tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News August 3, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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didn't take responsibility, like a kid who gets caught grounded when they are coming out of being grounded like i did that. we know you did that and that's what's happening and americans are watching thinking 21 days, it took 21 days so you lose the feeling of security as an american especially when you see the people in charge mark taking responsibly. >> we see it and pulling where americans no longer trust the secret service with good reason. thank you for watching tonight. we will see you back here tomorrow 7:00 p.m. eastern for the "big weekend show". life, liberty and levin starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪. mark: hello america i am mark levin this is "life, liberty & levin" saturday. very important program our friend general jack keane and our friend senator tom cotton. but first with the national association of black journalists it did, particularly the abc nes moderators was disgusting. we all watched it. she was debating trump, trump was set up and she is no reporter you do not make an accusation after accusation after accusation if using the kamala harris talking point of e democrat party talking points and then asked president trump when did you stop beating your wife? it is just appalling. if joe biden had been sitting in that chair and had his wits
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about him, say 10 or 20 years ago i don't think that organization i don't think abc news moderator would have grilled him on his real racist and segregationist history. i do not think they would've given the list of the racist things he had said throughout his life. i don't think they would've mentioned his association with the six southern racists segregationist all of whom filibustered the 1964 civil rights act. they would never have done that you have nor do i think of kamala harris was sitting there they would've said to her this is joe biden's record when he first came into the senate how could you be his running mate after during the debate you challenged him on his opposition to integrate public schools through busing? and so this is how that media in america works is this how abc news works this is how they all work. that is alive becomes the truth
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and the truth becomes a light. it is called propaganda it is called propaganda let me give you some examples. why didn't abc news host start question the first step fact that her donald trump? 90% of those sentences reduced under the first were black how come she did not mention he supported and instituted an act that shortened mandatory minimum sentencing for nonviolent drug crimes? most of those individuals who were in jail were black. sentence under racially motivated minimums to petition for reevaluation how come she didn't mention that? president trump launcher ready to work initiative which helps release prisoners gain meaningful employment. not all but a significant if not majority of our prisoners are minority. the majority of them are black. how come she did not mention president trump designated 87 opportunity zones projected to
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spread one or building a private investment in the minority communities? how come she did not mention a trump administration established a fund to deploy $1 billion in capitol funding for minority owned businesses for the commerce department? this is my own research. how come she did not mention president trump's last budget is 2020 budget called for half a billion dollars in federal funding for school choice? which kamala harris opposes inviting opposes. and in 2018 signed legislation increasing school choice funding by 42 million she did not mention any of that. how come she did not mention trump administration provide providedmore than half a billios in loans to hbcus? these are black colleges historically black colleges to the capitol financing program made their funding permit that was never done. obama never did any of this. kamala harris never supported any of this. trump worked with these colleges to protect $80 million in title three carryover funding to the list goes on and on and on. she did not mention that because she was not there was a news
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person she was there as a propagandist. democracy and totalitarianism. politics in the english language by george orwell. the marxist philosophy of language written by a marxist how to change the language the psychology of totalitarianism. the origins of totalitarianism. why my talking about this? because you are living it it begins with free speech. honest information not thought control and language control. probably the most nefarious and let yet ubiquitous book of its time a book called propaganda written over 100 years ago by edward benes. not what does he say in part this is all very important. pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion which he called engineering consensus is my book now on
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freedom of the press. what did he say in this book? other things the power of propaganda the manipulation brainwashing of the masses the minority that is the media the mastermind or the elites. has discovered a powerful help influencing majorities and has found possible such a mold the mind of the masses they will throw their newly gained strength in the desired direction of the present structure of society this practice is inevitable. whatever of social importance is done today weather and politics, finance, manufacturing, charity, education and other fields must be done with the help of a propaganda. propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government and it goes on at great length. that both of propaganda it was a favorite in the third reich that is correct it was a favorite of hitler's. did i say hitler know only the democrats can say hitler it only when they dehumanize donald trump at this is a fact.
