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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 14, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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of a nassau county meaning after lawmakers voted for the masked man, the ny clu put out a statement saying "such bands impart to new york's safety, and show racially biased enforcement and undermine protections for those engaging in peaceful demonstrations while expressing political opinions that may be unpopular." so it's notable you won't be arrested for wearing a face mask. police will have to discern the intent behind the mask and to figure out if it is religious or a medical exemption. >> bill: interesting development, first in the nation of its kind. thank you, nate foy, nassau county. >> dana: a shipwreck off of the coast of sweden, 100 bottles of unopened champagne, dating back to the 19th century, but no one can touch it. and it's going have to stay. uncorked. here's harris faulkner. >> harris: we begin with this
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fox news alert. vice president kamala harris' past is haunting her now. she pushed to eliminate private health insurance and forced 150 million people onto a government plan, americans are waiting to hear exactly what her current plan will be for their health care. i am harris faulkner. you are in "the faulkner focus." this is a big issue for so many people particularly those who are retired and on a budget. you have to know whether or not to you keep your dr.. the campaign totally flip-flopping on her 2019 position when she was running for president the first time and did not get a single delegate on her side of the aisle. a senior official is telling fox news that to the vp "will not push single payer or medicaid for all. here's what she told our peter doocy in 2019. >> how important is it to your health care plan to get rid of
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private insurance companies? because there is some confusion about that? >> so i'm glad you asked. so the bottom line in the most important is that everyone has access to health care. that is the goal, that is the purpose for me supporting the policy of medicare for all. if congress votes in a way that reflects the values and the desires of the american people, then congress would vote for a policy that gives everyone access to health care. >> harris: so that was just a whole way where she has been on the record plenty of times talking about her open support for that far left policy dealing with health care. >> access to affordable health care should not be a privilege. it should be a right to. >> the idea is that everyone gets access to medical care. you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company. let's eliminate that. >> who would abolish their
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private health insurance in favor of a government plan? all right. [cheers and applause] >> harris: america has already decided they did not want that. even democrats decided they did not want that or her policy on health care. again, she did not get a single delegate when running against the pack of them on stage right there in the primary. the first time she ran for the white house. she backtracked on what she said then by saying she misunderstood the question. everyone else did them put their hands in the air. well, the few who felt like they agreed with her. president trump is not buying any of it. he posted "kamala harris backs abolishing private insurance" tammy bruce told me yesterday with a lot of passion what she sees. >> you will be paying for it with taxes. it's not from the money tree in washington, and good luck getting an appointment, but then there is the quality of care
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issue. just look at where this has been applied around the world. this is not a new idea. it has collapsed around the world. look at england, look at canada. it's a problem and it does not work. but if you want government with all power, you give them the power of your health care. and that's what this is. it fails and they know it, but they think, we are just ponds. >> harris: dr. marty makary, professor of medicine at johns hopkins university now. if we give the federal government the power of our health care, what will that look like? >> i think there is an appeal to cutting the middleman away from the system. the problem is every country that has moved to government-run health care has had to make draconian cuts, five or ten years down the road across the belt cuts and that's what's happening with their own government. medicare is currently running on fumes and doctors are getting paid less and less every year, adjusted for inflation with no change or increase in payments
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and medicare is getting fleeced. there is a lot of waste in the system and a recent analysis that came out this week by paragon found that the cost of medicare for all is $44 trillion over the next four years. >> harris: i saw that, and none of what you are saying particularly will change from other medical experts i'm talking to you. i mean, putting it in the hands of the same government that has run things less than ideally if you want to see it that way. i'm being generous. but do you really want that kind of top-down approach and it's going to cost $44 trillion? do you think that the quality will improve? >> you will hear a lot of different opinions on this and i will credit kamala harris by backing off the medicare for all position. she probably recognizes it's not politically feasible. >> harris: while she is running she is going to do that. we don't know what she will do if she gets in office. >> she is clearly espouse the value of medicare for all, not
