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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 12, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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measures stand with israel we have expectations of the government, we expect the united states to stand with israel as it really fights for its life against these forces of darkness. the islamic republic of iran and its proxies like hezbollah and like hamas. this is a country fighting for its life. it's a u.s. ally and we, as american citizens are asking our country to stand strongly with the state of israel. >> carley: we reached out to the dnc for a statement and directed to the city of chicago. we have not gotten a response from the city just yet. we do understand that you will be holding an art exhibit by israeli and israeli artists dnc august 20th. i'm sure that will be a very moving and powerful display. elan, thank you so much for joining us. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> steve: thank you very much, carley. it is 6:00 on the couch in new york city. it is monday, august 12th, already, 2024. welcome to "fox & friends." first up, president biden gist his first sit down interview since calling it quits and says he wants to be remembered for his great economic recovery. >> ainsley: bidenomics isn't as bright as he seems to think it is. his record wage, depreach united nations, soaring prices, and americans carrying trillions of dollars in debt. the money man, charles payne will break it all down for us. >> lawrence: plus kamala harris trying to pivot on the border in battleground arizona as residents watch migrants pour in under her policies is it all too little too late for voters? >> brian: brady is back. gearing up for his new career in the booth dressing like that. looking dapper in test run as he readies to join the fox family.
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week one debut. he will be forced in the booth and not on the sideline. i'm looking for a second source on that. "fox & friends" starts right now. your mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ ♪ oh what a night ♪ yeah, sing it ♪ almost had me down ♪ came back to life. [cheers] >> steve: oh what a night it was. that sound crew. >> brian: cameras are. >> ainsley: does all of his own stunts. >> steve: not a scene from mission impossible repelling into the stadium last night and the crowd went wild. he would eventually land and take the flag and drive out of the stadium and clearly tom cruz exhibited the fact that he still does a lot of his own stunts. so there is he taking the flag from simone bilsz and the mayor of l.a. because next stop for the olympics is l.a. what did he do he? got on to a motorcycle,
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eventually, and then wound up on a plane. it was very tom cruise. it was amazing. >> ainsley: how did he do this? he jumped on the motorcycle with the flag on the back and he rolled out of the stadium slapping everybody's hands. people were excited to see him. parachutes down over the hollywood sign. got on a plane. parachutes onto the hollywood sign and introduces the concert in l.a. >> steve: according to people magazine they filmed the stuff with the hollywood sign and took the word hollywood and used the oo at the end. in march. people knew he was going to sky die into the hollywood sign. they didn't know what he would do last night until he took that leap of faith right there. >> lawrence: great time end it because america came out of the races on top. so, obviously going to be in our country next. hopefully it will be better than
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what happened in paris. a lot of complaints about the security there things being shut down. but, i'm glad we got the most. >> brian: 12 # medals, divide china with the most golds. one thing about our athletes they came to play. unbelievable. the training, the support that they get. it's very impressive. >> ainsley: we tied for most golds but we have the overall most medals. >> brian: also. tom cruise saw him at the women's nationals game. i thought the women would be down for a few decades. they are back. this is a whole new generation. dennis rodman's daughter trinity rodman emerged as superstar. >> steve: it was great. we watched them every day for a couple of hours. it's not all fun and games come out of paris this monday morning. controversy continues as the international olympic committee has stripped u.s. gymnast jordan childs of that bronze medal she is holding right there. she thought she won in the women's floor competition.
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u.s.a. gymnastics is appealing. >> ainsley: video evidence showing childs smoke inquiry to change her score before the 1 minute deadline before inquiries despite childs romanian opponents claiming that the inquiring came four seconds too late. >> brian: 47 seconds. the video proves it. after childs has already been given her medal on the podium. moving childs from third all the way down to fifth place whatever it is you can't have a technicality like that. why have that be the last taste of competition. >> steve: the whole medal was a problem. because there was an inquiry by chiles' coach and they had to adjust her score after the performance. they said hey, take another look at her score. and they adjusted her score and
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then they gave her the medal. then the court ruled it was too late and now the ioc wants it back. she didn't have it. she had. she doesn't have it. >> ainsley: she posted four broken hears on social media. but the good news is she did win a gold with the team. so she can say she is a gold medalist. >> lawrence: hopefully they make it right. we saw in the background simone biles she was the biggest star coming out of the olympics. >> ainsley: loves jordan. she supports her. >> steve: we brought you up to date what happened in france. kamala harris is back in the washington, d.c. area this morning after a glitzy san francisco fundraiser at the first amendment right hotel fai. >> lawrence: 22 days since harris rose to the democratic ticket. she still hasn't given a formal interview, ainsley. >> ainsley: that's right, lawrence. we did finally see president biden sit down for an interview. his first since dropping out of the race.
