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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 30, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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shirts, slash hawaiian shirts, towels to dry off the moisture from the atlantic ocean or pacific or the gulf of mexico. wherever you happen to skinny dip flip flops or flip flops are going to keep your calluses nice and clean. so go to the fox news shop to purchase or corns, whatever you're afflicted with. tonight, jesse watters, primetime former kamala staffer tells all. >> oh, okay. >> all right. this audi convertible was no match for this wild turkey who thought his reflection was out to get him. the turkey clawed tact and jumped at the car in the 15 minute assault. the owner of the car originally thought someone struck a parked car until she saw a note on her windshield from a good samaritan who showed her this video. >> video? go ahead, tyru news alert. i'm ashley strohmier, live in new
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york. hamas political leader ismail haniyeh has been assassinated in tehran. that is according to iran's parliamentary revolutionary guard. iran gave no details on how haniyeh was killed and the guard says the attack is under investigation. while haniyeh is not militarily significant, he is in charge of the group's international relations and is talking with egyptian and qatari mediators about the hostages for gaza ceasefire deal. reports of the assassination comes just days after a strike killed 12 children in the golan heights. israel retaliated by conducting a strike tuesday that killed the hezbollah commander, believed responsible for the deadly attack. for more insight on this, we're going to turn now to matt shoemaker. he's a former intelligence officer with the defense intelligence agency. matt, thanks for sticking around to talk about this. once more. but, you know, i want your thoughts on iran and possibly them getting involved. and what's the likelihood of them striking israel. yeah. thanks very much for having me on again. so this
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really is a quickly developing situation going on as of about 15 minutes ago or so, there were some reports saying that there are senior iranian officials that are attending emergency meetings at the ayatollahs residence to discuss how to respond to this situation. they have confirmed that that the leader of hamas was killed, and they are pointing the finger, certainly at israel for it. the israelis, for their part, in the past half hour or so, have refused to confirm or deny it, which is not un it's not outside of, what they usually do in terms of when these assassinations happen. the israelis rarely ever confirm that they were the ones for this in terms of what iran's reaction is going to be, it certainly will depend on what is decided at that alleged
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meeting. that is currently happening right now or so. it's about 830 in the morning in tehran, hamas, for their part in the past half hour or so has has blamed israel and said that they will respond. what that means exactly, of course, is yet to be known. what i expect the iranians to eventually do, it could go one of two ways, though, because from one perspective, for the iranians, the way that they are going to look at this is that this individual, the leader of hamas, was not one of theirs. it was not, you know, one of their citizens or so. so from that perspective, if they want to go that way, they could have a much more muted response. however, having said that, this was in their capital city in tehran on their president's inauguration day, where the leader of hamas had just met with both the newly inaugurated president and the ayatollah just a few hours beforehand. so if they take that as an affron,
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then they can certainly go much harder, in that direction. so it really is going to determine or really going to see what happens over the next couple of hours. you know, i want you to listen to this sound bite. secretary of defense lloyd austin just spoke. let's let's listen to it and then we'll talk about it on the other side. i don't see, a return to where we were several, several months ago. not yet, and certainly we'll keep our eye on this, the safety and protection of our troops is, it's a really, really important to me. that's why, you know, you saw us take some measures to protect ourselves here. most recently, as we, took out, some uavs which were about to be launched, we have the right to do that, and we will continue to do that in order to protect our troops. you know, the main thing i got from that soundbite from lloyd austin there was protecting our troops. so what
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is the us intelligence doing behind closed doors to keep them safe and americans safe? or, you know, how does that how does that look? right now in the middle of the night after this happens? yeah. so what were the most important thing right now? are going to be for the security of american forces in the middle east right now. so it's between, it's between 7 and 8:00 in the morning in the middle east, depending on which time zone you're in. so from a centcom central command perspective, which is the area of operation and the combatant command that it deals with, the middle east with regards to american forces, the operational side of things, you know, it's, you know, early enough in the morning where people are getting to work, so i'm from that perspective, the, the people on the ground and the soldiers and sailors and marines and such, they're certainly going to have their eyes and ears open. i would expect, for the military bases to be on heightened alert for sure, and for them to be
