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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 13, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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from washington tonight. thank you as always for being i with us. trouble in paradise? >> how med's president biden at ansi blows a question mark >> laura: new details on nancy pelosi scheme to putwh joe bideiln aside and plus a mea tour. d >> kamala harris refuses to>> interfere with anybody. >> we hope to have her on her on. >> laura: did the secret service just take>> partn a ene? but first, they think you are stupid, that is the focus of tonight "angle." we see what a candidate looks calike and sounds like who canei field questions from the media. you know most of those questions are hostile. >>ople. according to 15 to 20 mi people, how do you actually do that? >> we start with a wide open southern border becaus se our borders have set a lot of openta
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border policies. i never, dan, criticize peoplean for having kids.kama i criticize people for beinghi anti-child appeared and i do think kamala harris, her statements, she had to have saia it is reasonable to not have children over climate change. we talked for six questions about abortion. >> i'm still trying to get ath clear answer. >> i gave you one. >> laura: he exposed the press brilliantly. >> ufs years a me quite though h questions about three comments three years ago and ted i wonded policies with open border and i wonder what kamala harris thinea about thlae light to the americn people about joe biden's middle facility for the office?pe you are interviewing me, because i respect the american people to sit down for an interview. >> i appreciate that. >> laura: si appreciate that, no she doesn't. 20 days since the party don't l bideetn and appointedso kamala harris and she has yet to sit down with an interview with
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a real she too busy and herid duties as vice president? she doesn't have time, unlikely, because we haven't heard heran even reference on any of the bi. issues happening now. look, we have a u.s. military escalation happening tonight in tht.e middle east.d th is kamala on board?e hahas she been consulted? we have a group from the treasury department, the sec, the federal reserve rushing ovet heto beijing to reassure them to make him about terrorists coming off of kamala wins. does kamala have a view on that? who knows. it isn't just national security international trade matters she is ignoring. we don't know what she will do about everyday problems either. like the fact that contrary to the sunny claimss te from her cs team, inflation is improving and it's all getting better. costs are still straining american families in all but the
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wealthiest families. "the wall street journal" piece, i highly recommend it, it is devastating.e while true inflation hit its peakse in 2022, the prices of things you useov every day are still rising. overall consumer prices have increased 6% since june 2022 and services like dental cleanings, haircuts, elderly care has risen twice as fast and dentist,o in salons, nursing homes had to increase wages for owned workers who are dealing with rising been the biggest monthly cost to households, we have talked about this before on "the angle," but it is important everyone watching understands real-worldh problems: housing and insurance. yothu have seen your insurance bills. the picture is grim here at theo consumer price index has reported it has jumped 13% in to years. as the veep, of course, this isi all happening. she basked in thgn'se glow of hr campaign's new energy and the
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cost of energy for the people she pretends to care about, that is skyrocketing. if you ever doubted the democrats want to get rid of automobiles, look no further. the fact that the cost of transportation services, and that includes vehicle, vehicle insurance, repair, that hasw, t jumped more than 18% in the past two years. that would slap an extra $55 a month on a $300 aiso what is kamala harris' plan to tackle thisuse ? a again, we don't know because the press doesn't care. it is all about maintaining the vibe. >> this is so much like 2008. they were throwing everything against the wall and nothing stuck because hope and change ended up being impossible to run against and kamala harris you have joy and change. >> lauraha h: [laughter] it is hard to beat that guy and
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a suck up contest. "time" magazine gives him a run for his money. r now, imagine a trump rally or imagine any republican rally ever gettingd this type of treatment. speak with the soundtrack suggested a beyonce concert.race the light up bracelets evokedd and terrorist tour and in crowd 14,000 strong wind up with thea. early days of barack obama.em fans packed overflow spaces where homemade signs made of glitter and glue as drum linesto roared. she no longer has to be loyale deputy to thmoe president recals all the shots. now the moment is finally hers.e dsyeah, that would happen to a republican. now, who needs to do interviews when you have press like that?it who needs to have a pressn secretary when you have a press like that?n't we all know that the folks in charge are not going to allow kamala to do wide-ranging pressk conferences, despite all this glowing press because when kamala does those types of
