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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 7, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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agenda and their freedom agenda is freedom tomo abort and freedm to chemically castrate children. we are the freedom party but that is where it always ends up. >> i think at that point, we aro looking at a war on christianity. we are looking at a war on reality. on them trying to normalize the things we know in our hearts anr minds and we talk about every sunday, that we are not supposed to be doing. >> laura: michaela i'm a great to see youreat tonight, thank yo much. a fascinating appearance ag apt rally. a big get well to my little friend, and miko, knee surgery this morning and i want to thank the doctor and all the great nurses. he's eating junk food, too much of it but before the hard part which is the >> carley: we are following two major stories this morning.
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deadly tropical storm debby leaving cities underwater as it moves up the east coast, we're tracking it all morning long and will take you live to the storm zone. plus, vice president kamala harris is heading to battleground states with her new running mate tim walz, we are looking at what some are calling the most far left ticket in history. you're watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. todd has the day off. doug luzader kicks us off with the latest on the election. hi, doug. >> doug: she says momentum is on their side. >> if you want to turn back the clock on fundamental freedoms,
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we're not going back. like a match up between the varsity team and jv squad. >> his running mate, these guy says are creepy and weird as hell. >> doug: minnesota governor saved his criticism for j.d. vance, mocking his education and best-selling memoir. vance is shadowing them through a number of swing states responded. >> they want to destroy the american energy sector making us more reliant on china. she wants insurance for all. she does not care if you are a legal immigrant. it really caused poverty to
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skyrocket in minneapolis. >> doug: walz won over kamala harris over josh shapiro. josh shapiro could have helped deliver a key swing state, his moderate pokz r position and -- approach to crime, pointing to his response in riots of 2020 and state of minnesota's economy. harris is facing pressure to answer questions from the media with no sit-down interview or press conferences since launching her campaign. >> carley: answering questions, what a big ask. doug luzader, thank you so much. bring in adam, retired navy seal and former infantry marine and a minnesota resident. good morning. a ton of reaction coming in on selection of your governor. new york congresswoman
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alexandria l -- alexandria ocasio-cortez is happy with r about it. what should we know about governor walz? what do you think about him? >> to quote elanore roosevelt, great minds discuss ideas and small minds discuss people. start with people and work to bigger things. it is getting broken. true governor walz is getting broken. he was a teacher entrusted to watch youth, he was drunk driving and got in a police chase. he found his way to national guard, in the military, you can't promote if you had alcohol-related incident, that
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precludes you from achieving rank. somehow he climbed up to fill in the rank of sergeant major. that is important, he was introduced by democrats as sergeant major. he withdrew his name, failed out of school. it came time to deploy, national guard units, he abandoned them when he was command sergeant major at the last minute. >> carley: what happened during his time as governor, black lives matter riots of 2020. he waited three days to call in the national guard. here is what he said at the time. >> i don't think the mayor knew what he was asking for. to the mayor, it is perception. that is great, we'll have massively trained troops. no, you will have 19 year olds
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who are cooking, what do we do and how do we use them? >> carley: from "new york times" on minneapolis riots. 1500 businesses were burned, including a police station. they go on to say with estimated 500 million in property damage statewide, many were injured and three deaths were linked to this unrest. looting, arson, violence, what are your thoughts on that? >> that is a great segue. weird patriotic conservative american, events in our country matter fo me temperature is more important than talking about the person. he made a concerted effort or lack thereof which resulted in a u.s. base being burned down on
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u.s. soil. that is abhorrent that happened and embarrassing. we had 18 billion surplus, now we're in 2 million deficit, that is a $20 billion swing. he cannot lead. as former educator, when he took office, we were seventh and now we're 19th as a nation. by the way, he oversaw billion dollars in fraud. 500 million in overpayment to unemployed people in the state. 250 to people for feeding our program. these events are crucial and minnesota just took income one spot as the worst state to start a business. companies are leaving, people are leaving. >> carley: governor harris could have gone with a swing state
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governor and went with tim walz who said one man's socialism is another man's neighbor liness. thank you for being here and for your service. voters in missouri deep blue first congressional district delivering -- to cori bush who lost to wesley bell, who defeated squad member with 51% of the vote, it was close. it did end an expensive house race. >> this is not about campaigning and adults talking and negative messaging. our kids are watching. what we say matters. >> this district is ready for better and more accountable representation in washington, d.c. progressives should make
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progress. >> carley: bell on the race with backing of several wealthy pro-israel groups making bush second squad member to lose their primary after jamaal bowman suffered a similar loss in new york. soon to be former congresswoman says she's not going anywhere. >> apac, i'm coming to tear your kingdom down and let me put corporations on notice, i'm coming after you, too. we will keep supporting a free palestine, a free congo, free sudan and opposing genocide and human rights abuses. >> carley: bell will face jones or hall. jones is leading by just under 200 points. to fox weather alert. tropical storm debby continue to move through southeast leaving cities bracing for flooding.
