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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 2, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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(♪) (♪) sandals rhythm and blues caribbean sale is now on. visit or call 1-800-sandals. this weekend. in the meantime, that'll do it for us here. let's go to "the five." ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody.
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i'm jesse watters on the judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, kennedy, and jimmy failla. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ the liberal media is head over heels for kamala harris but fear the vp could break their heart wants voters to paying attenti attention. >> kamala mania. kamala mania. just energy, energy, energy. she has not done any major interviews. optioning for her to do well there are not. she certainly has a chance to debate trump yet. there are things in the running but where she is right now, sometimes the person makes the moment and sometimes the moment makes a person. this was a moment that was crying out for some kind of breakthrough, some kind of hope. >> jesse: now while kamala has been getting glowing media reviews, she has not answered reporters question since democrats tossed biden aside and anointed her the nominee. until last night when she was
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forced to speak off-the-cuff and operative up one of her word salads. watch. >> this is extorted there he testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding significant diplomacy. >> jesse: her team later tried to cover up or nonsentences by tweeting out a completely different quote with apparently what she meant to say. and now, president trump and j.d. vance are directly calling out the media for constantly putting harris up on a pedestal. >> now the media has taken over and they are trying to make her into margaret thatcher, but i don't think that's going to work. she was the worst vice president. she was the most unpopular and least respected vice president in the history of our country, and now what's happened is the press is strong to make her popular. >> kamala harris is a chameleon. goes to georgia, raised in canada come up with on a fake
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southern accent. she has everything to everybody and pretends to be something different depending on which audience she is in front of her >> jesse: now as part of kamala's rebrand, the vp is completely ditching biden's campaign advisors and running to replace them with obama campaign veterans. jessica tarlov, you know how sometimes when trump talks off prompter, -- >> jessica: sometimes? [laughs] >> jesse: some of us get okay, where are we going here? when kamala harris talks without a teleprompter, how does that make you feel? be honest, jessica. >> jessica: now i have to totally change my answer. [laughter] she doesn't always do great. and everybody knows that. and the people who are voting for her know that, and it's the job of the people who are running on the other side to be making more out of those moments and seeing if you can pick off independent voters with that because this is now a base election. democrats are thrilled with what's going on. we are donating money.
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the biggest fundraising month in history. $310 million, two-thirds of those are new donors, people are jazzed, we are ready to go, and it's going to be a couple hundred thousand people in 5-6 states that are deciding this so keep running it on a loop but that is certainly not stopping any of us. j.d. vance calling kamala harris a chameleon when he is now running with a man who he said might be america's hitler is beyond comprehension. and for donald trump to be talking about how easy of a time that she is getting, she is just coasting by, he come at this point, is basically getting a free ride, like i said, electrocuting shark and all of -- no, it's true. >> jesse: whether you want to get eaten by a shark or electrocuted by your ev. >> jessica: oh, i didn't realize that. well, that all that makes sense. donald trump is really flailing at this particular moment.
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he has spent the week trying to post pictures of kamala's indian family to claim that means she isn't black, and kamala harris has been barnstorming all over the country. she had a huge rally in atlanta, and like i said, the enthusiasm is up and the forecast now are even slightly favoring her, rasmussen, trump's favorite pollster, has her up five points. it is a good week for kamala harris and not a good week for donald trump. >> jesse: okay, judge jeanine. >> judge jeanine: she is in a honeymoon period. i mean, there is no question about it. i want to say, will the real kamala harris please stand up? we have been suggested for the last three and a half years to a word salad, and of course in her first unscripted comment since she became the designated candidate, now she is officially the designated candidate, the first one was a word salad, you know, when you don't know what to say, you just keep repeating what you just said. even her own campaign had to come out and clean it up. it reminded me of the joe biden cleanup team. she is inauthentic.
