tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News August 16, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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mike huckabee is so that relaxium will work for you. he's asked us to give away 1000 bottles. visit, try relaxium dot com or call 800 8011737. >> the best things in life come in twos to scoops of ice cream. two thumbs up and now by any phone when you switch to consumer cellular, get two months of service free. that's right. two months free. all the fast nationwide coverage. >> make the switch today when. >> critical news is. here is what we know at this hour. john roberts and sandra smith cover every development alive on america reports and with trusted insight and analysis. there is a lot at stake. martha maccallum breaks down the big headlines live on the story weekdays on fox news channel. dana perino, joe mackey, jay leno. ♪ ♪ >> laura: i am laura ingraham,
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and this is the "the ingraham angle" from the lone star state. thank you for being with us. tonight we know why kamala has been too busy to do a real press conference. >> mayonnaise and tuna, what are you doing? >> ground beef and cheese. >> that's okay. >> laura: well are interested in having a gabfest over tacos, americans can barely afford to buy them. >> everything is so expensive what do you prioritize, do you pray toward nomadic prioritize eating overall home? >> laura: dave ramsey is here with advice plus ketamine queen and four others arrested in the death of friends star, matthew perry. >> after mr. perry died, these defendants tried to cover up what they had done. >> laura: we have all the new details, but first, kamala, the focus of tonight's "angle."
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>> we are not going anywhere! [cheers and applause] we are not going anywhere! >> laura: she actually wants us to go back, well, to the 1970s. she is not content with the inflationary misery of the carter era but crippling shortages that went along with it. >> it will be my day one priority to fight to bring down prices, to take on the big corporations that engage in illegal price gouging. >> laura: she is tough and will take down those companies. what does that mean? >> now kamala is reportedly proposing communist price control. she wants price controls that have the exact opposite impact and affect your work but it leads to food shortages, rationing, hunger, dramatically more inflation. >> laura: he's 100% right,
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of course, kamala will tomorrow propose the first ever federal ban on corporate price gouging in the food and grocery industries. and claiming that there is a big difference between fair pricing and competitive markets and excessive prices unrelated to the cost of doing business. well, that is spoken like a true bernie sanders socialist. ad free market economics to the list of topics harris apparently cannot comprehend. now, why are prices high impaired 22019? was there no corporate greed four years ago? prices are high because the cost of business is high and trillions biden-harris spent on climate and boondoggle shot up inflation and because of their brainiac policies that drove up the cost of oil and gas is pure and so responding with price controls is like dropping karen kerosene onto entire plane. she will burn down.
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those think you are as dimwitted as she is apparently. at her because she believes that women are going to jump on board the argument that there are vulture capitalists in the grocery business that are just waiting to rob you blind and that only she can stop them. but let's look at these supposedly obscene profit margins. kroger's is 1.43% for april. where was it april 2020? 1.66%. that is the new profit margin. yeah, for the sake of comparison, apples most recently reported profit margin is 26.61%. so is she going to set the price of iphones and macbooks next? how far can post prices rise? government will step in? maybe not because they are her friends. but i would not be surprised if they tried to slap controls on oil companies next in their
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pricing. of course, that is exactly what venezuela moved to and after all, the government there took over the company's. state control of everything is their ultimate goal. >> the biden administration has been putting pressure on some of the companies, which frankly is what we will hear from vice president harris is my understanding and economic speech he plans to give on friday. pressure has to be put on some of these corporate entities. >> laura: now, by pressure, she means government intervention and private businesses. and all this will do is to force companies to innovate less, built less, and cut back on supply, which is exactly what we saw during the carter era when price controls were in place for gasoline. >> has this become common in many states in the east, cars lining up before dawn and by the time to pump is open, many have been waiting to win three hours
