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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  August 15, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> these bills are crazy. or >> she has no idea. she's sitting on a goldmine. she doesn't know part o that e owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more, she can ev sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. >> even a term policy, even a term policy even after policsy . >> find out if you're sitting on a gold. call coventry direct today at 804 nine six 9200 or visit coventry direct comm just got a little better. we're still the go to for politics breaking news. we've got so more. sports entertainment lifestyle bringing you the world according to fox. >> i place a dvr so you never, ever eve>>r miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. epi .greg gutfeld will put a smile on your face. have a great night.
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i oh, well, how expected of you. happy wednesday, everyone. >> a senior executive for disney abc news which hosting de the trump harris debate is a close personal frien d. utiv >> major donor of kamala harris. >> disney is reassuring viewers that this will have no on the debate as they were planning on trump all along but nikki haley has urged trump to quit whining avoivoiding the press and get back to what he does best. insultin pressg haley. mark zuckerberg has unveiled an outlandish roman statue of hison
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wife. meanwhile, his wife unveiled this highldishy accurate wif statue of him to a 200 and ten dogs and owners showed up for a movie event in vermont, justen a few shy of a guinness world record. >> unfortunately, there were a few last minute cancellations . they always were. washington, d.c. has once again been named the least desirables city in america, according to a new poll . mayor bowser disagrees, saying they didn't poll enough carjackers , but his unpopularity due to crime orpopi homelessness or cost of living could be just a rat problem. nice. nice. and a study found that uglypeope people tend to live shorter lives than those who are good lookingtend t. who
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i well, guess i better get my affairs in order, said one man.n they. they like the insults. what's going on here? ere? all right, let's do a monologue. so anyone remember that thing that happened a montlet's do a h ago with former president donald trump when his ear looked like van gogh's witdent don? n funny how that's all growing. sort of fuzzy alread?y. the story, not the ear. thanks to our ever curious media, it's now fading. like joe biden's memories of today'so ou breakfast. but could that ugly event be of a bigger problem? could it be that there's cot int in modern life where a of behavior and competence have been disrupted by the very of the norms and standards themselves? you can see and feel it in stores, customer service, doctor's offices, or just, do on the street in drugstores. you now going to call someonse,e get deodorant? you can ask for tips on a screen after you serve whered yourself. o the illegal who punched a cop is free to commit another
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crime. protesters destroy public and private property fre and charges are dropped. >> teachers take down world maps and put a prideters p and speeches oppressive but menacing on subwayteacherss. it's like we replaced our country's foundation with quicksand. the idea that meritocracy is oppressive reple has finally fulfilled its dream. we're now all equallt meriy incompetent. you can credit dji to be suren that proponents sure love l to praise it until the results pour in. meanwhile we forgo experience and training as we deem older mes oppressive and irrelevant. add to that the ubiquity of smartphones. t th you have a workforce too distracted to care. ,eveiquityn i checked facebook n judge jeanine starts rambling about how we don't execute teens. which brings me back to the secret service. it turns out that the trump messbookut no bug in the t system. >> it is the system. a new report te from real clear politics reporter susan
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crabtree quotes source.s within the service who claim that the agency has suffered more lapsesd . kat's car insurance. first, two secret service agents were recently kat' whileed dead asleep on duty at mar a lago, and instead of nudging them awake, the photos were circulated to others on the detail. the sleepers were never o disciplined, but everybody got a good laugh. .in 2019, two, chinese nationals simply strolled onto the groundgoods of trump's flor home, perhaps thinking it was disney's magic kingdom. magi >> worse, the secret service can't even protect itself. monts two months ago, a man in shorts and a t-shirt walked through ann open door in the miami fieldoffe offices office and spent the night. first he took a shower, then downloaded on a computer. is e it's weird. i usually do those two thingsir . reverse i want you to. next morning. he asked employees whereas he could get cup of coffee and they got him coffee.
