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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 7, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> sandra: we're hearing from john kirby, we don't want to hear the conflict escalate saying u.s. takes iranian at their word when they say they will respond to your earlier point. >> michael allen, appreciate you coming on. interesting to hear j.d. vance. we were saying good question, interesting answer. now we'll see kamala harris and tim walz. michigan and wisconsin. when they hit wisconsin they'll be 100 miles from minneapolis. you have minnesota, wisconsin and michigan all in one day. nice to have you. what's coming up this afternoon? >> sandra: we'll have a white house press briefing. interesting. we haven't heard from the president or seen him much lately. watching for that. thanks for having me. >> bill: i'll see you on "outnumbered" in an hour. until then here is harris faulkner on the "focus." harris. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. the full democratic white house
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ticket is kicking off with a battleground state blitz. the goal is to sell those much-needed voters on entirely different vision for america than team trump is laying out. critics are calling the harris-walz agenda, radical, far to the left. we'll get into their records in a moment. i'm harris faulkner. the newly minted team will hit eau claire, wisconsin, and detroit, michigan. they kick things off in philadelphia last night. here is a bit. [cheers and applause] >> believe, believe in freedom. do we believe in opportunity? do we believe in the promise of america? and are we ready to fight for it? [cheers and applause] and when we fight, we win. [cheers and applause]
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and now welcome the next vice president of the united states, tim walz. [cheers and applause] >> harris: critics got after it quickly talking about the pair's progressive record, calling them the most liberal ticket ever. columnists opinion pieces, editorials from dozens of media outlets agree this is just a tiny sample. harris-walz to the left. seals a fundamentally broken democratic party. completes the progressive takeover and bows to the radicals. the "new york post" cover with some extra word play calling the walz pick kamala's ad lib. out of left field republicans also weighing in. >> the reality is that he is dangerously liberal the same way she is.
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>> they are a continuation of the extremism of the biden administration. >> this is a nod to the left wing of the democrat party. this is a nod to the open borders, to the abolish the police, the crazy side of the democrat party. >> has the most liberal record of any governor in the country. is that what the american people want? >> harris: top progressives like alexandria ocasio-cortez of new york, part of the so-called squad is gushing. >> lots of people are excited about tim walz. some people seem surprised. i think he is a great pick. i do think that this selection of walz is kind of to me it feels like a watershed moment. it does feel like a generational shift. >> harris: it's a shift. former arkansas governor mike huckabee will be in "focus." i want to go to our correspondent mark meredith on the ground in eau claire, wisconsin, beautiful town.
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>> it sure is. a perfect place to spend an august morning. good morning to you. we're expecting a large crowd to come out to hear from vice president harris and new running mate who she hopes help boost her in the midwest given he is the sitting governor of minnesota. this is an outdoor rally unlike what we saw last night. campaign going to great lengths to update the signs and new press passes with walz name front and center. they want to rely on him to try to get out the vote as we get closer to election day. harris chose walz over pennsylvania governor josh shapiro. it surprised some people how essential pennsylvania is for the electoral strategy. we heard harris and running mate make it clear they have a message to win over people well beyond just the battleground states. >> our campaign is not just a fight against donald trump. our campaign, this campaign, is
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a fight for the future. >> that's what this election is about. what direction will this country go in? we're not going back. donald trump would damn sure take us backwards, let's be clear about that. >> it's republicans who insist walz would take the country back to 2020. burned out businesses and video hard to believe not to mention the chaos. republicans are putting out new attacks labeling him as too far left given some past support making it easier for younger americans to have gender surgery and support for abortion protections. a hot button issue in the election. j.d. vance campaigning for republicans in michigan urged voters to see walz as soft on crime. >> he was promoting rioters and looters burning down the city of minneapolis.
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kamala harris was helping to bail the rioters and looters out of jail. a vicious cycle if you own one of those businesses burned down and a very vicious cycle. >> vance will be here in eau claire later this afternoon. all week long you are seeing the crisscrossing that these candidates are doing across the country. a shame they don't earn frequent flier miles on air force two. they would get a lot of them to michigan, wisconsin, out west in nevada and arizona at the end of the week. the campaign had to scramble a little bit because of the tropical storm and upend campaign plans. we expect a fairly large crowd to show up in eau claire in western wisconsin this afternoon and what voters think of the vice presidential pick and if it will shake up this race. >> harris: i want to get to mike huckabee, former republican governor for the great state of arkansas and former republican presidential candidate himself. great to have you. first of all, the roll-out yesterday.
