tv Hannity FOX News July 30, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
11:00 pm's from butler. we've had the internet fore intn the last 20 years. >> what kind of excuse was that jim from florida? >> what happens if 92% of the military quits under kamala? ohr , heaven help us. >> tom from indiana, the white guys ind i know get together and ride harleys. >> we don't do zoom calls jeff from upper saddle river, new jersey. do these white dudes for kamala drink with straws? r ka >> absolutely. and they probably all had soup for lunch. ey joseph from lakewood, new jersey. the wh >> honestly, those white dudes make johnny look like the hulkij of poor johnny. >> that's all for tonight. please dvr the show. sean's next and always remember i'm waters and thin iss is m ney world.
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how about going to hannityni and tonight, an official segregated campaigght ann eventd white dudes. but kamala harris is raisingr eyebrows for all the wrong reasons. coming up, our frien din jimmy will weigh in on this this unusual zoom call with d-list hollywood elite wannabes and a bunch of has been politicians. also, we'll bring you highlights from today'ianss senate hearing on the most unbelievable securite y breakdon during the assassination attempt against president trump. it is even worse, we originally thought. but first, we begin with an important messagportant e from the harris campaign. they have kindly now requestedry that every american disregard any and everything pretty much m kamala harris has everal said a done. and instead, they want you to focus on their candidate s sudden, miraculous election year convert en masse of major issues. here's a whole new person,
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apparently. amazing. what a transformation. in fact, todaymation in atlantan kamala, well, sported a brandd new southern accent. f very impressive. i'm from. i lived in georgia for years. our imprpretty impressive. p >> take a look. the path to the whitate rig house runs right through this stathte. and you helped us win in 2020. and we won'to do it again in 2024. 2024. shall puttin: g bad. kamala appeared on stage with the notorious election denierth s abrams herself. who might still think that she's a governor of atlanta. now, of course, nothing matters anymore in the upsid e down world of kamala harris, for example, remember kamala harris and crusade against fracking, you might recall. >> take a look. kamals recent cwill you commitg a federal ban on fracking? >>t your first day in office, adding the united states the list of countries
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who have banned this devastating practice. >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning frackinhere i >> so, yeah, complete ban. she said it on numerous occasions on friday. however, the harris campaign fra told the hill that their candidate doesn't actually meano what said many times and now does not support a frackin suppg ban. now, here's my question to you. which kamala dquestiono believei i believe the one that said she wants to ban frackin g. and what about that single payer medicare for all bill that she co-sponsorr oe co-sponsored with bernie sanders? sanderths remember, she vowedprv to get rid of private health insurancat e. >> it was only a couple t of years ago. take a look. alyou support the medicare for all bill. i think initially co-sponsored by senatork inity bernie sande. you're also a co-sponsor of it. i believe it will totally it we. therrivat so for people out therelike t who like their insurancehe, wel, they don't get to keep it. >> well, listen, the idea is that everyone gets access to medical care and you don't
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have go through the process of going through an insurance company, having them give you approval, going through the paperwork, all of the delay that may requirek an who of us t not had that situation where you've got to wait for approval sioctoe doctor says, well,cover i don't know if your insurance company is going to cover this. >> let's eliminate all of that. >> let's move on. y you don't needou don your privae insurance. it's like, you know, we have the post office. a anyway, this week, kamala harris, her campaign had announced kamala has experienced another sudden change of heart. no longer supports medicare for whl or the legislation she personally co-sponsored. which kamala, do you believeh ka apparently, she's also experiencing a similar change of hearthange of when it comes contr to strict gun control. gun control? rememberol.member, not long agoa vowed pretty much to confiscate guns through a mandatory buyback program. back proy would be confiscate. but i'll give you a few buck yos for it.