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o,i don't get treated that well at starbucks and i own starbucks. was he was only caught when he entered a defensive tactics was.ughts and someone finally ad who the hell he was, which is like brian, meet at as li brian kilmeade book signing. >> he's a friend. >> i know. now, look, no agency is perfectr ,but when some clown can wander into a classified facilitywhen som watch, wash upd the night, have breakfast, and then attenpornogd a tactical training session. is it any wonder a whack job coul bred ride up on a bike i and shoot trump best buy as better security i. e but there's more. in april last year, a drunk neighbor burstt trump? into thee of national security adviser jake sullivan. heunighbouhe probably took off,, when he saw sullivan. the guy looks like he escaped an autopsyy . >> now sullivan gets secret >>rvice detail, yet somehow a drunk still got past this crack squad of security pros and confronted sullivan in his home in the dead of nightuad who was on post
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that night. >> paul blart. night? >> two intruders recently breached security at the obamas in hawaii. there weren't any guard dogs except on the menu. and when barack was president, an intruder jumped the whiten ba house fence and got inside. >> so forget the conspiracyt ini theories, unless it's a conspiracy of declindeet thee as everywhere. de true nepotism and hires have real world consequences. but the old fashioned notion of meritocracyd di seems like a long way away. >> as we wake up to deteriorate eating cities, schools that indoctrinate but don't educate and learn some more handcuffed than the criminals. it's not just the secretcuffed service. it's society. we didn't just break a few eggsc to mak e an omelet. we broke the pan. that makes the omelet. the errors by the secretisa by service seem the result of a distracted generation divorced from direction or discipline. di
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this is not who america was. not the america that wenthtis wo world wars or even the cold war. today, we couldn't win the war on gingivitirld wars cold was. >> joe biden and i guess likeid his kids, you get to see him twice a month. actor, writer and comedian tamis joe jami lays out. she makes liberals with their common sense. host of emily savewiths americac emily will send she's so libertarian, she started charging unborn baby rent. "new york times" best selling authorn ba, his contributor cath if he picks teeth with the washington monument. "new york times" best selling author, comedianhe p and more. >> jamie, i bet you can relateeu with the secret service and that you both struggle to do the one jobthat
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you're supposed to do. >> youse yeah. twice a month. i wish. yeah. yeah, i it's very i have a very similar things with my, you know, my divorce as that in this whole assassination thing. you know, the guy was on the roof and. i didn't see him for a long time. that exact thing happened to me when i came home early from work.r th. and >> and rumor has it that were homeshooters. so you enjoy court this article. it really is frightening. and it's like all the things r that are like the two guys falling asleep on, which, like i do feel for those guys a little bit. last night in bed with my lid fell m, she claimeguys a asleep when it was my turn. >> but it'friend ss i just went. >> you said in your monologue everything's being locked up. i don't live in new york. just. i just live in noticed that foro the first time for anybody that's visit like it's they locke up. i want to buy toothpaste. right? toothpaste is locked up. tot locked up,s lock
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and silver's locked up. and i was been looking at some of the homeless in new york a and i was like, i don't think they use that stuff. >> i think not i think we needt we to lock it up. and but just last want to say this, it's a very touchy situation because some of those cigarettes agents did whene secr the moment was fired, they were se of themy trand they really tried to do their jobs and like, i can't like d greg, you know, i, i love working for you on your show, but i don't know o if i could be a human shield. you know, like, that's a that's th i would loyaltya be like, greg, what if i just brought i just brought a shiel o . >> jeremy like, does it have to be me? could i just. i don't know. just do i have to? guy yeah. >> i bro i brought a shield that helped>> take that shield greg:. e that s but you're right. i do feel bad for the secret service because they're just tryingi dod to do their job.t it feels like administrative decline, certain kinds of poorl y sees emily that they're enacting. but i don't think it's just thi about secret service. there's a vibe in all of our
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institutions it and services. o i feel that we've somehowns t abandonehad some kind of liked f desire for, i don't know, higher achievement or competence. >> i was going to say especially it was service in place s, los angeles. everywhere you go now, thinre literally a burden. things are locked up and you ask them to come over and they're like, you know, and i'm like, i'm so sorry. >> what else aren't you doing? it's the same with when you goe to a restaurant. now, i will literally at somdoea look to my boyfriend, like, did we, like, do something to this person? bo we e, did did do were we in a lawsuit? did we, like, date someone in their family? becaus dide i'm like, why amated i being treated this bad? and then they'll they'll give you the thing to tabad. p and they're like, it starts at 22%. yeah, 22% is insane. a tip is when you have excellent service and now they do it on very weird medican l procedures. i've been asked for a tip.he i'm like, oh, so if i don't tip, are you just kindr to sai e kind of like, botch me next time i'm in hereg to, i'm like, cut. now i'm thinking about what medical procedure you have. yeah what you medical merits,
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just laser, which is veryh normal. but i'm just like, so if i don't tip you, what is going to happen next tim v io e >> we'll say, hmm. i usually group that when i go play laser tag so i can knoc tis two out at once. >> very similar.i very similar. is it it's i don't cat. you know what i, i it's it's something is it fair to beo to secret service. i don't think i think that it's i thir to them bo secr. >> i think this is something that we're seeing everywhereing well i wouldn't so i wouldn't put place it specificall iy on d-i either. i would place it on a lackcounti of accountability that i think is spans across government institutions. think about th e two secretout th service agents found sleeping at mar a lagseo. we're not in any trouble for a that. right. what job couldny trouble you beg at and not get in trouble? >> well, there's no jo b. . there really is. cashier think about cat. on >> cashier.
