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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 13, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ >> ainsley: good morning to you, it's 8:00 a.m. on the east coast. it's tuesday, it's august 13th, it's 7:00 a.m. what did i say? 8:00? >> steve: you want to go home. >> ainsley: no, i don't. >> brian: isn't it 8:00 in ice land? >> steve: canadian maritimes. >> lawrence: are you going to criticize ainsley does? >> brian: she got the time wrong. >> ainsley: i'm going to turn on my heater is that okay? >> brian: you're going to do it anyway. >> brian: i don't talk like that. >> ainsley: that's what he said during the commercial break. >> lawrence: mom and dad are fighting. >> ainsley: kids, it's okay. we're not getting divorced. >> steve: are you sure? >> ainsley: yeah. we're going to start with this. a fox news alert. 1 million people listening to former president trump's interview on x despite the delay from a massive cyber attack. >> a lot of people or somebody is flooding the same location online with an overwhelming number of requests for connections, that causes it like the plumbing to back up. everyone should have the right
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to speak without interruption. >> steve: that is what happened last night. meanwhile, let's talk about this, more cases of migrant crime. one of the migrants accused of attacking that new york city police officer, two of them, in times square. arrested again. and another migrant charged with rape. those disturbing stories as kamala harris tries to backtrack on comments she has made in the past. >> become president, would you be committing to close the immigration dedep detention cen. >> absolutely. on day one. on day one. >> brian: sorry. we were taping that the media likes trump's no tax on tips plan now that it's harris that proposes it. >> no tax on tips and all of the sudden she is making a speech and say nothing tax on tips. i said that months ago. >> lawrence: nothing original about her. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now.
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and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> ainsley: it's a fox news alert. a michael cyber attack delaying return on x nearly shutting down elon musk. >> steve: this comes as the fbi is investigating attempted hacks on both the trump and harris campaign. >> brian: mark meredith is live outside the white house. >> lawrence: mine? >> brian: i thought it was mine. brian it says lawrence? try it again, go ahead,. >> lawrence: mark meredith is live outside the white house. >> brian: i had no idea. >> calling me whatever you want. as long as the check clears. good morning friends. former president trump's interview with elon musk getting a lot of headlines not for the attention he was seeking. instead, major technical difficulties which delayed the conversation for more than 40 minutes. this was a major hyped moment for the trump campaign. and it came only hours after trump posted on x for the first
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time in nearly a year. musk is claiming it was a cyber attack which disrupted the event. he posted it appeared to be a denial of service attack on x. working on shutting it down. worst case perceived with a install number of live listeners and post the conversation later. last year. florida governor ron desantis announced his campaign launched on x but was also met with major technical difficulties and that incident was widely mocked by both technology and political pundits as embarrassing. mean time, the fbi tells fox news it's investigating whether iran hacked both major parties' presidential campaigns. trump's team says private documents were stolen and sent to journalists and a state said on monday it is closely watching these developments. >> confirms that iranian cyber actors have been seeking to influence elections around the world, including those happening in the united states. these latest attempts to interfere in u.s. elections are
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nothing new for the iranian regime. >> hearing that the harris campaign says so far they are unaware of any successful security breaches and then the iranians up at the u.n. were asked about and they denied any involvement. the fbi is still investigating. >> steve ainsley, brian and lawrence. back to you. >> brian: that, mark. investigating the hacked. roger stone clicked on something and all hell broke loose. looking into that at the request of the trump team. then you have this last night. then the harris team goes, yeah, we were hacked, too. you got wonder is it really all iran? we know russia is the -- was one of the first ones to try to breach us and china never stopped and north korea has had success. >> steve: remember on friday microsoft said that a hacking group associated with iran had infiltrated roger stone's -- sounds like it started with according to the "new york times" today roger stone got a call from the fbi a while back and they said hey, your hotmail
