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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 6, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again. so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation. ♪ ♪ >> steve: all right. it is 7:01 here on a curvey couch in new york city. welcome aboard to hour two of "fox & friends" for tuesday, august 6th. >> 2024. >> we start with this. nearly 100 terrorist suspects caught and then inexplicably released under the biden administration. details coming up. >> ainsley: any moment, kamala harris could announce her vp pick.
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don't change the channel. how the finalists could help or hurt her ticket. >> lawrence: and from the mind that i brought you word salad. check out this blast from harris' past. >> we have to stay woke. like everybody needs to be woke. ha ha ha. and you can talk about if you are the wokest or woker. >> ainsley: look at the other ladies that look at her when she laughs. >> ainsley: got to be woke. >> ainsley: there was a time when woke was. in ain't now. >> ainsley: did wake up this morning. >> brian: that's good. >> lawrence: can you start. >> brian: second hours of "fox & friends" begins right now. remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> brian: so any moment kamala harris could reveal her number two pick. but she hasn't done any interviews. in 16 days. since becoming the democratic nominee for president. >> ainsley: she is silent and it comes as tensions rise in the middle east with american troops hurt in a rocket attack in iraq. >> lawrence: here at home
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financial experts warn we could be on the break of a major recession after yesterday's global sell-off. >> steve: we got all these big stories and this morning on this tuesday we have live team conch. mark meredith is at the white house. bryan llenas is in philadelphia awaiting the vice presidential announcement. we start with trey yingst on the ground in israel where trey, they are still waiting to see when iran starts shooting. >> yeah, hey, guys, good morning. absolutely. this morning, there was yet another iran-backed attack into this country. drones and rockets being fired, just a few miles from here. one hitting near to a car and critically injuring two people. it comes as we continue to follow a major story out of the middle east overnight where an iran backed militia targeted a base in iraq that was housing american forces. we do know multiple u.s. troops were injured. we are awaiting updates on their conditions. the attack does mark the 219th time that u.s. forces were targeted in the middle east since october.
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and the timing of this incident that occurred at the al-asad air base in person iraq couldn't have come at a more tense time. president biden was at the white house being updated on the iranian attack that is being planned against israel. the commander-in-chief posting to x that he was briefed and there are efforts underway to de-escalate. biden goes on to say we also discussed the steps we are taking to defend our forces and respond to any attack against our personnel in a manner and place of our choosing. the question now is how the united states will respond and what role the americans will play in defending israel. iranian officials briefed foreign ministers of other countries yesterday and confirmed they do plan to strike israel in response to the killing of hamas political leader ismail haniyeh in tehran. this at war in gaza grinds on and we are following a new development about the united nations. the u.n. announced yesterday it had fired nine unrwa staffers for suspected involvement in the october 7th. massacre. right now there are no diplomatic solutions on the table to end the war in gaza. de-escalate hezbollah or stop
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iran from attacking crews and unpredictable days ahead. guys? >> steve: all right. trey. thank you very much. live from haifa. >> ainsley: we turn live now to bryan llenas in philadelphia where vice president harris has an event planned for later today. alongside soon-to-be named running mate. brian? >> bryan: ainsley, that's right. tonight at temple university. announce running day that will launch a five day tour. we expect that announcement to come any moment via social media. reportedly a video showcasing the two the new democratic ticket. the two names everyone is talking about at this point as the finalist are minnesota governor tim walz and pennsylvania's governor josh shapiro. shapiro seen as the more moderate pick for harris. he was the former state attorney general here twice before winning the governorship by 15
