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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 7, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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>> lawrence: i'll send it back to the couch. the people here they want to know will president trump be at the next sturgis right here to be with the people? >> are you ready? i love sturgis, i love it. i love that state. that state we win by so much. the answer is absolutely yes, i will be there. i'll be there. >> lawrence: thank you, mr. president. >> steve: that's what the people wanted to hear and look at them all there. the thing about the answer from former president trump is the fact that he will be president next year perhaps. that would make it even bigger. [crowd chanting usa] >> lawrence: everybody is excited the former president will be here next year. >> ainsley: is that a dog barking? >> bri i think it's very insulting to much worse. >> sandra: mark meredith has more from eau claire, wisconsin for us where both campaigns are
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holding events today. it is going to be another big day, mark, hi. >> it sure is. i should have bought property in wisconsin. voters in wisconsin will hear a lot from the presidential candidates for the next 90 days. what the harris-walz event will look like in wisconsin. the first secret service checkpoint and an outdoor rally as opposed to philadelphia where thousands of people were greeting the democratic ticket. the harris campaign unveiled their v.p. pick. he is set to appeal to midwestern voters not thrilled with harris on top of the ticket. walz made it clear he is ready to go on the attack against former president trump. >> donald trump sees the world a little differently than us. [booing] >> first of all, he doesn't know the first thing about service. he doesn't have time for it because he is too busy serving
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himself. >> not to be outdone senator vance trump's running mate is also in wisconsin today saying he reached out to con great walz on joining the democratic ticket. >> they make an interesting tag team. tim walz allowed rioters to burn down minneapolis and the few that got caught kamala harris helped bail them out of jail. >> kamala harris and tim walz are too open borders weak on crime who make up the most far left ticket in the history of our country. we now know republicans want to define the ticket. we know that they are expecting a decent crowd here in wisconsin. the tour will continue off from here. they go to michigan later on today and a swing out west. they would make stops in the south. given the tropical storm they
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decided to scrap those plans for now. there should be a strong turnout here in wisconsin in battleground territory for years. whether or not the message resonates we'll have to wait and see. >> sandra: it is looking like a nice day there, mark. an eventful one for sure. thank you, mark. >> bill: here we go with power rankings 90 days out. bear in mind anything can change. right now this race looks very close between the two parties. here we go now. our forecast trump at 251, harris at 241. electoral votes to win is 270. in the middle we have 46 toss-up votes. everything in yellow. advance the map one time. some of the usual suspects. here is your bar. toss-up nevada, toss-up arizona, wisconsin and pennsylvania. it could all change. right now this is where we believe the race stands right now. we also believe at the moment that minnesota is likely dem because of the walz pick. michigan we believe leans
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democrat based on polling we've seen thus far. a lot of attention given to places like michigan over the next three months. we think north carolina leans republican. we think the same for georgia right now for leaning republican as well. what could change all this? well, we'll watch what happens here and whether or not michigan has an impact and with regard to georgia, i think this is one of the keys now. we had in our fox polling donald trump at 51 a month ago in that state. three months prior to that we had trump in georgia at 50. that's a real good number for him. does kamala harris now that she has replaced joe biden start to impact these counties around the city of atlanta and change that polling in georgia? really something to watch as we go forward. with that let's bring in josh holmes, former mitch mcconnell chief of staff. i want to read the "wall street journal" editorial board and get your response. mr. walz's progressive will please senator bernie sanders
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and the teachers unions but his governing record will be fodder for mr. trump and picking him is a bad owe men about the willingness of ms. harris to defy her party's left. she went for it saying this is our liberal ticket. america, vote for it or not. how do you see it? >> yeah, i think that's entirely right, bill. honestly if you watched that rally last night they are trying to have it both ways. at one hand trying to get the furthest reaches of the left wing within the democratic to make up this administration's ticket. on the other hand if you listen to what they said not a single position they helped outline in that entire rally. they've kept it concealed from the american people. the long-term goal they think they can get by with vibes and intuition and magic and don't need to talk about the american people what you would do in 2025 and beyond as a new administration. they are trying to have it both
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ways. it will catch up with them. not a long term strategy for any campaign in recent history. >> sandra: about no positions taken. when we were covering that live last night i was listening for anything on the economy, any sort of message where they will take this economy where prices are sky high and inflation a huge problem for american families. perhaps this gives us a better picture where the ticket might go as we hear more from them. this was from the white dudes for kamala zoom last week. tim walz on there said this. they feel like they got left behind sometimes. listen. >> i feel like they got left behind symes. reach out and make the case. don't ever shy away from our progressive values. one person's socialism is another person's neighborlyness. >> sandra: is he being out there about being a socialist? >> well, that's his governing
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style, no question. white dudes for kamala sounds the bumper sticker you slap on the loser of the fantasy football league. i can't believe they've branded that. this is who this guy is. i noticed last night -- i'm a regular guy and, you know, stay out of our neighbor's business unless you are during covid and one of your neighbors steps outside to find did governor's rules and a snitch line for your neighbors to tell on one another. almost nothing in his record that would show any sort of moderation whatsoever. donald trump and j.d. vance are smackly in the middle of where the american electorate is from a ideological standpoint in terms of economy, immigration and crime. all of these things are going to have to be litigated at some point despite kamala's best efforts to try to mask that here on the front end.
