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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  August 4, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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blood thirsty venezuelan gang has moved its headquarters right across the street from the border town of el paso. a few thought the gang lords in the 80s with the jamaicans, the colombians, was bad these guys are making deals with ms 13. got the triads to major partner. >> a message in a bottle up out of the sand on the new jersey shore could be the oldest ever message in a bottle. they think it was thrown into the water in 1876 is hand written note my favorite part they uncorked it and opened it the folks said it smelled so bad they were not prepared it was the bay times a million. let that settle you tonight. that doesn't for us we will see you next weekend "live, liberty & levin" starts right now.
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♪ hello america i am mark levin this is "live, liberty & levin" sunday for this opening statement going to cover two issues of race and democracy. we have two great guests jonathan turley and rich goldberg. before we get to them it is amazing how virtually every election cycle, especially presidential election cycle the democrat party the party of slavery and segregation and eugenics, the party of woodrow wilson, reid segregated the civil service in the military. the party of franklin roosevelt who never lifted a finger for the black community. he received a bill in 1940 on his desk a bipartisan bill to federally outlaw outlaw lynchine would not sign it. the party of lyndon johnson the biggest racist to ever be president of the united states right up until 1960 when he decided to run for president he
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led the charge of the southern segregationists at least 64 and 65 civil rights act but for the fact a super majority of senate republicans and house republicans voted for those bills there would be no such bills. some of joe biden's best friends filibustered those bills. that's what i want to get too. donald trump is not demonstrated 1 ounce of racism. he is a big businessman. he was involved in supporting various campaigns democrats, reform party then republican and so forth. he has no record of being a racist or a segregationist at all. as president of the united states he was one of the most prolific presidents in terms of trying to advance causes and programs for the black community is web as other minority communities. and yet again here we are a presidential election the party of the confederacy, the party of
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the clan, the party eve of racim and segregation is him is trying to paint the republican nominee as them. he is not them. joe biden as them. i watch that national black journalism association event and i was appalled. >> want to start by addressing the elephant in the room, sir. a lot of people did not think it was appropriate for you to be here today. you have pushed false claims about some of your rivals from nikki haley to former president barack obama sank they were not born in the united states, which is not true. you have told for american women of color to american citizens to go back to where they came from you have use words like animal and rabid to describe black district attorneys you attack black turtle is calling them a loser saying the questions they ask or quote stupid and racist. if i dinner with the white supremacist at your mar-a-lago
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resort. so, my question, sir, now you are asking black supporters to vote for you, why should black voters trust you after you have use a language like that? >> first of all i don't think i've ever been asked the question in such a horrible manner. you don't even say hello, how are you. are you with a bc because i think they are a fake news and netwonetwork and a terrible net. and i think it is disgraceful that i came here in good spirit. i love the black population of this country. i've done so much for the black population of this country. i think it is a very rude introduction. i don't know exactly why you would do something like that and let me go a step further. i was invited here and i was told my opponent whether his biden or kamala i was told my opponent was going to be here. it turned out my phone is not
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hurt you invited me under false pretense and then you said you can't do it was zuma. where as if she's going to do is zoom and she is not coming in your half an hour late just so we understand i have too much respect for you to beat late bur the conduct of their equipment working or something. >> i would love if you'd answer the question for because a very nasty question i have been the best president for the black population since abraham lincoln that is my answer. cooks better than president johnson signed the voting rights act question of ask you to start off my question answer but when you're 35 minutes late because you could not get your equipment to work in such a hostile manner is a disgrace. i really do predict if joe biden had sat in that chair they would not have treat him the way they treated donald trump. and jowhen joe biden has a long history of being a truly terrible person. i want to think of all people yes nikki haley because she put out a press statement sometime ago when she was running because
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you see her race and ethnicity or question by the left, by the democrat party by the likes of the view. she is kind of playing the race card she is really indian she's not really black. oh, i see. we have a long list here joe biden's timeline on racial comments and actions and 71 -- 74 his legal residence had eight deed barring ownership by african americans in 1974 but it made and knowledge of himself as a 20-year-old in the senate to be a token black 1975 biden asked the only way a black man or woman can learn as if they rub shoulders with a white child 1977 he said bussing would cause the children should grow up in a racial jungle. 1977 he voted against the black justice department nominee specifically over their opposition to busing. 1977 biden said yes to join the senate judiciary committee specifically to lead the charge against busing that is against
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integration. 1979 biden voted to allow racially segregated private schools to keep their tax exempt status. 1981 byte is a george wallace was right about some things. 1984 by the us user were to boyo refer to jesse jackson. 1985 biden made a favorable comparison between segregationist senator john stennis confederate general stonewall jackson. 1987 biden quote appeal to white voters by touting an award he received from george wallace in 1973 where he prays biden as one of the outstanding young politicians in america print the list goes on and on folks. on and on. i wondered what charlemagne wons about this. i went with abc news reporter thanks about this. they don't think about it at all. there they ask kamala harris why would you be a running mate with the man with a record like this? remember what you said in the 2020 debate? 202020 debate? >> on the issue of race i could not agree more this is an issue
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that is still not been talked about truthfully and honestly. there's not a black man i note be a relative or coworker of profiling or discrimination were growing up my sister and i had to deal with the neighbor who told us her parents could not play with us because we were black. i will say also in this campaign we have also heard i'm now going to direct this to president biden, i do not believe you are a racist. and i agree with you when you commit yourself to the importance of finding common ground. but i also believe in it is personal. it was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two united states editor who built their reputations and career on segregation of race in this country.
