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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 30, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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assassination attempt. senator tom cotton one of the many demanding answers. >> brian: pause. >> why did the secret service deny the trump team's request for more security, given the track record, i have a little bit more faith in the local law enforcement than i do in secret service leadership. >> steve: he just said that on this show. also, straight ahead on this show, kamala harris heads to atlanta with rapper meghan thee stallion as trump addresses whether we will ever see a debate stage showdown betwixt him and her. >> the answer is yes, i will probably end up debating. i think actually, the debate should take place before the votes start being cast.
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but can i also make a case for not doing it looking beyond the medals a swimmer learning he is having a baby power. simone biles through. stealing the show. >> steve: why are you whispering. >> brian: i'm not sure. the second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now. remember mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> steve: that was very joe biden of you. >> brian: thank you very much. it's attribute to the lame duck president. just moments ago, vice president kamala harris debuting a brand new campaign video that's part of a $50 million ad buy. >> steve: and this afternoon, she is going to head to atlanta for a rally that will include an appearance by a famous rapper. >> ainsley: senior white house correspondent peter doocy joins us now hey peter. >> when vice president harris gets to georgia later on tonight for first appearance since
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rising to the top of the ticket she is going to be joined by the rapper meghan thee stallion on stage as on tv her campaign is trying to reintroduce her to battleground state voters with $50 million worth of ads like this one. >> one thing kamala harris has always been, fearless. >> donald trump wants to take our country backwards, but we are not going back. >> steve: she is co-proposing with president biden reform the supreme court it would have a constitutional amendment called the no one is above the law amendment it. would impose 18-year term limits and have a binding code of conduct for the supreme court. there have also been some musical chairs in the harris veepstakes. roy cooper the north carolina governor says he is out. gary peters the michigan senator is reportedly, in he chairs the home senate homeland security committee. only nonincumbent democrat to win election in 201.
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also served in the united states navy reserve and spent 22 years as investment adviser. the trump campaign though right now can only focus resources on harris because they don't know who the vp candidate is going to be. trying to raise awareness immigration policy with $12 million worth of this ad. >> this is america's border czar. and she has failed us. under harris, over 10 million illegally here, a quarter of a million americans dead from fentanyl. >> president biden is here at the white house, not much going on for him though, he has got a call with the brazil's president, that is closed press. and then he is going to have the classified president's daily briefing which is normally something that happens in the morning at 4:45 p.m. back to you. >> steve: so is he still president, but is he doing anything else? >> peter: not as much. they are really letting her be the face and the voice and case
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in point, he has got this big plan to reform the supreme court which by all accounts is going to go nowhere. they did not even read in the democrats who would have to help them pass this on capitol hill. but, he rolled it out and kind of softly announces it and she co-proposed it. and so they are starting to let her take more control of the harris part of the biden-harris bumper sticker. >> steve: just a quick question, peter, about the new trump ad buy. $12 million in the battleground states. what took so long? were they waiting for the media honeymoon to die down so the people would say oh, i didn't know that. >> well, it seems like they probably had an anti-harris ad that was cut. and as i started to talk about it i can hear the street sweeper is coming to make some noise. but they just didn't know that they were going to have to start spending so many resources at this point to go after her.
