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tv   America Reports  FOX News  August 8, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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state tour. trump is smart to do this but he's putting a lot of pressure on kamala harris and so is j.d. vance. they are crating a narrative and a drum beat. wears, harris bred the only thing i would say they should do it right there at that podium. come to bait me. i'm not waiting until after the dnc. i am ready and rearing. debate me next week. >> except for september 4th and if you get it done before that. early voting starts sept september 6th. >> don't forget. middle america suffering from inflation and high unemployment paired mr. trump has economic growth message, tax cuts, tax cuts, growth, growth, growth. >> ten seconds. >> drill baby drill. >> we know how to wrap it up here. we are so grateful for your viewership. "america reports" now. >> i would say this to the mainstream media. kamala harris is ignoring you
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because she thinks she already has he. she thinks the mainstream media is in her thrall in her corner. >> do we know what harris stands for or not? she has no position papers anywhere. i have never seen anything like this. >> people can't help but look at this and see the absurdity of a situation where you have a candidate who is asking to be president of the united states and they can't even engage with the american people. >> john: just a short time from now former president donald trump expected to face a flurry of questions as is 2024 rival vice president harris steers clear of the press. we will hear what he has to say about that when he takes the microphones next hour. hello i am john roberts in washington as we promised every day, never a dull moment. >> sandra: here we go. good to be with you john paired i am sandra smith in new york. this is america reports. stay tuned a lot about to happen. as for trump's rival vice president harris, she has gone nearly three weeks without holding a single news conference or interview since becoming the
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presumptive democrat nominee. >> john: but she has been busy on the campaign trail. speaking at a handful of rallies. vice presidential nominee j.d. vance's urging to face reporters and telling the media to stop giving her an "honeymoon period" >> sandra: how long can her campaign keep this up? our panel is here to react in moments but first let's get right to aishah hasnie right in the middle of all of it there mar-a-lago. hello to you. what can we expect to hear from the former president when he speaks moments from now? >> good afternoon to you both. when the president comes out here and take that podium and talks to the press in the country what you might hear him say is that he is the most transparent candidate in this race right now. he will talk about the fact that he is even holding this press conference with reporters to date. he has been doing interviews on the campaign trail, that his vice president is out there talking to the press after these rallies on the campaign trail and as you mention kamala harris
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the vice president has not done an interview since she became the official democratic presidential nominee and neither has her vice president so far. one senior campaign official put it like this. biden's problem was walking. hers is talking. so trump will also likely addressed the polling. the head to the neck and neck pulling right now. the bump in polling for kamala harris. i just spoke with senior campaign officials about an hour ago and the trump campaign sees this harris pump as temporary. a temporary honeymoon. their data shows that there gaining voters that they should've had on the first place but at the end of the day the economy issue rules. and they feel that issue has not changed for these same voting blocs. the trump campaign is telling us today more about their strategy. they feel that if the former president can hold north carolina, they just need to win georgia and pennsylvania.