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things, well, she sounds like this. >> well, let's start with this, prices have gone up. and families and individuals are dealing with the realities that bread cost more, gas cost more. we have to understand what that means. that is about the cost of living going up. >> laura: but they were as one constituency one, that harris seems to care a lot about amp cures about not insulting and that is or donors. consider the $12 million hall she raised at a red zurich in san francisco. that place is swirling down the drain because of decades ofestr liberal democratic leadership thethat is destroyed it yet tha cats there, they were ecstatic. >> this is a coming home in ar. way and really a chance for all
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of us to show we are there for her. >> and wit ensh her 100% of mene to do everything we can to ensure she is successful thistun november. a >> we were going down a democratic death march which turned into a national party. she has infuse not only great energy into the party but the country. >> laura: her energy is fodo y r the donors.? you hear that? national dance party? that is what he said? international dance party san francisco, chicago, new york. they celebrate as the middlee re class suffers. and then they reward one of those responsible with this mess with the presidency. man, if you want to know the definition of fanatics, well, that is it. everyday americans are suffering under bad economic policy. everyday businesses that could have survived or shutting down. students who could have gotten solid education are getting low propaganda instead we are to
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couples, who could have gotten married are giving up. a man with an honest days work and enemy is getting stronger. our country is getting weaker and they are having a national dance e party. for three years, our mediat through the equivalent of a protective blanket around joe biden to save him from all of those realities. but eventually, those realities ended biden's tethe media is trying harder now to protect but facts really are stubborn thingshe.he though we don't need leaders whd hide from there truth, we see te truth. we need leaders like trump and o takewho are not afraid t tough questions because they actually have answers.will so if americans want to make the media happy, they will vote for harris. buselvt if i want to make themss happy, they should reelect president trump. and that is "the angle" pure joining us now open home advisor, allison huynh mli
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adventuresso, a tech pioneer. allison, great to see you but you shifted your support to president trump has all the dance party mania, the goodd vibes are swirling all around the country. why?in >> thank you, laura, for having me on the show. well, i was just fed up withwh whatat i saw the streets of san francisco. i grew up here in california in the mid-'90s and i saw all the innovators and i the creators. that is why i came here to stanford university to be part of thaupt team. hollywood, they would dream up the big ideas and wheat in silicon valley would make it a reality, the electric cars, theb search engine, ai. it was very exciting, but in recent years, especially since kamala became district attorney and attorney general, things havefi gone downhill.
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first and foremost, my mom, i'm a soccer mom. i can't go to cvs anymore. i have dry skin. i can't find set up phil and if i do find set up phil, it'sr locked uatp behind a glass door at cvs. the streets are dirty and ipe walked to the theater district and it's full of homeless people. people are shooting up heroin, fentanyl addicts walking openly on the streets in and the beautiful state of california, it is a shadow of itself. >> laura: but they aren' celebrating,t allison, sorry to interrupt, this is a celebration like they haven't seen since obama at this fund-raiser or at least that's what they said. there were no cameras allowedat inside york about one of those really wealthy people gathered in that fund-raiser and trump hm treebut the silicon valley peope lining up behind harris, what do
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they think they are getting with her? >> well i know what they are getting in a lot of them are. coming from big tech. ifif y you google "donald trump" one of the top search result s will be harris/trump pure thatri is not fair. i don't know what will happen aney ad perhaps doj broke up goe pure they are in cahoots and we have to examine this. they are being protected by harris and team. a search, no one is doing search in a more. people are doing ai queries. it is a little bit too little,no too late. not exactly sure what is going on.e >> laura: do you think like the wealthy are doing fine. they can insulate themselves the trouble thatof their own policies create. but do you believe in your heart of hearts that people will vote vibes over their own
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self-interest, prosperity,pene peace, safety? they hav ce done it in californ. that is happening in california for election cycle after election cycle. will thins happen again, given what you have seen and the leve of decline that has befallen your state of california and then other cities across the country? >> california it is a shadow of itself. and it is moving towards marxism. i'm a child of war-torn vietnam and we escaped communism and marxism. i'm not going to allow the united states to fall to that. i support trump, and i'm really excited with the talk, the debate with trump and elon musk because both of them are into innovation equality. they treat everybody the same over equity. god says we are all born equal, but to get equity, you have to work for it.