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and so we get something like this now. nbc news via fox news one year ago june 26, 2023 nbc news reported vice president kamala harris has the dubious distinction f had the lowest net negative rating of modern vice presidents in the history of their polling what happened in one years time? according to a new nbc news poll only 32% of registered voters have a positive view of harris compared to 49% with a negative view including 39% with a very negative view. this leaves harris with eight net negative 17 rating nbc news note is the lowest for any vice president in the polls history, what happened? well, the media got rid of biden after telling us he was the smartest man since albert einstein. they needed to install somebody and they needed to install somebody quickly that mediate work with the democrat party there she is on the show. kamala harris despite all this
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they figured our propaganda, our lives are incessant free in-kind advertising will be half of kamala harris conversely simultaneously the dehumanization of donald trump and his running mate, jd dance the endless propaganda systems on this to front attack will be able to get kamala harris across the finish line. here we have mediate cross-border's outright lies and goes on and on. the media are lying about harris and harris is lying about harris did hairs lie to us before it she lied to us now? she's lying to us both times. and so are the mediate. it is like synchronized dancing except here we have synchronize propaganda. for example headlands national review what i've changed all of my policies the mocking of kamala harris the kamala harris site up what is she doing? lying. here we have washington examiner
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without a primary trip or flip-flops a or just lies they desperately desperately prevented an open primary were other candidates would debate kamala harris and she would be exposed. she is running a joe biden campaign right now is that media is the praetorian guard protecting her and her bubble she only goes were she wants to go for donald trump is ubiquitous pico's in front of external or hostile audience is extraordinarily hostile questioners. kamala harris won't do it. why? because she is a liar. whether it's a medicare for all, i don't support that now would aluminate private healthcare. whether it's a border czar, no, no, no observer the borders are whatever it is, fracking, no line for fracking now. i do not believe in confiscating guns even though you said you did. that mediate will continue to push his agenda. but what of the things she does need to press on among many is
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her role as vice president xi has been the most outspoken and consistent israel hater of any presidential candidate, vice president or president since a sthestate of israel was establi. she is hostile openly so towards the state of israel. the biden administration was of which she is vice president remember biden said she is the last one he consults because her opinion is so important. maybe she can explain a few things that she will ever reveal herself to the people who want to question her. we have the free beacon ira grant raked in $16 billion from illicit oil sales in six months highlighting biden-harris administration lacked sanctions. they're fro funding iran. they are funding hamas israel is surrounded. they have literally been attacked the south and the north and the east by the plo.
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all funded by ironic, funded by the american taxpayer. israel is now essentially on its own do not hand me the stuff we give them all the weapon so forth and so on. what exactly did kamala harris say about iran the last few days in its role in any of this? nothing for it how about biden? nothing. nothing. and when kamala harris gave her disgusting commentary after her meeting with netanyahu and after she refused to go to the joint session of congress to hear him speak you better believe that gas lift the terrace or actions in boycotting netanyahu her preceding comments of trashing netanyahu in the israeli military, her propagandizing on behalf of hamas with statistics and so forth it all adds up. they see weakness. they are funding the enemy. this is from adam at free
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beacon. iran's illicit oil trade which is heavily sanctioned by the united states and other western nations at boone. under the buy demonstration topping around 90 billion as of march for this cash is helped to keep hardline regime afloat amid economic uncertainty and helps it fun including hamas and hezbollah goes on the united states granted several sanctions waivers that permit to pay upwards of 10 billion dollars billions and billions flowing into our iran. donald trump had them flat on their back. they were dying. they were not committing acts of terrorism. here we have also from kate stone in situ wise it by demonstration dirty close to $1 billion in aid to hamas? since october 7 massacre and the article is written by a brilliant scholar. we are funding hamas, or fronting iran. we are fighting the plo. will return to israel? i mention this last week and to my chagrin and disappointment
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i'm not aware of a single news platform that is pick this up for us israel arms sales up. this is under biden/harris harris/biden. she is vice president, right? does she think all you do is go to funerals? go around and talk about abortion? she wants to run as a substantive vice president who did so much but she hasn't done thing and she certainly is not spoken up for the people of israel little of the people of the united states as far as i'm concerned. 120-millimeter tank ammo anticipated delivery 2027 they are slow walking is already been approved by congress 120 million mortar in 2026 if you're lucky to get it they had medium and technical vehicles might get them in 2026 this is all been funded, passed by congress what else? what are those? guided missile systems you take for instance they bombed eight missile and put a guidance system on it.