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>> look, um, you know, the polls we had show that it was neck and neck race, would have been down to the wire. but what happened was, a number of my democratic colleagues in the house and senate thought that i was going to hurt them in the races. and i was concerned if i stayed in the race, that would be the topic. why did nancy pelosi -- nancy pelosi say why did so -- and i thought it would be real distraction, number one. number two, i ran the first time, i thought of myself as being a transition president. i can't even say how old i am. it's hard for me to get out of my mouth. >> to those who are expressed skepticism about how much you will be on the trail or about the rest of your term raise questions about your health, what do you say to them? >> all i can say is watch. that's all. look, i had a really, really bad day in a debate because i was
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sick. but i have no serious problem. >> steve: oh yeah? >> brian: obviously still bitter about nancy pelosi. her name came up. kicked to the curb, stabbed in the back, stabbed in the front and left for dead. and, you could see no one talks about him. everybody that said he was doing so great and he was the second coming of fdr, behind the scenes was destroying him. and once he got out, you see now we're all supposed to think that kamala harris is this genius politician who is being held back by joe biden. i'm very curious to see if the american people continue to buy it because it seems to be the scenario they are thinking about now. >> lawrence: i'm sorry, ainsley, go ahead. >> ainsley: how hard do you think it was, lawrence, for him to do this interview and how planned were these answers? >> lawrence: i mean, i don't know. i still to this day just judging by the interview, no one has still been honest with him. they keep still telling him the reason why they wanted him out is because of his impact on the senate and house race. no one has said, mr. president, father time has caught up with
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you. no one is saying hey, there is something wrong right now. so the fact that they are still letting him carry on, i don't blame him for that portion of it. i do think it's fascinating that him and nancy pelosi that the truth is finally out. acknowledging now we pretty much had that story a couple of weeks ago. it was like okay, people are showing him some polls. they are the wrong polls. his team was showing him polls that were favorable to him. and other people said they quote to show him these polls and eventually they did. and people one by one, including nancy pelosi and chuck schumer went to the president and said, look, you are killing us. if you are the standard-bearer, we are all going to lose. and that will suck, essentially is what they were saying. and that will be your legacy. but yesterday, on the cbs show he said, you know what? i want my legacy to be? this. >> how do you want history to
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remember president biden? >> that he proved democracy can work. got us out of a pandemic. it produced the single greatest economic recovery in american history. we're in the most powerful economy in the world. we have more to do. and it demonstrated that we can pull the nation together. look, i have always believed and i still do the american people are good and decent. they are honorable people. when i announce my candidacy to run way back, for president, i said we got to do three things, restore the soul of america. build the economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down and bring the country together. >> lawrence: i mean, if the country is together. >> steve: we're in trouble. >> lawrence: what is really together then? >> ainsley: i don't think -- i think they are glad he is out of the way. i don't think they are being honest with him now. they don't care anymore. he is gone. they are focused on kamala.
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when he talks about wanting to be known for the economy. we all know what it is like to go to the grocery store. >> steve: we feel it. >> ainsley: we know what it is like to buy a house. we can't, interest rates are too high. we want them to go back down. comparison joe biden and trump. >> ainsley: increase in prices look how much it was under those two. more than 19%. credit card debt, 1.14 trillion. compared with 820 billion under donald trump. >> steve: so, to that point, the big thing that -- and we have been talking about this for a year, the big two issues for the democrats and the production, who is best on the economy, and the border as well. and we're going to talk a little bit about the pivot on the border. but, it's interesting, what she has got to do. she has got to convince people that she dual a better job than donald trump did. but, you look at the numbers, and it's like well things were better. are you better off today than
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you were four years ago? the polling, 79% of republicans think that trump did a better job. not surprising. but, only 48%, less than a majority of democrats think that they would be better off if harris wins. so, in other words, the people she needs to vote for her think somebody else would do a better job. >> brian: president of the united states, was there an infant sleeping in the room next door? speak up. are we keeping you up? just show a little bit of verb number one, number two, kamala harris has done the impossible. she is preend iting she was not with him. she is taking the president's issues and making them their own. i'm surprise she'd didn't end the last speech with i'm going to build the wall no longer going to tax tip. this guy made inflation she was by his side every single decision take responsibility for it. we're not going to tax tips. day one take in inflation.
