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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 2, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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him a moderate, this is just 31 flavors of delusional. >> todd: what i can't wrap my head around i alluded to this earlier in the program. put yourself on september 12th, 2001. would we have seen like this in those days? crazy to me how far we have gone in the wrong directions in 23 years. >> george w. bush had more than 90% approval rating after 9/11. the country came together. yankee stadium in the bronx is he getting cheered. i don't think that happens today. we are so divided that even in situations like this. this is the reaction and the media drives a lot of this. and it's just reckless at this point, todd. >> todd: joe concha, thank you for your time and insight. amazing hostage release a lot of people happy this morning. rightfully. so we hope you enjoy the day and the rest of the weekend. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪
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>> steve: thank you very much, todd, it's 6:00 here on a couch in new york city. it's friday, august 2nd. this is "fox & friends." welcome, kayleigh, good to have you. >> kayleigh: thank you very much. >> steve: we start with this great news and it is a fox news alert. emotional moment as americans freed from russia touched down on american soil probably while you were sleeping embracing their loved ones for the first time in a long time. [cheers and applause] >> we will show you more from those powerful moments and talk to general jack keane about what this prisoner swap means for the united states and russia going forward. >> plus today the secret service will hold a press conference. i can't believe it on donald trump's assassination attempt as a whistleblower makes a stunning accusation against their acting director. >> plus, it is a good day for some gospel music. we have maverick city music for our all-american summer concert
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series. and the one and only rock will join us live this morning. >> steve: he is always a party. "fox & friends" for a friday starts right now. ♪ >> steve: a great story. fox news alert. "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich former marine paul whelan and journalist al sue be are back on american soil. they just touched down in san antonio,texas for an evaluation at brooke army medical center after a very emotional reunion overnight with their families cheese is. [applause] [cheers]
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>> kayleigh: paul whelan also met my family after touching down on u.s. soil first time 6 years. he spoke this morning after leaving texas. >> spy, i'm apparently a general in the army. a secret agent for dia, this is the nonsense narrative they came up with. they wouldn't let it go. so, this is how putin runs his government. this is how putin runs his country. yeah,i'm glad i'm home. i'm never going back there again. >> kayleigh: we united with his family after spending nearly 500 days in the russian prison system. >> show of support. it's -- >> it's overwhelming.
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>> brian: president biden and vice president harris were at joint base andrews overnight to greet the americans. biden thanking allies who helped make this all possible. >> this deal would not have made possible without our allies, germany, poland, slovenia, nor way, turkey they all stepped up and they stood with us. they stood with us. and they made bold and brave decisions. released prisoners being held in their countries justifiably being held. >> brian: how complex this is. how many country i interests involved and hostages out. main difference fundamentally people taken against their will did absolutely nothing. the others are killers. that's what russia is celebrating this hour. i did not know the validity of the alexei navalny story. at the core of this. when he was killed the whole thing went into delay of game or family apart. he could have been out as well if he didn't take i think it was
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a heart punch that took his life. >> steve: reporter for the "wall street journal" amazing story. very granular and tells everything that went into getting him out. headline is inside the secret negotiations to free evan gershkovich the effort to bring him home and it goes on and on. what is interesting about this. it tells a back story where for a while russia wanted their hit man back. in 2022. russia was offering paul whelan. we will give you paul whelan back but we want the russian killer we got to talk to germany. they talk to germany no an ordinary american for a drained killer we are not going to do it. evan gershkovich himself two weeks before he was arrested, the cia director was talking to his counterpart in russia and they said look, putin really wants to trade the killer for whelan. evan was texting a colleague he
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said quote they keep stupidly asking for him. germans obviously won't go for that if the biden administration, this is between the two top spies, if the biden administration wouldn't exchange the killer for whelan, then perhaps it was surmised by evan and others they would for a correspondent for a major newspaper. so have you got the top guys, russia and the united states talking about whelan and the killer. they go no, no, no. essentially russia said we need something more high profile so they grabbed him. >> kayleigh: yeah. of course. >> it's fascinating. encourage everyone to read this compelling and written in narrative form. the russian who you referenced assassin. killed someone in broad daylight on a child's playground. he was so confident of his release he reportedly according to the "wall street journal" piece told the guard the russian federation will not let me rot in jail and indeed they did not. it's compelling to read about the moment, you see there i believe that's ella, evan's mom.
