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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 6, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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you are right, neil, it's probably the candidate themselves at the end of the day. >> neil: i'm thinking minnesota, i believe it's only gone republican once since 1960, so it's not -- >> exactly. >> neil: right? there is obviously other factors at play vehicle real quickly, what do you think they are? >> it's a strange choice, ms not a partisan comment on my part. minnesota is not a swing state. and walz has already raised questions about whether he is even more progressive than harris, argued with the most progressive governor in the country come everything from covid lockdown policy to saying socialism is neighborly if you look at it a certain way. that is not what harris needs. >> neil: interesting. we'll see how it all starts out purely doctor, i apologize for the truncated time. always good seeing you. in the meantime, come back tuesday, let's see what happens tomorrow. ♪ ♪ >> hello and welcome everyone to
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find sandra smith along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> sandra: okay, so we are just moments away now from kamala harris and her newly-minted running mate, minnesota governor tim walz, holding their first joint rally in philadelphia. right now, pennsylvania senator bob casey is addressing the crowd. the harris campaign posting this video of the moment when kamala sealed the deal with governor walz. >> hi, this is tim. >> with kamala harris. good morning, governor. >> good morning, madam vice president. >> listen, i want you to do this with me for her go let's do this together. would you be my running mate and let's get this thing on the r road? >> i would be honored, madame vice president. >> let's get out there and get this done, okay? >> let's do it. do the work in front of us, let's win this think >> that's right.
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all right, buddy, see you soon, take care. >> sandra: republicans and the trump campaign defining the harris-walz ticket is the most left-wing american history. >> this is a very dangerous ticket, a very liberal ticket, a very progressive ticket. this ticket will lead the american people last. >> there liberal utopias every america's worst nightmare. >> this is a ticket that really represents the spirit of those 2020 blm riots. they are riots that tim walz, as governor, sat back and let happen. >> she has picked a dyed in the wool, radical progressive to join on that ticket vehicle that shows exactly what her priorities are. >> sandra: and they will have plenty to work with. governor walz has already taken heat or left-wing stances on everything from immigration into the soft way he handled the 2020 george floyd riots. >> a society that does not put
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equity and inclusion at the center of it is certainly going to eventually come to the places where we are at. >> i think mayer said i requested the national guard. we are going to massively trained troops. no, 19-year-olds who are cooks. trying to make sure we don't see our cities burn. this is that catch-22, the more police are there, the more tension it is, the more tension, the more chance you had to get things. >> don't ever shy away from our progressive values. one persons socialism is another person's neighborliness. he talks about this wall, let me how high it is. to 25 feet, i will invest in a 30-foot ladder factory. >> sandra: very interesting. jesse, well some of the words come back to haunt this ticket? >> jesse: kamala harris cho choked. she chose bernie sanders. this is bernie sanders right here. the squad loves this guy. love sin. you see pictures, they are like almost undressing together. she managed to pick someone who looks older than biden. i would have gone with the
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younger guy. but who knows if this was even her choice. eric holder was running the veteran cop. he chose him, probably. he is obama's wing man he probably was like, kamala, you are picking walz, let's lose this and get onto '28 because this is like a sacrificial lamb pick. this is the pick you put up there to get crushed and then you keep your better candidates ready for the next cycle. it's also a trick pick because this guy is not minnesota nice, he's minnesota nuts. they keep saying this guy, midwestern, white values -- come on, this guy is a lunatic! sanctuary cities. driver's license for illegals. sanctuary cities for sex changes for children and if you don't want to sex change for your kid than the state will come take your kid away from you. this guy put tampons invoice bathrooms. fourth grade boys bathrooms, tampons. he wants crt taught. he was all about toppling the
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columbus statue. this guy changed the flight of the state to look more like somalia. what is wrong with this guy? and covid he had a snitch line so your neighbors could write you out if he he broke his lockdown rules. this man is out of his mind. he actually went and joined the army and then right before they deployed to iraq quit. and all his unit is like, whoa, bro, where did you go? they can't stand this guy. i've never seen this guy ever try to get out of a dui. he said he was deaf from being in the army. [laughter] and then he blew a .12. >> judge jeanine: i didn't know that. >> jesse: jessica, i have to ask. why did he honeymoon in china? >> jessica: what? >> jesse: he's been to china 30 times. that's strange. >> judge jeanine: oh... >> jessica: with hunter biden? >> jesse: i find that suspicious be it someone should look into that. >> sandra: do you care to answer that question? >> jessica: we obviously got different research today,
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jessie's side and my side. >> jesse: got yours. >> sandra: to jesse's point, apparently the trump campaign is rather pleased with this pick. they think it will be easier to beat them. >> jessica: yeah, they are definitely projecting that beer i saw j.d. vance this morning in front of a huge kamala sign where you couldn't even read the chaos, so everything is going really well for that side of the aisle. they are going to act like this no matter who the pick was, they were going to come out and say we are really scared of josh shapiro, but there is a clear mind, if you need pennsylvania to win, josh shapiro made a lot of sense for that, 61% favorability. he's a great speaker. definitely a lot more moderate, but "politico" is reporting that the teams just didn't mesh as well, that kamala and josh shapiro did not have nearly as good of a sit down as did with governor walz, and that governor walz brings a lot of experience that she wanted on the ticket, not only his time in congress, where he was i think the seventh most conservative democrat in the house, someone who is a gun owner, someone who does have those midwestern
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values, but his executive experience in minnesota, and jesse just radiated some of them, the attack on socialist come i don't know what have socialist runs number six best state in america for big business. target is there for a reason, 3m, unitedhealthcare, general mills is there for a reason. and the kinds of things he has gotten past are exactly the kinds of things that kamala harris monster talk about, things like paid sick leo public schools, huge interest structure bill -- >> sandra: was this topic pick? >> jessica: actually, it was. the last couple of days, i was happy with all four finalist, andy beshear, mark kelly, tim walz, or josh shapiro, i would have been happy, but what you are going to see is the right track to define him as jesse did, but you are going to see that side-by-side picture of tim walz after he signed free school breakfast and free lunch, and someone like sarah huckabee sanders, who is a star in the republican party, got a prime speaking spot at the rnc, signing a bill to allow kids under 16 to be able to work.