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>> bill: josh, play this. this is j.d. vance yesterday once the pick became official. he lands in philadelphia and he gives this long statement on the plane and then he says, i want to give you guys some advice talking to reporters and said this about kamala harris. >> this is a person who has been a presumptive democrat nominee for 16 days. not taken a single real question from a reporter. i think it's shameful for kamala harris and increasingly for the media she is running from reporters. president trump and i take hostile and non-hostile questions and talk to people because we respect the american people enough to want to persuade them and not try to run from them. >> bill: it puts the media on trial. day 17, by the way. on my calendar you have 13 days before the dnc begins in chicago. think about this, josh. can they get away with not doing a sit-down interview or even a
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press conference before this convention even begins? will the media allow them to get away with it? >> yeah, look, in 17 days the media has failed that test. there hasn't been a single real question. the question whether they can get away with it. it will look something like this, bill. you will have kamala harris sit down for a two-hour 60 minutes interview and saying we've done it and answered the tough questions and punt it as far into the fall as we can. 30 days away from ballots going out in states like pennsylvania. they are trying to eat as much clock as they can. you know, look, after the last eight years of watching kamala harris on a national stage if she is asked a tough question, more often than not results in a circular logic machine or verbs and adjectives. she doesn't have real answers. they fear that and want to try to stay away from that as much as they possibly can.
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i don't think it is totally possible for her not to have a high-profile gaffe at some point over the next two months. that's who she is. >> bill: amazing stuff. stay in the basement. >> sandra: nichole wallace said kamala harris is running a perfect campaign so far. if the interview holds her to an interview. when i say there is no positions, if i go to kamala right now, i said this last night. i cannot find anywhere any policy pitch on the economy, nothing. i don't know where she stands. i don't know what solutions she is offering to bring down inflation. she has not informed the american public what she will do about that. final thought, josh. >> well, i think the good news is we already know their solution to inflation was trillions of dollars of spending that made inflation worse. solutions to the border were opening it up and welcoming millions of undocumented workers into the country.
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solutions on crime were to create a bail fund to try to bail out violent criminals who had a high level of repeatism. we know the answer to the questions. she doesn't want to talk about them. she doesn't need to put them on her website. >> bill: mark it down. see you in chicago. josh holmes, 12 past the hour now. >> this district is ready for better and more accountable representation in washington, d.c. progressives should actually make progress. >> we'll continue to rise and stand up against the far right republican extremism or he don't know what he is about to have to deal with. we did not fail. you did not fail. >> sandra: another major blow for the squad. they lost a second member after a missouri congresswoman cori bush was defeated in last night's primary losing to her more moderate challenger, st.