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in this country, you come to this country and you are born in this country, and you have to work for equity. that in s the american spirit. e i really believe in that. we can't be giving out free titles to people, even if they are immigrants. they need to have thean documentation and the need to have the education and the will to work in this country and not just be free riders in our society. that is how we bankrupt the country. you see that with the dystopian policies in california have. it is not working. the science project that kamalae started has failed. >> laura: yeah, well, california, save yourselves. you have to save yourselves this election cycle is th have whole country allison, great to have you on. coming up, nancy pelosi agreed with a major point that "the angle" has been making. ♪ ♪
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he himself spilled the beans. >> what happened is a number ofe myna democratic colleagues in te house anughtd senate thought thi was going to hurt them in the i races. and i was concerned if i stayed in the race, that would be the way i did, why did nancy pelosi say and i thought it would be an real distraction. >> laura: joining us now, rod blagojevich former democrat governor of illinois. rod commit is great to have you won. the people who claimed they werd saving american democracy pulled off the equivalent of a coup against a sitting president, unbelievable. the press knew it an pusd pussyt around this truth i'm focused o biden's heroic decision to step aside. what should the voters tonight take away from this given obvious efforts to try to demoralize the g.o.p. base as we move closer to the dnc. >> i think it is very obvious.
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you talk about the democratic governor, twice elected and the first one to endorse obama but today's democratic party and what theky say to the voters,esd don't leave anything of it. how could you possibly? they lied about biden's cognitive incapacity bureau they lied to american people not about something small but something big.ush a guy's mental capacity and this guy has the power to blow up the world with a push of a button pure they don't lie about littli things but they had a life about important things and we move forward in the election campaigo in it is clear of the american people shouldt be more than skeptical. they didn't just lie about the biden's capacity to govern but t now lie about how they forced him out of the race. kamala harris, the vice president, was a coconspirator in the lies and the cover up there witfromh a covered up from week, the people, the mental capacity ofus the she lies when she flip-flops on an issue. s just a month ago when vice presidential candidate, she
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supported -- he opposed fracking, supported defunding the police, supported abolishinh private health insurance, and she was the border czar who was responsible for allowing tens, millions of 20000000 people toi storm in the country. when they tell us things come si think it is fair to say theyht t consider them as lies. if you want to be honest the sym democrat party should change the symbol of the party from the because they are not dumb to pinocchio because they life. >> laura: pelosi addressed biden resignation letter and actually stand in the race, i excuse me, watch this. >> i didn't accept a letter of anything but a letter. and there are some people not happy with the i letter. some said that some people were unhappy with the letter. because it was -- i don't think
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it sounded like joe biden to me. it really didn't. >> laura: isn't it odd to cast doubt on that letter?re the letter i'm staying in before the resignation letter, which obviously didn't sound like biden. yes, elvis had historic songto c"hound dog" you ought to chane the words ain't nothing but a hound dog lying all the even though mike even people part of the lights can't believe the lies because they are no ar. one they are lying for is lying to them so the fact she has questions about the letter is the fact that nancy pelosi doesn't believe the democrats. >> laura: rod, do you think at this point president trump, who obviously he won 2016 and no one ever thought he could come at 74, 75 million votes last time around, do you think it would be best fothesr him now to do te
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events?chic rallies are great but those events where he goes into where i go to oakland believe kamala harris was born, get to the people there.e. those policies have destroyed the lives of middle-class anyed low-income people, destroyed them and see him with those people? i would. if i were running, that is what i would do. >> i think that is a great idear here in chicago, crime has been like as the past many yearslo record levels and impactr.s peo of color, particularly black people a in black neighborhoodsy i've had a lot of experience and had a lot of votes there in myys time in prison for lies, by theo way, some of the black guys who appreciated biden's authenticity. i think it is important fo r himcr to come to the inner cities of those places where the democrats have ruled things and the people that they say on the side of thn hearer, again, and other lighteu with the fact they say on the
