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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  August 15, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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you rather be harris today, we have three months to go and there will be surprises and polls have been wrong before. polls underestimate trump. >> bill: there are those that believe she need to be 2.5 to 3.5 points ahead nationally to have a shot at winning this thing. >> dana: and the quinnipiac survey that came out, presidential match up, 48-45. look at r.f.k. jr., 4%. someone said when they are looking at that, r.f.k. jr. is mainly only taking away from trump. so we shall see. >> bill: that is what we see at the moment. >> dana: always interesting. >> bill: crunch numbers and find stories that could be telling november 5. >> dana: or not. >> bill: right. asheville, north carolina, we
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roll, check it outer. >> she's flip flopping on everything she's ever espoused or believed in the border, healthcare, crime. she truly is a radical. she is flip flopping to get elected. after she gets elected, back to where it was. >> dana: former met trump drawing a clear line between his campaign and harris's. his opponent refuses to do the same. we are awaiting remarks from j.d. vance, he will outline policies they have in the battleground of pennsylvania. welcome to a brand new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: good morning, i'm bill hemmer. big campaign event about to get underway in pa, on day 25 of no answers, no interviews, no press conferences from vice president harris or any clarity on policy positions that are doing 180.
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axios asks this, what does h harris believe? how much longer can she keep voters in the dark? dane >> dana: paul mauro is standing by. >> bill: first alexis mcadams, good morning. >> former president will speak later today, taking questions another time from the press this afternoon, second conference in less than a week. voters wait to hear more about vice president harris's policies. it shows a dead heat. former president trump is leading by 1 percentage point sitting 50% with vice president kamala harris 49% according to latest fox news national survey that just came out. getting closer look at issues americans are voting on. interesting to see what people care about.
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38% of people say economy is top priority. former president trump warning vice president harris's economic policies will be worse than bidens. >> you don't have to wonder what a harris-biden presidency would look like. you are looking at it now and paying a price nobody has paid. >> immigration and crime are back in the spotlight this week. after this migrant from n nicaragua was arrested and charged with raping a woman in coney island. according to nypd sources, this is not his first arrest. former president trump talking about this yesterday saying migrant crime is growing because of biden and harris's policies. >> actually want open borders and kamala wants open abortions and she's said it for 15 years. >> that is what trump is saying, kamala harris says trump is
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lying about her record on immigration ands she's been working hard to secure the southern border. >> bill: nice to see you. >> dana: get to william logines. >> prop 47, about 57 early parole and 109 emptied state prisons. then attorney general kamala harris did not oppose a single one. >> as border state prosecutor, she took on drug cartels. >> this adshows kamala harris as tough on crime prosecutor, it is not running in california. none of law enforcement seen her support her. >> under her leadership, we've seen largest erosion of victim rights and public safety in is this state than i've seen in 25
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years. >> prosecutor tim ward said harris oversaw worst crime measures. >> ag harris called prop 57 public safety and rehab act and sold it as prison reform. >> we need to make a difference between violent and serious crime and nonviolent and low le level offenses. >> sex act with minor, assault with deadly weapon, these are not nonviolent, these are violent crimes. >> our justice system needs drastic repair. >> she wanted to send state prisons to county jails and over overcrowding forced release of inmates. >> they refuse to do anything about it. >> harris wasn't alone, you had
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democratic super majority, progressive governor supporting the policies as violent crime rate increased 8%, above the national average. back to you. >> dana: thank you. joining us for more, retired nypd inspector and fox news contr contributor, paul mauro. good to have you. i want to play more from kamala harris, about her crime record flashing back. >> ridiculous war on drugs was a farce, it was ineffective and outdated and a waste of money. >> when you become president, would you be committing to close the immigration detention centers? >> absolutely on day one. far too long, status quo thinking has been to believe that by putting police on the street, you will have more safety, that is wrong. >> dana: what have we learned
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since then? >> paul: streets are littered with humans rotting from the inside out thanks to fentanyl coming over the border, the border she was supposed to be the czar of. we are into third level of fentanyl, each is like 100 times more powerful than the last. be clear with fentanyl, it is not overdose, it is poisoning, it is put in other drugs to make it stronger and you have addicts before you know it. she wants to close detention centers, how does that jibe with the idea she will toughen the border. this has been underreported she and her husband gave $1000 last year and previous years to a group in washington, d.c. that is committed to defunding police and making washington, d.c. a permanent sanctuary city. our nation's cape t capital beig
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donated to by our border czar. now we're going to trust her when she's donating to a group like that. as far as defund, she says it, we are not supposed to believe her now? it will not come back in, it will go to root cause idea like with the border, money disappeared into guatemala and because she wouldn't go to the border and gather intel she should have, even if she was not border czar, even if she was root cause czar, they are saying now. i talked to border patrol, they know everybody who is coming in, they know who groups are. she had gone once and sat with the cops, they would have told her who was coming out of prison, we are seeing rape, murder, coming out of that group, she would have known. >> bill: you are well entrenched