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it was not only that but you also worked with them to oppose busing. there is a little girl in california was part of the second-class integrator public schools she was bus to school every day. that little girl was me. but she really eviscerated joe biden for his racism and segregation. all of that was put aside when i really want to discuss this evening's democracy. the democrats used to say they'rthegoing to save democrac. and trump from maga from conservatives anyone who disagrees with him. here we have an election that's the most un undemocratic electin in american history. not because of the republicans went to the primary process, with the nomination process had a convention, but at the convention you note participatknowparticipatory demu
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will. but the democrats have not than any of that. the people voted in the primary. they have virtual nominating going on did you know that? she's going to be nominated by the democrat party before the even have a convention. there's not even a debate at the convention there's not even an opportunity at the convention for this on an opportunity for anyone to challenge her. they crushed at a long time ago they transitioned what about the voters they don't matter they don't matter what kind of campaign is this would have access to kamala harris she's an extremist she's a radical she's a racialist. and i would argue she's an
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anti-semite but she's married to a jew i could care less might appoint a jew was a running mate i could care less. i could care less were not into identity politics we are into facts and substance that is what i meant too. and her record does not speak for itself to run this she hangs out with care and radical islamists front group hamas is a terrorist organization if you have not checked it out lately kamala put her pastor amos route and other racialist and anti-semite and my opinion in mn because he was there in south africa at a meeting joining up with anti-semites. by the way he is free to come on the show. kamala can come in the show for it anyone can come on the show i am happy to debate to go over your records very, very clearly. what kind of democracy is this? this is not a democracy the way this is taking place for the democrat party does not believe in democracy and believes in
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autocracy. james mattis wrote in all this fourth, 1822 from the memes of acquiring the prologue to a farce or tragedy or perhaps both. knowledge will forever govern ignorance. in a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives. knowledge about the candidates and the issues i would add. we are being prevented from getting knowledge. so we have the videos we have her statements. she is flip-flopping when he to question her about it but she is hiding out. she is like joe biden and pants suits what we mean by that? you cannot get access t to her unless you are a friendly group and leisure a handpicked friendly so-called journalists, she's got surrogates out there that is the media. democratic party operatives, other people telling us what she
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means. telling us what donald trump means. she needs to sit over and over and over again for serious interviews. voting is one thing. voting based on information about the candidate and their politics is true voting. people vote all the time all over the world they vote in venezuela. as bernie sanders would ca recay vote in russia. oh yes the evening is to vote in iraq before saddam hussein was taken out. is this an open voting system? they talk about ballots through the trap of talk about drop boxes they talk about voter harvesting. they vote if you disagree voter suppression, voter oppression, what is this? they say they support voting but they don't support his knowledge and information so you know who you are voting for who you are voting against and why. biden holds record of lowest number of press conferences,
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remember this? record number lowest number of press conferences and then immediately knew it they did not have a problem with it. they did not have a problem with it at all. biden told them what to think. biden told him what to say in the debate revealed everything even though the media knew it but so many americans may not have who do not focus on these things so that media went into damage control mode as of the democrat party they are attached at the hip so they blow out bided and yet there in the same exact same thing with kamala harris. they are lying. biden was shuffling he was looking into the ether appeared biden was this. the clips are a lie. they are cherry picking and so forth and so on. look at kamala harris. full promotion by the media full defense against any challenges by the media. the full racialist station and sexualization of the campaign which is what the democrats do in every election. and so this is taking place
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right now. now she is of plagiarizing the biden campaign she is issuing statements or her staff are. she won't sit down for a serious interview and she is afraid. i will challenge the donald trump anywhere. excuse me? that is fine that is a debate you owe the american people the truth. you need to reveal your self to the american people through questioning. not through billions of dollars of immediate in-kind campaign contributions and flush not hundreds of millions of dollars in propaganda advertisements. telling us what to think of you and telling us how great you are. this is not china this is not putin's russia and that you treated as if it is you treat the american people with this respect. the average person is being spoonfed propaganda sound bites, identity politics, media spend
