tv Hannity FOX News August 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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stephen miller is hot. have him on more often. stop laughing. he is hot. in stephen miller kind of way. todd from florida, i love vance from bp but not sure how trump overlooked stephen miller. miller will have a position in the trump administration. that we know. greg. i don't think you'll get a christmas car this year from james carville was invited on prime time the convention. kevin from providence. how can you suck if you don't use draws. craig point. i'm waters and i'm out. >> welcome to this special
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edition of hannity. election countdown mark your calendars because the 2024 presidential election is only 80 days away and and 39 days early voting officially kicks off in pennsylvania rolls out around the country. buckle up because the next 3 months is not to be insane. it will be an emotional roller-coaster. anyway president trump already has survived an assassination attempt. trump also has emerged unscathed from a multipronged effort from the left to throw him in jail and democrats are now on their second ticket after realizing the joe biden harris administration failed all of you dramatically. they were not capable of winning a second term. but instead of nominating someone new they simply anointed the most unpopular vice president in history and in history of polling. a person who was routinely marked on both sides of the aisle for being incompetent unlikable and fake. you decide. >> it is time for us to do what
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we have been doing in that time as every day. every day is time for us to agree. you think you just fell out of the coconut tree. you just in the context of all in which you live and what came before you snack significance is a passage of time. significance of the passage of time when you think about it there significance to the passage of time. >> a movement that's always been about the ability to see what can be unburdened by what has been. >> we have seen what can be unburdened by what has been. what can be unburdened by what has been. >> so ukraine is a country in europe. it exists next to another country called russia. russia is bigger country.
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russia is a powerful country. russia decided to invade a smaller country called ukraine. so basically that's wrong. >> unburdened by what has been. no wonder she reads the same exact speech every single campaign event pretty much word for word. her campaign is simply terrified to let her go off script and for good reason. the more people here from the real kamala harris the more they get to know her less likely she is to get elected. show she without of state-run media hiding her in the basement like they didn't joe and 2020 or prematch their version of it michael mulherin some ofner speaks with a teleprompter. almost never gives, you know, a speech that is different. the same words same speech over and over again. >> it's good to be back in pennsylvania.
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>> it is good to be back in wisconsin. >> so good to be back in michigan. >> the path to the white house runs right through the state. i am clear the path to the white house runs right through the state. >> i took him perpetrators all kinds. i took on perpetrators a finds. i took on perpetrators of all kinds. i know donald trump's type. i know donald trump's type. in this campaign i proudly put my record against his any day of the week. this campaign i tell you i will proudly put my record against his any day of the week. are you ready to make your voices heard? >> are you ready to make your voices heard. >> when we fight we win spee meccano com all is type. radical extreme inter-policies
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are downright dangerous. since the coronation listen 0 official press conferences, 0 national interviews. in fact she's not participated in an official press or since december last year and that went on for a whopping 12 minutes. nancy pelosi once urged her colleagues to pass a bill to find out what's in the bill. the democrats are asking you the american people to vote for kamala harris to find out what she really believes according to new yorker. harris' campaign website does not have a policy section or an articulation of bleats. just a button to donate, merch and yard sides and a biography. her biography does not make any mention of kamala's prior positions that she's had on issues like her ban on fracking and oil exploration enter plan to defund dismantle the police no bail or her support for the bail fund after police precinct
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was burned to the ground 4 days after the burning. or her plan to abolish ice or her plan to decriminalize illegal immigration and give you legal immigrants free healthcare housing education or her plan to have a mandatory gun buyback program to confiscate your guns or her plan to eliminate the filibuster so she can pass a whopping $93 trillion social screen new deal. according to random campaign staffers calm i is a new woman whose views suddenly changed on everything soon she was anointed democratic nominee with a single vote they disenfranchised every democratic primary voters in the country but mary to hear from kamala herself so we don't know of any of these issues. did she change her mind on fracking, on mandatory gun buybacks? these issues this would come and
