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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  August 4, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. eric: israel bracing for attack of retaliation from iran parade this is protesters are erupting across the middle east after the assassination of the hamas leader in tehran last week. the top general in charge of the u.s. forces in the region has headed there as the pentagon has reinforced our military assets to be able to shoot down any iranian ballistic missiles fires of the jewish state. hello everyone welcome to a brand-new hour of f "fox news live" by eric shawn. hi arthel. >> hi eric hello everyone i am arthel neville. threats on multiple fronts prime minister benjamin netanyahu's of the country is ready for any attack by iran or its proxies. meantime pentagon is sending more warships and fighter jets to boost israel's defenses. senator mark mullin of the armed services committee says that u.s. needs to be strong and
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tough toward ironic. >> it has already been escalated up at this point what they need to know is it's not peace to appeasement its peace through strength. there should be no daylight between us and israel right now. they had the right to do what they did they took out the leader that tehran was aiding and abetting and harboring because there has been a little bit of daylight he was seeing the snake raised its head and the snake is iran. the head needs to be cut off her. >> of what that country is expecting tonight we are hearing from the israeli and government urging the civilians to remain on high alert as a country's defense minister held a briefing on the potential scenarios and the likelihood of what an iranian attack could look like and the potential threat amid extremely high tensions in the middle east this as israeli
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu issued this morning. >> the state of israel as a knight multi- front war against iran's access of evil. we had each of his arms are hare are prepared for any scenario the defense and attack i repeat to our enemies we will respond an exact a heavy price for any active aggression against us from any front. >> tensions of boiling over on all fronts. ten months into the war, continued fighting in gaza hamas that israeli strikes killed as many as 44 people on the strip just today alone. hamas still holding onto offensive capabilities today the group fired half a dozen rockets reaching as far north as the central israel. looking to northern israel this was a barrage of rockets last night. take a listen.
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so it continued back and forth across a fire today amid the rapidly deteriorating security situation tonight uk announcing its evacuating the families of embassy workers in beirut. airports tonight are packed as american other foreign nationals are told to leave the country as soon as possible israel is embracing for a likely attack by i iran or by its proxies much of the defensive planning has been centered around eye runs a massive attack on israel in april now israel is hoping the same coalition of allies will come to its aid national security's spokesperson said on "fox news sunday" today that washington is taking the defensive support one step further by ensuring the u.s. military has the capabilities in the region and would be ready to respond. >> on april 13 when they launched a hundred missiles and drones that aircraft fighter planes in the air to knock them down. we have added their assets to
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help defend israel again but we have proven time and time again we are going to support israel. >> some analysts suggest iritis could take place as early as tonight there is of course a lot of uncertainty about a timeline it is worth noting back in april a retaliation strike took place in two weeks later. >> are right and tel aviv israel waiting for that potential attack thank you. >> the top commander killed on tuesday was a wanted by the fbi for decades for his role in the 1983 bombing of marine barracks in beirut. 241 american service members were killed. could lead to an uncontrollable escalation. her bringing aunt north carolina
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greg murphy congressman first of all if you would allow me i would like to start with ishmael he was the political leader was eight key figure in the cease-fire negotiation to free the hostages in gaza. what was prime minister netanyahu calculation behind killing yesterday at this time? >> we see that is problematic because this person wasn't frank negotiations toward a cease-fire. but in israel's defense that thy want to cut the head off the snake every wing of iranian proxies and i think they found an opportunity and they executed it. and yes it prevents a problematic change in what could be a cease-fire. with their going to have to take advantage when they see the opportunity. >> alright, thank you for answering that question. meanwhile this is what we have either the idf saying a targeted strike in beirut tuesday in
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retaliation for the rocket attack that killed 12 children and teenagers in northern israel this time last saturday. husband was a military commander as you know he is in charge of military operations. he is the man idf assaying a lead fighting against israel since the day after the heinous and horrific attacks on israel. his escalation and evitable has already begun? >> i think it is already begun in a certain form because it began on october 7. somebody united states was after his were the masterminds behind the 1983 bombing of the marine barracks in beirut it's something very personal for us in eastern north carolina because so many individuals were killed from camp lejeune a few miles away from me. it is a difficult time the