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two battleground states to secure the 2024 election. the trump campaign is also seeking to expand the base of voters. they told fox the day that they have registered more voters in nevada, arizona, pennsylvania then the biden-harris team dead since 2020. and they also say they have the money, the funds, the dollars to do what they need to do in these next three months here. $327 million cash on hand which is in the ballpark of what democrats have as well. but right now i can tell you they are sticking to their strategy. nothing is changing when it comes to messaging. they are confident in pitting the trump record of the president trump record of versus the biden-harris record. prosecuting the harris walz take it being dangerously far to the left, far too liberal and they say the ticket might have changed altogether but the fundamentals of this race have not. john and sandra. >> sandra: we will be watching
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for that all to begin top of the hour. 2:00 at mar-a-lago. thank you. >> john: let's bring in our panel. marie harper is a fox news contributor and former states department spokesperson under the president and david mccalla. 18 or 19 days from now. no precedents since biden jumped out and she became the presumptive nominee. now the nominee. lots of campaign events. here's what her campaign put out. she's doing all of these events and donald trump is only doing one but donald trump has done tons of media availability including one this afternoon. which is the better strategy? >> according to polls, kamala harris is spirit she is meeting with voters in six swing states this week. donald trump is going to zero swing states. kamala harris putting out social media content, meeting voters where they are in the polls have completely swung away from donald trump. she has leading nationally in a number of poles we've gotten this week and every time donald trump talks to voters or gives interviews he does really
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badly. he went to the association of black journalists event and offended a number of people there. criticized, harris' background and race. it doesn't help him. if you are whining, you are losing and they are whining about kamala harris not doing interviews because they are behind and they know it here they are panicking. >> john: that forum was pretty confrontational. i think you have to admit. >> you have choices on how to respond. >> john: the press secretary for a while never did a press briefing by the way. trump is doing this because he is running scared. >> the president is not running scared paired the president has quite a record to run on. and he does not need my advice but if you are seeking advice as you go to this press conference this afternoon, you layout. joe biden wasn't any better at articulating the message of what their policies were going to do. why do we think kamala harris will do any better. that's why it there at 36
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approval rating. inflation is 20% under this administration. you have a border in chaos. now you contrast that with if you remember my administration we were working to get the border secure. if you want a secure border, i make a pretty compelling case. if we would stop spending so much we could bring inflation down. that is not what has happened under biden and harris. if you want to keep the bipartisan tax cuts that happened during my administration, you will need me in office. because of vice president is for getting rid of those. there is a very clear contrast and if republicans are very calmly. >> john: do you think you will articulate that? >> he's not capable of doing that. >> he does that if you are listening to his speeches. think about kamala harris who goes to pennsylvania. >> kamala. that's how you pronounce your name. >> john: come on you to. >> it's always interrupting. the only way to get a message in here. i will say having done a number of these segments, she is it better at articulate and what
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they are. >> john: let me interrupt there. because van jones who you know spending time in the obama administration knows that kamala harris cannot keep avoiding press forever. >> i'm not mad that she is not doing 15 interviews a day but it can't last. it is very important and we can't make favorites. anybody running for the top office needs to be as available as possible. >> john: what do you say to that? >> i think she should do interviews and i think she will. donald trump is not. >> john: she's not good at doing it. because she has gotten so much better. [laughter] there's a reason she is winning in the polls. if you look at today compared to 2020 she is putting forward a message of hope, of the future, of aspiration appeared when you compare that to donald trump's negative really backward look. this message that kamala harris' team is putting forward, we are not going back. voters like that. they don't want to look backwards and trump has found himself unable to put forward a
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positive message. he should listen to my friend dave avella and do that in his press conference. he has never showed himself to do that. >> john: if you go back. i hope that calmly harris has gotten better. >> she is really good now. >> john: but history has proven she was a very good. remember when lester holt said. >> you make an outstanding point. every time the biden administration would say let's let the vice president be the lead on this issue, she failed so miserably that they said you won't be in charge of this issue anymore. at least you won't be the v lead spokesman. i will give you an example of where they sent her to pennsylvania to promote the energy policy and what does she say to western pennsylvania employee use of energy companies? if you lose your job you can go find another one. contrast that with she went to pennsylvania to announce her vice president because as was reported earlier pennsylvania is the ultimate battle ground and who wins pennsylvania has a big leg up on who will win this. and saying things like she does to energy workers is not going
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to help her when that state. we won and the trump campaign is breathing a sigh of relief it was not ben shapiro who is picked. that's just kicking off the debate this afternoon. a lot more to come. as we always promise every day more news then you can possibly handle. >> sandra: love the spirited discussion and good friends they are. looking at the former presidents truth social account. it gives you a sense of where he may be going with what he is calling this general news conference set up at mar-a-lago. 2:00 eastern time. less than an hour from now. he is sending out notes about crime and the border and taking on kamala harris and her record on that and one of his most recent truth social posts is about the economy. basically making the case that a vote for kamala harris is more of the same during the buying administration pointing toward paying more for your groceries, paying more for your gas. maybe this is setting up for what we are about to hear from
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the former president. >> john: he has a substantial voter preference edge when it comes to things like the economy and immigration as well. we will hear what he has to say this afternoon and we will see if he articulates policy or if the press wants to fight. >> sandra: we will be listening for that. meanwhile major questions are swirling over the military record of vice president harris' running mate. minnesota governor tim walz. this after a former guardsman accused walz of abandoning his review unit before the group was deployed to iraq. let's get to garrett honey was live in chicago for us. what does his record show? >> tim walz's record shows that he retired from the army national guard in may of 2005 and according to the minnesota national guard, his battalion did not receive orders to get ready to deploy to iraq until two months later in july. those who served with walz said there were rumors months earlier that their artillery unit could be deployed to iraq.