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account has been compromised. and they believed it was iran. and then weeks later the fbi called back and said they have hacked your g smile, too. and the bureau believes his account was used to gain access to other communications of other people in the operation. "new york times" also said that apparently microsoft says that an organization known -- the hacking group is known as mint sandstorm. they are the ones who apparently were behind, this getting into the trump accounts. there's -- according to the harris people. they don't know whether or not they have no suspicion that they have been hacked. but then again, you might not know. >> lawrence: the question is what are the motivations behind this? we had kurt the cyberguy on earlier. he said we should expect more of these type of attacks. watch. >> it simply means that a lot of people or somebody is flooding the same location online with an overwhelming number of requests or connections, and that causes
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it like the plumbing to back up. so people cannot get in. we're talking about our free speech being interrupted. and that is not what is good for this country at this point. everyone should have the right to speak without interruption. and there should not be cyber actors that are going online that are interrupting that speech. no matter what. if you are on the left, you are on the right, you can bet that these kinds of attacks are going to be coming at american politics from now until the november election. >> ainsley: this is a malicious attempt to disrupt services online. if you are going to hack someone, elon musk? it's like the wealthiest guy. is he so brilliant. i'm sure he will get to the bottom of this. and even kurt said they will figure out who did this and who is responsible. >> steve: they wanted to delay that program from going on. going back to the fbi looking into the actual hacking of the trump organization. keep in mind, it was a couple of days ago that apparently politico and the "new york
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times" both received an internal document dump from somebody identifying themselves as robert on aol and it had a great big dossier on j.d. vance. and so there has been all that stuff out there clearly and we have been talking about this for a very long time there are maligned actors from overseas who are trying to sow discord. they are trying to steal from everybody. so they can just essentially screw everything up. but, at least the fbi has been warning us for months where beware kurt said that email was labeled confidential. it was the vetting process of j.d. vance that i guess was hacked. >> brian: harris camp does say that they were hacked, too. so they are trying to find out what is behind that i don't know when f. they want to get more sympathy their direction. the fbi says they are investigating. >> steve: all right. meanwhile they are investigating migrant crime in new york. one of the migrants accused of beating two police officers in
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times square has been arrested again after being let out on bail. >> lawrence: different migrant accused of rapes a woman at knife point in brooklyn is arraigned last night. >> brooke singman joins us now with these disturbing stories. more details. hey, brooke. >> back in january, multiple illegal migrants were arrested for punching and kicking officers in times square. now, one of the migrants released on bail after the attack has been arrested again for serial theft. io henry brito was taken to custody on tuesday for stealing makeup two sephora stores july and august. released for three other thefts that occurred before and after the assault on times square. for the theft in july held on $25,000 cash bond because of this latest arrest. is he now being held on $50,000 cash bond for allegedly attacking the officers. meanwhile, two other migrants were arrested in coney island this week. one accused of throwing a woman to the ground and rapes her at
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gun pointed outside of a hotel. housing asylum seekers. the other allegedly hitting the woman's boyfriend with a pipe, when he tried to stop that attack. the victim was taken to the hospital and thank god is in stable condition. her boyfriend refused medical attention. the migrant accused of rape was arrested and is reportedly being charged with first degree rape, second degree assault. first degree sexual abuse. menacing and criminal possession of a weapon. he is being held without bail. and his alleged accomplice was arraigned on charges of second degree assault and criminal possession of a weapon. he is being held on $20,000 bail. and they both pleaded not guilty. guys? >> steve: brook, thank you. >> ainsley: thank you so much, brooke. near the one deported. released every single time out on bail. they commit these crimes. >> they are absolutely no consequences. that guy in brooklyn, that allegedly raped the woman at knife point, he was arrested, he pleaded guilty to sexual assault just last year. the other guy, who beat up the