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tensions are as high as they have bebeen since probably 1967e middle east. everyone is against a common and eight this is ironic for them to be supporting obviously hamas it's time to attack the leaders where they are and try to cripple the regime of terror of military offense of which these proxies have done. arthel: on "fox news live" at noon eric spoke with general jack keane he made us take note of hezbollah's advanced weapons. let's listen. >> our audience understands, hezbollah has formidable rocket cape about they can reach any town, any city inside israel. they are not hamas that precision weapons considerably more lethal and as i indicated could have can have considerable to them. arthel: so hezbollah's a formidable foe but here are some questions for you. would hezbollah participate on
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the ironic front does it have the fighter power and strategy to execute a significant attack on israel? how big is israel willing to go? >> i will answer the last first israel's in a fight for its existence they are going to go as far as they need to go. hezbollah has been amassing for years we were up into the northern region they just flushed out a tunnel. the threat is real the threat is imminent and will coordinate with enron they are coordinating already these are very, dangerous times in the middle east. i can start on october 7. we have to remember it was the first agent in this entire conflict it was an iranian proxy now they're working through another proxy and ironic itself is threatening doom upon israel. >> now we go back to the tragic
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top 102383. you know that date well as you mention, congressman no one, no one wants a repeat but again it's also once a by the fbi for his involvement in the bombing of the u.s. marine corps barracks in beirut from your district they're in camp lejeune nearby. how involved do you think the u.s. military would get if this current situation escalates out of control? >> that is a very good question. what we have seen and i will be political for the last second is what we've seen for the last three and a half years is eight week america not willing to make a stance october the seventh occurred with some massive pro- palestinian riots even advice a president kamala harris did not come up when it came and prime minister of israel came and spoke to congress we are sending
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mixed messages to israel in this part of the world. the vast majority of americans are resolute and are backing of israel we have to back they are the greatest ally we have in the middle east. we have been sending mixed signals we are shown are weak in afghanistan and all of these other places around the world it is time for us to show a united front of the united states with israel every step, every meter of the way. >> understood. i know vice president kamala harris and several other democrats did not show up for bv netanyahu to congress the vice president had an off-line private one on one meeting with the prime minister she reportedly was quite firm in terms of her delivery and what needs to stop amen.
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i want to be 20 more seconds of your final thoughts. >> a difficult time it's a difficult word i with the hotspt we have that the child south china sea we have it obviously in ukraine the nature of what's happening in the middle east has always been there it's a powder keg felt less america shows peace through strength, strength in every arena and every facet resolute backing of our true democracy the evil empire of the world the axis of evil will take advantage of weakness election coming up november 5 and we will see would be president harris how she stands on this if she will be firm or the former president returns and if he would be firm congressman thank you for your time this is a perilous situation across the globe. thank you greg murphy thank you. >> thank you take care.
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>> this comes the white house fending off new concerns about the economy and the possibility some say have a potential recession after a lackluster july's job report that sent the stock market going down but lucas tomlinson live from the white house with the latest from their progress that is right the stock market changed on friday the doll losing over 600 points. the job support that came in with less than stellar numbers unemployment ticked up that's about point higher than a year ago. speaking earlier late last week acknowledge prices are still too high. quick to building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency. oh yes it is true by many indicators of our economy is the strongest in the world. but while inflation is down and wages are up prices are still
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too high. you know it and i know it. >> "fox news sunday" senator lindsey graham reacted to harris. part three have been wrong about everything. when she tried to explain what she would do about inflation and itmakes no sense as gibberish. nobody will ask her a hard question. some republicans want former president trump to focus more on the economy and make affordable groceries again perhaps another acronym for maga. >> gasoline and groceries like all over the country but the border is a real serious issue. >> inflation has been a disaster in this country it is killed the middle-class spirits killing the working class we are going to get inflation brought down. >> on "sunday morning futures" former president trump's running
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mate jd vance offered his economic plan. parflexible policy difference between kamala harris and donald trump you want to open up energy markets which will lower the cost of fuel, lower the cost of food lower the cost of a whole host of things people rely on. that will drop down interest rates and then we will kick out millions of illegal aliens who should not be in this country. ask one word we've not heard much from vice president kamala harris on the campaign trail. before lucas i will take it we will see what she says later this week. thank you. it's my former president donald trump doubling down on his criticism of last week's a prisoner exchange between the u.s. and russia. in the meantime three americans were freed in that deal are now working towards getting back to a regular life senior correspondent mike tobin's life at brooke army medical center in san antonio texas.