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side of black people, they do enough to say something. s alin the old days when the republican party about corporate policy as opposed toclag working party trump has turned it into, they can get away with that. but trump reached out to the black community.of criminal justice is meaningful and biden incarcerated nonviolent drug offenders with michelle alexander called him c the new jim crow. has a realrgh, opportunity in detroit, in philadelphia, pittsburgh,ht atlanta, in places like chicago to highlight precisely what happens to the communities the democrats say they are for when the democrats are the ones bad o have made it bad for the very people they are fighting for. >> laura: it is beautiful to wit see him in those environments. he's so great with peoplebu one-on-one. one. rallies are rallies and theyt a great, but that personal touch with people and he did it with the black pastors in new i love those events. that is the way i am and i love
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seeing him in those events. rod, great to see you. thank you so much. this was a maste firr class to l with enemy fire from harris'e ho comp shop here >> kamala harrisl refuses to interviews with anybody. we hope to have her on and asknk her about that. >> did she sit down with you? where is she? we respect the american people. >> we hope she wil l be on the show soon. >> laura: we hope here at byron, "washington examiner" emma fox news contributor. will this fire up the base in and tear the trump campaign, the independence, especially in o the run and hide brigade over there in thetual democrat party? >> iavf they keep it up i think they will. b i have seen this with a number of candidates. vance is getting better and youe do something over and over, you get better at it. he doesn't havd e a long politit
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career has when he was chosen in july, had to go to zero to 100 miles an h hour immediately. it took a while to get his feet under he's clearly doing well now. i woule d say one more thing, vance is able to give good interviews in part because donald trump's position and records are so well-known andie well-established. tim walz cannot come out and give an interview now until kamala harris decides what her positions are. then, he can defend them. until then, we will not hear from him much either. >> laura: jui think yostu will t just have trouble because ofnt f that, byron, but you can't drop a statement on your campaign friday night saying, "i misspoke or misstated" taking a word to the battlefield or whatever hest said. there are so many of those type canof statements and omissionsy him that i don't think he can come out at all given the stolen honor questions about him. but we haven't gotten much, as
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you noted, from harris in terms of policy but political playbook is reporting mosportt democratiy spoke to are totally fine keeping things vague.wi a sensdee harris should continue to ride the wave rather than offeringnng u up his specifics, byron. >> it is the same as her policy on interviews and press conferences, which she is not doing any of that now. she is apparently doing great. ifgazi you look at the time mage profile of her, there is am senator who says she refused to do an interview with him. they do a glowing cover story and she's getting celebratory media coverage all over the place and the poles have been oovery good for her. sh nowe is leading right now ani average polls nationally and swing states. >> laura: not all swing state. let me tell you, byron, i'm not as impressed as you are by the polls and i will tell you why. the most powerful media -- i'mt
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not discounting them all but i'm tempering it with prudence. the most powerful apparatus ever formed in the histornet,y of the planet is operating right now? for her. okay? i don't think they could mor hae done anymore for her. >> right. >> laura: the real clear politics is pretty much dead even. those swing states trump .8, she's up .8 and a couple ofth states she is up one or two. that doesn't impress me right cm now. i think this is a big snore right now compared to what it w could be if, in fact, this went, you know, sleepily the other direction. i'm not surprised these holes as anti-trump as you do and i don't feel likimpre that at all.hink >> it is a significant>> l improvement for joe biden i think thattion is clear both passionately and in the swing states. my feeling is her team looks at this and says,ks a why should wr interviews?
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we are getting fabulous press without doing interviews. why should we lay out detail positions? we are getting great press and the calls ar doie going up witht doing anything. you will notro see much of her f things turh wan south. >> laura: i think the one policy she came out with was trump's on no tax. she has four policies -- >> only what she mentioned. >> laura: byron, great to see you.s thank you so much. accused of raping a woman at boardwalk. the disturbing details next.
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>> laura: and nicaraguan migrant -- we don't know if he is legal or illegal, accused of raping a woman knife point new york city outside of a hotel
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for asylum-seekers. fox's alexis mcadams with the details. alexis. >> hey, laura millett happening the new york crime front in new york city after investigators say that the migrant bars after raping a woman in coney island and not the first time arista bureau the mug shot on the screen, daniel, who investigators say raping 846-year-old woman by throwing on the ground and attacking in coney island sent it on. last year the 24-year-old busted for allegedly doing the same thing at a brooklyn shelter. this comes as police searched for the person who stabbed 26-year-old man in the stomach outside of different migrant shelter on randall's island yesterday and just a few weeks ago the migrant woman shot and killed in the same area. so a lot abney and people who live around here are fed up. >> they destroy everything and it is a disaster here. absolutely a disaster. i don't have words to explain.