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yes. okay. let alone two cashiers heads would roll at that chippewa. yes. >> and arguably less important than protecting the life of forme r president current presidential candidate. >> arguabl ay no job. you can't sleep? yes, you will face consequences. >> but why would you try if you don' t to?t >> yeah, and i think they give these guys enough rest because>o their job is so important that they would like. they don't have them work around or s clock. >> i don't know you're you're you're bodyguard you haved. there's some things you just there is no feel for you.sorr yeah. if you're executive protection you're executive protectior.n o. you're not. that's not a to your point, thh of chipotle's burrito getting up is not the same thing bowl . is a bullet bouncing off my ear. i think there's some levels to it. s a but i think the biggero it
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the bigger thing is that we're in athe bigg cultural war in ths country because the other day i war ins somebody was giving me because like, well, you're not religious. i'm like, no, i'm not religious, but our entire country is based off of christianit at rey values, hd work, meritocracy, best. you put your best foot forwardca ,ten commandments, we follow it. so whether you're an atheist or no0t, still, you still grow up in this culture. and what we're seeing since the pandemic is a revolt from that culturece. o no they don't want any of the things that our customs have pushenyd this.y wh i'll hire anyone who can do the job because it's my right to db o the if i want to try the job. so we're seeing it's a completely different mindset. a they're hiring people who only wany difft get the job ando as soon as they get the job,he the first thing they tell you is the days they need off. yes. okaying theyl yo. it's not the same when you when you want to be. >> not levelo woground and i'm going to work every day. i be that guy because hard work pays off. integritay and thay y off the g.
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you do good things. good things happen. they're saying, no, i don't wanna dou dod thin any of that.t i want the job. but wait, it's. i'm tired. but p soap.o take a nawant. i'm going to take this nap and they don't get fired because the supervisor tisor is is probably taking a nap too. so it's just across the board. we're just is a cultural battled we're in right now. >> yeah, it's true. all right. weltural got to move on. up next. oh, thank you.t. they're applauding my tease. kamala pushes fake news to change view. looking for a smarter way to mop dry the swiffer power mop an all in one cleaning tool that gives you a mop bucket that gives you a mop bucket clean in half the timeme our cleaning pad has hundreds of scrubbing strips that absorb of scrubbing strips that absorb and lock dirt away and it has a 360 degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just cann't mop so you cann your home faster than ever, but mop harder, mop smarter with the swiffer polymer.
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dave's company just scored join the millions of people tak the comcast businessy 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five! -i'm in a call... it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years? introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. today. >> a story in five words kamala's campaign is editing headlines. >> emily so our campaign has been running sponsored ads and a google search results and they use altered headlines that they created that link to real articles. the fake ad lines have been
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changed to make her look better, which seems a little greedy to me becauser o the articles are already slanted to make her look better. be.. d that's not enough this is very smart. think about how manysl people, especially, let's say, younger left-wing voters, are reading anything besides the headline. they're literally paying for misinformatio n. erally that's basically what they're doing because the articles are real, but they're paid thp on top,ponsorshirsinforma which is really they're picking the headline and manipulating it to be super positiv e. pe let's be real. these people are not reading past the headline. yeah, smart on their parpositit yeah, i read everything. that's my job, kat. you know that as well. i'll stay up for hours and just click. clic you know thk away. for >> click, click, click. that's what. that's what they call me what. you're a clicker. a clicker. k. re a cliall of the clicker. >> all of this was done without the knowledge of the news outletof ts. >> is this unethical? n ewi mean, like, we're right.smae >> live. work smarter, not harder, i guess. i mean, you ser harder guess.e why they would do it.