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monitoring and monitoring any chatter, for signals intelligence in terms of social media, online, all that sort of stuff, as well as reaching out to any sources when it comes to human intelligence, the spy sort of stuff, reaching out to any sources that they have to see what they're hearing on the ground. so that's what i expect for there on the more headquarters and strategic level. back in washington, for example, i expect that the watch floors, for sure are going to be very busy right now, you know, watch floor for, for military purposes are the people who monitor the situation on a 24 over seven basis. you know, they have a, a they have a list of criteria of what they're looking out for in any tripwires about situations that happen for these sorts of things, when it's in the middle of the night, that information goes right up the chain of command, and people are woken up in the middle of the night to be made aware of the
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situation that's going on. so that's what i expect happen, is happening in washington right now, is that people who need to be informed about what is happening, if they haven't been already, they certainly will be very soon. okay. and for anyone who is just now tuning in with us, we were i was speaking to matt shoemaker. he is a former intelligence officer with the defense intelligence agency. so if anyone knows the ropes to how this works, he would be the guy. matt, thank you so much for your time this morning. we appreciate it. thanks very much. ashley of course. and if you are just now tuning in, the hamas political leader, ismail haniyeh has been assassinated in tehran. that was according to iran's parliamentary revolutionary guard. of course, stick with fox news channel for this breaking and developing story throughout the nightt tie the night and in the morning. for now, we're going to send you back to regular programmineg already in progress for the ride. >> and then the two of them wreck the countr y. joe made her borders. ah, she never showed up to worko
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. >> death and destruction everywhere. he put her in charge of that voting bill failed. thank god he sent her to europer to warn russia not to invade ukraine. >>toe to war putin laughed and i the same week. neshe's not respected overseas. she's not respected on the leftf . a year ago, they tried to kickth her off the ticket. she's not even respected by her own staff. they've all quit. own staff,she's not respected be she's an incompetent san francisco socialisist whose administration almost got trump assassinated. >> socialis let 10 million foreigns pour into the countr y and spend so much money on boondoggles that inflation raged rage. usa toyour wagesd >> usa today said kamala's biggest accomplishment as vice president was visiting an whortion clinic when he was vp. al gore invented the internet. okay, now, if they install this woman into the white house, the military industrial complex is going to controokthl her.l
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we'll be at war with russia before you know it. lobbyist to s are already lickig their chops. they can't wait to grease the harris administration. it's like taking candy from a baby. ththis is a frivolous fraud. who hasn't solved a single problem, gottea n on top from handouts, never lifting a finger to help the americanp people. she's only there to help herself. ameramerica can't afford kamala harris. >> this is not a joke. >> kayleigh mcenany is a former white house press secretar whiy and co-host of outnumbered, and she is live on prime timiveo so we laid out pretty succinctly there the kamala harris record. >> can she survive that scrutiny? she may be able to. and here's why i say that. >> i just listened to the entirety of what you said, and that was clips of kamala own in her own words. and that came after me watching the 17 minute. >> i think that's what it was kamala rally. and i feel7 nute -- like i watd a case of identity theft.
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e y has stolen the identit of a moderate, middle of the road cultural icon and then fled to media fairy tale land where they will let her remake her identity. she talked about being a cop and lockin shg up fraudsters and locking up racists. and then she moved to being this fearlesfr s california prosecutor in the tunnels with the cartelsa prosec leavind her whole record. this woman should be pullingcart at 3%. she is not. this is why, if you're the 3%.trump campaign, the signe on your door, the sign in the windows, the sign on the corkboard, it needs to be policy, policy, policy becausicy.what youe what you jua jesse, is the key to success, to beating kamalla a harris. donald trump still the favorite. but you've got to take this lady seriouslytake because she'e totally different woman than the clips you just played. clipu e her seriously. >> they will. and they are. are.tough tough to pivot now once joe left and she's in the got the honeymoon thing, that's okay. 'sbut we're in a new media environment, kelly. and the media ca ementn only cop