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that is the contrast here. a guy who wants to put food in kids' bellies, and someone who wants kids to be able to work, and he is the real deal. he has what j.d. vance wishes that he wear. >> sandra: so you are questioning whether or not he is a socialist and we displayed a clip, one persons socialism is another persons neighborly nice, were his own words. >> jessica: i don't think people know the definition of socialism is. >> judge jeanine: okay, first of all, i think this pick reveals who she is. because we don't know who she is, she has pro, she is against, we don't know who he is, something like america has no idea who this guy is. we've only got how many days before the election and we are going to spend all this time talking about he is, he is, he isn't, he isn't. it's all most like she doubled down on someone like her -- in other words, we don't know who he is -- like like trump doubled down on someone like he is. but the truth is this guy, tim walz, was burning walls, was bernie sanders choice, aoc's -- let me finish -- aoc is dancing,
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rashida tlaib's dancing. all of the progressive the sq squad, jamaal bowman is dancing. look, this is a guy who wants drivers, illegals to get driver's license. this is a guy who allowed rioters in minneapolis to destroy the city, to loot and to burn down, and literally said to constituents, well, you just stay in your house. no police, no nothing. and when that third precinct was being burnt down, he basically said to the cops, you better get out of there. he didn't send anybody into protect the people, the businesses, or the victims of those riots, those of violent riots that were so peaceful. so the fact that he is the pick, and she turned against a guy who brings her a swing state, josh shapiro, he's got a 61% approval rating, 6 out of 10 people support him, minnesota has always been a democratic state. the guy brings nothing.
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he's a nobody, and he is the reason that she picked him because nobody knows who he is or what he is. >> sandra: a perhaps we will learn more about him moments from now, when he speaks, greg peered what do you think? >> greg: you know, i'm always interested in hearing the repeat phrases that come up when something happens and you can see the coordination, for example, all of a sudden the word weird popped up last week over and over again. >> sandra: 's idea. >> greg: the word, jessica used it, midwestern. tim walz is the midwestern dad dems need and just come when chance midwestern values, you google midwestern you are going to get tim walz. what is midwestern? is midwestern looking at riots and saying it was caused by the lack of equity and inclusion? is that midwestern? is calling those events exciting and that reflects a sense of optimism, is that midwestern? he abandoned lawful citizens to
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gain favor with the lawless mob. by stereotyping the riots as an activity of an oppressed group, he d stigmatized criminal activities. this is a huge thing. he essentially gave criminals more rights at the very worst time. he made them special and possessing of more rights than the victims that had to endure that. as for the national guardsman, when he said they shouldn't come here because they are just 19-year-old cooks, well at least they only thing they are burning our food. as opposed to the 19-year-old burning down an arby's. i think this is a match made in heaven, you know, or hell. you have walz and harris, they are -- he defended the burning of his cities. she helped bail out the arsonists. they are the woke bonnie and clyde, they are the left laurel and hardy. it actually makes perfect sense peered meanwhile, i have to return to this idea of giving special rights to a group.
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every victim during that period of time, black, white, asian, old, in that state, was a unique person. they weren't a group. therefore they weren't conferred special rights. >> judge jeanine: right. >> greg: so the cowardice of walz and harris had to bow to the individual criminals because they were seen under the group of the oppressed peered meanwhile, individual victims became subservient to the special rights of the people that were praying up on them. that's the thing. it's only one thing. it's only one thing. although the other things you mentioned are disgusting. he is a snitch. he is a male karen with power and a pot belly, but know what? that defense of what went on post george floyd, everybody needs to know who that is. by the way, we are same age. >> jesse: and you look great. >> jessica: she has the same age. kamala, he is six months older. >> sandra: so jesse, as we do
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anticipate the governor of pennsylvania to step out shortly, we will dip in and listen to that for a moment, should republicans be careful not to underestimate this ticket? out on peter doocy has been reporting outside this venue throughout the afternoon, reporting some big lines and big crowds, and young folks showing up to support this ticket. >> jesse: no one is taking anything for granted and we have johnny at the rally and he has already talked to hundreds of them and they already would have voted for biden anyway. these are not new voters that kamala is bring to the table. these are democrats are just a little bit more excited, that's it. >> sandra: all right >> jesse: so the thing about walz is he's just another trojan horse. all these people that keep running, just to trick the voter. whether it is biden, they covered up, whether it is harris they hide, whether it is him that the media is never going to ask any questions about, this is what they do because the democratic party has gone so far to the left, tampons for kids, for what, boys?