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>> i mean, isn't like politics in general unethical. a lot of it is. yes, but you're right. i think most people actually just es read headlines. adline i think a lot of peopls.ei thin have entire philosophies of things just like scrolling headlines on a toilet because justs ont of the times now when you click the headline, they'll say, put in your emailu and. y >> you're like, oh, yeah, you're asking a loou t. greg: yeah, you're out of your freeer three articles. you're like, okae ouy three. yes. yeah, i'll remain uninformedsee >> yeah, i'll wait tillil the first of the month when i get to other. because if you put unt the in yr email, then you're going to send me a hundred email s day. >> yes. and you don't eat it. so i think a lot of peopley. don' a ot, especially iff they don't, they think, okay, i'm fine, i know this, forget about it. like i'm i think this is reallyi taking advantage of something that we all know, a bad thing. i think if information is a good thing, then the fac t people only read headlines is a bad thing and they're using it to their advantage. becaus goe i a lot of people i mean, how many people actuall y read wholeicle.
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thing? >> yeah. and they have no idea that she's flip flopping on policie >> greg:as that she had radical policies. they don't even know that she was behindn poli h the on tips.o now they just know that she doesn't want to have. yeaht know, absolutely.the me >> and the media doesn't dodi anything to fix that. tyrus. they're just that i think. i don't even think the media would have complained if ie meti hadn't been exposed. >> well, they're not complaining becaus n exe be running b real stories. they'd be surrounding her asking questions or they'd invent something cool. like a follow up question. wouldn't that be nice. that be >> yeah. yes. yes. what do you mean by that? yes. how how so? that's my favorite thing. yeah. how so? doesn't matter what somebody. ths myng.jamie. >> me? yeah. what do those words mean? i'm mean?ike just is so simple. but they don't do that. and the but here's the par t they're getting greedy. >> yeah. like the media is already doingy this for them and they're like, oh no, no, we're going to tweak it a little more, right? >> a little moreal wil. at s which at some point somebody in the media is going to getom r not get credit for this because caey're all part of the same. i think we need to stop saying like, oh, the media is pushing come.
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d to stono, they're on the same. yeah, we're the same uniforms. and now she's telling them how to do their job better. so you just hope, say, i don't know, october ish. they get tired anbut in the meantime, she's going to keep doing what she's doing. and the ie only one who's cryio foul is the right. everyone's like, there's no interviews. there' as does this are you lyig about everything? and they're like, so? >> yeah, it's yo for the media. cromwell is the second younger,a wife, right? >> it's like, you know,e ol they finally unloaded the old guy, but that would be like the old ladyguy.. and now they got the young one and they're just letting her do whatever she wanteys. >> jamie? jamie, you have kids, right? yep. yep. rimm-hmm. i certainly do. i saw the court order. >> court o. is this what kids kind of dot ki with report cards? you knowds d, they like, they h an f and they do a little lineyo and they that into an a, excepte in this case, it's a, b and c? yeahpt. an >> a to an a-plus or a minus.tod you just go. yes. and you makes
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line.hing a you're ecstatic. can i say i'm so glad you guys said that thing about not wanting to give your addresses. i thought it was the only one who would not get more articlebs . my.da i got one today preparing for the show, and it was like. it was like for a dollar ik, he you can have free articles for the rest of your life. >> and i was like, i don't think so . i. g. >> i don't know. i have not entry so kamala i feel i feel bad because i know i don't know how to i don't know how to pronounce your name. i don't know if it's kamala or kamala tme a because knowing he, maybe she's been saying it wrong. >> yea or kamala.h, i mean, or e changing it depending on whodefd she's talking to. i was thinking this whole time, reading this, i was likeo shkin i wish i could afford her publicist, right? because, like, for my show, say, like, no one showed up, they would put the headline woul.d be like room to stretch out at jamie alsouo show you knw or like if my show gets canceled that'd be like comedian jamie lizzo does no li
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say biden his diaper they go hey president has new life hacks to lose £3 instantly that one se step too far i have a i have a public service announcement that i wanted to share with you. >> greati have publi that i thad prepared. >> okai y. lizzo's lessons tips from a divorced dad. >> hey, divorced dads really important. never forget to send [ ♪ kid a birthday card on their birthday. >> i would have, but they nevere sent me their new address. >> oh, this is tips from a divorced dad . >> well, that was sad. way to bring us all, jamie. >> yeah, well, you truly are a comedian's. all right. up next, colbert's little gaffe, yields.