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>> ainsley: they had spent millions to go after joe biden and then the candidate changes. >> steve: apparently it worked. he is out. >> brian: thanks, peter. >> ainsley: thanks, peter. >> pete: go talk to that guy so he knows you are doing a live. >> tv he shouldn't be ground sweeping. >> brian: one thing they lost out last time. hopefully pick up the pace in michigan where they blew up the whole party and starting again with pete hoekstra very impressive guy and big trump supporters ambassador to netherlands they need to get that in gear. they can not lose michigan. >> steve: i saw something this morning that a company that democrats use for digital fundraising all the way from the federal level all the way down to the local level. clients saw a 548% increase in fundraising after joe left. so much pent up demand make it
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somebody somebody new. >> ainsley: people had never given before. >> steve: that's good for her. >> brian: also everyone stopped giving to joe to get him out. >> ainsley: that's true. >> steve: peter set up the trump ad after a week of her getting a lot of media attention, the media honeymoon essentially the trump campaign is picking their first ad of the general election to be about the border. and how she was an evasive leader, essentially they say she was distracted. did not protect us from drugs and migrants and migrant crossings and terrorism. now, that's the ad right there. so, now let's just remind folk what is she was like when she was the sitting senator from the great state of california, here she is in 2018 talking to ron we aloe about migrant crossings why
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would we call them a domestic terror group. >> they tried to use fear and force to try to change political environment. >> what is watt motivation for the use of fear and force. >> based on race and ethnicity. >> right, are you aware of the perception of many about how the power and the discretion at ice is being used to enforce the law us and do you see any parallels. >> admit see a parallel between what is constitutionally mandated as it relates to enforcing the law. >> ainsley: ice is just following the law. >> brian: to compare to kkk is so unbelievable. trying to get a viral moment. >> steve: no one start to. >> i give ron vitiello answer every question and i will not bow counsel to your viral moment
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go in and stakeout and act people say you are a taste group. not a terrorist group. here to get people here illegally commit crimes out of the country. basically a warrant for them. they will wait outside prisons for people and make sure they leave the prison and get out of the country and deport them. that's called doing your job. >> two biggest issues are the economy and illegal immigration, it's -- it was the biden-harris administration, or it is that and she is responsible for this. gas prices are expensive. all of the bills are expensive. we are just doing stories on people aren't spending as much on fast food or coca-colas or going out to restaurants. hit her on that campaign ads and on the border since she was tasked with that job on the border. then i think that can be a winning -- those can be winning campaign ads because she wants to -- she wants to not make it a
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crime. if you are an illegal and you cross the border. even though you are breaking the law she said sean hannity played that soundbite last night we need to rejected term radical islamic terrorism. he went on to say who is responsible for 9/11 and then she said reject the term illegal alien. she wants to give all illegals free healthcare and you and i pay for it. >> steve: so when donald trump and kamala harris do stand on the stage, eventually, if they do, he will bring up her record on the border. and, you know, these are facts. >> ainsley: look at that ad, dancing, meanwhile 250,000 americans dead because of fentanyl. >> steve: she said to the migrants do not come. 8 million of them did. so, here is laura ingraham sitting down with the former president yesterday talking about whether or not there will be a debate now that joe is out and she is in. >> probably end up debating.
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i think actually, the debate should take place before the votes start being cast. if you are going to have a debated you got do it before the votes are cast. i think it's very important that you do that so the answer is yes. but i can also make a case for not doing it. >> laura: maybe just you and her -- you and vice president harris in a room together with no moderators. >> i don't mind that. we can do any form of a debate. i would rather run against her than him. i think she is easier than he is. because he had a certain -- i always felt he was. >> laura: scranton joe? >> i always felt he was incompetent -- >> brian: he would went on to say he would rather run against kamala harris. a week before the switch at the top it doesn't matter who i'm running against because it's issues that are breaking his direction. we have been over that with immigration and with crime and with the economy. they played to him and look at foreign policy. compare the two. and it just seems to be getting worse. middle east is on fire and eastern europe is an absolute --
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they are on pins and needles because all the baltic nations feel threatened. ukraine under attack and still slow-walking weapons there i love the tactics part of the campaigning. reminds me so much of sports. what are you going to do? what's going to have traction? what's going to resonate? and what i think the democrats are doing now, really caught me by surprise. because it's weird. it's not good good. it's not bad, it's just weird. in fact, they are looked -- the democrats are looking at the republican ticket and saying these guys are just weird. watch. >> donald trump has been resorting to some wild lies about my record and some of what he his running mate saying -- just plain weird. >> three days ago the nation found out what we all know in minnesota these guys are just weird. that's what they're. [laughter] >> every day vance -- it comes out vance has done something more extreme more weird and more erratic. >> one of those things, of course, is pointing out the
