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tv   America Reports  FOX News  August 12, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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>> aishah: the white house expected to take questions any moment now as the pentagon is sending a guided missile submarine to the middle east. we are told president biden just got off the phone with our allies but we do not expect to see him for the rest of the day. it has now been 22 days since vice president kamala harris became the presumptive nominee and still not a single formal interview. hello and welcome. i'm aishah hasnie in washington. spewing great to see you. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. john and sandra are off and this is b5. harris may not be giving interviews but she is still getting glowing covers. time magazine devoting its newest issue to the vp calling this "her moment." >> aishah: the time journalists writing "harris has pulled off the swiftness vibe shift in modern political
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history." whatever that means. senator cory booker has said that she has gone from being a paddle wand to a jedi master. i'm not sure what that means. spewing me either. they are equating her energy to taylor swift tour. let's say what it is. these have transcended politics and gotten into popular culture. we have people talking about these things like they are rock shows. like they are taylor swift events. >> aishah: can vibes alone get you to the white house? we will ask byron york coming up. >> trace: live to peter doocy on the north lawn at the white house. >> ahead of this briefing we know that president biden and has national security staffers have been spending time in the west wing since the president got back from his beach out this morning trying to figure out what iran is planning. john kirby held a foam briefing a little while ago.
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he said the united states has the same concerns about possibly significant attacks from iran and the proxies on israel that the israelis have. this is also going to be the first time that the white house officials have come before the cameras sense president biden admitted in an interview that ran yesterday on cbs that nancy pelosi's pressure had a lot to do with him dropping out of the race. he said if he stayed and you would be interviewing me about why did nancy pelosi say xyz and why did so-and-so and he thought it would be a real distraction number one. something else that is coming into focus right now. as kamala harris tries to establish herself as the top of the ticket, there appeared to be some big differences on policy especially with immigration. because the harris for president campaign has this new ad out where they are promising if she is elected she will hire more border security or more
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border patrol agents. we heard from her that the border was secure and if she thinks they need more border patrol agents, that is a very not subtle suggestion that what is happening at the border right now under the banner of president biden's administration is not working. we will see what we hear about any of that here in a few minutes. >> trace: has anyone reminded her she is in office and could do something about that? >> when we see her we will reminder. >> trace: thank you. >> aishah: two democrats have control of the summit. let's bring in byron york. i know you can't wait to talk to me about the vibes today. first of all, how are your vibes? >> i'm great if you're glad to be here. >> aishah: can you believe in 2024 we have "time" magazine. let's put it up on screen. has kamala harris on the cover and yet not a single quotes from
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her because she has not done an interview yet and yet we are talking about the vibes. >> there's an interesting ride in that story which says that harris specifically refused an interview request from "time" magazine. and she still gets this very glowing coverage which is a real lesson if you are trying to understand this from the point of the harris campaign which is she is getting glowing celebratory news coverage all over the place. her polls are going up. joe biden was trailing former president trump nationally and in the swing states and harris has reversed that for the moment at least. polls are going up, celebratory news coverage, all by not outlining any of her policy positions. >> aishah: because the campaign doesn't feel like they have to. >> it's working. if all of that started to reverse itself, if she started sliding in the polls and people started expressing doubts about her, democrats did, then she might start talking but right now everything seems to be
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working. >> aishah: it's working but perhaps because she has not done an interview yet and that's why they are delaying. she's also getting a pass on policy or at least politico called her out on all of the flip-flopping and recent dates but here's a quote from "the new york times" on her border policy. they say harris hopes a new playbook will neutralize it g.o.p. attacks on immigration and no other democratic nominee has taken a position this tough on border security sense bill clinton. but again we are seeing a major face from a major candidate. >> i had to laugh at that one. she has been the vice president since january 2021. she was given a big role to play in the issue of border and immigration and we have seen in 2021, 2022, 2023, and in 2024, more than 10 million illegal border crossers coming into the united states and millions of them be allowed to stay in part