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toppling statues. craziness. and if you are going to run and win as a democrat, you have to be kind of normal, so now they are just straddling deeper and deeper and deeper between the crazy and the normal. and they can't win if they don't straddle this. because if they say you guys are nuts, their whole coalition collapses. it's funny to watch them because it is all they cover up. and if the media exposes it and kind of opens that tent, what you see inside that radical left tent is just repulsive till polite society so you have this machine running a lie against trump who is telling the brutal truth, and those are the stakes of the election peered a guy tells the truth, and a machine that covers up everything. and they are not in it for you. they are in it for themselves. they want to get rich and powerful and dominate you and just lay waste to the rest of the country, that is what we're dealing with here. >> sandra: under jessica wants to get in. first we are going to peter doocy at the rally in
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philadelphia. peter, you were reporting outside earlier, long lines peered what are you seeing inside? >> people here are going crazy. in a way that i have not seen in all of the dozens or more of the biden events i have been to in the last couple of years. look at this crowd. there are 10,000 or so, mostly young people, right now singing along to a ludicrous song. they have been very engaged the entire afternoon they have been waiting. it's got more of a concert vibe than a political rally vibe, and you can see behind me, people are wearing the kind of wristbands they can control your summary in the bag is controlling, they can be read white or blue, what you would see at a taylor swift concert, or something like that. so they are bringing out prominent democrats from pennsylvania. we just heard from bob casey. josh shapiro is going to come next.
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they are still making him talk as the battleground state governor, even though he was passed over for a running mate. there is so much more excitement from the people that are here and from the people that are putting on this event then we saw for anything with president biden. we come to philly with him more than we go anywhere else, other than delaware, he has been to pennsylvania more times than any other place, but we will pop into like a union hall or the big one that they did here was at independence hall outside, and he was talking about threats to democracy. it looks really dramatic but there were not a ton of people and they are cheering like somebody else is about to come out so i will throw it back to you. >> judge jeanine: all right, peter, thanks so much. and minnesota governor tim walz set to make his debut as kamala's new running mate while we wait for that, hiding kamala is taking a page out of the joe biden playbook. it's been 16 days since harris became the de facto nominee, and
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since then she hasn't done a single interview or press conference, and now kamala's friends in the media are showering her new running mate, tim walz, with praise. >> tim walz is a younger, you know, in that sense, a younger version of joe biden. >> to characterize him as left is so... unreal. it's just not worth the question. he's right down the middle he's a heartland of america democrat. >> what a fantastic choice. when you look at someone. because not many vps have stood in the deer stand in 10-degree weather. tim walz has done that. >> it's a good day for democrats. he's quirky. he's funny. he's clearly qualified for this job. >> america is going to fall in love with tim walz. >> judge jeanine: okay, donald trump has a theory on why kamala has been dodging the press. >> well, she can't answer questions. she hasn't done one interview.
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she is not doing any interviews because if she did one interview where hard question is asked, she is incapable of answering. >> you guys have got to do a better job at actually forcing kamala harris to answer questions. the american people deserve to get to know the people who want to lead them, and i think it is shameful for kamala harris, but increasingly for the media, that she is taking a basement strategy of running from reporters. >> judge jeanine: all right. sandra, i'll start with you. we have yet to hear from kamala, and even though this is a rally, it is not a press conference. she doesn't have to answer questions. she can read from a teleprompter. but you would think on a big day like today -- i think of what has happened in the last few days. i mean, we have the stock market that plummeted, and then we had the problem with the freeing of the hostages. there has been so much news that has been made, the economy in the dumps, i mean, she refuses to talk. >> sandra: no current fact we have rolled back the tape to look at the very few things she has said about this
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administration actually trying to address inflation, and in 2021 when inflation just started to rear its ugly head, sort of downplayed it, ignored it, said it wasn't going to last, it sure did, it is still here, she had this stumbling mumbling answer as to how this administration was going to tackle it and get it under control. she kept insisting this was a priority. if it was prioritized that and here we are 2024 and people are still living through this inflation, high price environment, whatever they did there did not work. questions are whether or not she will let the media asked questions about, you can make the case, there radical record and far left record, which many people want to have them answer for, but how much is her record as vp in this administration and this white house? you can talk about the economy. she will be tested on that. she will be tested be a how are they going to bring these prices down better hurting everyday americans? she will be tested when it comes to the border. is she going to allow the media to ask the important questions. was she the border czar? if she was the border czar and
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she is running away from that, why did their policies on the border not work, and they continue to blame congress? remember when we went through primary season, jessica, this was the number one concern -- >> jessica: are republicans. >> sandra: of the american voters. we saw this across the aisle and not just border states come all over the country come okay? so she seems to be running away from the fact that she was tasked with fixing the problems at the border. it was just the root causes. but this is an administration she was and that is going to have to answer for that, judge. >> judge jeanine: you know, jesse, pelosi called walz middle-of-the-road. is that middle of the road as per san francisco guidelines? >> jesse: the middle of ash barry. kamala is so scared, judge. since june, what is she so scared of? i thought she was this big tough prosecutor. going to take on donald trump. like how she got after these justices during these hearings. where is that kamala harris? she is afraid to go on fox?