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just once but on many occasions. i will tell people if she is elected president there may be many versions of medicare for all, could be lowering the age down to 60 or 50, could be a medicare option. so hearing basically her philosophy on government-run health care and government run insurance. >> harris: what does that mean for you as a doctor? >> well, medicare is the lowest reimbursed rates in hospitals that get medicare payments often argued that they can't stay open with the medicare payments because each year they get across-the-board cuts. so we will probably see a rash of hospital closures. we would see people leaving the profession. fast forward 20 years and probably what you have in the u.k. right now. >> harris: the american society of plastic surgeons is the first major american medical group to break with their establishments consensus that gender surgery is okay for her children. in a new report, on the group question the long-term effects
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of child gender surgeries and said the existing evidence supports outcomes and is low quality and certainty. so in other words, can you say what it will be like after that surgery not with a whole lot of certainty? half of all u.s. states also disagree with the medical establishment, so far 29 states have laws on the books to limit or ban children's access to blockers hormones and gender surgery. and it's not just their access, it's the parents when they are making the decision. some jurisdictions are deciding that parental guidance and allowance is necessary for children to get surgeries. that's a different political issue. what happens on the back end when they get the surgeries? >> well, as they sit in the statement they are so low quality and certainty of the evidence. and a dogma out there that has been propagated that it reduces the suicide risk and that is
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unfairly put in front of parents when there is no evidence to support that. that's an opinion. to the american society of plastic surgery which is a very large and respected body of plastic surgeons. to the largest in the country is making a very honest statement here taking a position consistent with a majority position in europe and in the u.k. where puberty blockers have been banned. sweden and denmark are now going back and acknowledging that perhaps none of this should be done in minors. so it's a very bold position and i think they will get a lot of flak for it, but these are the doctors who are actually doing the procedures and they are honestly saying we don't have evidence. >> harris: with this issue in the previous one about health care for all under a medicare situation where whatever provision they would see that they could do it under on the left, you can't get away from pointing to particularly and you said europe and other places that have tried medical
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things. and with this gender issue, we seem to from what you said, we are looking at those nations who are taking those positions and kind of following in their footsteps. why is that happening? >> we don't have civil discourse in the united states around transgender and gender dysphoria diagnoses, they run doctors out of town, universities fire physicians like the associate dean of research at mayo clinic who was fired for saying that women who are on testosterone may be unfairly competing in sports. we have a mccarthyism around this topic and the reality is that it is a nuanced topic and there are people with a biological basis for transgender pit does not mean they need surgery is a minor. but the idea that you can just choose your gender is a topic that is put out there as scientifically bound with such absolutism when it's really an opinion. >> harris: i want to hit you with one last one, on the issue, because it has come up at the
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olympics and everywhere. where medically and scientifically are you seeing any conversations that are productive about biological men identifying as women in women's sports? >> there is a conversation around a requirement for women to have an xx genotype and that can be done with he spit sample or a cheek swab, and that is emerging as a simple and feasible way to ensure that women's sports are reserved for women. >> harris: i want to make it clear that there were a couple of boxers that their journey brought up that issue. we don't have any scientific proof of what is going on there, because the testing has not been released publicly on either of those athletes. but at this point we were told that by all accounts, they are women. so we will wait to see what future evidence brings about, but they raise the issue with the journey as they were on and that's why i wanted to that
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question. and you have all of the changes in title ix and so forth. dr. mike carey, i appreciate you being with me. thank you. 24 days since vice president kamala harris launched a campaign for president and has yet to talk to the press and a meaningful way. on the record. her boss pretty much is off the radar. he did give one recent interview where he name checked nancy pelosi for his exit at the top of the ticket. critics are asking, well, who is running the country? and they say it looks really bad to both allies and enemies. new numbers on the economy are showing that price hikes, inflation could be cooling a little bit. the prices aren't going to come back down. they will just go up a little bit slower. don't change any of it, does not change the pain. >> so prices are up over 20%. grocery prices i think are now
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up about 25%, energy prices are still up about 40% and average families can't afford it. >> harris: what are we supposed to do as american citizens? just get used to the high prices and watch them continue to go up? double digit price increases now on all of the basics leaving americans with a grim outlook on the biden/harris economy. steve more in focus next. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. she grew up in a middle class home.
