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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  July 31, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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actually playing into kamala harris' hands. that is something he's going to >> i agree with that. >> look, when they were campaigning in iowa, they wore jeans, they dressed like iowa. not trump. trump wore his suit and his maga hat. >> he's a natural entertainer, donald trump. >> he is. he absolutely is. great to see you. >> and that's it for us tonight. make sure to catch me every day, monday through friday on the 5. jesse watters takes it next. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight... >> why should black voters trust
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you have you have used language like that? >> for you to start off question and answer period, especially when you're 30 minutes late, in such a hostile matter, i think ice a disgrace. >> trump, black journalists, the conflict of the summer. >> i'm laughing to keep from crying. this is an embarrassment. >> kamala harris. the unsolved mystery. >> say it to my face! >> as a grown man coming here to have sex with a child, that's against the law. you know that, right? >> jesse: to catch a migrant predator. chris hansen is here. [speaking alternative language] >> jesse: plus... [♪♪] >> jesse: this election is
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crazier than a soup sandwich. one president dropped out, the other was shot in the head. now you have a female black democrat campaigning for the white vote and a white republican guy campaigning for the black vote. and the hispanics are like, hola. over here. trump flew to chicago today. first republican nominee to do that in 20 years. kamala harris was also invited, but she said she was too busy. but the guy who showed up was treated worse than the woman who ditched. >> a lot of people did not think it was appropriate for you to be here today. you have pushed false claims about some of your rivals from nikki haley to former president barack obama. saying they were not born in the united states. which is not true. you have told four congress women of color who were american citizens to come back to where
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they came from. you have used words like "animal" to describe black attorneys. you've had dinner with a white supremacists. so why should black voters trust you after you have used language like that? >> first of all, i don't think i've ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner, the first question. you don't even say "hello", "how are you". are you with abc? i think they're a fake news network, a terrible network. and i think it's disgraceful that i came here in good spirit. i love the black population of this country. i've done so much for the black population of this country. including employment, including opportunity zones with senator scott of south carolina, which
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is one of the greatest programs ever for black workers and black entrepreneurs. i think it's a very rude introduction. i don't know exactly why you would do something like that. and let me go a step further. i was invited here, and i was told my opponent, whether it was biden or kamala, i was told my opponent was going to be here. you invited me under false pretense, and then you were half an hour late. just so you understand. i have too much respect for you to be late. >> mr. president, i would love if you could answer -- [ speaking simultaneously ] >> i have been the best president for the black population since abraham lincoln. that's my answer. >> better than president johnson, who signed the voting rights act? >> and for you to start off question and answer period, especially when you're 30 minutes late, in such a hostile manner, i think it's a disgrace. >> jesse: that moment changed
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the campaign. donald trump ripped the news cycle right out of kamala's hands. that exchange is going to be seen by millions of black americans. it will be seen by everyone. and how they react to it will decide the country's future. this is like the megyn kelly moment at the debate. remember, only rosie o'donnell. it's going to leave a mark. they say half of life is only showing up. donald trump showed up. kamala harris didn't. what just happened could even cost him votes, but he wanted to go because as president he wants to work for them. kamala not showing up is taking the black vote for granted. if you're invited into someone's house and they disrespect you, doesn't matter who they are, what they look like, black, female, whatever, trump doesn't tolerate disrespect.