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points in 2022. albeit over an under funded and more extreme opponent. in fact, shapiro in 2022, out performed president biden's 2020 numbers in all of pennsylvania's 67 counties. his biggest asset is his ability to potentially deliver a win here in pennsylvania, which is seen as a must-win state for harris. now, we're told here at the rally, that shapiro's office says he will be speaking at the event tonight. the question is whether it will be in the capacity as governor or as harris' new running mate. it's the same venue, interestingly, that shapiro broke out on the national stage on in 2022, giving a speech that sounds a lot like the harris playbook today. >> this guy loves to talk a good game about freedom. right? let me tell you something. it's not freedom to tell women what they are allowed to do with their bodies. that's not freedom. [cheers]
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>> it's not freedom to tell our children what books they're allowed to read. [cheers] >> now, walz a two term minnesota governor, six term congressman offers a midwest appeal. is he supported by labor unions and progressives. especially senator bernie sanders. he seems to be obviously the progressive pick here. walz spoke at a private fundraiser for harris last night in minneapolis. minnesota's democratic farmer labor party tweeting support for walls last night, quote. important psa, there is no t sound in walls. but there is one in vice president walls. tonight at the rally, again, that will -- it will jump start a tour through seven battleground states. the stop in is a vanna, georgia though however has been postponed because of tropical storm debby. senator j.d. vance will also be here in south philadelphia countering the rally here by harris and new running mate. j.d. vance interestingly will
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follow essentially harris and the new running mate through at least thursday with the stops in michigan, wisconsin, and north carolina. guys? >> steve: all right. bryan llenas live outside of temple university. we thank you very much there in philly. dow futures are up, thank goodness. sharply this morning after the index plunged more than 1,000 points yesterday amid a global market sell off. and worries of an all-out war between israel, iran, and the proxies. >> ainsley: mark meredith is live at the white house for us. good morning, mark. >> lawrence, welcome back. monday's market sell off has many people asking if the u.s. is on the brink of a recession or if the losses we saw yesterday were just part of a correction after year of strong gains. all three major indexes saw sharp drops on monday with the s&p and nasdaq both losing 3% each. things are looking better today with major indices moving in.
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if we do cecil offs. americans thinking about jobs, spending plans and future. president trump weighed in quickly last night saying people vote with their stomach and food is now at all-time high because of the kamala-biden incompetence. with them in charge only get worse. he misspelled her name on purpose. haste's past. medicare for all. monthlstudent loan relief. some people were also surprised we didn't hear more from the white house. one journalist mark it down how many thousands of points since last wednesday. iran on the brink of war. military base in iraq 3w078d. how is it white house correspondents aren't publicly calling for this. we are going to have on camera white house briefings this afternoon. at this point we don't expect to get any questions into president biden. crazier things have happened. as of right now we only expect to hear from white house aides.
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guys back to you. >> steve: marc, between a potential war in the middle east and terrible numbers on wall street, suddenly, this is really going to test vice president's harris' honeymoon with the press. okay. >> she is doing great. they all say in the mainstream media. but now it's like okay, she is doing great. but shouldn't she say something about something? >> i would imagine now that she is officially locked up the nomination, you know, they finally had the roll call vote. now it's official. maybe now she would be willing to sit down. i wouldn't be shocked if she is going to sit down with one of the networks next week or so especially with the running mate. it's possible we could see her do a joint interview of some kind. like you mentioned she is going to be doing battleground states. maybe she does local media while she is out there. it is a bit surprising this far into it we have yet to hear from her. she answered one question while boarding air force 2. that's, as far as i know it since all of this has gone down. >> ainsley: thank you so much, mark. i think we will have a few weeks more weeks of the honeymoon
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phase once she chooses. she has a friend. she has someone who can help her get through the comments and word salads and kind of a partner. >> steve: she'll do the is a a lad he will do the entree. >> brian: chris la is a veto running the trump campaign. sources tell him shapiro is out that it's walz. >> ainsley: walz is just as progressive as bernie sanders. that actually, a lot of people in the democratic party want a moderate. if she picks him. these are two very progressive individuals. >> lawrence: her path also needs pennsylvania. you would think if they really want to win, then any would have that. we were talking about this off air, i think the concern, which this is sad because it should be a matter of principle is that a lot of their voters are worried about michigan. and if those voters won't necessarily vote for trump but they will stay at home or vote third party. and i think that's the reason