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she was the daughter of a working mom. and she worked at mcdonald's while she got her degree. kamala harris knows what it's like to be middle class. it's why she's determined to lower health care costs and make housing more affordable. donald trump has no plan to help the middle class, just more tax cuts for billionaires. being president is about who you fight for. and she's fighting for people like you. i'm kamala harris and i approve this message. hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that $9.95 plan, today.
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(jonathan) is it time for you to call about the $9.95 plan? i'm jonathan from colonial penn life insurance company. sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. if you're age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance starting at just $9.95 a month. there are no health questions so you can't be turned down for any health reason. the $9.95 plan is colonial penn's number one most popular whole life plan. options start at just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate can never go up. it's locked in for life. call today for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. (soft music) ♪ hello, colonial penn?
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(tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust.
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>> harris: brand-new numbers on how fast prices are going up, the rate of inflation tells us that. and today we see consumer prices went up year over year, prices by 2.9%. now all that remains much higher than when by then and
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kamala harris took office, this new number is the lowest we have seen in three years since march of 2021. but the prices are still going up. just not as fast. that's what that means. and americans are hurting. they tell us every day. just a couple of headlines now, financial pressures on american consumers continue to rise. and paying the bills is harder than ever. are voters supposed to feel joy? certainly very little joy when everyday expenses like food, gas, housing, energy, even auto insurance and pet food has skyrocketed by double digits since biden/harris took office, vice president kamala harris has begun to shift her speech is to reflect the economy and what she says despite promising to tackle high prices for years, we still have them. >> the cost of groceries has gone up, the cost of gas has gone up it's one of the highest
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priority is for the present enemy. >> fighting inflation as one of our administration's top economic priorities. for many americans prices are still too high and we still have work to do to address that. when i am president, it will be my day one priority to fight to bring down prices. >> harris: a recent "financial times" poll shows 1:30 people saying they think they would be better off financially under kamala harris. nbc news talk to a panel of black voters in philadelphia and got their take on the biden/harris economy. it wasn't good. >> what do you care about most right now? >> economics, education, reentry. >> what are they going to do for my people that live in the places where i'm from? how are they going to help their family to save their children? we need the funding. we want to help. >> and the working class mom who works as a paralegal cannot buy
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a $2 bell pepper because it is now five, imagine a mother living on food stamps. imagine a mother who is making minimum wage trying to feed children. they are killing us without killing us. it's either feed my child or how about feed my children and i don't. >> harris: god bless her, steve moore, economic adviser to former president trump. i want to make it very clear that price is likely may not go back to where they were before this administration. i mean, i have had experts tell me that and i would like your thoughts on it as well. do we have to adjust to a new normal that that woman was just laying out if we don't do something drastic moving forward? >> harris, it is interesting, if you look what happened under donald trump, black americans had the biggest income gains of any president in history. black americans did very well. also the lowest unemployment
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rates in the lowest poverty rates ever for black americans and then a contrast that with what's happening today in that focus group was very interesting. i hear the same thing when i talk to hispanic parents and black parents and everybody has really been crushed by this inflation. and you raise a very good point earlier, harris, you hit the nail right on the head, yes, the rates of inflation is coming down, but everything is still getting more expensive. so if you look at just the price of going to mcdonald's, the price of buying meets and eggs at the grocery store. if you look at people's rent and mortgages, those are up in some cases by 25 and 30%. new reports just came out yesterday about the federal reserve bank showing that americans are having to go further into dad's, harris, because they cannot pay their bills. this is not a good economy. it's an economy that is really stressing out middle class and lower income people. >> harris: other things i brought up with former