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so much. >> there are zillions of peoplem watching these videos fly around. a kamalaed onl harris.verywher >> they're everywhere. she stuck her foot in her mouth so many timeshs. so man she said so many crazy things about taking away health care, taking away guns, giving sex change surgeries to inmates on death row. this is crazy. san francisco lunacyo in and its on tape. you can't hide that. that's not like, oh, i voted for something in the eighties, like biden. >>this is this is like four ye. you can't right. you can't identify as a moderate that fast. . >> you can't. and donald trump's not going ge letdonald t you because i kn. when he gets on that debate stage, he knows better than anyone how to dance across it. he trounced hillary. he trounced joe biden. >> and the only person to stand on that debate stage. and in someone's political life tenure of 49 years, trump did that. trump can do it. he's got to take these moments on the nationa il stage and use
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them wisely. and i think he will. you can't erase that history, but she will trym ly.. she joined tiktok.e she's putting out these clever videos. she's mobilizeis putd the rappe >> there is a rapper there with her tonight. she's going to use hollywood. is goingthat's not enough, thouy hillary had all of that. that's not enoug hadt ish. and she's going to be standing against one of the most formidable political opponents long that we've seen in a long time. i mean, once in century figure, we've seen a donald. >> yeah, it's not going to be enough. she will eventually have to do a bi >> j dg tv interview where they're going to have to ask her about the cover up and all of herasour up stupid policy mos and about the disaster of thed last four years. >> donald trump was just asked abthis: e debate thing by laura. >> listen to this past and looe at what she does and look at what she used to sa sayy about herself. i won't get into it. what she used to say and who uoh she was compared to whatat she said starting at about 2016, tol she became a totally different person. lyonly for political reasons. >> donaleasonsd, i do hope you'
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reconsider to meet meme on the debates stage, because as the saying goes, if you got something to say, you don't even think she's taking yourself seriously. >> but so trump basically has two options. woone, she's a radical.. >> two, she's a fraud. def she haens to defend both of thoe items. and when is this debate happening, carly? >> he already committed to joe in september. joe's gone. . nex >> what's the deal with this next debate? posi >> well, here's why trump's in a great position because, the tables have turned. >> remember when trump came out and said any time, anywhere, any place, what we just want? kamala said basically that. so tonight trump should get out on true social oc to your face. i proposoue three dates, the first of which is going to be this
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coming up month in august. don't let her take that dnc tailwind and fly away. challenge her to a debate. do i t next month.e yo >> put three on the table. kamala will take you at your wor yd. >> that's smart. i think i think trump should should definitely listen to carlyould l on that one. >> i like that a lot. tha carly, thanks, as always. he'll win themt on. a >> a secret service whistleblower predicts anotherlo assassination attempt before the election. right backn the when they want to squeeze up. >> they want a squeeze up. >> deliciously delectable, delectable squeeze up. >> what impacts you every day? undeniably, there is one influential book that shapes the way we measure, create and ignite change. the bible's impact is all around you. discover how at new crm of the
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are fired. the counter sniper says his mission is to prevent another jfk style assassination. ha and the only reasonstyl that hasn't happened is because they've gotten luckyav, he sayss secret service leadership is corrupt and states clearly, asrre e, we all should expect another assassination attempt to happen before novembesaatteml >> we've exposed our inability to protect our leaders dueit to our leadership. >> after this email went public, it was wiped offleader the secret service servers. there's a massive cover up publ massi and it spilled over into congress after cheatle resigned in disgrace. her number two got promoted and testified today that the secret service screwed up. >> but the local police, it wast really all their fault. >> 30 second s. if it's communicated directly co a counter sniper team, would that be enough time to react prior to the firing of those shotenoughs? h senator, if we had thaadt information, they wouldquic
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have been able to address it more quickly. it appearskl that that information was stuck or siloed in that state and local channel. >> were explicit instructions provided to cove. r the roof of the building and locals just not follow it? or werilding, e those explicitwe instructions not provided? >> it's my understanding what was communicate t instrucd the locals had a plan and that they had been there before. had are looking at this and th. should have been on that roof and the fact that they were in the building is something >> j i'm still trying to understand. >> the secret service set the perimeter established communications didn't fly, a drone didn'td put a counterto sniper on the roof and never even showed up to brief the locals didn'. the local swat commander said secret service locae neverh them the man that roof the accused asian, that somehow we were told s that to be on the roof line, for instance, to and that it was too hot. thats. e inculou