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this isn't democracy this is not how you run an election. george orwell in 1946 with the following it is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic, we are praising it consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim it is a democracy. words of this kind are often used in a consciously dishonest way. the democrat party is not operating as if we are in a democracy for the democrat party is acting as if we are in autocracy and this is been going on for a long time. so, harris claimed to be defending democracy as systematically dismantling it. they are afraid of you they are afraid of we the people they are afraid of the voters they are afraid of challenges in a primary. they are afraid of all of the stuff. they are spoon feeding this to us. kamala harris has never won a single vote from any american citizen for president of the united states.
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she is being nominated by delegates who were chosen as biden delegates. she is being nominated through a virtual voting system right now not an open convention no challenges, no debates, and of democracy. this is help marxist parties conduct themselves that is what you are seeing. more the reason harris be forced out of hiding for it forced to abandon her cynical campaign reveal herself to the public. and we must demand it. kamala harris get off your high horse, make yourself available to the american people. available for people bite non- sycophantic media per address your flip-flops address your extremist record. address the fact and take the side of hamas as opposed to israel. oh yes you do. address your opposition to school choice. address your opposition comparing ice to the clan. stand up, confront your record
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anspeak to the american people before voting begins at about a month. address your awful record in san francisco district attorney your awful record as attorney general of california. defend your position she is the great prosecutor. oh my goodness except when it comes to little boys who were molested by priests in san francisco. i am not answering you people except when it comes to people stealing under $1000 from stores in california. she is the one who unleashed what is taking place in california and that respect. why should we believe you are tough enough to deal with presidency? and putin and the other evil genocidal maniacs? why should we believe you are tough enough to deal with iran and hamas and hezbollah why should we believe any of that when you are scared of us? we the people.
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you are scared of a tough interview or two or three or four or five. trump goes everywhere he has ubiquitous you go nowhere except we know where you will be safe where you will be allotted, applauded even say the most horrendous things about your opponent and the country. i will give a perfect example you keep waving around the so-called bipartisan immigration bill. this built ladies and gentlemen is a disaster and i like to ask her about it. i note cnn msnbc the rest of the reprobates won't. according to the heritage foundation who know a lot about this subject three senators and biden secretly negotiated this porterville. the bill codifies invited and mayorkas open border tools that codify the executive order. which would make it impossible to get rid of them. with god willing a trump presidency. they go on the key take away is
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neither the funding or the statutory reforms would truly secure the border for the border security is the only measure that congress should use. so i want to ask kamala harris at thit's a very long the bill m sure she has read every word of it. what else does she support in this filth more than 7 billion from their apartment, and secury statstate justice, hhs by administration but again fund sanctuary jurisdictions and nongovernmental organizations that have been facilitating mass illegal immigration. so they fund them, what else question what they except in codify crisis levels of daily illegal immigration passed into law the law would create a three year border emergency authority to allow to expel illegal aliens back across the border during extraordinary migration circumstances. but the numerous exceptions and limitations swallow the whole bill secretary of homeland security as a discretion to activate the authority after u.s. customs encounters an
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average of 4000 illegal aliens daily for seven consecutive days the obama secretary secretary d over 1000 was a crisis. they got secretary activation emergency authority is mandatory encounters 5000 illegals daily average for seven consecutive days or 8500 a one day not counted in those numbers unaccompanied children, parolees those who claim to fear prosecution and how many others? they are shipping people into the country almost a million now they don't count people coming and it may have an appointment to commend your country? absolutely. they don't count so they are lying through their teeth about the numbers going down and what this bill does continue to allow the crisis levels of illegal alien encounters means he border agents would remain overwhelmed that goes on and on. in other words it is a fraud. which is exactly why kamala harris said if we had the bipartisan bill trump and the
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republicans would not want it. let's talk about that bill. will you make yourself available so we can discuss that? no. we make yourself available because you haven't done a thing about anti-semitism taking place but my husband is jewish. who cares that his identity politics i've interested in substance. your record is a disgrace isn't that why you won't make yourself available to the public? that is the answer. you are not running a democratic campaign your party is not democratic. and this is not a democratic election. considering this autocratic democrat party. i will be righ mike had a heart attack a year ago. but he's still living in the red. with a very high risk of another attack. with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test.