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and your president, that's the attitude you want in a leader. somebody who works for your vote and doesn't allow the country to be disrespected. might not look pretty, but it works. and his presidency proved that. mr. nice guy joe biden and laughing kamala harris, politically correct but cowards. won't stand up for our sovereignty or our safety. so what if biden and harris say all the right things and don't make you feel anxious? country's a mess. your feelings are the problem. these insecure people are so privileged that they're putting their own personal feelings about a president's vibe over their own countryman's lives. people are being hurt in america by smooth-talking politicians. in that moment, trump's not worried does this hurt me politically. he's defending his honor. he's doing what he thinks is right. because his policies benefitted
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the black community more than kamala harris's. this country is in too bad of shape to be so sensitive. black communities are furious that kamala harris, a black woman, flooded their neighborhoods with migrants and showered the foreigners with welfare. and she didn't show up today. >> my message is to stop people from invading our country that are taking, frankly, a lot of problems with it. but one of the big problems and a lot of the journalists in this room i know and have great respect for, a lot of the journalists in this room are black. i will tell you that coming -- [ laughter ] >> coming from the border are millions and millions of people that happen to be taking black jobs. you had the best -- >> what exactly is a black job, sir? >> a black job is anybody who has a job. that's what it is. anybody who has a job. and they're taking the
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employment away from black pay people. it's an invasion of millions of people, maybe 15, 16, 17 million people. i have a feeling it's much more than that. and everyone's been seeing what's happened. the first group of people, the black population, is affected most by that. and kamala is allowing it to happen. >> jesse: could kamala harris sit in front of an audience like that, a black audience, and justify pumping millions of migrants into their streets? they're not putting migrant shelters in the white dudes for harris neighborhoods. they're putting them in the white side of chicago. but the abc reporter didn't want to listen and kept interrupting him. and trump was a pretty good sport, even after they kept him waiting 30 minutes and couldn't get the audio straight. >> first of all, it's very hard to hear you for whatever reason because of the fact that they have bad equipment. because i guess this woman was unable to get the right equipment. it's very hard for me to hear you, but i can hear every other word.
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it's very difficult, actually. i won the case and got very little publicity. i didn't notice abc doing any publicity. i won the case, the biggest case. this is an attack on a political opponent. i have another one where i have a hostile judge -- >> we have you for a limited time, sir. i would love to -- >> excuse me, you're the one who held me up 30 minutes. >> we didn't know what was next, and two days after -- >> i cannot understand. your mic -- >> it's hard for me to understand you. >> i can hear you perfectly. but i can't understand because of the distance. >> jesse: donald trump was asked about kamala harris and dei. a political minefield for politicians, but trump shut his eyes and waltzed right in.
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>> republicans on capitol hill have labelled vice president kamala harris, who is the first black and asian american woman to serve as vice president beyond a major party ticket as a dei hire. is that acceptable language to you? and will you tell those republicans and those supporters to stop it? >> how do you define dei? >> diversity, equity, inclusion. >> go ahead. is that your definition? give me the definitions >> those are literally the words. >> define the -- define it for me, if you will. >> i just defined it for you. do you believe kamala harris is only on the ticket because she is a black woman? >> i think it's a little bit different. she was always of indian heritage, and she was only promoting indian heritage. i didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and she wants to be known as black. so is she indian, or is she
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black? i respect either one, but she obviously doesn't. because she was indian all the way, and then all of a sudden she made a turn and became a black person. >> just to be clear, sir, do you believe -- >> i think somebody should look into that too. when you ask in a nasty tone. >> do you believe vice president kamala harris is a dei hire? >> i really don't know. could be. could be. >> jesse: would jesse watters have answered the question that way? probably not. is this going to help the trump campaign? i don't know. no idea. at this point we don't know how this plays, but people are going to be talking about it for months. and johnny's going to be there for that. trump touched a nerve with the media. that we know. >> probably some of the most disgusting rhetoric i've heard at the presidential level. that donald trump believes that
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he is the one who decides what it's meant to be black in the united states. >> this was graceless. >> he came to use them as a backboard to score with the maga crowd to say i will go to their own conference and do everything but call them the n-word. >> jesse: does the media talking about kamala's race help or hurt her campaign? we'll see. her mother is indian and her father's jamaican, and she's referred to her identity in different ways in her political career. which makes no difference to me, but maybe it does to african americans. i have no idea. these are unchatered waters. trump told kamala, you ain't black. all democrats want to do is talk about identity, and when trump talks about identity, they go nuts. they say dei is great, and when you say you're a dei hire, they say you can't say that. this proves trump isn't afraid of kamala harris and is not going to avoid issues.
