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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 30, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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this is "the ingraham angle." my interview with president trump and rereveal something he's never before said about the day of the shooting. plus his reaction to the biden to and whether or not he will actually debate kamala harris. but first... all right, democrats type think they may believe they may have a new winning message and a simple phrase. speak on the other side, they are just weird. >> 32 ounces of weird. >> donald trump and his weird. >> strange, weird. >> you have these men because they are weird. >> we are not afraid of weird people. >> laura: really, that is it? that's what it's come to from a party that promotes this? and i guess this is not weird for the biden-harris administration. and this was what come a perfectly normal thing for people to do on the white house lawn the summer of 2023?
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>> welcome to the white house. >> thank you. >> we stop this at the white house? >> laura: these are the people who think trump, vance, and maga are weird? and of course, the man up to a week ago, he was going to be their nominee. not weird at all. i love how that woman -- you know what is really weird? leaving our borders open when we know tens of thousands of americans die from drug overdoses from the materials that come across the border. you know what is really weird? taking an economy that had 2.5% inflation and then running up that inflation 27.5% destroying american household will. i think of another thing that is weird, party that claims to be
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the defenders of democracy launching a coup organized by a handful of party elites to oust their own leader. yeah, and another thing weird, announcing radical changes to our supreme court because you have been on the losing streak. expecting americans to want to join our military when you say things like this about the country... ... >> racism is real in america, and it has always been. xenophobia israel in america and always has been. sexism to. >> laura: let's not forget one of the weirdest things of all, spending hundreds of millions of dollars to redefine and reimagine a democrat nominee whose radical policies appeal only to the far left. do you believe that is going to win? well, that is just weird. >> today, i'm calling for three old reforms.
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reforms trusted in the court and preserve the checks and balances that are vital to our democracy. also common sense forums. >> laura: yeah, well, here are my thoughts on the proposed reforms to the supreme court appeared first the constitutional amendment he's talking about regarding presidential immunity, i would e willing to work on language to achieve the goal of preventing presidents from getting away with crimes so long as the same language prevents the democrats from making prosecutions. second, term limits for justices come i don't have palms but this is a list on for constitutional. good luck with that. as far as this binding code of conduct for justices, knowing how these people operate, i would fight this proposal with every ounce of energy that i have because we know exactly what's going to happen here. every conservative justice will be constantly wrought, brought
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under investigation and no liberal will ever be investigated. in the end conservatives will not be able to serve on the court. the investigations would destroy them financially if not legally. i would not enter into negotiations on this proposal. joining me now chris landau, former school leah clerk in mexico and victor davis hanson restitution senior fellow. let's start with you, chris. this is kind of an interesting deal because we found out today, i believe axios that they didn't even alert the democrat judiciary, senate judiciary committee about these proposals. dick durbin didn't know anything about it. maybe that gives democrats plausible deniability, but is this just a campaign document at this point? >> yeah, laura, this is not a serious document, a serious proposal. as you said, this would require
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constitutional amendments to overturn what our founding fathers decided that we should have justices, federal judges on the bench for life. and that actually make sure they are impartial, and they don't have other interests at stake. the idea that we are going to radically overhaul the separation of powers as joe biden doesn't control the supreme court, it is ridiculous! the supreme court is doing its job. but is interpreting the law here this is the one branch the democrats don't control. the camp it with that, so they want to destroy the coequal branch of government. >> laura: l, cory booker, victor, is claiming this is not weird at all, watch. >> it is actually very pragmatic reforms to the were most americans both sides of the out actually agree with. this is common sense. we want to preserve the strength of our institutions and really make our democracy not something that is politicized the really make sure our supreme court
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takes back that ideal of the high standards in our society and these are steps that we are going to have to take. >> laura: now, victor, why didn't they have to take the steps ten years ago? now, it is an emergency. >> yeah. we know why. over 80 years, fdr a black mark on his record and that was trying to pack the court in 1937. everybody agreed with that but now they are even worse. than see the court as a popular assembly. when they don't have a majority on it, they want to get rid of it. judge cannon rules against them. jack smith reassign her, chuck schumer doesn't like that the court might say around abortion and he threatens the justices by name and says, it will hit you. they swore the the justices home and meet leak memos against the statute about forthcoming abortion. any means necessary for