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it is the problem. i hope the american people are smart enough to know that she can't possibly mean what she says. because, if she continues to say this, as if she has not been vice president for four years, bragging about she was here every step of the way i think that the voter is smarter than that, judging by some recent poll movement, maybe they are not yet. maybe they're buying some of the rhetoric, when she came back and said i'm going to tell a bunch of nevada. when she told a nevada audience mostly hospitality workers according to the stats that i'm not going to tax tips. she did that unabashedly as if the american people don't know what came from. they didn't talk about it. come on. >> lawrence: why haven't you guys implemented that into law already? she is pulling up to hangers now with ayers air force 1 behind her as if we don't know who created that type of movement with rallies and all. the question is if she believes what joe biden is saying that she created the best economy ever? why isn't she running on that? why isn't she doing interviews
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the economy is roaring and interview behind it. >> steve: great dorance session to times we have been at diners over the last couple of months where have you told us how the biden-harris economy impacted you. was it a good thing? watch. >> the economy really matters. going down the drain the past few years and really love to see that back on track. >> i'm retired teacher, and inflation is just -- it's taking everything i've got. >> life is getting really expensive. and a lot of areas in our life we're having to cut back, entertainment, food, travel. >> i'm so anxious. i go to every grocery store in anxiety because all the prices are like 20 to 40% higher. >> ainsley: what is scary about this rejection is a lot of people might just vote for her because they are energized by someone new. a fresh face. but they might not know these issues. yesterday we were in a strawrnt having lunch, and we were asking the waitress if she knew about
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if she is for no tax on tips? she said oh,yeah, and both candidates are saying it. both candidates are both saying this. we were like but donald trump said it first and she is stealing it from him. can you really trust that she is going to do this? >> steve: do you know why she did it in nevada because the day before she got the endorsement of the culinary workers union on friday. and one of their things was we would like to see you say no tax on tips. >> ainsley: then she goes to nevada. >> steve: and she did. >> ainsley: nevada tips are so important in las vegas. >> lawrence: they are not the only. biden talking about insulin prices set in place by donald trump. they walked it over the finish line. taken credit for the funding of nato. that was started by donald trump as well. just because they started to send the checks in after he left office, you don't get to claim all the credit for that issue after issue. brian lawrence up to donald trump to outline that. >> lawrence: make the case. >> brian: don't come out and talk about crowd size and things
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like this. here are the 20 questions that kamala harris should be asking. should be asked. and number two these are the things that i have done that i will do again there stack record here over three and a half years of them choosing not to do it. >> ainsley: look who she chose as a vp. look at his voting record and her voting record. that is how they vote. don't buy into this flip-flopping all of the sudden. now she is for fracking. >> steve: speaking of flip-flopping. >> brian: and j.d. vance did fantastic over the weekend on three national shows. vice president harris testing the waters on changing her border messaging while in arizona. >> ainsley: the vice president is promising a crack down on illegal immigration now, despite the migrant surge under her and under president biden's administration. >> lawrence: madeleine rivera is live in washington with the latest. hey, made. >> madeleine: hey, guys, good morning. kamala harris knows immigration is one of the biggest
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vulnerabilities. after being criticized by republicans over her record, she is trying to flip the script. >> so i was attorney general of a border state. i went after the transnational gangs, the drug cartels, and human traffickers. you had a chance to pass the toughest bipartisan border security bill in decades. but, when i am president, i will sign the bill. >> madeleine: the number of illegal border crossings are up 140% compared to former president trump's first term in office. it's one of the top issues for voters in battleground states ranking just below the economy. harris' pivot to the center is in sharp contrast to her position in 2019. at one of the debates during the democratic primary, harris was among those who raised her hand when asked by the moderators which candidate supported changing illegal entries to a civil offense rather than a criminal offense. yet, she has tried to go on the offense on the issue. unrolling a new ad calling tougher which leads into her record as a prosecutor.