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why -- if they decide not to pick him. it will be because of that. >> brian: you talked about money hewn moon is the honeymoon over. ap said it looks like with this economy cratering like this the honeymoon could indeed be over. goes to the reality what you are investing in 401(k) and pension is sitting down. dow down 2.6%. nasdaq at the end of the day down 3.4%. s&p down 3%. they home for somewhat of a rebound today. uncertainty is everywhere. especially after job numbers on friday. that there were three loser days right prior to that at some point, you have to admit. we got to take action because, perhaps the most indicative of where things are going. a year ago we were at 3.3%. now we are at 4.3% unemployment. still historically low. but no worry where the direction is heading. yit has to change what you talk about number one at your convention coming up. when you talk about success and asked to talk about what you are doing now with inflation and
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everything else to address this issue. >> lawrence: typically before a candidate hits the big "primetime" stage there is a series of vetting. they have debates. >> brian: nine months of vetting. primary. >> lawrence: they go through the ringer so they're prepared for the big boy stage when they have to go against the other party. that didn't happen with kamala harris. and we are learning more and more and more about where she stands. stephen moore was on sean hannity last night. and said that we may have the most left wing candidate ever. watch. >> if you look at the major presidential candidates over the last 30 or 40 years. and that includes people like michael dukakis and walter mondale and hillary clinton and john kerry. i have to say i think kamala harris is the most antibusiness presidential candidate in your and my lifetime. i mean, this woman has endorsed one policy after another that have -- would be absolutely ruinous to our economy taxing on
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realized capital gains. don't forget she is on record as being against modern oil and gas drilling period from the media you would think she were mother teresa. and all of a sudden her poll numbers go up i think a lot of investors around the country and world said holy cow this woman can't actually be elected president. i think that caused a complete panic. >> aoc said she should listen to -- our tax rate should be 70% to 90%. when kamala was asked about that she agreed with that. >> lawrence: yeah she did. >> ainsley: we need to listen to that if she picks walz, he was in favor of higher minimum wage. steven is right. if you own a business, this is not your candidate. >> steve: particularly right now, when everybody is thinking about the economy, and of course
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as former president trump has referred to in his truth socials all the food costs more. everything costs 20% more than it did when he left the white house. and so, ultimately, we need to hear more from kamala harris about the economy. and her view. and, you know, for the next 90 days for the most part the republicans are going to treat her like the incumbent. so any time there is something big, like a potential war in the middle east, or the economy starts to tank, they have got to ask her about it. and she has got to say something. >> ainsley: she doesn't say anything. we know her record. >> steve: ainsley, you are absolutely right and she is getting away with it. >> brian: the good thing we had a vcr leading up to this. we were taping a lot of different remarks. the year was 2017. >> steve: it was a beta max back then, wasn't it? >> brian: you are right. my mistake. correct correct that we will correct that for the west coastest coast before we air the show.
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kamala harris said something in her career get nuggets dreblegd up. something that is radioactive the word woke. she embraces it. i don't know what's changed because she doesn't tell us what is changed. just remember what she used to think. >> we have to stay woke, like everybody needs to be woke. [laughter] and you can talk about if you are the wokest or woker, but just stay more woke than less woke. >> lawrence: it's unbelievable. i mean, this is the person that is leading the democratic party. they could have had a candidate that could explain issues, that could have run on this, even if they wanted a progressive agenda, someone that could actually go there to rally the base. the part that i hate about the honeymoon -- every candidate gets some type of honeymoon. she hasn't done anything to deserve the honeymoon. she hasn't had some policy agenda that is rallying americans. she hasn't had this stunning speech like barack obama did at the 2004 dnc convention.