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>> take a look. what would you do about th eions o millions of specifically assault weaponlls that are a already in circulation? >> what do you do about those? well, there are approximatelboy 5 million. to your point, correct. we have to have a buyback program. and i suppor backt a mandatory buyback program. >> it's got to be smart. we've got to do it the right wait haswe havrighy. >> once again, a campaign add is is walking back, those comments and said kamala no longer supports a mandatoryorts a gun buyback program. look, does anyone really believ, does ae the new kamala s issue or any of these issues? ae and, of course, kamala harris has also changed her position on the border. she, you know, the single most politically vulnerable issue. she is facing. >> take a look.fa >>lot of the signs at thtaeke rally, you just held for people standing there saying abolish ice. sthat a position that you agree with. listen, i think there's no i thy question that we've gotin to critically reexamine ice and ite ice s roles role and the wat is being administered and the work it is doing. and we need to probably think
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about starting from scratch because there's a lot that is fo wrong with the way that itscra is conductintcg itself. >> and we need to deal with that. she wants to abolish ice references to slavery, references to the kknces tk, buw she supports more funding for ice and border patrol agentsd and security, albeit way too little, way too late. wait, is that the same kamala that lied for over three years saying that the border are? cur >> is that the same person? take a look. would you call the borde>>e bori >> i think that there is noe tod question that we have to do what the president and i asked congress to do. pae first request we make pass ass bill to create a pathwc to citizenship. but border is secureitizensh, be also have a broken immigration system. >> we're goinga broken to 2 mil people across this border for the first time ever. you're confident this border
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secure. we. have a secure border in that that a priority for any nation, including ours in our ou. ill ration but there are still a loa tobles of problems that we are trying to fix. >> now, take a loo fik at yourands screen. these are just a few of the thousands of victims from the biden-harris look border disaster. look very closely these names you've heard some of them you've heard, but not many, including a grandmother from virginia, was killed in a fatal carjacking on sunday. this poor woman killed by yet another unvetted suspected joe biden, kamala harris, the illegal immigrant. this one from el salvador. clearly, as border czar kamala ,harris was unable or unwilling to address the root causes of illegal immigration. she lied for three years a about it obor, you know, she didn't do anything to secure the border, certainly in any war iny. tinu as a result, americans continue to die every
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single day, thousands from fentanyl poisoning. othersl have been murderedinal by violent criminal illegal aliens who should no t in our wd country. that wouldn't be in our country if donald trump wan's president. meanwhile, the risk of terror continues to grow. totis the bigges national security threat in our lifetime. a clear and present danger lifew to every american. and we probably have terror cells in the countryy becauseoe of joe and kamala and their open borders polic aaly. kamala now has to admit what we beve been reporting the last four years. and that is all true. the bordereportingt is, in faci secure. it's never been secure sincesec they've been in office. but she doesn't seem to have any real plae n to it. pla and this brings us to our next flip flop. but it's kamala' fis pressss d secretary says her boss does not support defundinoegbu the police, at least not now. but here's kamala harris he june ten, 2020, during the height of the summer, love.
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ha take a look. one of the conversationsg that needed to happen for a long time, but is getting a sense of prominence now. that is such an important conversation is we have to reimagine public, safe city red in america. we have to redirecirect thtcitis the resources. you may know this in many cities in america over, a one third of their city budget is placed is is paid city bu to policing. so it's about reimagining how you create a society in a way that everyone has as a right health right, safety. but understanding is not going to be achieved by militarize the police. >> my whole point is to say, look, it's -- it's like frankly, an backwards. >> it is because what it's been is about people confusing the concep ct and then putting money into budgets and requesting moneyts to go int police budgets to create safety.