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louis county prosecutor wesley bell in another rebuke of progressive policies. reporting live from the hill. chad, quite a night last night. >> yes indeed. some democratic primary voters are cleaning out the left. the loss by cori bush marks the second primary loss by far left members this cycle. bowman lost in new york. leslie bell bested bush last night. >> i will do everything in my power to be a part of the coalition to bring a lasting peace to so many folks that are struggling right now. in congress, i will never forget why i was elected in the first place. >> the pro-israel group backed bell. the same with george latimer, the democrat who beat bowman in june. bush drew the ire of pro-israel
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democrats who opposed her views on the middle east. bush fought back. >> aipac, i'm coming to tear your kingdom down and let me put the corporations on notice, i'm coming after you, too. but i'm not coming by myself. i'm coming with all the people that is in here that's going to work. >> progressives say big money is what is tanking them in these high-profile races. they oppose the massive spending. >> there is an enormous amount of influence of big money in politics. cori bush's race was the second most expensive primary in history. bowman's was the most expensive. the money was spent against them. >> the loss by bush comes a week before fellow squad member omar faces a primary in minnesota. the home state of democratic vice presidential pick tim walz. he says democrats should not shy
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away from progressive values. sandra. >> sandra: oh boy, this is getting interesting. chad pergram live on the hill. >> bill: one thing that became clear yesterday sandra. when the pick was made and finalized. when j.d. vance popped up he seemed like a different guy. when walz popped up in philadelphia he seemed like a different guy. you know the two teams are on the field and ready to go at it. in four weeks north carolina mails out their absentee ballots, four weeks. off we go. >> sandra: there is a lot of talk about crowd size. peter doocy was on talking about the enthusiasm, the low age of those that were attending that kamala harris rally. all interesting to observe there. >> bill: 15,000 in the arena. see what they get today. still watching debby tropical storm. forced to restrengthen before hitting the carolinas for a second time. we don't want that. she will then trail up the east
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coast. latest on the forecast. >> sandra: d.o.j. charging a pakistani man in a foiled assassination plot potentially targeting former president donald trump. how he allegedly planned to carry that out. >> bill: israel bracing for what could be a direct strike from iran and its terror proxies in the middle east. this as the white house signals possible progress on de-escalation. what's happening there and what will we do about our american forces getting hit just this week? jack keane has a lot to say on that and we'll talk to the general coming up. n the rugby t. but you smell fresh as a swiss spa. i know right?! it's secret outlast. it gives you 72-hours of odor protection. secret outlast. official deodorant of team usa. i told you it lasted a long time. your memory is an amazing thing, but sometimes it can start to slow down. but did you know prevagen can help keep your memory sharp? the secret is the powerful ingredient, apoaequorin,
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>> bill: 22 past the hour now. pakistani man with ties to iran -- the d.o.j. says one of his
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possible targets the former president, donald trump. this suspect had been under investigation apparently for weeks before the pennsylvania rally shooting. prosecutors say he traveled to new york city teamed up with a hit man with plans to carry out the assassinations in late august or early september. he was picked up, by the way, on july 12th as we remember that. >> sandra: middle east on high alert as the u.s. considers its response. five soldiers and two contractors were wounded blaming iran-backed militants. in israel is bracing for attacks from iran. tensions are close to a boiling point. trey yengst is live in israel right now. as we continue to watch, wait and see. >> yes, san dray, israel continues to praise for an attack from iran and proxies as the united states urges restraint. tuesday there was a ceremony for
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a senior commander killed in an israeli air strike last week and fighter jets swooped over the ceremony he vowed to target israel. saying this. >> our response god willing will be strong, influential and effective. >> he spoke over video from a bunker offer fears being killed by the is lease. diplomatic efforts are underway to avoid a crisis and widening war. other conversations related to the war in gaza, 300 days in no end in sight. yesterday hamas decided they would replace what mia, the man killed last week in iran with sinwar. they highlighted this was hamas's way of sending a message to israel they are not backing down and choose someone extreme for the job.