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when walz retired after 24 years to focus on his run for congress they felt abandoned. >> people were mad because we did what we were supposed to do. we did the right thing and dishonorable what he did. he left somebody else to take over his spot. he just ditched us. >> while walz officially retired and may who thousand five process of submitting your papers starts 5-7 months before then. it is fairly normal for soldiers to retire after 20 years and others who served with and under walz said his decision to leave had nothing to do with the possible deployment which he would not have known about at the time. joseph eustace who served under walz says even though he disagrees with walz's politics and does not plan to vote for him, he has told the "star tribune" of walz he was a great soldier when he chose to leave he had every right to leave. while these allegations from several of walz's guardsmen are getting a lot of attention, so
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far the harris campaign has not directly responded to them. >> sandra: okay. garrett live on that forest of chicago. thank you. >> john: 48 minutes we are waiting for for president trump to hold a press conference at mar-a-lago. kamala harris goes 18 days now without taking report a question. we will bring you the former president just as soon as he begins speaking. >> sandra: plus taylor swift concerts canceled in austria after authorities learn of the terror plot aimed at killing fans outside of the venue. how do you keep soft targets say from this threat? we will ask dan hoffman about that next. >> i'm sure today taylor's team is doubling down to make sure they are working with all of their advanced partners to making sure that security is front and for of everyone's m front and for of everyone's m mind each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan.
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>> john: authorities in austria say they stopped a terror plot targeting taylor swift shows in vienna. the three concert run was expected to draw nearly 200,000 fans before it was canceled. police say one of the suspects admitted he planned to kill as many of those people as possible. fox team coverage it dan hoffman will join us in just a minute but we begin with senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot who is live in london. greg, i guess after the bombing back in march and what happened in manchester with ariana grande, authorities felt that they could not take chances here. >> could not take any chances at all. we are getting more details about what could have been a massive disaster at a taylor swift concert as early as tonight. swift three concert in vienna this week were canceled by organizers after the austrian government complete earned a terror plan at a huge stadium venue.
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austrian police detained a 19-year-old and two other teens suspected of plotting attacks on the concerts. police said they found the may suspects home plans for an attack, chemicals, explo explosives, machetes, isis terror materials, and cash and another said to be on the staff at the stadium. the plan was for the attacker or attackers to mill with a crowd of some 15,000 who were sent to gather outside of the stadium to listen to the music, to kill as many people as possible before killing themselves even using a car full of explosives to be driven into the crowds. as you can imagine there are a lot of swifties in vienna disappointed today. some have traveled from all over europe but the general consensus is the cancellation was the right thing to do. no makeup concert is planned. swift has not yet sent a message to her fans. after vienna, swift is set to perform in london where five huge concerts are scheduled.