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in the story in new york with migrant camps and way they are set up. she made that comment five years ago about closing detention centers, pre-seven, eight, nine, 10 million plus immigrants that have crossed the border since. how do you walk something like that back? >> paul: i don't see how without it being complete 180. you would have to believe she had a revelation. remember something, these detention camps are run by the migrants. they are prison gangs. not all migrants, a small percentage, that is what they did at home. in venezuela and el salvador, they know how to run the camps. randall's island. the crime numbers seem so great,
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they are wrong, if we had more time i could demonstrate it. they don't count migrant crime, it happens in there and nobody knows about if. if 1% of 20 million are prison gangsters, that is 200,000 people, we don't need that. we have seen it in the past. we were taught in the 1980'ses, when you do nonvetted immigration wave, you import violence and pay for decades. it is women they are targeting, i don't know where feminist groups are, they should be all over it. >> bill: spike in medicare premiums are coming, biden-harris administration is hiding increase by using taxpayer dollars they call subsidy an election-year stunt. grady trim bell will dig into that. what did you find out? >> biden-harris administration is rolling out plan to cap
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medicare part d covering prescription drugs can go up at $35. that might sound good, it is cost of $5 billion to taxpayers for what they are calling a demonstration project. the reason federal government is implementing this project in the first place is because of change to the way medicare system works brought on by inflation reduction act. that sought to lower prescription drug prices, but now insurance companies are on the hook for what patients used to pay and expected to pass new cost on in the form of higher premiums. this 5 billion seek to blunt huge yearly price spikes. they are having to take money from the general treasury fund and throw it into medicare part d so that seniors aren't faced
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90 days before election with mreemium increases of 40, 50, 60% when they face premium increases of 21%. >> republicans in congress are fired up about this. senator bill cassidy, who is a doctor, says biden-harris administration is using treasury for political advantage and treasury will borrow more money for this. i don't think it matters to biden or harris but should to us as taxpayers. another group wants government accountability office to look at this projects saying it shifts cost from plan sponsors to taxpayers. >> bill: thanks. got breaking news out of california. tmz is reporting authorities have made multiple arrest in connection with the death of matthew perry.
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he died last october. the story at the time was the ketamine caused him to lose cons consciousness while in the hot tub. marc siegel is on the phone with us. why would someone need ketamine prescribed to them? >> ketamine is general an steti. anesthesiologist uses it to put someone to sleep. it is used in emergency rooms and needs high quality of skill. with matthew perry, first thing eyebrow raising was amount of k ketamine is eshg 85 lent to general anesthesia. how did he get that amount? second thing you use it for, you can use it to treat depression and anxiety, break a cycle of severe depression for someone
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like him that was a substance abuser, that is what it was being used for. that has to be monitored closely. ketamine causes confusion and paralysis and terror, hallucination and seizures and sedation and lots of cons consciousness. last thing you would want to happen if you are near a pool or potentially going swimming. the whole situation had a feel from the beginning. >> bill: read this from tmz, last therapy was week and a half before his death. the ketamine was not doctor prescribed. does that lineup with your thinking? >> exactly lines up with my thinking. someone or group of people were involved in unauthorized treatment here.
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this is not something that should be given casually or recreationally, it is use ed recreationally. sedation and it can cause seizures and give elevation in blood pressure and can cause a heart attack. a lot of things need careful monitoring. if not given by a physician, there are alleged report physicians were involved. they should not be giving this drug without careful consideration as to why and what interval. >> dana: thank you for helping with this breaking news. we kept paul mauro around. we were talking about the war on drugs, we walk through the streets and see not just in new york, fentanyl poisoning happening. people dying from those, there is no one tracking down their dealer to see what happened. in this case, you have an
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arrest, what will be the defense? >> paul: going to be tough, sounds like they put this together digitally. ketamine is a controlled s substance, it is actually a horse tranquilizer. it can be prescribed by doctors. as controlled substance, charge is diversion, you are getting a prescription off label, more than you are supposed to get. it sounds like and i just read it quick. this is nefarious fact, around treatment centers, you get drug dealers because they know people in there are trying to kick a habit. you go where your business is. they are trying to supply people trying to get off drugs, reconjoel them back on. sounds like a lot came out of his treatment center and may have been seduced back into
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taking it. since there is a doctor in the mix, dea does a lot of cases, i have seen cases involved where you have to go to the doctor and intent is involved. you have to show through digital evidence that the doctor knew he was over prescribing. >> bill: tmz is referring to text messages on a telephone. >> he may be saying, i need a bunch of ketamine and doctor saying, i will have it dropped off and you have problems. he was found doa next day, you are looking at criminally negligent homicide. it will be a tough defense, he will have to say, i am treating him. we don't know if this is the treating doctor. could be a dealer, we don't have enough facts. >> bill: matthew perry gone too soon, age 54 last october.