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name. people think there's a whole huge process. the truth is, it's a one page document, but it still must get through one final barrier. the county clerk when someone comes in with fraudulent deed, if it's notarized and all the spaces are filled in, we by statute have to accept it, we cannot give it back to them and say, we know this is fraudulent, not going to file it. that's against the law. it's public records, it's a recording system. >> they don't make a phone call . they record it. that's all they do. bottom line is, yes, it happens. and can't stop it from happening. and it only takes once for it to sting. and it's a very sad thing to watch. you've put your love into the house and all of a sudden it might not be yours. it's a devastating crime for pennies a day home title like monitor your title nonstop, alerting you to suspicious activity. >> you can get a warning. notice that this first step has happened. you can stop the rest. this person from somewhere in new york stole our property.
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of homeowners who use and to care for their home high or high quality certified pros at angie it's coming your way. hey. hey, it's me. hey, hey, hey. thank you. i know even a brainwashed audience knows cnn really blows. stephen colbert and cnn anchors collins, bring us our video of the day. caitn. he dayppens whe >> he tells her that cnn'spens objective i know you guys are objective over there, that you just report the new kn it is.>> oh, i know cnn makes it. i and i know that' cs supposednn lab like i wasn't supposed to be, but i guess ilaugt is. b >> yeah, it wasn't supposed to be a laugh line, but itgues t is. apparently, even the audience is in on the joke that cnn is objectivet shareven t if thes and guests aren't. >> the last time there was i a realf th like that on the lath show, it was before david letterman quit to join lik
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these top. oh, that's him, by the way, tyrus, they were kind of ier mean, they were kind of shocked by the reaction because they live in their of bubble i. mean, the fact that she was on there as a celebrity supposed to be a journalist. yeah. you know, but that's what they're trying to do. that's what they are trying to make their journalists cool and hip. >> the crowd wasn't because the truth is out there. and i think that's that gives me hope that the people aren't buying. and i love how uncomfortable they both were because bubble got burst for a second. >> she was like, was that supposed to be funny? and people like, do you not hear yourself speak? you not see the behavior that cnn has put up the way you're one of the worst. you're not even news anymore. you're the anti-trump network. yeah, that's all you do. and now you and this is the same thing. this was this is the new. acostathey'rryin this is the net public defender, number one. so they're going to tr ylove to pushers, get a book and everything else. wad then after trump wins orrtat whatever, then we'll fade away because the last batch from the last time he was in wheret
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are they? so they but they it's a broken record. they jus thret keep it over and over again. and it's funny because colberti with his 17 writers and or 30 writers, it's p series that everyone laughs at. >> so that's why we're number one. yeah bat f, that it's really bas with the audience here is you being serious and assume it's a joke. i think we call itthat. that. greg: i >> watters effect. cal so i have another theory j on this. hmm. i think that this showesses actually that colbert doesn't watch cns acn because it is so obviously slanted. >> he's just, oh, yeah, you guys are the news, huh? but he because because who does ? watch it. really? yeah. not that many people. why would he watch it? re t that m tch itbut i think i think that there's no way that you actually think it's subjective,. but i think that you it was for a bit. so i feel like people are kindsn of resting on that and you assume somehow that no one has noticed. >> but this is proof that people obviously have.
