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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  July 31, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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♪ ♪ >> local law enforcement pointing fingers at the secret service for the assassination attempt against donald trump. and secret service blaming local law enforcement for the failure to protect trump. now in a rare bipartisan unanimous vote, that is right, unanimous, the house has authorized a task force to get to that bottom of all of this. it is time to get all of these people one roof -- room and give the american people answers. hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i'm kayleigh mcenany along with emily compagno and cohost ainsley earhardt. fox business anchor and host of american dream home show, sony. and host of making money on fox business charles payne. pennsylvania law enforcement officers are pushing back against the secret service after yesterday's intense senate hearing on the trump shooting investigation. acting secret service director ronald rowe revealed his agency assumed the roof that the gunman
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fired upon would be covered. >> seconds, if it is communicated quickly to a counter sniper team, it would that be enough time to react prior to the part of those sh shots. >> et cetera, if we had that information, they would have been able to address it more quickly. it appears that that information was stuck or siloed in that state and local channel. >> were explicit instructions provided to cover the roof of the agr building and locals did not follow it or will those explicit instructions are provided? >> it is my understanding what was communicated is the locals had a plan and they had been there before. we are looking at this and they should have been on that roof. and the fact that they were in the building is something that i'm still trying to understand. >> kayleigh: locals had a pen parable, the plan did not work. will log makers on capitol hill are various no one has been part over the numerous security failures at the butler rally.
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>> -- to know that there were critical enough failures that some individuals ought to be held accountable but, i mean, what more do you need to know? >> what i need to. >> what i need to know is exactly what happened a and i nd my investigators to do their job and i cannot -- >> a lot of people -- >> i cannot put my thumb on the scale otherwise -- the objective those who are asking me, saturday, to completely make a rush to judgment about somebody feeling. i acknowledge this was a fai failure. >> is it not -- that somebody has failed? a former president was shocked. >> sir, this could have been asked texas school book depository. i have lost sleep over that for the last 17 days. >> fire somebody. >> i will tell you, et cetera, that i will not rush to judgment. that people will be held accountable and i will do so within those with integrity and not rush to judgment and put people -- >> unfairly persecuted? >> you have to be able to have a
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proper investigation into this. >> senator. >> kayleigh: cb cotton life with the latest on the investigation. cb? >> hi, good afternoon, acting secret service director ronald rowe testified before congress yesterday that he was a shame his agency did not secure the roof gunman thomas matthew crooks fired from. but as we can hear in those sound bites, he also told lawmakers that the secret service thought local officers were covering it. >> i will not and i cannot understand why there was not better coverage or at least somebody looking at that roofline when that is where they were posted. >> but that was not the assigned posting. according to local law enforcement officials, who organized the snipers for the rally to assist the secret service, they tell fox, there were two snipers assigned to a
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different warehouse window. with a vantage point. at the ground level. are looking into the crowd. and not onto the roof. >> have you talked with acting director ronald rowe at this point, directly? >> no, i would love to briefed mr. rowe on all of our actions that day. we had assumed that the placement that we received were that of the secret service. if they would have told us to go on the roof, our guys were more than prepared to go on the roof. >> the local district attorney says the finger-pointing has demeaned the committee's officers who were there during the rally. he says acting director rowe was mistaken to assume the entirety of the agr building was covered. >> this agr building was made up of i want to say five or six different buildings. they were all connected. so, you know, when there was