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>> news tonight fox learns one migrant who attacked two nypd officers is back behind bars again. you remember this video and this time this man accused of stealing thousands of dollars worth of merchandise from new york city stores. henry burrito to post bail somehow after that arrest in january and apparently just adding to his rap sheet. back here live randall's island come i want to show you something we've been noticing throughout the day come at encampments and tents set up by the migrants because the shelter kicks you out after 30 days, but they say they are not going anywhere. >> here randall's island, we see these tents pop up even though rec center kids. we will take you closer to what we are seeing. sorry to bother you again. what about -- technically, you're not supposed to sleep in here. are you afraid you will get in trouble? speak with the mayor of new york city said they will not allow these encampments across the city or randall's island,
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but hey, they are still setting them up, laura. >> laura: unbelievable. alexis, fantastic reporting. thank you so much. kamala harris wants you to forget everything you know about her and believe that this is who she really is. >> as president, she will hire thousands more border agents and crackdown on fentanyl and human trafficking. protecting the border is tough but so is kamala harris. >> laura: practically trump on the border. all of a sudden, she's tough on the border. it is biden-harris open border policies that have crushed us, crushing new york, chicago, california, of course during national resources, and that is why texas governor, greg abbott, joe signed an executive order requiring hospitals to collect patient's immigration status. he wants to know exactly how much money is being spent on health care for illegals so he can tell kamala and choke on mike sp return for the fence to
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pay up your joining me texas governor, dan patrick. i know the criticism that is coming is how dare you intrude upon the health care process? and you are going to frighten people away from getting the care they need, and then ultimately they will get sicker and it will cost more and it sawyer fulton. that is basically their argument. >> look, they attack us every time we'd secure the border and protect american lives and keep drugs and out of the country like you discovered. we continued to beat up and laura, look at the federal law mandates we tell these patience and public hospitals that when they fill out this information, it will not impact the medical care. here is where the cost skyrockets not just a number of people but doctors and hospitals tell me for years. let's say a person i'm a normal person at home, their child is sick or husband or wife is sick.
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they call the doctor and they get an idea over the telephone and the doctor gives a prescription or maybe they feel better and they come in in a few days if not and $20 for the prescription. when someone comes in illegally, there was no record and they have no i.d. so they give false name very often. they have to run a battery of thousands of dollars of tests because they have to do the right thing. it could be this, this, that in no medical records. they treat that person which could have been treated $30, $40, $50 normally same person comes back with a different i.d. and a different name or no i.d. the make it all up again. but is costing the medical system exponentially more than it would cost to address any citizen and i'm not talking about someone in an accident but i'm talking everyday melodies that illegals show up like primary care doctor because they have a cold. this has to stop! everybody out there watching this that has not made up their
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mind to pick a side and vote for donald trump after the story just played in this, i'm telling you, folks, this is the country you will get with kamala harris. >> laura: dan, this is absolutely going to bankrupt multiple hospital systems. $123 million, i guess, reported in the chronicle, the definition of i don't know what period of time, 2023 alone. temperance reporting similar numbers. this is catastrophic. the middle class and working people are the ones who will foot the bill with higher insurance rates. >> laura, when we have so many doctors and nurses. american citizens hispanic, black, white, you name it. if an american citizen you are having someone here illegally in front of you and you may not get the health you need. we don't have unlimited supply
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of american doctors and nurses in the country. it is shortage as it is. we have to stop and close down the border. kamala harris is lying about everything. she has done nothing but allow more people in. when she says and that sound bite come i will hire thor to make thousands more agents on that she doesn't let them do their child they were just hotel clerks letting more people in. >> laura: texas is leading the way as kamala pretends. dan, coming to texas tomorrow and thanks so much. ahead, twisted tim stolen valor scandal just got worse as former battalion commander speaking out. you don't want to miss it. ♪ ♪
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one occasion ms. speaking that you carried a weapon of war and to work? that is easy to do, right, senator?s it >> no, laura, the campaign even amidst more than one incidence of misspeaking. it is not you, me or any other. republican, tim walz battalion commander, even eight chaplain n the battalion. we respect him for his servicebe and all service of veterans, but there have been multiple instances of inaccurate orampa inconsistent statements by 322t and the campaign. i think the american people deserve answers from tim walz. like kamala harris, he refuses h to come out and do an interview and answers questions plain side jetting around the country. apparently, that is the mode of operating thisn campaign. fewe sr than 100 days to the amelection and they can refuse o speak to the media, and therefore, speak to the mediaa'