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and debate donald trump? she is afraid to debate trump on fox be at trump is going to the black journalist conventions, woo-hoo, let's go, what do you g it on, he will talk to everybody, trying to be the president of all americans. >> jessica: and is terrified of abc news. she's terrified of msnbc. what is she hiding? i mean, everybody knows what she is hiding because she is a mess, and she has been protected by the democrat machine. that is why she is laughing. greg touched on it yesterday, she's going to giggle until they drag her across the finish line at protect her. she owes, judge, everybody everything. they whacked joe, put her income and now she owes the donors, she owes the lobbyists, she owes everybody in congress, anything they want, she has to give them. she knows the deal. she has a puppet who is going to start signing checks and giving away goodies for the entire term if she is elected. >> judge jeanine: you know, jessica, there is some truth to that. even with evan gershkovich coming back, there are so many
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times in the last 16 days that she could have come out and set herself up as a real candidate, but she is just smiling and giggling and reading from a teleprompter. why? >> jessica: well, first, on the hostage, the prisoners being released, she was the first person to hug evan gershkovich when he got off that plane -- >> judge jeanine: i'm glad she hugged him. >> jessica: but you are making it seem as if she is not present for this, that she hasn't been -- >> judge jeanine: no, i'm saying she has not talking to the american people. >> jessica: and i have been supportive of her doing more interviews. she is not afraid of abc, she has agreed to do the stephanopoulos debate out of habitats and i hope she will also do a fox debate and one at another venue, as well. she's not hiding from that comment i have been consistent be of i think she should sit for long interviews and talk about how she has evolved on policy positions. >> sandra: how would she do quest my >> jessica: certainly better than jesse thanks. he said in the last block, not taking anything for granted, the way you are talking is taking
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for granted, kind of before the red wave that wasn't in 22. >> jesse: we don't talk about red waves, not anymore. >> jessica: the idea you are going to be able to paint tim walz as a san francisco liberal, it should be noted the first time he went was one month ago, j.d. vance lived there for four years. >> jesse: what do boys need tampons for? why is he giving boys -- >> judge jeanine: why is he giving illegals drivers licenses? why? >> jessica: not so they can vote, which is where i am sure you are going with this. >> judge jeanine: him asking a simple question, i you give an illegal a driver's license? >> jessica: so they can drive to a job. >> judge jeanine: what are the chances they have insurance on that car, or -- look at any of the statistics related to accidents with illegals, there is a real problem for american spirit >> jessica: the most accidents are from undocumented people in america -- >> judge jeanine: they don't
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have insurance. >> jessica: if you continue running a campaign like this, where you are attacking him in that way, talking about kamala as someone who doesn't know anything, who is incompetent, there is a higher likelihood that the republicans will lose. if you want to talk about issues, that's a good way to go about it. if i were to be advising republicans, which i am not. >> sandra: i just went to kamala's website and i cannot find a single policy pitch on inflation, a single policy page on the economy. >> jessica: have you gone to the -- >> judge jeanine: greg, why don't you wrap this up? >> greg: thank you, i was getting kind of bored over here. a couple of things but i'm always curious when i see liberals get upset when you point out the liberalism of their allies. it's like why would pelosi be upset when you mentioned that walz is a liberal? isn't it weird when you describe a better version of your politics as something that is less what your politics are? that mix no sense to me. to say that walz is great
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because he is middle-of-the-road. you are actually telling on yourself, that you are a whack job. oh, no, he's not as crazy as i am. but you also realize that it is a lie. it is a complete lie. because if he was middle-of-the-road, the squad wouldn't be all over him. so they are actually lying to your face. that is why they are saying midwestern. that is why they are saying middle-of-the-road. that is why they are saying moderate. because they have to cover-up that incredible flaw that we all know. the interesting thing, too, you are talking about you don't see much of kamala. you know how you see countless clips of harris saying hilarious things? wears that one clip of her saying something smart? where is that? you know it would be everywhere. remember they told you, joe biden, you should see him behind the scenes, he has something else, you go let me see that, well, we don't have it, it's lecturing to locate bigfoot. so she is really, really cogent behind-the-scenes or she is really smart, show us that.
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please. i'm sure we would see it, it would lead msnbc every 10 minutes if she said something brilliant, but they can't find it. that's why you can't hear from her. again, though, why do liberals hate liberalism? and then why do they lie to you about it? that's all you've got to ask. they do. you talk about issues. every single issue, he's on the left. and you keep saying, oh, he's middle-of-the-road. why don't you just say he has a leftist? >> jesse: be proud. >> greg: come out of the closet, jessica. >> jessica: i have been out for years on this front, and i don't think that people are denying that. >> greg: you just heard -- [overlapping discussion] >> jessica: but there is a difference between being called a leftist and some one who has left policies and calling a socialist. >> greg: he has a leftist. >> jessica: is he a moderate? >> jessica: i think he is left of center, for sure. >> greg: i will take that as a
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win. >> jesse: pennsylvania governor josh shapiro is now speaking at the harris-walz rally after he got snubbed as a running mate. let's listen. [crowd cheering] >> thank you. thank you. [crowd cheering] thank you. thank you. i love you, phil! [cheers and applause] and you know what else i love?