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israeli forces are on high alert on the southern and northern fronts understanding a new attack could come at any moment. >> sandra: trey, we'll check back soon. >> bill: jack keane joins us now. crossing on the wires right now iran's president is saying if the u.s. wants to avoid war, and if israel truly wants to avoid war in the middle east, a cease-fire must come to gaza right now. i don't know what your reaction is to that. what are you watching right now, general? >> well, i think prime minister netanyahu and the administration are really on two different pages. the administration wants to go to a temporary cease-fire leading to a permanent cease-fire almost immediately. publicly prime minister netanyahu is agreeing with that. i think his actions speak differently. what he has done by taking out the political and military chieftain of hamas and also the
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number one hezbollah leader running the war in lebanon, he sent a message to iran and to the proxies. i am in this to finish this and finish it on my terms. think of what he did. he penetrated a high security zone inside the capital city not too far from where government officials are protected. he had to do that with the assistance of iranians and his -- he says i will stay in the fight until i finish it. that is his conviction and his determination. i think that message is penetrating within the leadership of the iranians and indicates what kind of a response are they going to have? is it going to be more effective than the last one, which was incredibly humiliating and embarrassing for them where over 300 vehicles were dispatched
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against israel and was not effective. 50% of the missiles mal functioned. will hezbollah be involved in it? closer proximity and the precision and range to do real damage here. likely they would participate in this retaliation attack. but i think the -- where the prime minister is, he will see this thing through, he is not finished. i believe when we come to the cease-fire and we will come to it eventually, it will be because sinwar is receiving so much military pressure on him that he needs to cease-fire. that is, i believe, will be the turning point. >> bill: 2500 americans serving right now in iraq, several days ago many were injured. what is this administration doing, general, to keep them safe? >> well, right now i hope we are gathering information to be able to attack them and also planning
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for a measured attack against irgc capability who are sponsoring the iranian-backed iraqi and shia militias causing these attacks on the u.s. remember, iran shut down these militias after the u.s. killed militia leader in iraq. the militias still wanted to continue the attack. iranians shut them down. once again we understand who is really in charge here. that's who we have to message. i don't believe just attacking in iraq this time would be sufficient. i think you have to do something measured, not going after the iranian people, not going after their national command authority, but measured against irgc, much as we should be doing to prevent the houthis from shutting down the suez canall, an achievement which they have
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accomplished obviously. this is what the military commander inside of central command who looks over that region wants to do. the administration has rejected his proposals. >> bill: we're on stand by. iran is at the center of all of this in so many ways on so many different fronts. thank you for your time. jack keane, thank you. >> great talking to you. [chanting] >> sandra: these are the last memories jewish students have of being on harvard's campus. some are now suing the school for failing to keep them safe but the ivy league leaders are trying to sweep it under the rug. where that goes next. recession fears looming over wall street. can the market recover fully from monday's sell-off? kevin o'leary is joining us to react as the opening bell rings moments from now.
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>> sandra: we're four minutes into the trading session on this wednesday morning. okay, so the dow is up another 257 points. it continues to come back from that big sell-off on monday. the dow fell more than 1,000 points. it claimed back yesterday. seems to be climbing back today. this is a market that's looking for direction. a lot of uncertainty out there. markets don't historically like uncertainty. kevin o'leary is here. i'm cautious reporting about what happened to this market. the headlines are scary, direct ties to what we're seeing in the stock market to the economy and we don't know where this economy is going next. it has been, i guess, not for the faint of heart. >> it's a generic market variety
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correction. we had tech stocks trading in the 50 price ratio, elevated that took a huge correction and they were a big part of the s&p 500 you had the massive correction. this is a good healthy direction. it is already starting to recover and forces you to think about diversification in your portfolio next time you load up on nvidia only. >> bill: we heard very little about an economic plan under kamala harris/tim walz ticket. "wall street journal" going back to late july. trump had a clear advantage to who was best able to handle the economy. fox business headline kamala harris campaign website has no economic plans. it is a bio about her and there is no tab for issues. >> it's intentional.
