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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 2, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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wanting a place to hide this weary soul. ♪ ♪ yeah. i tried with all my might, i just can't win the fight. i'm slowly drifting over vagabond. ♪ ♪ i never met, he told me that i was not alone. ♪ ♪ he picked me up, turned me around, plant my feet on solid ground. ♪ ♪ he hears my heart, he saved my name, forever free. ♪
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♪ i thank god. yeah. ♪ ♪ got no choice but to believe. ♪ ♪ >> brian: you are looking at maverick city music performing. they were just on the couch and just singing. >> i thank god, it is a popular christian song, how cool to hear in person. >> steve: kayleigh, great to have you, ainsley is on assignment. i thank god to lead into this. kaitlan >> kayleigh: well said. evan gershkovich and former marine paul whelan and jou journalist alsu kurmasheva are back on american soil. here is evan, a touching image,
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hugging his mother for the first time after spend ing 500 days i a prison cell in russia. [cheering] [applause] >> steve: that last guy, paul whelan. after landing in maryland, they took another flight overnight to texas. san antonio, texas for evaluation at brook army medical center. >> brian: sam tobin is in sam houston, texas. good morning, sam. >> three of the returnees from
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this historic swap are in the facility behind me, inside of fort sam houston, the outskirts of san antonio. paul whelan, evan gershkovich and alsu kurmasheva are all here and were greeted by the president and vice president and flown to kelly air force base and were transferred to the medical center and inside of fort sam houston, they began reintegration. while at andrews, whelan spoke about the wedding he attended and when authorities picked him up five years ago. >> the fsb grabbed me and said i'm a spy, general in the army and secret agent for fbi. they would not let it go. this is how putin runs his government and country and i'm glad i'm home. i'm never going back there again.
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>> political prisoners and prisoners of war have been reintegrating here since end of vietnam war. there are three phases, first is recovery, psychological and medical evaluations done on them, that will start today. second involves thorough debriefing and medical exams and psychological exams. a third phase is one we all look forward to or hoping for them, that essentially they call it home base and that is reunion with their families when they are free to go on u.s. soil. high-profile people through here include bergdahl, brittney griner and benjamin hall. >> steve: they are experts. m mike, they are going to be sammed for next couple of days.
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24 hours ago, we had some inclination this was about to happen, we had embargoed information. it was important and the government stressed to not reveal the names too soon because you cannot trust putin and he might do something at the last minute. that has been shown time and time again. you have a government that will seize people, trump up charges and use them as bargaining chips. when you deal with their egos, you can threaten the freedom of people you are trying to get released. it is very sensitive at th threshold of release here. >> brian: i never thought multiple countries. i did not know we had five russians of various smuggling,
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counterfeiting and cyber crimes. they disappeared from the prison rolls. you have sloef sloef and germany involved and i couldn't believe the ukrainian war had income to do with it. both sides had so many pri prisoners. >> steve: key was germany. united states had to convince germany, we get americans back if you give up that killer, kraskov. they said they welcome the swap, germany paid a heavy price to get the hitman sprung. quote in germany, the deal was a success for west and triumph for putin. it essentially showed, he kept
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asking for the killer back and ultimately he had enough americans and they made the deal. and -- so confident he would get out, he said the russian federation would not let him rot in jail. what was it like in that 9 x 12 foot jail cell meant to break you down psychologically. evan wrote notes and russian federation allowed him to leave with those notes. most incredible thing. he filled out a pro forma form and in it blank space to write to view. you are in a russian jail cell, most leave that area blank.
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not evan gershkovich. he wrote, i request an interview with putin, incredible. his colleague we spokesperson to earlier, grainne mccarthy had to say about him, his heroism and his joy this morning. >> it is the best day, no better day. i walked in this morning and windows say "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich is free. we have been wearing pins and buttons, i stand with evan. it is the most exhilarating feeling. we knew yesterday, minute we knew he was off the russian plane, it erupted. his character, spirit and determination shine through. this was 16 months he was locked up in putin's russian and
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continued to stay strong, mentally and physically. he provided a source of determination and inspiration for all of us to keep going. >> k >> kayleigh: no journalist on the ground in russia. you can't go abroad or bring light to the regimes. >> brian: you have eight americans still in russia. a ballerinia, mark vogel, teacher. >> steve: he has makings of a book, i wonder if he will go back to work for "wall street journal." does he want to go back to the front lines or will he say i'm going to do something new. >> kayleigh: can't wait to follow the story or read that book. ronald rowe, will hold a news conference and up ddate.