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i love being your governor. thank you very much! the [cheers]you all, you all fill m. and i love you so much. [cheers] and i want you to know, every single day i go to work for you, i put my shoulder to the wheel, and i focus on three simple letters in our alphabet: gsd. i focus on getting -- done for all of you. [cheers]
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thank you. thank you. thank you. [crowd chanting "gsd"] and i want you to know, i am going to continue to pour my heart and soul into serving you every single day as your governor. [cheers] and i'm going to be working my tail off to make sure we make kamala harris and tim walz the next leaders of the united states of america. [cheers] that's right. let me tell you -- let me tell you about my friend, kamala harris, someone i've been friends with for two
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decades. she is courtroom tough. [cheers] she has a big heart. >> greg: [cheers]and she has battle-testd ready to go! >> judge jeanine: battle-tested spewing josh shapiro speaking it, harris' rally and tim walz about to join her pretty soon but we are going to now talk about how harris gets accused of caving to the rabbit anti-semites and her party by going with walz over that guy, schapiro peered pro-hamas thinke been pressuring harris to not pick the popular pennsylvania governor who is jewish and even smearing him with names like genocide josh over his support of israel. naturally the squad is thrilled that shapiro got snubbed. radical ilhan omar posting this, and bowman and aoc are so excited he might pull the
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fire alarm together. >> it's walz, baby, let's go, tim walz and the building! time to win in november, y'all, let's go, all hands on deck, no staying at home, let's go! >> i think he's a great pick. i do think that the selection of walz is kind of, to me, it feels like a watershed moment. it does feel like a generational shift. >> jesse: van jones trend to make democrats grapple with the fact that their party is full of anti-semites. >> you also have anti-semitism that has gotten marveled into this party. you can be for the palestinians without being a anti-jewish bigot, but there are some anti-jewish bigots out there, and there is some disquiet and there has to be how much of what just happened is caving in to some of these darker parts of the party? so that's going to have to get worked out. it's going to have to get talked through. >> jesse: greg, if shapiro were not jewish, what he had
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been chosen? >> greg: yes p or i can say that unequivocally, without any data. >> jesse: [laughs] >> greg: it's got to be weird to be a jewish liberal when it's an open discussion that your party has a faction within it that hates jews. imagine if a republican party, trump wouldn't pick a jew because he doesn't want to upset david duke p or no one in the party would stand for that. in fact, there is no racial combat like that in the republican party that afflict the dems, and the reason for that is the bed you made with identity politics, which means you are always choosing people based on groups, and choosing, based on traits. so a candidate can be unique, like josh shapiro, but he is a member of a group that upsets another group. not all of them, but as a group. if you see people as groups, then you just assume, oh come all muslims must hate shapiro because he is a jew.
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why did they choose walz? if you are in the prison of identity politics come he's not a speech when he six come he's a white male. maybe we will get my white males as a group. i don't think you are going to get that with him. we don't like arson. >> jesse: not just white males. >> greg: we don't like snitches. as a white male, i don't like snitches, i don't like tampons and poise bathrooms. i don't like trance surgeries for kids. just because he is a white male, he's an individual. i'm talking about walz, not him, but you see my point. everybody is an individual with their own traits. democrats make the mistake of describing it to the group. so then they have special traits. does it work? that is why they are in trouble. >> jesse: judge jeanine? >> judge jeanine: i agree with you and i will tell you why. there are democrats in congress who believe that is the reason he was not picked up your eye said this in the a block.
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pennsylvania is a swing state. it is a must-win state for her if she is going to win the white house. he has 6 out of 10 people love shapiro. now representative moskowitz, wasserman salt, all of them say it is anti-semitism, why? because shapiro's position is not that different from other candidates who have been selected, and therefore he was denied this because he is a jew. if his position according to all of these people in congress is like other people in congress, then he was denied it because he is a jew, and the problem right now is right now, they are pleasing the hamas of the democrat party, and given that the squad is so supportive of this, it makes it clear what this is about. it's not about anything else. he is a moderate as it relates to israel, and he has done that for apparently the last 20
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years. >> jesse: they didn't have a lot of chemistry, it's been recorded, when they had a meeting, kamala and josh. what do you think happened there? >> jessica: i don't think it is because she doesn't like jews because she is married to one come outside of a naval observatory because of this democratic in administration. there are -- i would never deny the fact that we have anti-semitism problem in the party. but there was more that complicated josh shapiro becoming the vice president than that. there was the chemistry issue. there was his support for school vultures, which angered the teachers unions. when all of the labor bosses gave interviews, they like tim walz the best and andy beshear from kentucky. i don't think that is because he has a jew, i think it is because he wasn't as strong on labor issues. a majority of american jews are democrats. and donald trump has come i think he called doug emhoff a c.[laughter]
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stop talking. it's not funny. >> greg: are going to keep breaking down over the things that trump says -- >> jessica: are not breaking down peer i have had meltdowns and that is not one of them. i want to say something about the republican party and jews. if the republican party was such a safe space for them, why are there no jewish republican senators? there are nine, all democrats, and chuck schumer is a jew and he is the leader of our party. don't. there are 26 congress people who are jewish, and only two of them are republicans. also the secretary of state, the secretary of the treasury, the director of national intelligence. >> greg: have you ever heard of stockholm syndrome? >> jesse: [laughs] >> jessica: yes. >> greg: case closed. [laughter] >> jessica: please say what you are going to sapient >> judge jeanine: locum who was out there making sure jewish kids could get to their classes. >> jessica: donald trump had dinner with nick fuentes. you don't give me their spirit >> judge jeanine: no come you don't give me this. >> jessica: i will give you whatever i want.