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for gas. >> i have been here since 4:30 this morning and it's ridiculous waiting in line here or go i couldn't get gas tuesday. the block was about eight blocks long waiting in line. i can't take it anymore. >> laura: even license plates went out on monday to get past, odds on tuesday. i remember that come i was a little kid in the backseat. that brings us to other socialist dream policy which is rent control which biden endorsed in july and biden told us today would be kamala's policy as well. >> a much if vice president harris starts to distance herself from economic? she is not going to. >> laura: rent control is not a bad way to affect inflation but it may be one of the worst, and it's been undeniable for decades. this statement is from left-wing
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economists paul krugman back in 2000. the best understood issues and all of economics and along economists, anyway, one of the least controversial. in a 1992 poll of the american economic association commit found 93% of the members agreed that a ceiling on rent reduces quality and quantity of housing. there are your shortages spirit up but i will gr kamala one thi, she is right when she said trump wants to take us back. taking us back, all right, back to the economic boom of 2019. ellicott said earlier, we don't need to go back to the carter era. and her socialist economic policies will make it harder for young people to grow a nest egg and grow a family. >> everything is so expensive nowadays that what do you
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prioritize? like do you prioritize eating over having a home? do you prioritize having to pay to take a shower somewhere over getting a home? i think my biggest stressor right now is financial, anything financial. >> laura: now, one summer in the 1980s, lived as a student in the former soviet union and leningrad. i witnessed firsthand the effects of the policies that kamala is now gearing towards. shortages everywhere and people standing in line for hours. so if you thought the last three and a half years were bad under joe, brace yourself. this will be a new nightmare if comrade kamala sets foot in the white house. that is "the angle." i'm delighted they are with us micah crowley secretary and ej antoni, public finance comments from the heritage foundation. monica, let's start with you, does she know in your mind what
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she is advocating? because even krugman understands where price controls take a spirit or is this just a campaign line to try to ring in some votes in in a very close election? >> it is a good question, laura. it drives me crazy when i hear people say, well, they just don't understand how the free market works. my view was you are dealing with absolute ideologues and kamala harris is certainly one. you laid out the socialist and marxist approach she has embraced throughout her entire political life. you lay that out very well. i think these people do understand how the free market works but they just reject it. so well she is going to try to cast herself as some sort of fiscal moderate to attract voters, her entire political career and economic policy positions have belied all of that. you know, she is the most radical vice president.
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she has embraced massive expansions of government, massive government spending, higher taxes, suffocating regulations, the great new deal, socialized medicine, and selling out to china. all of those things are hallmarks of where kamala harris has been on the economy and the policy positions she has embraced. if she changes now, it is simply to get elected. when she is in the white house, or policies are essentially going to be the coup de grace of the american capitalist system. >> laura: all right, trump compared kamala's plans to that of venezuela's. watch. >> she is running on the maduro plan, something straight out of venezuela, the soviet union. this announcement is an admission or economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for country. beyond that, a catastrophe in the world. >> laura: ej, they were
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ridiculing to be 15 msnbc saying, he he's claiming she has a communist. that is ridiculous and shows the republicans are out of ideas. but isn't he substantively correct with this philosophy would logically lantos? >> laura come i think one of the interesting criticisms is the fact that these people are simply saying he is wrong withot providing any evidence. please explain to me how miss harris are not aligned with ideology. when she's talking about artificially set prices i don't care if it is food or rent, you name it and at the end of the day, president trump is absolutely correct here. if you employ the same policies as we have had in these other communist countries around the world, you will get the same results here, just like cash shortages in the 1970s as you already mentioned. you will get food shortages in the united states if you impose
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the same kind of price controls on grocery stores. >> laura: now, president biden appeared with kamala harris at the first campaign event. a begrudging appearance, i'm sure, but he wants to reassure everybody that they are all for capitalism but watch. >> look, i'm a capitalist. i have no problem in companies making money, but not by proud nomadic price gouging. americans don't like to be played for suckers. we believe we should be patient, but there should be reasonable profits, not unreasonable. >> laura: monica, what i was thinking to myself, was hunter made in china and were those reasonable profits? guess it depends what the word reasonable means. >> yes, he can call himself a capitalist all day long, laura, but it doesn't make him so. those comments echo what barack obama said when he was