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cops, he has been arrested and rearrested and let out on bail. >> lawrence: beyond why someone who is illegally in the country. already pled guilty to it is on the street. that makes absolutely no sense. if there's a flight risk or someone that will evade capture, if someone that literally has nothing to lose. so, i'm not understanding the criminal justice system in new york. >> steve: and the other thing is, you know, we have heard from so many mayors across the country, the red line is, for instance, with carjacking, if they have a gun, you know, as brook just said, both those people we just detailed, both were caught with guns, that should be an automatically disqualifier. you are caught with a gun in the country illegally. you are going back. >> brian: think about this when ray kelly and mike bloomberg were in new york city. max co-burris had a gun that dropped out of his pants and shot himself in the leg. he will went to jail for a year now these illegal immigrants are
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here. we got 67,000 here illegally that we ever pay for room, board, everything else they need. they didn't like our food. now we give them debit cards and set them at randall's island so kids have nowhere to play. put them right on the field turf. now they are tent cities find out about a stabbing every other day. coney island one woman got raped at 9:00 at night on sunday at an amusement park just walking the boardwalk with her boyfriend. other guy been bailed out by a lut ran church so he gets bonded out of prisoner. his thanks is committing another crime. so, i don't know how long we are going to be this stupid as a country. and just know there is only one party that wants to crack down on illegal immigrants, and it's not the democratic party, or else they would have done it the last four years. >> lawrence: going after the criminals. we keep bringing you stories almost every week of criminals right on the street. >> ainsley: yeah. this is the kamala harris biden administration's border crisis. this is what it looks like.
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hitting every single city across our country. the reason she is flip-flopping and changing her positions and the media is protecting her is because she knows she will lose if her real -- if her real voting record is released. that's why we need play the soundbites. we need to play exactly how she voted over and over and over every day so that the rest of the country is not in the dark on how she really feels about all of this. >> steve: well, and she will say i have evolved. and that's why you are seeing. >> ainsley: it's an allusion. it's smoke in mirrors. all of the sudden her age like everything she has ever voted on her entire life? >> steve: yeah. done a complete 180. >> ainsley: do you buy it. >> necessity to get elected. >> brian: president trump near death experience and she changes everything about her life? >> steve: no kidding. he told elon musk yesterday is he closer to god over the shooting. >> ainsley: she will say anything to get elected. >> lawrence: speaking of. >> steve: it's politics. the probable for her we have a great big tape library.
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here is the some of the stuff she'd said in 2018 and 2019, just before she started running for president. >> i think there's no question that we got to critically re-examine ice and its role and the way that is it is being administered and the work it's doing. >> let me be very clear. we have to have a secure border. but i'm in favor of saying that we are not going to treat people who are undocumented cross the borders as criminals. >> i want to know when you become president, would you be committing to close the immigration detention centers? >> absolutely on day one. [cheers] on day one. >> ainsley: in her own words. these are her words. >> lawrence: she is so as a matter of fact about it. i don't think i have seen a story thats has frustrated ainsley more than the story of kamala harris. the flip flop back and forth. i see you every morning going through her record. look at this. full of photos about kamala harris right here. >> ainsley: i just love this country so much and i'm seeing it going in just a direction that we have never seen our
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country go. the things that they are letting criminals get away with it's very scary. i mean, i'm raising a daughter in new york city and you have got these criminals that are here illegally and they are let out of prison. they are raping young girls. they are raping a woman in coney island, an amusement park area. it's very, very scary. as a mother and as a woman. >> steve: elections have consequences and that's why. >> ainsley: no consequences for the illegals committing these crimes. >> steve: that makes this a binary choice when it comes to november. last night, when he was on x. formerly conspirator with elon musk. donald trump talked a little bit about what we are talking about right here. listen. >> new form of crime. it's called migrant crime. i call it biden migrant crime. maybe i will call it kamala migrant crime. because, you had millions of people coming in a month and then she gets up and she tries to pretend like she is going to do something. she had three and a half years.
