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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  August 3, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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♪ joey: it's the 9 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend starting with this, defense secretary lloyd austin revokes the plea deal for accused 9/11 terrorists, and he relieves the defense official who signed off on it. rachel: and a astronaut of emergency in 54 -- or state of emergency in 54 counties in florida as a hurricane watch is issued along the gulf coast. what you need to to know if you're in that area. will: plus, the the white house race heating up with trump and vance rallying in the same venue harris was at days ago a, and could governor shapiro be harris' vp pick? we'll show you the video that makes us wonder. the the final hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. ♪ oh, sometimes i get a good feeling, yeah. ♪ i get a feeling that i never,
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never knew i had before, no, no ♪ rachel: all right. well, good morning, everybody. you're in the last hour of "fox & friends." i'm here with my friend will cain and my friend joey in for pete this mom,. this morning, and we're happy to be here. 9:00 a.m. eastern time. this went fast. will: beautiful summer morning there in south carolina. beautiful summer vacation for a couple of us. pete's still on vacation. joey: will, you once said that jacksonville -- will: i did, we talked about it. don't repeat -- joey: i'm putting myself on the hot spot now. myrtle beach, south carolina, is the place i -- i only made two beach trips growing up, and that's kind of like if walmart were a beach -- [laughter] i get it. i love both of those places, and i fit in very well in both of those places. la half. rachel: the most profitable
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walmart in wisconsin is in hayward, wisconsin, which is where i was, which is a beautiful resort area. my husband's from that town. we have a little cabin on the lake there, and we spent our -- most of the month of june concern i'm sorry, of july with up there, back can forth. the kids were there the whole time. i also got to go fishing with my dad, with my son and my brother-in-law who's a fishing guide. you can see him there in the back, timmy. i didn't catch much. i sat in the back and read a book -- [laughter] and watched and enjoyed the beautiful with lake scenery. look, that's what i caught when i got in there. [laughter] what a great time. there's nothing like being in northern wisconsin in the summer. it's truly the most beautiful place. joey: it looks beautiful. rachel: i mean, i know you like hawaii. women will i'm not a northern person. it's lilley -- literally not on my map. i really am. rachel: pete has stayed at the cabin -- joey: and maybe i'll get invited one day.
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rachel: i have a feeling you actually might enjoy it more. this is hunting and fishing area. joey: i'm there tomorrow. i'm ready. [laughter] rachel: well, today former president donald trump and vice presidential nominee j.d. vance will head to georgia to rally voters. will: meanwhile, the harris campaign is making major changes to her staff. joey: madeleine rivera is live in washington. >> reporter: good morning. former president trump and his running mate, j.d. vance, are back in atlanta hoping to win back the battleground state of georgia which democrats had almost all but sidelined until kamala harris became the the spectrum tuf nominee. she officially won the title after the democratic national committee says she secured a majority of delegates in a virtual roll call. >> i would not be on this call right now and with you all were it not for your support and your trust for which i am deeply grate ifful. i am honored to be the presumptive democratic nominee for president of the united
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states. >> reporter: harris is shaking up her campaign staff. former obama campaign manager and obama white house senior adviser david plouffe is among those joining the ranks. the hirings come as she continues vetting potential running mates. per the associated press, the vice president is interviewing half a dozen potential candidates this weekend. possible contender, minnesota governor tim walz, is heading to new hampshire on sunday. others like kentucky governor andy beshear and pennsylvania governor josh shapiro canceled their weekend travel plans. philadelphia's mayor sparked some confusion on social media when she released this video on her instagram account -- >> and josh shapiro -- >> josh shapiro -- >> josh shapiro for vice president. now, we need you. >> reporter: fox is told the mayor did not scoop the vice president announcement and that she was simply supporting the potential vice presidential candidacy. harris' campaign saying in part we do not expect to have
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additional updates until the vice president announces who will be serving as the next vice president of the united states. harris and her vp pick will hit ten battleground states next week. will, rachel and joey. rachel: we may have been on vacation over the last couple of weeks, will and joey, but i tell you, people are talking about politics. everywhere i went, people want to know what's going on and just saying i've never seen anything like this. the news cycle just doesn't stop, and things that we thought would never be possible in america, assassination attempts on donald trump, all a kinds of administrative campaign coups, you know, getting rid of joe biden, you know, putting in kamala harris and here we are now looking at who she might pick as she's now been installed as the democrat candidate and nominee for president. you had salena zito in who's