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what did promise -- kamala did promise to bring prices down day 1. inflation she will deal with day 1 she selected. is she forgetting something? you decide. >> prices for everyday things like groceries are still too high. you know it and i know it. when i was attorney general i went after price-fixing schemes and when i am presidents it will be a day 1 priority to fight to bring down prices. i'll take on big corporations that engage in illegal price gouging. i will take on corporate landlords that unfairly raise rent on working families. i'll take on big pharma and capital cost of prescription drugs for all americans. >> day 1 take the song. you're an office right now the vice president of the country. you are elected for 4 years ago
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and every single month under your administration prices have gone up and up and up every item ,. >> everyone: and bison restore the go to up up up. of all people you should understand the significance and the passage of 4 years of time. and during the past 3 plus years gas prices are up a whopping amount as well as our housing prices and food costs going through the roof. credit card debt nearly $7,000 per american. this is insane to keep in mind the most significant component of inflation is government spending. that keeps going up a whopping $2 trillion a year. just a few examples of how kamala spent money. first we have $5 million for an electric schoolbus program managed to produce 60 buses. that's $83 million per bus produced and let's not forget the $7.5 billion investment they
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are say investment, an electric vehicle charging stations that produced only 7 stations in 2 years. that's the government and she wants to get rid of your own private healthcare insurance. still trying to figure out how these charging stations work. didn't work out when she tried at the last time. take a lot. 's connectors no sound spee and that's all there is to. we usually can smell it and you can hear it. you can hear the guzzling sound. none of that. >> had i know it's ashley working specifically want you to waive the car. et cetera charging. how would i know that. typically what you would do is.
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>> has anyone told calm on 90% of the electric grid is fossil fuel based? anyone ever told her that to get the batteries to build an electric car you have to pillage mother earth and get the cobalt and the nickel-and-diming any and all those other minerals and that studies have shown electric cars are heavier more dangerous to other drivers? americans can't afford 4 more years of common harris. she picked her running mate who doesn't even understand basic economics 101. not even on a personal level. tim walz has no stocks or bonds capital 401 k. by the way first thing i say to somebody when i hire them make sure you invest near 4401 k. no real estate it is have a mortgage he does even our house. he's never started a business.
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what worked in the private sector and democrats think this guy should be a heartbeat away from the presidency second-in-command of the country with the largest economy in the world but it gets worse. on issues from defunding dismantling the police no bail laws open borders free healthcare, universal healthcare system free healthcare for illegal immigrants for educations driver license is for illegals. is as radical as it gets. he's nuts. as governor he let neighbourhoods in minneapolis simply burned to the ground and do nothing in the summer of 2020 waiting 5 whole days before sending in the national guard. his family wanted to breathe in the air around the smell of burning rubber. and according to minnesota senate report as minneapolis was burning these were the questions that walz staff were posing to the guard before sending them
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in. any diversity and inclusion training, any experience working with diverse communities. what communities will they be coming from? he was putting dti ahead of safety and security as the city of minneapolis is burning and a police precinct burns to the ground and the target is ransacked. meanwhile advocacy for child sex change that's pretty creepy and dangerous. his also known famously now on x. as tampon tim. because he all but forced schools to put women's menstrual products and boys bathrooms by removing gendered language from a state mandate. he did it but the radical track record doesn't end there. according to a report from the washington examiner governor walz repeatedly hosted a radical muslim cleric who actually celebrated the october 7th terror attack can't push bizarre anti-semitic and through these theories and even posted a link
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to a pro-hitler film called adolf hitler the greatest story never told. so does he condone this kind of rhetoric? kind of hard to say because like harris walls is not answering questions. he's not holding press conferences. he's not doing a gaggle. you deserve better. it's that simple. especially after little switcheroo. they should be forced to answer questions about your corrupt state run media mauled giving them a pass like they did joe in 2020. socino that walz is being accused of stolen valour by the very people that served with him in the national guard. it appears walz embellished his rank, has repeatedly bragged about her deployment tool comments a combat zone -- combat zone where the gun never happen. he retired from the garden just before his platoon was set to deploy to iraq 20 '04. cbs anchor dan rather tried to