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humanitarian end of mandated equality. so it is typical, but they want to have just one branch of government, and that is a popular look majority that think they can control but it's not going to work. it is a joke and it will hurt them also if they are wise and point this out to the elec electorate. >> laura: chris, when entire premise for running is to safeguard democracy and to claim that they are the stabilizing influence in our otherwise chaotic world, what is this move today by biden, again another lass closed by a lame duck president? but tying kamala to it away for him to put a political ship and her because it is so outrageous. i don't know. >> no, you are right, the republicans are the part of that wants to preserve our constitutional structure. this is major attack on our
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fundamental constitutional structure is victor just said. not since roosevelt's court packing scheme in the 1930s has it been suggested pure joe biden wants to waive his immunity, god bless him he can waive it but not for other presidents. >> laura: well, chris and victor, -- victor, go ahead and get a final sum up there your co>> well i'm i think you hit it on the nail head when you said s biden in search of a legacy with a failed presidency most of all last gaffes, but this is baffling and pathetic and it will go nowhere. it will hang them. >> laura: thank you both. and up next, one-on-one with former president donald trump is going to tell us something about the assassination attempt he hasn't shared before. ♪ ♪
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>> and now the polls are coming out for his replacement after a whirlwind positive press for kamala harri clears. abou but the real clear politics average shows you up at about7%e 1.75%, 7% over her. but before the debate, biden was 1.5 points behind. souall you've actually slightly grown your lead on the national poll. >> sationao how do you keep kin republicans positive and not buying intofo of the negative publicity that they're saying? >> i think she's a worse sh. idate than himidate th she's far more radical left. shi meane is younger, but i meau she's 60 years old. a lot of people i didn't realize shght e was 68, that she was a little younger, but she'st 60. she is talking a big game, but her game is pretty bad. i mean, she was the voters are she's trying to pretend that she was. and, you know, it's an amazing thing that's happened into becauswe talk ewe we talk about. news and the fake news media. it's very hard to find h anave h
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article now that talks about borders, but we have them all. you know wwe copieem ae copied a time ago. >> evolution, mr. president, that. >>ra: yes, she, you know, was more progressive in 2020,and th but that she's moved to the middle on a number of these issues and they're making a concerted effort to show kindg a new kamala kamala to point out in politics, when you start ofwhere f saying something, that'ss fo where you are. and she was for defund the policer oprders.. she was for open borders. she was for having anybody come in. now, i noticedhey ar sayi that they're actually saying they want >> have immunity for everybodyoy that came into the country and they want to have citizenship. they wanesaidt she said that ans said that she knows that kamala harris, she assumeups kamala harris would support that. >> that means citizenship for everyone, 15 million, 20 million or 2018. what would that do to the countr >>y? destroy the country. it's already i mean, it's in such badd shape. our country has never been in a position like thisr countr, in n to which we could end up in a third world war. okay. rd world but we have 20 million people that have come into the country, i would say
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by now it's 20 is probably going over that number. we have another 40 months, five to go, but really, it's another five months, a five and a half months to go. so that number is going to increase very substantially i pouring in. and they're coming from prisons, they're coming from mental institution s insane asylum. i always say that's a step above a mental institution . and we have record number of terrorists coming into our country and only t things are going to happen. nothing good is going to come out of it. a bi: big neg news today is pret biden announcing reforms to the supreme court, which include not allowing immunit y for presidents and also ethics. no eth ethics rules. now, a lot of us who used to clerk at the courtff that that's just a naked attempt to start knocking off conservative justiceices.s. >> they didn't even consult dick durbin or the senate judiciary committejudicimmittee any aspect of this. what does this mean to you? what is? >> well, it's a typical't biden can. he doesn't want want to give up
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immunity because if he didn't have immunity, look at all the things he. i did the three and a half million dollars from russia, all the money he's takenna. from china, all of the bad things and the evil thingdone.s he's nt to mention that thousands people kille bd in the border., look at the afghanistan pullout with the worstsing day embarrasy in the history of our country. all of the things he's that is so bad, he desperately wants immunity. there's nonity for a way he woue off immunity for a president. >> but this is a really upending our constitutional structure and a common yeah. criticism of you from the left is he's the chaos candidate. e chaoushe's the chaos just of o the opposite. and so what does that do to separatiowers i n of powers? if the executive branch can come along and say, oh, no, no, even though we have constitutionan cl provisios governing the court, that we're just going to do this or thi cos is we stand for, it's going nowhere. g they need 75% and it's going nowhere. he can't get it. he knows that, too. heit's i think look, is it a bot staged? a coup