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drawn by the magnet of harris biden border policies. she is literally responsible for this. for her to come out and say i am now going to be tough on border security, it is laughable and it frustrates republicans and the question i guess i have is does it violate some sort of political law of gravity? if you are so indelibly associated with one policy, can you just snap your fingers and to be the opposite? i don't think she can but i could be wrong. >> aishah: you write that she cannot flip the script at least on the border. why not? >> it is such a big deal. she is so indelibly associated with the administration's record on that and by the way if you don't believe she really believes what the administration is doing, look at her run for president in 2019 when she wanted to decriminalize illegal border crossers peered when she was in favor of loosening every
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border restriction possible thef getting rid of donald trump's remain in mexico policy. the single most important policy reducing crossings at the border. >> aishah: the sound bites are insane. we should keep playing them over and over again from 2019. "the new york times" and times magazine should talk about that. thank you very much for joining us. >> trace: the biden administration, the biden-harris administration has launched a brand-new effort. it's a live look at the white house paired karine jean-pierre is at the podium. when we get to a question from peter doocy or something relevant we will deafen but to the crackdowns, they are dubbing this eating up inflation and all the rest of that stuff. time is money initiative. a lot of stuff the biden administration is talking about. fox businesses edward lorenz is live on the north lawn with that. what is the planned here exactly? >> this will be a crackdown on companies for unnecessary paperwork, longer hold times,
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and general aggravation. president joe biden says it is on purpose and part of the business model to discourage people from getting a rebate or a refund or canceling ace obstruction or membership. the plan lacks a lot of specifics and vice president harris sang over the weekend companies are to blame for inflation. acknowledging prices remain too high economist and trump advisor steve moore says this white house is to blame. >> let's make sure everyone understands why we have the 20% increase in prices in three and a half years and it all circles right back to the massive spending spree. something like $5 trillion by joe biden and all of that money in the economy causes inflation. it's not complicated. you need to get the budget under control and trump will do that. >> the fact remains that when the biden-harris administration started instituting the policies, inflation spiked. three and a half years later the rise in prices still above what the federal reserve wants to
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see. the vice president giving no specifics on how she would fix that. >> we believe in a future where we lower the cost-of-living for america's families so they have a chance not just to get by but to get ahead. unlike donald trump, i will always, i promise you, but the middle class and working families first. >> your member vice president harris has been part of this administration for three and a half years. about three years of that they have been saying prices are too high and they were working on lowering costs for a small group of people. they just need more time. back to you. >> trace: life for us at the white house, edward, thank you. >> what is your message to iran? or what is your message to iran? >> aishah: don't, he said. that was a president on saturday with a warning to iran, but we
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are on high alert this monday afternoon for a potential attack on israel. we will get the latest from the white house. that briefing just started. >> trace: new fears for border agents amid reports cartels were using drones to drop explosives on their rivals near the border. retired special agent was killed by cartel members and he is here to weigh in on that. >> aishah: a man is recovering after he was stabbed outside of a new york city migrate center. alexis mcadams is live near the scene on randall's island. alexis. >> we are talking about stabbings, shootings, and stolen property found inside of the city's largest migrant center. there is no tense popping up. that's not all peered we have new information coming out of a case on coney island. all of that coming up next.
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speak to the nypd is searching for a suspect accused of stabbing a man outside of a migrant central two weeks ago. there was a deadly shooting outside of the same shelter and people in the area say they are worried about their safety. alexis mcadams is outside of the shelter on new york city's to but we are learning about a recent attack and call me island. what happened there? >> a lot happening here in the past day or so with migrant crime across new york city. and nypd source confirming moments ago that a migrant from nicaragua actually raped a woman yesterday. push her to the ground and sexually assaulted her peered working to get his mug shot. but we are when going to show you what's happening out here with another incident. this is a stabbing outside of the city's largest migrant center. we can see what we are looking
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at there. that's a 26-year-old man that was stabbed in the stomach here in the city's largest migrant shelter in a few weeks ago a migrant woman was shot and killed out here near randall's island. two other migrants were also shot but they survived. now outside of the city shelter tents are also popping up despite city warnings that those are not allowed. they housed many of the migrants that are supposed to get out after their stay is up after 30 days peered we asked them what they are doing. >> sorry to bother you. are you guys -- technically you are not supposed to sleep here right? are you afraid he will get in trouble? >> he said not today, princess. earlier the department spent hours searching for guns and drugs following the deadly shooting dozens of stolen mopeds. they are doing their best to