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save george w. bush reelection with this fake story about bush's service in the air national guard. the media went wild with that story. mantha going wild here was stolen valour and literally telling people something about his record that's false in terms of his rank when he retired that made him look better. in the bush case documents by the way turned out to be fake. during very real scandal with eyewitness accounts the media mob will that walz off the hook. is a democrat voting against donald trump. that simple. journalism i said it instead in this country. now it's dangerous. we have an information crisis. you deserve to know that the past 4 years have been a train wreck and this is the most radical extreme dangerous major party ticket ever to run for the white house and is just sad and pathetic. when they try to buy a house or
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fill up their cars a look at the credit card statement here feeling the impact of the policies that will get much worse with kamala harris and tim walz. you with reaction out to founder clay travis pare fox news ian shugart mary catherine hammond trump 2024 national press secretary caroline levitt. start with you. there's a lot to unpack here. >> there's a lot to impact because there's so many dangerously liberal policies in both kamala harris and tim walz's records and just pointed out many of them and i'm perplexed by kamala harris and tim walz campaign message. they continue to say at all of these prescriptive rally or marks we are not going back. going back to what? the days of no inflation? $1.50 gasoline. piece around this world. a secure border record low interest rates. mortgage rates and payment rates when the american dream was alive and well because i think a lot of americans in fact millions of them would like to
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go back to those days under president trump. cnn had to admit president trump's job approval rating has never been higher so they can continue to push the message and we'll continue to push ours -- push hours that the next 4 years will be better if we reelect president trump. we had him for 4 and had more money in our pockets peace around this world safety and security here at home. >> i know it's a bit of a sugar high and the honeymoon period and got the d&c mary catherine hamm coming up. how does this play out? spanish she's an unskilled person. but if she remains untested by people asking her tough questions the sugar high will last a little while. likely donald trump will be on stage with her at some point to do that because it will be trump and the rnc's job to pressure on things of the past is into it. i appreciate the person writing in the new yorker left of centre person not right of centre person writing the piecing i might have minority view but journalism should be journalism
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and you should hold her to account because she has not been held to account and he's right that it's a minority view unfortunately in journalism as you point out but that puts the american people in a bad position because these are people who are from the california model from the minneapolis 2020 model and they went to export that to the rest of the country and they should be asked about what that looks like. they should be held to account for the failures they have overseen both in the administration with kamala harris and in minnesota under tim walz. that dibassy's questions but i do not count on anyone but the trump campaign to do it. >> how do we get kamala harris' record radical views into i guess the culture, to passover where everybody knows before they start voting in 30 days whatever it is clay travis? >> demand i've been saying it on my radio show this election boils down to 3 letters. abc.
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economy border crime. that's what voters care about especially in the big ten states. and i think is jd vance and donald trump go out call harris is wrong on all 3 of those issues. i think you just have to hammer those 3 over and over and over again. sometimes i think kamala benefits. this is a little bit crazy. she's so bad and so awful at so many things that can be distracting to go focus on so many different issues. i think you have to look at where the voters are. what are they distantly focused on, the economy. mortgage rates are 2 to have. i see the solid time. i take my kids to chick-fil-a. it is 50 bucks to take my 3 boys. they're growing. my wife and kids $50 to chick-fil-a. people feel it. she's bizarre. she's allowed over 10 million, 20 million. wouldn't know the actual number
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with joe biden in charge and then crime. she's in charge of defund the police. she went and grabbed this knucklehead walz and actually doubled down on bailing people out and on actually allowing crime to flourish. abc is the answer. hamara focus on it. those are the 3 issues if trump and vance do that trump and vance are going to win. the big ten is not going for common. >> i only slight disagree because i have 5 issues in the or the economy inflation. that would be the border, illegal immigration, all the crimes that are been committed law and order safety security small towns big cities, the economy is a big issue. energy is a big issue and america's place in the world so i would add to macklemore but a great analysis. appreciate it caroline levitt. thank you. kamala harris has failed him a role as borders are and a running mate has even more
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on your timeline. (janet) nice! (intercom) flightdeck, see you at the house warming. [dog bark] ♪ [dog whining] is your dog telling you they may have allergic itch? apoquel is the #1 treatment for allergic itch... that veterinarians have trusted for over 15 million dogs... and it starts working in just 4 hours! do not use in dogs with serious infections... may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations... or preexisting cancers... and serious infections. new neoplasias have been observed. do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel. now available in a tasty chewable.