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by the way they have another five months that they can do something. but they won't do anything. it's all talk. she is incompetent and is he incompetent. and frankly i think she is more incompetent than he is. and that's saying something because he is not too good. kamala was the border czar. now she is denying it. everything that i do she is saying she was strong on the border. we are going to be strong. well, she doesn't have to say it she could close it up right now. they could do things right now. it's horrible. >> brian: kind of interesting. because joe biden did take up his no taxes on tips. turns out kjp says that sounds like a good idea. >> lawrence: all these changes, they have control of the administration right now. and they are asking you for four more years to get it done. believe this stiff get it done. why did you wait four years to suddenly propose all these changes i just don't get why the media isn't a little bit more curious about trying to figure out what does the biden administration believe?
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ask kamala harris? why don't you have anything on your website? what is your thing? what do you plan on -- you keep saying all this stuff as if you have no power right now. you are the vice president of the united states. >> steve: in the next hour, the consumer price index number is going to come out. and that essentially tells you how much more expensive everything costs. >> brian: producer price index. consumer comes out on thursday. >> brian: that's why the kids are all excited this summer. when that comes out all the kids get up in the morning and can't wait for the number to be released. >> steve: so the numbers are coming out. they will simply reinforce what we already know. everything costs more than it did back in 2020. there's a headline in the "wall street journal" today. it says and keep in mind do any of these things apply to you? >> yep. >> steve: child care, rent, inflation. >> ainsley: yep. >> steve: things hit you the hardest. fixed costs are crushing household bulges. i hear from so many of my friends down in florida about
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the high cost of insurance. and also the high cost of electricity. because, if you are living in florida, or you are living in texas, you have the air conditioning on a lot and people are deciding i am either going to be cooler or i'm going to not have groceries. >> brian: or get a letter saying your insurance company drops you. if you look at gas suspect 46%. groceries 21%. energy 33%. day care 16%. rent 22%. car insurance 53%. transportation 36%. so that eats away at your -- the money that you have. >> ainsley: now i'm really stressed out about that list, brian. >> brian: right. donald trump talked about it last night. >> the thing that they really is making them angry is what kamala and biden have allowed to happen to the economy. it's a disaster with inflation. the inflation -- it doesn't matter what you make, the inflation is eating you alive. if you are a worker or if you are a -- just a middle income
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person, you can't afford -- you know, four years ago, five years ago, people were saving a lot of money. today they using all their money and borrowing money just to live. it's a horrible thing that's happening. and we'll end that. >> lawrence: think about all the stories that we have covered this morning. inflation, we're talking about folks can't get groceries. energy costs. groceries, can't even get a house. we are talking about illegal immigration. how it's impacting you. yet, if you look at all the other networks, nbc, abc, the rest of them. they are telling you it's moral duty to support kamala harris and this administration. while you struggle, while you are under attack, forget all about that. because she is nice. and she is kind. and she is reinvented herself. it is your moral duty to stop donald trump, even though life was better for you, vote for kamala harris. >> brian: i wanted a large coffee, this is all i could afford right now. that is i'm out of money.
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>> ainsley: baby sippy cup. >> brian: used to be a large coffee, i'm cutting back. >> steve: that's a thimble. >> brian: when i sew later my thumbs will not be jabbed with needles. >> steve: what are you betsy ross now raw seamstress? >> brian: making my clothes. buying wool. i got swatches for christmas and now i buy the material and i make it myself. i have a big loom at home. [laughter] >> brian: takes forever to make the sleeves. the left one takes forever and then to match the buttons. >> steve: brian used to be at buffalo wild wings now is he over at joanne's fabric. >> brian: michael's. >> steve: they have fabric, too. hobby lobby. >> brian: guy there, too or i buy a frame. >> ainsley: guy there, too. that's where i go. >> steve: carley, how much of what we have heard in the last one minute do you think is true?