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president trump in an interview was the fact that counseling credit organizations are seeing a hike, a tremendous hike and people trying to figure out what -- consummate he help me figure out how to make my money pay more bills? what do i need to give up? they need counseling because they are caring so much debt and buying food and groceries with credit cards. so we know people are hurting and other people who help them are just overwhelmed with the level of need that is out there. i want to get to this, president biden with a rare public outing yesterday answer this question about the new democratic presidential nominee kamala harris. let's watch. >> how much more progressive is vice president harris then you as a candidate in the general? speak of the issues we worked on together make big progress economically. it's a good policy. >> harris: here's a peek at
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some of those wildly expensive policies that joe biden claims no one calls progressive. the inflation reduction act, which did not actually do that. multiple student bailouts against the u.s. supreme court, he still wanted to do that, did not care about that. the american rescue plan, infrastructure bill, $1.4 trillion debt increase across fiscal years 2022 and 2023 and slowing leases on federal land for oil and gas drilling. and i want to point out to that shortly after he got into office, joe biden declared that the pandemic was over so continuing to spend money. i don't know what the plan was there. but it hurt us. steve. >> more people died of covid under joe biden then under donald trump, which is amazing, because the most imperial strain happened under donald trump, so when kamala harris attacks donald trump for his handling of
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covid mistakes were certainly made under donald trump, but it was much, much worse under joe biden. all of those numbers you been showing indicate that you had a prosperity under donald trump and people's incomes were going up, the average family gained about 5-$6,000 in income which was a record for the united states then under joe biden even with the rate of inflation coming down, the average family today is about $2,000 poorer than they were when donald trump left office, people have not gained, they have lost it. kamala harris was in charge of two things as vice president. we all know she was the czar for the border that did not work out so well, we have the worst border ever and she also was the one who was in charge of helping bring down inflation. that did not work very well either and i will repeat one other thing because i think that most of your viewers know this, but she cast the tie-breaking vote in the united states senate for those two multitrillion dollar spending bills. >> harris: yeah, i mean,
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joe biden has often said that she is the last person in the room on all of the decisions that are important to americans. she was there, it's her administration too. and just yesterday, the day before her campaign put out that there is no daylight between joe biden and kamala harris and their policies. so i think it's clear what has not worked. i would surmise would be the continuation of what we would see now unless something drastic changes. thank you. >> one last point, i want people to really understand that last point you just made, kamala harris is running on the biden agenda. she is joined at the hip with him, so i guess what donald trump can say is if you like the last four years, you're going to get four more years of this under kamala harris. i happen to think it's been a disaster and i bet most americans do too. >> harris: steve moore, great to have a focus, thank you. vice president kamala harris working to burnish her reputation on the border with the big ad buy.
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but a new string of pretty heinous crimes allegedly at the hands of illegal immigrants is colliding hard with her soft messaging about her past. and here is one way to get better press coverage, just write the headlines yourself. >> we all look at so much information and taken so many things so quickly throughout the day here this is very subtle, very manipulative. >> harris: the harris campaign is editing headlines from major media outlets and posting them on google, so when you search, the stuff that her team wrote comes up instead of the truth. it's not against the platforms policy for all of this, by the way, but some are asking is it fair to voters to get that misinformation? that polished up a look if you want to call it that of the truth? jason chaffetz is in focus next.