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>> sean: i'm kevin corke in washington. investigation underway following a fiery plane crash in southern brazil. dramatic video showing the aircraft appearing to stop midair and spiralling to the ground out of control. the plane erupted into a fireball after slamming into a neighbourhood. all 61 people onboard were killed. no 1 on the ground was hurt. the plane's black box flight recorder has been recovery. a us district judge signing off on a 3 week delay and former president trump's federal election case. social councillor jack smith x. asked for the extra time sink
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needs to analyse the supreme court's ruling on mr trump's immunity. the next deadline in the cases set 4 august 30th. just last week you may recall the same judge rejected a motion for mr trump's lawyers to dismiss the indictment. i'm kevin corke in washington. now back to hannity. kamala harris has failed tenure as borders are and tim walz radical stance on illegal immigration are back in the spotlight. look at this new report. a member of the laken riley murder suspects family has been linked to a violent venezuelan prison gang wreaking havoc all across the us and despite being appointed as the administration's borders are which they now deny retired border police chief ronnie scott confirmed then everyone spoke with him about the border crisis. not on time.
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sadly tim walz record just as bad as governor of minnesota. he signed laws giving illegal immigrants taxpayer-funded healthcare tuition college tuition drivers licenses and even came out on tape supporting sanctuary cities and states. >> should minnesota be a century state? >> if the definition of that is the federal government enforces immigration law and local law enforcement enforces local law then yes. >> should cities be allowed century cities? >> yes local control. >> sean: here with reaction cohost of the hit show the 5 our friend judd jeanine pirro don't forget her book is written from today's headlines. get it on and boxers on the country. great to have you. i say this all the time. i often end with this but want to start with the senate simple. they have blood on their hands. it's that simple. laken riley would be alive. rachel morin will be alive.
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jocelyn nungaray would be alive and a scroll the names all the time of these people killed and other victims of violent crimes by harrison joe biden and frankly people like walls obsession with allowing people in this country illegally. they have blood on their hands. they never get called out on it. why? >> because you know that there's a compliant press. the fact is laken riley was killed by member of a prison gang. we find out the both of his brothers are members of the prison gang. all 3 brothers are in the united states so that it when donald talks about them emptying their prisons he's factually correct. even more violent this venezuelan gang then the ms-13 gang. and these people come into this country. nobody vets them know he cares. they lie to us. the gaslight us and they say we
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vet them. we don't call venezuelan said you have a rap sheet on the sky for 6 have to saying this. the bottom line is these people are being allowed into this country by people like kamala harris and tim walz who don't care about whether or not they are a danger to americans. they don't care that they are costing us billions of dollars and no 1 ever talks about this. we are giving them free healthcare free education. we are making sure that they have drivers licenses. tim walz is making sure they are sanctuary cities, century states. that means that if they commit crimes they know it states to go to where not only will they not be deported. they are not even going to be arrested. this is the takedown of the united states by leftist progressives. it's an outrage. >> sean: i have talked with numbers of the laken riley family. interviewed jocelyn's mother and
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grandfather. kamala harris and walz you have political soulmates. mr stolen valour tampon tim. the most radical positions ever. us will those things every night and honestly i really do believe in my heart if america really understands who they are there have a shot in hell of ever winning the selection. >> that's why they are not saying anything. there smiling laughing and americans are thinking they look like a great couple. kamala harris they forgotten for 3 years she was nothing but a word salad and afterthought. 3 to half years. >> sean: she reads the same speech. >> yeah, everyone of her rallies but when she was the borders are she can deny it all she wants. there are no interviews.