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differences between these two candidates. i mean, on the other side they're just weird. i mean, they really are. >> there is a t temptation to he our message to be totallably donald trump disturbed about what his return would be and maybe more about j.d. vance because of how odd he has turned out to be. >> you ever see this guy when he is on stage me an ders over, can't really walk well and he goes over to the flag and he like hugs the flag? i love the flag, but it's a weird thing he does. >> steve: got to wonder who on the democrat side okay, we have done some market testing and done some polling and this is the word. they all got the word quickly and it started on friday, then saturday and then sunday. >> ainsley: who is responsible for that? how does it get to all the people in the snres. >> brian: governor tim walz said it first. >> this is a theory. people say i'm sure they have been poll tested and maybe that's traditional. but, know what wasn't working
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saying trump is a threat to democracy. because no one thinks that. there are people that don't like him that think that not winning over independents. >> it wasn't resonating. they say you are trying to scare people. try to put him in court. try to-to-put him in court that didn't work. threat to democracy. why don't we say they are weird? i have news for you a lot of people go in america you know what? i'm a little weird. my friend is a little weird. my parents are a little weird. >> steve: vote for the weird guy? >> i relate to somebody who is not perfect. a little quirky. you cannot define donald trump to anybody on this planet. they have already made their opinion. and for j.d. vance, maybe this is an approach to hill. you saw the movie. you read the book. you know about his upbringing. watch him run for senate. seen him for six years or a year and a half but watch him run for one. i don't know how much weird is there. >> ainsley: i re-watched it this weekend. i love this movie and love his story. it is number 7 on netflix. a lot of people are watching
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hillbilly elegy right now. that whole talking point is what is weird. such a strange, childish toward use to describe a candidate you are running against. do you think that's effective? is anyone going to say i'm not going to vote for that guy because everyone says he is weird? >> brian: remember the bowery boys, saturday morning. >> steve: what am i 80? >> brian: remember chachere and what's the other guy mugs were? almost everybody we watched on television growing up was quirky and weird that's what made them special. starting then. weird is cool, actually. [laughter] >> brian: i don't have any problem with weird. >> steve: the democrats must think it is effective because they have all done it. >> brian: for two days. >> ainsley: it's not going to stick. they also sent out that card last week remember she is not the border czar. do not call her border czar. they all have the same talking point, the same notes. they ran with that for two days. do you think they send out a note that says call trump weird?
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>> brian: yes. the thing is don't they know that we know. >> ainsley: when they're all saying the same strange adjective. >> brian: does it bother them robots in lemmings, can anyone ad-lib anymore? am i supposed to read or something? you guys are giving me way too much attention. >> ainsley: we are all staring at you. >> steve: you just asked does anybody ad-lib anymore? you were ad-libbing. we were just waiting. so now this a fox news alert. in about three hours, serious stuff. the acting secret service director is going to testify on capitol hill about the assassination attempt a couple weeks ago on former president trump. learning new details about hot the shoot other got up on the roof before opening fire. the gunman assessed the roof. he shot from by climbing up the billing's hvac and pipes. >> brian: chad per imram joins us from capitol hill where the excitement will take place very
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shortly. >> good morning, guys. they will start this hearing in just about three hours. and you mentioned new face, the new name that we will hear from this morning. ronald rowe. is he thought acting secret service district. he succeeds kimberly cheatle who stepped aside disastrous house hearing last week before the house oversight committee. lawmakers are frustrated. >> i do not want to hear the phrase we are still investigating so we can't talk about it. the agency is in charge of, supposedly, protecting the president. and just as importantly protecting americans who go to these rallies and events. it cannot be in this country that if you go to a political rally or event. you fear for your life. >> roe is expected to discuss how the secret service will bolster protection methods, former president trump has agreed to be interviewed by the fbi about attempt on husband life. establishing timeline of events. biggest question is why the secret service did not work hand in glove with local law
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enforcement. especially after they spotted the shooter there was no communication. they didn't supreme to each other. they actually didn't speak. that just came out. terrible thing. should have been somebody up there. now. the secret service shooter. the secret service. >> laura: sniper. >> amazing what he did with one bullet. >> >> investigators don't know if thomas crooks worked alone. they're also trying to understand what drove him to do this. the feds say his family was the main network of feel with whom crooks associated. lawmakers insist their investigation will be bipartisan. >> there have been suggestions made on the floor here that is some partisan angle to this. partisanship has nothing to do with keeping our elected officials and those running from high office in a safe mode throughout their conduct. we have got to do this together. both parties for the good of our nation.