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>> judge jeanine: when -- >> greg: who has jewish grandkids, jessica? who converted to judaism? >> jessica: his daughter? case closed, she doesn't want anything to do with him. >> judge jeanine: it's not about that. you don't know. don't assume that you know. because you don't. >> jessica: okay, well, all of the jewish americans that vote for democrats are idiots to you guys, is that correct? >> greg: you said it. i think you should take it back, but you said it. >> sandra: apparently you are at odds with nancy pelosi, who has denied there is an anti-semitism problem in your party, by the way. >> jessica: it happens every once in a while. >> sandra: something you said, jesse -- >> jesse: i didn't say anything about jews. very even unbalanced here. >> sandra: the crowd's reaction to him.
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apparently there was reporting right here on the fox news channel that senator fetterman was concerned about the possibility that the governor could upstage kamala harris. >> jesse: he's very ambitious and he's very talented. >> greg: who are you talking about? >> jessica: the jew. >> greg: oh, my god. >> jesse: i don't like to refer to people in stereotypical -- can call him a jew. i'll call him the guy who got passed up by kamala. let's go back or not the jew, governor shapiro. come on, jessica. >> a good game about freedom, right? they like to cloak themselves in the blanket of freedom all the time. they love to talk a good game. but hear me on this. it's not freedom to tell our children what books they are allowed to read. that's not freedom. it's not. it's not. it's not freedom to say you can go to work but you can't join a
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union. that's not freedom. [cheers] it's not freedom to tell women what they are allowed to do with their bodies. that's not freedom. it's not. it's not. it is not. no, it's not. it is not. and it won't be that way when kamala harris is our president. and it sure as hell isn't freedom to say you can go vote, but he's going to pick the winner. that is not freedom. that's not what patriots have fought for over the years. it is not. you know what we are for? you know what kamala harris and tim walz are for? they are for real freedom. they are.
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the kind of real freedom that comes when we looked that young girl in north philly in the eye and we invest in her public school because we believe in her. [cheers] we believe in real freedom. the kind of freedom that comes when we invest in our police and we invest in our communities because we believe that young girl should walk to and from school safely and back to her mom at the end of the night. [cheers] we believe in real freedom, where that young girl can grow up and be whatever she wants. she can be a welder. she can go to college. she can be who she is. that is real freedom. and that is what we are fighting for. [cheers] we believe in the kind of real freedom where she grows up in a
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community where she can breathe clean air and drink clean water and know that she will leave and environment to the next generation that is great for her kids and her grandkids. and... and kamala harris and tim walz believe in a real freedom where you can marry who you love and be who you are. [cheers] now. freedom, freedom is on the ballot. and our fundamental freedoms are at risk. and i know, i know when it's at risk, it's easy to feel uneasy, and it's easy to get down peer well, let me tell you something, philly. let me tell you something, pennsylvania. let me tell you something, america. i am more optimistic than ever
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before. [cheers] and the reason, the reason i'm more optimistic than ever before is because of all of you. and because of what a band of patriots started here in our taverns and our town squares and at independence hall just a couple miles from here nearly two and a half centuries ago. you see, they came together. they came together to declare our independence from a king, and we are not going back to a king. [cheers] and we are not going back. [crowd chanting]
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[crowd chanting "won't go back"] and when they declared that independence from a king, they came together and they said, "we are going to form a union." and over the last 248 years, the reason why i am optimistic, the reason why i am hopeful, is because as we have written this american story over the last two and a half centuries, it's been ordinary americans taking up the baton from those patriots and saying we are going to do extraordinary things. octavius keita understood that responsibility. cecil b moore understood that responsibility. gen z when they are organized and on tiktok understand that responsibility.