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le the president of the united states, they went in and they told him, you're leavinyouk you're way down in the polls. 17 points, i think. you know, it's likt withe you'rn a fight with somebody and you're really winning. and they take him out and they pude.t is and nobody ever heard of this before. thisa ey too is a coup. they took him. they said, even though you got 14 million votes, you're outm ns and he said, i'm not going in. but you're saying that's what they're kind of doingwhat - with the court as well? no, what they're doing is they're keepingey took out. s took him out. he was losing badly. they took him ou tsay.t. the he wants something to say. he's sitting there with nothing to do, nobod y to talk to.t one. they threw him out. this was a coup. the first one of the president. of the united states, harris. this. they said you're leaving mosul. she endorses you. shcae did. hing y she's a radical left here. this is going to change us justiceou. ny of it well, they're also the onepack t thing he didn't say. they want to pack the court. what they really want to dhe oy as more than any of it is pack the court they want to put in. theye heard as many as 27. they've gotten up to 12. it's not in this proposa's not e but -- but this is a response to their losing and a number
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of high profil case. i mean, not every case has gone your way or republicans did republicans ever put forward a series of these type s of radical proposals? >> i don't recall. they have intended to. and we've been behinee,d we've been behind injustices. and they don't do this actually, fdr did it a long time ago, which was interesting, but it hasn't really happened like this. it's never going to happen. i'll tell you, if if ay i i'm president it doesn't happen. we keep it the way it is. and that's it's been workingf er very well for a long periodan of time. i mean, basically they want to creat e congress. they want to have so many people. let's just go to another congress. . i haven't seen you since. the assassination attempt your life. how how are you feeling? how are you doing? i feel new information newmatios coming out about how this could have occurred, including texom a among some of the local law enforcement, the swat teamplacec that were in place. and most recently we found out that a local swaembet team membr actually spotted crocst tracki
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90 minutes before that first shot went off and. they kept tracking him. they even saw him at one point, maybe 45 minutes before the half hour before the shot was fireth thed with the rangef, pointing it toward the roof. what's reaction to this? >> look, i can tell you this once the bullets started cominge at mrye and i got very lucky, i really i have to attribute it to god because if i didn't turn to the right and there was no reasonthe righ turn to the righ, except i dropped a big sign on how what a great job i'm doing on immigrationion, ri right. so the signs come down and i go like this. b and when you if i didn't,talk i wouldn't be talking about itin that stage. you shouldn't have been allowed to get off. but i just wante d to sayy one thing about secret service. they werbrave.e brave because m. they were coming. bullets were flying over me because i went down.e on bullets were flying. and they were they were on top of me. .i had a lot of people on top of me, a lot of very big, strong people on top of me. i wantyou.and they to tell you. and they were very brave. i haveat wit to say that.
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okay. with that being said, should have been somebody on the roof. they shoul and d been communication with the local police, which there wasn't. so that's a bad thinngg. , and they were seeing this guy. it was a very disturbed person and they were seeing him around. i mean, it's like, how about people people, the trump fans, the trump sisters, the woman in the red shirt was screaming, he's got a gun. that guy's got to go. mr. . spottgation mr. president demonstrates via spot messages in real time that they spotted this individual, the local swat team memberack of him. they lost track of him. they saw him again. pr was no teaind out preplanning done between the secret service and the whic teams, whiche flyi is common, which is customary in addition to the drone flyin>g . worse, there was no communication, so they didn't speaother. actuallk to each othe they actually didn't speak. that just came out. noy upw it's a terrible thing. should have been somebody up there. now, the secret service shooter. ,the secret service sniper, sniper. it. >> was amazing what he did
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with one bullet. he took them out. and that was an amazing shotdeia made. i heard it was like an incredible shed much further awayoo. t one it would have been good if it to was 9 seconds sooner. you know, we lost great personwe and two people were very badly hurt and now they're doing okay. tion witand in communication wi. they're doing pretty good. they're doing very good. they wer were e i thought they e going to die. i thought both of them were going to die. >> ln when you agreed to a a with the fbi, as it's called, the victims interview in ame suit, you coming in on thursday to see me? and i thought i woulsod soe fb disappointed. you know, if you took upi all the fbi. but i get 95%, but not at the top level. not at that. the people that the trust,pe the upper echelon of the fbi at this, they've had a bad period of time>> the. i mean, they rated mar-a-lago. that's not so good. and i gues suit.we wons we brin. you know, we won that whole case and we want it the right way. we run it becaus it inrt. e. we want it and we want it in court. it's a big thing. hardly got any publicityt thon t they did is talk about the