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trump's running mate j.d. vance is in texas visiting san antonio and houston where is he expected to pit harris' record on the border. >> brian: thanks, made. the former 39 of the united states is going to talk to elon musk on twitter. >> ainsley: 8:00. >> brian: pretty interesting. i'm amazed what is going on. bipartisan bill put farad by senator lankford, murphy and sinema. they should have passed that. i listened to lankford over the weekend one of the things he made a mistake on is not more people. in we released this thing no. one could read it. and quickly reacted to it. i should have had a bigger tent when i was going through it. number one, first and foremost, they started with an immigration reform bill which was not worth the paper it was printed on. but having said that that they had the house, senate and presidency. they never put it up for a vote. that's schumer and that's the former speaker, pelosi. and this other thing, the bipartisan bill. i like to ask her one thing. what's in it?
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she probably has no idea what is in the bipartisan bill. that doesn't account for the 8 million already here under her watch. illegally. she is from a sanctuary state. >> ainsley: she is trying to flip this border issue. let me tell you what she said in the past or voted. reimagine ice and police. decriminalize illegal border crossers. free housing and healthcare and he would occasion for illegals. she said don't say the phrase "illegal aliens." then tim walz her running mate made minnesota sanctuary state. signed legislation for taxpayers in his state to pay for illegals healthcare and tuition and gave them drivers licenses. he wants to invest in the ladder factory to give illegals ladders to climb over donald trump's border wall. >> lawrence: ainsley, you laid out the positions she has. partly of the reason why she hasn't given a news interview she is going to be pressed if the press want to do their job. press on those issues. here is a little bit more of her policies on illegal immigration. watch. >> i think there is no question that we have got critically
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re-examine ice and its role and the way that it is being administered and the work it is doing. >> so you support giving universal healthcare, medicare for all to people in this country illegally? >> i am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education, or public health. >> let me just be very clear. we have to have a secure border, but i am in favor of saying that we are not going to treat people who are undocumented who cross the border as criminals. >> steve: so, when she said those things a couple of years ago, she has been pummeled not only when she was running as president of the united states but pummeled all along by republicans as well now she is trying to neutralize the issue. they said you got flip flop on everything. >> lawrence: she is straight up lying. >> steve: maddy talked about the new ad that started over the weekend. when she was in arizona she tested the message. it's completely different. she says, you know, i was the
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attorney general of a border state. and i'm going to fight for strong border security. and as brian mentioned. she is going to talk about how. when she is elected president, she will sign that bipartisan border bill that lankford worked on. what she is not addressing, and this is going to be, you know, achilles heel for her. she is not talking about the people who are already in the united states. donald trump is doing that the other thing that's going to be a problem for her is as the temperature gets a little cooler, if the migrant numbers go up, that's going to be reported and that's bad for her. >> lawrence: she did say in the speech that she wanted a pathway. she said she wanted border security and a pathway to citizenship. >> steve: what does that mean? >> brian: pathway to citizenship and voting. >> ainsley: driver's license for everybody. >> brian: when people say she doesn't have to sit down for interview, that's beltway stuff. you understand, we're the go between for the voters. we have to ask the question the voters want to ask. she is not doing town halls
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where she asks the voters questions. she is not explaining herself. she hasn't put up her policies on the website. it's not inside the beltway thing to give interviews for james carville has said. there is a push to have interviews to explain exactly what she exactly means about reversing everything she has done. >> steve: right, but the peril is she has to explain why she reversed everything she has done. item in politico today that talk as little bit about her communications team, you know, the conventional wisdom is big interviews. that's good. but the communications team doesn't think that that's going to appeal to or catch the notice of swing state voters. so it's like when she was interviewed by lester holt. that was a disaster. why introduce that jeopardy. >> ainsley: if i were donald trump, stick to the issues and roll out a bunch of ads with all these things that she said. >> brian: so much word salads waiting to be edited. >> ainsley: please are searching for the person suspected of stabbing a migrant outside a shelter on new york's randles
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island. the victim a 26-year-old resident of the shelter is in stable condition. >> brian: lines where the kids used to play. >> ainsley: latest violent incident. a woman was shot and killed outs the shelter last month. projecting police to search for dangerous contraband. look at this, a luxury yacht sinking off the coast of a spanish island. yikes, that's going to be expensive. five people, including one child were rescued from the yacht by a private boat before rescuers could arivment the yacht is reportedly valued at almost $900,000. it ended up completely out of the water. spanish authorities have not said what caused that yacht to sink. and football legend tom brady putting in a test run ahead of his fox sports broadcast debut. the seven time super bowl champ quarterback suited up and he hit the field before kick-off for the cowboys vs. rams preseason game yesterday. brady's actual broadcasting debut comes on september 8th for the cowboys-browns week one season opener on fox.