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>> the immediate attention is of the three americans as you mentor and the brooke army medical center behind me here reintegrating in the lives they had before being jailed in russia on trumped up charges. in the aftermath of their liberation there's partisan either criticism or celebration of the prisoner swap that freed them. evan gershkovich, paul whelan and alsu kurmasheva stepped foot. russia got over where the prisoner swap secured for russia packers smugglers peoples with intelligence connections and about russian hitman who was serving a life sentence in germany. u.s. got played in this deal it will only encourage more hostagetaking. >> i would like to congratulate vladimir putin for having made yet another great deal. they released some of the greatest killers anywhere in the
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world. some of the most evil killers they got and we got our people back but boy we made some horrible horrible deals. >> the white house made the rounds on the sunday shows acknowledging a rush again do something in this deal but said it was preferable to americans rotting and russian jails. >> kind of decision the president said he will make you will continue to make and he will make it a priority. will this alter russia's behavior going forward? frankly don't think that's a question that entered into our calculus. white house spokesperson john kirby said attempts are made to include mark foley and the prisoner swap russia it was not biting mark foley is a pennsylvania teacher jailed in russia from processing a small amount of medical marijuana at the white house says foley's liberation is still a priority. arthel: let's hope we get mr. foley home in the meantime we celebrate the other americans who are back home.
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mike tobin in san antonio thank you so much. >> that we do. crunch time for vice president here she is reportedly meeting today in washington d.c. three at the top contenders could potentially be her running mate. madeleine rivera has more. >> a couple of things vice president harris will reportedly beat looking for when she meets with finalists in d.c. how well she gets along with them and how each one can boost her chances of winning 270 electoral votes. for the "washington post" harris is speaking face-to-face today minnesota governor tim walz, josh of her arizona senator mark kelly. it is unclear if the other possible candace kentucky governor andy beshear, illinois governor jimmy pritzker transportation secretary pete buttigieg have met are set to meet with harris per shapiro and kelly have been seen as favorites because of their potential ability to independent moderate voters in battleground
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states. as their profiles rise so to the criticisms united auto workers president is concerned kelly did not initially support a bill to boost organizing it. >> people showed where they were when they voted on it. that is what we look at that as a concern of ours. shapiro is playing defense of opinion article he wrote for his college newspaper more than three decades ago saying palestinians in israel could not peacefully coexist. shapiro says his views have since changed. >> i was 20. [laughter] i have said for years, years along before october 7 i favor a two state solution. israelis and palestinians living peacefully side-by-side. being able to determine their own futures in their own destiny. being able to work as they wanted, worship as they watch for it harris interview scan second gentleman is acknowledging he had an affair in his first marriage. telling cnn took responsibility
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for his actions and work through things as a family. >> alright thanks so much. arthel: we are for the first time hearing from one of the victims who was shot at the trump rally in butler, pennsylvania three weeks ago. details on his road to recovery and why he is calling for more accountability from the secret service. bile's 5g network connes a hundred thousand delta employees so they can make every customer feel like they've arrived before they've left the ground. this is how business goes further with t—mobile for business.
