, they were obtained by senator chuck grassley and now shared with us. let me put number four upon the stream. someone followed our lead and snuck in and parked by our cores to see you know. i'm just letting you know because you see me go out with my rifle and put it in my car so he knows you guys are up there. message five. i did see him with a range finder looking toward stage fyi. if you want to notify ss snipers to look out, i lost sight of him.
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you read this and you think what about this was not an absolute immediate emergency? the things that they are saying that they saw in these text messages and you don't alert the secret service right by the president? >> i will tell you, it just gets worse and worse every day for the secret service. this is a classic example of the most basic breakdown in communication where it should have never gotten to that point. as a matter of fact, i don't think it's going out on a limb here for me to say given all of the breakdowns that went on with the security plan and the lack of preparation that went into it, this event should have never taken place. it is inconceivable that no secret service agent had a face-to-face meeting with any of the tactical units. it just doesn't happen. >> sandra: it's really important that we work through this timeline considering the most recent details that we h have. starting with the ammunition that we know was purchased
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legally on that day. 50 rounds from a local gun store. the morning of july 13th 11:00 a.m. he left his home and spent an hour near the shooting site and then return home. 1:30 he left his house told his parents he was going to the shooting range. it was then over two hours later that he was back on the scene and began flying his drone. that was almost at 4:00. okay richard? no photos or videos were taken from the joan. there was not even a memory card in it. perhaps that was even a mistake on his part. at approximately 4:00 he drove around the area of the shooting, shortly after he was identified as a suspicious person. s.w.a.t. operators found him using a range finder on 5:30. according to resources of the text message that i just read it and then it was nearly 6:00 become a it's before 6:00 he was found carrying a backpack near that building. he then climbed the building using the hvac piping to get on the roof.
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he jumped on other rooftops to get to the final position to take his shots. he fired eight rounds before being neutralized and the fbi found eight shell casings at the scene. you look at that timeline, richard, and our amateur eyes say this was preventable. >> it was totally preventable and even though you are not a secret service agent for 25 years and you describe yourself as amateur eyes, common sense needed to be the common dictator of the day and that went completely out the window. this was a total breakdown in anyone doing anything to intercept this kid that was seen walking around an hour and a half prior to the event acting suspiciously. all it would've taken is someone walking up to this kid and asking him who are you, what are you doing here, engage in conversation. that would have given you a reading of where is this person's head out and probably would've prevented that kid from climbing up on that roof and
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firing those shots. i would love to have a real fancy explanation for you of what happened here but the bottom line is what happened here is the secret service failed to take any action to prevent what occurred here and allow this to occur here from the outset simply by not communicating with state and local authorities. that's all it would've taken. when i did sites, and i have done many sites over the years on a really big scale, i talked to everyone. the tactical units, the snipers, the fire department. i even want to talk to the guy delivering the ice to the venue. i need to know who everyone is and what they are doing. and those people become my eyes and ears and allow me to properly secure my site. it simply wasn't done here and this is unacceptable. >> sandra: for all of us, that's what we think is happening. we think absolutely every detail has been looked at. and no rock is going unturned. the former director
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john ratcliffe was on earlier and he was talking about the message it sends to the world. we did not get this right and the message it sends to terror groups. listen. >> groups like isis and al qaeda and others that watch this are sitting there thinking we thought the secret service was 10 feet tall. we didn't think this was possible but we just saw some 20-year-old living and his mom's basement who was able to pull this off so is there an opportunity there that we are not taking advantage of? >> sandra: final thought on that? >> i can't disagree with the thing he said. that's exactly right. if anyone doesn't think that the professional terrorist organizations all over the world were taking a hard look at this and are talking about this in their cave somewhere in afghanistan, you are totally wrong. this was a cataclysmic failure on the part of the u.s. secret service. >> sandra: which is why accountability will be huge appeared to tell the world that we won't let this happen again and we know senator josh hawley and others are demanding that and briefings in public so the
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american people can hear the answers. very much appreciate your time richard, thank you. >> thank you. >> john: to the race for the white house. vice president kamala harris using her first fund-raiser since becoming the democrats likely nominee to attack the confirmed republican nominee. hitting former president donald trump as a threat to american freedom. jacqui heinrich is live at the white house turning down the temperature on the rhetoric did not last long. >> the vice president is trying to hold onto this newly energized and newly unified base with her own brand of messaging. we saw last week as she broke from president biden's usual talking points on israel telling benjamin netanyahu we have a lot to talk about rather than reiterating the usual unwavering u.s. support for israel and even in her attacks on trump, rather than embracing the usual dark and stormy language about the threats that they say the other side poses, they are now painting them as weird.