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running in '07 come 'ea and how we govern appeared obama said at some point, you've made enough money but this is the marcus that is completely dominating the democrat party. and we are in the end stages of trying to say free-market capitalism an end frankly the country at large because they been at this for so long, chipping away at our systems on the economic system, the border, all of it. so she's going to make the speech tomorrow and reposition herself as some sort of moderate. but there is a track record here of the last three and a half years where we have seen historic catastrophe that she owns. she broke this economy. she bought it. >> laura: price controls are earned moderate. big problem with that one. i think it is important, ej, what you posted i believe today on x come about household wealth. the press won't cover this, but
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these are facts. household wealth increase substantially more under trump, 27.79% versus 3.2% under biden. that is the election, in my view. the wealth gap between biden and trump. and obviously transposed what harris will do with price controls. what drove the big increase in household wealth under trump compared to the erosion under biden? >> well, laura, it is a great question. it had a lot to do with both regulatory reform and tax reform. when you get to keep more of your own money you have a huge incentive to work more, to work harder, turn more. and people did that under trump. that was a key reason why following that trump tax reform, we self tax revenue increased to record highs in the years thereafter.
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onto regulatory front, this is something the administration did not get enough credit for a beer they threw these regulatory reforms, reduce cost to househo. conversely what have we seen under the biden-harris regime, exactly the opposite. households have faced higher regulatory burden of about $5,000 per household per year work with those numbers, by the way, are not included in any inflation metrics. when we talk about the cpi, for example consumer price index, signals it cost x number amount of dollars per year per household, that doesn't even include these regulatory costs. >> laura: oh, red tape for the brainiacs and the thyroid tend and everything else they are piling on at the epa. this has been a nightmare for small businesses and families. ej, you pointed that out in the charter and monica, great analysis come i think you both.
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kamala set down for a softball interview, but she is the one doing it, the video next. ♪ ♪ we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? so they're basically sitting on a goldmine? i don't think they have a clue. that's crazy! well, not everyone knows coventry's helped thousands of people sell their policies for cash. even term policies. i can't believe they're just sitting up there! sitting on all this cash. if you own a
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five! -i'm in a call... it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years? introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. ♪ ♪ >> laura: donald trump adjusted his second presse conference and many weeks and
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spoke well over an hour. >> we have a lot of interestingn things to talk aboutgs. and we have some very specific things. so, we will take our time. we have plenty of time. i hope you like the weather, very nice place, nice location. if you like we could ask a fewnt questions. be when he so relaxed. i love the groceries there too, that was fun. compare that to kamala who hasn't had a single presser, scandal. her campaign says it's because she doesn't have the time. >> would it kill you guys doeren have a press conference? why hasn't she had a press conference? >> listen to the vice president, governor walz have been crisscrossing the country since the campaign. >> laura: she is she too busy tt she can't risk unscriptede exchange with the media.ange we know what happens when she has on script with the media. so instead, they want to satisfy
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your keen interest in her thoughts by releasing overlyuced produced highly edited videos.ou >> how have these last couple of days been? >> i can see e where the energyi comes. people are excitedampa. >> in this campaign, the only way we win is to keep the pedal to the metal for these next many, many days that we have. >> laura: indeed. the running mates had time to chat about music, their family backgrounds, but don't worry, ip wasn't all cliches. >> we also have to understand we are still up against the forces. >> yes.e >> that are trying to divide our country. >> you keep talking about theou promise of america and take care of your neighbor.neig >> in the face of a stranger when you are looking at the face of a stranger. >> laura: lookout, homer, the greeting card businesses are abou lt to get a huge shock wava nshere is the bottom line, kama