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thank you. >> dana: thank you both. >> of trais brown, former police officer, the father of twins, just trying to do his job. >> dana: vicious assault shows protesters leaving a police officer in critical condition. you won't believe it when you hear who the suspect is. >> bill: not once or twice, the judge in donald trump's case refuses to step down. >> dana: another head rolls, president of columbia resigns over handling of protesters on campus.
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>> bill: new report showing hunter biden tried to enlist the government to aid with burisma. white house was asked about it, skirting questions on new revelations. >> i will report what i said before, the president has never done business with his son. he was not aware of this and for anything further, i would have to refer you to hunter biden's representatives. >> bill: former deputy assistant ag joins us now. are you surprising this is coming out now sn white house slow walked this? how do you see it, john? >> jonathan: i'm surprised and i expect more of our justice department and state department which held the records. i'm shocked this was slow walked
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and delayed so far it wouldn't affect the election. important thing is how is the justice department not now investigating hunter biden for being unregistered foreign agent? we hear stories about this, payments from chinese companies by russian officials. how is hunter biden trying to leverage his influence because of his father, that should be within the scope of justice department investigation and we're learning about it now makes me question whether people were on the job. larger question and more important question people should ask, would kamala harris be in favor of continuing politicization of the justice department where people who are related to high ranking officials are not investigating and full force is thrown against donald trump and other republicans when supreme court and other judges are trying to
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stop them. >> bill: "new york post," elites decide hunter biden can now be -- is out. >> it should go somewhere. there is special counsel going on for hunter biden for tax evasion. that investigation should be broadened. people should ask kamala harris, if you are president, will you shut down the investigation or let investigators follow the leads where they go? they seem to be going for a bad place for hunter biden. kamala harris, if she's a fair president, should allow them to. >> bill: another topic, nobody is talking about, october surprise that will hit in september. judge merchan will assist donald trump. he's been asked to step aside
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and refuses to do that. how do you see this playing? what is impact day after? >> john: you notice how the calendar is working this way. judge merchan has ruled against donald trump every opportunity he had. he could have exercised discretion to change the sente sentencing date but instead moved it closer to absentee voting in my home state of pennsylvania. imagine if judge merchan sentenced donald trump to jail time or went crazy and said donald trump does not get to stay out of jail while this it in appeal. he has the power. i expect he wouldn't. this judge used discretion to force this trial in a political dreksz that will have an impact on the election. >> bill: we will watch it
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together. john john yoo, thank you. >> they kept him in the basement and they are keeping her in the basement shg they don't want to expose her to a question like, what did you have for dinner tonight? >> dana: former president trump slamming his white house rival, why her team says she is not taking questions at this moment and major developments in the matthew perry investigation. who police have reportedly arrested in wekz connection with the actor's death. or sleeping on the other side... ...of the house. because the tempur-ergo smart base actually detects snoring then automatically adjusts to help reduce it. all night, every night. don't miss our biggest sale of the year with savings up to $700 on select adjustable mattress sets and experience
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learn more at when i think about purpose, i don't know if st. jude donors realize the magnitude of what they are doing. their donations are funding the research. the research is allowing for the treatments to happen. and those treatments provide cures. and the cures are allowing patients to get to grow up and live amazing lives all around the world. >> bill: if you were with us earlier, 7:32 in new york, tmz on breaking news reporting multiple arrests in connection with the death of matthew perry. matt flinn has more. >> "friends" superstar matthew
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perry died in his hot tub last october. it was revealed perry had ketamine in his system. tmz says the ketamine was not le legally prescribed and been a month long federal criminal investigation leading to multiple arrests, according to tmz. executed search warrants, seizing computers, phones to determine who supplied perry with that lethal ketamine. perry had been getting ketamine infusion therapy, but last therapy was week and a half before his death so was not doctor prescribed. waiting to hear from the u.s. attorney's office. we are putting out phone calls and will update you throughout the day. >> bill: quite a development.