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>> carley: the craft storms of america thank you for naming all of them. you left none out. equal opportunity for all on "fox & friends." >> ainsley: fabrics in columbia, south carolina. >> brian: whole taken over by the loom. >> steve: do you have a shed? >> brian: the threw the bikes out. >> carley: shear the sheep as well. >> lawrence: farmer and brian really goes together. >> ainsley: how do you think that outfit would look if he really made a suit? >> brian: you will see. >> ainsley: terrible. >> carley: all right. more news to get to. starting with legislation that is making headlines. new york republicans are moving to block any future plea deals for the alleged 9/11 mastermind through new legislation called the justice for 9/11 act. the bill would require the suspects to stand trial and keep the death penalty on the table it. comes after a plea deal was announced last month, sparking
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public outrage and leading defense secretary lloyd austin to revoke it. more controversy out of dalton, illinois, the acting police deputy chief lewis has been fired from his post after being indicted on bankruptcy, fraud charges. prosecutors say lacy allegedly sealed assets and income pay creditors and is settling a lawsuit. lacy had been serving as a deputy police chief in dolton at the time of the alleged fraud and reportedly a strong ally of the woman some call america's worst mayor, tiffany henyard polls are now open in connecticut, vermont wisconsin with each holding primary elections today. we are cleaning a close eye on minnesota's fifth district where democrats will decide the fate of squad ilhan omar is facing a challenge from former minneapolis city councilman don samuels. omar defeated samuels by just two points in 2022. finally, if you watch "fox &
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friends" every morning, as you should. you probably heard this complaint from brian. >> ainsley: heater down here that drives brian crazy. >> brian: it is summer. >> steve: it's 100 degrees in new york city it's 200 here on the couch. >> brian: a little surprised we are back with the high heat again. what the hell? i can't even concentrate. now to the fireplace giving out more heat than ainsley's space heater. my shins have lost 10 pounds. >> ainsley: i could get rid of the heater and just use this. >> brian: it could be great. you could put whatever you want on my credit card as long as you shut off my heater. i can't concentrate. it is may. my goodness. >> brian: reason i have no hair on my shins it's burned off by ainsley's heater blowing my direction again. >> ainsley: like the heated seat in your car. >> brian: which i don't usually put on in august. >> ainsley: stop talking about my heater.
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they are going to take it away from me. >> carley: so today, ainsley has a special gift for brian. [cheers] >> brian: what is that? >> steve: that is not an air conditioner. that is an industrial heater, brian. you said you didn't have any hair on your shins. >> ainsley: whole body will be hairless. >> steve: can we fire that up, toba? >> ainsley: this is like the best gift ever. ♪ >> ainsley: how great is that? >> brian: industrial heater. did you actually buy this? [blower] >> steve: okay, it's on. can you feel it play along. >> brian: yes. >> ainsley: where did you all find this? this is great. and do you have an announcement, brian? are you having a baby girl? >> brian: i will say this. >> ainsley: the heater is having a baby girl. >> brian: i will pay to get rid of that heater and this heater every day. >> steve: let's put this into perspective. this is the little thing that is driving brian absolutely nuts.