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ironically the u.k. is now a scene of nationwide unrest triggered by a stabbing at a taylor swift themed dance club for young girls. three were killed and nine injured. this information online feeding racial anger. big stir, big commotion. >> john: at the moment those concert in the u.k. will go off. they are going forward. that's at the stadium. that is 90,000 people. >> john: five days at wimbley. amazing. thank you greg. >> sandra: let's bring in dan hoffman a former cia station chief in moscow and a fox news contributor. this is horrific. you think of what a target she has been with the massive crowd sizes she has been drawing. are you surprised by this and how the heck do you prevent this from happening again? >> look. this is what ices does. they search for these opportunities to create mass
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casualty terrorist attacks. we sought in moscow at the mall. they look first soft targets like malls and music concerts. in this case good on the austrian ministry of interior and the police for collecting the intelligence. the human source reporting that led them to these three individuals. i have no doubt that they got a lot of collaboration from others but perhaps even the united states intelligence community because so often the planning for these terrorist attacks and financing, it cuts across the nation state boundaries. we really need to focus on working together especially among our nato allies and partners but not exclusively. >> sandra: apparently, i guess you can take some solace in the fans bouncing back in the streets they're trying to shake this off. pretty remarkable video of some of the taylor swift fans in the streets of vienna saying they aren't going to let it ruin their day and churches in some
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cases opened their doors, historical churches open their doors playing taylor swift music paired this is what we've heard from some of the tour it's there in vienna reacting to the news of the cancellation of the tour. >> we plan all used to be her. what a huge disappointment for our friends. this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to come see taylor swift so i'm a little bummed. >> we've been looking forward to it for like nine months or so. quite the bomber but also happy to be safe. >> sandra: heartbreaking. you have to think so many of these fans were planning this for months on end and spent a lot of money to get there. but as far as what we can learn from this plot in the two teenagers that planned these attacks, the main suspects are 19-year-old man who is radicalized online and swallow and orth of allegiance, the head of the oster police said that they had confessed to the n shortly after being arrested.
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it included using explosives and weapons to kill as many concert attendees as possible. this is a terrorist who wanted to kill in most cases taylor swift fans, little girls. >> if there's one thing i learned in the years i spent serving in war zones with the cia is that the timeline matters. you want to detect these threats way, way out left. not hours before these concerts. but days or months. that's how you preempt those rights before any harm is caused or the reason why these concerts were canceled is because the threat was discovered at this late juncture. i have no idea our british colleagues are working incredibly hard now and have ben doing so for months knowing that wembley stadium is going to be a target rich environment for al qaeda and isis. >> sandra: dan hoffman great to have you want. thank you for joining us pure john, you and i were talking with our team about this.
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the event organizers said they had no choice but to cancel these three shows for everyone's safety. thankfully not the entire tour but they will have to obviously plan for what could happen with what happens this. god forbid there someone else out there thinking the same. >> john: you never know if there were two or three of them maybe there is more somewhere else. my daughter saw taylor swift during the first phase of the arrows tour in tampa. all of the girls -- she was 12 at the time. all of the girls were about the same age as her. these terrorists would've been targeting the little girls outside of the stadium. that's where they are taking their fight to? little girls? is that what it has come to? >> sandra: you see those pictures. in some way it brought me a sense of joy to see that those who had planned to go to this concert even though this horrific act was planned, taken to the streets they're in vienna
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and trying to enjoy their trips, many of them that they made. but it is just horrifying the details we are learning about this. >> john: it is paired better safe than sorry obviously but so many people did whatever they could to get tickets to the shows and now they are sorely disappointed which is a real shame. we are awaiting remarks from former president trump at mar-a-lago. about 25 minutes from now -- sorry, 35 minutes for now. do the math john. what will he have to say about kamala harris' new running mate. we will bring that to live. >> sandra: it's been a long week. more trouble for hunter biden and allegations from the justice department pair jonathan turley has been following this very he will join us liveom next. ting iberogast thanks to a unique combination of herbs, iberogast helps relieve six digestive symptoms to help you feel better. six digestive symptoms. the power of nature. iberogast.