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>> a whistleblower claims mr. rowe is to blame for the security lap that led to the shooting. >> brian: cb cotton joins us. >> josh hawleys a whistleblower claims secret service director rowe directed cuts for events and this whistleblower claims threat assessment agents were not on the scene and no evaluation was done. we took the claim to secret service who said it would respond to josh hawley's request for information through channels. they want to see if the agency answers about technology failure during the assassination attempt. one of them, we learned through acting director rowe, 30-second
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window between local officer first spotted would-be assassin's gun protecting trump, rowe testified urgent warning was testified over the radio system and stayed siloed between local and state channels. it today's news conference will be 2:00 p.m. eastern. local media reports official cause of death has been ruled single gunshot wound to the head. back to you. >> steve: live in butler, pennsylvania, it is coming down. >> brian: i expect president to dispel and inform. they should say, okay, this is not true, this is true. that would help. >> kayleigh: you had 19 days, incredible. we should have 20 press conferences by now. >> brian: vice presidential nom
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neap j. neap -- >> steve: and veepstakes heats up. >> kayleigh: peter doocy is live outside the white house. >> peter: trump campaign has j.d. vance explaining why the former president says the vice went from identifying as indian american to identifying as black. >> kamala harris is a chameleon, goes to georgia, raised in canada, puts on a fake southern accent and she pres tends to be different depending on the o audience. >> peter: dnc virtual roll call.
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assigns for v.p. point to josh shapiro. campaign sources tell us her tuesday announcement being in philly is not a giveaway. eric holder's firm is done vetting finalists and vice president needs to 3450e9 with them. she is back with a texas trip. she had a slip up at a funeral. >> it was sheila jackson lee whose bill made juneteenth a federal holiday. which as united states senator, i was proud to co-sponsor and as president -- as vice president with the president, it was my honor. >> peter: we don't expect to see vice president harris on camera today. >> steve: is the koourn president at the white house or
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did he take the day off? >> peter: he's at the white house and then going to fly to wils wilmington. >> kayleigh: internal meetings. >> brian: why wait? you have to figure by know monday, hit the ground running. do analysis and i think that might be opportunity for the trump team to hone messaging, cut spots and find out what spot of the career they want to focus on. vice president, ag, da, senator and keep personalities out of it. >> it will be josh shapiro. josh shapiro, when you look at fox news poll, key state to win, he outperforms harris among women, white voters, college
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graduates, republicans, independents. >> brian: do you want to do the guessing thing or should i fill in? >> steve: go ahead. >> brian: he is jewish and pro-israel and she is starting to pull back to the left of joe biden and criticism of the prime minister in order to bring michigan online and probably how she feels. like barack obama became president, he knew he did not like benjamin netanyahu. it seems like vice president feels same way. if josh shapiro is pro-israel, if i'm josh shapiro and i'm pro-israel and i have a conversation if i'm picked, i would have a conversation and if she's not on board, why go on the ticket. >> kayleigh: sexual harass mmen
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claim against one of his aids. >> vetting wrapped yesterday or the day before, she, vice president, carved out a couple hours tomorrow to sit down with who is left, could be sharm 've josh shapiro, beshear, walz. we don't know. only people who do know are not talking. >> kayleigh: i'm guessing josh shapiro. putting my money on it. >> brian: last week i thought it was mark kelly, now people feel that seat could be in jeopardy. i will turn to this camera, to headlines. less than two hours illegal migrant accused of killing laken riley is in court for status hearing. he's pleaded not guilty to charges of murder.
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22-year-old laken riley was attacked and killed while out for a run in february, you may remember. the court will determine if her suspected killer will take a plea deal or go to trial? we'll have to pay for him. chevron announcing it is moving c corporate headquarters from california to houston, texas. oil and gas company will move to texas before end of the year and the companies all corporate functions will move to the lone star state over next five years. there are 2000 employees in california. more people leaving west coast because of taxes, lifestyle, weak on crime, homeless situation. >> steve: that is where oil is coming from, texas. >> kayleigh: come to florida, we love you. >> brian: did the clampets move to texas? >> steve: they moved to beverly.
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>> brian: they would never do that today, they would have to redo that open. one and only ron rob gronkowski is coming up. i got to get my coat and get dressed inure on matching vests. >> steve: first maverick city music performs for our summer c concert series. ♪ ♪ here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies.
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and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. (♪) (♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪)
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>> brian: president biden saying killing of hamas top political leader in tehran not helpful when it comes to reaching possible ceasefire deal in gaza and growing fear iran may target israel. a alex hogan live from tel aviv. >> the region is bracing for
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possibility of war. prime minister netanyahu says the country is in a state of re readiness. in qatar, the funeral is underway for ismail haniyeh. han haniyeh, among those in ashes t tendsance are other officials. there are serious concerns of broader conflict. last night president biden and benjamin netanyahu spoke. there is a new warning from leader of hezbollah. >> the enemies and friends know we have entered a new phase, a different phase, different from the past phases.