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>> and you may have noticed donald trump has been resorting to some mild lies about my record and some of what he and his running mate are saying is just plain weird. [laughter] i mean that's the box he put that in. >> a lot of new branding has to do with what's working online. young voters reshaped her most macho one-liners into viral tiktok videos with trending puppets. jamie harrison says we are doing more than ever before to equip our grassroots supporters from sharing content in a relational organization reach to creating organic means, graphics, and tiktok's to hosting trainings and a quick volunteer to become content creators activating communities on platforms including whatsapp, tiktok, youtube, facebook, and discord.
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they added 170,000 volunteers in their first week. harris broke with biden's president by allowing presidents into her first fund-raiser this weekend. pleasing everyone might not last too long for it she still has to pick a running mate. richard witmer who might've made free to one when ticket said as she is not interested. >> she will make the decision and the next six or seven days. i would imagine we will know who her running mate is and we will get ready for convention. >> arizona senator mark kelly might be on her handling of the border. but josh shapiro could do the most for the ticket in those below states. we will watch it. >> thank you. the vp steaks continues to pace. we will talk about that more coming up and if the dnc is reaching out to all of these folks to create means, don't forget memes go both ways. have you seen the meme about what can be unburdened by what has been?
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it goes on for like 5 minutes. it's cut after cut after cut after cut. >> sandra: and the messaging from the left to the right, it seems democrats want to coin trump and vance as a weird advance is responding to that. we will have kayleigh mcenany to discuss. >> john: looking forward to all of it. >> sandra: striking back after an attack on a soccer field that killed 12 children in northern israel. keith kellogg standing by with his reaction but first, let's get straight to trey yingst in israel. >> and we understand this response is only the beginning of the israeli retaliation following that deadly rocket attack. we will have more after the breabreak. (♪) is he? claritin clear? yeah. fast relief of allergies with nasal congestion, so you can breathe better. claritin plus decongestant.
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>> sandra: the middle east is bracing for even more violence after israel countered a rocket strike on a soccer field. that left 12 children died over the weekend. israel and the u.s. blamed hezbollah for the attack but they have denied any responsibility for the attack. we have fox team coverage for you. lieutenant general keith kellogg is standing by with all the latest developments but first trey yingst is live in tel aviv. what is the latest from the frontline? what do you hear? >> good afternoon. overnight the israeli cabinet met to discuss operational plans against hezbollah. this does follow that rocket attack on saturday that killed 12 children and teenagers. we were there in the aftermath of that incident. take a look. the cousin of 11-year-old alma fakir had team weeps as she clutches her photo. it's all that she has left of
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the young child. 1 of 12 people killed in saturday's hezbollah rocket attack. almost father stands in her bright pink room. >> this was her schoolwork. >> eliminate has blood. that's it. that's what i want. >> what do you remember about her the most? >> when she was alive or when i had to collect the pieces of her peered with a population of just 11,000 people, the trauma of this affect affected every resident. a community and the golan heights that had a large funeral today for the dead. the grief that they are experiencing collectively is unimaginable. there are 12 young members of their community being buried in the aftermath of this horrific hezbollah rocket attack. at the scene of the attack teams are going inch by inch searching for any remains of those killed between the shrapnel, bikes, and