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thank you. >> dana: democrats are counting on abortion to drive turnout in nov november. a number of women oppose decision to send the issue back to states. former obama campaign manager is here. i want to talk about many things with you, i want to start with this. i remember a couple years ago, you had said this will be an issue in battleground states and it is going to be. i noted a pollster said he looked to do a focus group with not-for independent minded women and couldn't find any. how will issue of abortion affect the election? what should republicans be aware of? >> had is the issue of this election. it was sleeper issue last election in 2022 midterm election. democrats performed 9% better
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know that the polls. when you look at why, huge move from suburban women, theory of my entire life has been don't piss women off and this issue pissed off women voters in battleground states and now they can vote on it. the economy is most important issue, when you look at issues moving enthusiasm, it is abortion issue. across party, republicans, independents believe in same thing and want government to stay out of their lives. this issue is burning straight hot and president trump seem to be running from his position on this and it is hard to do. >> dana: let me pull up here from our fox news poll last night. main issue is economy, immigration, abortion way down. we've established that. to your point, on what trump has
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been saying, he is trying to say, it is fine if states decide, let the states decide. recent poll shows women are not okay, apparently, majority, with state of the union /* states deciding. you will have reveferendum in st states. >> when you look at who undecided voters are, we are down to 5% of voters who could vote for both candidates, almost tw two-thirds women voters. will voters get out and vote? vote turnout, both parties use, republicans put immigration ballots on in the past.
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it is about enthusiasm and state r referendum is way to turn out voters to make sure they vote. >> dana: head-to-head, president trump hanging in there, a lot of media attention and media backing off of focusing on kamala harris' record up until now and independents 51-43. this race in many ways, based on our poll yesterday, looks like it did when biden and trump were head-to-head before the debate. are democrats disasppointed wit that, cdid they think harris might be more ahead? >> i think democrats are thrilled with this. they went to a 50/50 shot. harris campaign had the best four weeks in modern american political history and reminder this race is tied, this will be
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very close. when you look at issues moving people, you still rather be democrats and republican midwestern three states seem to be leaning democrats. this election will be incredibly close and president trump has most solid base in american politics. we will fight over small 5% of swipg voters and figure out why side can swing out the vote. >> dana: do you think she should take questions to explain to people why she's flip flomed on issues like medicare for all and fracking? >> she will, dana. trump went months not talking to reporters, too. both will make a decision -- >> dana: i don't remember that. i feel like trump talks to the media all the time. >> you guys, no one else. 82 days from both sides -- >> dana: tell you what, if
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kamala harris does an hour with all in podcast, i will listen to the whole thing, as trump did. hope to see you in chicago, jim messina, thank you. >> bill: negotiations resuming for ceasefire in gaza, is there hope for this breakthrough? why the stakes have never been higher and ges who is at the table? >> hamas should know that everyday they hold our hostages, it will be more bitter for them than the day before. k-d r newday usa can help. veterans have earned service, newday usa can help. but the va home loan benefit is a big one. by using your benefit at newday you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out an average of $70,000. use that money to pay off high rate debt and get back on your feet financially.
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>> bill: some consider it now or never, high stakes talks now underway. perhaps hinging on success or failure illuming iran ian effec on israel. former force recon marine. chad, good to have you. white house reporting out of doha, qatar, talks have resumed and likely will run into friday. knowing hamas is there, what is your level of optimism for this working out? >> chad: i don't have optimism, the white house is not showing
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strength. this is prosecute longing because of it. we have american hostages there, not just israeli hostages. we have not exercised leverage and strength, united states has strongest leverage in the world. through ierp iran, we have not leveraged that. when benjamin netanyahu is snubbed by the vice president to go to a sorority meeting. we have not shown strength or alliance to israel in this or stood up for our own hostages. it steals any optimism i would have from the situation. >> bill: hamas said get idf out of gaza or there is no peace. get idf out and there is no hostage deal. if that is first card on the table, what is going to give? >> chad: idf should not leave gaza, hamas is a terrorist group and they have to -- israel has
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to make a stand here, they are alone surround by enemies, if they don't make a stand, they need the world to come around and make the stand. for everyone confused in this and young people listening walking around with palestine flags and protesting, the question is this. if the idf and israel laid down their guns, what would happen? annihilation of israeli people. if hamas laid down their guns, what would happen? there would be peace. if you are looking for a position, that should answer it. >> bill: you wonder how desperate the white house is. you will have a convention next week in chicago and things could get ugly. we'll see how that goes. israel is under threat of iran. general ryder was on with neil