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there in policy discussions with anyone from the border patrol. no 1 from border patrol was allowed to talk to the press. where is when donald trump was there they are allowed to do that. there's constant communication. she doesn't care who comes in. she doesn't care was vetted. and by the way we have 4 times 5 times 6 times 7 times the number who have come in under the biden administration coming in and they are literally taking from the social service network in this country. they are lining up to vote right now given drivers license wizards appointive identification or you can register to vote and there's jurisdictions actually want them to vote so let's not kid each other what this is about but if america understands what is right and what they can afford what we can afford to have in this country that got to support the man who understands we cannot be sitting ducks for people about whom we know nothing. these people are coming in from pakistan and jordan and all
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these countries, saudi arabia and india and china. we don't know who they are. there's no vetting. it's a game to them. it is about time the americans understood this is not what we need. tim walz is a phony. is a phony when it comes to his claim that he carried weapons of war in war. he was never in war. he has a camouflage hat. how can a guy who's against guns where a camouflage hat. give me a break? everything is phony about these people. >> crimes against america. its rift right from the headlines. i like when you go off uninterrupted jeanine pirro. between you and mark levin it's kind of like a dynamic door tag team. >> i would have to be on with mark. we can fight over each other for the time. >> luck either 1 of you getting a word in. i'll give you that. crimes against america bookstores around the country. judge great having you as always.
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when we come back the joe biden harris administration failing to stop iran. the proxies as they continue to threaten your country. aaron combs john solomon join us next as we continue off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis
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it's the easiest call you can make. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit >> 80 days until election day. 39 days until early voting. iran is trying to attack the us on multiple fronts and the biden harris administration has done nothing to stop them. imagine how bad things are going to get if kamala harris is elected your president 4 for years and tim walz your vice president. joe biden harris calling for de-escalation the middle east. iran is threatening to wipe out to military bases across the region including according to the supreme leader the idf headquarters. meanwhile the house judiciary
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committee are now launching a probe into the department of homeland security over the entry of a suspect with ties to iran, arrested in a plot to assassinate former president donald trump and microsoft is now saying that iran aligned hackers targeted a quote high-ranking official in the us presidential campaign. under the biden harris administration iran is threatened military bases trying to hacker systems. they're sending assassins to go former presidents. this didn't happen on the president trump and his strong peace through strength leadership and trust me iran does not want him back in office. here with reaction israeli special ops veteran aaron con and the editor-in-chief founder investigative reporter john solomon. we'll start with you in the news they knew about before the an assassination attempt they knew about a plot by iran to try to assassinate donald trump. now this case and add to what
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the house judiciary committee told us about 99 people with terror ties that, in fact, they were allowed into the country, this 1 particular case you have 1 guy. they knew he just visited iran. that may be a red flag and other special designation that they gave this guy. 's fact they gave him what's known as significant public benefit parole. i haven't found anyone government who can tell me what benefit the merchant brought when he came across the border. is already on the terra watchlist. he admitted he just travelled to iran and the customs and border patrol like they always to stop him and called the joint terrorism task force to the fbi. the fbi interviewed him and phantom cooperative and plate and sent him on the way giving special commission to enter the country and over the next 3 months he worked to try to line up assassins to go former president donald trump and other officials. a look sick the if the island about this guy's intentions on
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incorporating witness came to them and said he's lining up to kill people and they roll him up 1 day before his about to leave the country. that's very significant because in the court documents it said his trigger for these assassinations to occur were his leaving the country. is not to leave just for the assassinations occur so they will him up. i can find anyone in congress and the government that think this is a good idea to release him into the country with red flags that they knew about him when they encountered him in april. >> unbelievable. another world has been on pins and needles and remains on pins and needles. my fear is it's not actually a fear because i really had faith in israel. there military capability even though joe biden and kamala harris has surrendered in the war against radical islamic terrorism and she doesn't even want to use the words again but after when israel had to retaliate after iran fired directly into israel joe abandoned israel. that to me is unforgivable.