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scooters a crater marks the site of the massacre. the wounded and the dead were children wearing sports gear. this first responder says it's a disaster. the region is now bracing for the possibility of a much larger war with has blocked already multiple international airlines have suspended flights to and from beirut and today many countries calling on civilians to leave lebanon immediately. >> sandra: trey yingst reporting for us. thank you. >> john: for more in this let's bring in lieutenant general keith kellogg fox news contributor and former national security advisor to president trump and vice president pence. just to set the stage here, drew's arabs were originally in syria. they became a part of israel after the 1967 war. many of them, though not all, are israeli citizens but they are arabs and it does not seem to be typically out of
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hezbollah's playbook. the u.s. and israel say this was has blood. it has blessing it was not us but if not them, who? >> it was has blood. this is so easy to figure out because it you can do forensics on a round. that comes in and these were basically -- we used to call them free rocket overground. they were shooting. they were shooting at something. it gives the israelis a lot of latitude. our heart goes out to those children that were lost but the israelis can respond pretty heavily. hezbollah says they are not responsible because they are arabs but 2% of the population of israel is arabs. they will respond and they have an opportunity to respond and make a clear point to has below that these are citizens and netanyahu's party that they wano respond forcefully. and i think they will and it gives them the option they are
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not just jewish killed but arabs were killed. >> john: the biden administration's urging israel not to provoke an all-out war here. but there is no question that israel is going to respond. listen to what ambassador danny denied said it following the secretary of state. >> we cannot sit idly by. there will be a response. our response will be swift, harsh, and painful. and we are now picking the targets and i believe in the next few days we will make sure that hezbollah will learn their lesson. >> i emphasize it is right to defend the citizens and the determination to make sure they are able to do that but we also don't want to see the conflict escalate. >> john: the u.s. is saying if you go to attack them, make sure you don't do it in beirut. >> don't tell the israelis where to attack and not to attack. they are going to respond and
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they should respond and it should be a forcef hezbollah is trying to dodge it by saying it was not us but this goes back a long ways. the u.n. security council resolution 20 years ago, 1701 was supposed to disband and demobilize hezbollah. it was supposed to move their forces north of the tawny river 20 miles north and that never happened. the world has not taken on the ten. the israelis are saying if you are not going to do it, we will and they should. and they will have to set limits on what they have but i tell secretary blinken and secretary austin you have not proven to me that you can figure this thing out in the middle east. let the israelis do the job. >> john: some people are pointing fingers at kamala harris and what she said following her meeting with benjamin netanyahu as laying the groundwork for it. listen to what she said. >> what has happened in gaza over the last nine months is devastating. we cannot look away in the face
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of these tragedies, we cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and i will not be silenced. >> john: do you think has blood took that as a green light and in the aftermath donald trump responded and it tk a full 24 hours to respond. >> her comment is foolish. she doesn't understand geopolitical affairs. and how they are in the middle east. israel did not start this war. hamas started this work. hezbollah has been at war with israel fighting on two fronts and iranian forces are backing them. this is one of those we needed as president trump did with netanyahu. finish as fast as you can but we should back israel full. the only way you force a hezbollah and hamas and i want to back you will forcefully and supporting israel and say we know there will be civilian casualties. that's what worries about. i hate to say it. you lose military and civilian but give them support. her comments don't help.