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he's going to confront them. he's not going to change, even after dodging an assassin's bullet. when he held the country in the palm of his hands and appeared to have ascended into a higher realm of consciousness, we're seeing that's an impossible state to maintain. he's going to come back down to earth. he may have moments where he rises back to the political heavens and unites the country with calm wisdom. but those moments could be fleeting. which is why this country must take emotion out of their vote. this is a choice about leadership. you tune out the he said/she said and use your natural gift of reason. >> politics are the most disgusting, nasty -- it's atrocious what is said in politics. and the things that are being said on one side are being said
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on the other side too. and as voters, what we need to do is cut through all the bs and you have to look at who do you think is best fit to run the country for the next four year he is. that is our job as voters. all of this stuff is a bunch of nasty bs. all of it. who's best to run the country? you as a voter, that's what you need to decide. >> jesse: host of the sage steele show and former number of the national association of black journalists, sage steele. sage, what did you make of that conference today? >> i am so disappointed, jesse. the thing is, it doesn't surprise me. if you look at twitter leading up to this event, you had many black journalists, many of whom i know, who said things like, it's a poor decision to have donald trump come there. when, in fact, it's been a
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tradition. as actually the reporter on stage there, she stated before she brought donald trump out. as a journalist, as someone who has done thousands of interviews, i think the most important thing to remember is your tone is everything. sometimes it's not your words. i say this to my kids, jesse. it's not what you're saying, it's the way you say it. to come out of the gate the way that she did was unprofessional, i thought it was petty, i think it was uncalled for. and i think she is much better than that. the end of the day, if i'm going to return a product at a store, i walk in and say, hi how are you. you warm them up a little bit if you're asking for something. if you're trying to have any conversation on a human level, politics aside. no matter how you feel about that person. when i interviewed joe biden three and a half years ago, i didn't vote for the man. i didn't like his policies.
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but i started with respect. i think that's the most basic thing that you do, especially considering the man on your stage is a former president, potentially the 47th president, who was almost murdered two and a half weeks ago. how about, how are you doing? by the way, he said it. he took the time to come. where was kamala? a couple of weeks ago, do you know who was in detroit? it was donald trump in the black community. obama hadn't gone there, biden hadn't gone there. donald trump, like him or not, takes the time to have the conversation. as a journalist, to start that way to me was so disheartening. and it is everything that's wrong with journalism. to try to get click bait and reaction out of that audience instead of having a productive conversation. >> jesse: she throws the fastball right at his head, first pitch, in a friendly game. at least pretending to be friendly.
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sage, when donald trump weighs in on dei and he goes behind the curtain and starts exploring, well, she's indian and her father's not african american, he's jamaican. and she maybe doesn't respect her african american heritage. how are black americans interpreting that? >> well, first of all, i will never claim to speak for all black americans because we all have the brains, the ability, the smarts, the caring enough of our souls to think for ourselves. the way i take that is, wait a minute, didn't joe biden talk about her being a black female. isn't that exactly what he said? she's also identified as indian in the past and then it was black. a lot of got-you questions. i'm sad, and most importantly that is not the way to conduct an interview that will create
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conversation, which is what this country needs. >> jesse: yeah. i think he was more gracious than she was, and a lot of people did not expect that. but that's the way the cookie crumbles. sage steele, it is great to have you on "jesse watters primetime". we've missed you so much, and we hope you're enjoying your summer. >> see you soon. thank you. >> jesse: what has kamala actually accomplished? hmm. that smells good! or turn it down... hmm. nice and light. enjoy 40 days of freshness, your way. ♪ lalalalala ♪ did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit
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[♪♪] >> jesse: what happens when you eat at lot of candy? >> it's like a sugar high. the democrats and some independents are maybe relieved it's not joe biden. but what happens at every sugar
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high? we all crash at the end of it. >> jesse: joe biden used to be washington's favorite candy bar. until he expired. but like biden, kamala harris is nothing but empty calories. the only way they can sell her is with a celebrity saleswoman. [ singing ] >> jesse: that was a kamala harris rally last night in atlanta, but they forgot to put the product on the shelf. >> i am so honored to be introducing the next president of the united states of america,
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vice president kamala harris! [ cheering and applause ] >> just a second, just a second. >> jesse: and when she finally hit the stage, kamala had a new flavor. listen. >> the path to the white house runs right through this stage. [ cheering and applause ] >> and you all helped us win in 2020, and we're going to do it again in 2024! >> jesse: 15 minutes into her speech, the crowd started to leave. i guess they only wanted to eat the appetizer. once you start unpacking kamala, she tastes like biden. >> on day one, i will take on price gouging and bring down costs. [ cheering and applause ] >> and we will take on big pharma to cap prescription drug