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from a very important swing state, pennsylvania, and here's what she had to say about the possibility of josh shapiro, the governor of pennsylvania, being selected as kamala's vp. listen. >> i think for shapiro there are some risks but also opportunities to do this. he was very successful in 2022 in winning a large amount of votes including trump voters, in particular very important counties like erie county, beaver county, north hampton county. and it's because he's a very good political athlete in terms of running as a moderate. it's not as though shapiro, if he is picked, will be at the top of the ticket. so making that argument of detach thing shapiro-trump voters to his side is going to be a challenge because of her left views on immigration, on
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fracking, on the economy, right? if he doesn't pull her to the middle, she pulls him to the left. will: that's on pennsylvania governor josh shapiro becoming what looks to be the front-runner for kamala harris' running mate. joey: yeah. and i guess the map dictates. you know, it's always been conventional wisdom that your vp is someone hog bring a state or money that a you can't. i think we see a little bit of that with j.d. vance. when they first announced him, they said he would be parked in the midwest looking at pennsylvania, wisconsin. but i don't think she's made up her mind yet. there's social media campaigns in every direction, i liked the term political athlete. jumping hurdles, dodging here and there, painting yourself as a moderate. we've seen other democrats try to do that; tim kaine in virginia, joe manchin in west virginia and then they vote treatmently left. they -- extremely left.
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so i don't know that any of them on that list is going to help kamala look mored moderate. will: right. defense secretary lloyd austin has revoked a plea deal that would have taken the death penalty off the table for the accused mastermind of the the 9/11 attacks, khalid sheikh mohammed, and two other terrorists, they would have is pled guilty many all charge as. rachel: austin also relieving the defense official who signed off on the deal, apparently a general, saying in a saint that i have determined in light of the significance of entering into a pretrial agreement of the accused in the above referenced case, responsibility for such a decision should rest with me as a the superior convening authority. effective immediately, i hereby withdraw from the three pretrial agreements you signed. joey: the police benevolent association saying, quote, we are relieved and grateful, but the the job is not done the yet.
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these terrorists, who claimed so many lives, should receive the ultimate punishment. i think that's what's interesting to me, is it's hard for me to fathom, can and maybe i'm just a little bit too head in the clouds, that there was anybody in the military tribunal who said let's make it easier on these terrorists. i think the rules that we hold ourselves by and all of the fallout from guantanamo bay, i think there are probably those in that system that say we can't get the conviction we want, and that's why they looked at this plea deal. i worry now -- i think the good thing if they have a trial, i think more information comes out to us -- rachel: that's what i think about. if you have a trial, you have discovery, if you have discovery, you have truth. and i know this is something the 9/11 families have been looking for. i spoke with your guest, dennis mcginley, will, you had a fascinating interview with him, whether he thought declassifying the 9/11 files would happen. donald trump promised to do that during our interview that we had with him at bedminster, will,
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and he just said -- he seemed, i think, i guess you could say reluctant to believe that would actually happen might be the best way to -- will: he told me a story of when they got the news about this plea if deal because it hit their phones literally in the hours after they were in a courtroom in manhattan learning a lot of evidence about what exactly happened on 9/11. to your point, joey, what i gathered in my conversation with dennis mcginley whose brother died on 9/11, as much as they want the death penalty for those involved, they really want the trial to sec -- so they can get the evidence. >> i felt like i was having a nervous breakdown. i broke down crying because t like our department -- it's like our department of defense p our government is literally allowing these 9/11 terrorists to the inflict further trauma, further pain, further agonizing grief on the 9/11 families and the families of the first
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responders. we are relieved that secretary austin has revoked this, thank god. rachel: i think the question i have after listening to this interview, it was gut-wrenching to hear it. you can see the pain, you could hear the pain if coming from -- why count our government want to get -- why doesn't our government want to get to the bottom of this? why wouldn't we as a nation, all our members of congress, all our leaders in government, in the white house both the trump administration and the joe biden administration, why don't they want to know the truth? and i think that's what dennis is alluding to, that he feels like he, like the families are being stonewalled. he said that bill barr made this information more difficult to obtain after, you know, during the trump administration. why doesn't anybody want to get to the bottom of this? joey: it kind of falls in line with the controversy over the secret service right now which is the more you know concern maybe they do know, and it doesn't look good, so they don't want us to know. and i think there's a huge