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what -- what is her moment? what is the thing that has got voters to vote for her? and then i remembered. she didn't get a single vote. and that is the problem right there. >> ainsley: capital d behind her name democrat. media will lo her. excited finally to have a candidate to run against donald trump. they were worried with biden in office that they were definitely were going to lose. they knew they would lose. this is a lady who wants high taxes. she talked about defunding ice, defunding police. decriminalizing illegal immigration. buying your -- making you give your gun back. she will give you money but you have to give your gun back. eliminating private healthcare and banning fracking. >> steve: right. when you look at that soundbite that we just saw and brian set tupper perfectly. the question for kamala harris today -- the question is this: are you still woke? how woke do you want to make america going forward? or did you, like everything else that was announced last week, have you essentially come up with a new explanation for why
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you are against all that stuff? used to be woke now i'm not woke. >> lawrence: what caused the change? what suddenly made you evolve and remember, bernie sanders is now saying that joe biden is -- has been the most progressive president and she is supposed to be even more progressive than him? >> comes to fracking senator murphy told jacqui heinrich why she for fracking now? oh, they have gotten better at it. it's safer. that's right. they finally figured it out. >> lawrence: it's cleaner. >> brian: so tell me what is so much better about fracking today and so much favor and fantastic? so i can't wait for these explanation. >> lawrence: i get a kick out of the media. they still haven't leander they're lesson. went out there and just embarrassed you guys. now you guys are doing the same thing with kamala harris and there's going to be a big moment. mark my words.
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she is going to crumble under pressure and you guys will be in the same boat again. >> steve: lawrence, right now she is completely encased in bubble wrap because she is not talking to anybody. this is part of their -- she is joining the presidential race so late in the cycle. this is just part of the strategy. keep -- you know, expose her to the public as little as possible. and let's see what happens. >> brian: just a thing on bubble wrap. i much prefer that than those little small styrofoam things it ends up all over the house. >> ainsley: i hate those things, too. >> brian: pour them into the bag and break up the box. >> ainsley: i hate those. >> steve: peanuts. >> brian: bubble wrap. if you you are shipping something to me bubble wravment i don't want the little foam things. >> steve: and peanuts. >> brian: all over the floor. >> ainsley: speaking of beta max christmastime dad gets all of us a beta machine we apt vhs. we go in the morning and unwrap it's a beta machine like a year later we are still at blockbuster trying to find something that we can watch
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because there is only one wall at blockbuster beta with maybe 10 optioned rest was dhs. >> steve: beta was better. invented by sony. it was higher end, better quality tape machine. >> brian: all coming back again. >> ainsley: hold on. probably on sale. here is the vhs, here is the beta. we are getting the beta. >> steve: if we're going to talk about beta max. we might as well open a can of worms with that he that he brian getting yelled at on my email it's a dolphin like fish but not dolphin. when i said dolphin would have been worse. >> lawrence: correct. >> brian: don't catch a shark and say great like i did. >> steve: thanks for bringing up the one argument i had on my honeymoon. >> ainsley: we had so much to talk about. so much news. >> steve: and there is more. >> ainsley: another interesting
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to story to tell you about if you are wondering how president biden and nancy pelosi's relationship is going. it's going now since biden dropped out of the presidential race. nancy pelosi doesn't even know the former house speaker telling cnn that they have not spoken since last month's stunning announcement. listen. >> have you spoken to president biden since he dropped out? >> no, i have not. >> do you hope to? >> yes. when -- i hope to, yeah. we are all busy. >> is everything okay with your relationship? >> you would have to ask him but i hope so. he knows, look, i have loved joe biden. >> steve: she loved joe biden. >> brian: until i stabbed him in the back. >> steve: she didn't stab him in the back. she stabbed him nut chest. >> brian: you are right. i stand corrected. >> ainsley: remember when he be dropped out jill biden said i want to thank those who supported us and stood by us. >> lawrence: it's interesting because nancy pelosi is normally very welcome posed. you don't see her get flustered.
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stumbled a little bit there and all the reports that came out. i think that lets us know that it's true. >> brian: funniest thing ever is him saying i'm running, not going anywhere. the crowd three network interviews and she does -- i would just like him to make a decision. no, just make a decision. i'm staying it. make a decision. >> steve: brian, we talked about that. >> brian: jimmy failla. >> steve: we talked about it that day. if she is saying make a decision. she didn't like his decision. >> brian: she. >> steve: she wanted him to make her decision. >> he made a decision. i'm going to wait until he decides but he has made a decision. i'm just going do sit back once he makes a decision and then i will support that decision. he has already decided. you have to watch jimmy fall la one it's hilarious. >> brian: any minute, kamala harris could announce her v.p. pick. >> steve: that's right. katie pavlich has made a pick.