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. >> of theat the height 574 riots in the summer of 2020, kamala wanted americans to reimagine their safety with fewer. d that baile promote fund four days after they burned down that minneapolis police d do theprecinct. and, of course, that bail fund freed violent criminals include many who had committed heinous crimes, including murder, while on bail a fewr du years earlier. during her time as california' s attorney general, kamala was also very pro criminal. in fac iminal.t, she made it a y to fight for taxpayer funded, funded gender reassignment surgergey for transgender prisoners. she was sh tre was way ahead of her time. >> take a look. waayy back when, with the power that i had, i it in a way pushi that was about pushing forward, that the movemenng tk on the agenda. and so look at my m you know, when i was
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attorney general, i learned that the california department of corrections, which was a client of mine, that they were standing in the way of of of surgery for prisoners, for pi prisoners. >> and there was a specific case. and whensonersspecific i learneb case, i worked behind the scenes to not only make sureeh that transgender woman gt the services she was deserving . so it was not only about that case. i made sure that they changed policy in the statee of of california so that every transgender inmate in the prison syste im would have acces to the medical care that they desired and need. >> now, remember, kamala wasserb onceer of this radical record. here she is bragging about her progressive record as an attorney. take a look. as anyou can talk to so-calledt progressive prosecutors around the nationors arnation, those wn elected in the last decade. and they will telldecade you tht at one time or another, they looked to what kamala harris was doing as a model
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of what could be done. in fact, the obama justiceis was department designated my work years and years and years asarsg a model of innovation for reform in the criminal a justice system. >> let's be very clear. here's>> jesse what kamala is bg about. as california's a.g., she >> sea abiding americans to pay for gender reassignment surgery for trans felons. and it gets worse during kamala'sr time as san francisco's d.a., she shielded a cop killer from facing the death penalty. cops turned their back on her. eaththe widow of the slain officer told cnn that kamala never even bothered to contact her before announcing the decision not to seek the death penalty. and meanwhile, the president of san francisco's police officer union asked, quote, is she sorry that this kid died or is it just a political. it is this is this just an opportunity for her to double si down on the fact that she's not going to pursus toe the death
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penalty? kamala's time as a d.a.a wa and a.g. was marred with many serious problems, for example. o >> let's take a look at the case of george gage.e, elderly. man convicted of abuse. a judge founa judgd the cuomo's' office withheld exculpatory material that might well provet cage's innocence. but a new trial was neveralit granted due to a technicality. as kamala fought keep cage behind bars, george cage is still in prison as we speak. a judge also ruled the commonwealth office failed to disclose the mishandling of evidence after a technician was caught tampering eviden with cocaine in a crime lab. more than 600 drug cases were tossed out as a result of that g ainebrilliance. but kamala says, i want to talk about that now. she probably also does want to talk about her beloved pastor. oh, you're going to love thi.s. we have a brand new reverend jeremiah wright. his namea br, reverend dr. amos
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brown. noahw, last year on the official vice presidential instagram accoun brownt, kamala posted a glowing picture of the reverend with the caption tim quote, oh, it's always in order to spend time with my pastor, reverend dr. amos brown of the third baptist church of san francisco. he remains a source of inspiration to me always. now, this is the same pastortold that told the san francisco chronicle, quote, i know tnd t america. america is a racist country. and the very same pastor blamed racist america for nine 1101.9/1 only six days after lost 2977 of our fellow americans. he said, quote, oh, america,he what did do? you d what did you do? two weeks ago when i stoodek at the world conference racism when you wouldn't show up. his commentsdidn't s so disgrac. even nancy pelosi, of alldanc people who was in attendance,
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publicly rebuked the pastolyr ad and the sermon and even reportedly apologized to the partner of a 911 victim who was in the audiencn e that. partner told the free beacon that brown's sermon represented, quote, the second worst day of my life. even senator then senator diane feinstein left the event. the then governor, gray davis,d left the event. kamalale, she's embraced this pastor even more. in fact, she has echoed many of the reverend's beliefs. for example, brown sit belies on the california reparations task force. retions ta of 2019, kamala harrs enthusiastically supported>> mak reparations. >> take a look. should black people get reparatione ges? i think there has to be some form reparations and we can discuss what tha s ant is. look, we're looking at more than 200 years of slavery. we're lookin g at almost 100 years of jim crow. we're looking at legalizedlegali
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zesegregation and in fact, segregation on so many levels that exist today based on race and there has not been any kind of intervention to that is common still support reparations. i'm sure doe her will come out t day now and say, i used to,pers but not anymoron we. e. is she still proud of that p radical record as a far left progressiveroud? does shedo stand by her pastor of 25 years who believes america is a racist country cist coufilled with bad people t deserved 911? will anyone ask kamala any of these questions? well, state run media, the mob ever ask any tough questions or will she continue to hide behind staff like a coward? and when kamala became cow, ell, the presumptive nominee. >> well. well, she according to her own pastor that blamed america forto
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911, called him to pray for b her. if that's not ignorant, blaminm1 america for 911, it sounds like he kind of needs the prayerslik here with reaction, author of the brand new book progressivel y worse why today's democrats ain't your daddy's donkeys,, hannity icon bookstores around the country fox news contributor joe concha, fellow fox news contributor aridunky'sa fleischer. all right, joe, let's talk about this. i guesans this isn't the party of jfk any longer because i guess by today'si it's to bea maga republican.f th this is not the party of the working man and woman, as it usedman as to to be. sean jfk was for large tax cuts and beefing the military. jimmy carter was a pro-lif e democratic president, which is would be unheard of herdent e in 2024. bill clinton actually worked with newt gingrich4. to establih a balanced budget. american amendment budget and d
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that the era of big government was over, worked on welfare reform as well. barack obama even was seen as the deporter in chief in terms of the way he handled immigration. now they embrace the port kamala harris, who is by far the most radical senator and now vice president and now presidential nominee you will ever see. she is for eliminating the fossil fuel industry, ending all offshore drilling foing thr, abolishing ice. she opposes remain in mexico ice policy and border w wall construction. she supports sanctuary citieals and giving free health care to illegals. you mentioned before in your monologuo e, sean, she wants to end all private health insurance. she wants to allow violent criminals to vote from prison. she doesn'e doesn't in voter id. >> she does believe, however, that biological men shoulden compete against biological women. oh, and she's for expandingis fr supreme court. she's for raising taxes. she's for late term abortion ann and as far as reimagining police.