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i want to get your thoughts on it. >> you know, i think it was somewhat of a surprise to some people. not to me. kamala harris has been the border czar. she doesn't want to admit it but she has been against walls. she has finally found walz that she likes. as close as she will get to protecting the border, tim walz, not real walz. this is a pick that is being heralded by the people she shouldn't be that excited about. people like aoc and bernie sanders love the pick. that's a real problem. i think it will be a challenge to see how do you win voters in the middle and right of center? you don't with this ticket. >> harris: you will need to do that in places like pennsylvania. when you look at the map, it will be difficult for her and donald trump will need to win pennsylvania, too. but she has to win it. >> she does.
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and i think that part of the problem is politics is like putting out a plate lunch, harris, one of the things you do you look at meat, vegetables and dessert. you pick the issues most important to the voters. if this were a plate i would say the most important issues are things like the energy, whether they can afford gasoline, the cost of groceries, taxes, will they be higher and take away the money i earned and give it to somebody who didn't work that got up at noon today an immigration? are you going to stop the flow? then you have the vegetable portion of the plate. those are the issues that they are in trouble on. that would be like the radical abortion position that tim walz has taken, abortion up to the moment of birth. far beyond the mainstream. the transgender issues, putting tampons in all the boys' bathrooms. taking parental rights away and saying if you do not support your child -- i'm talking about a child, not an 18-year-old.
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a 13-year-old going into a transgender surgery the government can take your children from you. that's a radical position and one a lot of americans would find disgusting. then you have the dessert. that will be the things like the personal issues, the duis, national guard issues. that's the plate. you try to keep it in proportion. you want to make sure the issues the voters care most about are the issues you put out there. that's the message i would put for the republicans. put your plate together but give the attention to the meat, a little bit to the vegetables. don't spend all your time on the dessert. >> harris: really interesting. i wrote down every word i could of what you said because what you've done is lay out a blueprint and have the experience to know what it takes as a presidential candidate to be focused and as a governor. you understand all aspects of this. all right . let's move. moments ago j.d. vance laid out the two tickets' very different
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views for america. watch this. >> to the american people who have a chance to choose a better path in november, i would ask you to choose the candidate who will stop that fentanyl from coming into our communities, stop our parents from losing their lives to this terrible fentanyl overdose and stop the children from dying as well. i would ask you to vote for a candidate who wants to support our police officers, not make their lives harder. ask you to support a candidate who wants to make it easier to deport illegal aliens and not harder. i would ask you to support the candidate who has shown that he can deliver security in our streets. we just have to give him the opportunity to govern. that's president donald j. trump. the contrast could not be more clear. >> harris: he seemed to hit it all. he hit the meat, vegetables and dessert. as you put it. >> i think he did. one of the things that will be a problem for tim walz is the picture ever tim walz standing
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in front of minneapolis when it was burning in the summer of 2020. the so-called summer of love. if i were to republicans, i would have a big event and i would stage the bluegrass musician of the year award to tim walz saying he is the best fiddle player america has. he fiddled while minneapolis burned. he took the wrong side of crime when it came down to his own state and cities and as a result of that, there were a lot of small businesses that were forever altered, put out of business because he stood up with the rioters and against his police people. that's a serious position and people ought to remind them of it. >> harris: we still in this country most of the jobs are generated by small businesses. when you punch and destroy and let them be destroyed with your policies and decision making, you are putting a whole lot of folks out of work. why the numbers look the way they do in the jobs report.
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that's just the most recent. why they can seem a little inflated, governor. it doesn't drill down what it takes to equal what they used to. gig jobs, a lot are working two and three jobs. >> i think a lot of americans know this because they are experiencing it. the fact is small business makes up over 70% of the jobs. quite frankly the globalists will be fine. it doesn't matter if harris gets elected. they will find a way to make money. they have buildings filled with lawyers and accountants to get them through whatever tax impositions that will be placed upon them. that's not true for small business operators. it is not true for the mom and pop stores. they need a donald trump presidency for deregulation, cutting taxes, giving them some breathing room so that it is not just they can survive but they can hire people and they can put things on their shelves that are less expensive if the energy prices are lower. that's where the election has to go. >> harris: that's exactly right.
