tv Hannity FOX News August 5, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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if kamala debates trump, they better check for earbuds. make sur sobama'e obama's not i. i'm sure fox has some strictadie will adhere to. >> carol from katy, texas chelsea for ambassador to u.k..e >> sounds like a path to the presidency. ohoh, my gosh. my gosh. hing not if barron has anythingut it. to say about it. sio >> james from sioux falls, south dakota we do notux want joe on our mountain to. don't worry about it. it's not going to happen. ericit.nancy's just fluffing thp a little bit. >>a from erica from apollo beaci florida. my husband and i are debating what's on your tieng what'r tie >> are those sharks or f-16s? those are stingrays. >> wait, no, marlin. d >> i believe those are marlins. and that's is toth. m >> i'm waters. and this is myis i world.annity
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>> and welcome to hannity. and tonight, w."t we ae are a me 92 days until the 2024 election. 4only 43 days until early votig begins in pennsylvania, rolls out around the country. and the biden-harris administration now finbiden-d a themselves in a familiar position, struggling to copeanoe with one crisis after another, self-imposed. and as wy poste speak, tensions are red hot overseas and the world is on edge in iraq. several u.s. personnel, persd duringjure u.s a rocket attack at an air base in iraq not far away. israel is now bracing for could what could very well be yetstat another war, war this time with the number one state sponsor of terror, iran and their proxies, hezbollah. sh out of the north and hamas out of the south. ont a front war against radical islamic terrorists that your president and b democratic presidential candidate believesve that though there are people that don't actually exist and we should never, ever,r, ever say the wore
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you should have the courage noth to ever say the words. >> listen, i have the couragevet to object when they ushee that term. radical islamic terrorism. all right. t and the greatest victims of terror? >> well, somebody ask her that. who attacked us on 911? o whwho attacked israel on october seven. and speaking of kamala harri s, we do interrupt this monologue with words of wisdom from your democratic presidential nominee who actually act was at a womens leadership conference in berkeley and said the followin g. >> and i have to tell you that umen we take on these position ,leadership and as a woman, there is a balance to be struck ,being tough and beingan to turn
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that all. yes, sure. giggling vice president dopr you thinesidk president xi vladr putin, kim jong un, the mullahs in iran, will takera her seriously? and by the way, we interrupt this monologue again forn will, more words of wisdom from your democrati pr presidential nominee on the issue of being woke. >> take a look. we have to stat on they active , you know, we have to stay woke. like, everybody needs to be woke. wokis and you can talk about if you're the woke ist or woke upt, but stay more woke than less woke. yeah. >> and know that you're and wevo all have to know our voice matterics. >> all right, now back to our regularly scheduled monologumonp so tonight, the middle east and our ally, israel, they are on pins and needle s is could be an existential threat. hamas's goal or iran's goa
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ls ar is to destroy israel. now, more u.s. warships are steaming e region the region.h a squadron of f 22 raptors n have been deployed whichews. is good news. however, neither joe biden nor kamala harris suppor hart te israel winning the war on terrorism as they did not rift a single figure finge to help israel retaliateania against iran after the lastn iranian attack. nor would kamel even bother to show up and preside o over the joint session of congress when prime minister netanyahu addressed congress. we have a lot more coming up tonight, including the now now son of hamas. his fathere was one of, with the founders of hamas, the people responsible, with the help of irahelp on for the october seven islamic radical terrorist attack. anyway, that's straight ahead. and with more turmoil abroadoi, we'll hopefully educate kamala, by the way, on the ter radm rade islamic terrorism and what it means. but first, we turn to anothe tte foisis. this one is hitting you right here at home forr e th the thirk
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straight trading day. stocks plummeting collapse amid fears of a global recession raterising unemployment, while major industries are buckling the s. igh interest rate the dow was down more thanp a thousand points. the s&p suffered wor its worst y since the market sell off in 22. horacing era $1.4 trillion in a matter of hours. thisur day, three ofcallin what president trump is now calling the kamala crashg ma and the hemorrhage hemorrhaging is not over. japan's stock market, they just posted their worst day since black monday from 1987.e very all of this being fueled by the very real fears that the biden-harris economy will will spiral this country, you know, full on recession, in spite of the proclamations of all the success of biden nomics. >> take a look. all that, ladies and gentlemen ,and everyone else that is biden called by dynamics, that is