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no intention of putting any policy out there until this convention is over. i'm very fortunate. i'm investor and syndicating. some of her closest advisors i work with in finance. i call them up and say listen you want to talk about policy? they said listen, everything is working right now. we'll strong arm the press on policy. we don't need to do anything. >> sandra: what is everything is working. >> momentum is crazy. the press she is getting right now. >> sandra: her campaign. >> the campaign is working and no reason to sit down with any journalist and talk policy right now because we're in the euphoric stage. they think they can raise up to $3 hundred million before this whole thing is going to happen over the weekend is over. so that's extraordinary amount of money. then it is time to talk policy. then it is time to go to the center. then it is time to talk about
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borders. >> sandra: are they telling you where she stands? >> no, they are saying listen we don't worry about this right now. no problem here, houston. we're just raising dough. you have to hand it to her, they are now talking within that campaign about a path to winning they didn't even see eight days ago. >> bill: yesterday joe biden was not seen, heard or even mentioned over the entire -- >> nancy pelosi was. she will use the infrastructure act to put his head on mount rushmore. >> night one in chicago joe biden will make a speech and then he is off the stage. >> i get it. i don't think the focus of the democratic party while they are very thankful that biden and respectful is worried about any of that anymore. there is a hell of a race going on here in the next 97 days. >> bill: i think the delegates are all in on this. >> you can't call it for anybody anymore. it will be so chaotic. there are some issues, though,
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regarding the way -- i'm a bit of a wonk on policy and historian. incumbents in britain, in canada, france are all getting whacked because they couldn't marry policy with executional skills. i would argue harris was the deciding vote for the you remember the whole act, inflation reduction act is the reason we have inflation. trump will pin that on her. going to pin the border on her on executional skills. going to pin defunding the police, going to pin no fracking on energy. these are tough, tough things that you have to recuse yourself from somehow in defining a new role for america to get to the center. everybody agrees on both sides the country has gone to the middle. so she can't stay left. everybody is waiting to hear what she can do on policy and then they will go nuts on executional skills. >> bill: we'll see if she
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moderates her position. >> i guarantee you she will. >> sandra: really, thank you. >> bill: disastrous flooding now. debby battering georgia and the carolinas. a chilling revelation about the southern border. close to 100 terror suspects released into the u.s. under the biden-harris administration. >> is every person you list on the terrorist watch list detained now? why did you release people into the united states that matched the terror watch list? >> congressman, we do not release individuals. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome
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>> sandra: catastrophic flooding underway as tropical storm debby dumps torrential rains on the southeast. the storm is 50 miles off the coast of charleston, south carolina. forecasters are saying it could gain strength. some areas may see more than two feet of rainfall. we'll have live coverage on the ground coming up in our next hour. >> coach walz and my values are
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the same. we're running a campaign on behalf of all americans. [cheers and applause] and when elected we will govern on behalf of all americans. >> bill: that was the introduction in philly introducing tim walz as her running mate. his record is coming into question now. two-term governor now. mike tobin follows that from our midwest bureau in chicago. what did you find out? >> when you look at the resume of governor walz you can't ignore what blew up during his first term. the george floyd riots. may of 2020 george floyd died under the knee of a minneapolis police officer. the riots set minneapolis on fire and even the city's liberal mayor frey criticized walz and having a philosophical debate.
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it was overrun. the guard showed up the next day and stood down when rioters advance. buildings were burned, looted and ransacked. riots cost $5 hundred million in damages and three deaths. faithful democrats are working the rounds handling of the riots. >> it was an unprecedented situation and i think on balance, you know, he handled that as well as he could. it was a moving event. >> walz comes from the heartland born in nebraska enlisted and served 24 years in the national guard. taught high school. coached, walz is often in lock step with liberals supporting free college tuition for illegal migrants. safeguard gender affirming care and mandated masks during covid and set up a hotline for citizens to report violators of the rule. republicans say he is a died in the wool liberal and he will be
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bernie sanders in hunting gear. >> bill: mike tobin with the rundown in chicago. >> sandra: let's bring in the chairman of the minnesota republican party. david, how much of walz's liberal record will come back to haunt him here, do you believe? >> i think a great deal. i don't think he is well-known across the country. people in minnesota know him quite well and he has been a disastrous governor, administration is terrible for the business community in minnesota among other things. as the rest of the country gets to know him they will find him to be extreme and mean spirited. >> sandra: interesting. as far as what we are hearing in the media on the choice of walz as running mate to kamala harris in her first presidential level decision the vice president bends to progressive pressure. as we were just discussing a moment ago, we don't know much