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if you can't pay them, then you can't hire them and everybody suffers. governor, always great to see you. thank you for being in "focus." >> thank you, harris, great to be with you. >> harris: the far left squad has lost another member. cori bush lost her primary race to her pro-israel more moderate democrat challenger. so you see on the left you have jamaal bowman who pulled the fire alarm while the vote was going on at the capitol and he was caught on video doing that even though he denied it. that's probably why he is most famous but also a member of the squad. he got kicked out by voters. we'll get into more of it. critics are pushing the biden administration to take a tougher approach to iran ahead of what we've been told is an imminent attack on israel. >> the greatest strategic failure of the biden administration, i believe, is their hands-off approach they have dealing with iran.
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we would not be where we are today with all of these proxies operationalized and acts of resistance trying to destroy israel. >> harris: we're told the white house is pushing de-escalation. a former pentagon official is in "focus" next. start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. they get it. they know how it works. and most importantly, it works for them. i don't have any anxiety about money anymore. i don't have to worry about a mortgage payment every month.
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>> harris: how will america respond to monday's rocket attacks on one of our air bases in iraq? seven of our service members and contractors were injured. the pentagon is blaming iran-backed terrorists for the attack. the administration, the biden-harris administration, is taking this line. >> it's urgent that everyone in the region take stock of the situation, understand the risk
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of miscalculation and make decisions that will calm tensions, not exacerbate them. >> look, it is certainly the president's priority to make sure that we do everything that we can to protect our national security, right? make sure we do everything that we can to work with our partners and de-escalating the tensions in the middle east is certainly something that we want to make sure that we continue to do. >> harris: secretary of state blinken said the risks of miscalculation. we didn't miscalculate when they meant to kill people. we're blessed our injured people and play for their recovery. the timing of the potential response is uncertain because of the threat of a direct attack on israel from iran. and that would be, according to iran, in retaliation for the killing of a top hamas official last week. if you thought iran was not involved in the terrorists that israel is fighting, look how
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connected they are. they are defending them. top hamas leader gets killed and iran says we'll retaliate. brent sadler, former pentagon official is in "focus." i want to start with the risk of miscalculation. what are they doing and what should we be doing? >> well, the talking point is worn out that we heard from the white house and secretary blinken. going back to april, when you had a similar series of violence unfold it took over a week before iran responded with a large number of drones and missile attacks. i'm skeptical we will see a repeat. it was an operational failure and most recent engagement from moscow because they rely on iran for drones and military support. serious movements going on in
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the battlefields in ukraine. the pressure is for iran to not get distracted in their weapons supply to russia. >> harris: what do you say about the reach of the people who they pay and train? it is a command and control situation with the houthis in yemen. let's be honest about the fact that without iran, those guys don't fight. they are getting money to pay for the weapons, so on and so forth and hitting us and they have north of 200 times since october 7th. >> absolutely. this attack just a few days ago that injured several u.s. soldiers there in iraq, this is a sad fact of reality. the approach the white house has taken under president biden has failed and flawed in many levels in principle. so until there is costs that are applied to the iranian regime it will continue and they will continue unabated to supply this training, the munitions and the intelligence to target us and the israelis. this is hezbollah, this is
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hamas, and of course the houthis. what really needs to happen and israel is doing this, we're seeing this with the recent targeted assassinations, killings of senior leadership in hamas and hezbollah that you need to server the regime in tehran from their proxies. once you do that taking them outside of iran off the field, iran has very little left to influence or to sway any of those forces against them in the middle east. >> harris: how hard will it be to wipe away the capacity and potential to kill by those terrorists that iran pays for and controls? >> i think the killing of general soleimani back in 2020 and the drop off of attacks and also the pause that you saw in iran is indicative that is the most successful approach to go. you need to take off the senior leadership so when that attack happened in april that took out
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several generals that were responsible for the support to hezbollah and also directly to hamas, you also saw some step back for a while. >> harris: quickly, why can't we do some of this? israel is already fighting a war on two fronts with now hezbollah. they have had to clear out 100,000 plus people on their northern border with lebanon because they are taking incoming up there, israel. why can't we take a part in that? former president donald trump took out soleimani. isn't our government -- don't we have leaders strong enough to say let's go do what we have to do? >> at the end of the day it is a political decision this white house has made and it is not to take that direct action. however, effective it could have been. so we are benefiting from actions that are being taken by israel and again hamas and the iran regime have american blood on their hands. >> harris: they are fighting a war on two fronts. we have the best military on the planet and it comes down to politics. it is a presidential election
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year. always great to have you in "focus." thank you. the feds are charging a pakistani national after he allegedly tried to carry out political assassinations inside the united states. one of the possible targets former president donald trump. but when the u.s. secret service knew about this causing -- when they knew is causing people to ask and there is outrage, when did they know and what did they know to protect that former president? plus both presidential tickets now are set and the punchs are flying. >> from opening the border to supporting higher groceries prices she bent the knee to the far left of the party. >> harris: the trump campaign is ready to go against the harris-walz ticket's liberal record. there is so much of it. trump 2024 national press
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secretary caroline leavitt in "focus" next. ife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. raising twins and as a single mother, presented, quite a few challenges. the financial aspects of oh my gosh, how am i going to provide for my family? i'm going to have to get two jobs. thomas kennedy, he was a major in the u.s. army. tom loved hockey. he went to west point, to play hockey. and ended up falling in love with the army. he was a father. he was, a great husband, he would give you a shirt off of his back for you.