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>> this is aftermath of israel's strike and hezbollah responded with airstrikes on northern israel yesterday. israel announcing it killed head of hamas in an airstrike. more and more airlines are cancelling flights to israel and avoiding flying over iranian air space and warning increase threats against israeli and jewish people around the world and ush mr. plaintiff #2: community centers and synagogues. there is real concern of coordinated attack which could overwhelm the iron dome and local media report ing governmet officials have been given satellite phones. >> brian: you could be hit from seven sides, crazy.
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president biden issuing word of warning to adversary after getting americans back on soil. >> what is your message to putin? >> president biden: stop. >> brian: that will work. how can he say that when russia holds all the power? we got back great americans like evan gershkovich and former marine paul whelan. russia traded for eight people, start with their background. former colonel serving life in germany for murder, would-be assass sin, and a chech nthis gy is evil as it gets and somebody known for cyber crimes, a prisoner and russia wanted to get him out and got him, too.
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what will stop the next grabbing of would-be journalist or american. christian whitton joins us. do you worry about what is next? >> it sets a bad precedence. if you remember, brittney griner was traded for victor boot, the merchant of death and with iran, there was a deal and $6 billion was unfrozen, that is a big payoff. this administration really has created incentive to take more americans hostage. >> brian: they still have eight
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in russia, they would not budge on the teacher. >> biden said he will not engage with putin, maybe they could have got know a better deal. why did russia ashesllow this deal to go through now? putin wants trump to become president but timing of the deal suggests that vladamir putin is more undecided than conventional wisdom holds >> brian: what do you mean? >> i think he might want kamala harris to become president. russia is winning in ukraine. there is this idea that putin wants trump to be president because you trump will force an end to the war with ukraine and russia. >> brian: do you believe when door shuts and he talked to
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adviers he is happy he invaded you shoulding? do you think he sees the price he paid? >> they were surprised, they thought they would have kyiv in a couple days. they have weathered the storm and sanctions that were supposed to cripple them, they are muddeling along okay. i think he wishes i think thises would have gone better, he's managed to get what he wants without a mass -- there are mothers of wounded or dead russ y i ians. >> brian: they are trying that ared to recruit people, it is not happening. they are getingly ing armament from north korea. thank you, appreciate it. >> coming up next, one and only
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gronk, sports star turned tv star. first maverick city music city performs live for you at home. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> steve: fox business alert. july jobs report show united states added only 114,000 jobs last month, les than expected, estimated at 175,000. une unemployment rate rose to 1.3%. wall street reacting, dow futures down 500 points. 551. we'll keep you posted on fox. >> brian: we have the perfect guest to analyze the job numbers. >> kayleigh: no secret gronk knows how to put fun on n.f.l. on fox. >> oh, say can you see.
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>> that's not bad. >> oh, grand salami, baby. oh. >> gronk has landed. there we go. one, two, three, good! [cheering] >> go crazy! >> steve: that is in front of our building. and former teammate tom brad dltd y will debut fox lead n.f.l. analyst next month. >> brian: here to break down job numbers and talk about tom brady, rob gronkowski who foolish enough two years ago to give me a vest. he physically ripped the sleeves off. welcome back. >> thanks for having me. why do you have sleeves on under
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that vest right now? you been working out lately, show it you hava. >> kayleigh: please don't. >> brian: i stopped juicing and i'm embarrassed. i'm going to start cycling and i will bring it back. tom brady is doing something brand new. how do you think he will do with all the expectations on his shoulders? >> tom will do great, he will definitely have mistakes. he always goes back and makes mistakes, changes them and learns from mistakes. if he runs over a speed bump, he will correct it. he will do mag nificent. he ha more knowledge in the history of the game, just needs to share
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that knowledge. my only advice for tom, don't overthink and be yourself and he will be terrific. >> kayleigh: on behalf of tampa bay, thanks to yous and tom brady for bringing us a super bowl victory. do you think tom is ready? >> i think tom is fully prepared for this moment. that is why he took off last year, he's had a year and a half now to learn, to practice, go get repetition in the booth with former analysts and people doing the same as him. a lot of practice reps. he will be prepared to fullest amount and go out and dominate for sure. >> steve: rob, you and i are from small towns of 5000. you teamed up with t-mobile, you are going to find a town
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somewhere in america and people can apply, why they need you and t-mobile to upgrade their football field and spend millions to make it spectacular. >> yes, yesterday, t-mobile and i announced friday night 5-g lights. inviting high schools to share their stories for a chance to win a multi million dollar football stadium makeover. it is all small town high schools, 150,000 or less population and prizes include $100,000 cash grant, new scoreboard, ultimate tailgate party for the community, 5g drone shell and favorite prize, my family business and i teamed up with t-mobile, gronk fitness
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upgrading the weight room, kids can stay fit and dominate on the football field. if you want to learn more and high schools want to enter go to friday night 5g >> brian: this is a big move, get into the business world. good job. >> thank you, i appreciate it. if you hop on gronk fitness gear, weights, you might be able to rip off those sleeves and show off. >> brian: absolutely, i'm going to do it. >> kayleigh: thank you, gronk. >> brian: one of the few, we appreciate it, we will talk about you once you go. mr. personality on the field and brings it to the camera. >> kayleigh: he does it. another note, i will never unsee you in a jean sleeveless vest.