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only two snipers in this entire six building complex to think that that building was covered by two snipers whose orders were to look inward toward the secured area, i just -- i don't see how is accurate. >> ultimately, acting director rowe says he takes responsibility and he says moving forward, the directive is if u.s. secret service countersnipers are on roofs, local countersnipers need to be as well. he says there's going to be much -- they are going to be much more direct with their law enforcement partners moving forward. kayleigh? >> kayleigh: thank you very much. you know, ainsley, as i watched all this and i see the finger-pointing, i immediately think of this 13 person task force on capitol hill. all of these people need to be in one room. i'm tired of this interview, this person being interviewed, this person says this, one room. everyone. >> i am proud of the democrats and republicans for being on the same page because that comm committee, it is seven republicans and six them, and
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they all unanimously agree there needs to be and co-investigating. but i think the secret service is passing the buck. has done, period, paragraph, the secret service has to protect the president -- president. there's so many unanswered questions, why is it taking so long, why wasn't that roof covered. why did the shooter, why was he able to go get the ladder at home depot that morning. come to the sea, realize, i guess he didn't need that le letter, he saw the hvac. how did he know that roof was not not going to be covered? you would just assume every roof would be covered when you are around a former president or someone running for president. it -- just because they are not answering the questions and knock, there's no accountability, it seems like this is why the public feels like there's something suspicious going on. >> that is such a grade point. it fits perfectly into this next point i want i make. emily, i was on with you two weeks ago and at the time a senior law enforcement officials told me two things. the countersniper had a narrow view of the front and the top of the shooter's head. and he took an unbelievable shock, and number two, what secret service new at the moment was there was a local law
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enforcement activity at 3:00 p.m., at 3:00 to the right of the president. and here's what we learned yesterday. let's listen. >> this view is a reenactment by one of my agents. laying flat. there's a 5-inch rise on the middle of that roof. the assailant would have had to present his born -- form over that to get his shot off. the view underneath reflects the perspective that he would have had. >> the only thing we had work that locals were working an issue at the 3:00, which would have been the former president's reconciled, which is where the shocking. >> kayleigh: that is exactly what is was saying take a look at these sources, i noticed two weeks ago, why did the american people josh wardle weren't there daily press conference. when you don't do that, you leave room for conspiracy theories and suspicion and the american people have a right to ask questions now. >> emily: of course, almost equal to the other failure and
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tragedy of corey comperatore losing his life and there being an almost successful assassination attempt on a former president is how this has been handled. is how the rumor mill has been allowed to fester, how americans got all of their information from online despite repeated denials from the former director of the secret service and then she had to be subpoenaed. this entire thing has been poorly managed and communicated, yes. but here's what i want to focus on that which is moving forward. because it is absolutely uncomfortable that the secrets versus has been riddled with a lack of leadership and a toxic culture for quite some time. and the biggest problem is that it is a life or death consequences there. part of the brave men and women that serve in the rank and file there that are willing to put their lives of the land to protect the protect is and that incredibly fragile and all too important scenario of the protection of these people's lives. and so moving forward, we need to have made sure that there's no solid communications, there's no passing the buck to local law enforcement. the buck stops here with the
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secret service over everything and that moving forward, we have resources, training, whatever the senate needs, as what we need to have move forward with the secret service because by the way, we knew this before. jason chaffetz, congressman cloud led that investigation fo. there have been these conclusions drawn multiple times over and over again, how many more people have to die? >> kayleigh: it is all good questions, charles. and we know that the countersniper did not know that there was a man with a gun. we know that president's diegel did not know that there was a man with a gun. will why did they not know about the man with a rangefinder? >> yeah, just walking around, just walking around with the rangefinder, right. you know? i agree with everything that has been said here and to your point about the future, the future will be any better if the leadership does not acknowledge right now what i saw what we all just thought there was a person who looks like he is unwilling to accept the obvious, that this is the secret service's job. you know, when i was in the air force, i was a security policeman. ronald reagan came through.