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>> ainsley: it feels so good. >> brian: knocks me out. do you know what high heat does in the morning. already up at 3:00 in the morning blows me away? >> blower] >> lawrence: you start losing your train of thought. >> ainsley: did he. >> brian: my eyes start rolling in my head. >> steve: i have three points. number one i forgot. >> lawrence: so dramatic. that's what it boils down to he is so dramatic. >> brian: this is why we don't live together. >> ainsley: that is a big argument. [laughter] >> ainsley: that is a big argument in marriages. >> lawrence: the heater? >> ainsley: sometimes the men like it so cold. >> lawrence: i do love it told. >> ainsley: freezing. >> brian: can you take this out of here, please? what is going on. >> ainsley: take that to my office please, chris. >> lawrence: all right. we got to pay some bills. more "fox & friends" straight ahead. >> steve: the heat bill. ♪
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entrepreneurship has a strong record on minority advances during his time in office. he brought down poverty rates across the board. unemployment rates also reaching record lows in the same year. our next guest is now making the case for trump saying he offers the best opportunities for young black men. paul james jr. is the young republicans of becks sar county president. he joins us now. paul, thanks so much for joining the program good morning, lawrence, how are you doing. >> lawrence: fascinated with you not because you are just from the home state of texas the way i read your article, yes, sir, i'm not the biggest fan of trump but when it comes to his policies they were just better for me. >> yeah, i would say i grew up, you know, in the 90's i saw donald trump -- president donald trump not from a political standpoint but more from like a pop culture standpoint. so, when he ran from president, it wasn't my first impression that he would have legislated
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and governed the way he did. but, you have to give credit where credit is due. there was a lot of benefit a lot of benefit to president trump's policies. he initially came in and knocking down a lot of the regulation. having smart people that knew how to manage money. manage capital. the tax cuts which i can tell you i benefited a lot from that i know a lot of other people did. a lot of independent business owners benefited from those things. right now it's even something that the current administration is hanging on to and they are kind of playing chicken with that they know if they let that go they would blame them for why our taxes are gone up. >> lawrence: what you are say something what i hear in the barbershop all the time. all the brothers are saying the same thing. when you turn onto the other news networks they say it is your moral obligation to vote for kamala harris that you can't vote for donald trump. what would you tell those pe
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people? >> >> well, we have tried to before. i think, you know, to his benefit former president barack obama was eloquent speaker. sharp guy. he had right package. but the policy didn't match up. former speaker newt gingrich says performance to the policy. the performance of his policies did not impact folks like myself that graduate of in 2010. it did not effect us very well. you saw a lot of those things hinder businesses. you saw the handicapping by the affordable care act mandates effected people with over 50 employees. you saw a lot of things that president trump had to come in and clear up that made way to the boob we saw prior in the economy to covid. a lot of people talk about my black job. as can you see i'm in my uniform right now. i'm actually on a location in west texas. you know, i am a frac engineer. that is my profession.
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i have my black job because of the policy that president trump championed. and so, you know, i give him the credit for that and i think a lot of other people are giving him the critter for that especially with the prices. >> and you do it very well, paul. the producers are going to kill me. i got ask you one quick question if you had one piece of advice for donald trump. you support his policies. how he could connect better with the community. what would you tell him? >> i would tell him we hear him. don't belabor the past. like focus on the future. you know, we had the past and we can contrast clearly between your presidency and the current administration, which vice president harris is a part of that, no matter how people maybe detach her from that she is part of the ongoing process. and she is every step of the way increased number of people crossing the border. made life difficult, increased prices. she has not been a net positive. she has been a horrible detriment to the country.
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>> lawrence: paul,. >> so all he has to do is focus on what he is going to do and make that contrast. he doesn't have to re-litigate the past. we'll don't -- no one is caring about that. we don't care about that. we don't have the time. how are you going to fix this from day one and how can we join you on that battle? >> lawrence: some solid advice, paul. you represent texas well, brother. thank you so much. >> that's right. >> lawrence: you got it bro. >> thank you. >> lawrence: happening today v.p. candidate tim walz heads to new york beach for a glitzy fundraiser. its republican mayor says he is showcasing his city's conservative values. that mayor is next. ♪ this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national
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are happy to be okay after being followed around great white shark off the shore of half moon bay. the kayakers telling a local news outlet they think the shark was 13 or 14 feet long. kayaker calling it a magical moment saying quote we try to keep each other calm and not give any reason for a reaction from the shark and led it towards some seals and eventually let us go. poor seals. virginia police searching for this man caught on surveillance video. former president trump's campaign office in ashburn, virginia, the sheriff of loudoun county releasing a statement saying quote: we are determined to identify the suspect, investigate why it happened, and determine what may have been taken as well as what may have been left behind. his office in virginia was broken into. meanwhile, trump is calling out vice president kamala harris for a copying his new tax on tips policy. >> all of the sudden she is making a speech and saying there will be no tax on tips.