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arthel: attorney for those wounded last month former president trump's rally in pennsylvania tells a f fox he oe accountability rally goer jim copenhaver took the video we're showing you right now during the day of the assassination attempt on the former president. as the secret service places faces mounting criticism for that major security failures that led to the shooting. matt finn is life in butler, pennsylvania with more on what mr. copenhaver is looking to see moving forward. what can you tell us? >> arthel, accountability top of mind for nearly everyone the acting director of the secret service ron rowe says the shooting that happened to her and july 13 is their fault. he has strayed a special task force to investigate it. here on the ground i spoke with you as a congressman mike and kelly this is his district right here he is a part of a task
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force that's going to investigate the shooting here in butler he said he'll go to painstaking detail to investigate everything that went wrong and determine anyone who has to be accountable. here in western pennsylvania there is a survivor of the july 13 shooting he is a man in his 70s jim copenhaver. he took some haunting video which appears to show the shooter thomas crooks on the roof of the agr building trust in minutes before he opened fire on former president trump that is what is on your screen right now. now jim copenhaver thanks based on where he was it's possible the bullet that hit former president trump cyr ended up striking him. jim says like the rest of america he once accountability. >> and jim has not expressed at this time exactly what accountability would look like to him. i think that would start with a series of sounds apology. but we have not heard from
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anybody nobody at the federal government level, at the local or state level reaching out and apologizing for their part. their part in this event. >> that is jim's attorney speaking for him. jim doesn't point out he did hear from former president trump who called him and his family personally on their cell phones. he was genuinely interested in how jim is recovering. arthel: we hope as well mr. copenhaver recovers fully matt finn live in butler, pennsylvania thank you. eric: house lawmakers formed a bipartisan task force to investigate the shooting. one of the republicans involved congressman michael walts says accountability needs to go all the way to the top. >> i hope that accountability goes all the way to the top this administration has a real problem think we accept responsibility then you never
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see anybody actually fired it. heck, the people response for the withdrawal from afghanistan are getting promoted. stuart was from charles marino advisor and former secret service agent himself. charles, good to see you. you know what it is like to be on the ground in these events but first question is is there one person in charge they have the command meetings before an event is there one official who is in charge of coordinating all of the security for the event? >> typically is overseen by the local field office on the ground. but it is made up of a team of several members including many of the special operation teams that you saw that day on july 13 the counter sniper teams and counter assault teams their focus on the overall advance they are called t the lead advae and there's also focus in on the rally site that day and come up with the overall security plan
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to not only identify but mitigate all of the threats that are uncovered during the advance process. so for the acting director to say this was a catastrophic failure of the overall security plan is right. several people are going to own them. eric: when you think that will happen? when you think these officials will as you say, on that? >> five separate reviews and investigations going on right now including the independent committee that you just described, time is not on the side of the agency. the longer it takes for accountability in these official reports to come out with much more information than what has been given to the public thus far that worse it is for the overall credibility of the agency. look, as bad as this is the former president a protect d of the secret service was allowed to be shot and the security plan had significant gaps in it, this is also as much about crisis
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management and crisis communication for the agency right now. because only three out of 10 americans in the latest poll have confidence in the agency. and that is a big problem for the secret service break what what you talk about those gaps was go through a couple of them of course there is the gap there is not a secret service agent or local police officer on top of the roof. the local county sniper team apparently was inside the building what good is that if your is sitting inside of a building if there is eight shooter right up on the roof? >> that is exactly right. the secret service owns all of this for there not only responsible for the creation of the plan but the effective implementation and that is state and local law enforcement are supporting them in the ways they need help they need to be very specific to state and local law enforcement in terms of the functions they want them to perform in the ways and they want them to do it. this back-and-forth we have seen lately between the secret
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service and state and local law enforcement is not good for the agency. they rely just too much on state and local law enforcement agencies around the country they are right to say look, we own this is not the fault of state and local law enforcement. if we wanted this building covered to our satisfaction we should have been much clearer and the way we were explaining that. and i think that is the right approach protect local seven zegna been thrown out of the bus by the agency. one of the other gaps communications they're not in the same at radio frequencies let's listen with the acting secret service director rowe said about that. >> out just to clarify u.s. secret service counter sniper's did not have radio communications? >> not with the local folks that were providing support. they basically had an area of responsibility independent from our counter snipers were secured it was the first time secret service counter sniper were
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deployed to support the former president detail. >> and it gets worse. not only they that the same rado frequencies one of the officers said when they saw crooks they tried to alert the secret service command approach they could not get through they had a cell phone there was no cell phone service they were trying to use the cell phone. and this ever be resolved and you think there will ever be complete justice especially for the poor rally gore who was killed on those who were wounded? >> is going to have to be the secret service agents had responsibilities for a safe and secure a venue not only for the former president but also for those who attended the rally. like any catastrophe when you have a failure in this case the building not being covered what heard 30 yards away it exposes the other cracks in the system as you describe communication, coordination, and the list goes
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on. the secret service has a lot of things they need to fix. this is 2024 they should be utilizing technology to help them mitigate threats. they should not have to rely on these external federal partners within the department of homeland security to support their overall security plan for a former presidential visit. they should be able to do this within the secret service. if it comes down to resourcing issued the department of homeland security needs to make sure they can get the job done. there's a lot of other issues that are going to be identified and then the final question is, do they have the leadership to make sure they come out on the other side of the stronger? books may get some answers thank you. corrupt as or more than year of waiting f-16 fighter jets are taking to the skies over ukraine. it is still unclear how the aircraft will be used and how they will affect the war against
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russia will have a closer look for you and that is coming up next. it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. ruri: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) ruri: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) hina: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) akari: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) others: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) others: ichi, ni, san, shi... (1,2,3,4 . . ) (♪) (♪) you were made to chase your passions.