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but what really impressed me is how deep into iranian territory israel was able what they were able to achieve. i didn't think they would get that close to nuclear reactor facility. it tells me that if iran messes with israel they are going to get hit so hard they might not have refineries, nuclear facilities. at the console and play at that point. your thoughts. >> i agree. israel has a tremendous special operations capability. they lead the world and the reason why israel is so good is because they have to be. we don't have a choice. 5 enemies surrounding us. systematically trying to push us to the oceans 48 but we have an expression in hebrew. wherever you not looking where standing in our actionable
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intelligence which is a master in psychology. everyone of those agents are ph.d. levels in targeting potential agents to flip and work for us. we penetrated not only making the rounds son of israel now was very difficult to crack but we managed to crackle away into the top levels of the security apparatus of the irg cn put a little something under the bed where he thought he was sleeping quietly. my problem here is the white house doesn't understand that iran's operational goal the macrolevel is to incite such a level of terror across the west. israel just being the initial punching bag. the fact is have a look at what's going on in the uk. i look at what's going on with that concert that was you shut down by 2 radicals. united states the white house doesn't start getting on board with what this is which is
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radical islamic terror hamas has below the who these 100,000 deep has below 150,000 deep we are going to see iran move as close as they can to try and procure nuclear weapons. israel will have to strike the nuclear facility. they won't wait. i've known for 30 years. there's no way is going to allow under his watch for his country to be destroyed. it just not going to happen. but you make of the reports the iranian president apparently appealing to the quote supreme leader not to attack israel? is it that he recognizes some military superiority of israel or is that propaganda or will they just use the proxies hamas in the seventh and has below in the north and who the rebels? but clearly a major attack is being planned. what are your thoughts? >> i believe there's a major
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attack being planned but instead of reacting immediately like they did, you know, firing those hundreds of missiles in israel i think they'll wait it out but it tell you what the big pieces. i believe iran is scared. when he put a very high-level of explosive charge underneath the leader of hamas' bed it sends a very powerful psychological message and i think the iranians are scared. i believe that the white house and all the warnings they are giving to iran is great but it's totally useless. he's 1 of our counterterrorism sons. comes from our general staff reconnaissance unit sitting there with some of the finest minds right now and they are actually conducting operations quietly as we speak and the moment that intel comes up israel will not wait. we don't have the luxury. but i believe the us needs to get on board. iran is the largest threat since -- max mccue won't happen with them. >> it will not happen when tim walz. it will not have a with joe
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biden. it will not happen with kamala harris. they have surrendered in the war on terror and that's by the way to not have the moral clarity and to give in to the wing of the democratic party and to even consider an arms embargo are talking to a group that wants that is madness. will give you the last word. >> give it some time as things get worse. you will see that start to change spee $70 billion us administration gave to iran. that's why they are emboldened didn't have the cash to do things they are doing. >> that's a great point. they made them rich again. because the sanctions they just turned a blind eye and wanted to pay ransom. gave a sanctions waiver for iraq to give them $10 billion. this is madness and it's a clear and present danger to the world. death to israel death to america pick that's their belief system convert or die. that is their belief system. thank you both tough times. annika beck california governor
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(reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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from big out-of-state media companies and hedge funds. now, california legislators are considering a bill that could make things even worse by subsidizing national and global media corporations while reducing the web traffic local papers rely on. so tell lawmakers, support local journalism, not well connected media companies. oppose ab 886. paid for by ccia. >> as they say california so goes the nation. and if you look calmly harris a true california liberal you can expect a same disastrous policies that frankly room to the great state of california. with the most radical ticket in history on the ballot you can't let california's rampant shoplifting saint schori state city policies will cardiology become a model of the rest of
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the country. let's not forget the state's homelessness crisis which governor gavin newsom is suddenly acting on 3 months away from the election. here he is attempting to clean up los angeles encampment. good for gavin. hope he them all up. by the way after issuing an executive order to tear them down good luck with this. it with reaction outnumbered cohost emily complying fox news contributor jason chay fits emily i'm fine with gavin doing it little to too little too too late in my view but i'm glad to see him out there doing good old hard work. never heard anybody but the reality is it's the other policies, the tax policies the regulation in california. it's the woke ideologies about parents and gender affirming care et cetera. those are the things that i think impact people way more than these homeless encampments that they have let grow and grow and grow. >> the optics to me are so