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>> harris: democrats anxious to get back in the white house hope this will work and may be hope no one won't notice it simply not true. vice president harris has a big push going on right now to sell herself as big on border security. democrats and the white house are adamant she was never in charge of the border, never what has been called by some the borders are, a conservative think tank is trying to get to the bottom of it. the heritage foundation has filed a lawsuit against the department of homeland security to get documents containing kamala harris' name along with that title "borders are, and if you think there is confusion over it, here's what helps clear it up, the liberal media used it liberally. >> this will be her first visit to the u.s./mexico border region since she was appointed as the borders are. >> i think joe biden has gone there once, kamala harris who was appointed as though borders
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are has not gone there at all. >> there has been so much criticism against kamala harris, she was the borders are. >> harris: so she was not that, why do we not hear from the white house pushing back back then if it was not true when she was not the borders are, why did they not correct liberal media? backlash against a speech of campaign ads now, border shares going after the use of his likeness in one of those ads we started to show you some of this yesterday and there's more to the story now. that sheriff's telling fox news he does not support harris for president and that her border spin as a campaign of fakery. >> to see my face and image along with my law enforcement counterparts being represented as standing alongside kamala harris was truly disheartening. we do not support kamala harris, she has a history of not supporting law enforcement. spin on the trump/vance campaign
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is out with a brand-new ad hitting harris hard on crime stemming from an open border. >> illegal immigrant, convicted, released, then violently fractured a woman school. who released everyone of them? liberal d.a. kamala harris, the victim's blood is on her hands. >> harris: we have seen so many violent crimes allegedly committed by illegal immigrants also putting the spotlight on the vice presidents border policies and sanctuary status in some states. in massachusetts, a haitian immigrant charged with the rape of a 15-year-old bail, released to i.c.e. now back in custody following months of being on the run. vilma lucian has more on all of it. bill. >> well, harris, it's hard to believe, but authorities in scenes where a state massachusetts actually released
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and accused haitian child on just $500 bond back in june. they also ignored ice detainer request for them. but they just tracked him down and found him yesterday. boston-based i.c.e. officers arrested 26-year-old haitian national cory alvarez in brockton 30 minutes south of boston and is now in federal custody. as fox has reported, alvah ross was charged with aggravated child rape earlier this year after he raped a 15-year-old girl back in march. he first came to the u.s. last year and flew directly to new york city as part of the biden administration's controversial see hmv mass pro program that has allowed half a million migrants to fly directly into the u.s. dhs has now put that program on pause after an internal audit found a significant amount of fraud in it. in alvarez's case he was supposed to be at newark,
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new jersey, where he said his parole sponsor was and instead he somehow ended up at a hotel for migrant families outside of boston where he had access to a 15-year-old girl who is now accused of raping. now calling out dhs saying as part of the alvarez case for months now, our office has repeatedly asked questions of state and federal officials about specifics of the c hmv process and we have received little to no answers. there is clearly a raise in the u.s. department of homeland security has pause the issue with travel authorizations for new beneficiaries while it undertakes a massive review of the process. in a statement about alvarez's arrest, i.c.e. boston says "we cannot allow any significant noncitizen threat to the children of our communities to potentially reoffend. i.c.e. boston will continue to prioritize public safety by
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arresting and removing egregious noncitizen offenders from new england. and harris, these new headlines about migrant crime are merging on us daily at this point. police in new york city announced they arrested illegal immigrants for the rape of a woman at knife point and new york city prosecutors just charged a legal immigrant of raping a woman in the bronx. they have to get rid of the sanctuary laws, something has to change at this point, harris. back to you. >> harris: i want to bring in jason chaffetz, former republican you talk congressman chairman of house oversight and fox news contributor. there simply no words as we watch this happen and really nothing from the white house. and one of the people in the white house, the vice president says she wants us to believe that we can sustain what we have. >> yeah, kamala harris has been leading the charge out of the white house are nearly three and
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a half years and to run ads suggesting she is tough on the border is a campaign of fakery. these people are raping young women. and these cities, these policies and sanctuary states like minnesota, tim walz, guess what, they have violent criminals in custody. they will not communicate with homeland security to adhere to a detainer to get these people deported him back to where they came from. they don't do that. they get treated better and nicer than a united states citizen. why should someone who rapes a 15-year-old girl even if it's just alleged to be released on $500 out in the public, because they are recommitting the same crimes which is totally preventable and as on kamala harris and tim walz and everyone of those democratic mayors, governors, county commissioners that implement
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these policies of sanctuary cities. >> harris: it is a dereliction of their duty to uphold public safety, you are absolutely right. axios is reporting the harris campaign has edited news headlines in google. so when you search, you find these ads that have been made to be far more favorable to the democratic candidate for the white house red having not heard directly from the vice president, many voters are trying to figure out who she is what she stands for in terms of wanting to lead. a couple of examples of what we call glow ups just a good shine job on that, a guardian headline read harris campaign centers health care and abortion rights was edited to read, vp harris fights abortion bans, harris defends reproductive freedom. so basically they just replace everything with her talking points. a local news headline read, tim walz selected as kamala harris' vp pick.