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element of that in the 9/11 commission as well as, i guess, what will happen in this trial. i just hope we have access and that the information is made public. i think that justice for those family members is truth as much as it is the retaliation or the death penalty. i think the majority of them would be willing to por fit the opportunity for the -- forfeit the opportunity for the death penalty to get more truth. rachel: i believe that. joey: 222 decades later, i don't know that you get justice -- 22 decades. with the truth, you certainly do. will: meanwhile, a hurricane watch is being issued for the gulf coast, expected to strengthen into tropical storm debby later tonight. joey: fox weather storm specialist mike cito who is making his debut with the fox family is live from north reddington beach with. mike, if i said your last name
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wrong, go ahead and cent me. >> reporter: it's mike sigh dell, but it's okay. don't worry about it. i've been called worse -- [laughter] will: welcome to the family. >> reporter: thank you. we are here on the hot beach here in north reddington just outside of tampa. i can tell you today's one of those days where you're going to wish it would rain, and we're going to get some rain. heat index is already 91, a heat advisory for a lot of florida with values today hitting 110. with that said, we're watching the coast of cuba about 170 miles south of key west. it's tropical depression number 4, expected to become a drop carpal storm in the -- tropical storm, parallelling the coast tomorrow. the worst weather here in the tampa bay area will be tonight and tomorrow. the big concern here on the coast, storm surge of 2-4 feet. that'll put the entire beach underwater. hay tide tomorrow is about noon, so we'll see how that irons out.
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the other concern inland just off the beach is heavy rainfall, 6-10 inches. and because those eastern feeder bands are going to be lashing here on the florida coast, there could be a few quick tornado spin-off as. then it makes the turn northeast, landfall expected late tomorrow night on or monday morning in the big bend of florida, and it could even become a minimal ca category one hurricane at that point. so big impacts here with wind gusts 40 to 50 miles an hour, heavy rain, the surf up, the beach e erosion. then the big question is early next week the american mold sweeps it up to hatteras and out to sea, the european lets it sit off the georgia and south carolina coast which canned cause major, major issues. we'll figure that out in the next come of days. will, joey and rachel, back to you in new york. will: all right, mike, thank you so much. joey: yes, sir. will: turning now to the few additional headlines starting with this fox news alert, authorities are investigating
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after a florida deputy was killed and two others hurt when the sheriff says they were ambushed while responding to a disturbance outside of orlando last night. they were responding when they were alerted to another home nearby. the deputies were shot at after arriving. one dying after the sheriff said they were trapped. deputies found two, quote, assailants dead and a third hurt inside the home afterwards. no word on the identities of those three deputies or suspects. the plaintiff suing the state of hawaii, county of maui and several other -- are reached a $4 billion settlement, providing a payout to settle roughly 450 lawsuits. the settlement will, quote, help the people heal. the settlement comes near the 1-year anniversary of the tragic events. last year i was many paw by, i just returned question maui. i just returned again, as we approach the 11-year anniversary
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i'll bring you an update of where they are today in lahaina. rachel: [inaudible] will: absolutely not. that doesn't mean there hasn't been progress. it takes a lot to simply clear, so it has been cleared. roughly, mostly cleared one year later. justin timberlake's license is now suspended after he was arrested for dwi on long island back in june. timberlake appeared virtually, pleading not guilty to the charge. the judge ruling to suspend his license after a timberlake refused to take a breathalyzer test when he was pulled over by police. the next hearing for the case will be on august 9th. timberlake is not required to attend, and if those are your headlines. rachel: so you're practically, like, a local there in la hine. that practically, you've been going there every summer for decades -- la lahaina. are other people who aren't as tied to the mustn't going back? is tourism back? if. will: everyone talked about it, it was down somewhere between
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30-50%. rachel: so that's -- people are still going. will: yeah, but that's a big hit. there are many who oppose the return of tourism. i think it's probably a loud minority p but, yeah, that economy's hurting, to be honest. rachel: wow. will: elle tell you this, i'm not a natural optimist or maybe i am, i don't know, it's such a spirit of resilience. it's really crazy. you can be hit with so much devastation and be, like, that's what you have to do, man. you can't wallow -- joey: when when you're backed in a corner, you've got no choice but to fight out. rachel: love it. joey: the pentagon says it will ramp up protection in the middle east. general philip breedlove next on those imply if occasions. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test.