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>> steve: excellent. >> brian: everything has got to be easier than the rops he went through. >> ainsley: lawrence, what do you think? he looks great. >> brian: i think he is going to be great. he was going to ufl games practicing. >> lawrence: is he a brilliant sports mind so i know is he going to crush it. >> steve: once again he is proof that fox has the best conch in the bills. >> brian: he will is getting taller. >> ainsley: is he cute. you like that,. >> lawrence: ainsley has made it the entire tease. >> ainsley: i don't know what we're talking about but i was watching. >> brian: he could actually sell men's beauty care products. right? >> ainsley: he actually could. >> brian: is he more handsome than david beckham. >> ainsley: different looks. totally different looks. >> brian: sock e football. ains app. >> ainsley: one is at that timed up, different look. one is wild guy, the other is the marrying type. >> brian: we will see. i watched both documentaries.
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white house reaching a new tipping point italicsed. >> when i ghetto office, we are not going to charge taxes on tips. >> when i am president, we will continue our fight for working families of america. and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. >> steve: money man on the irony of copying no tax on tips. >> steve: by the way, is he a good tipper ♪ i'm coming outuc ♪ skgo you better get it party started. ♪
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xfinity internet customers can enjoy the ultimate entertainment experience and save on some of the biggest names in streaming, all for just $15 a month. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. come in as little as 24 hours. continue to follow developments out of the region and despite many guesses of when this iranian action might take place. officials appear more confident we are reaching our zero. overnight israel's defense minister, gallant spoke with his counterpart u.s. secretary of
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defense lloyd austin for the 7th time in recent days. the pair discussed israel's preparedness and redness amid the rising threats middle east. iran currently conducting training exercises and issued a notice to airmen all indications they could be moving forward this week. overnight iran's largest proxy hezbollah did fire 30 of those cush rockets into northern israel. we could hear the explosions from here as some of the fire was intercepted by israel's missile defense system, the iron dome. that fire may have been the response to an israeli strike on sunday in the lebanese port city of is he don't that reportedly killed to israeli operatives. fighting continues along the border. on thursday there is set to be a major meeting in the region. including the egyptians, go tarries and the americans trying to hammer thought gaza. analysts who he is could give the entire region off ramp to rising tension.
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>> steve: president biden sat down for first interview since ending re-election campaign. now is he focused on his legacy. >> how do you want history to remember president biden? >> it produced the single greatest economic recovery in american history. we are in the most powerful economy in the world. >> steve: okay. well, last time we checked, joe biden's economy has had record wage depreciation, soaring prices, and trillions in credit card debt. i don't think that's exactly what he was talking about. let's break it all down right now with making money host charles payne. charles, he sounds like he thinks he did a great job. >> charles: he does. what is really amazing to me is we have had the greatest economy in the world since late 1800s, the key is we want to keep it. why do you keep running against america? why do you keep dissing the american system that made us the greatest economy in the world? why do you want to dismantle it which is essentially what he now
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and kamala harris is running on. >> the recovery as far as the recovery is concerned. we had amy part of a lot of the jobs were jobs that were lost because of the pandemic. those were replaced. by the way, we had the shortest recession in history under president trump during the pandemic we came back. everyone was baffled how we did it. real legacy is bringing inflation back. inflation is something gone four decades. no economists really ever expected us to be dealing with an inflation inner to this degree. that's the true sad legacy. >> steve: part of it was washington flooded the world with so much cash. that's why our interest rates went up through the roof. in the meantime, you were talking a little bit about donald trump. donald trump a couple of weeks ago announced no tax on tips. and kamala harris stealing the page from his playbook, here she is. she thinks that's a great idea. watch. >> minimum wage and eliminate
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taxes on tips for service ands who pay title workers. >> when i get to office. >> there will be no taxes on tips no. taxes on tips. >> it's called no tax on tips, no tax on tips. [cheers] no tax on tips i'm also doing no tax on tips. no tax on tips. >> steve: it it was his idea. >> charles: someone tested this somewhere. someone said it's resonating pretty good. why don't you just use it. because the rest of the media, outside of fox won't report it. and so, by the way we already talked extensively about this new image of kamala harris, i know, from fracking to ownership of weapons and open borders and all these things. the fact that she picked a governor from minnesota who has run out -- if you look at net migration in florida under this