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there glowed up version, harris picks tim walz, 215,000 families win. the rewritten headlines came from outlets like cnn, cbs, ap, reuters and mpr and were labeled as sponsored ads paid for by the harris campaign. multiple news organizations confirmed a fox they had no idea that the campaign was doing this. facebook has a policy against this sort of manipulation, however, google says "the sponsored label is enough to warn readers." do you think that's true? isn't enough? >> no, it is not. these new or -- news organizations their own name is being used. they are doing great news work there, harris. it's part of kamala harris' campaign of fakery. why even bother? you are not going to take any questions, you don't have anybody asking you any tough questions and if you're going to rewrite the headlines i mean,
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why even bother? to use the associated press and all of these other organizations names, why aren't they the ones that are going out, why don't we read stories of those publications about the fakery that is going on with kamala harris? it just shows how complicit they are. >> harris: jason chaffetz, good to have the unfocused, thank you. it county executive has signed a first in the nation law and it will ban mask wearing in public. and it is sparking a very heated debate over public safety versus personal freedom. plus the spokesman for vice president kamala harris' campaign is pressed on her media avoidance. speak of the reason i was asking about today is it seems like she has time if she wanted to do an interview with a member of the media or a news conference, correct? there does appear to be that time if she wanted. >> harris: 24 days since kamala harris launched her campaign and removed her boss off the top of the ticket.
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but still no answers from her at least not on the record. power panel next. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd
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because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night.
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>> harris: nassau county out of long island, new york has just signed a law banning masks in public spaces.
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supporters say the measure will prevent crime. but opponents say it violates free speech. a wild debate at a public hearing. >> you are expecting a police officer to enter a highly volatile space and be able to with solid judgment ascertain whether someone wearing a mask has ill intent? this bill does not target to your grandmother wearing a mask at a grocery store. it does not affect a masked nurse working a long shift in the hospital. >> new york governor kathy hocul in new york city's mayor eric adams considering a ban on wearing face masks on the new york subway. here is adams. >> cowards cover their faces. if you believe in something, then stand up and show your face and believe it. and there is been talk about it. >> harris: here is nate poi with more, nate.
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>> hey, harris, nassau county executive bruce blakeman signed the bill into law about 20 minutes ago and is effective immediately. that means right now it's illegal in nassau county on long island to wear a face mask in order to conceal your identity. there are exceptions for medical or religious reasons but talking to fox news this morning and tells us this is a public safety law. it's meant to help police arrest criminals and does not mean anyone wearing a face mask will be arrested. instead, police now have the right to question people about why they are wearing a face mask. >> this is a question of people who wear masks to engage in violent acts, to engage in harassment. to shoplift and rob banks, those are the people we want to stop. >> not everybody is happy about this new law, harris. take a look. to this woman got kicked out of a nassau county last week after lawmakers voted for the masked man.