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that's code defund the police. and you tell that to t the families of the 200 plus police officers shot in the line of duty. >>ne o this year, and again, kaa harris over and over has insisted that joe biden is as exhausting as, you know, christian mccaffre y and private. he's as sharp as john nash. she lied e about his physical and mental capacities for years. shshd ite covered it up. it's one of the biggest cover ups in american political historhistory regardia joe biden's mental and physical fitness. ndthe baghdad bob presidential candidate. and it all goes downhill from here, by the way, because pain is temporary. film is forevein is ter and kamd harris' case, her words are all on videoon, not from 20 yearsevr ago, from just several years ago when she ran foral ago president. and she can not escape her own record, john. all right. you know, i'm going to i'm, an going to scroll her radical record. >> i mean, we've been going over id i don't wa t. i don't want to repeat myself too much. and the reason i'm going to scrolg to l it, because there
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a lot of extremism here. mism aand as we've been pointint already, she's trying to walk a lot of this back andit she's doing it through age. i don't think you can back how strongly she has taken positions on every one of these issues. do you think that strategypeople works or if people see through that? because i believe people are smarter than well, if the trump campaign does its job, and i do expect that they will, she won't be successful in walking it back. here'shes the problem, and it's a character problem when you have such a left wing record and, you knowcord andw t a left wing country. you've got to hope that you cana change all your positions.all yo now, the problem with it forur kamala harriionss is if you cant stand by what you said yesterday, todarris, ify, y should we trust anything you're going to tell us tomorrow? so whe tell un kamala harris, fa example, says that israel has a right to defend itself, that america has an ironclad commitment to israel, what wilom her from walking away from
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that tomorrow if she feels like it? >> walking away just as she's today from her positions yesterdafeels liy on, fracking on the border on all the different issues that you all have citede so far tonight, it's a character issueth and that's what a left-winat's g have to do in order to get g elected. and that is th e central mission of the trump campaign now. their job is to light up the the night sky with illuminated flares . just how far out liberal left-wing kamala harris is.ll and if they do their shine, it really shouldn't be a very close electione will be close no matter what. but this should give an edge, a substantial edgethis wiln edgd trump because she is so out of tune where america is, whichi is why she's trying to walk it back right now. now, her best in walking it back is the mainstream media. and you'll notice shm e is answered any hard interviews. she's not done any sessions with reporters, a news conference, a sit down series of interviews. ointervieshe even just walks ue press, gives a one sentencetatee statement and walks away. and the press just sits there
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going, okay,ntand th we'll takes what you spoon feed us because we're the white house press corps. where are they bangingwe aretehr to get access? haddish let me ask you how does shedo get away with how to as joe biden, get away with the illegal immigrant? >> questiothe illen i mean, i cf another scroll. that's the name of all pe been bidenat havell the murdered by joe biden, kamala harris, illegal immigrants, even, kamala though they lied fr three years and said the border is closed and the border is secur s closede joe. well, she has said that she wants to abolish ice. >> right. and again, we talked about she.n opposes remain in mexico policyo and border wall construction and basically eliminated the border. along with joe biden, whene he first took office three andth a half years ago. d a half,m line is, sean that the democratic brand is still the brand. you could replace joe biden and kamalaand.n harris,oo but inflation is still way too high for people's taste. foright. something like the costince of living is up 25% since
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joe biden took office. gas pricesices are still 50% hir than when they were when donald trump left. thanhewe still have 10 million people who entered the country illegally, including hundredsfb on the fbi terror watch list. the ukraine russia war continues be in perpetuity in a stalemate because the uniteds fd keeps funding that war. and democrats have taken all these positions that americans common sense forget conservativthate or democrat, just common sense. people simply do not agree with. so i don't think that she does to ari's point, get awayntually. with this. eventually, she's going to have to answer questionll have s evee . you can't do three months of fluff until we get to election m t. and when that debate happens between donald trump and kamala harris and i believe it will. i think that's where she gets exposed the same way joe biden posed thwas on june 27th in atl. >> sean. last question, exit question for ari. >> we only have about 30n: seconds, ari. certainl exiy, she's got a sugar high. she's in the honeymoon phase. i lls are tightening, we're