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♪ joey: tensions in the middle east rise. the pentagon announcing that the u.s. is ramping up its presence in the region after deadly strikes against major leaders of hamas and hezbollah. and biden saying it doesn't help with a possible ceasefire deal in gaza. let's bring in former nato supreme allied commander and retired u.s. air force general philip breedlove. general, thank you for joining us this morning. off the top here, what is your
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assessment of the situation in the middle east right now especially with u.s. assets heading that way? >> first of all, joey, thanks for having me on, and thanks for your service -- joey: yes, sir. thank you for yours. >> so it's, obviously, heating up. and what we, i think, always have to remember when we think about this part of the world and what is happening in and around israel is all roads begin in iran, and all roads end in iran. this is iran pushing at israel in many directions, and now israel responding. and the world and and especially the united states are looking to see how they can both defuse but also protect if iran does what it did earlier this year when it fired over 3000 missiles -- 300
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missiles and rockets at israel. joey: i've grown up hearing about a iran. the diplomacy around that a iran nuclear deal and things of this a nature, from your assessment, supreme allied commander of nato force, you understand the military capabilities of countries around the world. in your assessment, if iran and israel are at war, does israel have the the ability to fight that war without u.s. troops involved? >> i don't think that u.s. troops are going to be required. u.s. support in the form of naval and air forces might be required, but i find it highly unlikely that soldiers and marines would be required on the ground. joey: if we war game that the out, say maybe the u.s. and the u.k. are supporting israel directly, who comes with iran? how does this escalate into multi countries? >> well, clearly iran has its own group of supporters, and and
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iran increasingly is growing close to russia and those others such as china, north korea who are trying to form an axis of attack the towards western interests and specifically u.s. interests in this world. so i would expect that if this got protracted, iran would get some support from there. but, joey, let me just say i really don't think iran wants to fight israel, but they know they can't defeat them militarily. i think iran wants to to keep israel spun if -- spun if up, keep them killing and having a hard time in gaza because iran wants the world to defeat israel. iran wants the world to to pull back its support and the world to control israeli actions and, frankly, that's been working pretty good for 'em. suis joe you know, i asked those questions going into this because a lot of times people don't hear how does this play
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out, what is the real risk here. if we take a step back and go back to where we are today to, we have a president now who's a lame duck president for whatever that means, we have a vice president and a former president running for president. so three people involved in this in that way as far as what they would say hay do, what they have done and what they're doing. what is the right policy to stop this war from happening? when president biden and kamala harris say that the war, the potential war, what's happening in gaza needs to come to a close soon and then they back that up with telling benjamin netanyahu it means he needs to create a ceasefire by stopping his advance, president trump says something very similar is. he says it needs to stop very soon, but he supports israel through his record in what they're trying to do. what is the right policy? 40 do we -- how do we end this and not lose israel in the meantime? >> joey, if i could, i want to raise the vision here just a little bit and talk about how we fare in the whole world. i believe that we see deterrence
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failing, western defense -- deterrence is failing around the world because the world looks at the west's response to the its current challenges and sees it lacking or, certainly, not as strong as it has been in the past. we're being pressured in the south china sea, north korea firing missiles, iran pressuring all a around the waters, those important waters that carry oil and, frankly, russia is running amok in europe. moldova is under gray zone attack, georgia under fierce gray zone attack, a ukraine war that is horrific. and i think that what we in a a larger sense to what you asked me, we are losing deterrence around the world. and the west -- and i would say the u.s -- we have to regain that dedeference.