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that is where i was stationed. the secret service was all over him. i checked every nook and cranny. by the way, we have machine guns, right? we were armed. and they still protect everything to make sure that he was safe. they did everything. so the bottom line is, right now, this particular point, i don't have any confidence in the secret service is going forward will work. >> one will work. >> one thing i want is the future and the investigation and i was listening to serve lindsey graham in that exchange that he had with the fbi deputy director and one of the things that graham said is you're telling me a guy that took eight shots at the president, former president has apps in his phone that we can't get into. we don't have that motive. they still are having trouble with crooks' phone. acting in this day and age, as somebody who covers business and technology in the future of a.i. and everything, we're going to talk about today, i was very surprised how much trouble they're having with that one because we have got to find out, he has foreign equipment --
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encrypted e-mails. the x that he was using, they can't break into that. he was a gamer. all of that is evidence that they can use to find out why so that this doesn't happen again. and the other issue is that there are other bad actors out there on our soil already which is possible that will be and poor's by foreign government. iran, by china. that person is out there and we don't have the surveillance tools that we need as a government. that is on the fbi said. and i do -- there's been some great -- the idea -- i do a lot of respond -- respect for the secret service. >> and potential has said to those who jumped on me, those were heroes this day. patient that many women who threw their bodies on him. >> if you see someone suspicious, please don't let the president get on stage. >> bingo. and we heard, man with a weapon to keep the president of state. meant with a rangefinder should keep the president of stage, too. vice president kamala harris is trying to flip-flop on her progressive past as she hits the
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>> yeah, i am a radical. i do believe that we need to get radical about what we were doing and take it seriously. >> that was then district attorney, kamala harris called herself a radical back in 2010. now it appears she is looking to flip-flop on many of her previous far left stenches. last night, she tried to convince rallygoer's that she is tough on crime and the border. watch. >> courtroom prosecutor. so in those roles, i took on perpetrators of all kinds. [cheers and applause]
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predators who abused women. fraudsters who ripped off consumers. cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. i went after transnational gangs, drug cartels and human traffickers that came into our country illegally. on -- i prosecuted them, case after case, and i won. >> and anonymous camping sources are telling the new york times, a lot has changed her mind about a few issues, "in addition to changing her position on fracking, campaign officials said she did not back biden imitation's budget request for increase funding for border enforcement." and echoed mr. biden's called for banning assault weapons. anonymous sources may say that carla is changing her stance on some things but neither harris nor campaign officials have yet to fully embrace the change policy positions. living us all wondering, where
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does she actually stand. there are tons of examples of harris' far left agenda ranging from defund the police medicare for all, support for the equalizing border crossings, even calling for a ban on plastic straws. and now the term campaign is out with an ad not letting voters forget it. >> you have not been there. >> i have not been to europe. i don't understand the point that you are making. >> announcer: kamala harris, failed, dangerously liberal. >> emily: charles, failed and weak. what say you? practice? don't you may have heard this ." before. when someone shows you who they are, believe them. first time because they know themselves better than you do. maya angelou. right. we know who kamala harris is. we know what she passionately believes in. passionately believes in. and in -- to most of the leftists in this country. here's the thing for voters to consider. when we go see a movie, let's
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say "jurassic park," we walked into the movie theater prepared to suspend belief. if you want to vote that way, it is argued. but don't tell me and when to sincerely believes that whole long list of all of a sudden epiphanies and flip-flops, you have a person who has told us who she is. if that is what better place, you want to vote for, fine. you know who you're getting when you vote for her in november. >> two of the things, banning tracking. and also she supported medicare for all, which was the original bernie sanders proposal. let's start with fracking. she has made a very specific vertical calculation to change her mind on the fracking issue because if you want penns pennsylvania, the fracking industry employs about 100,000 people in that state. 123,000 in pennsylvania. so this is why the tune has changed. specifically. medicare for all, she supported that when she was running for president as well. 2019, remember what that is an
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charles and i covered this extensively on foxbusiness. that is completely taxpayer-funded. it is the same plan for everybody out there. so no more -- >> no private insurance. >> no private insurers is out there and the government manages the system. pretty unpopular. but these are the things to your point, when you say somebody says something unique, believe them when they show you who you are, that is who she is. if she makes it to the general, and gets into the oval, those could be the kinds of things that you can see as policy and the changes you can see in the country. and talk about policies. >> and combating the add to, that we saw, the mainstream media. back to the has taken their orders and run with it and they are sort of attempting and likely succeeding with some voters at re-creating who she is because we all know and we all remember exactly who she is. but they are seeking to totally re-create her as a fresh new politician with these fresh new moderate ideas. >> we are smart. we don't believe ed she is all of a sudden now for fracking? now she says you can keep your
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guns? now she says you can keep your own private health insurance? now she says she wants to find the border? when she hasn't really gone down there at the border czar? that is called a republican. that is called donald trump. those are his -- that is where he stands. look at her voting record. she was the most liberal, even beyond bernie sanders but they scrub that from her back to their website. it has been out there. noura donald said these were her issues. -- kamala harris said these were her issues. look at her voting record. >> take that advice. it only matters for small select group of people. they have not sworn their allusion to the the democrat party telling them to those who to vote. and so the question remains, will that truth be successful in reaching them or do you feel it is behind the obligation of the mainstream media and the democrat machine that will do
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all they can to prevent the real, from being revealed? >> the supreme leader, it is a tough thing. i mentioned this last night. i see it is worth repeating because it echoes what everyone has said and i think it is so true. what are we watching is a bad case of identity theft. the person you are looking at has stolen the identity of a moderate cultural icon who is in the middle but we have got to be reminded of her position. she wanted to take resources from police, last night when i watch her rally, she says, i've walked up fraudsters. unlock the people who abuse women. she is a top cop, the new kamala harris. the pursuit you're looking at is the person who wanted to reimagine ice. the person you're looking at a said, i went into the tunnels and i prosecuted the cartel. identity theft works. when you have a place to go to for safe haven. her safe haven is the fairytale land of the liberal media. it is a safe place to go. you can commit identity theft. no one is going to prosecute your. 's back to work identity theft is a fully there in california.