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called biden nomics. bebidenore very proud of biden . and as today's jobs numbermis woke clear, biden-nomics is working. >>rking. all the money americant today is caused by nomics. so buckle up because we are in for a bumpy ride with joe biden and kamala harris at the helm. and god forbid. and whoever she chooses. remember kamala promisedmber she to eliminate the filibuster. remember she did that said to pass the green new deal. praising aocin. 7 to 80% tax idea. why don't we just confiscate all the money? take a look. o,so, again, back to the united states congress. >> here's my point. ify failo ac they fail to act as president of the united states, p i prepared a to get rid of the filibuster to pass a green new deal. >> alexandria ocasio-cortez, the new darling of the party she officially has more twitternute
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followers than nancy pelosi. >> she was on "60 minutes" this weekend proudly calling herself a radical. and she's promoting policies like saying that every s single carbon emission in the country, every car should be eliminated within the nexeltt tta 11 years, everything from a 70 to 80% tax rate. do ee t you agree that she coulde possibly, in this ideology of the socialist left, couldiste splinter your party? no. you know, i think that she is challenging the status quo. . i think that's fantastic. i think that she is introducing bold ideas that that shoulde dic t. discussed. green new deal is fantastic. we need to discuss it. rememberre nder is going to be free under the green new green new deal, free government housin?ee nusing for all. free childcare. free government. health care. free food. freed, fre a guaranteed governmt job care. government assistancvernmente fm cradle to grave at over $90 trillion, which is 15 times more than the entire yearly federal budget. but they will live within that.n
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now, of course, an income tax hike that's not going to coverow it. n s, remember, she in 2019, in her own words, promised to raiseindu taxes on corporations and individuals and the death tax on the evil rich, too. >> take a look.ys so these are some of the ways.. but we have got to increase the corporate tax rate. we also have to increase taxes for the top 1%. part of and that part of that io to be about repealing that tax bill that they just passed looko and also looking at estate taxes are going to have to go up for the richest americans. >> it was only six days ago, only two days before this market crash began, that biden was out there bragging that he and kamala harris carried the economy. we just didn't know it. ashed.and then it crash.nt, >> take a look here. was sure the economy, the environment and a few have a small thing s. >> somebody needs to cure him now.
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that'sim stable was laughable then and it's really not laughable for thr the 2 trillion plus lost in the last couple of days. then and even more so now. here are the facts. pu t together by economistet steve moore. well before today's market sell off and this latest crash. ams know, first up, america' real income, adjusted for inflation, was up more thanp. $4,000 under president trump is dowe thann by more than 20 uc biden-harris. now, next, until recentlently jd growth has been relatively strong in the us, but those recovered jobs coming back andte the other jobs were created by the government, paid for by one of the biden-harris administration's massiveration's spending bills that caused inflation in the first place. ace.king oand speaking of infla you can see it right here. take a look at your screenscreem that inflation was almost nonexistent during years donaldt trump's four years when he left office o, 1.4% under biden and harris. a much different
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with prices now up by more than 20 pluslu ofrcent overall. this is a nightmare for all of you american family. look at your screen. auto, 51% gas up per 40 plus percent, eating oucet up 22% if you can afford it.2% airfare up 22%. housing up 21%. me, i love meat, 21%. used cars of 18%. new car, new cars, 17%. u daycare, preschool up seven 16%. real wages are down. the price of literally th l. everything you buy in every store you go to is up. so, of cours cars e, credit cart is also on the rise, up by more than $240 billion since joe biden and kamala harris got into office. mee, mortgage payments, you know, didn't you liketgage? your 2.9%, 30 year fixed rate mortgage? well, they've goll, t more than doubled under biden and harris. vast new regulations imposedng
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by the biden-harris administration are also taking a toll. olcosting an estimated $47,000 per family. this is a horrendous economic trac d andk record. wake no mistake, kamala harris owns this record. rther towants to go further to e left of joe biden. and here's the receipt for the new tax bill she would like to impose on you. d likeo rashe would like to raio the corporate tax. she wants to, you know, yo,ns d of course that gets passed on to you. corporations do not pay taxeys. say it all the time.o rais and she also wants to raise the individual taxes on people. she wants to raise the estate taxes. she wants to raise taxesy moren on small businesses by more than eight points. she wants to almost double the capital gainl gains tax.andh i mean, how much more can b people pay? and she, by the way, apparently even supports a crazy tax on what they calcalll gains.ockr in other words, if you own a stock or property that you on may own and it goes up on paper or your 401.