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you read about the moment she found out down to the minute it was 6:11 p.m. that she found out back on september day that her son was in the hands of vladimir putin and there you see her embracing evan. ella. let's listen to that. >> we would like the u.s. government to do whatever it takes to bring evan home. >> steve: right. >> evan is in a prisoner. prisoner designed to isolate and break you down. evan is in the very hard condition. and he's fighting very hard to stay mentally fit. to say stay physically fit. and he wrote to me in a letter every day is like swimming against the stream steve yeah. >> it takes a lot of effort. we embrace american trait of optists. we are still very hopeful.
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and we are cheering on the u.s. government. please bring concentrate. he deserves this. >> brian: getting frustrations not hearing anything from the biden administration. going to go nuclear and public and go on fox and talk about frustration into 200 days into captivity. they didn't feel urgency there. >> the way they quoted in the "wall street journal" is the mother wanted to throw a hand grenade and so she memorized exactly what she wanted to say to the biden administration. get serious about this. and that's why she came on our show. all right. let's bring in somebody from the "wall street journal." mccarthy the chief digital editor and colleague as well joining us from london. gr. >it's a good day for your compas
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welt. >> it's best day. i walked into the bui building s morning all the windows down stays says "wall street journal" evan gershkovich free. we have been wearing pins and buttons last 16 months i stand with evan it's the most exhilarating feeling. once we knew he was off the russian plane the newsroom in london of which seven a part of erupted and we just have been smiling ever since. >> kayleigh: i can see the joy in your face and that is echoed from here in the united states at news corporation in this building, we feel it all around us, it's palpable. i was interested in this "wall street journal" piece that came out that the journal had been investigating these abductor back in early 2023. it was evan who said to the journal this is totally under covered. so evan was on top of this story before he became abducted by the russian government himself this
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is not surprising if you think of who seven and the story we have been telling about evan during this very difficult ordeal for him. is that he is a brilliant reporter and phenomenal correspondent in russia. very, very steeped in the russian language and russian culture and grew up speaking russian. but was wri write very hard hitg stories. he covered the bryan case. brittney griner case. the playbook putin is using here. used to say long list he was inside of prison, he knew more than us how this ultimately might play out because he had reported so extensively on russia. >> brian: he steamed have a confidencer time we saw him in the glass cage. every time we looked at him. owe seemed as if he kind of thought, all right, i know this game. and i'm going to get out. do you sense that he had a confidence that this thing would
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end this way? >> we always found those moments. i kind of call it heartening and heart breaking. it was always so good to see him in a way but so hard to see him in those circumstances. but, yeah. his character and his spirit and his determination continued to shine through. i mean, this was 16 months of his life he was locked up in vladimir putin's russia. he continued to stay strong. he worked hard at it mentally strong, physically strong. and he provided a source of determination and inspiration for all of us to keep going. and i'm just getting kind of a little bit choked up looking at these images now because his mother and his family, we have gotten to know them very well during in journey. we are part of a club we never thought we would be part of and never wanted to be. it has been an absolute privilege to be on that journey with them. they have been just brave, courageous throughout this entire endeavor.
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>> steve: grain i can't, tell us something we don't know that went into springing him? >> i can't tell you the details optimistic as as difficult as it is to put it this way. when the sham trial last month suddenly accelerated. we began to be a bit more optimistic. we have stayed optimistic throughout this process. perform was never an option. i think then a lot of rumors were circulating over the past couple of weeks. so we were optimistic. but really until we got that confirmation that he was off the plane, then we were able to truly breathe. >> brian: because, after the conviction, then they would have a resolution. that's how it typically goes even though it was a sham conviction. >> exactly. this is something that the russians have sort of articulated several times. vladimir putin himself spoke about evan on several occasion.