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costs for all americans. >> jesse: why hasn't kamala done any of that in four years? here's what she said just three years ago. >> prices have gone up and families and individuals are dealing with the realities of -- that bread costs more, that bread costs more. and we have to understand what that means. that's about the cost of living going up. that's about having to stress and stretch limited resources. that's about a source of stress for families that is not only economic but is on a daily level something that is a heavyweight to carry. so it is something that we take very seriously. >> jesse: this is the woman who's going to bring down prices. close the border. she's going to negotiate with putin. kamala doesn't know much about anything. she doesn't even believe in anything. she just says whatever she needs
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to get ahead. her get ahead at your expense. democrats know it, so they're hiding harris, just like they were hiding biden. kamala harris hasn't done a single interview since biden stepped down. and the media is fine with it. harris supporters don't even know who their candidate really is. fox asked them to name a single kamala harris accomplishment. none of them could tell us. >> she was vice president of the united states, and she was attorney general in california. and she was the senator from california. i really don't know much of what she did. >> um, i think -- i'm not sure i know enough about her accomplishments to answer that question. >> the way that she carries herself. >> she proved on to becoming the
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vice president of the united states. the first african american female vice president and soon to be president. >> jesse: this country wants substance and solutions, not sugary identity politics. democrats are going to be sick to the stomach after realizing they just swallowed a san francisco socialist. the host of "making money" charles payne is here. kamala is new packaging, new wrapper, new sales pitch. she's like biden but even more radical. are they going to get away with it? >> i don't know, jesse. you mentioned this is the same biden in the basement program, and so far it's working. she hasn't done an interview, and why do an interview when the media is doing the repackaging for you. what has she accomplished for the american public? her and biden triggered 40-year
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high inflation that is destroying the average american. do you know three out of five americans say we're already in a recession. forget about what any economist says, forget about what the media says. people at home know this. why did it happen? it wasn't a cosmic boom. like, why did it happen? because all the money they unnecessarily funneled into this economy under the guise of helping poor people when they ultimately knew it would help their donors, the wealthiest of the wealthy. there has never been a better time to be a billionaire than under biden/harris. never. and that's why they've got all the money, that's why they're getting all the donors. do you know what, kamala, sit out there. we'll repackage you. every now and again show up for an event, and we'll take it from here. >> jesse: no one is going to lay
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a glove on her until the first debate, and who knows when that's going to be. should trump try to debate her in august and try to get some licks in now? because someone has to define her because the media won't. >> i think trump should debate her as many times, as often as he can, as early as he can. i was listening to your last seg segment. i have to answer something for dishonest folks out there. when president biden -- and president trump talks about black jobs. you hear black people go, i'm offended. what a black job. according to the number one consulting firm in the world, there are three industries. health care, retail, accommodation and food. these industries also shared some of the highest share of workers making less than $30,000. so retail, 73%.
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food, 84%. the bottom line is why do black people have these poor-paying jobs in the first place? that abc reporter asked trump why should black people support you. the real question is why have we trusted democrats? >> jesse: that's a great point. thanks for spelling that out. that's very important. the abc reporter can't spell it out. charles payne, thank you so much. we appreciate that. >> jesse: unbelievable new video of the trump assassin. stay here.
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♪ on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins... with rapiddry technology... that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. with bugs, the struggle-is-real. that's why you need zevo traps. zevo works 24/7 to attract and trap flying insects. for effortless protection. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. >> jesse: fox news alert. the family of trump's shooter has been underground since butler, but fox digital just caught up with the dad. watch. >> is there anything that might have made you aware what your son was up to? >> want to explain why your son has such a limited social circle? >> is there any statement you'd
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be willing to share with us right now? >> i've got to pee. >> jesse: your son tried to murder the president and you've got to pee. something is going on in that house. meanwhile, we have brand new footage from the moments right before trump was nearly assassinated. united states can see crooks running across the roof of that agr building. the video was actually recorded by a man who was critically injured after crooks shot him twice. that's just the view from the ground. secret service agents were on rooftops. they would have had a better angle to spot the shooter. buzz during yesterday's hearing, they said there was no way his team could have seen him. >> shooter, no elbows.