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has timeyo to answer running mae scripted answers but not yours. joining us now at sean duffy, host of the bottom line and press secretary for joe biden. michael, this, theey have the hollywood people supportingat them, backing them, zoom coals for them. what strikes me is when they produce a video, the acting isyo really bad, but is this badly done? this is what we expect if shewi getsth into office as well? >> there has always been a problem with the sort of authentic and organic ways to communicate on platforms.y like, there are ways to get the effect they are trying to achieve, which is sort of awhat natural conversation. that is what they are trying to do in a way they can control. r they want to controlec outcomese and they want to control how she is perceived in the impression she gives off in order to sort
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of run out the clock before the .revention and that's -- i don't necessarily -- like there are pluses and minuses to that. the short termey view is that ty get to set the narrative and control it. but you know, there is a lot of downside to it as well. >> laura: well, it seems to meok that it looks weak, not strong.c i think they are trying to be careful, sean. but when you don't have the, you know, the spinal fortitude to get there and answer questions vlike trump will answer anyones questions ansed so will j.d. vance. viewwhat does that says about r confidence, your own self-confidence and your views in your own policies? >> as i agree with what michaelo said, but she's not setting thes narrative because she's not engaged in the conversation with the media. agaishe's not doing policies speeches and narrative speeches
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but just platitudes.p in but again i think what they think, again, we are up in the bowls and we know kamala is a wordno if she does an interview, shee will notam be able to answerr to questions that gives theef. american people confidence to be commander-in-chief. and questions about policies whether open borders, gun grab a single pair.thou she can't answer those questions. but i thought it was awesome that kamala and joe had this conversation in a clip about taking care of their neighbor. they have destroyed theiran neighbor, laura!d es the neighbor can't afford this economy and the prices in thisre economy and their neighborhood is burning because of crime and illegal immigration!at t they have destroyed the neighborhood, and how they want to talk about they care about their neighbor? ifhang you cared about your neir change course, change policy and how about free enterprise economics that works and get rid of merciless socialism. >> laura: i'm sure a she's going to be able to do economic analysis of rent control andly supply s and shortages.
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the analysis of the curve there. there was a substantive exchange fromr this chitchat kamala and walz. watch. >> talkers. >> mayonnaise antenna, what are you doing? andch pretty much ground beef and cheese. >> that's okay, do you have any flavoring in it? >> here's the deal, they said to be careful and noticed black peppers, the spice level at the top of >> i am the vice president and i believe whoever who has grown chili peppers. >> goo md knowledge. >> laura: okay, michael, we have young americans who can't afford a first home, married couples. they are worried about having children and can't afford the food or insurance or schooling and a decent school. and we areme spending time oni white guy tacos? see again, everybody wants to have some fun my get that but this seembstas to be all they were dg i dwhen it comes to substance.
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>> i don't want to get in their mind what i assume that is is an attempt to humanize her, to term and disarm and to allow the public to get to know who she is behind the scenes when she's not in front -- >> laura: she has vice president, wait a second, michael, she's been vice president three and a half years. wee isshe was attorney general w california and u.s. senator. e we know who she is. what we don't know -- >> she is numbered to go. d >> laura: specifically what she believeservi. but to shawn's point and he's right commissiont needs to do interviews and answer questions, not to introduce herself but to reassure enter provide confidence and to showcase that she is nom now the nominee. that she is now the leader of the party enter project confidence and confidence. the voters need to see that and they do it through engagement and they do that through engagingthat the press with questions. that is how the voters in a free
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press and furry democracy holdao candidates accountable. most candidates, most voters will never get to see in person or ask the questions themselves. the media's only way to do that. so she does need to do that.ow >> laura: well i think how shein will deal with eight oh or get nachos. i think we need to get to the more important issues, shauna michael, great to see both of you, thank you. a huge advantage as we had to t november and lara trump is here to explain how that is happening next. ♪ ♪
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the details. >> hey, laura, this is a big moment for the former president who is now actively courting the jewish vote, the jewish community that campaign feelsra politically homelessye, franklyt and feel "betrayed by president biden and vice president harris" especially after all of the protest on college campuses andu downtowns of different cities across the country this year. just horrific stuff and anti-semitism left and right. it continues in new york city last night.ot esa big riot broke out and staru with anti-israel protest and turned into a riot in one appeared to set off a smokep bomb in the middle of all of this on one accused of assaulting a police officer. these people were interruptingde kamala harris after a rally14 dinner new york city democrats, interrupting a speech by mayor eric adams. 14f people had to be taken intot