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she is bizarre. she cackles. we don't know what her public persona is. and that's just talking about what we are seeing on the outside. now she's adopting republican talking points. now she believes in fracking, which she didn't believe in fracking, and now it's like all of a sudden we've got -- we are not going to mandate that we take away your guns. she doesn't want the single-payer health care anymore. now she is like a republican. i don't know what she is. so when she adopts these republican positions, when she has an accent in a state she never grew up in, i agree with van jones. venture was as worried. he is worried for good reason. >> jesse: do you believe this is a tight race and it's going to come down to just a couple handful of voters and a few key swing states? >> kennedy: yeah, i think the race is going to swing like the swing states. i think trump's going to be up a little bit. i think she's going to be up a
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little bit. and i think what it's going to come down to in the end, when people are either early voting or in the folding booth, they are going to think about how they're going to feed their families, and for a lot of people, these two candidates are so unique and hysterical because we swapped in kamala harris, as big of a gaffe machine as joe biden. when you watch president trump, you spit out your coffee because you cannot believe what he just said, but don't worry, you're not going to go hungry because she feeds you a constant word salad and you are not going to unring that bell anytime soon. she will continue to say stupid things. she will be incapable of defending her own record. if she could defend her record, she would have been able to handle the tulsi gabbard jiu-jitsu she served up to her during the 2020 race. any time her record is truly challenged by someone, she gets this sour post look on her face and then she cackles and then she gets really serious and then she says something stupid.
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so we need to put her in a position where she is going to be much more honest about her inability to defend the incomprehensibly bad decisions she made as d.a., attorney general, senator, and vice president, because she has a god-awful record interpersonal peccadilloes are nothing in comparison to her trailer failures. other than that, i think she's great. >> jesse: other than that, she's great. do you think kamala harris is smart? >> jimmy: [laughs] speaking as a guy who went to community college and majored in the new atari, i feel like that is a trick question. she has a major fundraising advantage because they can charge people to get out. can't do that with a traditional candidate. this time they are hitting her on the back end. here is the real performance art of this, and we know it to be true, and i'm not wrong to make it all about me and my saturday night tv show, watch 10:00 p.m. eastern o o on fox news channel. we coined a phrase last week, fake momentum. it was not a good week for the
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people -- you know they don't believe in her or they wouldn't be making effort to strike her record clean pure and we are a day away from the media saying she was never vp, okay? they disavowed everything she has ever done. i think the challenge for her is to minimize her actual exposure and let the myth building be done by the media. if it really does come down to the candidate, there is no chance i don't think she's going to win because they don't think she's going to win. if they thought she was strong, biden would have been pushed out of here like a year ago. that's why i think this is going to end with the surge coming face-to-face with reality, which is she is, harris, for whatever that means, smart, not smart, she is that thing. >> jesse: i don't think she has that smart. she has not smart, everyone knows she is not smart. even she knows she is not that smart, jessica. dr. mack when you hear about the obama team, now taking over, dot
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make you feel happy, does that make you feel worried, what do you think? >> jessica: it is not the obama team, it is david plouffe, that is a smart higher. coming on as a senior advisor. she hasn't pushed jen o'malley dillon out, using the same pollsters. the infrastructure is still there but she wants as many talented smart people who have gotten democrats elected as possible in her orbit p or i think it makes a ton of sense. and he will be a great influence on this. you want as many people -- this is what we always say with the clips of james carville. might have been races in the 90s he won but anyone who has managed to pull this off, it's an incredible feat to get someone elected president of the united states of america. you want them as close to you -- why are you looking weirdly? >> judge jeanine: something in my ear, it has nothing to do with you. >> jessica: oh, nice. anyway, i think it is a great move. >> jesse: okay, we will see how it plays out. jessica, thanks for your
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contributions. up next, the secret service finally facing the media and revealing stunning details on the security failures that nearly killed donald trump. ♪ ♪ bass pro shops and cabela's stands tall in our unwavering commitment to honoring our heroes. we extend our gratitude... beyond words... by proudly offering a legendary salute discount to those who protect our freedoms. our dedication to those who selflessly serve us runs deep within our dna. it's not just a discount... it's a commitment to making a difference. because every day is a chance for us to say thank you. bass pro shops and cabela's... your adventure starts here. somebody would ask her something and she would just walk right past them. she didn't know they were talking to her. i just could not hear. i was hesitant to get the hearing aids because of my short hair. but nobody even sees them. our nearly invisible hearing