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>> bingo. >> on matt augustin coming up, two big tech giants are being accused of censoring information on the assassination attempt.
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♪ ♪ >> the national association of black journalists convention is happening today in chicago. former president trump will be attending the event as a featured speaker. the group has a history of inviting presidential candidates to its annual conference. but trump appearance is getting some pushback from nabj members and other journals. and now some people are protesting. notably, vice president kamala harris was invited to speak at the event but said she was unable to make it citing scheduling issues. vice president harris offering to deliver a virtual address to the convention but was unable to reach an agreement with nabj. nabj denies she was available virtually during the convention in the next-hour there will be a
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q&a with former president from. or harris faulkner will be co-moderating that event alongside other journalists. according to nabj, the focus of the discussion is on pressing issues facing the black community. we will bring you any breaking news from the convention as it happens. >> onto this. turn into to matter, and google who are being accused of censoring photos and information related to information related to the trump assassination attempt. earlier this week, google's auto complete results seemingly omitted any mention of the attempt on trump's life. look at that. you see it to the. meanwhile, facebook flagged this iconic photo from that day as. metroaccess the mistake happened because of a similar doctorate image that was also being flagged. given the similarities between the doctored photo and the original image which are only suddenly although importantly different, our systems incorrectly applied that
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fact-checked to the real photo, too. master's a.i.s chatbot weekly refused to answer questions about the assassination attempt after it reportedly called the event, "fictional. to give this a for the error. rather than having a.i. give the correct information, we program the chatbot to simply not answer questions about it after it happened. now, to nail this home, i want to pull up 10 kennedy. tim kennedy was the one who asked matter chatbot about the assassination attempt, cheryl. and here's the response he claimed he got. to have been a few instances where former president trump safety was at risk but it is difficult -- difficult to say if he was ever almost assassinated and that it goes on to elucidate on that. fox was not able to replicate this but meta did address the controversy and it just seems inexcusable that two weeks after this, tim kennedy would put this in. you had time to update.