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i said that months ago. by the way. they had just the opposite. you know, they had not only tax on tips, but they hired 88,000 irs agents and many of them were assigned to go get waitresses and caddies and all of this on tips. all of a sudden be for politics she says she comes out with what i said which i think is terrible. >> harris told the crowd in las vegas she plans to raise the minimum wage and eliminate tax on tips a there will be three restaurants left in the country. all the franchises have gone belly up. jon taffer on this weekend. like seven franchises that are closing dozens of restaurants because if you raise minimum wage, you got to raise prices. if you raise prices, there is no attraction to go to these middle class, working class restaurants. >> steve: fast casual. a good idea is a good idea. ultimately, both sides were talking about how to help the
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people out particularly in nevada. which is an important swing state right now. but, keep in mind, while kamala harris thinks it's a great idea now, when you look at how cvs has depicted it over the last period of time, in june 17th, cbs said this former president trump's vow to stop taxing tips would cost the federal government up to a quarter of a trillion dollars over 10 years according to a nonpartisan watchdog group. >> brian: bad idea, right? how could donald trump come up with that idea. >> steve: that was a month ago. well now she is leading and they want to say this. >> ainsley: now they like it. this is august post on x from cbs. says vice president kamala harris' rolling out a new policy position saying she'll fight to end taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. look at that. side by side. >> lawrence: the problem with this is not her finding a new idea. it's the fact that she is doing it for political purposes and, if you take someone's idea and
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you agree with it. give them credit. say, hey, former president trump decided to have this policy proposal. and you know, i agree with him. she hasn't done that i mean, i just -- >> ainsley: she will say anything to get elected. >> steve: if she ever does an interview that would be a great first question. >> brian: one in august. >> ainsley: no tax on social security checks which could help the elderly or older people a lot. i wonder if she is going to copy his -- >> steve: stay tuned. >> brian: would you take it away because we are a little exhausted. >> steve: turn up that heater. happening today in california, vice president candidate tim walz is set to speak at a glitzy california fundraiser in southern california with tickets as high as $100,000. the event is in the republican strong hold of newport beach, where its mayor says harris failed california as a violent crime grew under her tenure as d.a. adding on x: we will showcase a city that did not defund the
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police. that embraces conservative economic values, and if walls is interested in learning policy from a well-run city as well as he is in political donations. my door will be open. the door belongs to newport beach, california mayor will o'neil who joins us now at 4:45 in the morning. hey, mayor, good morning to you. >> good morning. why is showing up door today. >> tourism. showing up to take money out of people's pocket to go help with his progressive policies. actually today is a great day for him to realize the difference between a progressive policy city and a conservative policy city because he is starting the day in los angeles i hope while he is in his armored vehicles going through the streets of los angeles he spends time looking out and seeing the streets filled with encampments and crime and the empty business fronts and by the time he gets to newport beach
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where we have paved roads and clean environment, that he will actually spend some time looking around okay, maybe that, maybe newport beach. >> steve: mayor, i love the fact you were drawing the compare of stiff angels, los angeles and newport beach. my son-in-law is from newport beach, grew up there. i know a lot about it. if you would, for a moment, let's just imagine he comes in, knocks on you're door, hey, i'm running for vice president. i hear you have got some good ideas. what would be the number one thing you would show him or tell him to help america? >> oh my god, it would be public city. number one not even close. when you are the mayor. that's what you focus on. governor walz's enduring image as governor was watching minneapolis and the fire station in that city burn. we saw images like that actually here in california as well and los angeles and santa monica and places like oakland. you end up kind of realizing that our governor out here,
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govgovernor newsom and walz are sort of the different sides of the same blue coin when it comes to public safety. i would love to take him down to our police station. have a conversation with her police chief and get some community members who really support the police department here at newport beach to talk to him about why and why that really matters. >> steve: what do you make of the fact that she has changed a bunch of things she stood for before, to get elected? >> well, she has to, right? i mean, if you were to come up with five words that describe california, would public safety come within the first 25? i don't think so. there are pockets of sanity in california like newport beach. but, i don't think anyone is comparing california to their hometown and saying i want more of that so she has to change her policy position positions. >> steve: all right. mayor, thank you very much for getting up so early to be with us today. >> it's my pleasure. thank you so much. >> steve: you bet. meanwhile, it's back-to-school
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week on "fox & friends." we have got grab and go lunches. your kids won't want to trade with i object in. good morning. ♪ ♪ respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy.