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media his 2024 rival kamala harris has now gone 18 days without an interview or a news conference or even just taking reporters questions. we will bring trumps event to you as soon as it begins at about 31 minutes from now. >> sandra: more trouble for the first son as the doj argues a criminal oligarch paid off hunter biden to influence the u.s. government. while president biden was serving as vice president pair jonathan turley has been follows very closely paired he is on deck to react but first let's gs from chad who is live on capitol hill for us. chad, what did this deal entail exactly? >> sandra, good afternoon. as part of the impeachment inquiry, house republicans declared there may be evidence that hunter biden sold access. the goal was to influence u.s. policy. the government filing and hunter biden's tax case underscores information on earth by the house oversight committee. they say that hunter biden worked for gabriel pop of each
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appeared he's a from romania. the allegation is hunter biden and colleagues took $3 million and payments. he faces a criminal investigation in romania. james comer published biden bank records last year. he says this revealed ties to romania. bank records don't lie. special counsel dave old weiss says they structure the deal for hunter so it concealed the true nature of the work he was performing. there are ramifications for president biden. gabriel will testify in the tax evasion last stomach next month. it underscores how the hunter biden family tried to peddle influence overseas. >> sandra: at the very latest on all of that, thank you. >> john: let's bring in
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jonathan turley, constitution law attorney and fox news contributor. all of this about gabriel popovicius to hunter biden and associates is being used to buttress the tax case against him. but in doing so, it opens up a whole new can of worms. >> it's very festering for many of us who have been writing for years that we don't understand why there was not a charge for being an unregistered foreign agent. this is replete with contracts that would seem to meet a standard set an earlier. you couldn't have an official go to epcot without getting a charge from the justice department. it seemed to be one of the most ubiquitous charges coming out of that department. with hunter biden they have consistently ignored overwhelming evidence that he was receiving millions to
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influence policy. now after all of that time, they filed with the court saying we know that he was directing this stuff because he was getting money to influence u.s. policy from this romanian. we can prove auto theft because we know it was used in the kidnapping and the question is why did you charge him on the kidnapping? >> john: and in this which is from the filing before the district of california. it files home why there is not a potential charger. he writes the government will introduce evidence that business associate one which we believe is hunter biden structured a business relationship in an effort to avoid having to register as a foreign agent and the business partners did reach out to government officials specifically the united states department of state. is that not enough evidence for
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a fair charge? >> it's not because of this. but that's a very strong basis for a charge. it's also very similar to other transactions detailed by the house particularly the oversight committee. it's very similar to the ukrainian controversy because in that case you had money going to hunter biden and a famous dinner in which he left to make a call to washington. that was before his father gave that ultimatum to ukraine to fire a prosecutor or they wouldn't get a billion dollars in u.s. aid. there is a pattern here of influence peddling specifically to influence u.s. policy. the reason why the white house was most afraid of this charge is because it really blows away all of the spin in the media and by many of their political allies. the president was getting
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millions of dollars to work on policy changes from the administration of his father. it is the biden administration. >> i swear to god there's either a mind meld between the two of us or you read my notes on my computer before we go on the air because you mentioned the oversight and the other house committees. here's what james comer wrote yesterday. the biden families influence peddling schemes in romania were documented in g.o.p. records and memorandums in may of 2023. bank records don't lie. the mainstream media took marching orders from t the biden white house and turned a blind eye to the corruption and here's what else he writes in his filing. this is regarding cfc. they will show almost no work in exchange for the millions of dollars he received from these entities. that is exactly what homer and jordan and smith have been saying and the democrats and the legacy media have been calling
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it nothing more than political folly. >> it's quite impressive for the media to ignore this scandal. it's one of the greatest corruption scandals of our lifetime. millions and millions of dollars coming from these foreign sources. and the media has turned willful blindness to pretend they really don't have enough to go on. now you have a filing that confirms everything that all of us have been saying and these house committees. the question is is the mainstream media going to say we did not pursue this and it does not look like an unprecedented scale. i have doubts about that but keep in mind that weiss wanted to get rid of all of this. he wanted to reach a plea agreement with no jail time on relatively minor charges. the only reason we are at this point is a courageous federal judge said what is this? i have never seen a plea agreement like this.
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even the federal prosecutor admitted that he had never seen anything like this. it fell apart. that's the only reason we are here right now talking about this. >> john: we will see if the media does pick up on it now that it is officially in a court filing if you want to know more about this, jonathan has a great column on all of this jonathan great to see you. thank you. >> thank you john. >> sandra: to boeing starliner astronauts stuck in space for more than nine weeks. why it may take a whole lot longer to get them home. former nasa astronaut jose hernandez is coming up on the sato unfolding in space right now. >> john: and former president donald trump will give a conference while vice president harris is going on 18 days without speaking to the press. ari fleischer up next on how long she can avoid talking to them. >> she thinks the mainstream media is in her thrall and in her corner appeared they should challenge that by not called bring her rallies.