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it has been two weeks. >> especially after they have been switched out by the press and fox business to be clear. there's two big risks with the election right now that the world technology is worth about. what is a.i. and the other is deepfakes. because if we have been emulated images, they are using the political violence defense. that is what matter is using. but the truth is, why is this happening to conservative topics and conservative commentators? this has been going on for ye years. and charleston may be disagree or agree with me. my guess is right now that they over censored the platforms because they are so worried about, i don't know, getting called back in front of congress again and being accused of manipulating, you know, and censoring republican voices for instance. so zuckerberg and the gang don't want to go back to cc. they want to do business. they want to make money and i think what happened with the algorithms i think basically just overcorrected is my guest right now. >> republicans, charles, have a
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reason for skepticism. let's remember 2020. these are the headlines in 2020 and inexcusable ones in my mind, the guardian facebook and twitter restrict controversial post story on joe biden. enviar, facebook, and twitter limits sharing of your story and jack dorsey says blocking post hunter biden story was told the mistake. but he won't say who made it. >> i actually had dinner once with jack dorsey after this happened and he admitted to me he thought that -- and i brought it up but he admitted that the problem is that it would who works there, they are liberal. and the answer we talked about the program is because ultimately, you can blame whoever you want to play. the system, who programmed the system and if you have a bunch of four left this out there who in their heart, look at the two nations. the donations from matter. lolook at the donations from google. to the donations from all these committees but it is like 99% to the democratic candidate every single time and these folks cannot differentiate, they look perfectly from their professionalism that they bring to the job at this point
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everywhere out there is so worried about y a world where we don't -- dive deeper into a.i. and our's eyes are deeper into the metaverse. we really just being there don't have to -- are we going be treated right the way? the answer is no is no. it's like living in china with the social scores. you may be punished or you can still get incorrect inflation. people should be outraged about this. it has to be fixed one way or the other. >> i think is fair to play mark zuckerberg after the assassination attempt. here are his comments post assassination. >> seeing the donald trump get up after getting shot in the face and pumped his fist in the air with the american flag is one of the most bad [bleep] things i've seen in my life. but as -- and i think, look, it is like to hard to not get emotional about that spirit. and then i think that is why a lot of people like the guy.
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>> those are great comments, ainsley. but the mistakes with matter, his company, always seem to run in one direction against conservatives. >> i was reading one article and matter called the assassination attempt fictional but then they offered details on come hershey's 2024 campaign. and what happened to her daughter. but here's the here's give her money, please. this is election interference. this is censorship. some of the words in those headlines were restrict, limit, block, americans can't be informed if we can't google the information and find out more about these candidates. we need a free and fair election. and you don't get that when you are censoring what is really happening or who these people really are. >> emily? >> emily: i hate to sound an richard louv but i agree so wholeheartedly with what you said. this is a reminder not that we need to run that there are humans behind these algorithms. and that the result is in the election interference. and it is a joke to me, a non-funny was that this is what the algorithm has chosen.
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okay let's just limited to. we don't want to kiss you know, start any conspiracy theories. let's just -- what about all the conspiracy theories and the fomented global untruths that led to a multimillion dollar settlements like the krisanne man, right, and so many things that we saw or the chinese lap league. there have been phenomenal lies that have succeeded the globe millions of times that have destroyed people's lives that have resulted in deaths and this is the one, oh, no, guys, this is what we're going to keep. it is a joke and we will all do well to remember that and not to rely heavily on information. mark zuckerberg, don't forget that he does not allow his children that have any type of interaction whatsoever with social media. that is all you need to remember. >> that tells you a lot. it really does. coming up, kamala harris is on the hunt for a vice president who -- to add to her ticket. toxic workplace accusations are resurfacing. that story next.
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>> kamala harris is hiring. she is looking for a vice presidential candidate to join her ticket including -- and could announce that person as early as tuesday. but i wonder if any of these contenders are looking at have read about what it is like to work for harris. reports of a harsh work environment under kamala harris have since referred -- resurface. former speaker kevin mccarthy who is also from california said this about what he has heard working for her is like. >> it is known in california. is known in washington. it is a heroic work environment if you work for her. nobody lasts very long, even as vp when she did not do anything. she could not keep staff. that is a person that the press will never talk about how she treats people around her is a
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real indication of what she will do in the future. >> emily: and reports of poor office culture with harris are not new. the government watchdog reports vice president harris' office has nearly 92% staff turnover. donald trump had 72%. she had 92. back in 2022, one here's a said this about working for carla, "it has always been a problem. you have to have your people around you." in a 2019 op-ed revealed senator here's those f bombs and other profanity constantly at her berating of staff and others. the staff is incomplete care of her and she uses her profanity throughout the day. even msnbc host and former haris here's staffer symone sanders hinted at struggling to work for the vice president. >> it was new for me when i work for her because i had never worked for a high-profile swimming before. i had only ever work for men. and i after there was one day at