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custody, perhaps a preview of what we might see at chicago at the dnc.d but the trump campaign saiddo these people need to behe protected and he is the man to do it and right now, he is actively courting them here in bedminster, laura. >> laura: aishah, we will monitor. thank you so much.em t america's quality of life hammered under biden-harris and will drive us to the polls this november. voter registration is telling a story and already searchingth across the country becauseof republicans are energized. they are sick and tired of being poor. they are sick and tired of being less safe. they were sick and tired of migrants taking the funds that should go to americans. look at pennsylvania g.o.p. voter registration is now four timen s higher than in florida, 1 million more republican voters then democrat voters. compare that to 2020 when
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democrats had a 97,000 person edge over the g.o.p. and according to "newsweek," no fan of trump's, in 28 of 30wi states that requirthe voters to register with a party, republicans have met more voter registration n than joining me lara trump,-c cochaie of the republican national committee. now, lara, this is good news and no one is sitting back on their laurels on this, but what else does the rnc specifically doing to get new voters registered, but most importantly, to get them to the polls and to return mail-in ballots if that is how they wish to vote? >> yeah, it is so important.up obviously, we can register people all day long, laura, but they have to and vote. something we have pushed veryro hardm this election cycle, specifically from the rnc, is early voting. you finally sen e people were
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concerned about early voting, donald trump posted months agoi and said, "voting by mail, voting early, in person on election day are all great ways to vote."nt here is the reality for republicans, if we wait untilop election dayle, that will be too late. we want people to get out and we want them to bank their vote.y we had the largest most aggressive election integrity operatio vn right now at the rno in the history of politics. your vote will count wheneverat teyou cast it no matter by mail, no matter early, no matter election day. we want to encourage people toe get out and vote early or go that way, we are not targeting canyou any more or spending resources trying to get you out to vote your code we can actually go after low propensita voters. that is how you win voters but a with voter registration have been amazing. i want to give a shout out to grassroots partners people likee scott pressler who has been so
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instrumental in the state of pennsylvania. bucks county was a county we lost i in 2022 joe biden. and he has recently worked so hard in bucks county that it is now flipped. there are more registered republicans and democrats. we continue to see those trends around the country. what is really >> laura: lara, right now, kamala haslead a one-point lead0 trump. at the same time in 2020, biden had a 7.4 lead over trump na ind 2016, clinton had a 5.8 leadle overar donald trump. in real clear politics averagei before everyone jumps down my throat come i believe trump is up one. he was up 1.5% and rcp average before the debate. after all of this media effort and honeymoon for kamala, things are basically where they were before the debate with joe biden.
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what does that tell you about this effort to try to demoralize republican voters about theoa great harris-walz ticket. >> you are right. that is a goal to tell people not toentu bother turning out. they were so much momentum behind kamala harris, youladi shouldn't go out and vote. do not take this seriously, ladies and gentlemen.d what you see imis manufactured, laura. the whole thin g has been smoke and mirrors. the same folks in the mainstreae media, by the way come i will remind everyone a few months ago suggesting joe biden wanted to choose a new running mate. s maybe kamala harris was a little bit of a drag on the ticket. now, we are supposed to believe she is a political genius. you cannot believe what you're saying out there. i will tell people across thesh country, wait until thine debate of donald trump andn gu kamala harris. the shine will wear ofe f and we will see who exactly who she is and i guarantee those poll numbers for donald trump will continue to go up. >> laura: harris and rcp
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average, by the way, up one but0 again comparing what we saw in 2016 and 2020 where they were up six princeville and 7%.d that one point after the hammering by the media of trumpa and elevation of kamala is. unbelievable news and thank you so much, great to see you tonight. someone called the ketamine queen was just nabbed in the death of friends door matthew perry. the details is up next. have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step's standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster! and the convenient touch pad control is right at your fingertips. each tub comes standard with a dual hydrotherapy system.