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k goes up on paper, shyoe wantsn you to fork over 40% of what the paper gain is. but if you have a sell off likeg we've had the lastai three dayss whatever gain you had is gone and you just pay taxeson on mony you're never going to see, even if you realize the profits's n through a sale, you'd neverow realize them. it doesn't stop there. t larshe's now proposing what s the largest redistributione s of wealth in the history of the world. need is what marxism is toarxish according to their need from age, according each ac to their ability. all that kind of what she's preaching. sh preach ie is beyond radical. this is beyond extreme. this downright dangerous. her domestic policy. economic policy. law immigration policy. foreign policy. energy policy. whw and order, which we've gone through in detail. all of it dangerous, radical and extreme. this is all brought to you by somebody who doesn't even seem to understand the basics of the economy. for exampl listee a sort of kama
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off script talking about her plan to fiinflatx inflation, wh, by the way, was only supposed to be transitory. take well, let's start with this. prices have gone up and families and individuals are dealinarg with the realitie- of of that. bread costs more that gas costsd more. and we have to understand what that means. that's about the cost of living going up. that's about having to stresins and stretch limited resources. that's about a source of stress for families. that is not only economic, but is on a daily level, something that is a heavyweighvn to carry. and we know from the history of this issue in the united states that whe y see e prn you see i these prices go up, it has t a direct impact on the quality of life for all people in our country. s th for comparison, here is the
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make america great again pack describing inflation in less than seconds. for >> here's a quick education for kamala harri hars. i prefer to do self-checkout because i speed through the grocery store. i like people say, what are you doing here? buying food. i like tyway, th to eat. anyway, the biden-harris administration is now trying to spend their way out of inflation. they've been telling us that fourhe anditory for almosty fo four years now. and she believes that only she and jobettere know how to bettel spend your money than you do. and don't forget, karmel is an expert.echnolog. is all things, even technology. you didn't know this, but sh.e is. >> take a look. so given where wo, we are now. so you're now no longer are you necessarily keepinkeg thosele private files in some file cabinet? cabinet that locked in the baset of the house?
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n n your laptop, and it's then, therefore, up here, this cloud that exists above us. right. >> it's no longer in a physical place. above the cloud above us. like joe shaking hands with there. we are not in good handss a ver this is a very scary time. this is a dangerous time. .this. this. these are extreme policies. ey arerous. 24, th they are dangerous. but in the coming weeks, 2024,ao that will come down to five issues. it's going to come down to their open border their policies, their horrible economy, their disastrous foreign policy. law and order and safety and security. security every. every small town and big city. you know, energy independence, e which we can achieve and then energy dominance. and kamala harri as has been an abject failure. she's not up to the job by anyoh means on all of these issues. that is her record. she
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e owns that.o sh that defines her. that is who she is. but unfortunatele is buty, no ot the state run media mob wants to hold her accountable for anythingholdountable like bidena is hiding behind a teleprompter during what are heavily scripted events featuring platitudes, generalizationed evs and attacks on donald trump. 24/7. but you knowonald trum, never as deep. never anything substantial. yo, for a deeply unpopular politician anointed by party leaders without a single primary vote, don'te you deserve better, kamala harris, you know, as she ever d to answer a tough question, is the is democracye the media that dead? i guess they are. moyway, here reaction analys win analysis, trump economic adviser steve moore. sior r, i'm going to put up your very detailed analysis, which i think, by the way, is america incredible. it's called great again. mayou've been analyzing these numbers. we watched the market now crash forket now cr three days in a rn you know, maybe we'll get a minor rebound tomorrow if- th
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i had to predict. but i think this this thisvery trajectory seems very real r now . >> well, sean, first of all,rfor that was a maestro performance. your summarymancy of of bidene o and kamala harris and what they've done to our economy. . you know, as i look at you and i've been in this game a long time, but if you look at the major presidential candidates over the last 30 or 40 years, and that includes people like remember michaelhael and and war mondale and hillary clinton and john kerry, i have to sayis that i think kamala harris is the most anti-businesscand presidential candidate in yourip my lifetime. i mean, this woman has endorseie one policy after another that have would be absolutely ruinousolutely s to our economy, as you mentioned, doubling the capital gains tax, taxing on realized gains. c the one thing you left out, sean, is don't forget, sheins. is record as being against modern oil and gas drillintndg.n she calls fracking, you know, 75% of our energy daayy comesdri
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from fracking and horizontal drilling. i don't even think this lady even knows what frackingngi don is.ous but this is a dangerous situation. i think thd said itis the very well, that this is the kamala crash and m kamy here, s, is that let's face it. over the last two weeks, kamala harris has had the most amazing honeymoon period from the media. you would think where he she her mother go >> and all of a sudden her pollp numbers go up. and i think a lot of investors around the country and around the world said, holy cow, this woman ca cann actually elected president. and i think that caused a complete panic panic.k she wi. k she's now, i don't think she will be e reelected. i don't think she's going ou win this electionlection bu but if she did, i think itr would be absolutely catastrophic for our economystoc dent and our stock market. let me put a highlight on that. you think what presidenttrumth trump said? the kamala crash has a lot ex do with fear of the marketsta that she may be in this race? >> explain. l nu >> well, she her poll numbers se have up because of this media treatment of her as if she