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documents. i was allowed the presidential records act,and but we won the case and the press hardly reports it. now, with bideallyn, he really f convicted of that case. he washa let go of that case.rd and by the way, we're talking about many more. and hejust thing have presidentl records act just one thing where they said he was,e been incompetent and therefore he can't stand trial. and yet he would have been allowe allowe d to be president.o have i think of that. so he sort of semi won it.ry chris you don't want to havehe t that kind of a victory. you win because you're incompetent. what actually was guilty? >> what was melania's reaction, ifd my asking,na this is very personal. when she learned about what happenedr what on that field in butler, she was watching. oh, she was watching and she was watching live. n tele it was all over the place. it was on television. so in your networkvin . . but it was all over the place. and she wad hes watching. i asked her that. i mean, i wasn't there. i was on the ground and. i when the world started to like you could talk to people. i said, so what was your feelings yo f? can't and she was she can't even talkh
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about it traumatized, which is okay because that means she likes me -. eely she says she loves me.t so that's good. i mean, let's say she could talk about it freely. that wouldn't be. i'm not so sure which is better, but she either likes. or loves me, and that's nice. but i will say this. lookwas when wen, she was when she thought the worst had happened because i went down and i grabbed my and i sawo it was my hand was loaded upstan with blood. you see it in slow motion, instant replt replay. thi you know, we had hundreds of press there. elseco was covered live. they would have had instanteady replay and else, which corey they already do in this. but supposing the worst happened, you know one man corey was killed hit compare it> horribly amazing laura horribl y in the head and you know to it s he was guarding his family that's why how it is to get to the bottom of why was allowed to occur he died. he did you almost died h. he died instantly. instantly. he was dead immediatelely.y. ren
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hi coming up, trump responds to widespread social media attacks from the left on his pri vice presidential nominee. when you know where something comes from, you know, everything about it. when you discover bull and branch putting, you uncover the most extraordinary feeling of comfort and care. we prioritize toxin free, organic cotton
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>> laura: now to more of my interview with president tru >> listening now to more of my interview with president. tler gi you're going back to butler to finish that speech to givvee another. h >> i'm going back to it's interesting to finish it. yendsay ans. contin and now to proceed. to be continueued. why? why? a very interesting way of looking at it. i mean, i think that's think i d know, i think i have said that that was a good idea. iit's a good idea. why? i think it's important symbolicallyt. . i don't think we should >> ltopped by somebody that. has severe mental problems or whatever. his problem. ra going to do
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rallies outside? yeah, i'm going to do rallies. a lot of predictable backbiting and media pick piles on your vice presidential choice, j.d. vance. their stereotype hyping him as some, you know, out of control , know, kneet some o conservative, etc. etc.. but some of it's coming from republicans who i think want to go back to the daysn of open borders and perpetual war. >> what dohow do y you how do you expect to use him in this campaign and what can you sar yx to our viewers tonight to reassure them that this was an excellent . among >> well, first of all, he's gott tremendous supportain gr and he really does among a certain group of people, people that like familieus. peopl you know, he made a statement having to do with families that doesn'ter o mean that peopy that are a member of a big and beautiful family with 400sn't children around and everything elsen th. it doesn't mean that a person doesn't have he's not against anything , but he he loves family. it's very to him.
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he grew up in a very interesting family situation and he feels family is good. and i don't think anything wrong in saying that. now, they took that as an indication that people that don't have families look, i could see it's an easy opening, right? oh, it's. oh, it's so crazy. but i know so manye they people. they never met the right person, male or, female, that just never met the right person. they're unbelievable are. >> every bit as good as anybody else that has the most. so what do you say to wome familyn outmen ou there watching? he's addressed it. but what do you say to women out therthertchinge watching?d t i think they might not have. i think they understand it. no, i think they understand itao . the democrats are good at spinning things differently fromat -- when they were.a lo all he said is he he does like i mean, for him, he likes. i think a lot of people like family and sometimes it doesn't an. erso and, you know, you don't meet the right person or you don't e justn, but you're just as good in many cases, a lot better than a person that'sony in family situation.