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♪ ♪ve >> laura: the ketamine queen and four others have just been charged with the death of "friends" store, matthew perry. the west coast newsroom, christina. >> laura, we just got new information, two of the people pleaded not guilty and only oner was granted release. it is unclear who those dependents are in the case, but that is the latest on the a situation right now.n wh i can tell you a doctor and hollywood woman who federal authorities refer to as the ketamine queen were arrested today. they say this woman is an alleged drug dealer. they are part of the five people charged in connection to the death of matthew perry.ey prosecutors say the defendantdi sprayed on hisct struggles witht haaddiction by falsely prescribg
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ketamine that caused him to diedve. the beloved "friends" store wasi nkreceiving ketamine infusions r anxiety and depression. when his doctors refused to give him more, he turned to otherse who took advantage of him here and in one instance, the defendant allegedly charged perry $2,000 for a vial of ketamine that would cost a doctor about $12. prosecutors say in a text, one of the doctors charged in the case, "i wonder how much thisef will pay?" when clinic doctors refused to increase his dosage he turned to scrupulous people to make money. he wanted more and he wanted it faster and cheaper. that is how hebuyi ended up buyg from street dealers who sold the ketamine that ultimately led to his death. >> authorities say perry's live-in assistant who was charged in they wi case admitte
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repeatedlyin injecting perry wih ketamine without medical training, including multiple injections october 2020 last year the day that. isi do. the defendants face a series of felonies. if convicted on all charges, the woman authorities referred to as the ketamine queen would face a maximum sentence of life in prison, laura. >> laura: wow,w joining me now michael mark eiglarsh. mark, do you think these other defendants might trade to strike a deal here to avoid jail time. tell us about it. >> and predicting all of them will take plea deals. t there is tooo much of a downsie you go to a trial and lose and held accountable for the deathpf of anyone, but especiallyto someone as high-profile as matthew perry, you will do life. so i expect them all to plead. i think the evidence is probably overwhelming.
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nowadays, you have text messages that buried dealers, fraudulent doctors wh. coo remind me of dr. conrad murray. they get all starry eyed and whether michael jackson or in this case, matthew perry, they want to be the exclusive handler for the celebrity. >> laura: well, this can meanee jail time for the ketamine queen herself, however, if the other codefendants end up really turning on her, correct? and that might be their way out of really a long time behind bars.ia >> there ills no question that n federal cases,duce especially pe are looking foanr ways to reduce their time and cooperating against others is the primaryth way. but i suspect from what i've heard from prosecutors already, the ketamine queen, which is the worst name you can have in a case like this, they went into her place and searched it and found a drugstore of stuff here
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because she had math, she hadd v scales, she had everything. even if no one is cooperatingev against her, i think there is probably overwhelming evidence there. >> laura: and we find out,text of course, there is incriminating text messages indicating they should try toal delete text messages, which inss and of itself always bad. text messages usually, you know, end up extremely relevant in a case like but it reminded me, mark, of all these other horrible deaths tha have occurred because of eitherw illicit drugs or prescription drugs, you know, prescribed in the wrong way.l na because this is a celebrity,ther maybe they will nab these people. but think of all of the other e people that get away with it.> a high profile person, somebody has got to pay.e >> okay him and the good thing
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about it though, prosecutors are prioritizing in these cases. i have one in south florida. my client, a drug user supplied drugs to aan friend of his, and that person died because the drug was laced with fentanyl. prosecutors nowadays, they were going after these people with charged with first-degree murder. this is definitely a trend now. >> laura: mark, thank yo.u soou much. k and joe and kamala are bragging because, you know, inflation is tamed and it's all fixed now. but how do real americans feel? dave ramsey is here next. ♪ ♪
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1:53 am
this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month.