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mark: will come back america for the richard goldberg senior national security council under president trump and foundation of defense and democracy senior advisor. richard goldberg, it looks like the biden administration's policies are paying dividends for iran. and their surrogates. israel is surrounded. israel is under attack. israel is biz been under attack
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bite hezbollah since october 8 since i'm aspe some aspect overn they are under attack iran is behind the whole thing. this administration has had numerous special pleader's people who would make it look like a great american patriots in terms of back channel into the foreign ministries of iran. i brought is going to get a nuclear weapon. tell me what has this administration done to deter ironic at all from threatening us, threatening our former president with an assassination plot, threatening the israelite people what is this administration done to deter any of this? >> nothing, nothing they've actually invited it all they shredded anything they have like deterrence coming into the last couple of years they continue to erode our deterrence as they isa pursuit of nuclear deals iran. they went back to get the nuclear they open up >> of cash. right now, with everything going on in the news there's $10 billion be made available to our iran the president could say stop were not going to let you have that money anymore.
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right now with everything going on around oil is allowed to flow to china almost 2 million barrels a day going to china. the president could say to the chinese stop it or going to enforce her sanctions. what is he doing with israel? he is withholding weapons he should be saying very publicly to iran were going to make sure israel has every last bit of munitions it means to carry out any mission that needs to defend itself and to take out its terror threats. he has not done any of that so what is the regime and around see right now? they see weakness they see invitation to escalate because what is the president say? you want to de-escalate dozens and going to back israel they need a counterattack against iran or against hezbollah or the houthis and yemen forget a cease-fire could withhold your weapons until you do roy to keep the sanctions relay for iran. that is madness it is complete madness and it is why we are in a situation of the middle east on fire. mark: 1013 is worse isn't she
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she boycott netanyahu speech that set a word to houthis, hezbollah and are all around the world i looked she has never denounced to leave for her, she is never denounced omar and fact she took the position that omar should not of been sanctioned with house of representatives she's as tight as a tick with this group care is a hamas a front group. she surrounds herself with the radicals including national security advisor i believe his name is phil gordon. what you make of her? >> are policies going to be at this point as far as we know the same or worse in the president currently. she owns all of his policies as far as appeasing iran. she is not said she wants to go back to a maximum presser she still wants it back to nuclear deal her national security adviser are you just mention phil gordon is one of the architects of the leading proponents of going back to nuclear deal. he is also one of the ardent opponents of providing israel the weapons it needs to actually get jobs done i sent in the midt
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and deter threats. so by the appearance or biden the policies of the same it is appeasement of iran and pressure on israel. but let's back up and remind americans who we are talking about here. when you saw israel take out the operational commander of hezbollah in beirut that was a man who murdered 241 american marines in 1983 was behind many more attacks for decades after that. when you see him the leader of hamas was that the right hand of the founder of hamas for years another man with american blood on his hands not just on octobet take it out, that was doing justice for american families. for american victims of terrorism and who is their sponsor? who is their overlord? who is pulling the strings question rick world leading state-sponsored terrorism that chance at death to america, death to israel is currently plotting to assassinate president trump. that's going to meddle in our
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fears of a wider regional war grow i am jon scott now back to "live, liberty & levin." ♪. mark: welcome back america. you know richard goldberg, kamala harris is touting herself through advertisements and surrogates she is a tough
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prosecutor. up against a convicted felon. isn't it just amazing to you the resources of the federal government will be used as much is possible to try and put donald trump in prison for the rest of his life? so wha up i suggest as a part fr political means and not concentrating on the threat to americans at this moment. but, you talked a little bit on hostagetaking of americans is going on. we just saw the deal it took place with russia and absolutely very happy to see journalist come home evan gershkovich into other americans coming home to their families that is good news but remember why they were taken why did vladimir putin take americans? why did he think he could do that? why does sibron think you could take americans why does china have an espionage law that threatens to take americans at any moment? because they think nothing will happen to them because guess what, nothing happens to them of consequences. we have to go back and look for ways to appease and giving mass
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murderers by giving them assassins back and then they're going to repeat this type of incidents and take more hostages. our policy on this has to stop we need to have a backbone and we need to show these leaders who think they can take americans we will not tolerate that there will be severe consequences tha of they tried again. mark: kamala harris needs to be grilled on all of this. and she is hiding out she does not want to be grilled on any of it and we need to know exactly what she would do it exactly where she would stand rather than are trying to smear donald trump and tell us he is a threat to democracy. quite the contrary. these people are undermining democracy not just here but overseas. richard goldberg i would to thank you my friend. god bless you. >> you too, mark [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty
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>> welcome back america. we are here is one of great constitutional scholars and professors on i mean that. also one of the most courageous.