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the storm killing six people, five in florida and one in georgia. areas could see 30 inches of rain. take a look at this, officials and good samaritans rescued a woman whose car was trapped in flood waters. the storm is expected to drench south carolina today before returning to land tomorrow. senior meteorologist janice dean has fox weather forecast. 30 inches of rainfall potential? >> janice: already two feet, we will get more of the same today. still a tropical system that could regain a little strength as center of circulation moves offshore into the atlantic, warm waters across southeast coast. there is going to be movement within the next 24 hours and it
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will move across mid-atlantic and northeast on saturday. thank goodness, it has sat across the carolinas and georgia for several days. here is rain still to come on top of two feet, additional three to nine inches. all that water had to go somewhere, it will move down stream and we have major river flooding from north carolina down south carolina, georgia and north florida. that is a big deal, sometimes it takes a while to get streams and rivers up and they come over the banks. flash flood threat today for southeast toward mid-atlantic, up to aure fo, highest you can get. wilmington is on alert. toward weekend, remnants of debby come up toward i-95 corridor, where millions of people live, that could cause major problems. by the weekend, debby is out, we
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still have dangerous days ahead with rising water and potential six to 12 inches more. >> carley: wet weekend. >> janice: on top of rain we have already gotten. ground is saturated and flooding will be a concern. >> carley: thank you so much. now to latest in middle east. iran makes new threats against israel and hamas names october 7th mastermind as their new leader. trey yingst is live on the ground and will give a live report coming up next. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ask your doctor about farxiga. your gut is like a garden growing both good bacteria and bad. that balance is key to a healthy gut environment. benefiber's plant-based prebiotic fiber gently nourishes the good bacteria, working with your body to help your gut,
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yep, dave's feeling it. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years? introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. >> carley: to the middle east. iran makes new threats over death of hamas leader ismail haniyeh. hamas is naming tz mastermind of the october 7 attack sinwar as their new leader. trey yingst is live in haifa, israel. looks like hamas is regrouping with the naming of this new leader. >> trey: exactly and israel worried about two fronts bracing for attack from iran and proxies
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while the united states urges restraint. hezbollah leader spoke yesterday at ceremony for a senior commander who was killed last week. israeli fighter jet flew over. >> our response, god willing, being strong and effective and between us and them, only few days and nights until we meet on the battlefield. >> trey: diplomatic efforts are underway. other diplomatic conversations con continue. 300 day says in, no end in sight. ismail haniyeh was replaced with sinwar, current head of hamas in dpai. one journalist speaking to fox
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highlighted this was hamas way to send a message to israel they are not backing down and will choose someone extreme for the job. israeli forces are on high alert. >> carley: trey, thank you. bring in chad robacha, author of "missions without borders." we heard the strike would take place 24 to 48 hours, we're out of that period. what do you think happens next? >> iran is always in moments like this, flexing their chest, raising a red flag and doesn't act. look, we hope that is the case this time, if there has ever been a time for iran to do something extreme including firing a nuclear weapon, it is
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now. and i say that and it scares me to hear that come out of my mouth. truth is, we have a weak white house, israel does not have a true ally encouraging them to defend themselves and iran is emboden. this is window and time when something soars could happen and everyone should be concerned. there need to be a strong position and statement by our white house to make iran back down including sanctions. we are giving them millions of dollars still. >> carley: we are waiting for strong statement. hezbollah and lebanon could overwhelm israel's air defense system. a rocket coming from lebanon could do more damage, less time for israel to react? >> yes, absolutely.