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prilosec otc. one pill. 24 hours. zero heartburn. >> trump weakens our economy to strengthen his own hand. he mocks our law. sews chaos and division and drove our economy into the crime and make no mistake violent crime was up under donald trump. not counting the crimes he committed. [cheers and applause] some of us -- some of us are -- [chanting lock him up] >> harris: i have to tell you that's rich from governor tim walz considering in 2020 in his beautiful city of minneapolis where i was on the air for many years he let a lot of businesses burn to the ground for four days during the rioting that was
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going on. but hey, let's not talk about his crime. we only have an hour. doing his first rally yesterday that was him right after kamala harris made him her running mate officially there. former president donald trump hit back earlier on "fox & friends." >> he is a very liberal man. he is a shocking pick. i'm thrilled. i could not be more thrilled. if you look at his record with no walls, no security, let everybody in. this is a ticket that would want this country to go communist immediately, if not sooner. >> harris: all right. take a look. look at your tv. i know sometimes we like to watch when we're multi-taxing. this is worth. kamala harris and tim walz support far left policies. kamala harris opposes treating illegal immigrants as criminals. and backs a ban on private insurance. she doesn't want people to keep
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their doctors. she was asked that direct question. let's do away with all of that. google it. tim walz pushed to make minnesota a sanctuary state and signed sweeping police reform legislation. caroline leavitt trump 2024 national press secretary in "focus" now. good to see you. first of all, just your response to the reach of far, far left liberals on these two candidates for the white house. >> well, kamala harris and tim walz make the most far-left ticket that we've ever seen in american history. in their first speech together last night we were astounded by the fact that neither of them mentioned the word inflation, nor did they mention the word border in either of their speeches. our team looked back at the transcript just to double-check that they truly did not mention the number one and two issues facing this country right now. yet they say they want to work for working families. if you look at their record,
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they have been a disaster for working families. kamala harris, of course, has been a co-conspirator for bidenomics created the worst inflation crisis and in minnesota inflation has outpaced. walz is a radical hiking up taxes, he supports free college, free healthcare and a free ride for kamala harris's 11 million illegal immigrants sne allowed into the country as border czar. >> harris: people should be smart enough to know now that nothing is free. they know that. they are shopping. they know if someone tries to give you something free at this point and doesn't do anything about energy or taxes, you will pay for it with things that you can't do without like gas and food. let's dig into your last point, though, about the border. we know for some time now over a year that has been in the top two or three things that people are most concerned about.
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a spokesperson for the harris-walz campaign has reaffirmed walz support for the border agenda that has led us to record illegal crossings. here is a quote. governor walz supports the bipartisan border deal and executive actions on the border that brought border crossings to the lowest level in four years, but the number of illegals crossing at the southern border has surged by 233% from what it was under the trump administration. so take it from that point and roll it forward less than four years and it is 233% jump. tim walz backs sanctuary policies and made minnesota and making minnesota a sanctuary state. there are two counties in that state that don't want to be left out in that and hennepin county is one of them. it is a problem. saying in a 2018 interview the role of law enforcement is to
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enforce state and local laws, not federal immigration laws. the washington examner is reporting that just last year kamala harris donated to defund the police group that backed washington, d.c. sanctuary status. your reaction. >> well, kamala harris and kim walz america criminals are put first ahead of law abiding citizens and continue to have a wide open border for illegal migrants from all over the world. we learned that kamala harris as border czar allowed 99 terrorists in one year into the country. they were flagged at terrorists by border patrol bust she and biden still made the decision to let them enter. tim walz supports that and sent a letter to the biden administration saying minnesota is a sanctuary for illegal immigrants. the president trump's america the only place this country is a sanctuary for is law abiding american citizens. kamala harris and walz want to force taxpayers to pay for free
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ride, free healthcare, free housing. look at minneapolis, new york city. democrat-run cities across the country are crumbling because of sanctuary city policies. it is unsustainable and unaffordable and entering into dangerous territory where we have known terrorists roaming around our country and our government has no idea where they are. kamala harris owns that and tim walz supports it. >> harris: as you know, we talked right before the interview with former president trump on july 13th. it was a few hours before the assassination attack. a point he made in that interview is worth restating. he said he wants to work across the aisle with democrats to clean up what you just described about blue cities. we haven't heard about any of that from the left and it is actually their own cities that they run.