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you know, she's some kin's dying, of saint. and i think investors were looking at that and just sayinig if those policies she's talking about were implemented, they wouldimd be be so destruct. the other one, you didn't mention china, or at leastr of you to briefly about it is she's in favor of basically having the governmenbasicallgovr the entire health care system. obaou cr, at least barack obam . >> remember when barack obama said, if you like your health care, you can keep it? well , under the plan, even if you like your health care, you can' you're t keep it you'r into the government system. >> look, joe biden and kamaln aa harris are fiscal pyromaniac. >> they have they have bled our country to the brink of bankruptcy with this massiv , spending. and i would submit to you, john, that every single one of those problems that you identified in your monologue all circled back to the massive spending spreeiv, the massive, unprecedented debt. and i think right now, the chickens are coming homewe appre to roost. >> all right, stephen moore, we appreciateciate it. i feel bad for so many americans that lost so much money today.
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i've been warninn warninout ag a correction being inevitable. every dime i could pull out of the couto the market to redue my exposure, i set up my radio show. i don't give economic advice. i'm not a professional lika esse steve. yot i said i didn't trust it. and here we are. thank you. stepe. ooru. joining us now, the host of making money fox business, our own charles payne. >> charles , how do you analyze job us? well, you, steve, have done an s amazing job so far. and i'll ck u just pick up on that and be more specific. you know, we talk about this meltdown in the stoc melck marka it's really if you look at the meltdown and what they call the small caps, right. there's the russell 2000, which came on like gangbusters as soon as president trump had a commanding lead over president. there was a sort of feeling that, okay, this is going to be amazins going e g, our domestic. it's going to be a u.s. centric ,pro-business, centric administration. and the small cap nameministratt are having difficulty, they can't compete with all of the money that's being poured out here,f like particularly to these larger
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corporations. they took off like a a rocket.t i mean, we set recordssml with these small cap stockcas and. all of a sudden, it is all gone. a record breakinreaking has vane completely, in part largely becausle of the poll numbers. vice president harris and you know, here's the thing. it's the listen to vice president harris talkngerpr about inflation as if her fingerprints weren't on it. it's -- it's likinren't on e interviewing b an arsonist in front of a burning buildingui and expressig compassion for the people in there. her and joe biden really, e really feel or believe wholeheartedly in this notion that the governmen t can print eve endless amounts of money and cure everyone's illsry. and at the end of the day,l all they've done was make the richest people in thishe country wealthier than they could ever imagine. and everyone magine is holding 23% holdi credit card interest rates. t well, let me ask you this. i mean, the green new deal i gave i put up the cost of it, 90 trillion. you know, how is it there's no private health insurance,,
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but you get free health care, free housing , education if you are an illegal immigrant. and w god's name do you possibly taxed an unrealized capital gain n? how do you because it could day be wiped away in three days. quo like people watched a lotin of their quotes , gains wipedh. away in the last three days. ino it's just so nonsensical. imagine someone could go in yod appraiserasn yan and say, okay, this is worth 110 grand. it was worth0 last y the last y. he owes tax on $20,000. all right. and then it's just and then, n. of course, the stock market goes up and down. years of followe rs are fd by bad years.e anyo it would only take a couple of years before everyone was at zero. atthey would they haveit's a essentially they would confiscate everything. it's a confiscation plan. e tr it's not a tax plan. by the way, none of these >>. iouly economic plansul plans these are all ideological plans steeped in the notion that there shoulre shod be big government that controls everything and managed by a handful of peopl people.e. all right. charles payne, thank you. we appreciate it. when we come
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vp watch is official and we'll talk about that straight aheadai . the world on edge over tensions in the middle east. ren attacks that an attack on israel could happen from iran at anmomenty. could it be a three front warg once? we're going to speak with the man knowtothe man as the son ofs his father, one of the hamas founders. >> when we come back, depictsber and helps people with asthma breath.e better in as little as two weeks when you can breathe better. what is it better? >> this is better. >> this is better. this is better, that's better.h. >> and that even this dupixent l is an add on treatment for specific types of moderate to severe asthma. it works with your asthmaeduce medicine to help improve lung function. >> that's pretty good. >> that's pretty good. dupixent is not foorroids. problems. it's proven to help prevent it's proven to help prevent asthma attackshibetter?. >> it can reduce or evenou have eliminate oral steroids. eliminate oral steroids. and doesn', chest t that things, dupixent can cause allergic . t aches
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called the number on your screen call 800 25834943. >> and this a fox news alert earlier today, an apparent rocket attack injuring several a u.s. service members at al assad air base, iraq.t amid this comes as the world remains on edge tonight amid is what are heightening tensions in the middle east. iran is now reportedly preparing to retaliate against israel after a series of high profile assassinations of terroristations proxy leader.