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he actually did not mention that it had to go through some sort of legal resolution. >> brian: how great is it when he said i would like an interview with vladimir putin. that was a q that was awesome. >> it's just evan. it speaks to him. to see him walk off the plane there and sort of shooting the breeze with president biden and, you know, walk over to a couple of the journalists, he began to speak about other political prisoners in russia and we should get them out. it's just incredible. the fact that he did that. and he apparently asked for an interview with president putin in his final thing that he wrote before he left russia it. just speaks to the true amazing journalist that he is. >> kayleigh: takes a lot of guts. grainne, thank you so much. >> brian: we have 8 americans still there. >> steve: sitting on pins and
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needles. somebody said to paul whelan have you been over there about six years. >> six years? no, actually five years, seven months and five days. and he said that every day he was in custody, apostle whelan, do you know what he did he? sang the national anthem. >> kayleigh: true patriot. a former marine. >> steve: as soon as he got off the plane joe biden took the flag pin off his lapel and put it on his shirt. >> kayleigh: hoping they are next. >> brian: a teacher. >> steve: in other news, acting secret service director ronald rowe jr. is holding a press conference at 2:00 this afc to update public on the investigation into what went wrong in butler, pennsylvania. on july 1st. >> all right it. comes as we are learning about a whistleblower who claims that rowe is to blame for the security lapse. >> kayleigh: c.b. cotton joins us from butler pennsylvania. cb?
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>> good morning, guys. there are new alarming allegations about what could have been done to prevent the assassination attempt here in butler, pennsylvania. as you mentioned republican senator josh hawley says he has heard from a whistleblower. this is very disturbing. summarizing this on x writing quote whistleblower tells me secret service acting director rowe benchly directed cuts to the secret service agents who do threat assessments for events. those secret service agents were not present in butler. we brought that allegation to the secret service who told us, quote: we respect the senator and the role of oversight and will respond to the request through official channels. this as all eyes turn to today's news conference with the secret service to see whether we will get more answers about the communication failures during the assassination attempt. one of them with acting director rowe testified that was a 30-second window between in a local officer first spotted the
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would be assassin's gun and the first shots. the urgent warning was broadcast over the local law enforcement radio system. but rowe testified that it never made it to the secret service agents directly protecting trump. today's news conference begins at 2:00 p.m. eastern and all of this comes as the medical examiner shares with local media the official cause of death for gunman thomas matthew crooks. he ruled it as a single gunshot wound to the head. back to you. >> kayleigh: cb, thank you. >> steve: we got hear more. i wonder if they are going to ask him at the press conference about the whistleblower. according to and can you read this as fox news digital. the whistleblower says that the guy, the acting director, personally ordered something like a 20% cut to the counter surveillance division. and the whistleblower said, and this is great quote: if the counter surveillance division did their normal operation, the shooter would have been
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handcuffed in the parking lot after he was spotted by the range finder. because the secret service doesn't stand for that but they cut back stuff. >> kayleigh: a lot of questions. look, that cause of death, shot to the head, i was told by a senior law enforcement official it went through the shooter's eye and out of his neck. incredible shot by the counter sniper given his line of visibility. so many questions to your point. a press conference today. are you kidding me? 19 days late? there should have been a press conference every single day. >> steve: it's a friday in the summer. it's going to get lost. >> kayleigh: should be press conference number 20 today. instead press conference number one. that's what fuels conspiracy theories when you don't give information to the public. what a failure of communication. >> brian: dispute the whistleblower or they are going to embrace it one way or another because they are not going to talk to us. so the lawmakers have been bringing out the stories that they get. and then people out there are going wait a second, there has to be another shooter. one was -- these other bullets
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came from different distances mirroring all these stories nonstop that would happen if we were fully briefed let alone what is happening now. this just in the harris campaign raised whopping $310 million this month alone in july. this raises the presumptive democratic nominee's cash on hand because she because joe biden's to 377 million. so money won't be a problem. >> kayleigh: money not a problem, at least for the moment. as the veepstakes heats up josh shapiro is canceling weekend fund raising plans in the hamptons. there is speculation that this is a sign he may be tapped as harris' running mate. she is expected to unveil her pick on tuesday in philadelphia. >> steve: that's right. >> brian: the guy is going to have a very free weekend. >> steve: so is andy beshear. he also canceled a bunch of stuff. former president biden and vice presidential candidate j.d. vance holding a rally in georgia tomorrow days after harris held an event at exactly the same venue. so it will be interesting to