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you know, our snipers are prepared to operate in western pennsylvania fromwhe anywhere from ten degreefrs belw 0 to 90 degrees. they were prepared to be wherever they were told by secret service that day. >> why did the secre se: wht servicecovere not want that roof covered? whd?we leay? we learned today that the secret service was offered a drone but turned it down and they never even caught crooks drone because they had . oblems with their internet >> you had a drone system,rone but you had bandwidth problems.d the bandwidth apparently wass adequate for the shooters drone, but not for the secret servicte for tone e. i h >> can you explain that? i have no explanatioon fn for it sir. people fly drones all the timehe n on the peripheriesth of ouro sites, and we go out and welk t talk to them and we ascertainnsr what their intentions are. on this day in particular, because.pacause of the connectie challenge, as you noted, there wa
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s a delay and he flew his drone at 351, an approximate like you can buy a local hotspot from t-mobile for 20 bucks. >> and not only that, the biden-harris administratioon spent $40 billion to wire ruralr america with internet and the secret service doesn't have wi fi in pennsylvaniane andy . shoo >> remember, after the shooting, the fbi said they couldn't, find a motive and crooks was a registered republican. >> well,crooks was a the ceo of a social media site, has justsi come forwardte c. the data showing crooks had an account where he aggressivel why defended joe biden and his border policies and hi policies. does he sound like a republican ? >> after this revelation, the fbi came out today and saidwrote crooks wrote right wing things onlineng. some of these comments, ifom ultimately attributablments,e te shooter, appear to reflect anti-semitic and anti-women, c grecian themes, to espouse political violence and are
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described as extreme in nature. while the investigative team is still working to verify this account to determine if it did, count to in fact belong to the shooter, we believe it is important to share and noted todayand not particularly given the general absence of other information to date from social medias of and other sources intinformation that reflec on the shooter's potential motive and mindset. >> why is the fbi acting so sketchy and dishonest about crooks? political ideology? we don't care if he's a right winger or a left winger. he triede don' to kill trump.let why is the fbi working so hard to muddy up his philosophy? >> he's a democrat donor. then he's a republican. then he's pro joe biden, open borders, then ret. anti-immigran why are the feds treating a dead assassin so cryptically ? and why can't they crack into all of his accounts? we can hack the iranian nuclear program, but not a 20 year old's blog. g >> i'm not buying and why don't wed knowhw the.
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>> of the secret service sitee supervisor in butler, the man al who made all these wrong calls all at once, all on the same day ome? te agent >> who is the lead site agent who madeo the decision to leave the hcr building completely outside of the security? perimeter? >> who was that? senator, i cannot give you that name. >> can not person is operationa. they're still doing investigations, are still doing protective visit. have been relieved of duty. senator, h they have not know their duty. >> why have they not been relieved of duty? they are wot?>> still cooperatit only being interviewed by the fbi, but also by ourinnot on ofe of professional responsibility. >> why hasn't the secret service set supervisor for the butler rally been suspended? why is hen suse still in charge of protecting politicians? >> why isn'toliticia he under ki investigation? they're keeping him aroundng hih to help do the investigation. >> are they going to keep him around t for trump's next butle rally? >> and the senator s know the guy's name. why hasn't the senate subpoenaed the secre.t servicend
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site supervisor for butler? >> that's the gutey who they should drag in to testify under oath about what happened. not these squirrely bureaucrats. >> why is everybody protecting this guy. >> who is this guy? the politicians won't even tell us what the guy's name is. something stinks is.. about. >> and you know what i'm talking about? former special agent navy seal jonathan gilliam. jonathan, why don't we know this guy's name? that's the only namena that mattersme because they donn want you and i to know that name. that'sowme why, jesse. the reality is, all these people that you see up there talking, they are from the senior executive service. fromeniop all these directors. that's who makes up all these cabinet members. thest e people come and go tha and they don't even have to be from that agenc y. but the reality is they're all politicians. they all speakliticians an in pl rhetoric, and many of them are careeristsre that never
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really operated that much in their field. and thend then ty go they got pd because they went through the ranks and climbed that ladder. so i am very suspicious when you look at the totality, i say this a lot on here, the totality of the circumstances,yo what you seeal is that whoever that individual is, it was responsible for the threat assessment. and the management of that is response of all for overalllu creating a fatal funnel and an avenue of approach that this attacker and any attacker r ort the member, they knew that iran had warned them or that there was a threat coming from iran, and yet they still left this avenue of approach they knew that a guy was there and they didn't take trump off the stage, that if it was one thing that they did wrong t somebody took advantage of, that would be one thing. but this is a whole systemilures of failures. and when and you compare that t, let's say, the fbi creating scru evidence, a dossier to run