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anything about their past or more importantly what they have in store for america's future. >> laura: senator, watch howhman nancy pelosi introduce freshmano ngcongressman tim walz back in 2007. command sergeant major, tim walz. we wanot him to know how much we appreciate his service to the country, whether in the classroom or on the battlefield, congressman tim, where is he? excuse me, congressman tim walz of minnesota. >> laura: senator, hee corrected policy on his name, rank and that he fought in the battlefield. similar thing c-span, same kindm of deal and he was introduced retired commander major. that is a big deal to retire commander major, a huge deal, not that alr service as you said isn't wonderful. but there is something very weir td about this. it is a weird. they say trump and vance areit
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weird? this is weird. >> i agree, more videos come out with tim walz inaccurately or inconsistently describing his service and he retired as sergeant major whee n he didn't and didn't know about deployment to iraq for his unit whe n he retired. that iits why he owes the amerin people answers. would spend more than a week and j.d. vance set down within a week of president trump choosing j.d. vance and free ranging interview. that is what kamala harris and tim walz need to do not juste co about tim walz military serviceo but strange history with chinese communist party. most importantly, what they plan to do for the future oe enf the thale entire campaign mode of operating is hiding kamala harris from the american people hoping to run out thellin clock in this election.iona >> laura: senator, what theyal were calling it is national dance party. the dancounte party of the cliea
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a country declines, they are having a national dance party. that is what they want us to do is tglo bask in the deflected glory. t to yousenator it's been a lonp thank you. did the secret service break into a private business? what could go wrong? raymond arroyo has it in tim wa"seen and unseen" next. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit
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>> laura: it is time for "seen and unseen" wher: e we rebuild the stories behind the headlines. for that, we turn to fox newsra contributor, raymond arroyo. tell us about the emerging story where secret service broke into a harris dur laundering harris campaign in massachusetts? >> yes, alicia powers told the inside of that she closed her salon at the request of secret service. look at this video, she claims they scuppered security camera with duct tape and left the door unlocked. she said several people were i
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n and about, in and out for about an hour and a half just using my bathroom. the alarms went off, using my counter with no permission, laura, no permission! >> laura: why would they do that?th they probably would haveat gottn permission and i'm sure she would have allowed them to use the bathroom if they would haveo asked beer they were responding and saying in a statement, "we hold these relationships in the highest regard. and would not enter without the owner's permission. the tape over the camera did not access the salon or the open-door. >> okay, okay, wait a minute,te laura. the individual did not cover the camera but she alleges agents did. my question is why the hill isyh secret service covering security cams up a private business, a much less entering without permission?h that is what she ilesss alleging here. >> laura: maybe they all wanted perms, i don't know.
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a highlight, i mean -- >> the secret surface at a time awhen derelict in their duty where someone takes a shot at a president and report from reah clear politics tonight says fraternizing among trumpail security detail and illicit or irregular posts on social media by the team protecting them. this is really bad. it looks worse by the moment, laura. >> laura: they have to clean it up. n iti want youour reaction to m appraisamol of kamala harris' speaking >> she has gotten gifted at obama tour here because she was very much underestimated by thee mainstream quitane frankly, she has command and you will hear her up there and she is confident, calm,an commanding. >> now, laura, you and i have
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been in the room with barack obama. kamala harris is no barack obama. >> obama i know donald trump's . [cheers and applause] i know k his type. in fact, i've been dealing with people like him my whole careerr we will beat him in november. [cheers and applause] >> you know, obama had kayden x and a rhythmic power when he spoke. if anyone sounds like obama it would be pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, who seems to be doing obama impersonation. >> he's back in the debate now. viyou know where that is. it is not just because she is as skilled debater.d it is nodet just because she's r the right positions on thesi issues that matterti most to the good people of pennsylvania and thisod country. it is because you can't run awa' from his record any longer. a
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>> laura: you are totallye right, raymond. went to josh shapiro start saying country? that sounds like obama. >> kamala harris, kamala harris she's running for first lady ane doesn't think she has to do waive and give a few speeches off the prompter. we are not sure that will work but we will see if the american people and what they are willing to let her get away with. >> laura : the dance party into decline. raymond, good to see you asra always. that is it for us andolo make sure to follow medo n'social media. tune in sundays 7:00 p.m. eastern for special "the ingraham angle" pier at the next day, yes, i will be live fc chicago at the dnc and that should be fun.ti set your dvr forme >> carley: a fox news alert, former president trump holding a wide ranging interview with elon musk on


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