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>> now, this is the first senate hearing into the shooting two committees today holding this hearing. you have the oversight committee. the homeland security committee. also the judiciary committee. and one of the things that they are going to focus on are these encrypted apps and why the feds have not been able to crack those encrypted apps that crooks h guys, back to you. >> brian: either he has no presence or sophisticated international troller. >> steve: i think we have heard some of these apps he had on his phone were ways to communicate where people can't crack the code and that's obviously why he, perhaps, he had it. so, chad,there is so much going on regarding this so we have got this hearing today. this joint hearing with homeland around judiciary. then there is going to be task force on capitol hill and they are tasked essentially with trying to figure out or trying to write the official record can with what happened. how is that going to be different than what the fbi
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eventually says? >> again, they are going to have subpoena power. they might hold hearings. they are certainly going to have depositions. i talked to one member of the task force yesterday. and this is really kind of like a committee. we are calling it a task force. but the house of representatives had to vote to impanel. this you might think about special select committees they have had before on climate change or even the bengals committee so years ago this is very similar. it's just a difference with the name there the task force. one member of the committee, the task force with whom i spoke last night said they might freezer to go some of the agencies involved and talk to them directly rather than bringing them up to capitol hill having them participate in depositions and hearings just because they think they might be a little bit more forthcoming down there. >> steve: interesting. >> ainsley: thank you so much. chad. >> ainsley: local swat team on the ground was not talking or in communication with secret service when you read the timeline of what happened. it does show that secret service did meet with swat so we will find out those answers today.
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ainsley: what is interesting day of shooter stops at home depot and buys an a ladder. 11 o'clock a.m. that morning he spent an hour at the site thence goes back at 3:50. drove to the area and flew a drone 200 yards away and then the shooting happened a few hours later. i'm wondering if when he goes back at 11:00 a.m. after he bought the ladder. is that why he thought i don't need the ladder? can i climb up the hvac and the pipes. the pictures he had a bike and maybe two backpacks or bags but no ladder. >> brian: one of the main problem is stop taking pictures and go talk to him. hey, guy, what are you doing with that bag? why are you sitting on the fence why are you staring at us on a pier. why are you sitting on the perimeter. why. >> ainsley: how did you lose them. somebody on the walkie-talkie i'm watching him on the ground. >> steve: the fact he did not try to get in. that was the red flag. s that why he became suspicious. more on that in about three
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hours. meantime. the wide world of sports. >> that's right. i got a really cool moment to show you that took place yesterday at the summer olympics american swimmer ryan murphy has a lot to celebrate after winning bronze 100-meter back stroke. pregnant wife held up a sign that says ryan, it's a girl. murphy left stunned with a gender reveal. he also told reporters everything is going to be dedicated to you that little girl who is due in january. two wonderful things to celebrate there. and tonight's simone biles plans to compete in gymnastic team finals. warm up during the qualifying qg round. vault floor exercise and second on the uneven bars. u.s. men's gymnastic teams making history in paris
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yesterday. >> small there. [shouting] dismount. that's it! [cheers] he did it. [cheers and applause] he did it and they may well have done it. >> oh my goodness. >> ainsley: they did indeed make the podium. the americans securing the bronze for their first men's gymnastic medal in 16 years, thanks to clutch performance by pommel horse specialist stephen nedoroscik. that medal to the lead built in the early in the paris games with a total of 20 medals so far. france in second. japan in third, guys. >> steve: he made pommel horse cool. >> carley: all of it is so impressive. >> ainsley: it really is you have to have so much strength in
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your arms. this is the first time in, what 2016. >> steve: 16 years. >> ainsley: oh, 16 years. >> steve: that guy stephen nedoroscik he only does one event. during all the other events he sat on the bench waiting for his time. he came out and did that and put them over the top and now the americans have a bronze which they haven't done in a long time. >> ainsley: good for him. >> brian: now he can go party. >> steve: you think so. >> brian: yeah. that's all he has got. what's harder that or pickleball? >> steve: pickleball. we are going to do dooce on the loos in the next hour we are going to ask why is pickleball not an olympic sport. 20 years ago old set studio a you remember we had -- back of this couch about 4 inches wide what the balance beam is. we had marilou let ton balance across the little the -- the back of our set. >> brian: she said it was more important to her to do that than