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: the acting secret service director making shocking admissions over the agency's failure to protect donald trump from a would-be assassin. the director promising to get tough on his agents who made mistakes without actually saying the word firing. learning new details on what happened in those critical moments leading up to the shooting. >> the secret service counter sniper teams nor members of the former president security detail had any
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knowledge that there was a man on the roof of the agr building with a firearm. >> just to clarify, u.s. secret service snipers did not have radio communications. >> not with the local, not with the local cs folks that were providing support p >> if, in fy violations and they are substantiated, those employees will be held accountable. >> jessica: a veteran secret service agent telling fox that management needs to be held accountable while calling them "the kings of the cover-up. three things that failed us in butler were lack of communication, which is a leadership issue, lack of personnel, a leadership issue, lack of technology come also a leadership issue. judge come i want to come to you first on the transmission issue. we talked about this earlier in the week. your thoughts on their lack of thinking? >> judge jeanine: first let me make a generic comment. this guy rowe is a bureaucrat --
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he is a bureaucratic, bloviating, okay? all he says is yeah, we made mistakes, it was a bad day, but we really don't know what happened -- are you kidding me? it's been 20 days and say former president was literally shot and you have no answers? and if there were policy violations, a person will be held accountable. you can't figure out if there were policy violations? was there a staging area? was there a meeting? was in charge of communications? i don't want to hear from you. you only want to save your job. i want to hear from the heads of the different departments that were involved in the threat assessment assignments and the personnel assignments and whether or not individuals who were on the ground had any communication with the secret service on the stage. because even the secret service was in danger because of the ineptitude of this guy, and i don't want to hear from him
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anymore. he has no answers. a 20-year-old outsmarted the united states secret service, which apparently is a three billion-dollar federal agency. i don't want to go over it again. the kids on the roof, he's walking on the roof, people are yelling, there is a guy on the roof, the kid got the gun there. the secret service refused to have a drone with the locals. there was no -- local cops have a staging area local cops have communications where we are on the same frequencies. this is, this is -- it is outrageous, and i think this guy has got to go, i can't even. i can't say it. because i can't say on television. >> jessica: well you have to set it, so we got the meeting. >> judge jeanine: didn't you get the meaning >> president biden: >> jessica: i got the meaning. can we play the part about the drones? >> we did not have a drone on site. we did not put a drone up. based on the information i have right now, i am aware that there was a request from a local
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agency to offer to fly a drone on that day, and that is also part of the mission assurance review to get better insight in. one of the other changes i implemented when i became the acting director is we are now going to leverage the use of unmanned aerial systems at sites now. >> jessica: do you feel relieved now, jesse, that we are going to -- >> jesse: what? >> jessica: use some drones? >> jesse: why if someone is offering you a free drone do you turn it down? that doesn't make any sense. hey, here is a drone you can spy on people trying to kill the president. no? no thanks? it doesn't make any sense be at he also said, jessica, this was the first time they have ever hr donald trump in this election. they didn't use them in the bronx? when he had high-rises surrounding him in the bronx? they didn't have any counter snipers in the bronx? in wildwood, new jersey, with
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100,000 people by the coastline? and the boardwalk didn't have any counter snipers? this was the first time, donald trump, this election cycle, ever had counter snipers, and they are saying it was only because there was an iranian threat against his life? there has been an iranian threat against his life since he waxed soleimani. i don't even believe that. i believe they denied this and all of these whistle-blowers are saying these were denied requests. there is another whistle-blower that said there was a request for a secret service threat assessment agents, and that guy, rowe, the come as judge soap politely describes him, personally cut these secret service agents that were supposed to do the threat assessment. that is absolutely crazy. how do you not know there is a guy on the roof and you are using text messaging? three billion-dollar agency, guy on a roof with gun. what? that's not how you communicate. >> jessica: jimmy, do you
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think there will be a change in the way campaigning is going to happen for the rest of the election? >> jimmy: i hope not because i think it shows weakness on a world stage. we don't run this joint anymore but don't worry because the acting director is actually getting trump this new technology called a scarecrow, going to have a scarecrow at every rally. it is so embarrassing to me that nobody gets fired. i think it is the biggest problem with government and the best argument be having a private-sector guy in there come a guy in the private sector, the ceo doesn't want to own anyone else's failures. downstream. so you fire them for your own credibility with the people you're trying to lead. nobody gets fired, you know i mean? generals didn't get fired in afghanistan, mayorkas should be fired for the border, kim cheatle only stepped down because the sloped roof. it demonstrates weakness across the board and i hate admitting to the world we are not safe and we do not know what we are doing, it's gross.