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work were observed, ma'am, you might be the last woman i work for. >> good story there. >> there's a lot that we have here. it was something, though, that i think any candidate, and you can and i think any person in power needs to be aware of what the criticism is. >> kayleigh: candid, smart words. simone was a huge part of the staff and i remember when simone left, at this point when proud of this guy named david gaines. let's pull it up. this was him sitting in a desk. my name is david gaines. i work for was present here's on behalf of the american people. and people said blinked twice if you need help, david. [laughter] >> yeah, i remember covering that on the couch. they got the -- coach rippe like that is not hard to remedy. and rumors like that or not hard to overcome. to me, i think i will just leave it there. these types of reports of her office culture have plagued her throughout california as well. this is nothing new, as you said, not now and knock then and
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i just point to when president biden first president biden first took office and he said, if someone does not operate with respect, i will fire them immediately. it seems like he should have looked inward. we have reported as well often and repeatedly about issues that she has had with how she is portrayed, being -- the indignant she has about how she was -- the shoes she wrote on the "vogue" cover. the list goes on about what a fencer and the draconian way, the recording and that she needs with. but i think at the end of the day, even if you say, well, i don't know what the facts are. the facts are a 90 plus% turnover rate and that is all you need to no. >> kayleigh: ainsley, i read this op-ed in . and the writer said that she made people stand and address her as a general and younger staffer were told not to look her in the attic and i prayed to the term who regularly engage with interns when he walked by. did not care if people -- what a
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difference. >> because people -- if you work for him, he would call your mom and say, put her on the phone. let me talk to her. in -- he is so personable and likable when you are around him one on one. and the f bombs and fear, toxic -- when you were reading all this, were you so grateful you where fox news. can imagine if we were treated this way? only four of her original 47 staffers from year one are still there. to tell that you are kodi maya angelou, this is similar. you can tell a lot about someone if you work for them. >> and when you are mean to staff, guess what comes to leaks. >> leaks, also, it is so funny. we started to with this wise, a here's who just in less than 48 hours has changed her mind on a myriad of subjects. but honestly, you know, if you can't be candid with the president of the united states as a staffer, then that would mean a lot of things would go wrong with those who would just get respect and that is just my concern as a voter, as an american citizen, that the
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ability of whoever is in the oval office and work has from time to time, we don't get it right. and who would have the heart, the nerve, the colts to be able to say, madam president, this is wrong. >> and i was reading an axios report about a timesheet interrogated karine jean-pierre >> what i find so interesting about this whole thing is that a toxic workplace is the hr department's worst nightmare. and you end up with lawsuits and things get leaked and it goes public and everything. another california lady who got outed and this was after years of her having this successful talk show and everybody loved her. okay she is so mimiko, she is so sweet but once one person came out and sort of -- started talking about the toxic workplace on allen turner's office show, everyone started coming out, including people on her show. i swear it is a matter of time before we get details. >> the term campaign to create a new coalition, angry kamala harris staffers suffered from
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chronic. >> want to break the internet with that one? come on now. that is a helluva zoom call. [laughter] >> alright. new doctors who were banned from the world championship over questions about their biological sex are given the go-ahead to fight women in the olympics. details next. things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time. for more than a decade farxiga has been trusted again and again, and again. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ask your doctor about farxiga. isolated...depressed... and embarrassed.
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>> to all futures are looking up. can she whitewash the record she went on in 2020 and legacy media. our political experts are on the field. ready to go. what is the next move in the middle is? well, iran and his blood retaliated. or are they terrified of israel's ability to strike at will? senator tom cotton and adam oller are all ahead. the secret service was a blur of a countersniper is predicting another assassination attempt before the election in this sweeping changes are made at the secret service. congressman pat fallon joins us. and mailboxes who were disqualified from competing against women last year have been given the green light to do it at the olympics. how did that happen? barbara former coach, and russell joins us. i'm john roberts. come join us at the top of the hour for "america reports." we will see you then. >> average over the decision to let two boxes compete in the
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women's division in the olympics after questions about their biological sex. both were previously disqualified last year's women's world boxing championships. for filling gender test. this footage emerged of leaf landing brutal shots on a female apartment in 2022 in mexico. one female boxer from mexico recalled her experience fighting one of those athletes. saying this, in a translated post, "when i fought with her, i felt very out of my reach. her blows hurt me a lot. i don't think i would ever -- i had ever felt like that in my 13 years as a boxer, nor in my exploring. thank god that they i got out of the ring safely." former gold medal winning swimmer nancy had said adding this, "let's remind ourselves that males, however they identify, pack a punch that is 162% more powerful than women."