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because he is a professor at george washington law. i'm sure he i hope he is tenured. that being said i want to get a bit in the constitution, the attack on the supreme court and at all really essential to free speech and the other unalienable rights we enjoy as american citizens. you have written eight seminole book a book that is crucially important for this time right now in this country the indispensable rights to free speech in an age of rage. there it is. this is a must read for anyone who cares about the future of this country you can get it at, any major bookstore and i am not kidding about this. i thought i knew a lot about the first amendment i still think i do but i know twice as much now having read this book is a seminoas aseminole book so jonan turley, this war on the supreme court which is now unhinged which is now persistent, whether
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it's pack the court whether to change the makeup of the court, or that they should be ethics rules that are applied to certain injustices and not other justices, separation of power and varied political attack on the court is in it? >> it is. and mark, thank you very much for inviting me on. one of the strongest and certainly one of those consistent voices in defense of free speech. it is a great pleasure to talk with you about the book. but you raise the right aspect of the proposals on the supreme court here they are very much part of this age of rage. it is also an example of why this is perhaps the most dangerous age. because of an alliance that has formed particular against free speech involving the governor government, academia and they are attacking not just free-speech core institutions. it is a sad part of joe biden's
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legacy. for 50 years he refused to take these measures to consist supreme court. for 50 years he retained on this principle one of his last he did not compromise on. and then, an effort to save his nomination he gave this to the left that he would hand over the court. he would go for one of these reforms. forcefully they will go nowhere but it is unfortunately as you know a symptom of our time. a symptom of the age of rage. mark: 's free speech we have these courts that keep upholding a gag order against president trump or leave a prosecutor on a constitutionally appointed this overarching gag rule in the federal system on president trump. what is a big deal we talked about social media. elon musk about twitter and we learn what twitter was actually doing working closely every
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agency is involved to control our speech we have the supreme court the case comes before them it is teed up. there is no i think what you see and i talk about this in the indispensable right. the thing about rage that they often don't admit. they like it, it is addictive it's actually contagious we saw that we are covering the trump trial for the fox news core route i walked out of that building a saw people dancing in the street. it gives you license to do things you would not normally do it allows you to look away from things you would normally object to like it gagging the lead in canada for the presidency. and i share your view about the supreme court. we are facing an unprecedented
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threat to free speech that is what the book deals with. and part of it is what i have called in testimony before congress censorship by surrogate. that use of private companies to do indirectly with the government cannot do directly. that is what the court had an opportunity to weigh in on and they passed. mark: ladies and gentlemen the book is the indispensable right free speech in the age of rage. you can grab it right now on any major book sort soup to nuts this is your court liberty the right to speak, into speech applies to association, speech applies to freedom of thought. speech applies to your ability to embrace and practice your values and your belief systems. speech also involves trying to get the candidate who is running for president on the democrat side to speak to us. you have an interview. this book covers it soup to nuts. we will be right back.
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but it's under siege from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected
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media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia. mark: will come back america. the issue is your unalienable rights, free speech and the republic. the indispensable right, free speech in an age of rage for jonathan turley get it on i encourage you all you people are patriots and constitutions you to check this out i'm quite serious. we are facing this today. this issue of free speech there is a constant effort to amend the constitution to change it. there's a constant effort to influence it. tv ownership was under attack this issue of free speech where does it come from?