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>> jessica: kennedy, what do you think? >> kennedy: i think he is kim cheatle in eight high. answers just as unsatisfactory and unserious. according to the whistle-blowers he had more of a hand, not just drones, but also the program throughout, he made these massive cuts, it makes you go, oh, maybe there is a reason you have all of this technology, so you can communicate, so you can see everything that's going on, and we are learning one of those drones could have spotted and neutralized the shooter appeared i'm not sure exam we what that means. i'm fascinated by the concept because i want to know more about the technology. we are also learning more about the agency itself from the whistle-blowers who are either in the agency and worried about retaliation and are coming forward. two to senators like josh hawle, anonymously, people used to be senior agents, this is what we have been screaming about for years. these shoddy hiring practices.
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this forced dei. the nepotism. the agents, you know, prospective agents who fail polygraph tests but are somehow whisked right into the agency, when they don't have the background, the proper training, and they shouldn't be the ones who are protecting the lives of residents, vice president, former presidents and their families. and it's not a republican issue. democrats should be scared, as well. you better make sure >> jessica: any five sure you are protecting people at these campaign events and also not saying man, we are rethink in everything, we are be think things out, we are five layers where we only have two go before and this is where we really screwed up but you are nt hearing that. the mission assurance and we are giving it a little bit of a rethink. i wonder why the secret service has a 30% approval rating. this is the problem with federal law enforcement peter go your people on the ground and the fbi and secret service and elsewhero want to do their jobs and want to do it well. then you have figureheads who
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are screwing everybody and only out for themselves and give entire agencies a bad name. >> jessica: all right. other than that, everything is fabulous. >> jimmy: it's a jon bon jovi song, "you give secret service agents a bad name" your >> jessica: coming up, the only picks claiming boxers beating up female fighters are the real victims. ♪ ♪ hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit.
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international limbic limbic committee responding to the outrage by painting the boxers, get this, as victims. >> we try to take -- actually address the issues and think about the people, the individuals concerned. >> judge jeanine: unbelievable purely algerian boxer whose brutal punchers ended a matching just 46 seconds has advanced to the next round, as well, where the next opponent says she is up for the challenge. "i'm not scared. i don't care about the press story and social media. if she or he is a man, it will be a bigger victory for me if i win." okay, i'm going to start with you, jessica. whatever happened to follow the science? this guy -- women, these two women who were apparently both disqualified from boxing last
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year by the international boxing association, they have an xy chromosome. women have an xx chromosome. men have an ex-wife. y ex-wifes about to beat and box expects? >> jessica: the problem with this is the international boxing association never showed proof of what test they administered. they said they administered a sex test. they admitted in a statement it wasn't a testosterone test which is what you would have had. the head of that alleged the boxers had xy chromosomes with no proof of that, and these two women have lived their entire lives as women, identified as women at birth. there has been no conversation about them being, certainly transgender, which we should note is illegal in algeria anyway, or even intersects. that is what the olympic committee is saying and it should also be noted the only big committee has banned the international boxing association, which is largely known to be quite corrupt, from