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>> good morning, everyone from the streets of new york city. i got a big crowd in back of me. let's take a look at the maps
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first of all and meet some of my friends. we are watching ernesto, it's a tropical storm. it's going to move through the caribbean, bring quite a bit of rain to puerto rico. as a strong tropical storm and then it's going to develop into a hurricane as we get into the weekend. and the concern is, obviously, where it lands. so, the caribbean needs to watch this. the water is very warm. and we are expecting it to become maybe a category 2 as it moves towards bermuda. so, all interest across the caribbean and bermuda need to be watching this storm system, not only the heavy rain but we could see strong rip currents as well as very high waives along the east coast. real quick. what else your name? >> austin. >> where are you from. >> texas. >> simon from virginia. >> gabby, nebraska. >> leslie, nebraska. >> janice: very nice. and do you love new york so far. >> i love it. i want to live here. >> janice: you want to move over here because the real stars are about to come up. we are going to talk about school lunches. steve, ainsley, brian, l.j. and some food. >> ainsley: come on over.
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yes, back-to-school week continues on "fox & friends" and today we have the creative meals that your kids are not going to want to trade. >> brian: lunches your kids will love chef and nutritionist diane hendrix is back. diane, tell us what the kids will love. >> well, the number one thing is to find out what they like first. i used to sit down with my kids and find out what they like. >> steve: it changes every year. >> you ask them every year. i did really my kids are in their 20's, proteins, vegetables and fruits. find out what they like first and build around that. >> ainsley: you like to get creative and get them involved? >> exactly. there is a bunch of things you can do. this is little snacking. >> brian: steve has the crack could you la. >> steve: thank you. this thing is probably worth 100 bucks on ebay. >> that's what one of the guys said in the back. these were my kid's lunch boxes. like little picky things. my youngest was never like a sandwich kid. he liked to build their own. rather than send them with a whole sandwich, let them do it how they like to do it.
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>> steve: deconstructed it. >> and dipping. >> ainsley: brian's lunch box, looney tunes. >> everything was carefully chosen. this is a snackle box. crab cakes. my youngest used to love. >> brian: for lunch? >> they are tiny. >> brian: i used to get bad grilled cheese. >> this is fancy schmancy. my shrimp cocktail. but it's easy. it's so easy. it's so easy. neither was i. but now we can you know, it looks difficult but it's not. build your own sandwiches, rather than have them made already. a salad, like a loaded salad with grilled chicken, crew tons and ranch dressing. >> lawrence: chili, too? >> keep everything in the thermos. heat the thermos in the morning with boiling boiling water. by the time lunch an hour or so later it's still warm. make sure you use ice packs.
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>> steve: got to have ice. >> really simple. mini meatballs and tort lien any marinara sauce. >> ainsley: your mom probably did that. >> it's all about just trying to, you know, give them something they like so they don't not eat. and also, i brought in cookies because, even as a registered dietitian, i wanted to show. >> brian: something to look forward to. >> nothing wrong with a little sweet. everything in moderation. >> steve: can't get this get the hot lunch. >> used to send them with the hot lunch never know what they're getting. >> steve: where do people go for more of yours recipes. >> dine chef rd for registered >> brian: more "fox & friends" in just a moment. >> steve: we're going to have a cookie. ♪ do you remember when ♪ we used to singswif ♪ shalala la ♪
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