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tackle crime in the shelters. >> we have metal detectors, we have done an initiative in these locations to look for weapons and other dangerous instruments peered we will continue to do that. >> just to set this up for people at home that are wondering where is randall's island. it is 20 minutes outside of manhattan. it is supposed to be for recreational use like for soccer fields and softball fields for kids but now it is kind of covered intents like this and migrants all over. police say they are doing their best to keep things under control. >> aishah: when i lived in manhattan it was used for concerts. it's come a long white beard alexis mcadams, live for us on randall's island. thank you. >> trace: thank you for coming on. i want to put this guy's picture up. 22 years old and i think it is interesting because this is a symptom of a bigger problem here. look at the record. venezuelan national suspected
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gang ties released by the border patrol january 2023 arrested for random attacks on three strangers and two cops are arrested, released six times peered 14 different charges including assault, menacing criminal possession of a weapon and the question is, they can't deport this guy and how more people like this are actually running around this country? the answer is we don't know. >> not only do we not know the actual number, but this is occurring on a daily basis all across the country. people our president in this country and they continue to commit property crimes. sexual assaults and violent crimes. against our citizens and against our children. don't forget the fence and all that they continue to die from the fentanyl poisonings. this is on top of the crime surge that already exists to begin with and as i go around talking to a lot of police chiefs and sheriffs across the
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country, they are overwhelmed because they do not have additional resources. they do not have additional police officers to absorb the crime that is happening in the communities. >> trace: it is not just the police chiefs and sheriffs. it goes all the way to the top. the fbi director, how many times has he come before congress and said this is our biggest problem right now. we do not know what happens to these people, where they are, and we know they pose a serious threat to this country and yet there does not seem to be any urgency. >> i tell you, the urgency, i live it every day and it's very upsetting and frustrating that this administration will do nothing about it because there is always time, there's always opportunity and solutions. i have a solution, tom homan has a solution. we have solutions to bring forward to stop this how. let's look at the core issues. look at the cartels, look at mexico, look at a lot of the reasons why we are encountering this at our footstep here in
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georgia, and denver, all across the country and it can be fixed. it's just that it's very frustrating that we don't see the movement or the will of this administration to what you just said about public safety. this is about protecting our community and the bigger picture of course is national security. >> trace: what did you think, victor, about the cartel drones. "the new york post" has hundreds of suspected cartel drones, some with explosives are flying near the southern border. it goes on to say members of the notorious sinaloa cartel are using drones to drop explosives on independent rival cartels as part of an ongoing conflict in soya mexico and turning to an internal bulletin circulated by the border patrol. the small town of sonoma sits close to the u.s.-mexico border. this is now weaponizing the cartels. >> it's is a reminder to people
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to understand that they are terrorist organizations. they do terrorist activities and should be designated as foreign terrorist organizations and there is a big conflict going on right now within the sinaloa cartel after the arrest a week and a half ago. there's a lot of instability going on and a lot of violence because of that within their own system, within their own organization and they are capable of bombings, of car bombs, of drone bombs just like any other terrorist organization. this is where we need to go forward and advance because the cartels have moved forward and we are not attacking them at the capacity that we can and do and we should. it is way overdue because they have not only taken care of and done a lot of devastating death and mexico but a lot of it is in our own country peered a lot of the violence has leaked back and ties to the cartel organizations.
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>> trace: and they have made billions of dollars human trafficking people across the border. those cartels, it has given them a lot of money to reinforce their troops and their weapons. victor, thank you for coming on. we appreciate it. >> thank you trace. his speech at white house press secretary karine jean-pierre taking questions right now at the daily briefing. we are watching it and we have eyes on it. we will bring a breaking news from it as soon as something comes out. >> trace: in the meantime hezbollah as launching strikes on israel and the growing fear that iran they launch an attack as well. we are going to break down the latest escalation in the middle east. that is next. >> they should be very wary of president trump coming back in because he will bring deterrence back into the region. the effects can seem like magic.