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patently offensive in addition to the things that affect us at home. as a californian i was subjected to him as mayor of san francisco and how to live in that city under his reign. now he's just made the state worse and worse because it's all about the photo op what i mean is this person is responsible for third of the homelessness population and the entire united states we are supposed to trust him as commander-in-chief? think these photo ops actually mean he's dedicated to solutions not at all. to point about taxes and regulation that's right that's where the business had to shudder and pivot because nothing is able to thrive in that state but especially under his watch because for him it's all about the optics in the pretty boy smile that he thinks will get into the white house but we know better and it won't. >> i'm not sure what his ambitions are. i did play when i interviewed him a wild back jason i played
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him in 2015 laying out his plan to stop homelessness. when i was in california in the eighties. it's hard to believe i was even alive than but when i lived there is the poorest person in santa barbara california barely could pay my rent. but when i lived there they had a huge homeless problem. a massive fig tree where the homeless congregated down by the beach with a congregated. and when i drive my bicycle down there i would hang out and talk to them. a lot of them homeless vets and you would hear their stories and a lot of it was sad and tragic and i hated the fact that they were down on their luck in many cases. a lot of addiction a lot of alcoholism. you see it all. >> yeah, unfortunately some people go through some tough times. these democrat policies. >> reporter: the by kamala harris and she was the attorney general by gavin newsom, by the way gavin newsom is 20 years into his ten-year plan to claim
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a homelessness. he spent billions of dollars. situation is worse not better. the only time the streets got cleaned up is where xi jinping came to town and everything got cleaned up right then. but they have not instituted good conservative principles and plans and it makes it so it's not safe. they have not prioritized americans and they have not prioritized veterans. veterans come back from serving this country with ptsd some of them and they go through some really tough times. 2 think they've ever prioritized them? no deprioritize people here illegally and it's a dangerous. you implement the other policies and that's why emily and i horrible from california originally born in california we learn to read and right and left the state. >> sean: you are not that far away in utah. they have in and out burger. i think you do too. they don't have crown burger
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which are 2 of my favourite burger places while time. the bottom line is i understand maybe his level of frustration but letting it get to this point is on him. and maybe, may be at point do these liberal politicians wake up from there will cardiology and realize this is just not working? >> unfortunately in the case of gavin newsom he won't have the epiphany because it has been only fostered by the bubble that he exists in. he made his fortune creating plump jack winery group with a getty air. he's benefited from the same 7 rich telephone he families that kamala harris has. they hand-picked and shaped them. they want to them to the future of the democrat party. the end of the day he enjoys, he eats at nappa restaurants, michelin star places while the rest of us go to work and suffer under his regulations and he
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works it operates with impunity because he's never had to suffer for it. he's never been elected out of office. there's never been someone saying this isn't acceptable so unfortunately until referendum works he will continue to operate in the bubble the democrats create. >> if this campaign comes down to illegal immigration kamala and tim walz policies if it comes in to law and order and defund dismantle nobel laws, no fracking or drilling policies, if it comes down to their inflation or economic policies, 93 trillion-dollar green new deal insanity, if it comes down to the falsity -- foreign-policy and see how they win. >> that's why they don't want to talk about it. that's why they don't want to take any questions. because they are on the wrong side of the issue. they have what they want. if you want different results you have to elect different people. that's the bottom line. you have to go back to what trump and conservatives believe. back to the ronald reagan days
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and trump days and life will be better. >> sean: you're better off under trump. better off than you were 4 years ago. answer is pretty clear. good to see you. jason thank you. emily thank you. we will continue. more of our special edition of hannity straight ahead. ing formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond. when you're in the military you're really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? we live pretty close to each other. so he's always coming over. when i go to jack's house, we watch a lot of football, hang out. we go outside the friendship has kind of grown
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into a family i was overseas on a deployment. i got separated from my marines and i got hit in the neck, and it broke my neck and paralyzed me. 14 years ago, i was on a training mission. did a military freefall, and i had some faulty equipment. i hit the ground. going, 30 to 40 knots and was instantly paralyzed. i met jack fanning when he invited us to park city, utah, through his foundation. i was able to actually get on the mountain and ski with my family, i can't put into words what that meant. i got paid in the military to do crazy fun stuff. and after my accident, i'm still that same guy. and when i was able to jump out of a perfectly good, helicopter, at 10,000 feet, i did it. i was talking to some vets last week amazing how we have these houses
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>> sean: unfortunately that is all the time that we have left this evening. as always thank you for being with us and making the show possible. please set your dvr so you never missed an episode of "hannity". in the meantime, i'll let not your heart be troubled, y. is greg gutfeld static buy? to put a smile on your face. [applause]
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