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association the machinists will testify about this incident on the alaska airlines flight. now, back in january, we may remember a door plug blew off at 16,000 feet in the air. shortly after leaving portland international airport. the flight was bound for california. but pilots were forced to quickly turn around and make an emergency landing, eight minor injuries were reported. the door plug was found in a teacher's backyard in oregon. the ntsb preliminary's report reveal the door plug was missing four bolts. spirit installed it on the alaska airlines plane but it was removed and the bolts were taken off and a boeing factory during repairs and not replaced. boeing has since revealed that no paperwork exists to document the removal of those bolts.
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now, the proceedings will focus on the manufacturing and inspection process, quality control, faa's oversight of boeing and issues surrounding the door plug. a probable cause will not be determined after this hearing. that could take another year or longer lawrence, over to you. >> lawrence: they were so careless. i hope they get to the bottom of this. >> carley: i do, too. >> lawrence: great job, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> lawrence: any moment kamala harris is expected to announce vp pick. narrowed it down to governor tim walz as well as josh shapiro ahead of her battleground state blitz starting tonight in philadelphia. here to react fox news contributor katie pavlich. so, katie, who do you think she is going to pick and who do you think is the best pick to go against donald trump? >> well, if you look at the strategy they are kind of laying out here. they are trying to make kamala harris moderate by leaking to the press that -- through anonymous sources on her team
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not her directly that she has changed her position 180 degrees on a number of these top issues. right? so she is no longer woke. shoshe no longer believes in banning fracking which of course is a problem for her in pennsylvania. she is the one who people can rely on to be a moderate voice. if you look at the way they could balance out the ticket. they do need far left faction to vote for her if she wants to win the blue wall. 100,000 people in michigan, for example, pro-hamas faction there didn't vote for joe biden in the primary. she needs those voters to win. in minnesota, president trump was actually neck and neck with joe biden. is he a little bit behind now. he was able to go from and make the democrats defend their turf. there is about 19% of the voters in the primary there who didn't vote for joe biden also on the same issues. and so if she wants someone to balance out the ticket and to try to make her a moderate i would say democratic governor tim walz of minnesota is the guy to go for. if they want a more, quote. moderate ticket, josh shapiro,
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who has a very high approval rating in pennsylvania, very popular governor there someone to pick. the democratic party has a huge anti-jewish, anti-semitic problem. and so there are questions whether he would be accepted widely in the states like michigan and minnesota that she needs to win. >> lawrence: you know, that's the perfect segue, katie. because, cori bush when i first met her she was a protester in ferguson during the mike brown case. she has a big case today. she's are the most recent comments on israel. >> our pro-peace, pro-humanity, antiwar movement seeks to end the israeli government's genocide in gaza. they are protesting their university's police city in atrocities including netanyahu's ongoing invasion in rafah. >> as we continue to witness the devastation and genocide unfolding in gaza i remain a steadfast voice for peace. >> lawrence: she took out
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incumbent clay there for 20 years his father had the seat you think she loses today? >> katie: we will have to see when the votes come in. jamaal bowman in new york another member of the squad just lost his primary. cori bush has been saying all these things about gaza and falsely claiming there is a genocide. none of that is true. while she is focused on that. she hasn't been focused on her district. she may lose not just because of pro-hamas stance but also because the person who is running against her a st. louis county prosecutor is pointing out that, look, this woman is for defunding the police while she is paying for hundreds of thousands of dollars department of justice is investigating whether there is corruption there because all the money is going to her husband under the guise of security. so there are lots of other issues here outside of the pro-hamas stance but that certainly has place in the race given the people backing her
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opponent. >> lawrence: katie, i'm pretty sure as a husband that should come with the package of already protecting your wife. i'm not sure why you have to pay them to do such. >> katie: that's a great point. >> lawrence: thanks, katie. and tell your husband i said hello. tropical storm debby drenching the southeast after hitting florida as a hurricane and leaving multiple people dead. a live report from the ground. that's next. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm janice and i lost 172 pounds on golo.