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the olympics in '84 los angeles. >> steve: that's how you remember that. >> ainsley: we need to find that video. >> steve: it was hilarious. it was great. >> ainsley: what was she like when you met her? >> brian: really nice. >> steve: had some trouble recently very nice back then and a lot of wheaties. >> we had 20 medals, pretty spectacular. >> steve: do they still put people on the wheaty's box? >> ainsley: i don't know i don't eat wheaties. >> steve: used to have whoever was on the wheaty's box show up and be right there. >> brian: i remember bruce jenner was on the wheaties box. >> ainsley: next guest says key voting blocks in the state see right through her. ♪
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team usa is back! let's see that enhanced 4k from xfinity. wow. everything you'd want is right here when you say... “olympics” so, what if your favorite athlete is... "grant hollowa”" nice. or you can't get enough... “swimming” definitely adding that to favorites. now let's check... “medal coun”" and when is gymnastics on? “olympic schedule” it's that easy. find it, see it, count on it with the best seat in the house. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. january january good morning, everyone. let's talk about the wildfires and then i'm going to say hi to my friends from nashville, tennessee. burning across california. and many different states. 200 of them. over 200 wildfires burning and this one out of butte county, california. it's been a incredible season so far. take a look at the maps where we are. number six and the largest fires
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california fire smoke tracker bringing that you will bad air unfortunately across the west. we have got smoke advisories in effect and folks with respiratory issues need to stay indoors. this is disturbance number one. it's kind of pathetic. going to meet up with another area of low pressure, another wave, and we think it's going to develop around the bahamas. florida, the east coast and gulf coast you need to be on alert. thunderstorms for parts of the ohio valley and the northern plains. here are my friends from tennessee what's your name. >> andy. >> janice: and? >> michelle. >> janice: what have you got for me? dolly for president. that's something i think we can all get behind. thanks for being here. you love "fox & friends"? >> we do. and we love janice dean. >> janice: do you like steve doocy he is coming out in few minutes. >> we do. and she wants to have lunch with brian. >> janice: can i check do see if that might happen. brian kilmeade. >> steve: i will do that thank you very much. all right, j.d., thank you very much. >> janice: you got it.
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vice president harris returns to the state of georgia today marking her sixth visit this year alone as she reportedly hopes to mobilize black voters. the critical voting block was key to joe biden wants peach state trickery in 2020 when he dee dee feeted donald trump in less than 12,000 votes in georgia. are georgians happy? kayla montgomery joins us now. michaelah, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> well, you are on the ground there in georgia. what about black voters? are they happy with the joe biden-kamala harris administration? >> i can say that from what i have seen in my work, no. nobody is happy with the current administration. people are tired of living paycheck to paycheck. having to work. you know, two and three jobs to pay their one mortgage. >> grocery prices have tripled from what they were back in 2020. i don't think any of the promises that we saw in the biden-harris administration campaign, the first go around were delivered. and, of course, they waited in the last minute to do the
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student debt stuff so that they could gain some momentum and have something to run on when it came to getting rewill he elected to help kamala win office. there is really nothing else. >> steve: makayla watch this. this occurred on msnbc. where they had a voter pan of black american voters they were all talking about how they all had friends who were going to vote for donald trump. watch. >> how many of you know a black moan has expressed to you that they are committed to voting for donald trump? for the brothers who have told you that, or said that to you. have the emergence of kamala harris changed that? >> no. >> my guys are concerned about the interest rates, right? they feel like with interest rates increasing it's harder to acquire properties and things like that, which is internally how most of them earn their