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they got the number four leadert of hamashr, number three, numbee two. and they just took out the number one leader, the people responsible amer killing what would be the equivalent of 40,000 americans in a day, addingtonig to the pressure. axios tonight reporting that secretaryrting th state wih and tony blinken telling his counterparts in the g7 yesterday that iran, in fact, will strike at any moment. nderb that is a very uncertain, chilling times. eastunder biden and harrisid there's war in europe, war in the middle east, and now a presidential candidate that denies the existence tesradical islamic terrorist and is lecturing you to have the courage not to use that wor t d. joining us now, someone who had to deal with threats like thes o his entire life, the author of the brand new book, from hamas to america my storynimagi of defying terror, facing the unimaginable, fightingna son redemption in the land of opportunity. he's known as the son of hamasfa . mosab hassan yousef is with us. assad, welcome.
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good to have you. and just for the record, you've been a for then american for, w, 20 some odd years now, correct? >> uarh, about ten years now. >> okay. but you've been in the countrya? for 27, 20 some odd years since 2000. sinceseven. okay, so you grew up as the son of one of the founders of hamas. the hamas charter calls for the destruction of israel. wewe have at presidential candidate that now to uewe should have the courag not to use the term radical islamic terrorism. ye t wht who attacked us on 911, who attacked israel on october seven? >> this is a totally>> thi denin and it's camila's harris attempt to hide her head in the sand. the hamas on october seven killed a jewish minority in the middle east by the name of allah, bin laden and thea bu
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boko haram salafi jihadistccs, hezbollah, ayatollah nasrallah, all of them killed by the name of allah and the the jewish hatred and the non-muslim hatred is rooted in islam, in the koran. and we have saying this for so many years, but i think many politicians in this country and many other man countriesn'tw have been compromised. i don't know how, but theiowr impact, sir, is very suspicious. wh very they want to legitimizes the islamic violence? as you know, this is ala part of our life and we have too co co-exist with islam the way itcd is. and we say, no, this is totally rejected because the more we legitimize terrorism and violence a the more we ignie their lust for blood.k yo >> and this is not acceptable. let me ask you thiiss. i mean, we've seen thisration administration and surrender
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in the war on terror, as far as i'm concerned, after iran fired missilesafteed. okay. the administration did help israel defend itself, but saids' take that as a win, don't retaliate. well, to me, that only tobut i wo emboldens further attacks. but i would imagine this timagic we know, for example, the rocket that hit the soccer field that killet kid killed thi israeli children. that was an iranian rocket. weranianocket. know that the irn revolutionary guard and cub's forces helped train and providee the weaponry for october the seventh. i could imagine as irane, is firing missiles, they'lltakig also be taking incoming from hezbollah out of lebanon in them north and from hamas of the south out of gaza, which is a three front war, maybe even four fronts if you add the houthi rebels out of yemen. i meanhouthit of, that is an exl threat to israel. now, are they goin.g to help israel offensively win this war against radicadical terrorism or are they going to keep surrendering? i wouleinmagin
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keep surrendering and giving in to the radical base that kamala wants to vote for her? >> look, the crisis that we have right nowhave rig, we are n the verge of a regional war is the outcome of the a american administratiodminisn hesitation. iran is not or the islamic republic actually,y and ayatollah. >> they are nonot only attacking israel to them, america iss ch the great satan. they always chant "dt death to america before they say death to israel. soo this is a strategic, and enemy of the united states, first of all. and in f fact, israel is fightid on behalf of the united statesn, in that region. >> now, afteerr october seven ad this hesitant policy towards the middle east, which basicall east,y we see iran aboa obtain a nuclear and theye already have ballistic missiles. ball destabilizingr pr