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♪ >> steve: a fox weather alert. five people are dead as tropical storm debby has moved through the southeast, soaking the region after slamming into the florida coast as a cat 1 hurricane yesterday. >> brian: fox weather storm specialist mike seidel is
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tracking the storm in the ill of palm south carolina. mike? >> good morning, guys, yes. the rain continues very heavy rain squall. the wind really is not a factor anymore. there have been gusts up to 40 on the beaches. it's really how much rain is going to fall and not turning off any time soon. debby now a tropical storm is going to come off the coast of georgia and sit off the south carolina coast and kind of fester for several days pumps the rainfall in. it will be late week before the flood watch ends until friday morning and kicked out by a cold front and actually bring some rain to the tri-state area and the northeast. in the meantime, here on the island, we have had over 10 inches of rain since yesterday. in fact, 6 inches since midnight. we have had some gusty winds. went down a few blocks and saw some tree damage. some power line damage. i don't know if that was an actual spin up from a waterspout coming on shore. the power outage is not a big
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deal unless you lost power about 16,000 customers compared to 300,000 we had in florida yesterday. half of those -- more than half of those are back on. the tornado watch extended they added another tornado watch. this one goes until 5:00 eastern. there could be some quick spin-ups. we had reported damage, likely tornado monks corner and island. it will be a long slog. prolific rain total 30 inches of rain much like we saw in florence back in south carolina in 2018. >> steve: really coming down in there in i will of palms. mike siddle, thank you so much worry about cars obviously worry about your own safety. the water problems in charleston, which is very close to ais ill of palms. you have to leave your car and get out. >> steve: i heard ron distance
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say your car would actually start floating if you drive into it one foot of water ultimately an air boat. >> brian: remember the duck boats in world war ii and now tour boats in boston they could go in the water. >> ainsley: look at that video. >> steve: janice dean joins us right now. janice, mike set it up perfectly. it is really coming down and will for a while. >> janice: yeah. unfortunately with this storm system it slows down and meanders for days. that's why we have this heavy rainfall event that will be the legacy of this storm. here is debby. 5:00 a.m. advisory. another one at 8:00 a.m.ment 45 mile-per-hour sustained winds. doesn't matter same kind of damage whether or not it's a named storm or just an area of low pressure. tornado watch as mike mentioned until 5:00 p.m. so they have expanded that in towards wilmington, north carolina. and the flooding concern. flash flooding happening north of savannah up towards
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charleston and up towards myrtle beach and inland augusta. continues to churn and bring water off of the atlantic for days and that's the big concern. that's why we could see rain fall close to 30 inches depending where we get the heaviest. highest flood risk savanna all the way up towards wilmington, 12 to 18 inches. some isolated amounts of higher totals and images are going to continue to keep coming in throughout the next couple of days of this incredible water story. back to you. >> lawrence: thanks j.d. >> steve: thanks j.d. very much. >> ainsley: turning to other headlines. tom hanks and rita wilson's los angeles house. guest house. no one was home at the time. officials do not believe that hanks and wilson were targeted. police believe the thieves are part of a crew that has hit high
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end neighborhoods in l.a. over the last few years. and now to paris. where we were able to see the most decorated gymnast in history shine. here is simone biles yesterday posing with all four of her medals, wondering these olympic trials including three gold medals. and the u.s. track and field team getting more hardware after pennsylvania native valerie almond successfully defended her gold medal in the women's disk throw. and the nearly 10,000 miles -- 10,000 miles away in tahiti surfing finally reaching weather rounds after weather delays the past week. caroline marks taking gold on the women's side for her first medal. team u.s.a. continuing to dominate the games when it documents u.s. medals. u.s. tied with china for the most gold. as women dominate in the olympics. usha vance shared advice for young women across the country in our exclusive interview. >> what would you say to your
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younger self? what would you change about your life if anything? >> i think like every young girl i had self-doubt about all sorts of things. i think what i would say is we have -- you know, we have been through this crazy, crazy experience the last several years. and what really matters are strong friendships. as long as you have that, it doesn't matter, all the other stuff doesn't really matter. you just hold onto the people that you know care about you as a person and everything will be all right. >> ainsley: more of that exclusive interview coming up in the next hour. and those are your headlines. >> steve: all right. meanwhile, moving on. a shocking new report revealing nearly 100 terrorist suspects released at the border under this administration. >> brian: former acting dhs secretary chad wolf sounds off, next. ♪
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>> scathing report showing the rising terror threat at our southern border. the biden harris administration releasing more than 100 illegal migrants on terror watch lists over the last two fiscal years suspects coming in from iraq, afghanistan, pakistan and syria.