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governorship, every income category from 50,000 up has been net leaving. they have left that state. they don't want to stay there. and that is just a microcosm that people need to reimagine of a nation, you know, that will be under these policies. they believe in really socialist-like policies. there is no doubt about it. repackaging and image is one thing. reality is another. i just hope people don't get too fooled by some of these things. because, it's a scary moment. it really really is a scary moment. >> steve: the reality is charles has got a really long day. not only is here at 6:30 eastern time he is going to be co-hosting outnumbered at noon and of course watch his show "making money" which we all want to do 2:00. >> charles: these days we want to save it. preserving money. >> steve: meanwhile kamala harris, as we have been discussing trying to pivot on the border. the next guest has seen the
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effects of migration. sheriff mark lamb coming in for duty next. ♪ere
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. we are tracking potential ernesto which will become a tropical storm we think later on today. right now 30 minor winds. the storm is expected to slowly strengthen, moving through the caribbean here. puerto rico, you need to watch for this. potentially dealing with almost a hurricane. here are the latest spaghetti models the track that make up cone of uncertainty. the good news is we don'tment puerto rico to get a bad storm but it curves northward and goes away from the u.s.; however, bermuda needs to watch the track of ernesto which will probably become ernesto later on this afternoon. we will keep you up to date. forecast scatsd terred showers and thunderstorms for the four corners up towards the northwest. heavy rainfall for parts of the midwest. the plain states, and across the ohio river valley. so we will watch this.
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otherwise, you know, not a bad forecast. and temperatures are quite nice here in new york city. we will take it right, lawrence? >> lawrence: we are finally getting a break, j.d. >> janice: feels like it. >> lawrence: no more flight changes. >> janice: fingers crossed. i can't help with that, you know that. >> lawrence: so kamala harris testing the waters on changing her immigration messaging to border state voters. watch. >> so i was attorney general of a border state. i went after the transnational gangs. the drug cartels beings and human traffickers. weave know our immigration system is broken. and we know what it takes to fix it. that includes. [cheers] strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship. [cheers] >> harris: had a chance to pass the toughest bipartisan border security bill in decades. but, when i am president, i will sign the bill.
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>> lawrence: here to react is pinal county sheriff mark lamb. sheriff, let's go through some of her record before she had this wake-up call. she supported all undocumented migrants and said they are not criminal. she said we must re-examine ice and its role meaning defund it. we must fundamentally overall our immigration enforcement practice they are cruel and out of control. so, do you think voters will be tricked into believing this new kamala harris? >> well, i think there is always going to be some level of voters that are going to be tricked into it clearly. because every poll shows you can run the worst poll in the world and still always 30% who like it. yeah, there are going to be people who are tricked. hopefully the majority of the voters certainly here in arizona, know that this administration, to include kamala harris as the border czar, have done a horrible job on so many levels, especially at the southern border. and i wouldn't be bragging about what she did in california.
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if there is one place that is almost as bad as the federal government is, it's california. they have failed in everything as well. so, this -- we can't expect that she is going to do any better than what she has already done and what she has done is terrible. >> lawrence: mark, you have been on the border for a while. you have been a sheriff for a while. covering this issue for a while, what do you think republicans need to do differently to highlight this issue? because i do worry about the voters buying, okay, maybe she is a moderate on their? what did k. they do to make it very clear to the american people that she is a radical when it comes to the border? >> >> you know, what americans need to know is how does it effect their daily life? they need to talk about the economic impact which which is driving some of the higher prices we have in this country. there is housing, people getting $2,200 checks or over $2,000 checks while people on social security are not getting that
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money or homeless veterans are on our streets and not getting free housing like some of these illegals are. i would certainly hit on that. but i would definitely hit on the crimes like the laken riley, like the rachel morris, the jocelyn i would also focus heavily on fentanyl. leading cause of death in america ages 18-45. they are killing over 100,000 americans a year. i would really hammer home on those things as republicans. it r resonates. running for senate i wasn't successful. i was successful in that's in messaging it. hits home. people get it. they don't want to hear that they want ochange. kamala is not going to the change the american people are looking for. >> lawrence: mark, you may not have been successful i know at love people rooting for you. part of it is you clearly made the case. there is a criminal aspect to the border security. there is a health and safety
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aspect to it. and there is also an economic impact. you just made it for our audience, thank you so much for joining the program this morning. >> thank you, lawrence, always good see you. >> lawrence: you too, brother. so a bearded prince william and kate middleton release a rare video message. that and more in your trending stories. that's next. ♪ a little pill with a ♪ ♪ big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seeee, ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur.