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>> sandra: we are waiting on news conference. live it mar-a-lago where president donald trump will be holding that news conference top of the hour we are told. all of this is happening as a vice president kamala harris goes 18 days and counting now without a single sitdown interview or news conference since becoming the presumptive democrat nominee. "the new york post," summing it up with this headline. come out come out. let's bring in ari fleischer fox news contributor. clever headline guard the g.o.p. says she needs to come out and
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speak so the american public can hear her. does she? >> i would reverse it. the press needs to come out and demand. candidates get away with what candidates can get away with. democrats can get away with the sun and the moon and the stars and republicans get slammed by the press. if that is part of modern reality of dealing with modern mainstream media i hate to say it but when you're an activist and you want to defeat donald trump you acquiesce to kamala harris not doing interviews and not talking to reporters. i've never seen a press corps so passive. >> it makes you wonder what is she hiding? >> i don't think she is hiding any one particular thing. she's just coasting. she's taking advantage of the fact that the press won't hold her to account. if there's anything we know that is pop kamala harris is in the past it's scrutiny. it's making her perform live.
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it's making her be herself. it is seeing her extemporaneously speak off of a teleprompter. if she is hiding anything, she's hiding everything and that shows a flawed and weak candidate. i think that is what's attempting donald trump to go out today and hold a news conference to contrast himself to her which is a high-risk strategy in in and of itself. >> sandra: because you saw j.d. vance walk over on the tarmac yesterday. remember this moment? watch. >> i just wanted to check out my future plan but i also wanted to go and say hello to the vice president and ask her why her why kamala harris refuses -- why does she refuse to answer questions of the media? i at least have enough respect for you all and the american people you report to to come and talk to you. >> sandra: but to your point it shouldn't just be republicans. it should be the media demanding that she answers questions politico says exactly that on her avoiding questions. why harris is not taking questions. it is what one longtime harris
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ally said that harris could play off on big interviews until after labor day. the voters that she needs are at the local level. they are not reading the national press. i will let you respond to that. and that's why harris is not taking cushion spirit its peak meant to him as crazy in the press she's getting right now. the campaign is working and there is no reason to sit down with any journalist and talk policy because we are in the euphoric stage. >> that's exactly right. who said it has to be by september. this is what the press is getting himself into. when the press as being neutral in america and holding each candidate and each party, they
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get taken advantage of by democrats who know that they can easily do it and the press is happy to roll over for her. who knows how long she can get away with this. with the white house press corps used to do when i was there, if they did not get routine access, it would be the only thing they would talk about. it would dominate my briefing, they wouldn't cover the events that bush did. the entire coverage will be with the press wanted to say which is where is president bush and why is he not taking questions? and that was if he did it for three or four days in a row, let alone a whole month in a row. they know how to get up and demand access. they know how to shut down coverage. they don't do it that way anymore. they don't do it that way anymore because they favor kamala harris and they will never do anything if it benefits donald trump. >> sandra: i wonder where that press corps is that showed up the day after the debate in that white house press briefing room like okay. they can fire off necessary questions when they decide to. we will see if they do and
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obviously this is part of donald trump's strategy. one would assume that j.d. vance yesterday spoke at length and it took a question second day in a row. donald trump now going to step up to the microphone. they are showing they are doing it and that allows them to continue to put pressure on her to do the same. final thought. >> the only flaw with that logic of donald trump stepping forward is that press will get donald trump. they are out to support kamala harris. when president trump says this is what is candidates are supposed to become a huge high risk because the press will turn on him today. there won't be a single easy question in the room. they will go after donald trump. >> sandra: that should be happening we are told top of the hour about 14 minutes from now. good to have you one. thank you so much. john. >> john: we are getting brand-new body cam footage from butler town police capturing the chaos that happened during the campaign rally last month. live in our new york city debris newsroom we have the video.