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here with reaction, former acting dhs secretary chad wolf. chad, good morning to you. >> hey, good morning. >> steve: you know, it's one thing. we have all been watching the migrant crisis. it's one thing if they're migrants. but i think a red line is if they are terrorists, potentially, and that's one of the problems. the way things are set up, the migration or immigration judges at our southern border, they don't have access to the intelligence that tells me okay this is a terrorist so don't let them in. >> well, that's exactly right. look, everyday cbp and ice, law enforcement officials have a very difficult job. they are looking for that needle in a haystack. they are looking for national security threats coming across that border and what the biden administration has done over this last three and a half years with allowing 10 million i will real crosses or terrorists coming across that border they made that haystack into a barn
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of hay and cbp and ice law enforcement officials have even a more difficult job. but, when they do catch them. when they do identify them. what's occurring release into the united states it's unthinkable were think are being released through the cbp one app. they are being given asylum protection. think about that an individual on terrorist screening data base is given asylum protections by the u.s. government and to your point, they are doing that from immigration judges that don't have security clearances to see the classified material this idead that the administration has told the american people that they are properly vetting. properly screening and all national security threats are being detained. that simply isn't the case. >> no kidding. graphic. entering the united states. so far in 2024, look at all the people from afghanistan syria which are obviously concerns when it comes to terrorism.
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big number is from the number of people coming into this country from china as well. apparently ice says that acolombian gang leader wanted for murder was caught by the border patrol. stopped by the border patrol. and then they just let him go into the united states. >> this goes to the heart of the investigating of these individuals and what this report tells success that most of the checks being done are checks based off of u.s. data bases. an individual shows up and a border patrol agent is checking u.s. databases. if that individual has never been to the united states or has been and has given a fraudulent information, they won't show up in that database. so, something that is fundamentally flawed with the manner in which we vet and screen individuals and then release, that's why during the trump administration we said we are not going to keep them in mexico. remain in mexico until they get
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all the way through their court proceedings because we knew that there were flaws in that screening and vetting system. >> steve: well, it is scary stuff. chad wolf, who knows this topic better than anybody. chad, thank you very much for joining us live. >> thank you. >> steve: you bet. carley joins us with news from the white house? >> that's exactly right. steve. this just in the white house and the department of energy announcing new efforts to strengthen america's electrical grid. $2 billion is being used to fund 8 projects across 18 different states. the money will help build more than 600 miles of new transmission lines and upgrade about 400 miles of existing lines. and republicans outraged over a biden administration plan to ban the federal government from using plastic cutlery in order to combat climate change. the plan will also phase out single use plastics like food and beverage containers, bottles, straws, cups and disposable bags.
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south dakota senator mike rounds says, quote: the world is on fire and is he worried about plastic forks. that about sums it up. steve, over to you. >> steve: my wife and i were somewhere and round up getting toothbrushes made of wood. >> ainsley: i have used those as well. i'm not a little worried about splinters. >> steve: no kidding. thank you very much. >> carley: you are very welcome. >> steve: coming up a "fox & friends" exclusive part two of ainsley's sit down with usha vance, j.d.'s wife. she opens up about her husband, her childhood, and if the political spotlight is worth all of it. >> i know why he is doing this. i know who he cares about. the reasons that he wants to make people's lives better. and i know that his motivations are serious. because i know that about him, i do think it's worthwhile. ♪ our digestive system moving
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>> lawrence: no news on the v.p. pick, we're waiting to here. it is 8:00 a.m. >> steve: any second. >> lawrence: exactly. this is "fox and friends," the gang is back together. a rocket attack injuries u.s


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