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see. when you look at that gigantic pile of cash, $310 million, two thirds came from first-time donors and 94% under 200 bucks which is extraordinary q. >> kayleigh: advantage for harris coming up. positive news cycle. d.j. fuel dnc in a positive news cycle. this is why trump needs to come out and say hey i want a debate and i want a debate now. do not let her raise this money and get positive tailwinds. come out, demand a debate. prosecute the case against kamala harris. >> brian: he said, cailee as you know he said yesterday i will do it. >> kayleigh: earlier than september. >> brian: he wants it before september 10th. >> steve: why not. what are you cooking this afternoon? >> brian: listen, he accepted last time right away in june and knocked out joe biden. so the team harris is going to have momentum with the vp. have momentum we think if the dnc comes out close to the rnc. despite the protests, tens of
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thousands of protesters there to threaten to overwhelm the whole thing. for the trump team they could use this opportunity to say okay, this is a target-rich environment. how we best to attack this? is to attack the law and order? attack the vice presidential debate. the last days as senator when she was there the fact she was reversed herself on 12 major policies. one thing i would stay away from the whole jeciousd ethnicity. don't bring it up. it's not important. you have a democrat you want to beat. a different democrat that you were focusing on. now 90 days and a lot of money. money won't be an issue. the court cases have been virtually pushed aside. so you have 90 days to run it like the british run it. it's a sprint. and nobody has more energy than president trump 1e6789 going to team with vance over the weekend. in atlanta. and vance yesterday at the border sitting there with the oncology instructed border wall. i think that's important for them to get ahead of things now.
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>> steve: to that point, brian. shy has on the news cycle for the last three weeks. to kayleigh's point, if they had something quickly to shake it up it would be different. she is going to name her vice president probably in the next three or four days tops. and then they will own the next week as well. and then it's the convention. if the trump team is trying to do something to break out, they better hurry. >> kayleigh: she in so many words in that atlanta rally said any time, any place. that's essentially what she said. to say brian's point do you remember that ad in the kennedy era. kennedy kennedy kennedy. the song that needs to play policy, policy, policy. every time you walk out the door. every time you hit the microphone. prosecute the case against policy. she cannot win. she would be polling at 10% if the americans knew her policy. >> brian: all you have to do you know how successful your policies are because she is trying to adopt them. she is trying to run almost like a republican. she basically taken all his issues. it's mind boggling because i
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don't think anything has been quite done like this before. >> steve: it is shame rose and amazing that she is getting away with it. >> steve: she is so far. let's see what happens. meanwhile back to our top story and great news. americans freed from russia now from texas in san antonio for evaluation. >> brian: general jack keane on what this means for our relationship with russia going forward. and this little other issue called the middle east. ♪ and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. no, my denture's uncomfortable! dracula, let's fight back against discomfort.
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get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. >> brian: "wall street journal" evan gersh vitsz former marine paul whelan and another american journalist arriving back in the u.s. this happened hours ago. the biggest prisoner swap between the u.s. and russia since the fall of the soviet union. president biden addressing reporters on the tarmac. >> the idea he was never going it be afraid. never show up anywhere in the middle east, wouldn't show up anywhere in russia. wouldn't show up anywhere it. matters. it matters to be aware of what you are going into. and not to take undo chances. >> what is your message tonight to vladimir putin? >> stop. >> brian: goes as well as don't. retired four star general fox news senior strategic analyst study of war general jack keane.
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general, we are thrilled everyone is back. we see how hard everyone worked. but sadly this works for russia. their message is we take some innocent people, we'll get some guilty people back. >> certainly we feel good about getting our people back for sure and credit the administration for works a complicated deal to get him back. this model isn't working. we got to recognize there is a new chapter being written right in front of us that even the previous administration was not dealing with. whoever takes power here next year is going to deal with this reality. china, russia, north korea, and iran are all working together undermining the united states and they started a war in europe and also in the middle east and they are threatening a war in the indo-pacific region woosmght. we could find ourselves at war in more than one place. they are undermining the united states, because they believe we are weak. they believe that we're not going to confront them.