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told. i'm not worried about it because this is what i believeat sees this extremist record. i believame america will neverr vote for her for president. is that just temporary orright, by right? >> am i wron am g? , well, i think you're right, sean, about people who watch conservativebout. t but i'm worried about a swath of people down the middle who are passive, who don't really watch lot of news, who might just be hearing this buzz about kamala harris , whichbrin is why it's so up to the trump campaign to bring ssage tothat message to yourit casual voter. >> they need to know this, too. it's the independencthe indethee the middle. there are not a lot of them left. but that's going to be much group likely be the big group that helps decide this election. >> all rightthis. new bo ari fleischer, joe concha, thank you, joe. a new book on amazon.comok. when we come back, here we go again. we have brand new examples of big tech' brand s bias and the new acting secret service e director grilled on the hill today. we've got the highlights. josh hawley up nex today have t
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it's time to call carshield now . >> call 800 8151458. >> all right, last house hearing on the attempted assassination of president the o poorly fore the secret service that its director resigned the next dayos . replacement was a 25 year veteran of the servic.e. >> did not fare much betterervi today before the senate. take a looce ak. >> they'll need to investigate to know that there were critical enough failures>> som that some individuals ought to be held accountable. i mean, what more do you nee k dwhat h to know? what i need to know is exactly what happened. and i needapd my investigators to do their job. and i can't people didn'- lot o that. then i put my thumb on the scale. otherwisy thumb e. cale. what do you mean, put yourself on the objective? the you're asking meme senator,? completely make a rush to judgment about somebody failing. i acknowledgfailine this was a a failure of is it not prima fascia, that somebody has
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failed? er pre former president was shot, sir. this could have been our texas schoolbook i i have lost sleep over that for! the last 17 days. whd just like somebody o will tell you, burr, i will yu tell you, senator, that i will not rush to judgmen that that people will be held accountable and i will do soe with integrity and not rush to judgment and put clearly, you were unfairly persecuted. apparently so we have to be able to have a proper investigation into this, senator. >> and while pro acting tough director faced plenty of very tough questions about the assassination, nobody at the hearing ever tried to claim it never happened unlike met as iat chatbot, which until today wase allegedly telling users that he had said it was a real was or never happen matter now says that a program to get a guy to not answer questions about the attempted assassination at al rather than risk inaccurate information being provided. ise
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they say they're working on fixing the issue over at google, also working on fixing issues with search results after elon musk helped expose the fact that trump's fac basically will not show up in searches at all, even u by te way, harry truman is faring better online. so surpris trumae, surprise, surprise. well, turns out big tech is still in th te tank for the democrats. here with reaction to all of this, as missouri tl of senator hawley. senator, do you feel you got the answers that you neede missd and when marsha blackburn, you know, brought up the facswet apparently there was an email that said the next assassinate b action in 30 days reportedly sen sent by a secret service counter, can you explain that to meuld you ? answand we didn't get any answers today, sean. the more questions we ask, the more excuses we get. and what basically the secret service said today was that, yeah, a whol todthate of peoplee a whole lot of mistakes
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and they're not going to fire anybody. i mean, you just playef mistakdd the exchange, the secret service director saying, oh, we need a long proces exchas we ne to go through this bureaucratic rigmarole. no, we don't . he i mean, listen, there was no secret service on that roof. there should have been there was no secret service securing the building where the shooter was. there should secret se have beeh was no secret service pulling president trump off the stage. therooter e should have been. and now an american is dead because of it. and trump got shot in the facenh . mean, what more do you need to know these guys? they need to get with realit ne >> can you explain why donaldta trump and this came up todayutes was allowed on the stagespicious 17 minutes after reports of a cod we everperson coul get an answer? we ever get an answer on why they claim this was a sloped roof? when i fell off a roof i, s when three stories. >> and as when i was doing roofin g and that's not a roof and yet they didn't put people around the perimeter, they didn't put sniper eyes on it because that would see e man very basic to me, veryamen fundamental to mtal e.