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alexis. >> this brand-new video coming into our newsroom. it is a new body camera video that we put in a request for just weeks ago. got it pretty quickly here. it shows the chaotic scene and butler, pennsylvania, after the shots were fired into that crowd that day when former president trump was nearly assassinated. let's watch. >> if you aren't law enforcement, go! if you aren't law enforcement, go! we don't know! go! >> i'm a medic. do you need a medic? >> we have plenty. thank you. >> i think they got him. >> i do too but we haven't confirmed it. >> there has been so much confusion still as the days continue on how this shooter was able to get on the roof and you can tell law enforcement doing everything they could to clear as many people out.
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i can tell you they were doing their best to get the entire scene under control. this shot you're looking at here is taken moments after the former president rushed off the stage for you can see on the ground right behind that podium in those moments it felt like things were going slow. we did not know being out there that day if the former president was going to get back up, how badly he was injured, and what all played out. that video that we got from the local law enforcement shows just exactly how quickly those officers late and federal jumped into action. the videos we are combing through and will continue to comb through as ours go on show police trying to get onto the roof of the building where the gunman thomas crooks fired those shots. we know he nearly assassinated former president trump and killed an innocent man that through his body in front of his own family that day when he was there for a rally and butler, pennsylvania. everything that day seemed to be a normal trump rally until all of this escalated and got out of control. we know there are 12 videos going to the newsroom right now and we are adjusting them and
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will go through them and we'll give you the latest details as we go through here john and sandra but amazing to see looking back at all of these unanswered questions. this is the first video we're getting from law enforcement of what played out that day. >> john: more and more facts coming to light including the autopsy report we saw on crooks who died from a single gunshot wound to the head. alexis mcadams for us. thank you. >> sandra: the death toll rising from tropical storm debby with the millions in the path as the system moves up the east coast. a live report on the ground coming up. >> john: it's getting wet here in washington plus a dream vacation in mexico turns into a nightmare for two oklahoma college students. were they intentionally poisoned with fentanyl? it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog.
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made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪ how long have you been tracking the value of our car? should we sell it? we hold... our low mileage is paying off. you think we should... hold... hoooold!!! hooold! now!!!! i'm on it. i'm, on it. already sold to carvana. go to carvana and track your car's value today. all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof!
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think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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>> sandra: tropical storm debby claiming another life after north carolina homeowner was killed in a possible tornado. the death toll is seven. debby landed overnight. robert ray has been on the ground through all of this. he's in north carolina for us right now. robert, what is the latest th there. >> a somber situation here in wilson county as indeed another loss of life from tropical storm debby once known as hurricane
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debby. governor roy cooper was just on the ground here talking to first responders and touring some of the damage. that's a middle school that was ripped up by this possible tornado and we say possible because the national weather service is out here assessing the damage and they will make the call as to the strength of it at some point hopefully later today but multiple homes are in ruin and that one death here unfortunately. that is because tropical storm debby made the second landfall this morning at 2:00 a.m. just north of charleston, south carolina. at 200 miles plus we have experienced the wrath and the outer bands and you see some of the devastation here in this area down to trees, huge pine trees, rubes ripped off homes in the middle school destruction. governor roy cooper told me during the press conference that his biggest concern moving forward for the state of north carolina which is under a state of emergency is the rising
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rivers and creeks. it is a big concern as rain continues to come down and this system unfortunately as trekking up into the mid-atlantic, northeast, and also new england. we will follow it. we are on the move here shortly making our way up into potentially upstate new york and vermont as more rain is on the way from this incredible historic and a deadly tropical storm debby. >> sandra: robert ray they are north carolina for us. our thoughts and prayers with all of those communities affected by this. thank you robert. >> john: any moment now back inside a 5 minutes we are expecting to see former president trump step up to the microphone in his first open news conference since vice president harris announced her runnin we will have that for you live and we will get analysis from richard fowler and lisa boothe. don't go anywhere.
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>> sandra: a live look at mar-a-lago where any moment now we are expecting to see former president donald trump step up to that microphone to hold a news confer


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