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but they took it and they spun it differently. whently.when y you listen to hi, you know, you helped me very much. when you analyze the what wasn said in charlottesville and what i said was perfect. but they stop it afterer the fit sentence. they didn't put the second sentence. td and the third sentence. and you were actually very helpful and that you wer oneello the first one that picked that up. and once that happened, all of a suddenew every and now everyh you see joe biden with that phony storat y that he became,vill he ran for president because of charlottesvillee., it's just that he dropped out because of his daughter anouhe trud. w come on. well, he dropped out. on. it's really he truly did that was a coup on an a american president. and obama doesn't like him and he doesn't like obama. you believe reporting that sy hersh reporting that obama basically threw various channels, maybe even directly to biden, said, look, joe, you either leave or, you know, >>'s going to they're 25e going
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to that's what have the amendment. we'll do the easy way or the hard waysion of that . some version of that story, i find that plausible. that's what happened. ati mean, the bad part is that it's not you know, they talk about a threat to democracy. they're a threat to democracy seewhbecause they should have out to see who it is.woul now, i like this bette ar becaue rather run against him than i think any one of the people that we're talking or they could get it. i think i probably would prefer running agains thaagainst t hert running against anybody else. she's a disaster. you're the>> lauthe clea clear. >> favorite, by the way, in the top three issues, the economy, immigration, inflationeconomy, start with the economy. what would your policies do to bring down inflation so people understand, like you said, we're to a greatt >> economy. >> but how so? pretty easy. he blew it with energy, h with oil prices, gasoline prices. and he really blew it because it went up. th wr 87.oing uas at they went up to $5, $6, and they going again. by the way, if you're not watching drill, baby, drill, ifg
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we get energy down. everything else is going to follow. it's the most important thing t additionally, we have to keep all of these people that are causig this country>> a fortune. you know, we're giving them health care, we're giving them we holing, we're g giving them hospitals, they're taking up our hospitals illegal. >> we have to close up the border. we cannot afford no country can kn take millions of people and support them. and yowhere ivinu what? where they're living right now, most of them are coming just becaustoe they this a great opportunity come. they weren't dying wherethey. they're living that they live there. whether it was good, bad or indifferent. they weren'tr dying. they're coming here because you look at guys like gavin newsom where he and he says openly, come here to us. >> we're going to take you in. l coming up, will there actually be a trump harris debate? >> his answer next
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jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. >> >> laura: here is more of my interview with formerth president trump. they are also attacking you for other ridiculous reasons. they are saying that you said to the crowd of christians that wha they won't have to vote in the y future. >> former president trump: let c me say what i mean by that.
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i have tremendous crowds. i mean, this was a crowd that liked me a lot. i think i'm 9097% and they are treated badly by this administration.he catholics are unbelievably persecuted and if i might say yu before i go into the other, jewish people come if you are jewish and you vote fo biden or the democr or kamala or whoever is goingr or to run.he if you vote for her or the democrats, you should have your head examined because nobody has ever been treated so badly. this administration is res destroying israel, et cetera, et cetera. with respect to a statement lik i made, that statement is very simple. i said vote for me. you're not owing to have to do it ever again, it is true. we have to get the vote out. christians are not known as a big voting group, they don'tte vote. i'm explaining that to them. you never vote!n't this time vote. i will straighten out the
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country. you won't have to vote anymore because i won't need your vote. >> laura: they don't hav e to vote for you because you only have four years in office? >> former president trump: you know who else doesn't vote, gun owners don't vote. >> laura: just to be clear, what you are saying -- you are not saying but it is being interpreted as you are not surprised to hear by the left and they will never have another election.spon so, can you respond to that?off >> former president trump: i said christians my started offci by saying just so you understand, you never vote. christians don't vote well.s they vote in a small percentage is, why, i don't know. maybe there were disappointing in things thatt are happening. but for a long time as a don't vote. go out and you must vote november 5th will be the most important election in the o history of our country, whether you vote early or not. we should have, by the way, one day voting commode and we should have voter i.d. and proof of citizenship. we should d have paper ballots, okay? but we don't have that.