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>> greg: all right, kamala harris and tim walz expected to come out at any moment for their first campaign event in philly, which is short for philadelphia, and while we wait for that, kamala might be laughing all the way to your broke bank account if she wins in november. it is why the money wizard said the only way to dodge the poorhouses by sending trump back to the white house. >> if you are in the stock market and care about your paycheck, you go with trump. that's what you do. >> everything has been in his honeymoon period might seem silly compared to when they are looking at their 401(k)s are going to start looking at gas prices or looking at what cost at the grocery store. might be entering that phase the trump campaign has been waiting for. >> greg: so jesse, thickly realized trump has lost because kramer has never been right on anything. [laughter] >> jesse: i just can't get over jewish obama. he is hitting home runs in philly like i have never seen. >> greg: for the jewish obama? he-bro. >> jesse: i thought he was too
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short and wore glasses, i'm like, this is cooked. and then i hear him speak, and he is just at one with the crowds. he has this groove on, feeding the energy, they love him. >> greg: that is for 2028. he dodged a bullet. he dodged a bullet. he probably didn't even pick up the phone when kamala called. >> jesse: eric holder was like, barack, i think we are going to have to go with walz. we've got to keep josh's on ice until 2028. this guy is good. >> sandra: is he going to be a tough act to follow? >> jesse: how are they going to follow this guy? >> greg: she's going to come out and laugh. she'll laugh. she'll talk about the clouds. the cloud. >> sandra: do you think she is meant to be scripted? >> jessica: they are all on teleprompter. >> greg: the segment -- >> jessica: how does it feel for no one to care what you have
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to say? >> greg: it's a relief to your gone tired of people depending on my wisdom. [laughter] go-ahead. >> judge jeanine: well, no, i want to be the buzz kill here. keep laughing. here is the thing. this guy josh shapiro is good. and unless something happens that prevents him from running in 2028. >> jesse: what do you think that could become a judge? >> greg: i'm not ready to say. >> jesse: have you heard something -- >> jessica: like kamala harris running for reelection? >> jesse: no, something else, jessica. >> greg: because he is jewish and democrats hate jews, jessica. >> jessica: i told you how much we love speech when he seven. >> judge jeanine: this guy is phenomenal he may have stepped on himself in the past. >> greg: what about that whole story in philly about the woman -- >> judge jeanine: we don't know everything. >> greg: i have free speech. there was a woman that was declared a suicide when in fact it was a homicide. >> jessica: stab wounds -- >> judge jeanine: no, no, no. >> jessica: now she wants to
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talk. >> judge jeanine: i just have to -- >> jessica: no -- >> judge jeanine: at first they said it was a homicide, then she said it was a suicide,. they had to go to the highest court in the state of pennsylvania to get the court to give them permission to even question this 21 stab wounds against a 27-year-old woman -- >> greg: schoolteacher. >> judge jeanine: schoolteacher. two of the stab wounds occurred after she was dead but of course they are alleging she stabbed herself. now i ask you, what are the chances of someone stabbing themselves in the back of the head or in their back or after they are already dead? >> greg: how does this relate to shapiro, that's the question. >> jessica: he was ag. >> greg: there you go. is that the story? >> judge jeanine: it might be. we have to investigate. but what the supreme court has done is given them the ability to reopen it. okay? and now the questions will come. and the questions are very obvious right now. why did you go from homicide to suicide? why would you even consider that
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a stabbing, 21 stab wounds, are a suicide? are you kidding? >> greg: if the suspect had well-connected friends. >> jessica: friends in high places. >> judge jeanine: possibly. >> greg: allegedly. don't sue me. >> jessica: we shouldn't say that in a joking way -- >> greg: at the terrible crime. the parents aren't even interested in getting money out of this. the change from suicide to homicide. >> judge jeanine: that's right. and you know what, things aren't so hunky-dory in pennsylvania, when they can actually do that, and you need the highest courts permission to question whether or not you can reopen the issuea homicide? i've taken suicides and proven homicides. >> sandra: going back to the screen here to show >> jessica: why? >> sandra: there's a lot of enthusiasm in this room. >> judge jeanine: oh, boy, appeared >> jesse: this room are that room? >> sandra: both. >> greg: this is "the five." [laughter] >> sandra: i'm watching because -- >> judge jeanine: he got more of an audience than they do
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right now, all right? >> greg: does anybody care about the segment? >> jessica: i do. >> judge jeanine: i do. >> sandra: which one? >> greg: the one about jim cramer. >> judge jeanine: it's about the economy. >> greg: if you want a strong economy, you've got to vote for trump beards >> jessica: well, no. >> judge jeanine: well, yes. >> jessica: yesterday it is the end of the world on the apocalypse, the market would start rebounding as it went up in overnight japan went totally to x, so that story went away. today went up 600 points when he announced tim walz? >> greg: i don't think -- >> jessica: donald trump does. >> judge jeanine: is the -- >> sandra: fundamentals like prophets beards >> jessica: the stock market has been hitting record highs under the biden-harris administration. >> sandra: touting the stock market as a gauge of performance of the white house? >> jessica: i'm just saying -- >> sandra: your segment.
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there is an ep reporter who went on another network who said the honeymoon period will end with kamala harris when people go back to the grocery store, the enthusiasm goes away, and they realize these high prices are here to stay, and they are here because of the massive government spending that happened during this administration. until we hear kamala harris, which i don't know, we didn't listen to all of shapiro, i don't know if you dress the economy or inflation, but if she steps up to the microphone and does not acknowledge the number one problem for every american family right now they are going to think she is ignoring it or doesn't how we got here and how can you fix a problem if yod to it? so it's going to be really important -- i was not kidding. if you go to kamala right now, there is nothing on there about the economy and how she plans to fix things for the american people. she said she is going to champion the middle-class. this is what matters to them grocery prices, utility bills, gas prices. hello? >> greg: jesse, let's talk