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i am very proud to partner and align with the international fellowship of christians and jews. this trusted ministry has given christians like me a way to bless elderly jewish people who live in extreme poverty around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering an in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their
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well, can they use good vibes tr pay their rent or buy their food or get ahead? >> i'm 20 years old. white is a one bedroom apartment $1600? rentpr prices are outrageous ana then these jobs, bare minimum jobs and i waited my whole life to grow up into this? >> my parents are genexs anda never owned a house at all. there are many times we were homeless. >> the whole time i wa i keps hs but it is just that everythingte is so expensive nowadays. what do you prioritize?e like do you prioritize eatingve tover having a home? >> we have two have three jobs to make ends meet. that is money so we are not homeless. spray went this is heartbreaking to hear.akin the question is, do the junk people really thinink k a presic tsharris will revive prospects with policies like price controls? joining me now dave ramsey, personal finance expert and hoss
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of "the ramsey show." great to see you price controls, talk to young people for a moment. pro is that going to fix this problem and dig them out of that financial hole?w >> no, because it is artificialt and it's not sustainable because it's artificial.meth if you put a lid on something if you want to explore whatloreha happens, go back to the 1970s. we try to come a whole movement for price control becauseion inflation was out of control and rampant just like itd is now. it has been tried and it does noent work. what works is to flood the marketh su with supply. lots of oil means lower oil prices. lots of labor means lower labor prices. lots olof whatever means lower prices. it is a simple supply-demand curve. it is called economics and free-market economics.t when certain govern in it and artificially clamp it down, it simply doesn't work because you can wait hold that pose so longh before the pressure builds up u
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and it blows on you.aura >> laura: well, president trump was talking today about how we have flooded the market with low wage workers. but unfortunately, they are illegal aliens, asylum-seekers,i migrants. that has artificially jacked up employment numbers. but "the washington post" makese an important point regarding retail sales numbers that came out today, dave, which show a 1% increase, which a lot of peoplen think that is it is but top 20% of households account for 45% of overallnt spending and low and middle income households ar aree really feeling the brunt ofin high inflation, the lion share of u.s. consumer spending coming from theg wealthiest consumers. dave, given what you hear on as daily basis, doeths that surprie you at all?ls >> well let's understand the statistic there. it went up 1% and not 1% of units sold. it was in dollar volume. what does that mean? m
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that means the price went up. t it doesn't mean the economy is booming. the cost of the good went up by 1% and actually ita lot more thn 1% because the number of units is down. that is a misnomer, misreported and act like the economy is booming in retailer or something. yes, wbetwe see the disparity between haves and have-nots getting wider and wider, which traditionally yoy you see as yor more and more government intervention in the economy. fre when you let the free market run and you leave it alone, this is a battle of ideas. when you let the free market ruf and leave it alone, it will fing equilibrium. it works to the advantage of w most everyone when you do that.e when certain government in it t and i will do price controls an' i will protect you from high grocery prices, it iprs simply t sustainable and it causes more all we have to do is go back to sf supply chain in covid and the same thing unfolding. if you want to help the little man, let the market run.
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>> laura: some of that dumb t ideas is take cold showers, dave, skip a meal, skip a meal and take cold showers. athat is the answer and we will go back to price controls. speak with there you go. cold showers aren't bad for you necessarily. i would hate for anyone to take one, but ionf you take a cold shower to save money and stop by starbucks to get a $5 coffee, you defeated yourself. >> laura: dave come at it soo great to see you.'s it's been way too long. comelong back soon. that is it for us tonight. remember we are doing a special sunday night "the ingraham angle." it will be special right beforef the dmorc and we will be there l next week live from chicago. g yeah, we are going to the dnc, f it will be fun i promise. thank you for watching. it >> carley: today kamala harris heads to north carolina for her first policy s
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