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>> well, and what whistleblowers tell me, sean, is that actually there was law enforcemen seaaw gnedt assignede on that roof. i asked the secret service thdirector about that, and he said, well, gee, i'm not sure. and i said, how can you not be sure? 17 days have gone by, sur but here's the reason why, sean. secret service hasn't even talked to local law enforcement . >> they've done zero local law enforcement debrief interviewsh. since the shooting. >> zero. i mean, it jus t begs the question, what is going on? >> are they really trying to get the facts or the just trying to covehe factsoverr ther ends? >> and it sure looks a whole lot to me. ilike the second thing,erican p the american people deserve the truth here, not whitewashing, not stonewalling, not a bunch of bureaucratic gobbledygook. they deserve the truth. and i am not going to stop pushing until we actually get it. >> senator, part of your job>> a in congresn: senatb ans a job ig called oversight. and my understanding is. and you told me that youe actually went to the site in butleinr yourself and thatprr you were kicked off
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the property. who kickedty? anou off the property and why the? fbi exactly. i went there myself, sean, i to doof ts my job oversight. and to be honest with you, i don't trust any of these pes the facts. e ese and we saw it all we get is the wall stonewalling garbage. so i wen garbage. t there myself and the fbi. sean came on to the propertyn to and said, we're doing anof investigation. you need to get out of here. to which i said, i don't care what you're doing. i've got my own oversigh t to dot to . >> we know back in 2020,s the that the fbi was meeting with big tech for months every week before the election. they had to verify d th of the veryto real hunter biden laptop in march of 2020. compyet they were asked they were telling these big tech companies that they may be victims may be victim ofd misinformation campaign about joe and hunter biden. and when laptop story brokery which they knew would break because rudy giuliani's the attorney had it, they wouldn't
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confirm that it was real. evenat it wa though they hadau authenticated it. >> if you googlethenti the issu of assassination, donald trump's name doesn't come up. ronald reagan's name comes up, gerald ford' reagas s name come. meta labeled the assassination as we know that mediaa can't answer questions about trumcan'p, but they had plenty of answers about kamala harris and facebook facebook falsely labeledt in the real picture of donald trump with his fists in the air and a bloody face, an eaanr as fake can you.e agai so we once again, in the middle of an election cycle, big tech is putting cinder blocks on the scales of an electiong te and that the fbi is doing the same. is that what we're back atnd th back to the dirty russian dossier to used as pfizer information? it looks to me like big tech is back to its old tricks. sean, evenback to r ol as they t their hand out, by the way, and are getting subsidies from the federal government worth billionsh theihands ou of dollaa
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they're trying to sweep this under the rug and the secret billicl go e continues to stonewall the fbi to sean. they ought to be out thered givingthey us the facts. we have learned more from whistleblowers coming forward thanre. weo have from any of these guy it is time for them to level p eowith the american people b and it's time for people to resign and be fired for what happene d. r folk >> trump and the other folks who got shot, please, please bring thesshot. e whistleblower forward. bring them on this show. bring them before congressthem and we need to hear from them sooner than later. senator thank you. i when we come back,ll israel retaliates at hezbollah for their weekend attack against innocent children in a soccer field- retali. >> we've got the very latest. and we'll break down kamala harris' foreign policy positio l breakdnd fo is why it's bad for you. t thishis country and for the wo. >> straight ahead. >> if you're about to replace your roof star, there's a solution. about 80% less expensive. nine out of ten roofs can be saved.