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yeaht nobody t this, there was a time i meant the gulf war was like that wasin the shining moment of cnn. and then from there it just kind of i never think therefr strivingom t that anymore is wha so interesting is because that that used to be what they would strive fort to. t th i don't even think anyone's really pretending that's the case. yes. you know, what happeneat anyboss when they had don lemon and chris cuomo as and they were commentators. s when, ommentat they never had themselves anchors, which you just call yourself. >> >> what you are. >> yes, i do think, jimi, it seems to me that cnn is headed for disaster. and you've experienced that witjamie,h your first marr. >> is there any advice that you can give them or what do you is there any wa y that they canny turn that truck around? >> oh, i don't, honestly. and speaking of anchors, really, the view hass four four literal anchors. terrible. that was kind of terrible. you know what, man? >>, it's interesting
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that laughter, like, shows the trut.h. oh, yeah, right. like if he says cnn is objective, it everyonsayse year like everyone agrees that that is not true. it's like a very quick way to getes the truth. i actually experiences on stage once i was like going back back and with a heckler and he goes the true story and he goes, he , ,why don't you get a tighter you shirt? and everyone laughed at and i threw the shirt away because they were right. yes. like all thee shiray. laughter meant that they were right. and i almost wish everyone could have seet they right.n. e there's so much in this. i don't know. like tyra said it best, likech t is not the guest that johnny carson would have on, like, a funny celebrits noy. or fun and in the interview, she kind of goes on to say, first she says, like now cel , trump and the vibe isn't what it used to be like. and then she right after that sayt what io s, i'm a jours and, you know, it's right after this. she goes as a journalist a, i yu know, like, we don't make assumptions. we follow the story. e dot makebut she just said thaa was going to win. and by the way, i wish they had showg to wn. she's a beautiful woman. and when she walked out, you could see it better. but he r her dress,
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she's wearing, it has it hashe r buttons and also a zippers. and also a buckle. and i think her dress is an escp escape room. if you're getting dressed in the morning, i have to ask can g yeah, i'm jamie, by the way. >> your pants are too tight., yeah. >> i think that proves they're just right.proves >> yeah. emily, were you surprised by the reactiojust rn of colbero audience? i assume maybe they might have agreen ofs audiend them.wit >> i was a little surprised. but then when i think of these a audiences, i feel like they're all, like, almost held captive. yeah, i feele audi like everyon watching them. like, you know, you need to laugh. you have no other choice. right? right. but i'm also like, wait,everyboc this was the first real laugh you got in years, and it was an unintentionahing them. you nee i l joke.t >> i cannot believe that this b be dancing needles for colbert. >> that was such a great a great comedit thisthe c skit , that was one of the i guess y that's probablyat is one of the all time classic moments of colbert was one the needles propaganda
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television for covid.vivos >> yeah, i guess the thing is,- it just seems how it's kind of i thinkopaganda it's, a goodd that the audience is now savvier than the peopleon in front of them. >> you know, it's like it that ihem.s a sign that maybe the viewing public has red pilled into understanding that it's all complete and utter. >> you know, they have like the laughter sign. yeah. he's going to have going to have to have a don't laugh sign. >> yeae laughter signeh very gop how tampon tim set people straight ify good they is by eight i have dry tired itchy burning myself things got worse over time. >> my eye doctor explained the but was inflammation and so he prescribed. >> deidre snyder works differently. deidre inflammation deidre inflammation over-the-counter drops don't dt.
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our second video of the day comes to us from minnesota in late may 20, 20, the height of fiery anarchy and the covid pandemic as rioting arsonist thugs torched minneapolis without a care in the world and no one to stope them. newly resurfaced video shows cops enforcingapolis w walz's 8. curfew by shooting paintballsts0 residents just standing outside their porches, rolling by larg. >> look at this. they just keep coming. oh, no. keep he diecod tonight. get inside. get you out. in youe now,go, go, america, le >> die now inside of the home. >> he didn't get in. get in, get in, get in, get in g . get in your house. oh, oh i heard you knock on the door. t?