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gronk can pull it off, brian kilmeade cannot. >> steve: if you were shirtless, i could never unsee that. >> brian: we will see that next hour. >> steve: hemmer is in charge. >> brian: i won't be on camera, on radio. >> kayleigh: sorry, america. maverick city music performs for the summer concert series. ♪ ♪ he's never failed. he's never failed. ♪ ♪ he's never failed. he's never failed. ♪ ♪ he's never failed. he's never failed. yeah. ♪ ♪ he's never failed, never failed. ♪ ♪
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lyles will need a good leg here. can he deliver?
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here comes the pass! look at this kid! coming in tight on the line. team usa, what a run! it's gold for team usa. noah lyles with another gold medal. in case there was any doubt, who was the breakout star of these world championships.
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>> kayleigh: in less than an hour an olympic boxer who failed to meet gender eligibility as woman will face off with a boxer from bekistan. >> steve: a boxer from algeria, born with male chromosomes won a
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fight in the women's division in 46 seconds. the opponent stopped the match. >> brian: we are hearing what inter-sex means and how it affects eligibility. chanley painter has the story. >> chanley: taiwanese boxer was thrust into controversy when he was deemed to have male chromosomes and disqualified by the international boxing soccion. the olympic committee says it is based on athlete's pass ports. another boxer, algerian defeated a female yesterday, hitting her so hard she threw in the towel saying she's never been hit that
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hard. he's been banned in tz past for failing gender eligibility tests. >> i don't feel like that is cool. women's sports should be women's sports. >> it is fine. >> it is disadvantage biologically. it is tragedy. i am sure a lot of people are upset. >> outkick advocate riley gaines pointed to unfair advantage. watch. >> you would have more hope, i did, in the international olympic committee to trust assas science and prioritize saifety f women. if you have y chromosome, you are male and males do not belong in women's sports.
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>> both fighters do not identify as trans gender and were female at birth. >> steve: thank you. it is story on the "new york post," below the belt. >> brian: that is where the action is, the controversy. everything is. >> steve: showing the headline. >> ka been great to have you on the couched it. ainsley will have an interview with j.d. vance's wife. >> kayleigh: must watch. >> steve: 10 before top of the hour, maverick city music performs next. >> kayleigh: let's check in with dana perino for what is coming up. >> we will follow your lead. you have had a great show. evan gershkovich is home and one editor is here with us this morning as we celebrate his
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release. white house juggles several foreign policy crisis. and will kamala harris answer reporter questions, day 12 no questions. and women's boxing, we have big energy on friday and we'll see you at 9:00. “billathi askara” by björn jason lindh ♪ [metal creaking] [camera zooming] ♪ [window slamming] woman: [gasps] [dog barking] ♪ woman: [screams] ♪ [explosion] [explosion] ♪ [lock clicks shut]
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5:54 am
here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r
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and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browsel but it blocks cookies and creepy ads that follow youa and other companies. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> the crowd is chanting jesus lives. give it up for maverick city music. [cheering] ♪ ♪ thank you, jesus, for leading us. i'm living, believing proof that things can change. and that the saving gift of grace, it really stays. ♪ with all the twists and turns on my mista mistakes, how i made i
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over, you were the only way. i'm not perfect. don't always get it right. i rather walk by faith, not by my foolish sight. ♪ lead me on. lead me on. lead me on. please lead me on. it's not me i'm leaning on. lead me on. ♪ ♪ oh, jesus, keep believing leading me. this is my story. i put one foot in front of the other. yes, sir. yeah. ♪ i won't ever look back. no, no, no. whatever you have for me is
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better. so i'll let go of my past. yeah. i know that the future is nothing to be. ♪ ♪ i know that you are holding it in your hand. yes, you are. yes, you are. what you have for me is better is, better and you will lead me on. ♪ ♪ you will lead me on. you will lead me on. it's not me i'm leaning on. lead me on. oh, jesus, oh, jesus. ♪ this is our prayer today. oh, jesus, believe it.
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without you, we have nowhere to go. keep believing. ♪ come on. because i'm no good on my own. i don't know where else to go. i really don't. i really don't. ♪ ♪ [cheering] ♪ ♪ >> the prodigal son has reed home, please keep leaning. >> good morning, on friday, it is 9:00 a.m. in new york city. this was


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