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even judging boxing competitions. they don't work with them anymore or recognize any of their rulings, which is why these two women are allowed to compete. and the italian boxer who got punched out in the 46 seconds has apologized for her behavior. she was crying about it, saying i should have absolutely shook her hand, and i feel terrible about this. so i -- you have broad agreement that men should not be playing in women's sports. you want to talk about lia thomas or someone who did go through puberty, for instance, that's one thing, but that's not the case here with these two female boxers. >> judge jeanine: but if you have the xy chromosome, our new -- >> jessica: but there is no truth to that. >> jimmy: that's pathetic. anyway you slice it, even if it doesn't perfectly fit under the umbrella of men versus women, and it doesn't, i concede, but the point is from a genetic standpoint, they were allowed to get in the ring where one person had a genetic advantage over the other. and a bigger affront to that is i wasn't even allowed to bet on it, okay? if we are going to do this -- >> jessica: why is it a genetic advantage -- if we do
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not have proof that either of them have xy chromosomes, but we have a testosterone test, why isn't it just a really tall, built woman against -- like the rugby player accused of being male, is also. >> judge jeanine: how about the ioc's own policy that says they can have an evidenced-based approach to exclude athletes, and if there is a consistently unfair, disproportionate advantage, or if it is unpreventable risk to the safety of others, wouldn't we have to wait for them to kill somebody? >> jimmy: i mean, that's the concern. the reason we got here really quickly as they created a massive gap between what people believed to be true and what they are willing to say in public. we have always known men shouldn't be competing against women, but that narrative people were afraid to stand up to until men were already competing against women is why we wound up here, okay? and people are afraid to police this. the girl who lost the fight is also apologizing because she feels some shame in being in the middle of a culture war, i don't
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doubt, so i think it is just unfair to female athletes and whatever ensures a level playing field for them is what we should be pursuing. >> judge jeanine: you know, kennedy, why should these young women, boxers, be subject to the vagaries of what they call dsd, you know, the sexual differences that may happen with some of the candidates, that we can't really understand? why should they be subjected to this? >> kennedy: well, we have a science, and if we don't, then we need to develop better testing. the ioc needs to be the body that embraces that and funds it, from the get-go, because there are too many outstanding questions, and people do need to be protected. and i'm sorry, but testosterone puts you at a great advantage -- >> judge jeanine: absolutely. >> kennedy: whether it's natural -- and it's not their fault if their bodies make more testosterone. if there are chromosomal differences, that is not their fault, and they shouldn't be punished for that. they should not be dragged through the public square and
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have their names so lead. that's on the ioc. but for the ioc to say the only test we have, it says female on their passport, i'm sorry, but that's not enough. unless you are going to allow these female boxers to juice with a little bit of testosterone on their own to level the playing field, then you have to have better testing so you protect all of the athletes so we don't get to the point where you publicly embarrass them. that's also, that's unforgivable. but you know what else is worse? these olympics are so bizarre. there is a dutch beach volleyball player who is a child rapist, who is being portrayed as the victim here, when he was 19, he went to a different country, groomed a 12-year-old girl on facebook, went to her home country, and raped her, we want to keep him out of the village because we want to protect him. >> judge jeanine: jesse come isn't the ioc in some way responsible for their inability, if they are not clear, that it
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looks to me like women are being beaten in a socially acceptable way, that they shouldn't have this. if they are not capable of identifying who is a man versus who is a woman. >> jesse: i agree. they probably got greased. and all of these international olympic committees are corrupt. and whenever you have a trans situation in anything, it gets a lot of publicity, so they are probably thinking this is great publicity. we are now in a point where we are about to give gold medals for men beating up women. we might have a golden silver medalist who just beat up a bunch of women. they're going to stand up on the podium and get metals hung around their neck for punching girls in the face. >> jessica: they are not men for >> jesse: they are men. everybody knows they are men, jessica. if trump were president, he would slap algeria with sanctions. harris supports this. title ix rewrite supports this.