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>> trace: a live look now on the left-hand side of the screen. the white house taking questions at the press briefing. growing concern that iran could launch a direct attack on israel at any time for u.s. officials telling fox that iran may have waited for this year's olympics to close before the attack. robert greenway is here to talk about that. the escalation in the middle east but first to lucas tomlinson who is live at the pentagon with the very latest. lucas. >> good afternoon. that's right. officials here at the pentagon and the white house say that iran and its proxies could launch the attack, this major attack on israel at any time. the u.s. intelligence has seen iran moving missiles and drones into a position to strike very similar to what we saw in april earlier john kirby said that strike could happen at any moment. >> we share the same concerns and expectations that our israeli counterparts have with respect to potential timing here. could be this week but we have
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to be prepared for what could be a significant set of attacks. >> defense secretary lloyd austin spoke to his israeli counterpart and ordered the uss abraham lincoln strike group in the pacific far away from the middle east right now at least a week away to increase terns and ex bite her transit along with the group to take station within striking distance of iran. he ordered the uss georgia to move into firing range. it's been working in the eastern mediterranean and the coming days and marines are on board. the ballistic summary and has over 150 tomahawk cruise missiles with a max range of 1500 miles also within striking range of iran and the hezbollah targets in lebanon. the pentagon says these reinforcements are meant as a warning to iran. >> are we trying to send a message? absolutely. we are looking to de-escalate the situation that we are
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looking to have capabilities in the region to protect our forces while also support the defense of israel. >> as part of that deterrence, there are f-35 stealth fighter jets that will complement the raptors that recently arrived. >> trace: lucas tomlinson alive at the pentagon. we will get back to you as the news warrants. >> aishah: let's bring bring an robert greenway former senior director of the national security council until officer and director of center for national defense at the heritage foundation. good to see you. thank you for coming in. at this moment a very serious one. they are telling fox news is trey yingst overseas that iran could attack in the next 24 hours at the very earliest. obviously the white house john kirby saying today they are preparing for all sorts of different things that could happen here. what is your expectation in this
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moment right now of what iran might do. what might the retaliation look like and how likely is it that it would happen this week? >> thank you for having me. miscalculation is a high probability here and i think we have lost deterrence that got us to this point and it's also likely that it will lead to further escalation. iran and its proxies are attacked in iraq and syria and that is an indication that they don't judge the circumstance with restraint on their part. it is also difficult for them to walk back the statement after the assassination during a presidential inauguration. a public embarrassment and they judge the united states will not only not be involved but we will constrain israel and prevent significant cost imposed on iran's part. i think escalation is likely and i don't think we have the resources in place to prevent further escalation. >> aishah: let's talk about deterrence. if we could put up this map of u.s. assets sitting in the middle east. these are the ships, the naval
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assets all over the map here including the red sea and the mediterranean sea. are you saying this is not enough deterrence? >> the rundown was great and the map is helpful. since 1950 we have averaged 29,500 u.s. troops in this particular area of responsibility. we have somewhere around 45,000. iran recognizes that for a long time the u.s. had to carry her strikers and the arabian or persian gulf and we had 150,000 troops in iraq and afghanistan, both sides of their borders having invaded both countries after 9/11. that was sufficient to deter and that is what they expect 'the united states to be when we anticipate we have to act and respond and deter. what they are seeing now is a far less significant deployment of troops and they judge the will to use them is not there having just attacked in iraq and syria and continually attacking us in the red sea on a daily basis without the u.s. response. >> aishah: we are watching on one hand and on the other we are
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watching iran get closer and closer to nuclear weapons. seeing the nuclear program as a deterrent to u.s. aggression. how far do you think they can push the envelope and get away with it without bungling the nuclear advances? >> great question. i think their view is they can proceed all the weight to testing a device and the region, all of our partners and allies judge that the united states is allowing it to happen. more than that we are paying for it by not enforcing sanctions so the $100 billion additional revenue is fueling that. we are north of 7,000 centrifuges come over 60% and tested over 83% and now they are two weeks from enough you would enriched uranium for a testable device. if they do not test by the end of the year the only impediment is their incompetence, not our restrictions placed upon them. so i think it is a very real possibility and i don't think
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that they judge those are in hazzard yet. not for the united states. >> aishah: politics plays a big part in what iran does. we are in an election year and the dems do not want another war and they don't want gas prices to rise. accusations from the trump campaign that the irradiance could have hacked the campaign. there was the foiled assassination attempt that had some connection to iran. here's with the congressman from florida thinks is going on. >> they tried to hack his campaign or did hack his campaign this week. they are trying to kill him and we know from the intelligence committee iran does not want trump back. why? he held them accountable. >> aishah: is that made clear with how they are moving right now? all of the pieces that are moving? >> no question. a sign that we don't have deterrence. if they are continuing and preparations and planning we know from the unsealed indictment and arrests made their pursuing a campaign to
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target the former president and officials responsible for the assassination and the strike. but they are more worried that trump could return to power and a second administration will pursue a vastly different policy. we need to look at fall of 2020 when trump was in the oval office and we had assassinations take place inside of iran against senior al qaeda official and the head of the nuclear program and we were not talking about escalation. we weren't talking about conflict. >> aishah: a much different situation with a different administration. thank you for joining us. >> trace: disturbing new security footage of an attack on a jewish man in new york city. why the suspect is being charged with a hate crime. israeli special ops veteran reacts neck. must this. >> the ioc president will entrust the flag to the mayor of los angeles. host city of the next olympic games. >> aishah: and just like that the paris olympics coming to a
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close as the official flag now passed off to los angeles for the 2028 summer games. what can we expect to there? that is straight aheadi'. our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan, for up to 100 percent of your home■s value. if you need cash for your family call newdayusa. with automatic authority from the va we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call. $70,000. $70,000. that's a lot of money. if you're a veteran homeowner, that's how much you can take out at newday. pay off your high rate credit cards and costly car loans, make home improvements, and put extra cash in the bank with our lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. with home values high, now's the time to turn the equity in your home into the cash you need.