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joey: -- deterrence. joey: i agree. i don't know how we do do it, honestly, but i understand the necessity of it. general, thank you so much for joining us, and thank you again for your service. >> thank you. joey: yes, sir. all right. now to a fox weather alert. a hurricane watch is now being issued for the florida gulf coast. adam klotz is stracking the storm -- tracking the storm next. plus, senator marsha blackburn from tennessee is going to to join us. asy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. make more of what's yours.
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which means it's summer which means, yes, it is hurricane season. currently moving across portions of cuba, this is that system. really disorganized at this point. winds at 30 miles an hour, looks messy. we're expecting this to run into the gulf of mexico where the water's warm, and it's really going to come together. we've got cop central alerts up and down the -- tropical alerts up and down the west coast of florida, kind of lingering off the southern coast and working its way, ultimately, up to the florida big bend. you do see wind speeds increase, maybe even a weak hurricane by the time it makes landfall and drags itself across the southeast. rain is going to be bun of the main concerns even if this isn't making landfall where you live but you're in florida, you're probably going to see the impacts. one more graphic, the the rainfall totals. you start to see some of those reds, you're talking feet of rain. so this could be a big rainmaker, certainly something we're paying attention to. for you, tossing back inside to you, will.
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will: thank you, adam. the secret service's acting director owning up to the security lapses that led to the attempted assassination of donald trump. >> the secret service takes full respondent-- responsibility for the tragic vents of july 13th. if this was a mission failure. the sole responsibility of our agency is to make sure our protectees are never put in danger. we fell short of that in butler, and i'm working to make sure that this failure because not happen again. will: the agency's acting director went on to admit they knew about a suspicious person nearly half an hour before the first shot. tennessee senator marsha blackburn joining us now. senator, i want to ask you what you think about the acting director taking responsibility. i want to also tell you i had a conversation earlier with a former secret service agent saying the number of elements and places and moments of failure are almost too many to count, so much failure. it does kind of lead you to this, senator: how have there
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not been more attempts on presidents' lives over the past several decades? if the secret service has, you know, that much failure on a regular basis, i don't know how they've been able to protect presidents for the last three decades. >> will, you're right about this. that's the correct question to ask. now, how is it that they could have had this many errors in one event? if so is this failure systemic, or was this a one-off? if the secret service has 311 people -- 31 people they're responsible for protecting. they are former presidents, the current president and vice president, their families and some people in the administration who have been targeted. so that is the 31 is people they're responsible for. and i appreciate the acting director said they take full responsibility. we need full transparency. we need full accountability.
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because when the secret service messes up, it's not like somebody missed their case work quotas or hay blew their budget -- they blew their budget. when the secret service messes up, people die. and that is exactly what a you saw in butler, pennsylvania. will: senator, i'm just curious, i mow we're just beginning the process of an investigation, so you're just starting to get answers to your questions. do you have any inclination yet to the question you just put to us? is the problem systemic or is it one off in this instance with donald trump? >> i'm beginning to wonder if it is systemic. and, will, the reason for that is the whistleblowers that are coming forward. and, of course, when we did our hearing on wednesday, there was a whistleblower letter that came to us just prior to that hearing with some accusations about the culture at the secret service and how every supervisor is playing cya.