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those are being held critically important f-15s at 135 engines for the f35 the delivery and data of that between 2030 and 34 it is outrageous. you see his conversion system i was talking about outright. mk 84 the 2000-pound bombs that they need to destroy iran's nuclear program that is whether not getting them. rifles the art withholding at 30 eight medium machine gun. and of course more guided missile systems. i have the foot on the throat of israel. now part of the problem is kamala harris has a national security advisor going to the free beacon reported what tom cotton they are launching an investigation is phil gordon. his connections with an individual senior department of defense official are that occurred under a judgment those
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appointed by blinken. we have 25 cases going on in this country none of which the mediate care about this clearly influences thinking what else? her pastor was accusing america basically of inciting 911. also joins with anti-semites in south africa. aunt kamala harris' pastor was among the first she called when she learned she would be handed the presidency or lease the democrat nomination as if we were in the soviet union. there is a lot about kamala harris we do not know. there's a lot we do know. most of all we know the american media are so corrupted their ideologically radical. they are so in many respects marxist/islamist in a way that they operate marked what did you say? exactly what i said.
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it is up to the american people to cut through all the static and understand exactly what's going on in this country. they delivered biden and now they want to deliver harris. we cannot afford another one of these mediate installed reprobates. that is right, reprobates as a president this country is going to be in dire straits. i will be right back.
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♪ ♪ welcome back america. we here is our friend, not just a general the general is a retired four-star army general jack keane. in situ for the study of war he is the chairman, nobody better. general, israel is surrounded on all sides has the mediterranean sea on the one side where it is not surrounded. it is under attack on all sides. hamas to the south the plo to the east they are all being backed by iran. i am sitting here in amazement you think israel is doing the kind of that lease of public support from the president, the vice president, the secretary of state, the secretary of defense that an outlay should be receiving that's taking all this
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in coming and taking on it appears i rant and it sarah gets almost by itself? works it is pretty outrageous. what israel has done here quite successfully and rather rapid fashion killing muhammad the military commander of hamas and eight military commander obviously of hezbollah and the chief political negotiator and political spokesperson for hamas and the fact they have accomplish this in the administration reacts by wringing their hands their number one concern is about escalation. which in and of itself shows a sign of weakness. this has been the problem from the outset the horrific attack on october 7 iran operationalized immediately all
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the other proxies on october the eighth hezbollah began to fire northern israel the militia prior to october 7 that already fired at u.s. troops 125 times they stepped it up from october 7 on. they have effectively shut down the suez canal. and yet to this day we do not hold iran accountable for anything i just said. it's absolute tragic it's a huge strategic mistake and as a result of it you are very right to point out it puts israel on its own of having to some of tthework this killing of leaders sending a clear message to the eye iranians that we are determined we are saying in this fight until the end. we are going to stay here until we achieve victory and leaders are operational leaders and i
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iran are at risk as long as you are contained in this access of resistance and that ring of fire around israel and i agree with you. despite the rhetoric of ironclad support you get for the administration the actions that you get undermine the state of israel and what they are trying to accomplish. mark: in general, i've never seen anything like that you are more attuned to this more focus on this this is been your whole life, your whole career. i have a list of weapons systems and ammunition and so forth being slow walk to the israelis even now. they've approve the funding and delivery of these things. at the same time tens of billions of dollars afloat into iran directly and indirectly from our country lack enforcement of the oil, and borrow it so forth. i rawness of muscling up. they are helping to provide support to china which is providing support to russia.
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all three are providing support to the terror states a in iran n the middle east. is this not insane? i am watching this now and i'm saying to myself why are we funding the enemy? why do we have our foot on the throat of our ally? am i missing something here? what ywhat's your not missing it all. this is a major major problem but i've been on a congressional commission for 18 months looking on our defense strategy this is bipartisan for it are unanimous court just came out we are saying to the american people to the congress we are reporting to its we are facing the most serious and dangerous challenges as a nation that we have faced since world war ii. because of china, russia, i iiran,north korea all cooperatig together. there's been an erosion of our military capability. but fundamentals there has been an erosion of our will. our adversaries and know it. they see opportunity they are
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exploiting our vulnerabilities. you name the country russia, china, iran, north korea we have vivid examples of what they are doing. we are at war in two areas right now supporting allies and president is threatening war in the third period one of the major problems we find with this is we could face a war in the end of pacific region and then waawar would break out also in europe and also in the middle east that would have to involve us. that is why we think it's one of the most dangerous threat since world war ii. and this administration will not talk about this issue with the american people. quick sale not fund our military adequately. we come back here is my question is this administration provoking war by the way it is not supporting our military? by the way it's not properly supporting our allies and by the public comments they make or their silence conversely. we will be right back.