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that through a unit that usually scrubs that stuff, that wast nowhere to be found. that information was passed to a fisa judge who approved them to spy on trump and people who worked for - trump.t when you look at that avenueav that was made, when you look at the irs whe, when you look at all the department of homeland security and how they'v e created these avenues for these things to occur and it always comes back on either defeating trump, hurtintg trump or the american people. jonathan, you can't just say, yeah, we don't don't know. nd we don't know yet, but we'll find out. why didn't they turn the drone. eone off down? if someone offers you a drone. sure. we'll take the drone. >> why did they turn the drone down? f i'm lookingan, i at this from an even from an investigative standpoint, and again, i'm looking into the totalitym lo of circumstancc i can only say it's because ay becsomebody didn't want it t. i'm not a conspiracy guy. i keep saying this. i don't go in conspiracyy.n't ge
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but all this evidence leads to the same place. they didn't want to take trump off the stage no mattee nr what, and they wanted this fatal funnel to exist. >> it's unbelievablenel to. in >> and now people are coming anom, d from counter snipers secret service, and saying there will be another attempt on trump's life before the election, which is absolute sheer craziness. it scares the heck oute heck of everybody. all right, jonathan, we're going to figure this out. >> thank you so much. of white dudes for harris and what do they want? t right back for nourished lightweight hair. >> the right ingredients make >> the right ingredients make all the difference ir will . e aloe herbal essences sulfate free herbal essences sulfate free is now packed with plant basedo. ingredients. >> your hair will love like pure aloe and camellia flower won't. hair feels deeply nourishe plan soft and lightweight plant
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representation. e with >> but they were a little uncomfortable with having that many whit e men at one event. >> so they kicked off the meeting with a black guywit >> i want to addressob the obvious. viou i'm not sure if you noticed, but i am not a white man. ye. t here i am opening ups the white dudes for kamala. call. ot >> but that wasn't enough to steady their nerves. ssin and i'll start by really addressing the elephant in the the elep, which is a lot of peol feel and felt uncomfortable about the call. and i think that's understandably so. you know, throughoutstandablhite american history, when white men have organized, it was often with pointy hats on. >> when i first saw that the white dudes for harris, bylinecy thought, oh, that'sd a little that's a little cringe. and i realize my own bias, which is we hear about white men congregating and we think of tiki torches and air fifteens and the.
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>> when i hear white guys congregating, i think golf not . >> most of the country's whitees . if democrats ever explored outside of the cities, they'd knowred outse that the kamala's white wer dudes were able to accept all the whiteness. >> once they put it in terms they understood what a variety of whiteness we have here. we got the dude, we gowe havt p. it's like a rainbow of a beige . a beige rainbow. okay, cae n we get to what itbea means to be a man? years >> the way that our economy has changed over the years has left a lot of really l hardhardw working folks who are trying to do right by their families behindorg to dt by. >> and that happens at thethe se same time as the myths aroundew america that we grew up with, that we as men are expectedprotc to be protectors and providers are goinrsg out into economy. >> that doesn't really allow for that. we can't protect or provide
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because of harris biden-nomics . >> what should we do instead? talk about our feelingd wes. the idea that that men can gather to talk about how wek abu feel. >> interesting, powerful concep t. r lett and being a man means neveinr letting trump win again or else will cry. i'm a i'm a white dude.yo that that muchu ca can probably tell by now. i'm not sure if you guys cann recall that feeling you had on the night of tuesday, november eight, 2016. i stood over my kid's bed and i wept. i wept because i felt like i let them down. i wept because they had the chance. and we had the chance to havee s
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a female for the first timen in our lives. and in the history of this j nation. anat guy just admittedus he crid when hillary lost. and oh, my god. t >> white dudes. do you want to hear about grown men crying and sharing their feelings? do you want to be called a racist? t to bvote kamala white guys lie everybody else just want a good job. cheap gas, lower taxes. we wan gas t to watch football and keep our families safe. >> we're pretty simple.think >> whichever candidate we thinki kid is closer to that wins. our vote. >> grandma allen's a teepee usa o contributor and the host of dear america podcast graham house threatened ah you by white dudew ths for harris. >> well i've never been more threatened in my life after watching that. i've always wondered why hing the fertility rate is really low and why birthrate is really lo w and w in america. it. i think we just solved it. i think we understand.