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but i said to the christians in the room, thousand typs of themk typically christians don't vote you read why it is i don't know. you are rebellious.vo something is going on. v don't worry about the future.n' you have to vote november after that, you don't have to worry about voting anymore, i don't care because we will fixt the country will be fixed. bec we won't even need your voteif anymore because frankly, we wila have such love. ifs you don't want to vote it. anymore, that is okay.he i think everybody understood it. >> laura: because it is the constant refrain. after they have done all the r things that we have talked about. >> former president trump:us au horrible, russia russia russia. >> laura: a guy a 52 years dumped to the side. they do all that and you can't vote for him because he is literally never going to leave i office. they are actually still saying that. >> former president trump: it is just unbelievable. >> laura: you willway leave hea office after four years. >> former president trump: i lea kept cheering, he's not going t leave, he's not going to leave!
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look, they are the ones a threat to democracy.ay they have incompetent president. noo isw they have someone who is worse. sort of incompetent.l. she's not very smart but she is very radical, very radical. she will try to defend the police. >> laura: is sheexemis more up a extremist than most americansn today still understand?th >> former president trump: they say more than bernie, bernie sanders. >> laura: he endorsed her. >> former president trump: a majoracnders is lunatic and she's worse thank. bernie sanders. she is trying to come back and shhee got rid of the laugh and i notice she c has since had that crazy laugh. she is crazy. that is a laugh of a crazyore. person.body i notice she is not using that laugh anymore.circ somebody convinced her, just don't laugh, don't laugh under n any circumstances. >> laura: i like laughter but i sometimes... >> former president trump: not hea tor lap. >> laura: she was tough onas crime in a tough prosecutor, never the border's are. >> former president trump: she was a bad prosecutor. she was a prosecutor of black
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people. she put thousands and thousands of black people in jail for marijuana. but when it came to big crime, murders and everything else, shh was weak.o she would love to go after trump. trump, trumput i, trump i did nothing wrong. they did a lot wrong but i did nothing wrong. this was a totally manufactured deal. this was an attack on a political opponent. she was involved in that withs biden. so far, it has backfired because people know this was an attack on a political opponent your wish it was a bad prosecutor in san francisco. she led the cashless bill and all the different things. she was the first of all the bad prosecutor is allowed to. if you look at the top 25 cities and basically all democrat and the prosecutors are weak. she was early -- she destroyed s san francisco. she is a san francisco liberal.n fl >> laura: they are pushing forward debates with you and it went down in flames last time, but they think this they will
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get you. whe so you have been a little unclear aboull yt whether you wa debate or not. will you commit tonight to debating kamala harris? w >> former president trump: i like debates, i have won the debates and i think i won theshn election because of that.ebat i don't mind. they were pushing for early debate. i said, "why do we want to do an early debate?" it didn't make sense to me but it turned out it was for thei wrong reasons. i want to do a debate but i can. also say this, everybody knows who i am and now, people know who she is your cushy is aorde radical left lunatic and she bec destroyed our country and she wants open borders. >> laura: wide not debate her? >> former president trump: she already knows everything. she wants to defund the police.n she wants no cash -- you kill somebody and wmilde will release immediately and they call it cashless, cashless and by the way, this has been a horrible thing for our country.he this as meant what i just said..
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we know where she is. she wants high taxes. >> laura: they are going they oh say you are afraid of debating her. i ea>> former president trump: they said that with biden too. i was afraid but i did good in every debates and i have done lots of debates. i'm >> laura: you are winning andi e all the issues, right? >> former president trump:g leading in the polls but i hear different numbers.ates i'm leading big in the swing states and i say this, the answer is yes, i will probably end up debating her.vo but i think actually that debate should take place before the vote start goo being cast. when a very second the debate with biden, the problem was early percent of the votes weree already cast. if wte de didn't have a debate i think you have to do it before the votes are cast. it is important to do that. but i can also make a case thatg we are not doing it. i don't like rewarding fake news. i don't rewarding -- tens of millions of dollars for this debate. i don't like abc. it is a terrible, terrible
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outfit. i don't like abc will get rich, george stephanopoulos, these are bad people. i don't like abci will get ric. i don't like -- i will say something when cnn did the last one, they were very fair. jake tapper was very fair. >> laura: may be just you and her, vice president harris in a room together with no moderators. >> former president trump: i don't mind anything. we can da o any form of a debate. when they asked me to do theffer debate, they didn't think i was going to do it but they offered me the two heads, the two ouannouncers whatever you cally them, the referees and call them whatever you want, but i have tn say they were both very fair. cnn, they wanted to sit down and i said no, you can't sit down.dt they want to sit down here they offered me everything i couldn't accept and i accepted it,e. everything. and we had a debate and it was a