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and this is another tool in their elements of national power that they are using against us. they use misinformation to undermine the united states, people's confidence in their government. this is a political weapon taken hostages. they are not capturing spies and government officials here. they are taking americans right off the street. and they are doing it because it's a weapon that they can use to undermine americans' confidence in their government because we look impotent when we have innocent civilians now being held hostage and we are sitting on our hands not being able to do anything about it. this model that we're using doesn't work. we have got play hard ball with them. they are playing hard bawling with us. we have got to step up our game immediately and start taking things away from them that they value. and this administration makes a big deal about working with allies. well, let's get the allies
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involved. when china takes canadian innocent civilians, let's get together with them to do something about it so that they can get together with us and other countries when it happens here in the united states. the model has failed. this is going to keep going on until we play hard ball with these guys. >> brian: met with the iranians, they took our people. free up $6 billion out of south korea and we get them that and we think that wasn't a message that they want to go back to. so, yesterday, they came out with the defense strategy. they do every four years they do a defense strategy to see where we are at. it's the commission that they put together. and they study it. and the conclusions are not good. reveals the u.s. is not ready for a global war. the pentagon has insufficient forces to face china and russia. general, where do we go from here? >> >> well, i was on this congressional commission. done every four years to did look at the defense strategy and i was on the previous one as well. all i can tell you is since the
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last one was done, four years later, it's worse. and the reality is when we just look at china, we used to have a decided advantage for decades over china in the indo-pacific region, militarily, you get within 1,000 miles of the chinese coast. with the united states military capability, and the advantage swings decisively to china. the united states still remains the world's number one super power militarily. but, when we're dealing with a region like that, they have the advantage. and we are hard-pressed to catch up to this reality. particularly when our budgets are under water year after year after year. and the degree that they work together is significant. china is financing the war that putin is raging in europe. iran and north korea providing significant amount of weapons to assist them. china is financing iran's proxy war that is taking place in the
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middle east. and russia is helping them as well. this is a reality that we're dealing with. and we're not stepping up to see it for what it is. the danger and the threat is the most serious and the most dangerous. those of us on the commission feel since world war ii. why? because we could directly involved in war in more than one theater at the same time. and never faced anything like that since world war ii. >> brian: by the way as you also point out the u.s. industrial protection in the industrial complex famously is grossly inadequate. we are not ready to build massive amount of weapons. it's been our base, which everyone was thought was going to take over the world, it has been shrunk. so it's hard for us to produce military hardware at the level we need. general, thanks so much. appreciate it. >> yeah. have a great weekend, guys. >> brian: all right. coming up on one nation, we will be live at 9:00 on saturday
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night. amongst migrate roster of guests evaluate the president's big speech and he is with j.d. vance in atlanta. tomi lahren, karl rove, congressman michael waltz. we will talk to the author of amateur hour kamala harris in the white house. charlie spearing and what she like. charlie hubbard sit down with him florida georgia line is he taller. it's going to be fun. >> kayleigh: illegal migrant accused of killing laken riley is due in court for a status hearing. ibarra ple plead not guilty to 0 charges. if convicted he faces life in prison without the possibility of parole. 22-year-old laken riley was attacked and killed while out for a run on the uga campus back in february. today the court will determine whether her suspected killer
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will take a plea deal or go to trial in the fall. well happening today, a new statue of kobe broint and his daughter agree guyana will be revealed outside of lakers in los angeles. kobe and his daughter and seven others died in a helicopter crash in 2020. third statue will be reportedly unveiled some time next season and those are your headlines. 12 des since kamala harris has became the presumptive nominee. she hasn't taken questions from the press outside of one or two last night. many trump does get attacked when he talks to the press. ♪