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so it is a contrast that's worth making because if he is willing to put that out there and you are saying all the things that are problematic with it, no way this issue goes away. it is definitely hot for november. we'll see what happens. caroline, let me get to this. a "new york times" newsletter is arguing the walz and harris passes on a chance to redefine herself. on paper the ideological state of walz over shapiro and kelly were quite small but the fight was intense for walz selection is a material win for progressives regardless of if it anything to do with his selection. as a consequence he won't assuage concerns that kamala is too far to the left. >> kamala harris picking tim walz proves our point that she
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have is dangerously liberal. he is one of the most far left governors in the country. her decision not to choose josh shapiro, let's be honest. she didn't choose him because he is a jewish american and expressed strong support for israel in the past and that is unacceptable in today's modern-day democrat party. president trump is right. the democrat party is anti-semitic, anti-israel radicals. kamala harris continues to kowtow to the pro hamas sympathizers in this country. she can sit down for an interview with someone in the mainstream media. more than two weeks since she became the democrat party's darling appointed nominee and she has been running from the press. her campaign website doesn't include one single policy proposal. >> harris: it is confusing, caroline. there is so much support in the liberal media and even some in the legacy that want to attack trump but not even ask her the
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tough questions. so why wouldn't she sit? it is practically complicit for her to be okay during the interviews. we'll cover it if and when it happens. thank you very much, caroline. >> good to see you. >> harris: voters have spoken and shown far left squad member cori bush the door. she is now the second member of that group to lose a primary. plus caroline was just touching on this. more criticism for the vice president. >> we have no idea how she would handle these issues because she has refused to do a media interview for 17 days since ascending the throne to the top of the democrat ticket and the coup against the sitting president. >> harris: what are the democrats afraid of? they know they won't be that tough on kamala if they get to pick who does it. when will reporters when they are out with her begin to talk real questions, ask them?
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>> harris: federal officials charged a pakistani man with ties to iran in an alleged plot to potentially assassinate former president donald trump. federal sources are telling fox news the suspect was looking to
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possibly kill government officials on both sides of the political aisle. reporting on this nate foye. >> the criminal complaint doesn't mention any politicians specifically but according to attorney general garland the assassination plot is in response to the 2020 killing of iranian general soleimani that happened in a drone strike ordered by former president donald trump. pakistani national is in federal custody right now. he visited iran two weeks before coming to the united states in april. former president trump reacted to his arrest on "fox & friends" this morning. >> well, i'll tell you this, i'm in a very dangerous business. being president is a dangerous thing. and especially when you are an active president. when you are somebody that wants to make our country secure, when you want to build a strong military. >> u.s. officials say this is unrelated to the attempted
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assassination of trump on july 13th in butler, pennsylvania. federal agents arrested this man one day before this. he sketched out assassination scenarios on a napkin in a new york city hotel room and told the informant his targets hurt pakistan and the muslim world. three objectives with different code words for each one. this note was found in his wallet during his arrest. t-shirt meant starting a protest as a diversion during an assassination attempt. flannel shirt meant stealing documents or usb drive from homes. fleece jacket meant murdering a target. he paid undercover agents who he thought were a says tans $5 thousand to do the job. he could wham unindicate the target for the assassination plot after he left the country. thankfully he ended up getting arrested. assassinations were supposed to happen at the end of this month or the beginning of next month.