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american made products. order today at eric: vatican breaking in science a silence weighing in on the controversy at of the openis them at the paris olympics. the performance showed a lack of respect for others. critics were outraged a group of drag queens and transit performers appeared to mock leonardo da vinci's iconic last supper. others have is the feast of dionysus but stephanie bennett live in london with more on that vatican's reaction. >> pope francis on the vatican are finally weighing in it has been just a little over a week since that performance happen. many around the world say they were offended the opening ceremony at the olympic games. the vatican saying it was saddened after seeing what appeared to be a parity of leonardo dimension last supper painting the recreations of drag queens as you mention
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transgender model innate near naked singer in the place of jesus and his apostles a july 26 get also feature dj producer barbara bush icon who was wearing a silver headdress that looked like a halo in the statement issued last night in french the vatican said the holy see was saddened by certain scenes at the opening ceremony of the paris olympic games could not join the voices raise in recent days to deplore the defense and christians and believers of religion prestigious events for the whole world comes together around common values or should not be or references that ridiculed the convictions of many people freedom of expression is obviously is not why it's taken over a week to issued this statement the paris 2024 organizers apologize for the scene the artistic director behind it thomas and charlie repeatedly said it was not inspired by da vinci's biblical painting but was instead meant
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to celebrate diversity and pay tribute to a pagan feast and beer and near naked singer was supposed to represent the greek god of wine and festivity. the paris prosecutor's office of the artistic director and also some of the performances or the performers have faced death threats and multiple online attacks after that performance. >> all right stephanie, thank you. arthel: the first batch of long-awaited f-16 fighter jets flew over ukraine today. after present biden pledge to boost military aid to the work or torn country's fight against russia. they significantly upgrade ukraine's fleet. >> to give you a details with
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missions. i think you will see maybe not all of them but you will see the result. we need to do all the security members discuss with our partners about using f-16. >> let's bring it retired air force and brigadier general john and former air force assistant deputy undersecretary. in general, how will this a delivery change ukraine's fight? >> arthel it is so good for ukraine to finally have got this long delayed capability. initially is not going to have much operational or tactical effect the numbers of both aircraft and pilots will be small. they will be used initially to augment the air defense capability to protect against russian attack against ukraine. it also does give the ukrainians of precision strike capability that can hold at risk targets of russian background all around ukraine and maybe into russia.
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armed with specific united states weapons can take out defense capabilities you gave us an idea of how the capabilities of the f-16 fighter jets i want to put it up on the screen a little more explanation with the graphic. how does this change or rushers russia'sattack on ukraine? >> in the beginning these f-16s are now going to be the highest priority targets to strike by russia. obviously it ukraine is put together a large defensive capability that is layered in nature to protect against russian strikes that would take out these f-16s. doing so be a huge boon in the strategic nature to russia. but then now it very carefully it will start applying this capability against russian
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assets especially against inbound russian aircraft missiles or rockets to shoot them down. it may be the biggest benefit to ukraine is the long range of tie into the midwest that will give them a linkage for decades to come into interoperability as well as supply logistics training and exercise on a regiment by the united states in the west. but in the very beginning the numbers are small this will not have a significant effect it is a thorn in the side to russian pooch and i expect i'll try to take them out as quickly as possible. arthel: a thorn in the side to putin and also a boost to president zelenskyy and his troops i would imagine. does this change the timeline? some sort of a morale boost that is, does this change the timeline as to when this work and finally end? >> arthel because again these numbers are very small we are talking at most 10 f-16 aircraft by the end of 2024 and 20
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trained pilots. until there are more significant numbers of both aircraft and trained pilots is not going to make a dent or difference in the timeline. it does give the morale boost andgiven the long term benefit o matter how long the workplace out their ability to understand and believe the west doesn't care for them they are more western than eastern in nature. >> meanwhile as the world's eyes, the eyes of the media are trained on the middle east, what does that mean for russia's war on ukraine? >> certainly there is a budding alliance or partnership between iran and russia. they are sharing both intelligence and capability. some of the capability is the drone capability that is been produced largely in iran.