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welcome to "fox news live" i'm jon scott in new york. millions of people in florida's west coast are preparing for a rough weekend of weather. tropical storm at debbie organizes and gains strength in the gulf of mexico. it set to make landfall on the state of big bend region tomorrow or early monday morning forecasters say it could become a hurricane before it does speak strong winds, storm surges and flooding are all possible some places could see a foot of rain before it is over. the u.s. is sending additional military assets including aircraft carrier and warships to the middle east. this as the region braces for retaliatory attack for my raw and one of its proxies. it comes after senior hamas leader was killed in tehran atop was killed in lebanon earlier this week deaths or sparking fears of a wider regional war. i am jon scott now back to "life, liberty & levin."
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♪ ♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america. you know, general, the question i left with are we provoking a war by our conduct are public statements, or silence of the wrong time? their failure to build up our own military while the enemy is gathering while the storm clouds are gathering and they are pumping up their military and getting increasingly aggressive? >> absolutely. is well documented china has a military advantage in the indo pacific region that we enjoyed for years. we are not doing anything to catch up to it. this administration when you account for inflation the budgets are flat. we are not increasing the capability and we have lost our ability to deter and witness what happened. in march of 2160 days into the biden administration pollution put 70000 troops on the border of ukraine. i think it was absolutely a test
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to confirm for him what he thought biden would really be in terms of a commander-in-chief he would display the same weaknesses that obama displayed and not be willing to confront him. and in doing so and when asked about what he going to do about it? biden said i do not want to provoke him some not going to do anything about it what if he moves into ukraine? it depends on how much territory he takes. that confirm for putin what he needed to know the deal was sealed shortly after afghanistan several months later and then he invaded in february of 22. in the first month in office they reach out to the ukrainians this is the biden administration, within 30 days and told them we are easing up on the trump sanctions as a manner of good faith to demonstrate to you our seriousness about desiring to go back into the nuclear deal. i believe iran took that as they
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would obviously take it as a sign of weakness slow rolled the administration for all this time about the possibility of a negotiated deal just a matter of weeks ago we were in secret talks with iran on the very same subject despite what is going on in the middle east with israel. our adversaries look at this as a weakness and they talk to each other. i believe president xi, if he was not having economic challenges he is having right now, his aggression would have been stepped up rather significantly in the end of pacific region. and it is still there as an object if he is told his people to be ready by 2027. but there is no doubt they look at our military capability which has eroded and they look at our will and they think that has eroded as well. they are taking advantage of the united states you put your finger right on it. our behavior has incentivized
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our adversaries. click to open a newspaper or the websites or whatever on a daily basis they are attacking netanyahu they are attacking the israeli government talk about our administration either through leaks or openly you have members of congress who are doing the same thing. you boycott the leader of is israel. the enemy in the middle east to sees all of this they see what kamala harris said after she met with the prime minister of israel they see the boycotting of the prime minister of israel they see the talk about a cease-fire. to me they have endangered these hostages even more. they have empowered hamas in the terrace and say why should we give up? just hang on eventually will get rid of netanyahu. the pressure at what work we will just keep chipping away at shrinking the state of israel they have and to depopulate the northeast south is partly depopulated too. from their perspective there waiting the propaganda war in the united states in europe with our immediate, with their media
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and so just keep at it, right? >> yes there is absolutely no doubt about that. what has happened because the administration is has put so muh pressure on israel and in charge of hamas inside of gaza is looking at that seas that has aroused international condemnation of israel and isolated them more politically. he was about to make a hostage deal why would i do that? this plays into my hands. israel's being a weekend as a result of it. and that is the reality of what has taken place let's go back to something you mention. they are definitely holding back weapons and munitions not just the big 2000-pound bombs but over all munitions the thought process behind that its it's difficulty saying this. both the people in israel
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officials believe the reason is because they want to handcuff them and not going to deal with hezbollah on the ground and in the air something israel will have to do if hezbollah doesn't pull out of southern lebanon's they go back to their homes they are diminishing their capability to do that because they do not want them to do it. they are not going to say that publicly but that is what the israeli officials have concluded is a reason behind that. this is really outrageous stuff in terms. an acolyte who is fighting for the very existence. this is an existential threat that involves the survival of israel itself we should be saying that every single day is government official gets us to talk about what the stakes are in the middle east. mark: the real reason they will not let israel have the 2000-pound bombs they do not israel taking up that nuclear sites. israel does not is 2000-pound bombs in urban warfare, nobody does except the enemy. general i want to thank you for
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your patriotism and your service. which is continuing and ongoing. god bless you my friend precooked i was good talking to you mark, and your audience.ow tthank you. mark: we will be right back. but for a moment, i'd like you to think about how you want to spend your weekends this fall - relaxing with family, watching a game, or would you rather be climbing ladders to clean out clogged gutters, or paying thousands of dollars to repair rotten fascia, crumbling soffit and foundation damage? probably not. you can get ahead of all those costly damages today. just give us a call to schedule your free inspection. our install process is simple and easy. we'll come out and clean your gutters, repair or replace your gutters, and install leaffilter. we're america's largest gutter and gutter protection company. our patented technology has protected more than a million homes. and leaffilter comes with a lifetime transferable warranty. let's protect your home. let's protect your wallet. and let's protect your future weekends today.