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♪ ♪ >> ainsley: former president trump is set to sit down for a major interview with tesla and x ceo elon musk today. the partnership upsetting the hollywood elites rallying around kamala harris as the long running rivalry between entertainment and silicone valley enters a new era. tech pioneer and former obama fundraiser allison huynh. good morning to you, allison. >> good morning, ainsley. >> ainsley: why do you think some people, very wealthy people in silicon vool supporting donald trump but you have hollywood supporting kamala. why? >> i think this is another narrative of us vs. them and the new republican party always about unification, right? especially under trump and also with elon musk. you think about it.
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hollywood dreams of these big ideas and silicon valley makes it a reality robotics with cp 30. ai. and augmented reality with minority report. spinner cars. electric cars. flying cars. so we have a great collaboration together. and i know elon musk personally. i have been on vacation with him. is he one of the nicest people i have ever met. he gave up his bedroom on a private plane for me and my daughter. he could have thought that i was just a nanny. i'm a silicon valley soccer mom. answered sat at the back of the plane with the staff and gave that bedroom to me. and every day on our vacation, we got to know each other. he woke up in the morning. he was the first one to wake up. he was the last one to go to sleep. he made these dreams a reality. and he actually played chess with my daughter every morning,
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the first two times she cried because he never let her win. he doesn't see a difference between black white, male, female. look at the record. ceo of twitter. it ceo of spacex. he wants parents to have the same rights as transectionial children. i do believe donald trump is the same way who i have dined with several times. i have another story about donald trump and i'm very excited about this mash up, this interview. i was there with one of my best friends and she looks almost like letitia james. and he treated us very nicely during the middle of his trial. so, i'm very excited about this mash up. >> ainsley: great stories, allison, thank you so much for being on with us. we are excited for this
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interview. donald trump and elon musk sitting down tonight at 8:00 on x. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> ainsley: it's time now to get social turn to carley shimkus who has a few trending stories. >> a video going viral on social media. prince and princess of wales are teaming up with snoop dogg in a video congratulating the athletes of the paris olympics. prince william sporting a brand new beard and joined by wife and other british celebrities letting the athletes know they have been an inspiration to us all. he and kate are off duty for the rest of the month as they spend jacobs time with their children. next, face of this denim brand of the 80's. >> do you want to know what comes between me and my calvins? nothing. >> carley: turns out a whole lot of cash between brook shields and calvins. auctioning off a pair of calvin klein jeans she wore in iconic
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ad. bidding star here is a story evy parent can relate to hillary did you have's husband sharing this photo of their 3-month-old daughter crying while mom was away. musician matthew cuomo posting on instagram quote got this totally under control. hillary did you have don't think for a second we are missing you. dad likely had it at least somewhat under control because the couple have four kids in total. so it is not his first rodeo, guys. >> steve: carley, he posted that picture of the baby screaming? >> carley: yeah. >> steve: why would he do that? >> carley: is he like hillary, i need some help. come back home, please. car. >> ainsley: saying mom you do a better job. >> they cry when they want to. >> lawrence: hillary did you have is probably one of the few wholesome disney stars. >> carley: i love her she is so cute. >> brian: i don't know who she is. was she a muppet?
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>> carley: liddy maguire. >> steve: she was on this show with her sister. >> ainsley: in a movie my daughter loves where they have a million kids. cheaper by the dozen? >> carley: exactly right. >> brian: with steve martin. >> lawrence: can i get us to the next hour, brian? more "fox & friends" ahead. >> brian: i'll wait here ♪ leading strategists like us. when you want to invest with more confidence... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away.
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