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and if she is elected, they are going to have a summer games in l.a., her home state, and she is probably going to have not only a very strange opening ceremony with a lot of transgender people, probably try to up the paris people -- just kidding, jessica, that was just about a greek tragedy -- and she will probably have all men in the women's competition. that's kamala's america. >> judge jeanine: the amazing thing -- >> jessica: the opening ceremony, you admitted that earlier in the week. >> judge jeanine: the amazing thing -- >> jessica: not trans. >> judge jeanine: if they were disqualified in 2023. you want to talk about the international boxing association being corrupt, the ioc is just as corrupt. but they've got their morals backwards. they are calling these people victims. they are not victims. they are perpetrators. they are abusers, and they are allowed to destroy the dreams of young women who have worked their whole lives to get there. shame on them. >> jesse: we stand with women, jessica. >> judge jeanine: that's
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♪ ♪ >> kennedy: and a dress! sing it with me. low record is not the only thing she shouldn't be worried about. the newly resurfaced opinion piece written by the father of a former harris intern reveals the eye-opening month his son spent working for her when she was california attorney general. he wrote of his son's experience, "tender harris openly throws around f-bombs and other profanity constantly in her prorating of staff and others. gregory, the son, was also given instructions to never address harris, nor look her in
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the eye as that privilege was only allowed to senior staff members." disgusting. i added that word. and former harris staff returned msnbc host symone sanders hinted she might not have had the best experience working for kamala either. watch. >> one day at work, ma'am, you might be the last woman i work for. [laughter] >> a story there. >> it's a lot. >> kennedy: oh, there is story there. jimmy, allegedly, when she walked into the room as attorney general, according to this op-ed written by a democrat, with a democrat son, said everyone was instructed to stand and salute her, good morning, general. is that weird? >> jimmy: the judge makes us do that when we come here. [laughter] she's not going to out everybody, everybody has their own customs be a glad love this story because it confirms what we all mowed to be true. kamala is the ellen degeneres
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of politics. ellen had the mantra of be kind but when the door said it was be careful, throwing chairs, be no mike beat people up. the story, mccarthy, biden used to start meetings without her. the news here is biden was leading the meeting. but the point is, this is what i come back to about kamala. the media is selling someone who doesn't exist and at some point the jig is going to be up, so my money is still on big donald. >> kennedy: all right. jesse, why did she have such a high turnover rate with her staff? higher than president biden or president trump, higher than any vice president, including -- generally. >> jesse: is there something i need to know, something you are hinting? if people don't like her, they don't like to work for her, and the people who know her best hate her, they wanted to leave and not be around her anymore. 92% turnover is a lot of a lot of turnover. >> kennedy: it's very high.
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>> jesse: these are people that are supposed to be loyal. these are people that are supposed to walk across hot coals for this person. when they wanted i would. she is just an average woman, kennedy. she is an average, mediocre person, who avoids fixing things because she doesn't want any attention that's negative. she doesn't try that hard, and then when she does not try, she gets in trouble for not trying, and then she yells at everybody else. she likes wine. she likes food. she likes to dance. she is your typical girl girl, talks behind everybody's back and says nice things to your face. she is not at the level of what you would think would be a president. she is just too mediocre to be president. >> kennedy: very interesting. you know, she has a couple characteristics that sound pretty unsavory. this is coming from democrats, she is both insecure and unprepared, and then when she fails through her insecurity and
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unpreparedness, she is really mean to people who could have prepared her if she just let them into her heart. >> jessica: so some of these things will matter, and some of them won't be a go i think there is a double standard applied to tough bosses, like someone, but we are don't look at me that way stuff, i remember when they tried to make -- >> kennedy: that's right, she is a woman so we cannot criticize her. >> jessica: i'm just saying what i think will resonate and what won't resonate. saying she is a mean boss won't resonate. saying she is unprepared will resonate. that when you have people who say i brought her three people and she wouldn't read it and then she was pissed at me, those speak to your ability to e job. whether you are a bit of a jerk in the office is not going to. >> kennedy: is it important to be good to people if you want to be president? >> judge jeanine: it is important to be good to people
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if you're running an office or if you want to succeed as a leader and you want the office to represent you, in your best light, you work to make sure everyone in that office is doing the best job that they can, and it never comes from "do not look me in the eye, only senior people can look at me." look, she is abusive. she had a very toxic workplace. she came in with the biden administration, part of unity team, they were going to unify, and she consistently has appeared as that kind of person, not meeting with kevin mccarthy when she was apparently in the senate, she didn't want to engage in any kind of communications with the other side. she is vicious. when you have a 92% dropout rate, when you start 47 people started working for her three and a half years ago and only four of them are left, and they all say the same thing, that