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mark: welcome back america were here at the great patriot senator tom cotton and the senate intelligence committee and other committees a combat veteran. you know, senator, i'm watching what's going on in the middle east it. the middle east has exploded. there's a war going on in the mimiddle east. israel is surrounded by iranian surrogates and the secretary of state says iran will have the material it needs to build a nuclear weapon. and we are withholding weapons from israel while we are pouring tens of billions of into iran and on and on and on can you please explain to me the other
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insanity of this administration it comes to an alley like israel? >> the biden/harris policy in the middle east is as explicit without a successful policy it looks like with president trump president trump backed israel at her other allies in the regent to the hilt with no daylight but we sought peace and stability in the middle east. we've had peace agreements abraham accords between israel and several arab nations joe biden and kamala harris for three and half years have appeased iran at every turn tens of billions of dollars in sanctions relief which continue to this day. which has enabled iran to fuel its ring of fire around israel per terrorists groups like hezbollah to the north come hamas to the south and outlawed rebel groups shooting rockets and runs into israel. and the biden/harris policy remains to put more pressure on israel than it does on iran and i running back terrorists. the best example of this is what
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kamala harris said a week ago it prime minister netanyahu was in washington it it's really the only thing she said since she became the democrats defector nominee related to policy at all because she is hiding out in the media. israel has a right to defend itself but, then she went on to basically blame israel for civilian casualties in gaza for civilian displacement in gaza. for starving gazans. all of those things are solely the responsibility of hamas and bloodthirsty terrorist group that represses its own people in gaza committed the worst atrocity against the jews since world war ii. but kamala harris and joe biden continued to in effect blame israel for all of that. and then after hezbollah blue a rocket into 12 israeli kids played ball in a playground what did they do? they spent the next three days twisting the israelis arms as
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hard as they could to prevent them from retaliating. thankfully israel did not listen to them. they killed the leader of hezbollah precision missile program was also responsible for the 1983 beirut barracks bombing. so kamala harris did not just want israel not to respond to it and attack that killed israeli kids she did not israel to respond and get vengeance on behalf of american marines. and again fortunately israel is strong enough in their country is united and up against their adversaries they took decisive action. killing a running back terrorists in beirut, and gaza, in damascus this last week even in tehran at every turn. that is why we are on the brink of a larger war in the middle east because joe bided and kamala harris keep putting more pressure on israel and they put on iran. mark: should indeed menstruation thank israel for taking out that
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slob and killing the lead man we act like israel is out of control there is some kind of child for quite the contrary it is on defense. they are defending themselves and defending us. let me ask you something about kamala harris. she has said some of the most vile and loathsome things about the israeli defense forces the prime minister of israel. when you bring it up she points to the fact i have a jewish husband she might pick josh appear in pennsylvania. i am jewish, none of that means a thing. it's what you say, it is your policies and so forth and so on. she came out and defended the protesters except for the extremist they are all funded by the enemy in our own country. do you have faith she has the knowledge she has the know-how that she has the right viewpoint to defend this country against our enemies? i want you to answer that when
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now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia. mark: welcome back america. so senator cotton, what recommends kamala harris the president and a respect to respect our defense, national security internation safety? >> nothing at all. and if you think joe biden has made america weaker and less safe, let me tell you the worst is yet to come with if kamala harris becomes president i served with the reporters not to say and i state senate at large
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from the senate intelligence committee that committee meets several hours every week we are in washington meets behind closed doors people are a little bit more of their true self that when the cameras are rolling on other committees. and i can tell you kamala harris is dangerously naïve and weak. again you saw one prime minister netanyahu came to washington. she came out and immediately condemned israelis effectively blaming them for all of the civilian suffering deaths in starvation and gaza which is solely the responsibility of hamas. but with the prime minister after that he said this is a bold and ironic terror network. what happen less than two days after kamala harris use that kind of language? you had hezbollah employing up kids on an israeli playground every time kamala harris or joe biden comes out and puts more pressure on israel than iran it causes hamas or hezbollah to increase their demands for any kind of cease-fire or become more aggressive with israel because they know the