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the region through their proxies, but also they can reachs buso the europen reach all the american interests in then th middle east, and we hide a our head in the sandnd and we lt them go. they are not that far from achieving a nucleanuclear want. we want to give ayatollah a mass destruction weapon and we're watc are watching it. we see his nuclear program and. >> we are in total denial.>> well, this is madness. >> it is complete madness. mosab yousef, from hamas to america, my story of defying terr, facing the unimaginable, finding redemption in the land redepportunity on, hannity .com and bookstores around the country. i hope kamala harris listens th you, but she won'to you bt. thank you, sir.. appreciate the warning and the heads up. you know, more than anybod more when we come back, speaking of israel, the anti israel protestere antis there na apparently mobilizing again for the coming semesterer. >> we'll bring you the details
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get some more pepper wings in the scene. >> and honey teriyaki to have your people. >> my people? when you can't watch. listen. get the latest news and news headlines on sirius xm. anytime, anywhere. fox radio on sirius xm america is listening. >> all right. cosmo'. s veepstakes are heating up. we are on an official v.p. v selectio n watch. dow and according to reports, the choice now is narrowed down to final two. minnesota governor tim walz, pencilpennsylv virginia governoh shapiro. now, josh shapiro happens to bel jewish and his past support for israel looks likcould e it coule be cause for major headaches for the democraticarty, ma parte a political civil war within the party that has so radicalized as the far left anti-semitic wing of the party r continues to grow more and more influential. they're not going to go away an any tiy time soon after they spn weeks terrorizing college last spring. students are now reportedly gearin
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g up for round two this fall with some say they've been working on a plall summen all sk meanwhile, with the dnc setactii to begin in two weeks, pro-palestinian activists are planningste planni to rallyc convention. how did the democratic party get hijacked by these radical left wingers? it starts at the top. you mighstarts aght remet rememe remarks from kamala harris. a word froentialm your presidenl candidate for the democrats over the summe, therr. there have been like protestsioi and demonstrations and astronomical numbers done for palestine. thre ago,g isra few days there were funds allocated to continue backinel,g israel. hurts my heart because it's an ethnic and the displacement a people, the same that happened in america. and i'm going to again, this is aboutthe factt the fact thar voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth,aus] should not be suppressed and it must be heard to have the courage to object whenrm they use that term.
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radical islamic terrorism. all how about this? and the greatest victims of terror who go with reaction. israeli special ops veteran aaron cohen. harris poln harris poll chairmas is with us. marc, i'll start with you. shusi'll se refused to go see ts session of congress speechahu of prime minister netanyahu, which i would describe as churchilliawhi woulben. she and joe biden have been lecturing israel not to retaliaterael not after irand at israel. their message was don't fire back. and then they refused to join israel in defending the only democracy in the regionocracy i. michael moore says if she picks josh shapiro tomorrow, who isma jewish, that she may very well lose michigan. and he is furious that hes didn't support the bds movement and compared those students protesting at college universities to the kkk. how is that going play out?