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now, i asked the acting director if he was boeing to hear out these his -- going to hear out these whistleblowers and protect them because if it is systemic, if they are politicizing this agency, we need to know that, there the needs to be some reforms, and i will tell you this, that press conference with the secret service should have been done saturday night, july 3th. july 13th. and the fact that it took them this long to have something they wanted to say publicly to the people of this country, that is unacceptable. will: well, if it is systemic, and i will say there'd be reason to believe something like that could be the case. we remember the stories, for example, was it brazil or colombia -- if it is systemic, it takes me back to that initial question. how is this a first attempt since ronald reagan that's gotten this close to harming a president or former president? i don't know the answer to that, but i do want to ask you about
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this as well. you're close to this issue. the department of justice suing tiktok and bytedance, parent company, for widespread violation of children's privacy laws. you just passed a bipartisan landmark legislation, it's 22.0 of the children's online safety act -- 2 200. i believe you raised the the age from 13 to 17 for kids you're trying to protect, and the allegation as right now is tiktok is not doing so. >> tiktok is -- they are so invasive into an individual's privacy. and, will, what they are doing, they're very egregious in how they scoop data. they transport this data to beijing, so when you have children that are on tiktok, tiktok goes all over their phone, into every app. they spoof that data, and basically what tiktok is doing is building a virtual you of each of their users. we know that tiktok is a
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surveillance too. it is a propaganda tool. so it is appropriate that doj would sue tiktok because of what they are doing to the privacy and the invasions of that privacy of the american people. will: all right. we'll keep an eye on that. senator marsha blackburn, thanks for being with us this morning. >> you got it. will: kamala harris gets enough delegates to secure the democratic nomination after hiding from the press and being anointed by democratic leaders. so is she copying biden's 2020 the playbooksome we'll ask that to joe concha coming up. ♪ lately i've been, i've been losing leap -- ♪ dreaming -- sleep,
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penetrating pain relief... ...with vicks vapors. (granddaughter laughing) vapofreeze your pain away. now at walmart. ♪ ♪ rachel: vice president kamala harris has now earned enough delegates to secure the democratic nomination, achieving that a feat despite never winning a primary. but you won't hear harris talking about it, she still hasn't held a formal press conference since emerging as the the productive nominee. it's a move that appears to to echo joe biden's lack of engagement back in 2020. so is she copying his campaign playbook? let's ask fox news contributor joe concha. it is the interesting, we're seeing these poll numbers showing that, you know, she's neck and neck with donald trump, but before this nomination she was at 28%. what's happening? if. >> precisely. i'm glad you brought up the aa
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priewl rating, because there's a new one out this morning, 39% job approval rating, she's the greatest candidate ever. isn't it ironic that the party that says only it can save us and save democracy has a candidate that in 2020 the didn't receive one vote as a presidential candidate, and now in 2024, to the your point, not one vote. and the media doesn't seem to care was they're dusting off the pom-poms too much, and it's just amazing that there is zero accountability for this candidate. that has changed positions more than, you know, dirk digler and and no one seems to care. [laughter] rachel: okay, well -- >> she got that. rachel: still trying to process that one. [laughter] it's fascinating. to me, it feels like the media, even though some of this polling is more about shaping people's opinion that actually reflecting it. the american people, prior to all the hype around the announcement, said they didn't like what she had to stand for.
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and, by the way, how is she going to separate herself from joe biden's record? it seems impossible. >> yes, on inflation, that a jobs report yesterday -- rachel: or she's not the border czar. >> or her own past comments, right? she has said she wants to ban frack. 100 to% behind it. end toes fill fuels -- fossil fuels, abolish i.c.e., opposes border wall construction, supports biological men plague against biological women in sports, we saw that in boxing in the to olympics9 this is a person who wants to end private health insurance all while giving free health care to illegals? i could go down the list. in terms of crime, defund the police and so on. this is a record that it will only come out, rachel, if there is a debate between donald trump and kamala harris on this network. donald trump the agreed to it for early september. rachel: right. >> that's the only way all this comes out because the media, she's not going to do one interview with anybody vem,ming an actual journalist.
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you'll find liz cheney poolside at mar-a-lago before a kamala harris press conference. that i do know. rachel: it's interesting, because before joe biden's debate that essentially ended his presidency, the democrats were hinting we're not going to do debates. and suddenly they wanted to get rid of joe biden, and they threw him into a debate. they obviously want kamala that that -- to win. of course they do. so you think they might be able to keep her out of the debate in will the american people stand for that. >> they cannot stand for that. but i think they do not want her to debate, yet they're saying donald trump is a coward and doesn't want to debate kamala harris. the fact that kamala harris, again, doesn't take questions from the press, but, oh, yeah, donald trump's the coward. she is the coward. couldn't show up at the national association of black journalists because she knew there was a harris faulkner there that would ask a question relevant to the american people. rachel: anyone that can call
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president donald trump after the way he reacted to being shot in the head a coward is somebody who's just completely delusional or a liar. >> yeah. rachel: and, by way, or they know he's not a coward which is why they try to suppress the story, suppress the picture and say it's propaganda to put out that picture. of i want to talk about your week because t called -- book because it's called "progressively worse." i love the title. i come from a family of union democrats, but -- on my father's side. but my father became a republican because the the democrat party left him. >> yeah. rachel: here we are, and that was back in the reagan years. >> oh, wow. rachel: this is completely un-- you just don't know who the democrats are anymore. >> unrecognizable. guys like bill maher even say that now. john f. kennedy aggressively cut taxes, beefed up the military -- rachel: right. went after the intelligence state, was against wars.