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>> officers, will you help this young lady? >> again, again, no. >> she was taken right out after that. and put out the statement that there is "protesters rely on masks to protect themselves and their families against doxxing and surveillance. in the past year, the public identification of many people speaking out about israel and palestine has lead to harmful consequences for their safety and careers. as you mention, kathy hocul is also considering a masked man after anti-semitic incidents on the new york city subway. but here in nassau county, a violation of this law is punishable by up to a year in jail in a $1,000 fine. we will send it back to you. >> harris: nate, thank you very much. when will she take meaningful questions to help voters make choices at the ballot box? it's been 24 days since it was announced that the woman you see they are, kamala harris wanted
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to run for the white house and take our name and put it on top of the boss there. she scooted joe biden out of the way. one "washington examiner" column with this headline "dear media please stop trying to coconut filmy" and starts out thanks to the legacy media, we know vp harris likes to laugh. she is a brat most importantly, we know that democratic nominees are bringing good vibes back. but it's what you might ask is do we know of harris' vision for the country? which policy is does she plan to implement if elected? no one seems to know including kamala harris' own campaign. former presidential candidate nikki haley told fox voters shall believe harris when she says it. >> i take her at her word. i take her at her word that she wants to raise taxes for households over $100,000 and add a pharmaceutical tax and health care tax. >> and feel very strongly about
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that we need to have medicare for all. >> i think she thinks illegal immigrants should be able to vote and be given driver's license. >> we will not treat people who are undocumented across the border criminals. >> we have to critically re-examine i.c.e. and its role. >> i take her at her word that she wants to ban fracking and take u.s. jobs. take her at her word. >> harris: former adviser to president clinton, and on the scott campaign adviser, great to see you both. doug shown, do we believe the ads and the silence from kamala harris in terms of sitting down for an interview that everything is going to be okay and that we know her well enough? >> no, we don't know her well enough, but until she feels some reason to confront questions or articulate a vision, she is not going to do it, harris.
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she is up a couple of points in the polls, the media as he point out correctly has not question her, and her position is since she has altered the left agenda that nikki haley spoke of and dear film clips include, she really does not want to confront those questions as a political strategist, i understand the reason why, no good will come of it, so unless she has to, she is not going to. >> harris: someone's who voice has been one we have gotten to know during political times, charlamagne tha god has spoken with democrats and people on both sides of the aisle. we pay attention, because when he talked with joe biden he would say some interesting things about black voters and the like. he was recently saying kamala harris is in the bottom of the ninth inning, but that there is not a lot of time into your point, doug, people do need to know her. what do you say? >> i mean, they keep talking
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about policy role as if harris has been sitting on the couch the last four years, she is a vice president on the united states. she owns the failures just as she does as he put it very well in that clip before all of her positions from 2020 and 2019 when she ran for president. banning fracking, ending private insurance, all of it. but get ready, because next week in chicago they will have the wool attempt to pull over all of our eyes and the last five or six years did not happen. we need to be ready for that as well. >> harris: from some of the write ups, we don't know a whole lot, they will take some celebrities off the bill so they can look like more normal people. that's a paraphrase, but we have to because she is not talking to us. president biden is still our commander in chief for several more months. however his public schedule is very light. well, to put it frankly, politico reported he is focusing
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on legacy items and aiming to give vice president kamala harris the spotlight. joe biden has only had one public event so far this week, a cancer research event, an important one, but what is going on with israel and iran? i mean, you might want to talk about that more. critics say this is a bad look and a dangerous time. it could be a dangerous look. former deputy national security advisor kt mcfarland says "joe biden has disappeared from view, kamala harris is campaigning and won't meet with press sending a signal to the world there is no one in charge in the white house. our allies wonder whether they can trust us? our adversaries see this as a wide-open window of opportunity when they can exploit us without risk of consequences, doug. >> i wish i could disagree, harris. sadly i have to agree, we are no closer now to a cease-fire and the middle east than we were
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weeks ago. there are no american leadership. and iran is threatening israel and the united states as are their proxies. we worry about russia and ukraine. we worry about china as well. we are concerned in the hemisphere about venezuela and the u.s. is m.i.a. and frankly, i think it's going to stay that way until the election comes. this is politics. it hurts our nation. >> harris: meanwhile, taken the mantle up trying to continue to push for a cease-fire. matt, last quick word. >> it was not exactly running marathons while he was running for president, 10-4 weekday schedule, but they just stop pretending now that he has stopped running in nothing on monday, one event today. we will see what it is the rest of the week. it's been great to have you, "outnumbered" is next.
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