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that's part of the reason he wrote this book is or try to figure out why we are still trying struggling with free speech there's an amendment to amend the first to memos led by one of my colleagues who says the first amendment excessively individualistic. it needs to be balancing its notions like equity pray that's a popular movement. i wanted to understand why it is we are struggling with this. i try to go to the personalities and the periods that shaped our view of free speech. one of the interesting things is the beginning of the republic we had a moment of clarity the framers viewed free speech as a natural right a right given to them by god not by some right bestowed by the government maintained at the discretion of the government. they rejected the black stony and british approach to free speech. and that is what you saw in the first amendment. but within a few years we lost that clarity and we felt backed by default on what i call a functionalist or instrumentalist view of free speech.
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and some speech is not good for democracy. the result is we have been on a slippery slope since then. one of the things the book tries to look at is we are physically, not just psychologically tied to free speech. if you do not use expression. parts of your brain a shrink. there is a physiological response we need to project a part of ourselves to the world around us that is why the framers said this is a gift from god. this is part of being fully human you cannot be fully human unless you are able to do that. we had a pool come out showing 70% of college students now believe free speech is as harmful as physical violence. only about half of the students agree that biased or offensive speech should be protected. that is a slippery slope we are on. that is the success of the
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insight free speech movement which really came from higher education. we are raising a generation of speech phobics who believe speech is harmful to them threatening to their very livelihood this book is trying to help get a reawakening in this country as to how this it defines us as a people why we needed to be fully human. mark: a short time we have left this administration has created this information or misinformation board it's been involved in trying to control social media. it is tried to controlled the media it which seems to want to be controlled with respect to say the hunter or a laptop or something of that sort. we are not getting the kind of information we deserve so that we the people can speak to each other and as a community speak about the issues taking place when you make of that? >> i have a long chapter on the media. and exactly as you point out how it is sought on the branch they are all sitting on. they are destroying their
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profession. and this administration the biden/harris administration is a most anti- free-speech administration since the adams administration. and hopefully this will bring it to the forefront we can debate it as a people which we are willing to turn our back on this indispensable right. >> folks it's a fantastic book you know jonathan turley he is as good as they come for the indispensable right to free speech in an age of rage. my audience, this audience is exactly the kind of audience it needs to read this book. jonathan turley thank you. god bless you and keep up the good work my friend. >> thank you mark much mike had a heart attack a year ago. but he's still living in the red. with a very high risk of another attack.
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with his risk factors his recommended ldl-c level should be below 55. find out if you're living in the red. learn how to get a free ldl-c test. subject 1: i love you. [music playing] i love you. beckett: i love you too. subject 2: beckett's amazing. he's a miracle child. in the mornings, he'll wake up, and he'll roll the shades up. and da da, it's time to get up. it's a bright, beautiful day. beckett: right. subject 1: you look great. the first of the year, he started going, i have to sit down. i'm dizzy, mommy. he couldn't walk straight. his head was starting to be cocked. make a wish. a month after his third birthday, he got diagnosed with atrt brain cancer. all you can think of is, my kid's not going to live. [cristina perri, "a thousand years"] i have died every day waiting for you darling don't be afraid
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i have loved you for a thousand years i'll love you for a thousand more you are really tough. subject 3: families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. subject 1: the fact that saint jude doesn't bill is a godsend. and the fact that we don't have to ask for help here makes things a lot easier to go through what we have to go through with beckett. beckett: i wish my cancer was gone. subject 3: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need. (singing) i have died every day waiting for you. subject 1: the fact that they are researching and they are saving these children, it's so important. we wouldn't be where we are without saint jude. and in turn, we wouldn't be where we are without those people that have donated.
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they're the reason why my son's still alive. subject 3: you can help saint jude save the lives of children like beckett. [music playing]
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vice president, watch. >> the trying to erase black history, because of american history. it is american history, together we make history, not a race, as values of diversity, quality, inclusion, literally, not kidding the core strength of america, that's why i'm proud to have the most diverse administration and history, into the full talents of our country and starts at the top of the vice president. >> did anybody did not joe biden for that, dig kamala harris, was she offended? i see only the democrats can talk about eei, as a conservative we should talk about the issues, we will mop the floor with them. i will see you nex "life, liberty and levin". ♪


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