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>> are you okay?g: r you got hit right inig theht . yeah, i usually pay a hundred bucks for that. but again, this cannot be overstated. then governor tim wild's prioritybucks is blasting resids with paintballs for breaking curfew. governor walbut couldn't care ln rioters actually broke into entire buildings and set les on fire. well, imagine how tough he would have been in iraqcoulde he actually showed up. >> yeah, welyl, yeah, i guess we know where his wents . >> kat, you've called out his authoritarian measures during the pandemic. that snitch line. yeah. yeah, the snitch line, which authl i think we have thethe recording of what it said, actually. >>reco what it mm. hello. you have reached the department of public works. stay at home hotline. the information you leave is considered public lie hon. o at the tone, please leave the following information. your nam e your callback how a stay at home order
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is being violated and where the stay at home order was -. thank you.ol that was reaatedl. t-home yeah. like that was actually real where there was this government hotlin >> ie. that >> i'm just i'm not over it.real i'm not over the kobe thing. i'm not over the fact that the grvernment grounded all of ove us basically as adults made us stay home. we had to justou of sit there a and take it regardless of you found your business shut downd n, your loved one was going to die alone. >> there's been no accountabilityt or youwa or even at all for any of this. and it's how are we terrifiedar that this could happen again? you're right, though. there's the worde we. e righ >> yes, that's gone by thee wayside. imagin e covid hearing something like that. >> you'd think it was a joke. it i a joke. note wa people were calling in reporting like people playing basketball. yeah. or like, look, somebody over to someone's house. >> yesle playi, officer it's in. yo jamie when you see your kids for those court appointed
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visits, do you play paintball? >>urr thost mm.i sometimes when i'm alone with my kids, they're like, where's the cop? am i amand that was it.u se >> did you see some of this? this is it's frightening that he had these did shoot the paintballs and was oka y it. with all that stuff. >> some people online were like this story's being representaloh wrongly that they're enforcing covid measures and it's like yeahg re still not okay yeah lit it's still not okaily this instance and i was thinking like maybe is it i ie paintballh the one thing that being isought up is that it probably is like it's probably super fun to shoot people with paintball s . >> yes, right. even if it's wrong if you're a cop. i just could we get if it is a p gets really aggressive, could we demote him to paintball gun ? th you save him? if he's still aggressive, we give him a bow and arrow. but it's those suction cup arrows and the perpetrator bs. >> i'm here.
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oh, boy. and you're oka poy. but some of the stuff this dude, this dude does is absolutely, absolutely something to look into it. and it's a it's frightenin looky and he said you got a good you got that's the one part where i go the other way i s i would love an 8 p.m.m curf curfew just for everybody. yeah. leep >> because i would like to go to sleep like, you know, like i just it shows naples. >> it was the best weekend of my life because we it's, it's our older all >> the late show was at 7 p.m.. now it was the midnightht sho show was at nine. that makes no sense but this lik is yeah i just feel like there's a lot to be to legitimately be be worriea l exactly. you know what? i'm surprised that they didn't say that they . paint that was in the paint ball would help reduce your covid symptoms. >> well, we know what they would label it as either way. no no m you went down. let's not forget, under gavin newsom, wherw e i am in california, the guy that was paddleboarding alone in theocea ocean and got arrested and how crazy they were with us. but it is pretty ed. interesting watching this. i don't know if i was on the left, if i woul us.d fort
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someone where part of, you know, the place he was runnin forg like a scene from the purge movie. yeah. which is literally what that look purges. the and let's be real. when the next thing comes out, they're going to gto even harder because they saw how much they can get away with.y and people just frankly didn't do anything and they're still not doing anythingw the. so, i mean, yeah, i listened to an interview with a woman ty and.she ha she had a business open in his state and he punished her to ope the harshest standarh >> she spentar 90 days in jail s for keeping her business open. >> this is a woman. yeah. thg people ofstate. your own state. >> yeah, true. you know, tyrus, do you think this is good? like, we're so siloed? will change any minds to lookwil back on this and see that this is the kind of decisions he makes? >> it should. and t and hard to think that wast is america. what we were watching. yeah, and it's frustrating and he couldn't have pulled that louisianatrating. and but d news in is that peoplehi
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are patterns so ift this election starts to run away from kamala and the snitch he'll quit and run off which we'll know. >> hey he w we got it in the bag because he's every time it's gotten tough, he's ra n or he's done things like this when he gets control in power. and that's d what we should w really be concerned about because this could be as simple as, oe shouldh you know , that's how we're going to treat maga people. mm. their domestic terror. t they've already laid the thing. if you're a curfew, if you're a maga is 8 p.m.. alre areally. >> don't let us catch you in the street and police if you don't do what we told you to the you. so i mean we've seen what a state looks like under that's it. looks minnesota is a preview of america. that's how he govern minnesots. she's, she's right with him. he's underneath her. so that's minnesota is going to be the new america, depending on how vote. and i hope we have moreho people in the audience like we were at colber t who are getting it and like, now you're this is a book you let a man like bve this with this type of of backbone in the country. le
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welcome to our new segment. what did he do? meyour host, brian williams. mark zuckerberg professedams. his love for his wife with a statue that he unveiled yesterday on his instagram pagee ,which raises the question, what do you. oh, i have to go to you.i it tells him i knoo you.w it's l word to you, tyrus, but i can tell you can't wait. look, look, listen . normally when a guy you have to put something glowing about your a gu other half on youral social media or give it to her d when you build a statue or you ask him to raise the otherkg one's baby, you don't see him wa like this.i am you did.e. beyond the pale. this. this is worse than cheatinthis yes. this is like, did he knock her sister up? you know, like this is on that level?