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how is your party become so radical and so, frankly, pro-hamaw ecome sos and that wif well, i think we're going to see the result this conflict play itself out in that choice tomorrow. lookok, i th, i think if she pii josh shapiro, she will be saying that shnge wante to be ha more moderate administration. he is jewish, has supported israel. it is important, if she picks him, that she' he's maks a statement other by doing that. and if she goes in the other she direction, she's taking bernieth sanders choice. i know i've advocated she go witaph a josh shapiro choicep we will see what happens. she's not sayingpe tomo. pennsylvania major statement. she's saying she wants to win pennsylvaniaania and thinks shao could help with pennsylvania because what's going to happenet is i predict and i hope i'm wrong, aaron, i believt e that iran is going to fire at israel. i belieran isi believe that itl likelihood, hamas and hezbollah fire at the same time. it will be three, maybe
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four front war and that joe biden and kamala harris will do what they did the last time, and that is abandon israel when they are needed the most and they'll surrender in the war againstragains radicl islamic terrorism, which kamala harris refusesm wh to say and is saying we need to stop saying, i agree with you 100%, sean. i really think that, kamala, i don't think that this administration reallyoa understands what the goal of iran is here through theseed proxies, which is the annihilation of the united statestatesits startingo with israel. what's going to end upgo happeninprobg is you're going to probably end up seeing a barrage of missilerrage ofs cg from multiple fronts, sean, for the purpose of overwhelmingme israel's iron dome, which meanao that israel's intelligence apparatus needs to forgett about. kamala needs to forget about sleepy joe and whatever's going on witwhateverh him and fl on that actionable intelligencil
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and, that actionable intelligence. nobody does it better than israel. your last question., mosab youse hassan yousef is prooff, that israel can infiltratee an and has infiltrated the highest levels of terror organizations. we flipped him. >> wecruited ju west knew who he was in relation to his father. assayou just saw it with the irgc, with the assassination of ismail haniyeh, israel must ignore all of the nonsense coming out of kamala's mouth, and go on the offensive >> needed becaususe hee her strh lies in israel's not going to preemptive striking. correc preivt. israel will fight. but whfighy? >> they haven't come out with a cohesive message to israel to win the war on terror w. rk, what does it say, mark, about the democratic party, isra that when iran attacked israel andel israel needed america's support in terms of retaliation, y america surrendered. what does that say to you don't
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about your party? i know you don't believe that. >> i know you don't agree with that. joe i don't. and i don't know what it says about the party, but it says that joe --out biden a lot aboue party come on by thesece demonstrations and know. tomorr let's see what comes out tomorrow. let's see what happensowt's seee american warships that have been moved there, which are criticallye,e cr importantm to defending israel. but look, i'm disappointed liev with the division that's happened in this party because i believisraelase israel was rin this conflict. 80% of americans believe that it' s. d the swing voters of america believe it's right and common sense. senseand justice really, really are behind. >> kamala does. kamalais going to be things we should. we should stop saying radical islamiis thac terrorism is that extreme. mark penn, is that an extrem exe statement? who attacked us that on 911, who attacked israel on october ? that's what it was, extreme radical islamic terrorismall ri and nothing more. >> yeah.
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all right, guys, stand back argument for me on this one.lly all right. right. you're officially a conservative getting. all righraight at. e ahead, a scathing new report from the house judiciary committee revealing just how dangerous the biden-harris administration's open, open borde on's oper policy is.watc how many illegals on the terror watch listre or let intove your country? i've been warning. mat this is if it's not a matter of it's a matter of when, not if. ten,f,ght >> straight ahead. when you know where something comes from, you know everything about it. when you discover bull and branch betting, you uncover the most extraordinary feeling of comfort and care. we prioritize toxin free, organic cotton. we pay and treat people fairly, all in pursuit of the most natural softness possible. from the first touch of bull and branch petting, you feel the difference. >> experience the difference.
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>> we can end hunger. learn more at feeding america. talk and.d-new and today, the house judiciary committee released a brand new reportre t said and. it said, and it highlighted the serious crisis at our southern border unden r the ofe your border czar, kamala harris. the terror at ouadership of you. this report included new data from the dhs that show
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adunder the biden-harris administrationstration, at least 99 illegal immigrants on the fbi terror watch listte were released into your country after being apprehended by border patrol. and in that same time period, data revealed borderdataer at te southwest. that southwest border encountered illegalsm 36 on the terrorist watch list fromdiffer 36 different countri, including the ones we've been telling you about, and afghanir in iraq and lebanon and pakistan and syria. and the latestthe latest example of incompetence at our border ice, says a colombian gang leader wanted for homicide and arms traffickingis in. in se his home country was caught by border patrol in september, thenes rele he was released. it wasn't until last week that ice found him and re-arrested so kamala harris can lie she all she wants. the data doe s not lie and america is not safe with her. in ce ofin charge of anything, especially the border. reme support, she does sanctuary cities and states decriminalizing illegal immigratiocriminaln and using yc