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hasn't taken questions from the press or even sat down as an interview after emerging as the 3ru78ive democratic nominee. when will she finally address the country? we are asking fox news contributor and columnist mary katharine ham. catherine she took a question last night. i'm curious when the press will be clamoring for what is in their interest to have unscripted moments from kamala harris. >> i'm not sure. and also sort of hard to hear the question last night but it sounded a little bit like madam vice president, what do you think? right? that was the tough one she got. in the first access that they really had an opportunity to shout something at her. i think this is a total dereliction of duty by the press. we are not sure in this moment where the middle east is on the verge of a large. where khalid sheikh mohammed is getting plea deals a lot of things are going on right now. i'm not really sure who is doing the job. president biden answered some questions last night. he stood slack jawed next to her
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while she answered the quunel one she was given. we can all say that this feels sort of like a power sharing agreement of some kind about which the media has no curiosity at all, there is not one think piece about how we should be concerned about this. and, look, if she wants to be the president of the united states, we should know where she stands on issues. she keeps issuing these statements from her staff that say she has completely reversed her decisions, the press do not press her on these things are allowing her to play president with all the trappings of that job without the pressures of that job. and that is not fair to the american people. because they should have a full understanding of exactly what they are getting into. by the way, can i read like the extemporaneous wit she did last night? this is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the power of diplomacy. the fact that in an easy setting. you have five seconds of
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extemporaneous thought and that's it means she needs to be pressed. >> kayleigh: mary katharine i'm not holding my breath for the press to push for access. they won't. we need these unscripted mommy's. to your pointed the american people deserve it. how does the trump campaign force her off script? i'm saying call for a debate sooner rather than later. don't wait until september. >> yeah. i think i have changed my mind on this because originally i thought they changed the game in the middle here and i'm not sure what obligation you have to play the game once they have intichesd out the players; however, if the trump has a job to do that the press will not do. okay? so he needs to be out every day talking about her policies. talking about her switches on policy. talking about how she to the left to most americans and most american voters, certainly independent voters. you are right, kayleigh, calling for a debate and your posture being like yeah, basically any time, any place again is the way you are going to get her off script. that is 90 minutes where are where she does not have a
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bished. 90 minutes where she has to stand and answer questions there will be hopefully a handful of tough ones from moderators and even if not, trump himself can offer some. >> kayleigh: after trump's interview at the nabj, j.d. vance was asked about his remarks and here is what he had to say to a reporter. >> what i question is why she presents a different posture depending on which audience that she is in front of, she will say one thing to one audience. and one thing to another audience. something totally different to another audience. just in the past two days she went to wanting to ban fracking to not banning fracking. wanted to defund police now she doesn't want to defund police. puts on a southern accent in georgia and totally different access in california. i think she is a chameleon. >> kayleigh: chameleon kamala is way to explain her on policies rather than the personal. your thoughts? >> yeah. i think vance takes that question and pivots nicely to what the campaign should be
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talking about and well done to him. i would also point out and the press' sort of inconsistency just this morning i saw one reporter had asked 10 senators about trump's nabj appearance. and one question has been asked of the person rubbing for president of the democratic party. they can get 10 senators on the record on the other side just so lazy because they want her to be the president. i wish they would do better. the trump campaign is going to have to do it for them. >> trump showed up took questions. i await kamala harris to do the same. mary catherine ham, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> kayleigh: boxer who failed to meet gender to compete as a woman. set to take off against a boxer uzbekistan. another olympic from algeria born with male chromosomes wins the fight in the women's division in just 46 seconds.