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about policy from these two yet. will they be forced into a position to reveal that to the american public? we know very little so far. >> well, i think eventually they will. if there is anything that the walz record would inform the public on, he has been just raise taxes, he had a $17 billion surplus he promised to give back to taxpayers. he spent the whole thing. raised an additional $10 billion in taxes, income, sales, gasoline taxes, he imposed a renewable energy mandate increased energy prices in minnesota. a terrible record on education, test scores are the worst they've ever been even a boat load of money has been dermad into the system. policy wise governor walz's record is a disaster. >> sandra: as far as those policy positions you just named a few of them, 2018 he backed making minnesota a sank wear state. signed sweeping police reform
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legislation 2020. delayed deploying the national guard amid the floyd riots. pushed electric vehicles. find the trans refuge bill protecting trans treatment for minors. a lot of people are talking about all of this and if crime is your concern, look what crime did under his watch in minneapolis. this is 2019 versus 2023. homicides up 50%, assault offenses up, motor vehicle thefts soaring 163%, robberies are up. this is the record that he is going to have to run on. this is the record she will have to answer for as well. >> exactly. it has been a crime wave in minneapolis after the riots. the city has never recovered. businesses have left in droves. people feel unsafe. minneapolis police force is trying to recruit cops to come into the city. they're 50% staff now. no one wants to be a cop in minneapolis where you have such
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terrible democratic governance governing how they operate. it has been very bad and they've taken this position that the problem is policing, not crime. >> sandra: that's huge there in minneapolis. as far as the 2020 riots are concerned, this is already popping up as a big issue he will have to answer for. play this out. this is just some of what we heard from him during that time. listen. >> a society that does not put equity and inclusion at the center of it is certainly going to eventually come to the places where we're at. i think the mayor said i requested the national guard. we will have massively trained troops. no you will have 19-year-old who are cooks. >> if the state should have moved faster it is on me. trying to make sure our cities don't burn is a catch 22. the more police are there the more tension it is. the more tension the more chance you have to get things. >> sandra: that's all out there. a final question to you as we
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put this out there for our viewers and the american public to see. are republicans underestimating her ability to pull this off with this ticket? >> well, we don't think that. we think the election is a referendum on the biden administration. governor walz amplifies that. his record in minnesota is neck-and-neck with the biden administration in terms of the kinds of policy that they've advanced. i think this will be a referendum on the terrible policies nationally and for minnesota the terrible policies in minnesota under governor walz. we think it energizes republicans and expect to see a big victory in the wall. >> sandra: we appreciate you joining us today. >> bill: interesting stuff there. more to come. live look at detroit right now. j.d. vance about to take the stage there. michigan, might be ground 0, right? it could be depending on how things turn out. republicans fighting to get that battleground back in their column and we'll take you there live coming up.
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>> bill: apparently not everything is a family chew toy. one family's dog found a portable charging bank and chomped away. it didn't take long before the lithium-ion battery ignited and started a fire. the dogs start barking as the flames grow. the house suffered significant damage. >> sandra: everybody is wondering. >> bill: dogs and people are okay. house different story. there she goes. >> sandra: lesson learned. [chanting] >> sandra: those images fresh in the minds of many jewish students at harvard university suing the ivy league school now for not doing enough to protect them during the pro-palestinian protests on campus. judge denied harvard's motion to dismiss this case.
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alexis mcadams is on this and following it for us. what do we know? >> we know from talking about this for months this happened at campuses across the country. now in this case the judge says there is evidence that shows harvard failed its jewish students. one of those students telling fox that he is suing because this shines a big light on a growing issue. >> it is an indictment on the state of higher education. equity, equality and justice we have to address a court ever law to address our complaints. harvard for ten months has been unwilling to protect its own students. >> this started back in january with this lawsuit. six jewish students at harvard saying they didn't feel safe on campus. the school didn't do enough to stop anti-semitism. they claim the ivy league school didn't punish the students or teachers who led the protests and set up encampments on there on campus. for months harvard has been working to get the lawsuit dropped. that didn't happened.
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they explained that they couldn't break up those protests on campus because it would have violated students' first amendment rights. as they continue the legal battle harvard university telling fox news harvard is confident that once the facts in this case are made clear, it is going to be evident that harvard acted fairly and deep concern for supporting our jewish and israeli students. harvard students behind lawsuit say it's not good enough. >> the idea harvard has lifted a finger to do anything to combat the systemic nature of anti-semitism at its university on its campus is simply not true and they know that. >> other schools were hit with similar lawsuits. nyu and columbia settled their cases. this case not going anywhere. it is back in court later this summer. we'll keep you posted. >> sandra: we know you will. thank you. >> bill: now we have two tickets to blueprints for america and they are very different. j.d. vance about to rally in detroit after kamala harris an


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