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great debate. it was actually may be a mistake. maybe i shouldn't have debatede so well. that was the end of him because from that day on, you can see ho was not going to be -- in my opinion i'm i said i don't think he will make it anymore. h now, i would rather run against hers and i think she is easier than h aes is.t. i always felt -- >> laura: scranton joe? >> former president trump: i always felt he was incompetent but he had a certain base.ho no matter how bad he was, people would vote for him. she doesn't have that place.nt t >> laura: coming up, what doeson former president trump think about the olympics opening ceremony? that is next. ♪ ♪ we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two
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>> laura: well, we will have much more my interfere with former president trump tomorrow. but here with direction what you have heard so far, byron york,me chief political respondentthe
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charlie hurt, "the washington times" opinion that the order both fox news t ancontributors. charlie, what were your thoughts on this interview so far?le t >> the whole thing was so wide-ranging and fascinating and so much to appreciate about it.i but the two things that stuck out at mfe the most was one your conversation with him about the supreme court and the efforts by the democrats who tried to wreck the independence of th einde supreme you made the commentur what they are trying to do is they are trying to turn supreme court into a second congress, one that is not elected or heldable accountable to i think that shows the depth of his both simplicity of his clear eye understanding of the importance of the supreme courot and what these people want to dd to wreck it up with the second thing i thought was so interesting was the conversation e debate. he doesn't want to debate kamala harris because of the h theylent way in whic have -- the democrats party hase dissdisenfranchised is voters be
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realizes he doesn't have a choice. a he probably needs to. you will do well if he does that debate and sticks to the issues. >> laura: byron, >>ri terrific interview. a couple of things about the i d assassination attempt. one, iknow didn't know the formi first lady melania trump was watching it live as it happened. but two, it is clear that he wap roambivalent about his secret service protection. a candidate develops a close relationship with his secret service protectors here with those people who use all aroun him in that iconic photo fade fo with him to milwaukee and thewe people you saw walking with hime convention center. so he feels close to them. at the same time, something clearly went badly wrong and the working of the secret service and the management of theha secret service that has to be investigated. >> laura: i think also the fact thahet he said symbolicallt
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it is so important that i go back there to do that rally,, fi finish the rally, and not lety some deranged individual basically change the way he operates in to the extent the way we live. ni want to play this for you.hi this is how he reacted to a the question about the olympics open ceremony and some of the images used. >> have you watched any of the olympics? >> i thought the opening ceremony was a disgrace, actually. i thought it was a disgrace.: th >> laura: the mocking of the last supper,e la catholics and christians across the globe are outraged. >> former president trump: they can do certain things, butt i thought it was terrible. >> laura: can you say the next olympics as president, you will have enough influence on the organizers that we will not be l insulting christians? >> former presidenhat trump: wet won't be having a last supper as per trade the way they pretradeh at the other night. i just think -- look, and for everybody and i'm very
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open-minded, you kno w me better than most people know me.eopl i'm very open-minded and i felt like what they did was a disgrace. >> laura: charlie, i'm glad he>> spoke out about that because so many of us catholic christiansof and people of faith were outraged and disgusted by what france did with the olympic h committee. >> rightfullowy so, and i'm strk by that clip donald trump is most common sense nonpartisan, nonideological guy that we have had to, certainly in my lifetime running for president.unni he's running again and evidenced by the fact he h sees all of ths as clearr eye as he does.inai he's running against a true doctrine they are committed socialist liberal. and i think not only that answea right there butht the whole interview points out that different spirit >> laura: byron, really quickly, he came across to me, what is wrong with
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your earpiece, poor byron is holding on to his earpiece anda this is like the old days and ig myself holding up the earpiece. what is that?au i'm sorry byron, hold it up and you look cooler with that. but to me i've known him for ang long time and to me he comesime, across as very confident and he knows how important this is, this moment really quick. >> one thing about speaking privately to donald trump, it sounds extremelyy reasonable almost all of the time. spo clearly, he spoke for millions of americansf am when he was tan about what happen at the opening ceremony and the olympics.le they agree with that, so it isso quite reasonable. >> laura: this is common sense stuff, guys, charlie, byron, and am glad that earpiece is holding on, byron appeared >> carley: vice presiden


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