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you barely make out the crown of his head. below it, the assailant up prone. our counter sniper, this individual i know him. i consider him a friend. >> jesse: so he's your friend? great. crooks wasn't lying prone on a sloped roof. he was moving all around. he was flying a drone. he was raising all red flags with law enforcement. he was dancing on the rooftop. and now we have video of him right before he pulls the trigger? it's been 18 days since trump was nearly killed on live tv and we still don't have answers. what was his motive? how did he build three explosive devices in his parents' house without anybody knowing? what was he doing with encrypted foreign apps? and who signed off on the plans that left the building outside the perimeter? >> who is the lead site agent
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who made the decision to leave the agr building completely outside of the security perimeter? who was that? >> senator, i cannot give you that name. this person is operational. they're still doing investigations. >> have they been relieved of duty? >> senator, they have not been relieved of duty. >> i know their name, by the way. why have they not been relieved of duty? >> they are still cooperating. >> jesse: the secret services, they can't tell us who's in charge because the person's investigating what went wrong? really? according to senator holly, it's a female supervisor. we don't know her name yet, we don't know her qualifications. we don't even care if she's female. the secret service is known to have a double standard, posing a
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threat to national security. but they're covering their you-know-whats. the whistleblower whose emails were obtained says the motto of the u.s. secret service: cover your ass. and every supervisor is doing it right now. rank and file agents have had enough of this bureaucracy, and america won't have confidence in their leadership until they can clean house and name names for who was responsible. congressman waltz is a commander as part of the task force to investigate trump's assassination attempt. so they lied at the hearing, the acting director. said they couldn't see this guy. now there's video of him dancing around the rooftop like a theatre actor. >> well, this was after, jesse, the director came before committee and just made an absolute debacle of herself.
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but, you know, you could see that from the ground. half the crowd could see it. and this administration has a real problem throughout the entire thing, from the defense department through to the secret service with one word. that's accountability, or the lack thereof. look, at the end of the day, we've got to see people, the american people have got to see people, held accountable. at least suspended. i just talked to a sheriff, and one of his deputies has an accidental discharge of his gun. he's released of duty pending an investigation. the fact that lead agent is still approving rallies, still approving events when they did something as stupid as leaving that building outside the perimeter, it's mind-blowing. but the other lie in the senate
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hearing was the fbi saying there was a social media account in 2019 but we're not so sure if it was tied to the shooter. and then the social media site gab says, wait a minute. i have an emergency request right here tieing it to the shooter, and it trashed trump, was all about the progressives, and had a lot of anti-semitic remarks on it. the american people at this point don't know what to believe. >> jesse: the task force has to bring in these people. are you going to be subpoenaing this woman who was in charge of the site? she was in charge of the perimeter. she was in charge of not putting counter-snipers up. she was the one who declined the drone. and now they're blaming the locals. and she's still doing investigation, she's still on the job? why are they protecting her? >> we should subpoena the entire chain that approved the security plan for this rally.
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we should be in the secret service buildings, we should be at the fbi, we should be at dhs. don't forget that the secret service spokesperson immediately, the day after, said that trump was never denied any resources. after agents told me that they repeatedly have been. they should be fired as well and subpoenaed before this committee. >> jesse: everyone's getting a little suspicious because everyone's now caught lying. and that's unacceptable. we look forward to these hearings. to catch a migrant. chris hansen's next. israel is under attack. israel has been attacked like never before. our skies are filled with rockets and drones. the international fellowship of christians and
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jews urgently needs your help to send out emergency teams across the holy land. the international fellowship of christians and jews needs your $45 gift to rush emergency aid to the people of israel who are still devastated from the massacres of october 7. we are bringing food. we are bringing emergency resources to save lives. but we can't do it alone. we need you to stand with israel now. with terrorist attacks across every part of israel, tens of thousands of families desperately need emergency life-saving aid today. please don't wait. now is the time to act. call, scan, or go online now.