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money. >> steve: those pocketbook issues that really powerful. makayla, do the people you talk to feel better about joe biden being gone and now it's kamala? >> i think that they feel better about joe biden stepping down. however, it's no secret that of course kamala harris would only continue whatever joe biden was doing. so, in regards to, i guess, having more faith in the democratic party or feeling like anything would be different because clam is running now instead of joe biden. i don't think anybody is going for that everybody expects the same results the last four years and not looking forward to that. >> michaelah thank you for joining us have. great day. >> thank you. >> all right. today, senate lawmakers vote on a rare bipartisan tech bill aimed at protecting kids online. it's a cause near and dear to one colorado mother who says harmful social media content drove her daughter to kill herself. she will explain the importance of the legislation, straight
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♪ >> ainsley: today the senate is expected to vote kids online -- for the kids online safe-t act. a rare piece of bipartisan legislation. the measure would establish a duty of care for tech companies to regulate content and prevent children from being fed harmful, abusive or addictive information on their platforms. colorado mother lori schott has been campaigning for action ever since she tragically lost her teenage daughter anna to suicide. she says her daughter was harmed by social media. lori joins us now. she was beautiful. one mother to another. tell us what happened to an. >> that our beaufort daughter
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anna 2020 took her life. what we found out afterwards and this is when the facebook whistleblower came forward the dangers and depth addiction can have and how the powerful algorithms can change a mental health. anna dealing with cyberbullying and us telling her she couldn't have tiktok and finding out later she did have tiktok and it showed her a life suicide, depression, harmful content that she felt she had no future. and that was where she basically was pulled into with these powerful algorithms and addiction. no matter how hard we tried, we were those parents that checked her phone. said it had to be on the counter. that gave, you know, constant conversations about the dangers and still it was a place that we protected her in a physical world but in an world late at night on these platforms she
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deteriorated her mental health and took her life. >> ainsley: what will it do to help other families going through this? will it pass. >> it will pass. it will be historic day where parents can take their children back. where social media companies with going to be put on alert that enough is enough. it actually gives a duty of care, just like any industry that we have in the united states, accountability, this is not a freedom of speech, this is about a product design. and they are designing these social media platforms to addict our kids to engage them online for profit. and today it's going to stop. we are going to have the ability to take back our children with parental controls report content and have them be accountable by third party you a dits. >> ainsley: lori, it sounds like did you everything right. you raised your daughter on this beautiful farm in colorado. just an all-american family making sure she didn't use the phone at night. it was on the counter. all those rules that we hear
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from a parent perspective, how do we make sure they are safe? what do you advise us to do. >> stand back and look at what is social media for? in my perspective, my social media platform on facebook was the extent of what i had looked totally different than what our children are seeing on their facebook platforms. i think we need to avoid social media with our children. i think we need to pull the screens back. we need to look at bark phones. things that only allow certain access for texting and calls. and really have these hard discussions about the dangers of social media and be diligently every day how children can venture in dangerous waters. >> ainsley: if we had this bill back in 020 when anna took her life? would she still be here? would she have not faced all these problems on social media
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if this bill had passed back then? >> yes. we were the parents that wanted to know how things operated. how these things impact our children. no matter if it's driving, seat belts, and with this situation, we would have had the tools and the knowledge of what the power was of these platforms. to think that these engineers designed these platforms to keep our children so engaged and have content so severe that kind of just preys on their mental health, and i'm not just talking about anna lee. i'm talking about sextortion. i'm talking about online challenges. i'm talking about children that are struggling from cyberbullying. these are things that we really need to pay attention. to say. >> ainsley: i'm so glad this is going to pass for anna's sake and all the children out there. thank you so much. >> thank you, ainsley. >> ainsley: anna schott was only 18 years old and may she rest in peace. duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r
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♪ >> brian: all right. we are back with a fox news alert. the acting director of the secret service is set to testify before a senate committee today on the attempted assassination of donald trump a couple of weeks ago. this as the fbi reveals the trump rally shooter got onto the roof top by climbing a piping from the hvac system.