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they hurt because they create a gap between us and israel. that just causes bigger problems in the future. >> john: we will see where this goes pure and hopefully it will not trigger an all-out war. good to see you as always. speech or tiktok on defense as the doj accuses the app of colll views including their religious beliefs. jonathan morris will join us on his take on tiktok's latest troubles plus this. >> we had no communication with the secret service. >> you had no communication with the secret service at all on that saturday? >> not until after the shooting. >> john: more stunning revelations about the secret service's failure to protect donald trump when a gunman opened fire on and in pennsylvania wolf will join us to break down what we learned. that's ahead. when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100
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>> sandra: fox news alert. this just an half past the hour we are learning that speaker johnson and leader hakeem jeffries have announced
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that members it will be leading a bipartisan task force to investigate the attempted assassination of donald trump. sharing that task force will be mike kelly. he is the chairman from pennsylvania. 16th district. he has long-standing ties to local law enforcement community there. mark green will be on the community, a combat veteran and e.r. physician from ohio will be on the task force. among the democrats, jason crow from colorado, a decorated for me army ranger served in iraq and afghanistan. also chrissy houlahan from pennsylvania, a veteran of the u.s. air force. this is a bipartisan group. the task force that is coming together to investigate the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. we are just learning about this. seven republicans on that task forts, six democrats. as we get more information we will bring it to you. >> john: looking forward to
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see what they come up with. in the meantime tiktok is ramping up its lobbying efforts to try and stop lawmakers from banning the platform but it is staring down new allegations from the justice department. fox news contributor jonathan morris is standing by with reaction but first hillary vaughn is live on capitol hill. how serious are these allegations? >> pretty serious peered the doj is accusing tiktok of not just collecting information on users like a where they and who they are the information on their personal beliefs. the doj says tiktok has a stash of information that could expose users views on major divisive issues like gun control, abortion, and religion and warned her that something like that could be weaponized by china. tiktok insist they have not done anything wrong with your data but critics argue letting china how this information is like putting a loaded gun in the hands of our enemy and hoping they don't pull the trigger. the doj arguing tiktok provides
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the chinese government the means to undermine u.s. national security in two ways. data collection and covert content manipulation. china's long-term strategy in both developing and prepositioning assets that it can deploy at opportune moments, the u.s. is not required to wait until it's for an adversary takes specific detrimental actions before responding to such a threat. tiktok it continues to argue that the u.s. is violating users freedom of speech by trying to shut down the app or get it to divest saying nothing in this brief change is the fact that the constitution is on our side. the government has never put forth proof of its claims. the government is taking this unprecedented step while hiding behind secret information. that secret info tiktok is referring to because some of the doj brief had to be blacked out. some of the government's concerns are so top-secret they could not even tell tiktok about what they know. the doj says that tiktok dismisses the idea of divestment entirely is because it's chinese
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controlled parent company won't allow it proving that china has its claws and tiktok. that is something that tiktok ceo did not deny when i gave him several opportunities to. >> did you say with 100% certainty that the chinese government does not have any influence over tiktok? does the chinese government have influence over tiktok yes or no? can you promise the american people at that the chinese government does not have influence over tiktok? >> oral arguments in this case begin in september and if the court upholds the law, tiktok will be forced to divest by january 19 of next year or face a ban here. >> john: hillary vaughn with the principles again. great work. >> sandra: thanks to hildred. let's bring in fox news contributor jonathan morris. he is also great. great to see you jonathan. first of all, you and i watched that together and thought it is
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shocking but is anybody shocked by it anymore? that china is seeking more and more of our personal information? >> on one hand it does not pass the debts to say yes we have all this information on you whether you like guns, don't like guns, who you vote for, et cetera but we promise we will not do anything with that information. they are seeking it. it is data mining. that's what they do and they sell it or they use it for their own interests. but there's a whole other side of the story here and that is not just one information they are collecting, but the algorithm they are using to push information. one great example of this was tiktok was promoting not only the palestinian agenda but rather they were promoting hamas. when we are watching all of these young people who have been showing support for hamas. a radical movement that does not
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support anything that they believe in, these are liberal young americans promoting hamas. very vulnerable. tiktok is pushing an agenda. >> and you think what could go wrong when they collect that information about your stance on abortion and religion. >> the goal is to divide america and together with other people but they have done a very good job at it as we know. >> sandra: and we know that this is a major outlet for news and news source for young pe people. we hear it all the time and they say it's good because they get a variety of news your point about the algorithm and the way the information is steered to them depending on what their current leaves are and how they might alter those views. this is from the hill headline breaking down the issue on the justice department sink tiktok collected user data on social issues and the filing alleges it marks internal search tools and
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allowed tiktok employees in the u.s. and china to collect opinions on abortion and religion. the department argues that this is not a theoretical point of concern but an opportunity for tiktok to covertly manipulate the algorithm. >> not even covertly. they are doing it obviously. to such an extent that both sides of the house, both sides of the senate are saying this is not something we should allow to happen to our children. when you get a nearly unanimous support for something in congress, you say oh, my, what's that. we are responsible to act and i think it's a great opportunity for donald trump. for former president donald trump and his and j.d. vance to say we will protect the children of america. there's lots of money coming in from tiktok. there's all these advertisements that we see but it's a great opportunity for former president trump and j.d. vance
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to say we will protect your kids. i hope that my kids are protected from the chinese government and i know you are too. >> sandra: argue for a ban of tiktok? do you think it's necessary? >> it needs to be banned or sold in such a way that the communist chinese government does not have control over this algorithm and this misinformation that is happening that is dividing america. >> sandra: as young as your kids are you start to think about it very early on how this can influence their lives later on. you start to prepare for it. >> did you say as young as you are? >> as young as your kids are. they are babies. but you do. as parents you need to start preparing for the fact that this will be present in their life. you need to decide whether there will be social media or no social media, phones are no phones. huge decisions that parents have to make and then it's tiktok or no tiktok. thank you. you look great and young. >> i'm a young parent. let's put it that way.