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we just sad.w the low t beetham male week. wri spine limp wristed pack wearing shorty, short khakis with brown birkenstock sandals and black socktie shors, peoplet asked their wife for the credit card. if wea wearing -- ifk men create these dudes are riding straight into the apocalypse here. here's my thing. we got whitestraight dudes for . when did the democrats decide that it was okayid the to be whn again? that's my question. because. because i that being a if you are a white, straightra maleight that loved, you might as well be the four horsemen of the apocalypse. but now kamala harris needs some white dudes, if you can call them that to. yo they're also anti-christian in their rhetoric. you saw that one guy with the man bun say this myth that men are supposed to protect and providand prove pride for their families. one that's biblical. but tobiblical what man doesn'tt
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to provide for their families. i listened to pete buttigieg pete buttigieg say that men are more free when women whe are allowed to have abortions. woe that albert einstein couldn't solve. it is the most incoherent garbage i've ever heard in my math. >> and media matters can go ahead and clip this because i know that they have fun with this. i heard you jesse. >> i heard you on the five say, and i agree. no rea manl man. yes, real man. real men that love their family. love god, love this country. wantuntry wa to provide and prot their families. no real men would ever vote for. kamala harris. and it's not because she's a woman. it's because she is is the wrong woman. >> and she's going to destroy this country. yeah, i think harold ford jr is going to be pretty upset when it comes back to work after that comment. >> but, you know, i'll say it ut to his face, too. >> graham allen, thanks. heas always. that was terrific. let's now bring in clinical psychologistt to dr. chloe carmichael, who has many more degrees than all of
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us combined. dr. chloe, psychologically speakingichael w, what drives t white dudes to go public with all this weird self-hatred? >> yeah. jesse it almost remind yea js mk of stockholm syndrome, where, like, the victim starte homes to identify with the bully because these are the verye thes same people that would like to sacrifice these white men oni the altar of diversity. right? which we all knotyd allw that diversity is code for getting rid of white men,obably right? so they should be it is harder probably for ther thm provide and protect for their families when there's quotas againsn tht hiring white cal and yet they're going to get on this calll , as graham, sign alan said, with their man bends, you know, and sign up for more. in psychology, we also talkt about something called acting out, which is where when we have really difficulis where t feelings
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that we can't put into words, th we find ways of acting out. and i can't help but think about that on some level som. they're so desperate for acceptance by these people, by these these bullies to just be left alone and stop being called names that they say, okay, fine, we'll jus tng we'll get on this call and we'll sing the song. will tapnc dance, we'll sayr lat whatever you want. you know, one other last thought of course, is,a li you know, maybe it's frankly a little bit of denialof, you know, some some way to just get past the embarrassment that was joe biden forcandidat their candidate and say, fine, well, sing anyd song. we'll focus on any other candidate. can we just talking about joe biden as a psychologist, it its perplexes me, dr. chloe, when they say usually when you think of a bunch of white guys getting together, you think tiki torches and hoods. >> does anyone to think that their psyche. yeah. yeah. i mean, i don't think that most
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people, when they think of white men getting together, would would thin ther wouk of that.s but i certainly think it says more about what's going on through through their minds and psychology. we actually would call that projectiv. e right. so when you start taking what'tf ansideicat is of yourself and n pinning it on other people and imagin te being, you know, that that's what they're thinking about, too, it t remins me of, you know, when when people say like, oh, well, you know, whenwhen when you tal about, say, black people and then you're goin sg to star. thinking about poverty, i'm like, no, we're notabou necessarily right. it really belies more about the psyche and the stereotype types of the person speaking than necessarily of the other person. yo >> all right, dr. chloe, they need you is what they need. and yoeyu need to build you need to build them hard. thank you so muco h to kamala
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belittling them. >> you givees withe them a purp. create an environment where people want to show up for work . >> so when we learned that 92% of kamala's staff quit, it raised red flagsed. how could she lead millions of americans if she can't even americlead 50? gil durran, who worked for kamala when, she washe attorney general of california, said the experience was unbearablexperienc. >> she was, quote, impossible to manage and took out all o fn her stress on her staff. usually women and lower level employee ws. >> gil quit just five months into the job last to thet straw, connell skipped out on a briefing and went berserk on at staff member to the point of tears because she was tear. ared and that tracks with what an unnamed white house staffer told the author chris whipple in his book the fight of his life se . >> they told him kamala, quote, refused to do the kind the of preparation that you need shd to do before going public on a hard core policy matteher. and then she became incensed and outraged when things wouldn'tter and go the way shet