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>> aishah: listen to this. new york city prosecutors are treating yesterday's stabbing of a jewish man as a hate trying. watch on your screen you can watch it happen in real-time. the suspect yelled at free palestine and other anti-semitic slurs during the alleged attack. the nypd has been tracking an uptick in an anti-semitic crimes this year. live in new york city now, what are we learning about the man who has been arrested for this one? >> 22-year-old vincent sumter is in custody today and a $100,000 cash bail. he pleaded not guilty after the
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attack police are calling a hate crime. it happened at 2:00 a.m. on saturday morning on brooklyn. he faces attempted murder as a hate crime. you see him lunch at the victim with a knife right there. witnesses reportedly heard him yell free palestine and do you want to die? the victim says he asked sumter to leave and that's when he pulled out the knife and stabbed him in the stomach. >> it is horrendous. i think the issue here, beyond the anti-semitic rhetoric that we are hearing and the anti-semitic violence that we are seeing is a breakdown in societal breakdown. >> it's is not just anti-semitic rhetoric that is making jews feel unsafe appeared we saw the anti-israel protest on college campuses but look at this. comparing last month to july of last year, anti-jewish offenses are up 300%. that is according to the nypd.
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earlier this summer police say this man tried to hitting jewish people with his car. he is now charged with attempted murder as a hate crime as well. new york governor kathy hochul even considered a partial face mask ban on new york city subways after this disturbing moment in june. >> raise your hand if you are a zionist. raise your hand if you are a zionist! this is our chance to get out! >> police arrested the man leading that chant while this video is from the same day. you can see protesters vandalized a subway car. as for the attacks on the morning, the victim is stable and recovering after being sent to the hospital. sumter will appear in court next thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. back to you. >> aishah: life for us in new york, thank you nate. >> trace: let's bring an israeli special ops veteran aaron cohen who is the founder
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of cherry is a training program for law enforcement. great to have you on. picking up where nate left off there because you talk about what is happening in the middle east now. the headline here in "the new york times" is concerned about anti-semitism from democrats. it goes on for some jewish democrats heightened worries about anti-semitism which is an understatement and you have the cease-fire if this does not happen and the possibility of more military action in the north in lebanon and the possibility with iran. it will only make the situation in the united states worse. >> i think we are clearly seeing that the united states generals who are out there have failed and are failing to provide any kind of deterrent whatsoever to iran. iran is shifting gears and they are leading. why are they shifting gears? they are a terrorism breeding country. hezbollah, the hootie's, hamas.
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they will shift into guerrilla tactic and start using the cyber warfare appeared to the anti-semitism, here's where i am at with that. after nine months of systematic what i call the use and deployment of cultural warfare by the radical left, it is no surprise to me that progressive strongholds like new york have not just allowed at this anti-semitism flourish but have encouraged it to push those agendas. it's no surprise to me that you will have the type of anti-semitism that is brewing and escalates into violence and all of this is connected to iran which israel is at the forefront right now dealing with. >> trace: pentagon press secretary said this about the u.s. military posture in the middle east. >> are we trying to send a message? absolutely which is we are looking to de-escalate the situation. we are looking to have capabilities in the region to protect our forces while also supporting the defense of israel. we do not want to see this
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brought in into a wider regional conflict. >> trace: deterrence and de-escalation appears to maybe have worked a little bit but maybe it was because the olympics were on. we don't know. who knows what is happening here. we do know if this war in the north picks up again, the cease-fire is dead in the water. >> i'm with you. but i wouldn't be surprised if you see a potential attack by iran in the next 24 hours. it's very close to a religious day for the jews which falls into the same parameters that iran attacked last time. it will be hezbollah on the north. they have more proximity. but here's what i want to say to that sound bite. this deterrence is not working. iran is not intimidated. several missiles fell into open areas and there was not destruction. open areas of israel last night which means iran is the farthest thing from being deterred.