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>> now earlier today, the israeli defense force confirmed it conducted strikes in beirut, killing the hezbolla e h commander behind the attack on a children's soccer field over the weekenck now, with so much current international instability, kamala harris, as foreignd make policy would make the world far less safe. remember far les in a newly surd video, she actually advocated for ending using term radicalr islamic terrorism and illegal aliens. >> take a look at the couragen y to object when they use that ter thim. radical islamic terrorism and greatest victims of terror . and also have the couraget th to reject that term. illega terl alien from the worst
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of criminal behavior. i hav i have seen the worst of crime and undocumented is not a crime. >> and she helped release of the worst criminals and she supported the bail fund and shellegal allowed illegals into this country that and killeds innocent americans. just last week, she skipped prime minister netanyahu'seak to to congress to speak to a sorority in indiana accordingr to a politico report from december, she was pushinwag whie house to be more sympathetic to palestinians. back in 21, her office wasd forced to do cleanup after sheod was caught on video nodding along as a student was accusing israel of ethnic before telling her, quote, your truth cannot be suppressed. and during a visit to south genkorea in 2022, yeah, that's when she commended the strong alliancended between the u.s. and north korea. make no mistake, kamala for is leading a foreign policy that would make no
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t america less safe, would make the entire world less safe. hered less with reaction, israeli special ops veteran aaron cohei n florida congressman michael walsh. congressman, your reaction? >> well, that's absolutelywalsh, right, sean.ast, we see it right now in the middle east with this strikead y from israel, which they had every right to do to take out the number two official in hezbollah. by the way, who is responsibleh, in large part for the 1983 beirut bombing. semper fi to all the marines and all the victims of that bombing for so long ago. justice is finally done. but what is kamala'sjustic apprh has been to put more pressure on israel to pander to the left with gaza. >> humanitarian aitariand to do nothing about iran. and at the end of the day, what presidentf thday, knew and the middle east was so stable under his watcwah was that it wasn't going to be solved in lebanon. gaza or the red sea. >> it was going to be solved
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in iran, iran, iran.e he h >> and because he had them broke, took out their field general, now they want to kill him. kilm.they are trying to assasse him. and now the intelligence communit the intelliunity isy in that iran is interfering the election. if they can' thet kill him, they want to defeat him because they are the core rootbecaus ofe problem. >> and biden, harris refuses to acknowledgeto ackno. ka you know, aaron, if kamala does want anybody to use the word radical islamic terrorists, well, then explain to me. who attacked america on nine 1101? who attackedmerica israel on ocr the seventh? can you can you explaionn that rationale? >> because i find itonale, incomprehensible. and >> well, sean, it is comprehensible. and i agree with congressman watts 1,000%. the fact is, is that this was radical islam. sean imad mughniyeh, who ismastr the mastermind behind the the bombing of the barracks in beirut in 1983, came upth
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with forged shuker, who is the gentleman that we just magically made disappear in beiru beirpeart? keep in mind that imad also mysteriously went missing in 2008 when he experienced some technical problems with his vehicle. weter our mossadn 20 made him disappear as well. we have a long list, sean, of islamice a long extremists who commit systematic terrorism againsstemic t. but again, this all goesthis i back to the big picture. this is iran. iranir., it they support it. and at the end of the day, israel is going to pick ever, iy one of those names off those lists, sean, and we're going to keep hitting them and we do it bettelistr than anybody. b our mossad has got the most actionable intelligence in thena . and again, congressman walsh knows this well. as a formen r green beret,h know you have to be proactive with these operations. and israel's not going to stop.n and every missile that comes out from the north in israel, there's goin bonded tog to be rd to with selectivity. we're going to be very careful with civilians in those areas. beirut was very strategically
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targeted, but it sends a very strong message to hezbollah a sr and it should send a strong message to kamala as well. this is islaon m, extremerroris terrorism, and we're going to knock im ant and pick off evy one of these guys. of teis is why what jo biden and kamala harris have done by pressuring israel to show restraint israe and what they the message should have beene go defeat tha the radical islamic terrorists that killed the equivalent a of 40,000 americans in a day. go win your war. we. support your victory over the war on terror. >> and when you don't to win a war, then it goes on longer. and incidents like that, what happened at that soccer field and th fe subsequent you a attacks by israel continue. if you're going to fightre a wag ,they should be thanking, should be thanking sean and every american should be thankinthankig the senderice. and invoice that went on. >> we're going to send anice. invoice. we're the big satan.