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dollars for free health care, kamaatioatiogn and housing for illegals. kamala harris, in her owla harrv words. >> you support giving universal health care a medicare for all to people who are in this country illegally. illet be very clear about this. i am opposed to any policy oppos that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education or public health. >> period. they have to havsebordere a sece border. but i am in favor of saying that we're not going to treat wt people who are undocumented cross the border as criminals. that's correct. that itheers ass correct.i don' listen, i think there's no question that we've got to critically reexamin e ice and its role and the way that it is being administered and work it is doing. >> and we need to probably think about starting from scratc ad weneed th. >> and let me be very cle clear about this. kamala harriars is. her she is extreme and her policieso are dangerouuss. joining us now, former senior white house adviser to president trump, stephen millernlong, along
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with florida congressman michael waltz. congressman, i've been saying it's not if it's when they're going to have i mean,its it's not when it's if i keep missing it, it's goingther wor it's going to happen. in other words, they have alloweterrorisd terrorists fromr from syria, from egypt, from afghanistan, from venezuelae ter from china, from russia into this country. we have terroristsor in this country plotting, planning and scheming. it's -- it's a matter of when am i wrong ? ll >> you're absolutely right, sean. and what really blowss mindireco is to see chris wray, the fbi director, come to congress repeatedly behind closed doorse and ring the alarm. and i tell him every time, don't cover your rear end by comin hous us drive over to dhs, drive over to the whitea house and tell them to close the border, period. but sean's jadd to, let's just o the stats in this in jim jordan's reporrdan's rt, 2100 a,
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33,000 chinese, 541 iranians, oe 520 syrians, over 3100 uzbek. and we know the isis smuggling ring has sent over 400 people in eight of whom were rolled up in three different citiesn thredifferen plotting a. attack on the eve of the pulse nightclub hi t. you're right. we're going to get hit. it is. we're all watching it happen in real time. and the blood is o on biden's hands is on harris' hand and is on my orchestra's hands. the and i mean it it is justt the most frustrating thing i've. ever experienced my professional career. wegoine going to deep.t -- we're defunding everything we can, but we just go backot. el've got to stop it. and i don't know what elseelect. to do except get trump elected . stephen miller, you get the last word tonight. this is infuriating, enraging,
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just qualifying an unforgivable. sean, 99 terrorists were i in border patrol custody. em border patrol had them. borders are harris. r ci and joe biden set them free.w th noey'rw they're in your cities.i now they're in your communities. now they're in your neighborhoods. as you as yod they'r plotu said,. they're plotting. they're scheming. they're planning the sam es democrats who made your little kids wear masks in school sayfre that foreign terrorists have free entry into theyntry. they do not care about you. they do not care about your familyt careerica.. they do not care about america. they just want an open border, no matteer nr how much blood is. spilled as a result. this is heinous the twouse ar incompetents in the white house are leading us on the road to ruine . >> it is scary.. it is. when 911, 2.0 or worse happens,o you knoww,, i pray to god i'm wrong, but we're not wrong. s arall three of us are accurat. it's sad. re r
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it's preventable. they allowed it to happen. and you're right, stephe, stephn it's unforgivable. and i'll add one last one last sentence here lasttence e. they have blood on their hands. moorhands.e hannity straight ah >> >> after review of medical guidance and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simple. >> every home should have salon >> every home should have salon pods powerful yet non-addictiv . targeted and long lasting. i recommend salon pass. it's good medicine, sammy. >> now you can claim a bottle of nature's lab gold tumor. plus join complex text joint. two, 35522. for more information. over time, wear and tear can take a toll on your joints leading to discomfort and limited mobility. nature's lab gold, turmeric, plus joint complex supports your joint health and keeps you moving with ease. after taking nature's lab gold turmeric plus joint complex for just a few days,
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being made every night, america turned to one place broadcast cable. it doesn't matter. when critical events unfold, the country turns to fox news channel. america is watching all 2 tomorrow morning on fox and friends. be sure to catch part two of's c ainsley earhart's exclusive interview with vancelu that's j.d j.d. vance, his wife. here's a preview. take a look. sovance'.take a we talk about td american dream a lot and you and j.d. are definitel. yu were the american dream. you just achieved it differently. you were a child childf immi ofi immigrants. and i want to hear more about your your parents and your family. well, i wa well, is in that i grew up with incredibly loving parents who cameth l from a different country. they came voluntarily. they came legally, and theme ler made a life for themselves in a place where there were tons ims, all ofmigrant whom had had different paths to getting there, but really shared a view that this wasally
12:00 am
the country that they wanted to be in and that this was a place that they really wanted thei u to grow up and to build a future in andto r to really become a part of the fabric of american society. so i think that thathink tha ans that's great. that is a wonderful thing. i also understand that, you know, the experience that ie had was because everyone camebeo with this intention of kind of belonging and worked really hardngrdo to do it. and i think that that's just a critical part of how our country built in, how ourt o our how everyone jusmet an american. >> at the end of the day day. e" >> 6 to 9 a.m. eastern tomorrow on fox and friends. ately wethat's all the time unfortunately, we have left. please dvr so you never, ever, ever mis ever,s episode of hann. in the meantime, let not your hearts be troubles.greg greg gutfeld is back to put a smile on your face. ga on youhave great night
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