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>> that's right. that's exactly right. rachel: which the democrat party seems to be in favor of these days, a lot of them. >> we actually had a democratic president in our lifetime who was pro-life. imagine that the. jimmy carter. they're practically extinct within the party -- rachel: the last one that was a pro-lifer was in pennsylvania, and he's gone. >> that's right. and, but bill clinton, i think, is the biggest contrast. this is a guy that actually was smart enough to work with guys like newt gingrich. balanced budget amendment, what's that? we had budget surpluses in the '90s. this was a guy who ended the welfare state, shrank government. bill clinton, the way he talked about illegal immigration made donald trump almost sound like a wallflower in term it is of we're going to get the illegals out of here, and even barack obama was called the deporter in chief -- rachel: cesar chavez was against illegal immigration. people forget that one. yeah, it's not your daddy's
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democrat party. the republicans are the party of the working class -- >> now they're the party of elites. rachel: and more. >> and more. boy, things have changed. buy the book and read all about it. rachel:st a great book, it's a great read. we want you to come back and talk to us more about it. >> every week, rachel. especially when there's toys for the kids, which you're about to the tease, i think. rachel: we're celebrating national play outside day with the summer's newest toys. we'll meet you outside next with joe concha's beautiful kids. ♪ ♪ you're so golden ♪
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(tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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♪ will: the first saturday of every month is national play outside day. rachel: i lo that. and so this morning we're ready to play outside. beautiful weather right here on fox square. joey: here with some of the top outdoor toys this summer, the editor-in-chief of the toy insider. [laughter] tell us about it. >> well, i'm excited to to be here. we're going to start with this amazing disney princess bounce house. three kids can bounce. we have our beautiful princesses on one side, a slide, there's a hoop in there and a ball pit if at the end. joey: nice. >> you ready for a little meme machine? joey: yeah, let's do it. >> i'm going to the give you this one.
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fun cars like, so ford bronco and the ram power wagon, there you go. these are awesome. 16 people can play at the same time, you can control these up 150 feet away, and they're only $24.99. they're awesome, right? [laughter] joey: oh, yeah. >> all right. we all know kush, right? now we have these double paddles, so we get to play. i love them because they're inexpensive -- [laughter] that was great. they're inexpensive, you can take them anywhere. take them to the beach, the backyard, they are so much fun to play with, and you can also play solo. rachel: yeah, you can actually do that. >> over there. you know connect four, another classic. now we have giant connect four. it's made for the outside. same game play. you want to get four in a row any which way, but you can leave it out. your friends are going to be living in your backyard. again, kids and adults. rachel: love it. >> all right. we are not going to the laser
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park anymore. we are going to play with the laser x. this is the ultra. so the first thing you can do is pick your team color. 20 different colors to choose from. these go up to 300 feet in terms of the blast. joey: oh, wow. adam: i would have loved this. >> and now we're blasting each other. you get 10 blasts. if you get hit 8 times, you're out. will: shuted your -- shut your gun off? [laughter] >> it's a blaster. and it's totally compatible with any older later x items you hav. joey: we love these. >> guys, who wants water balloons? all right. so look what this is. it's a little rubber, and it's like magnetic. stick it in the water, it closes right away -- do. rachel: this is great. >> you have a full water balloon. go ahead, smash the kids. [laughter] rachel: that was mean! >> you're going to get 1500
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splashes -- joey: for more information visi- >> toy joey: more "fox & friends" coming. thanks, lori. rachel: my kids want your job. [laughter] -- ♪ we would pop champagne and raisl-c.e a toast. queens who are fighting alone, baby -- by 63%, and drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. talk to your doctor about repatha.
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