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people forge e art that. all right. thank you both. all right. coming up, a new group supporting kamala harris held their kickoff event last night and it was quite the show. we got the highlights. we'll get reaction. tomi lahren and the one and only jimmy failla is back. straight ahead, have you ever thought of getting a walk in tub for you or someoneet, you love? now was a great time to take a look at gettin walking tour with safe steps, standard heated and new fast fill faucet. you can enjoy a nice bath up to 20% faster and the convenient touch controlease mob is right at your fingertips. wh dual hydrotherapy system. help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy and improve ,while the micro soothe advanced air therapy system oxygenates and softens skin. safe step walkenjoy th in tubsmn are built to maximize safety so you can stay in your home
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your first application. call the number on your screen call 800 25834943. >> so, so last night a new group of hollywood d-list wannabes and other others called for white dudes. for harriss called, they held their first virtual rally. the group included a bunch of white men fundraising for kamala harris, including varioufos democratic, most of which are hacks along with hollywood losers. organizers said the goal of their event wasf th to not, quote, let the maga crowd bully other white guyscrow into voting for a hateful and divisive
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ideology. >> let's take a look at some of the highlights, shall we? a friend sent me this emailyourh that day with your ad on therese and i said, oh, i gottaqu have one of those like qualifya, mad. >> i'm white, i'm a dude and i'm poor. harris look, acy i a policy guy. i've never been totally comfortable with the truthcomfou that no matter how much you believe in your policies, so much of politicpolicis is jut vibes. having said that, the vibes right nothe w are.s th >> i guess the new talkinge point is they're their weirdos . they want to spy on us when ween talk to our doctor wo s, they're banning our books. they're spewing this hatred, this division. and i think all of us are hereto to say, you know, enough. >> i'm not sure if you guys can recall. that feeling you hadday, on the night of tuesday, november eight, 2016.i st i stood over my kid's bed and i
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wept. the ideapt that the men can gather to talk about how we feel. interesting, powerful concept. >> here was reaction in thefeare house to tomi lahren is fearless on outkick tomi lahren, alonssg with fox news saturday night host jimmy fallon. the know, tomi, you know, just the thought of getting together with a group of guysting and abe to express my feelings. i'm a really much about that in my life. not exactly at the top of lymy wish list. well, let's think about it, sean. this is a bunch of rich white o hollywood actors who relate not at all to the workin, g class, to the people that kamala harris actually has to win over sitting in the of their what i'm sure are very nice homes preachine niceg to america people in a racially divided zoom room about hollw should
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vote for kamala harris not because she's going to solve any problemst , make life better for white dudes or black dudes or white women or black women.em >> but just because it makes them feel nice, it gives themvi. good vibes. >> this is like everything else, a worthless a virtue signal intended to make thesend people feel bettered tes, about themselves, soothe their white guilt for even a moment their. and unfortunately, we all havedo to watch irtt. >> yep. they're not exactly the dudes i want to hang out with. >>mi outh,. you see, that's where you're wrong. becauswhere you are i've never r in my life than i do. after spending a little zoom time with these fellows, i feel as like i could be like a frickin green beret. and let's be honest, i havn e the body of i have the body of a before model. but i meanmodel.bu honestly, ths is embarrassing. >> and what you got to realizeas to is how weapons grade stupid it is. they're there for the expres are purpose of saying republicans are somehow racist. fighhow fighting racism, gosh,
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they're fighting racism with segregationm wi then that's like if me and you were going to fight arson by handing out thtches and gasoline. >> these are stupid people. i see adam schiff and jeff bridges and pete buttigiegm . o, i don't know. i feel left out. jimmy. i don't know. (lauelmy like, you know, i'm notof the part of the dude group. e yeah. god help this country. if anyone fouls thats group of . thank you both. w all right.urbing >> when we come back, this will blow your mind. thisurbing display d at the olympics. this probably is bad forbabl, actually worse than what happened at the opening ceremony. straight ahead ahe . they had the dream. they had the idea good enough was not good enough for them having right idea at the right time is a golden road.
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12:00 am
the israeli national anthem. take a look at this this. t in a statement to the show,th the organizers of the olympic orgay they condemn these acts in the strongest terms. have asked local authoritiest tm investigate and are committed to combating all forms of discriminatioocaln. wow. i'd also like to remind everyone that the olympics discr a are a time for harmony and tolerance. thanks for the lecturee fo but o thanks. all right. unfortunately, that is all the fo. vee have left this evening. thank you for being with us. thank you for making the show possible. please, set your dvr so d you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannityvro y good news. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. why? greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile right on your face. have a great night
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