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i don't know if this general was sick the day that they taught counterterrorism and war college or if it was taught at his work college but iran is not deterred. talking to all of its partners in the region trying to get iran on their phone is not working. the u.s. needs a new strategy based on understanding that iran is focused on targeting the united states and disrupting these elections good we saw what happened with trump without disruption and that cyber attack. this stuff is real. >> trace: you talk about iran not being deterred and the united states. you mentioned the prime minister and netanyahu is not deterred. he appears to be very adamant about going after iran. >> he does not have the luxury to sit around and let the biden-harris administration scramble their partners in the region to try and get iran on the phone. he's all about action beards a wait you will about him, unpopularity, he understands
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that counterterrorism. he does not have the luxury to not be correct. look what happened on october 7th. when israel makes a mistake, people died. thousands can get killed. i would not be surprised if you saw some preemptive action in the next 24 hours. he's not playing around. thank you. >> aishah: movie daredevil tom cruise with a fitting entrance into the paris closing ceremonies as the olympics now had to hollywood appeared what we can expect when l.a. hosts the games in 2028. next.
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>> trace: moments ago peter doocy in the white house briefing room asking karine jean-pierre about president biden's relationship with nancy pelosi after the president admitted he was pressured by democrats to drop out of the race. >> how matt is president biden at nancy pelosi? >> you keep asking me this question and i think i've answered it multiple times. >> he is admitted for the first time in this interview that nancy pelosi was one of the democrats who squeezed them out
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of the race. she thought he would sink the whole ticket. so how matt is he at her for tht question marks because of the respects his good friend the former speaker of the house and i think it is mutual. she also gave interviews and i know you followed closely over the weekend. she made statements like preeminent president among the top few to have served in this office. i think it says a lot coming from the former speaker. >> so no hard feelings? >> he respects his good friend speaker pelosi peered >> i asked if there were hard feeling screwed >> no hard feelings pretty respects her. i think he respected her but i let the president speak for himself. >> trace: seems like she has stopped selling that. anytime you are in a hard interview, you don't just say people in this department or that department, you name names. you are not happy with a name that you named. >> aishah: also dodging a question about whether or not vp harris stole the idea about
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not taxing tips from former president trump. she said we will leave it to the campaign to answer that que question. >> trace: got it. >> aishah: watch this. the paris olympics are officially over after the closing ceremony and tom cruise pulling off a jaw-dropping strong right out of a hollywood movie as the olympic games head to l.a. we have the very latest. >> it is all over except for the admiring of all those metals. paris capped off a well-received olympic games with a spectacular closing ceremony last night at stein difference including the stunt by tom cruise, grabbing the olympic flame and motorcycling into the sunset. team usa ended up at the top of the metal board tying with china for 40 gold but beating them anl with a total of 146 metals.
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except for some preopening rail incidents outside of paris in which no one was hurt, feared tiered strikes and venues in the city did not materialize. the game were not without their controversy. team usa is appealing a decision that stripped jordan childs of a bronze medal over a techn technicality. despite gender eligibility attacks, algerian monica immokalee if and when you tang both won gold in women's boxing categories. and then there was or was not the last supper parity in the opening ceremony. remember that? they now moved to home turf. tom cruise sky dived into. >> aishah: thank you very much. can't wait for that. we will be right back.
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on a number of topics. i think the most telling thing at the show today was when you were talking to byron york about that time magazine and they did this full-page glowing from page thing and zero quotes because she refused to do an interview. she refused to do an interview with time magazine and still put her on the cover and still gave her glowing coverage. >> it's all about the vibes now. don't you know? it's what we vote on now in this country. >> don't forget the joy. >> the interesting thing was the question wasn't about the interviews she's doing as a candidate on the trail. it was about if she becomes the next president will she do these daily briefings and honestly we have not seen the president come out to do these briefings so maybe more of the same. thank you for joining us. >> i will see you back here on fox news at night. the story with martha starts right now. >> martha: thank you very much and good afternoon everybody.


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