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chanley painter is joining me now. chanley? >> hey, cailee, before the paris olympics, paris boxer was thrust into the middle of the gender eligibility controversy when lynn was deemed to have male chromosomes and descrawstled from the 2023 world championship tournament by the international boxing association. len fought in the 2020 tokyo olympics which were held in 2021 as a woman and now is set to square off today against uzbekistan boxer arrests the top seed. this after another olympic boxer an allgeierian also determined to have male chromosomes defeated a female competitor from italy yesterday. hitting heller so hard she threw in the towel after just 46 seconds. saying she has never been hit that hard before. like len, the algerian boxer has always competed as a female including during the tokyo olympics but has also been barred from female events in the past over high levels of testosterone and for failing
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gender eligibility test including the same 2023 women's world championship tournament. both fighters do not identify as transgender and were assigned female at birth based on observations of genitalia and were officially noted as female on their birth certificates, day lee. >> kayleigh: thank you. keep us updated. well, gronk is coming up. and you don't want to miss it. and also. this incredible story. a lifeguard is severely injured. saving a 7-year-old boy from drowning. and says he would do it again. that hero, next. ♪
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♪ >> steve: a 19-year-old lifeguard from north carolina is being called a hero after saving the life of a 7-year-old boy who was apparently drowning. and the hero suffered a spinal cord injury and serious head trauma in the rescue. he says he would do it all over again, even knowing he could wind up getting hurt. yousef joins us now from the hospital. yousef, good morning to you. >> good morning. how are you? >> i'm doing okay. we have got to hear this story. so you were just filling in as a lifeguard. you saw this kid tell us what
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you did. >> unfortunately from my injuries, i don't recall what had happened. but, from what the bystander said i was filling in as a lifeguard. i noticed a kid in distressed. and when i jumped in to get into the water. i managed to get a spinal cord injury. head trauma. i also lost a tooth. even with those. i still swam out to the kid. got him out. and that's where i ended up collapsing and passing out. >> i understand, yousef, you don't remember a lot of it. about you hit the bottom? what caused the injury? >> the pool was a little bit shallow and me being 6 eye 2 jumping from a high elevated point is where i got injured. >> steve: you would do it again. explain that. >> absolutely. i couldn't just wait and see somebody hurt even if they were to tell me rescue the kid go and get hurt i absolutely would do it again. i couldn't just wait in the background. >> steve: amazing. that speaks to the fact that i
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know when you grow up although you are pretty close you would like to be a firefighter. in that line of work that's when you do every day. >> absolutely. guy goal get back on my feet. get back to my athletic background and become a firefighter. >> steve: you just mentioned get back on your feet. i read in the local press that you have had to learn to walk again. >> i'm in the wheelchair doing the interview. i'm unable to stand on my own. walk. >> steve: i know there are some medical bills that you are not prepared -- you don't have the money to pay and so a go fund me page has been set up for you and your family. i think they had a $5,000 goal. i think they have gone over that. >> i appreciate everybody for the support. honestly, without the support. it would not be -- it would not be too good. i appreciate everybody's support. and i appreciate them beating
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that goal. it really means a lot to me. >> steve: it means a lot to us that you would join us. a go fund me page has been set up. if folks would like to visit it go to and we will link you to that. youssef thank you very much. and god bless you. >> thank you for having me. >> steve: adam, tell us about the weather. >> adam: hey there, steve. >> we are tracking a system across the portions of the caribbean that may become our next named system. it's an 80% chance. this is not a forecast track. that is where the system ultimately could develop. likely more so on sunday would be the timeline of this. these are all different forecast models. you see largely they are running up the west coast of florida. what really matters spin is how close will it run to the coast of florida? will it be a little bit further out. we still need time to figure that one out. >> this is a large system as far as diameter goes. one of the main concerns with this one is going to be heavy rain. pretty much the entire state. 3 to 5 inches of rain.
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isolated areas higher totals than that. that's why we are worried about flooding as we move through the weekend. those are your weather headlines, i'm excited about. this i feel my tummy rumbling. we have the mclemores outside cooking for us. hi, guys. >> we are excited maverick city music. the hand us our chicken fajitas off the masterbuilt to our table. we are cooking a chicken fajita, majestic. >> that's right. we have child chicken fajita up to another level. we have marinaded our chicken before we smoked it on the masterbuilt grill and made it majestic. we have actually got it marinaded in some pickle juice and made the fajitas. >> majestic, guys, more "fox & friends" coming back. see you all. ♪
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♪ >> left of center all right, it's 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. friday, august 2nd and "fox & friends" is coming your way. fox news alert. americans freed from russia. they touched down on u.s. soil early in the morning. embracing their loved ones for the first time. we spoke to one of evan gershkovich colleagues earlier. >> it's the most exhilarating


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