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they need to steward their resources. that also be benefited by the intelligence capabilities that are likely being shared by russia to our around to try to figure out the best way to respond. >> it is a definitely convoluted i have more questions but i do have to go right now. i thank you very much air force brigadier general thank you sir. >> thanks, arthel. southeast major risk of flooding tropical storm debbie charging up the coast of florida there it is will it be a hurricane by the time it makes landfall? we will tire of the "fox "fox news live." the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks!
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eric: right now much of the southeast is on high alert tropical storm debbie game strength in the gulf of mexico could become a hurricane before
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landfall "fox weather" correspondent is in clearwater beach on the gulf just west of tampa in florida. how is it? do we see surfers? >> yes exactly. the surfers are out they have been out all day here on clearwater beach just near ta tampa. i don't think they will be out here much longer not only are we losing lights but these outer bands are starting to rip and roar off the gulf of mexico. ts debbie tropical storm debbie making its way it was a tropical depression just 24 hours ago it is currently in a strengthening mode you see the rain and wind bands starting to come in. fort myers had beach to the south has been inundated with flooding and storm surge. we hope that receipts soon if it is not already clearwater beach likely take some storm surge coming up here soon. up to a foot of rain could fall in this area with wind gusts up
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to 60 and 70 miles per hour. the expectation is that by tomorrow late morning early afternoon this will make landfall as a hurricane. a category one. but let's not even leave out the fact it could be a little stronger than that with all the rapid intensification of the national hurricane center is calling for and the fox forecast model. a likely going to hit somewhere in the big ben and the nature coast. adjust to the east of tallahassee that it will come on land and potentially stall out. weather goes back into the atlantic or moves up into southern georgia and the carolinas undetermined at this point. but what we do know is towns like savannah, charleston, wilmington point to feet of rain done that will cause a catastrophic deadly dangerous scenario. in the meantime all of this area is going to hunker down soon as the outer bands coming in and putting a whopping on clearwater
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beach. eric: you are prepared review take a look behind you two guys just did somersaults. they are in bathing suits and enjoying it. [laughter] >> i know. you always see moments like that, right? what people will quickly realize is that when the heat really comes in when these bands kick up they won't be able to stand out there they won't be fun and games none of this is fun and games people can die. >> that is absolute correct something for them to get off the beach, robert thank you. arthel: alright it was a shameful crime that made national headlines the statue of jackie robinson stolen from a little league ballpark in kansas. but a new statue is coming tomorrow and some big league names will be there to celebrate. that is up next. with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months.
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attending the big reveal at mcadams park in wichita that includes award winner for mark yankee hall of famer former new york yankees manager joe torre. joe was a kid living in brooklyn in 1947 when jackie robinson joined the brooklyn dodgers the first african-american to play a major league baseball this all comes about six months after 45-year-old ricky stole the statue from the park back in january for the statue was later dismantled and burned according to authorities. during his sentencing friday he said he was ashamed and accepted his 15 year prison sentence league 42 is a which are taught nonprofit takes its name from robinson's uniform number and allows them to play and play at mcadams park sprays hundreds of thousands of dollars to help replace the statue. jackie robinson was elected to the baseball hall of fame in 1962.
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will be remembered as were the greatest to play the game. arthel: absolutely, madison scarpino thank you very much. alright, you cannot hold down greatness. eric: you note rachel robinson is 102 years old but isn't that wonderful? our best wishes to her. arthel: god bless her absolutely pre-thank you for watchingrigh everybody. with the freestyle libre 3 system you'll know your glucose and where it's headed no fingersticks needed. freestyle libre 3 manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. so you can focus on those special moments. covered by medicare for more people managing diabetes with insulin. talk to your provider or visit israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. in this orphanage bomb shelter, we're praying for god's help,
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