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when you have that synergy, that is a lot for israel to be concerned about. ame americans sitting back and thinking this is sad for israel need to realize it is long-term repercussion to national security and every american. this is a very -- could turn to something bigger than israel facing threating. this is a global sdcale and america need to be concerned. >> carley: unrest started with the withdrawal from afghanistan, if you thought that was bad, this adds insult to injury. it was found un has funneled 3.8 million to the economy, that money propping up a regime that
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american soldiers fought for decades. what do you think about that? >> it is disgusting to me. 26 billion went to the un to go to the taliban. 3.8 billion sounds about right. i confirmed from cia targeter and dod national security analyst 43 to 87 million a week is going to taliban, about half is cash for humanitarian aid. that money, that cash goes, your taxpayer dollar cash goes to couple places, taliban prime min minister residence to minister of interrorior goes to taliban gdi, which is holding three
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american prisoners, to military commissioner, to safe house where the bin ladens are. individuals given cash by the white house, all are sanctioned by the united states the government and listed as designated terrorists. that is insane and illegal and white house does notz have not have exemption. even more disturbing to me and every american, some money being used for martyr fund, paying family of taliban we killed over 20 years up to thousand dollars per month and house as r restitution for those we killed. >> carley: outrageous, if you care about women's rights, you should be outraged by this, also. thank you for shining a light on this, it is important for
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everybody to understand this. congressman tim burchett introduced a bill prohibit ing them from receiving cash. pakistani man with ties to iran ian government is charged for failed assassination plot against u.s. officials, possible including former president trump. justice department says the suspect traveled to new york last month to meet with hitmen to carry out the plot. the hitmen were yourundercover agents. >> i will refer you to doj as it is ongoing law enforcement investigation. we have said we've been tracking iranian threats against former politicians. we've been clear about that. these threats arise from iran's desire to seek revenge for killing of soleimani.
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we continue this national and h homeland security matter of the highest priority. >> carley: there are no links between this man and the man who tried to assassinate trump. >> carley: former hardy ceoandy puzner expects the kamala crash to continue, he'll explain that coming up next. te to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue, and stop further joint damage.
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across south carolina east of i-95. this isle of palms. we have more rain in the f forecast. the center of debby is south and southeast of charleston off coast moving east at fitch and will have a second landfall tonight and thursday morning. not expected to intensify and it moves inland is weakens. flood watch up through friday morning for carolinas. heavy rain is in negoorth carol. charleston has had nine and a half inches of rain. jet stream will dip down and pick up this thing tomorrow and tomorrow night and shoot northeast friday and saturday
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with heavy rain in mountains of virginia and west virginia, watch out for flash flooding into western pennsylvania and new york. i-95 corridor will get moist are. saturday morning debby will be out of the picture. risk of more heavy rainfall. river flooding continues in and around charleston, many rivers over banks and that is affecting homes in the area. >> carley: live with the story of the storm today. thank you. fox business alert. markets are on the rebound with all three indexes seeing gains. some say relief might be short lived. cheryl casone from fox business is here with more. hi, cheryl. >> cheryl: good morning, vol st tillity is something we'll see for a little while through
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august. yeah, right now dow futures continue to rise up 275 in premarket. we'll see how we do today. we are seeing a rebound from monday's market meltdown. dow jones fell but jumped yesterday and nasdaq sinking 3.5% yesterday. s&p dropped 3% dug during monday's meltdown. an experts this rebound may notz last, telling fortune magazine, i wouldn't expect this to be durable bounsz, there will be volatility into october or november. when you trim risk, you say, what can i sell? riskier stocks, maybe pull back
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on think technology. some are questioning biden harris economic policy. "u.s.a. today" titled stock market plummet, ask yourself, do you want harris running the economy? there are assigns heading to recession could bode poorly for incumbent candidate who is harris, to be clear. few things going on, it is about the economy. we have disney coming out today, those earnings are important. two-thirds of u.s. economy is consumer spending and we're seeing savings rates going down plus what we're seeing out of japan and technology stocks might be overbought, see how we open today. >> carley: more than markets. don't mischeryl with mornings with maria. and a trump campaign surrogate,
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former cke restaurant ceo and american first policy institute join me now. we saw big rebound yesterday, are we out of the woods? >> good morning, we're not out of the woods. rebound yftz was good to see. it was positive for retire moonaccounts. you see people buying into the dip. stocks go down, you buy them, i think we saw that. the problem is and has been inflation. t this -- americans, they have exhausted their savings accounts and ramped up credit cards with high default rate and seeing historic levels of credit card
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debt and wages not kept up with inflation. i think that is primarily due to the passage of what they call the american rescue plan and inflation reduction act, bills that only passed because of kamala harris' tie-breaking vote. spending bills drove inflation to levels we have not seen in ages as larry summers predicted would happen. when people suffer from inflation, they are not buying goods, they don't hire people, manufacturing and construction contracts. >> carley: headlines are about fast food sales and mcdonald's saw first dip in sales since 2020. people are buying less because it is expensive, that is not a good thing.