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about prices. hold on. have you noticed a drastic leap in the prices for cialis and rogaine? >> jesse: i know rogaine has doubled. you would have to ask tyrus about the cialis. >> judge jeanine: oh! >> greg: you are a dead man. >> jesse: shoot. >> judge jeanine: ui dead to me, anyway. >> greg: i think i can hear his footsteps -- >> judge jeanine: yes, coming down the hall p it's been on the first name that popped in my head. >> judge jeanine: take it back. >> jesse: i'm not taking it back, i said it. everybody has. >> judge jeanine: here is the problem. not a lot of people have the luxury of voting based on what social issues they think are important. people have to vote on their pocketbook, on food, on gas, whether they can live from day today, and right now, if people even think about donald trump, they will remember to dollar gas, they will remember when interest was 2.5%, inflation was 1.4%, consumer prices were 20%
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lower, when donald trump was there. okay? kamala harris can't even talk about this stuff, let alone print something about it to somebody else wrote for h her. >> jessica: remember covid and injecting bleach -- >> judge jeanine: come on -- >> greg: not injecting ble bleach -- >> jessica: lysol? [overlapping talking] >> greg: that never was said. do the research, no one ever said injecting bleach, look it up, it has been debunked, just like the "fine people" -- >> judge jeanine: from the fundamental issues of food and gas and being able to survive from work to work. don't give me this clorox baloney. it's about living. it's about surviving. it's about taking care of your family, not the namby-pamby, what did he say about sharks,
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that's ridiculous. >> jessica: jesse explained the shark problem. >> jesse: is not a problem when you have an electric car and you drive it into the river -- >> jessica: knocks it out -- >> greg: because -- [overlapping talking] >> judge jeanine: you don't have an opinion if you don't have a car. only people who have cars -- the first amendment -- >> jessica: i just think he should lose because he says this kind of stuff p it's peter that's your problem. things he says, not what he does. if you focus on what trump does, then you go okay, i'll take the mean tweets. >> judge jeanine: how about what he does for us? >> greg: at least he doesn't have dementia. can you say that about biden or kamala? >> jesse: or walz? tampons for little boys. what do they need tampons for? >> greg: gunshot wound. >> sandra: if you are and just now, this is "the five," that is a live look at philadelphia, where we do anticipate to see
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for the first time since naming her running mate, governor of minnesota tim walz, kamala harris is expected to speak any moment now, followed by her choice for running mate. governor shapiro pennsylvania just spoke a few moments ago. >> greg: hey, why don't we do our "one more thing"? >> judge jeanine: do you know what the next two month are going to be like at this table? watch every day, it's going to be a wild two months. >> greg: time for "one more thing"? now we have time. this is so stupid. we are just staring at a stage. >> judge jeanine: at them, they are late. >> greg: i stage, those are two flags. >> jessica: they are late. don't vote for them. that's a good one. >> judge jeanine: got to be on time. >> sandra: greg, what would you like to hear from kamala harris and tim walz when they take that stage? >> greg: i would like them to say, "greg, do you have any sexy stingray news?" because i do, it's an "one more thing." >> judge jeanine: i would like them to say who they really are.
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who are you, kamala, who are you, mike walz -- tim, tim walz. you know who he reminds me of? he reminds me of tim kaine. remember tim kaine when hillary clinton -- who is this guy? you are looking at him, who is he, what is he? >> sandra: jessica, she does have a moment here to tell people who she is into her running mate is. will she do that? >> jessica: i assume so. it's going to be like any normal, here we are as a ticket pitch, and i think that people do know more about them then perhaps my esteemed colleagues at the table do or that they are letting on, and i think that you are going to be really impressed with >> greg: i am impressed already. the guy defended the destruction of cities. i'm impressed. >> jessica: he didn't. he admitted it was an abject failure. he took responsibility. jessica jengeg why are you guys admitting about him admitting it was a failure? >> judge jeanine: give me a break. >> jesse: jessica, the mayor of the town begged him to send the national guard and he didn't.
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>> jessica: stick with the tampons for little boys. >> jesse: he wrote justice for floyd. the guy is a panderer. pandering. which is a joke. >> judge jeanine: it's the whole point. what do you want us to do now mr. president or ms. president. and if you have got a guy who takes him six months to say gee, i didn't act too well on that, we don't need him anywhere neither white house. >> >> jesse: you were going to ask why was he in china? >> judge jeanine: why was he in china? >> sandra: trying to take a moment to roll back the tape on tim walls. i believe this is him addressing the questions over biden and ageism from this spent a lot of time with the presidency. all older. my mom is still 88. living on the faraj, drives herself. folks are able to do this. i think this little bit of
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ageism goes to this, if it's not that it would be something else. >> they attack all of us on something this is part of it. >> jesse: there is a guy who covered up the exact fact that joe biden was inept and didn't be know what he was talking about. is he just like kamala. that's why i said she doubled down on herself. >> jesse: great walls of chinese we still don't know what the tampons are for for the fourth grade boys. still don't know why he wants sex changes for 6-year-olds. yes, he does he signed a bill for it. >> jessica: no 6-year-olds getting sex change. >> jesse: partial birth abortion. they deliver the baby and execute the baby. >> jessi jessica. >> judge jeanine: make the baby comfortable. should the baby live or die. >> jessica: not a real thing that exists and you guys know it. >> greg: why do you walk away from your beliefs? >> jessica: that i'm for abortion after birth? please. >> greg: finally, you admit it.
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>> jesse: why are they late again? i'm actually thinking punctuality might be a key decider in this election. >> judge jeanine: wait a minute, maybe she changed her mind. >> jesse: you think it's shapiro josh, you are in. you are out. >> greg: why are we doing one more thing? that's what the american people want. >> jessica: sexy sharks? >> jesse: sexy stingrays. >> sandra: greg, if you don't mind, they just announced them and they are going to be taking the stage. and here they are now. >> jessica: oh. a little late. [cheers and applause] ♪ [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers]
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♪ [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ [cheers and applause] [cheers] [cheers and applause] [applause] [cheers and applause]
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[cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] >> good evening, philadelphia. [cheers and applause] good evening. good evening. good evening. [laughter] [cheers and applause] good evening, good evening. good evening.


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