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yes. because the averagthate who gets bike, he'll be like he'll go on social media, like i'm a socnt. idiot. yeah, i messed up. i'm, you know, make sure i pos try her every week. yeah. make sure i put her name on the wall. like i'm going to show everybody that i'v sure r name e. anged. if you built it, it's probablyay too late. it's probably too late. t the statueoo and.n' i don't even know where you go to date a women. i didn't knore you gw. was he? i like it. she's like sitting thereo. in that picture. she's drinking coffee in a bathrobe. likether she's not even.en looks like she's happy. she's like, this is like a stal . but i'm not impressed. in her pocket. in her pockei amt. speed dials the lawyer. yeah, right underneath the accoun t. my theory, kat, is that she walked in on while he was in ana of virtual reality sex workers . remember? he created that whole new meadow universn ane, and she walked in and he was naked arms and legs akimbe wao. >> i totally disagree with both
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of you. really. ot >> i think that this is ridiculously minuscule. think this is . okay, keep in mind, this is not these are not normal ule. people. this if my husband had the level of money that mark zuckerbergt normalif m, i shoulg statue guarded just because. yes, just the one statue. >> no wonder she's like, okay, i'll stand here fobecae. r i wouldn't i standing there for that picture next, that one single statue is disrespecting yourself, actually. e is my amusement park of coasters that look like me? >> but, you know, it's great. . is that in this picture? okay, she's drinking at the time. >> it's like she's not even giving it the audience. it doesn't put up just one statue after all this. that's that's really embarrassing. even mean emily, he is this? 18i billion, right? i mean, what is this worth? >> i bet this is worth millions and worth at least half to him. ye s yes. she's got to.
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got to do some dating courses or something. there's something. okay. there's something very funnydatg about everything. he's a little weird to me. i get major like lizard vibes from hims rd, so i don't know we her deal is. she's. she's with him. i will say i do the artist. actually, i follow. he's one of the greatest artists on the planet. i reallyy im do believe that.t. >> so i will give him the credit. but the whole thing is kind of weird. i would also think give hi. someone gavestatue me a statue. >> she doesn't even care enough to get ready for the photo she.a >> yeah, that's kind of thes th funniest part about it is he dit abd all this and the photoho you posted. she's like, morning cup of coffeede. t even >> i'm like, did he even bother getting ready? yeah. she's doing something by her bathrobeg. doesn't even match the rope. yeah. does not car the batdoese if sh. care. >> right? you said, you know d no, artistthe is good, you know? i mean who he is. do you know how muchar i that wd run for? >> is that are his pieces? i've never even seen price ser on jamie. >> you're actually make your wife actually made a statue eseen pris on of you je could smash it into a millionas pieces like she did to yourh it hearmilliot. r
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that's right. and when i saw it, i was like, this is so small. why did you make it actualt. i saw size? and then, yeah, if i got, if a i made my a statue like that, i was like, oh, happy. you know, she woul ad go. her >> what's her name. yeah. like, i mean n, i feel likee ths this is one step up from relationship kiss of death. this would be likee step if yout a tattoo with the other person's name on it, you know, you immediately break up. person'sthis is one level abovee to permanent who gets it in the divorce? it's very confusinveg by the wav i used to own a tattoo shop where we had helornfusing.p peo had their significant other tattooed and then they broke uwt and we didn't remove the tattoo. >> we were just really good at writing is ae th . and thatpi and that's all righty >> so we end on that.arbo okay. okay. don't go awar fr we'll be right back. we when you get your tools from harbor freight, something about the job, different,we your wallet, whatever you doeke do it for less at harbor
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