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biden/harris administration will put more pressure on israel to restraint itself than they put on iran and its terror network. he saw another example of that last week israel or i should say the hamas leader was killed in tehran. rather than rejoicing at the death of a hardened terrorist you at the blood of americans on his hand whose vittert group still holds americans hostage to this day you had kamala harris a secretary of state prancing about what it meant about negotiation of a cease-fire with hamas. since the leader was now dead will hamas can have a cease-fire any time at once if it would simply lay down its arms unconditionally surrender and return our hostages. that is what you are going to get though with kamala harris. you will get someone who consistently puts more pressure on israel who looks the other way on iran funding pro- hamas anti-semitic protests and america. it would be again the weakest
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president we've ever had. quick you know senator, just based on published reports right now she is looking at possible mark kelly from arizona and josh schapiro from pennsylvania and this is very calculated. she has a horrendous record on the border. she was the borders are. she lies about donald trump on the border she lies about this preposterous so-called bipartisan bill that would've actually enshrined all of biden's policies. and then you look at pennsylvania she's looking at josh schapiro. josh schapiro being jewish and pro-israel. i look at this and think to myself this is the remaking of kamala harris she's lying like a rug that medias like she is a flip flopping like a flounder on the beach all over the place. now she wants to cover her tracks she thanks by getting kelly out of arizona that suddenly people say all good she is for the border. or josh schapiro out of pennsylvania oh good, she is pro-israel she is about optics.
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about service-level arguments she is not about substance, would you make of this? >> let's remember that media and the democratic strategists who are now saying kamala harris is a second coming of barack obama and martin luther king jr. a month ago was a joe biden may have had a bad debate but he cannot step aside would be stuck with kamala harris it was such an incompetent feckless candidate for president in her own right she did not even make it to the starting gun and 2020 in iowa. she had to withdraw from the race in 2019. she is not just been a failed advice and present as you say in charge of our border put there by joe bided we've had more than 10 million illegals coming into the country in 2019 she promised she would decriminalize illegal immigration. at the same time that we gave illegal aliens free taxpayer-funded healthcare. she was also promising to take away most americans health insurance on the job and take away their firearms. kamala harris has a long record
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it's not obscure writings from when she was a highschooler, these are things she promised to do on the campaign trail yet the immediate right now is not airing that footage and they are not even demanding she come out and explain her own new positions because they know she cannot do so. and that is what she really is to do is explain what direction she is going to take the country and if she becomes present i suspect she's going to try to hide out for the next 13 weeks. we should not allow it to happen. mark: she is hiding out. joe biden hit out he had dementia she is hiding out because she is just terrible. senator cotton, want to thank you. god bless you and keep up the great work. you are terrific. >> thank you, mark. mark: we will be right back. iy . beckett: i love you too. subject 2: beckett's amazing. he's a miracle child. in the mornings, he'll wake up, and he'll roll the shades up. and da da, it's time to get up.
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it's a bright, beautiful day. beckett: right. subject 1: you look great. the first of the year, he started going, i have to sit down. i'm dizzy, mommy. he couldn't walk straight. his head was starting to be cocked. make a wish. a month after his third birthday, he got diagnosed with atrt brain cancer. all you can think of is, my kid's not going to live. [cristina perri, "a thousand years"] i have died every day waiting for you darling don't be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years i'll love you for a thousand more you are really tough. subject 3: families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 1: the fact that saint jude doesn't bill is a godsend. and the fact that we don't have to ask for help
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here makes things a lot easier to go through what we have to go through with beckett. beckett: i wish my cancer was gone. subject 3: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need. (singing) i have died every day waiting for you. subject 1: the fact that they are researching and they are saving these children, it's so important. we wouldn't be where we are without saint jude. and in turn, we wouldn't be where we are without those people that have donated. they're the reason why my son's still alive. subject 3: you can help saint jude save the lives of children like beckett. [music playing]
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about joe biden's mental abilities. she lied to us right after the debate. she's lied about numerous positions, she is now taking the opposite of the positions held before us not flip-flopping, that is a serial liar. kamala harris is a serial liar, hard-core radical, not trying to conceal her record as the media were trying to conceal biden's dementia for all these years. her record is that of the most radical marxist islamic's supporting candidate in american history. no wonder democrats don't want an open primary, they don't want the challenger, no wonder she's hiding out as if she's hopping joe biden. see you tomorrow night on life, liberty and levin. ♪
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