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send it back to you. >> harris: nate, thank you. two weeks after ascending to the top of the democrat ticket vice president kamala harris has yet to do a single interview or hold a press conference. here is republican vice presidential candidate j.d. vance from today. >> i shouldn't be expected to be given your vote while i hide in the basement or stand in front of a teleprompter, exact will i what kamala harris has done. i would ask all the reporters here to show a little bit of self-awareness and demand that kamala harris actually do the job of a presidential candidate and speak to the media and speak to reporters. until she does, you guys have got to stop giving her a honeymoon and pretending she is something she isn't. >> harris: one column argues all this could backfire on the kamala harris campaign. here is a quote. protecting her from scrutiny could eventually do more harm than good shielding harris could also have serious consequences with unprotected by a
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teleprompter or apliable press corps. we've seen her word salads time and time again. >> an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding sighing cans of diplomacy. you need to get to go and be able to get where you need to go. the significance of the passage of time. when you think about it there is great significance to the passage of time. culture is a reflection of a moment in our time, right? and in -- in present cultures we express how we're feeling about the moment. a.i. is a fancy thing, two letters that mean artificial intelligence. as the name suggests community banks are in the community.
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>> harris: there is so much of that. david avella is gopac chairman and an antoine. what is the strategy for her? >> she is reintroducing herself. >> harris: can she do an interview? why doesn't she? >> she served as a prosecutor, attorney general. >> harris: it has been 17 days. we don't know how she stands because her website is clean of anything. >> for 17 days she has been very clear to the american people on where she stands on the issues and she has been able to draw the contrast. >> harris: she hasn't been consistent on a pretty simple issue. >> in fact, when it comes to having a sit-down interview she has said to the former president i'll meet you on the debate stage. amongst the american people.
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she has been very clear about her position. unfortunately when the former president sits down for an interview he cannot speak directly to the issues because he goes onto personal attacks. >> harris: i sat with him for 90 minutes, 3 1/2 hours before he was shot and nearly killed. and he crossed down every issue. and i have never heard you say that he won't sit because he does. the question is after 17 days, antoine, people deserve. they can't go to her website. there is nothing on it. people deserve to know who she will be. pennsylvania is so important, david, fracking. she has flip-flopped on. people need to know who they are going to hire if it's going to be her. david. >> it appears the vice president's strategists has said she will no better advocate for the biden policies than joe biden could and at 36% as an administration and why we're at 20% inflation, 50% higher in
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gasoline, 20% higher in food. and when it comes to energy, it was the vice president kamala harris who said well, all those pennsylvania energy workers can just go get new jobs as we transition to a new economy when it comes to energy. all that to say if she wants to be unburdened by what has been of the biden administration, she can come out and tell us. where is she different than joe biden on policy? what would she do differently? >> harris: let me jump in here. i want to say this j.d. vance raised the bar yesterday and today. she could do a news conference in the middle of rally. he is just getting started. it doesn't take a prompter to do that. antoine, another stinging defeat for the squad voters in missouri's first congresswoman district. they denied cori bush a third term. they elected pro-israel challenger leslie bell. cori bush is the second member
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of her progressive group to lose a primary this cycle. new york congressman jamaal bowman lost to a moderate pro-israel democrat in june. both cori bush and jamaal bowman have faced a lot of backlash for their anti-israel positions. the jewish group aipac pumped big cash into both races. >> aipac, i'm coming to tear your kingdom down. let me put all of these corporations on notice. i'm coming after you, too. but i'm not coming by myself. i'm coming with all the people that is in here that is doing the work. >> harris: is that a threat? what was that, antoine? >> i think she was giving her version of a response to their election results. >> harris: why did she lose and why did bowman lose? >> she lost because in our party
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we believe in free and fair elections and we respect the results of how people express themselves. i'm saying to you we accept the people's expressions at the ballot box in our party. the people decided that they wanted to move on from her being their congress persons. many reasons why i think she lost. in all she lost, that's her way of responding to what the people decided at the ballot box. >> harris: i had a guest on yesterday, brad howard, also a democrat, bon fides in your party and david, he said on the program kicking out the squad. i was kind of shocked to hear that. how problematic politically is the far, far left for kamala harris and tim walz at this point with the white house ticket? >> it won't help them with independent voters or those swing voters in pennsylvania and michigan and wisconsin who are
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going to focus their vote on issues like they are paying 20% more in inflation. their paycheck even if they got a raise isn't taking them as far because of inflation. that the border is less secure. and that if you look at tim walz record and the positions the vice president has advocated and soft on crime approach when she was a prosecutor. she will come out of her convention with a one or two count bounce. everybody gets one. but then you start thinking about what the two candidates are for. she is in a tough spot. >> harris: antoine and david, i have to let you go. i'll bring you back. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus" always. "outnumbered" after the break. ♪ is why i'm delaying ♪ ♪ i heard i had a choice ♪ ♪ i know the name, that's what i'm saying ♪
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