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>> john: you can always follow the apps policy when it comes to social media. vice president harris zeroing in on potential running mates. who are in the front runners and what did they have to offer on a harris ticket? our panel of matt gorman and jonathan caught just ahead plus this. >> i don't often look at a charge specifics when i bail someone out. i will see it when i pay the bill because that's not the point. it is not the point. the point is the system we are fighting. >> sandra: leaning on her record as a courtroom prosecutor so why did she back a bail fund that has a history of putting criminals back on the streets? we will ask leo turow who will join us live next. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals,
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i'm optimistic. my glass is half-full and i will tell you why. because kamala harris and all of you. >> the role of vice president harris' running mate. would you accept it? >> i have so much respect for kamala harris and it would be hard not to consider it. >> i'm pretty sure voters are worried about the age at acuity of president trump compared to kamala harris who represents it being a generation younger. >> listen to the guy pure he's talking about hannibal lector and shocking sharks and whatever crazy thing pops into his mind. >> john: vice president kamala harris has a little over a week before she is expected to pick her running mate because the democratic convention is zooming up very quickly. she has been zeroing in on democratic governors, senators, and some in the current administration. what could each of them have to offer and who will she pick? former tim scott campaign advisor and jonathan caught former joe manchin communications director.
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according to the ap, these are the contenders. senator mark kelly of arizona, josh shapiro of pennsylvania who you just shot, andy beshear, north carolina, pete buttigieg, the commerce secretary, gretchen whitmer and tim baltz of minnesota. witmer apparently took herself out of the running though if kamala harris came to her and said i want you, she would have to say yes. who do you think she will pick? >> i think she will pick one of the governors and maybe mark kelly. all of the governors bring something to her. they are all centrist, they all have governed and divided state legislature which is helpful for you if you are the vice president which is what she should be looking for and you have to look at mark kelly who probably has one of the best bios you could want in politics and is an all-around american hero and he brings arizona and put that back into play and he can talk tough on the border. i think it will be a governor or mark kelly.
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>> john: abc news and ipsos poll asked people about the favorability of the potential candidates. gina raimondo is not included but if you take a look at it across the board, pete buttigieg has the highest favorability though his net is lower than people like kelly, witmer, and on. but that suggests that maybe kelly, may be pete buttigieg are the number one and number two pick. he gets to arizona but i think she really likes pete buttigieg. >> i think he also has the name i.d. having won the iowa caucus. that's where that's baked in but the only job that he has done well is campaign for the next one. look at his litany of stuff as transportation secretary. this past week with the i.t. outage, there's a long list of things that he failed on. i'm not sure that he makes as far as mark kelly does but with a limited amount of time as you said in the open. you need someone who can be as vented as possible. kelly, there's a lot there that
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republicans could dig in on but more tested than some of these other apps. spew in the last time i remembered a vice presidential running mate affecting the election wasn't lyndon johnson n 1960. does it really matter? >> it does when you are looking at someone like roy cooper or josh shapiro or tim walz. they are so popular in their state and speak so well to voters. not just in their party but in the republican party. these are people who have won statewide overwhelmingly and i do think in this case it will matter if she picks one of those three. >> john: let's look at the numbers. clear politics. nationally trumpets up just about two points on harris. arizona he is up 6.4, wisconsin up a little less than 1%. michigan he is up at one point and pennsylvania he's up three points. georgia he is up four and half points. he is in good shape. things have not changed a whole lot since harris became the de facto nominate. >> we are back to the race we
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expected on june 26, the day before that fateful debate. we were never going to win like some of the poll showed at the end trump up six against biden. that was never going to happen. this is a two-point race either way pit stick to the fundamentals. we will run on crime, economy, immigration, and add to the mix the long list of leftist positions that she had on tape supporting in her aborted run for president back in 2019. didn't make it to 2020. that's what you use. don't over think it. >> john: if we go back to 1968, the open convention. hubert humphrey emerged as the nominee and he lost to nixon by less than half of a percentage point but he got blown out in the electoral college. here's what the electoral map looks like. trump advanced 312 electoral college votes. harris 226. advantage trump. >> she is the underdog. she has had probably the best 7-10 days of any opening campaign and she will have to
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ride that through the bump on the vp selection, the convention, and then it will be a sprint after labor day and she has the underdog but she is making up ground in a week. >> john: may be to her advantage they start early voting in september. good to see you. >> sandra: a good discussion. thousands of firefighters battling one of the biggest wildfires in california history. bill melugin with an update. >> more than 100 structures have already been destroyed in this northern california fire. coming up after the break we will let you know how this fire started and who is down behind bars for it. we will be right back.