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cb cotton is live in butler, pennsylvania with more. cb? >> hi, brian, good morning. acting secret service director ronald rowe is expected to be grilled by lawmakers on a joint senate panel today about the apparent communication failures during the july 13th rally here in butler, pennsylvania just behind me. rowe has reportedly visited the rally site ahead of congressional testimony. we expect lawmakers to ask him how no one was able to stop would be assassin thomas matthew crooks. text messages obtained by iowa republican senator chuck grassley reveal that crooks was spotted by local counter snipers as suspicious about 90 minutes before the gunfire. and about 30 minutes before photographs of crooks had been sent to a command center, staffed by state police and secret service agents. but, the secret service agents directly protecting former president trump were reportedly
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never notified. why is that? it's a question that then secret service director kimberly cheatle could not directly answer when she faced bipartisan questions during her congressional testimony last week. leading to her resignation. roe became acting director shortly after. brian? >> all right, cb. hopefully get some answers soon. appreciate your work. meanwhile, 10 minutes before the top of the hour. let's continue to talk about this. experts reveal new technology could have been used to protect the drone, the gunman flew over donald trump's rally site just hours before the attempt the assassination. here to discuss all this technology, kurt knutsson the cyberguy. kurt, i did not know this existed yet. >> remember last week director ray came out for the fbi saying hey, we do know that the shooter had a drone two hours ahead of time flying over the site where the former president was speaking in pennsylvania. and what we also later learned was technology that i'm about to show you could have easily
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detected that drone and not only that, it's called d drone by the way. it's a very, very smart, one of the best drone detection technology can do three things really well. one it, can see the drone in an area that you could put up. it's mobile, you could put this thing occupy, secret service could have been using this easily on the site and they weren't. this thing will detect a drone. it will also then tell you where the controller for that drone is located. imagine they would have been able to detect exactly whereby the alleged assassin was located two hours ahead of time. and then, three, if they wanted to, they could disable the drone mid flight. they can just jam it and the thing doesn't have control -- its into more control. >> brian: this something to do with russia and ukraine, aren't they? they keep upgrading this? >> look. this is used in police departments around the country. st. petersburg, florida police department one of the first to have. this widely used. power companies use this
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technology because they want to defend against somebody hitting the infrastructure of their power systems. why didn't the secret service have this deployed is beyond me. >> brian: let's talk about something else that really matters. where have we seen this before? facebook and google are at it again. facebook admits it wrongly censored the iconic photo of donald trump bleeding with the flag right behind him. that doesn't pop up with his fist in the air. google suddenly responds after admitting omitting and admitting that trump assassination attempt. if you put in trump it puts in truman, reagan administration. blame the algorithm for this your reaction. >> my reaction is this. if you think you are dialing on to facebook, google, any social media company, any big tech company and getting the truth, you got another thing coming. it is being shaped and censored in the direction they want to provide to you. they will say in hindsight when they are called out on it oh we did that for national security. or, that was an accident. we don't know how that happened.
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and our algorithm such a secret sauce we can't even tell you how it happened. that's all bull. the fact is, they are operating the way they want to operate and whether they are censuring or not. the sad thing is you and i don't know about it until today we are sitting here calling it out. >> brian: elon musk owns twitter now x pointed the same thing out. that's not happening on x. whatever you think of it, at least you have both sides. google came out and responded to "fox & friends" and gave us this statement. we are rolling out to auto complete systems to show more up to date predictions. these updates will address the anomalies for some search everies for the sames of several past presidents and current vice presidents. the issues are continuing to resolve and continue to make improvements as needed. read between the lines. >> auto complete is something when you are typing and it finishes what your putting in there. look. they can tell that to do anything they want.
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and in this case, did they do it intentionally? i don't know. the end result was we got censored. period. >> brian: facebook had a similar statement out. they said they were going to correct it. we will see what happens. stay on top of it for 98 days until the election. we would like to see the stories from both sides. is that possible? and, please, nod affirmatively. thanks at lot. appreciate it? >> good to see you, brian. >> brian: kurt, see you again, soon. i want to go over to ca carley shimkus who has promised to give us the news. >> carley: car crash causing a vehicle to roll over and hit two pedestrians in milwaukee. amazingly they were not seriously hurt because the car appeared to clip a pole first. thank god. as for the people in the car the driver and passenger managed to crawl out of the back and the person behind the wheel was ticketed for reckless driving, driving with sauce suspended license and driving without insurance. cameras at middle tennessee state university capturing the moment a possible tornado toss
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as huge trailer on to its side. landed against the fence of the school's football stadium. officials say the storm toppled a few trees around campus but thankfully no one was hurt. those are your headlines, brian, back over to you, my friends. >> brian: wow, pretty good video. don't move. the one and only sean hannity is almost fully dressed and ready to join our show next hour. that's him with a tie.essi that's him with a tie.essi he really wears that now. ♪ caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. anti-depressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. caplyta is not approved for dementia-related psychosis.
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