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[♪♪] >> jesse: migrant crime not going away. florida, one department pulled in 33 suspects targeting child sex predators. >> there is no packing your (bleep). it's putting his ass in something and getting him out of the united states. so all of you that don't think
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that there's a problem at the border and those in washington d.c. all the way to the top that keep burying their head in the sand on this issue, you're morons. >> jesse: it's not just happening in florida. chris hansen caught three illegals in alabama trying to meet up with a 15-year-old girl for sex. the police and cameras were waiting. >> be nice. she's my niece. i love her. okay? wait right there while i make sure she's ready. [speaking alternative language] >> do you speak english? [speaking alternative language] >> spanish? >> yeah. >> don't give me anything, please. the problem is that you broke
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the law as a grown man coming here to have sex with a child. that's against the law. you know that, right? it's wrong. you're very sorry now, but it's because you got caught. [speaking alternative language] >> jesse: that man and two others facing charges of child solicitation by computer, human trafficking, and travelling to meet a child for unlawful sex. all felonies. they're all being held without bond, and they could be deported. it shows you how pervasive the illegal immigration system is when they're showing up in alabama on your show. >> here we are embedded with sheriff mark moon of the blunt
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county sheriff's office and we catch five predators, adults seeking to sexually exploit teenage girls in two nights. three of the five are illegal immigrants. now, these guys got online using translator apps, had very graphic conversations. so we don't know when they show up whether they're illegal or not. but it becomes pretty clear as we run the background, as we have the discussion, as i try to work my way through it as best as i can with my limited spanish that those guys are here to exploit children. and we have the transcripts. they're able to have, right here, a sexually explicit conversation, ask for pictures of a teenage girl, and they go through the whole thing as if they spoke english. >> jesse: i'm going to take your word for it because my spanish is not as good as it used to be. >> it's in english. you can see it. >> jesse: that's disgusting. the bravery, i guess you could call it, to come into someone else's country and just
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callously and casually try to have sex with a teenage girl as an adult, what does that say about their respect for this country? >> it says they don't respect this country and they don't respect the teenage girls of this country. the second case -- you saw the one guy come in. the second case, two guys came at the same time. buddies. both going to try to exploit this girl. one walks in, they negotiate the money, they claim they don't have much money. they get into the wallet, these guys had $1,500. here's the thing, we want to have luxury beliefs sometimes in this country. the people we hire are good people. but in some cases, they're not. and we don't know because they're getting in over the border without much background. >> jesse: well, there's no vetting. there is no background. >> no. so some people working in your backyard is the same guy capable of coming to one of my sting houses to try to exploit a child. >> jesse: when you look at these guys face-to-face, do they know
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they've done something wrong? legal, illegal? what is the emotion at that moment? >> the emotion is, i got caught. i wasn't going to actually do it. or maybe there was a cultural difference. i didn't realize she was under-age. oh, it's illegal here. but when you go through all of the interviews, you'll see that they actually plead their case a little bit and then they apologize. they know they're caught, they know they did something illegal. >> it's the american nightmare, and you're out there to prevent that. thanks, chris. more from our contagious movement. that's next.
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5:57 pm
5:58 pm
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5:59 pm
i bought jesse jr's aesop's fables i read it last night before bed for him it hits home. familiar set -- familiarize yourself with that you'll get something out of it. let's do some texts johnny from tampa good thing they didn't have all 60 minutes might have asked trump if he enjoys kicking puppies and kittens. as trump you showed america what the stance of a true leader should look like didn't flinch in those answers. dr lu from st. louis if trump was ever going to be presidential it should be now. of the antics are fine for his base but they won't help them win independence. shirley from sioux falls south dakota thanks for happening sage
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deal on. 's martin site fly would vote for her. sage steal for president? maybe. bob from ohio biden to know is we have to stage and kamala harris doesn't know her way on 1 taking black voters for granted not a good look. carol from alabama if she's going to put on a fake southern accent do it right it's not you all, it's a y'all. i should do a southern accent for the whole hour maybe tomorrow. bob from elam washington now that joe isn't running any more maybe it's time for the golf match with trump a 6 handicap that was the biggest lie told that night. that's all for tonight and dv are the shoshana's next to him remember i am waters and this is my world. [ ♪♪ ]


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