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they were supposed to go. >> even the interns weren'te safe from kabul desire. teri mikita, whosesu son spentsn months in kamala's hetorney general's office, said she turned his kids internship into a summer from. e he says the interns were told to stand and say, good morning, general. >> when kamala walked intoposed the roomto and they were told to never, ever address kamala or even look her in the eyes. >> that privilege is for senior staff only. >> kamala also had a filthy mouth and never met with the interns because staffers were too afraid to introduce them. probably for the best. >> well, everybody's had a bad h boss at one point or the other, but usually that boss doesn't become president. if 92% of a company's workforce quit. would you keep the ceo? so why would we make kamala america's ceo? >>make shark tank investor
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kevin o'leary is here. >> kevin, when you see someone with staff turnover at 92%, what does that tell you about themat doe? >> well, i have to ask myself, is that true? tryause that's an extraordinar number. you're wiping out your entire staff. obviously a problem there e. bu but this narrative going on with kamala harris now is verthy interesting. i look at it to the perspective of an investor. and let meperspecte on give youe some anecdotal data from this morning you might find interesting. youwe syndicate debt for reale estate projects. we don't care ifestate you're democrat or republican. so i deal with a lot of investors agnosti c to politics, and some of them are very big contributors to democratic party. we i heard for the first time today because we like to talk about politics mostly on policy .s and what he said to me was e some of us areha having some buyer's remorse. we would wish we'd run so a process because we got so much press in thmue first nine days of bringing somebody and raisedrty
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the 200 million plus, which like a balloon underwaten unr. it just wasn't biden. so they they started contributing, but we gave up e week five weeks of fantastic socialsb media in guessing who really should be the candidate. now,ca i hadn't heard that before. it's not that many, i guess 20% or something like that. but so that that's starting to crack20 a little bit. and there is precedence for what's going on here. i asa le bit.k everybody to looh to canada when a young justin trudeau'oungs swept in. nobody cared about his executional skills. l skilwell, what did they ever e or anything? they just thought he was the i t guy. look at the country now. it's -- it's wipednos wi out. >> and because it turns out the guy had no executional skills, it would be important to leave aside the politics and ask what has kamala harris,t actually done? >> actually achieved , because if i was hiring her and i'm not trying to be partisan, i would woulher,ask her, what was the go what did you achieve?
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because any governor or anyou senator that would put into presidential viability would have a history, a track record of doing stufack f. >> what do you think she would u say, kevin, if you asked her in an interview straight up, campbell, what's your biggest accomplishment? >> what do you what would she sa biggesty? i don't know i because i don't know of one. s in thee toll you thi next two weeks, the happy talk ay, oing to have to stop because someone's going to sit her down and say, let's talk inflatiolen, let's talk border, let's talk policy on energ ey, o let's talk policy on foreign affairs. and if she doesn't delivern on that with the new vision towards the center, the guys that said i wish we'd runise a process is going to be right if she wants to wight.n, t she's got to go to the center, but she's got to have some ideas on horee has tooww rp the country. you may you might hate trump, but he has, record track recordt policy. you might hate him. i get it. but , yow you've got to do so. tax on tip's border wall tax
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stop the wars. >> i mean, you can nai l it i don't know what she wants. >> i just know she wantss th the power cabinet.are >> larry, you're right, though. that would have been the greatest been the american audition this country's ever seen. and they just handed it to her e . and now look what happened. thank you so much, kevin. anlookh,and he's got two watches in case he needs to know inat time it is in dubaiha more prime time ahead to me,pil harlem is home. own stud >> but home is also your body. when i asked myself, why doesn't polarities exist in harlem? so i started my own studio getting a brick and mortar in new is not easy. and us from. cash b >> studio one to studio >> studio one to studio when you start small, you need some big help and j think some big help and j think with that for meurs. cash back on business essentials. but the chase ink business
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>> we have sarah from pit pittsburgh.'s from butler. we've had the internet fore intn the last 20 years. >> what kind of excuse was that jim from florida? >> what happens if 92% of the military quits under kamala? ohr , heaven help us. >> tom from indiana, the white guys ind i know get together and ride harleys. >> we don't do zoom calls jeff from upper saddle river, new jersey. do these white dudes for kamala drink with straws? r ka >> absolutely. and they probably all had soup for lunch. ey joseph from lakewood, new jersey. the wh >> honestly, those white dudes make johnny look like the hulkij of poor johnny. >> that's all for tonight. please dvr the show. sean's next and always remember i'm waters and thin iss is m ney world.


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