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but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia.
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>> sandra: a massive park fire burning near the northern california city of chico forcing thousands to free. the wildfire destroying 360,000 acres. bill melugin is live in chico for us. >> good afternoon to you. for some perspective this fire has already incinerated an area bigger than the entire city of los angeles and this fire is already the seventh biggest in california history. take a look. this is the park fire burning north of chico, california. as >> sandra: right now.
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after four days of zero containment, conditions improved a little bit and the nearly 5,000 fire personnel working this fire have managed to get that containment up to about 12%. that is the last update as of this morning. this fire is burning in dense vegetation which is acting as a constant supply of fuel. there's always a risk of major expansion any time the wind or the heat kicked up. mandatory and recommended evacuations are in effect in multiple counties. so far california fire says that the park fire has destroyed at least 109 structures. one of them was the home of susan singleton. she's a local evacuee who packed up her suv with her seven dogs and got them all out just in the nick of time. >> people that we know that went by and looked at the property said it is burned down. whatever we had can be replaced. but i wouldn't have left the animals at all. >> authorities say that the park fire started on wednesday after
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a local to strike fallon named ronnie dean stout was seen pushing a flaming vehicle into a gully. that sparked everything and quickly spread the fire and the dry vegetation. he is now under arrest for arson and is being held without bail. prosecutors say he has prior conviction for lewd acts with a child and robbery causing great bodily injury. both in california peered back out here live, that suspect will be in court later today. the white house said president biden has been fully briefed on this fire and is offering full federal support to local and state authorities were trying to get this thing under control. back to you. >> sandra: bill melugin out of chico, california, for us. john. >> john: president biden calling for a major overhaul in the supreme court which is months left in his term. what could happen if biden's sweeping proposal succeeds? we will get reaction from jonathan turley just ahead. that the word homeless and the word veteran
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are never in the same sentence again. we're in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most, not shelters, homes. it's not just a place to sleep it's actually wrap around services and that's what is so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside one of the hallmarks of military service is the only people behind it that sticks with me. i know that every veteran who raised their right hand and swore to support and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. we have things that we carry inside of us, what tunnel to towers is doing with this village is helping veterans that have mental health issues needs. we have veterans that suffer every day. and so to have this facility to service our veterans that are in so need it just the pride is just exploding.
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we want to make sure that when our veterans are coming home, that they're coming home to something that actually feels personalized and homey for them. that's a home. that's a home with dignity and walls and air conditioning. it's beautiful. i was able to walk through one of the comfort homes today. that moved my heart. i'm just telling you it did when i walked in. and it'll help the heart of that veteran. that's what's important. the care and the give and the love that tunnel to towers has for our veterans is amazing. the people that donate to tunnel to towers, they are amazing. that eleven dollars is changing your life because your giving and it's changing somebody else's to do it. it just an honor to be involved with it. this is all that is good in america. and i am incredibly proud to stand with them. they matter. they save lives. you should support them.
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