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the biggest performance gap between men and women. gender ideology will get women killed. the international olympic committee claims that both athletes are not breaking any rules. "all athletes participating in the boxing tournament of the olympic games paris 2024 complied with the competition's eligibility and entry regulations as well as all applicable medical regulations." kayleigh, is this enough to assuage competitors and especially those fema boxes that they indeed will be safe? >> kayleigh: no. i cannot believe this story but we do a lot of biological males in women's sports. this is different. this is biological men punching women. this is very, very simple. vivek ramaswamy said it better than anyone. if you have an ex x chromosome woman, you have an xy chromosome, man. that is a scientific truth. this is people with xy chromosome's. when her 62% more powerful
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punch. hitting women. if this does not outrage you, i don't know what does. >> it is frightening. >> we knew it would come to this, boxing. and it was a matter of time and now here we are. for me, it is about fairness and it is about safety. if a man is punching a woman, there's a chance that that woman could die. a punch to head, we have seen it time and time again, the volleyball player, biological male hit the female athlete and she had a concussion i believe and had to stop playing for a little bit. this is a punch. this is actually a fist to the head. i'm just worried someone is going to die. >> emily: amatrol go to that point guard there is a term can legally watch punch killings where there been multiple tragic cases of people who have died always at the hands of a male, one part because of that terrible angle or what they plan on et cetera. that is a very real effect. many people have lost their lives and to the park, if there's a risk here, what are we not risking the err on the side of safety rather than potential harm and even death? i wish they -- the committee had
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leased but there test is to work with that statement. i want to know how they test, how did this get the stamp of approval? boxing is my favorite sport. you don't play boxing. but you can play basketball. with an outside right now. we can play badminton. we could play everything. you don't play boxing. it is a life or death event. and what they are doing right now, i just pray that nobody gets hurt. but this is nuts. >> emily: and we have been led to believe, show, that the regressions and requirements are more less generous, more stringent than for example some national policies that we have to deal with in this country, the country that -- but here this is not contributing to helping anyone's worries whatsoever. >> i don't know what the iosia is actually thinking to be honest with you. riley gaines has been on -- some in terms and talk about this. i'm tired of seeing girls and maybe women now the olympics i don't want to watch those boxing matches. be injured and being hurt
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because of these policies. it has gotten to be frightening. and for those of my friends that have daughters that are growing up and want to play sports, if this is where we are going as a country, now the road on the olympic stage, it is just frightening to me. >> call me crazy. i thought when a biological man hits a woman, it is called abuse. >> right? >> it is called a divorce. >> that is right. more "outnumbered" in just a moment, the guys. stay with us. jim caviezel here. you know, saint john paul this second profoundly impacted my life. and i just finished recording some incredible new meditations on his life, on the hallow app. this content is incredible. why don't you join us in the saint john paul the second challenge? it'll change your life. download hallow and join me today. god bless you. you can cashback 5% on travel purchased through chase with freedom unlimited
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>> last but not least we are so excited to tell you about season series american dynasty. it gives you a front row seat to the dramatic and dynamic real life struggles of families that help define our country. the newest episode, "carnegie" released yesterday. charles, tell us more. >> dale carnegie and all the others like him they built america. they help to build america out the books, they say there's
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nothing to rob they took 80% of the nation off the farms, crated cities and that momentum is why america is the number one economy in the world. it did not happen yesterday. people need to know their story. it is so amazing and dynamic. imagine he came here from scotland, they lived and settled in pennsylvania they had nothing and he worked his way up in the system and it helped him get where he was and it took us where we are as a nation. >> i love these stories. i know you love history. they all hated each other didn't they? weren't they fighting? >> what's really great is the history of their family particularly their dads. [laughter] >> we definitely cannot wait to watch. everyone go to fox nation, thank you for watching us now don't forget to dvr the show if you cannot watch us live in here is "america reports." >> sandra: we are awaiting terkel made her briefings at this hour as the binder administration is scrabbling to


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