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yesterday and said this about potential of a strike from tehran. >> our focus is on ensuring that we can defend israel if it is attacked and ensure our forces have firepower to be protected themselves. i will not speculate what they may do, we know what they have said publicly and they have indicated they will retaliate. we have to take that seriously. >> bill: what is your view on this? new president of iran had a 30-minute conversation with new prime minister of england out of the u.k., that does not happen often, what is your view? >> chad: iran always said they are going to do something like this and then they back down. this is one scenario i'm most concerned about, i feel like they have a few month window and could do something without retaliation from the united
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states. they know the weakness of the white house and if ever a time to act, it would be now. i am concerned and everyone should be concerned. i am happy to hear a white house spokesman say that, i hope it is backed up by action. >> bill: you were active in afghanistan and we have video from a taliban parade using our military gaer outside kabul. we left so much gear behind and helicopters, three years on, how do you look at this now? >> this turns my stomach. myself and other ngos had to go to afghanistan for the withdrawal. the white house abandonedlet air base. we gave it to our enemies and left equipment behind, which they are parading around on and leave americans there, leave our
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allies there, leave world global security on the battle field and leave 20 million women and little girls. on that parade deck, diplomats there are from china and from iran, and middle of all this, we are sending 87 million a week, half in cash, to go to residents of fbi top wanted list to trust them to be doing counter terrorism in afghanistan. by the way, it is not working, they have added 48 al qaeda training camps with money we are sending them. >> bill: thank you for coming on. thanks for serving there and for your service. >> dana: and here anti-israel protest leading to resignation of columbia university president, third ivy league head to step down. we'll be right back. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine, like google, but it's r
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>> bill: a federal judge ruled that ucla cannot allow protesters on campus. ucla is criticizing that ruling. the university says it would hamper its ability to respond to events on the ground. adding they're waying their future options. there's this, too. penn and columbia. >> dana: another ivy league president is out after rampant anti-israeli protests. columbia's president stepped down a year after she took the position. she's the fourth to resign amid allegations of mishandling campus protests.
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we have a columbia graduate here with us. you were disappointed in the leadership? >> yes. i spoke at congress. it's crazy. it's crazy. all of my -- end of my senior year classes were cancelled because of these student protesters. these anarchists cancelled my senior year of classes. >> bill: you mentioned your testimony on the hill. she was there also. this is 17 april last year. watch here. >> when mobs or people are shouting from the river to the sea, palestine must be free, are those anti-semitic statements? >> i hear them as such. >> does that fall under the definition of anti-semitic behavior? yes or no. why is it so tough? >> it's a difficult issue.
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not so difficult for you. >> no. very difficult. >> bill: why did it take a year for her to resign? >> i'm not sure. they kept saying they don't know how to handle it. they did nothing. they did not uphold the university's laws all year long. it has rules against where you can protest, when you can protest. yet the students just took over our campus as if they rule the campus and guess what? they did. for the better part of my senior year. i wonder if this new interim president that they're putting in, president armstrong, i wonder if she will withhold the university's laws. the university's rules should be upheld. >> dana: i want to ask you about something else. we're in a back-to-school mode. you have graduated. you're in going to work mode. the future the next three months, while we know the war in gaza is ongoing, hostages held.
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you think the fall you might see the same type of protest on campus if the same students are returning? >> there's this one student that went on instagram live and said to their followers that they should be grateful that they're not murdering zionists. this is a student that fantasizes about killing jews on columbia's campus and guess what? that student is set to return this fall. the university actually won't comment on whether or not they have expelled this student. a student that poses an imminent threat to students like myself, to my brother that is starting at columbia. this student really wants to kill zionist students. >> dana: you think your brother should not go there? >> i think he should still go there. columbia has a rich history of upholding western thought and core tenants of western values. i know they have the ability to do so. in the past year it has been disregarded. time will tell. we'll see how president
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armstrong reacts, whether she allows these jew haters to rule campus. >> bill: good luck to you. you're out. your brother is out. it will be something to watch. >> i hope this new president is strong enough. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: before we check out, bring you this. it's breaking right now. lawyers for the former president, donald trump, have sent a letter to judge merchan to delay the sentencing in the new york criminal case until after the election. right now it's on the docket for five weeks from yesterday, september 18. it's a wednesday. trump's team argues election interference objectives. seems every time they challenged everything with this judge they have lost. we'll see where it goes. >> dana: the sentencing got delayed.we'll see. harris faulkner will take you through the next hour.
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