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>> when i ran hardy's and karl's jr., i would visit countries where going was a treat and luxury, never thought that would happen in the united states. there was a survey a couple weeks ago that said 78% of people consider going to fast food a luxury. credit karma had a survey in the last day or so that said 50% of americans are giving up essentials to purchase school su supplies. american working and middle class feel like it is in recession and i think that is more important whether economists determine there is technical recession. >> carley: because of all this, the economy is number one issue on minds ofern ms. if you go on kamala harris campaign website, she does not have an economic plan posted for people who may be interested in
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her to see. we know that she would push for paid family leave, affordable child care, big government spender. what would her presidency mean for the economy? >> more of what we've had over three years, insecurity and depravagz, higher taxes, increased regulation. she was tie-breaking vote on two bills. we would see more insecurity we have seen rather than prosperity, the peace, calm in our cities, secure border, international peace and prosperity we saw in 2019 before the pandemic under president trump. americans have a clear choice here, go with bigger government, bigger spending, government not being viewed as problem or solution. american businesses and jobs and
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prosperity. i hope people will pick the latter. >> carley: she does not have knowa economic plan posted, there are clues how she would governor. she likes free. when government says free, it is every ine 42. thatten moo means we're paying for it. thank you for joining us. democrats are trying to sell tim walz as moderate that represents all americans. does this sound moderate to you? >> don't shy away from progressive values. one person's socialism is another person's -- just do the damnn work. >> carley: joe concha is here to talk about that and more coming up next. individuals. imagine that. get offers on select models at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. (lexus mnemonic)
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lyles will need a good leg here. can he deliver? here comes the pass! look at this kid! coming in tight on the line. team usa, what a run! it's gold for team usa. noah lyles with another gold medal. in case there was any doubt, who was the breakout star of these world championships.
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ka >> carley: kamala harris tapping tim walz as her running mate. these comments are coming back to haunt him. >> we saw large peaceful protests, a society that does not put equity and inclusion at the center will eventually come to places we're at. more police there, more tension,
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more tension, more chance to get things. just do the damn work. talks about a wall, let me know how high, if it is 25 foot, i will invest in a 30 foot ladder. >> carley: joe, you are the perfect person to talk about this. here is how "new york times" cover this democratic ticket. they say walz throwing at republicans. how kamala harris trusted her gut and picked tim walz and kamala harris and coach walz ease into a new partnership. how is that fair and balanced coverage for you? >> joe: "new york times" has not endorsed a republican candidate
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since 1956, eisenhower. one clip you played, all are bad, the one with anderson cooper, he tdz he wanted to buy a ladder for ilalmost il/* legal immigrants to go over donald trump's wall. he said that in 2019. that one, colnsidering illegal immigration is top one or two issue going into this election, i imagine trump campaign has that campaign adat the ready to play in states like pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan and arizona. when you say one person's socialism is another person's neigh neighborliness, if you are "new york times," how can you put this person to the middle when he makes comments like this. he pushed to eliminate fossil
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fuel and gas-powered cars costing auto workers thousands of jobs. most extreme governor when it came to covid and mask mandate, he supports sex changes for 10 year old without parental permission. we talked about the ladder, supports sanction isanctuary cities and presided over minneapolis during the 2020 riots. the police precinct was burned to the ground. it being looed like "die hard." "new york times" will do their best for sure. >> carley: reporters at fox news would love to question tim walz
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and kamala harris, she has not held an interview in 17 days since becoming democratic nominee. j.d. vance addressed media on this, not holding harris accountable. listen here. >> i think that you guys have to do a better job forcing kamala harris to answer questions. this person has been the nominee for 16 days and has not taken a si single real question from a repo reporter. it is shameful for kamala harris and for media she is taking basement strategy instead of answering tough questions about her record and letting american people know who she is. >> carley: real quickly on this. basement strategy. >> joe: why does j.d. vance have to tell the media how to do their job. why can't we have access to the
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democratic nominee 17 days and counting and tim walz will be hid, as well. the media does not seem interested to hear what kamala harris has to say. it is shameful. >> carley: we'll be keeping track of the days until she does this sit-down interview, which should be standard for a presidential candidate on day one. thank you for joining us. check in with lawrence jones live in sturgess, ahead of the motorcycle rally. i see the motorcycles behind you. >> lawrence: good morning, my friend. a lot of folks are coming out. they had a great concert last night with jelly roll. they are getting up for breakfast with friends. looks like tim walz was selection for kamala harris.