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she's abusive, she curses them out, she belittles them, she makes them feel like garbage, this is not a woman should lead 350 americans when she can't lead 47 people. >> kennedy: 92% dropout, that is a california high school. >> jimmy: like an episode of "survivor" but they are voting themselves off the island. >> kennedy: "fan mail friday" is up next. stay with us. ♪ ♪ (bell ringing) someone needs to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! (inaudible sounds) (elevator doors opening) wait, there's an elevator? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ after careful review of medical guidance and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simple: every home should have salonpas. powerful yet non-addictive. targeted and long-lasting. i recommend salonpas. it's good medicine. ♪ hisamitsu ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jimmy: there it is. def leppard. still touring. still touring at their age. it is "fan mail friday." we are going to start with the k train and go right around the horn. instagram question from cato underscore judy, he girl. kennedy, what was written in your high school yearbook that can be set on tv? >> kennedy: that's a great question. hags, have a great summer, and i was voted most likely to be a talk show host. >> jimmy: is that true? >> kennedy: yes. in the senior poll. >> jimmy: they didn't drug test back then. what was in your yearbook? >> jesse: i put something i
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wanted in my yearbook, improvise, adapt, overcome, like the seal team model, and they screwed it up. it was improved, adapt, overcome. you would think they would have better editors for a yearbook. this is there for life. i'm still upset about it. >> jimmy: only using that slogan as a plan to get into bars to underage drink. improvise. exactly. j.t., what's in the yearbook? >> jessica: we didn't have that. we made our own page, so i had tons of pictures of friends and family, but no. >> jimmy: did no one sign your yearbook? >> jessica: they signed, nice things come have a great summer. >> jimmy: judge, what was in the judges? >> judge jeanine: i didn't have a senior year. >> jessica: she graduated early. >> jimmy: were you a doogie howser? some of us had two, so i may not be kidding hear, hear we go. how do you feel about seeing yourself on tv? >> kennedy: i hate it. i never watch anything that i'm
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on. >> jesse: i don't watch. i definitely do not watch. >> judge jeanine: go ahead, i want to hear the next question. >> kennedy: when you watch yourself, do you think it is me? >> jessica: sometimes. my voice is terrible. >> judge jeanine: don't watch it, can't stand it. >> jimmy: as a former cabdriver, i think it's cool but then it gets scary because i own a lot of people money. >> judge jeanine: next question. >> jimmy: ioa lot of people money and they know where to find me. that's it. >> jesse: one more. >> jimmy: "one more thing" is next. what the heck? one more thing. ♪ ♪ can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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and now we have a high speed chase in los angeles. where else? we've got cops chasing this dirtbag going 80 after an armed robbery. >> look at this guy flying in. >> he burns this little miata. then where does he go? of course he pops out. he's on the run foot pursuit. oh, well, we don't show the foot pursuit, but the dog's good. that means it didn't end well. he'll probably be out in a week. it's l.a. kamala's v.p. pick leaks tonight at 8:00. >> judge jeanine pirro. okay. have you ever been totally exhausted at the end of a week? and you can't wait to get into bed? all right. take a look at this toddler who felt the same way. she was doing everything she could to get into that crib. >> look at her. watch this. she takes it down. oh, she's okay. it's like, oh, oh. >> she's fine. she's wearing a helmet, and i'm doing hannity tonight. so i'll be on hannity if you want to watch that tonight. all right, jessica.
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okay. so during a driving crackdown in the u.k., a man was caught red handed showing underage is okay, trimming his beard as he's driving and got to look good on the campaign trail. >> yeah, millions don't have beards. >> listen, i'm not i'm not impressed. as a cab driver. i gave you that. >> shooting at your toenails. i seen something. >> oh, all right. i've shaved my legs behind the wheel. multifaceted. well, one woman is very lucky to have escaped with her life. there was a hot air balloon that had quite an incident over an ohio home. yeah, a nest cam caught this footage of a hot air balloon plummeting into a neighborhood ,almost taking out those two passers by. it ran out of fuel and was blown nilly. from cleveland all the way to athens, ohio, pretty much now, that was a scintillating
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balloon. >> yeah. so that that was a balloon blunder is what that was. description. very terrifying. >> all right, jimmy, let's try to keep it that way. how bout it? well, first and foremost, fox news saturday night, tomorrow night, 10:00 eastern standard time, i carried this show. i'm going to carry that one. isn't that how this where i kid? i can't listen to the ego on this guy? all right, listen to me. >> here we go. great dad. prank. who doesn't love a good dad prank, right? so a colorblind dad was concerned that he wasn't going to be able to spot his suitcase at the airport, so his daughter pranked him, put his face on it, and put some font on it. >> and it's a hilarious story, but it doesn't have a happy ending because the daughter's luggage was stolen by sam brinton, so she had nothing to wear. >> so fun just punking colorblind people or blind people, just parking those comedian blind guy. yes. e watt >>er see you guys later. >> welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonightters pr


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