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we'll get into his record and where he stands on issues. we'll get reaction from the people. and donald trump will join "fox and friends" live in the 7:00 hour and take questions from the people. we have a big show coming up on "fox and friends." you don't want to miss a minute of it. see you guys at the top of the hour. your skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's healing formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond. this is steve. steve takes voquezna. this is steve's stomach, where voquezna can kick some acid, heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn. voquezna is the first and only fda-approved treatment of its kind. 93% of adults were healed by two months.
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such a great day for america that we are going to have. kamala harris and tim walz on the ticket for future for freedom. for opportunity. for america, for america's families. i'm sorry i'm so, so excited. >> carley: walz's record as governor gender gender affirmative care. mandating menstrual products be put in girls and boys bathrooms for grades third through 12 and keeping schools locked down through covid through february of 2021. here to react are moms for liberty do founder tiffany justice and christine troyen,
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director of the minnesota parents alliance. good morning to you both. tiffany, what do you think about tim walz's record when it comes to schools, children? what do you think about it. >> american parents better pay attention is the most anti-parent candidate that kamala harris could have chosen. he has signed three bills into law. letting kids go through gender transition without the consent or knowledge of parents. he absolutely is a big government candidate who thinks that the government knows better than you for your children and let's not forget that snitch line. i know he was talking about the golden rule last night. he said it was mind your own damn business. he should take some of his own advice because during covid, not only did he lock down schools and mask children. he encouraged neighbors to snitch on each other if they were taking their kids to the playground. the most anti-parent candidate. >> carley: we actually have that clip. listen to what he said last night. >> in minnesota, we respect our neighbors and their personal choices that they make. even if we wouldn't make the same choice for ourselves,
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there's a golden rule. mind our old damn business. when vice president and i talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make your own healthcare decisions. >> carley: make your own healthcare decisions but also mandating menstrual products be put in boys and girls bathrooms for grades 4 through 12. why would that be something that needs to be necessary, christine? >> well, it's great question. the really important thing i want to highlight here none of the things that tiffany has just mentioned or you have mentioned or your network is covering extensively about his priorities reflect what parents want. and he is not serving parents. who he is serving? the answer is teachers unions. you need only look at his campaign contributions to see that our state teacher's union pumped a quarter of a million dollars into his campaign and he got thousands more from national teacher's union. can you see why randy weingarten and others are giddy about this ticket. they know they have somebody that they can control and tim
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walz is it. >> carley: tiffany are you surprised that randy weingarten is pleased with randi weingarten as a pick. >> no randy weingarten at war with american parents since cody. this is a real slap in the american people. more people that i know woke up during covid said maybe i won't vote democrat again. tim walz is the nail in the coffin. pay attention to what tim walz has done in minnesota. if you weren't sure who kamala harris was, this vp pick should show you exactly who she is. >> carley: when it comes to children and schools there is a lot there about gender affirming care and talking about menstrual products. what about test scores? reading, math, are children >> a.c.: childrenexcelling. >> violent and disruption in our
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school building is s. at all-time high. students are not better. parents are struggling to figure out why it is that this isn't a priority for tim walz or anybody elms that he seems to be aligned with in his devil rays. >> carley: tiffany, what do you think he? wants to be the second most powerful person in the country. there is also the department of education that he could have a big handle in formulating, what do all-american parents need to know if tim walz does end up becoming the vice president? what would that look like? >> americans need to know and recognize that union bosses lead to learning losses. his stein and i have friends. minnesota kids are not doing well in school. academics and parental rights have not been prioritized. that's what i would expect out of tim walz. big government. big establishment guy. supporting the unions. giving him a front seat at the table with parents left behind. >> carley: tiffany, what about you, what's your message to all
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parents throughout not just in minnesota but across the country now that he is vice president kamala harris pick? >> are you registered to vote? are your friends registered to vote in the most important thing that you can do right now is make sure that you and your friends are registered to vote and telling people that their vote matters they cannot afford to safe home this election again the most antiradical candidate that kamala harris could have possibly chosen for the ticket and this will mean the end of american freedom and liberty as we know it. >> carley: and christine, final word to you about 20 seconds remaining. >> i also want to encourage parents to get involved. i think that my organization, tiffany's organization, there are many others across the country or start your own. parent leadership matters we need to do this from the bottom up. we have seen from the top down there is nothing but destruction that is coming to our public schools and our kids are not excelling. >> carley: thank you so much. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪ ♪


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