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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  August 16, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> any moment, republican vice presidential nominee j.d. vance is about to speak at the milwaukee police association. we will bring that to you live when it begins. first, vice president kamala harris is on her way to north carolina to make her first major policy speech since becoming the democratic presidential nominee. harris has yet to speak about her first original policy idea. you remember no tax on tips, a carbon copy of trump. the first one is being hit as a soviet style price control scheme. welcome to "outnumbered." vice president kamala harris' campaign has unveiled a new
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policy position to tackle inflation. it's more bernie than it is biden with price controls. if that sounds familiar to you, you may remember this from your history textbook. price controls were used by the soviet union which lead to drastic shortages of food and basic goods. it sounds like a good idea. the consequences of kamala's price control proposal -- the u.s. tried this to control the high prices of gas. inflation at the time was through the roof. this was in the 1970s. the results were just like those in the soviet union: shortages, rationing, mile-long gas lines, and a dangerous reliance on o opec. they slammed harris' new economic agenda, calling it socialist periods because is running on the -- socialist. >> we call it the maduro plan,
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like out of venezuela or the soviet union. caused a catastrophe for our country and beyond that a catastrophe in the world. >> it's important to revisit the lessons of the past. 1970s, price controls. this is a walk down memory lane. watch what happened. >> this has become common in many states in the east. cars have been lining up before dawn. by the time the pumps open, many had been waiting two or three hours for gas. >> i've been here since 4:30 this morning. it's ridiculous waiting on line. i couldn't get gas tuesday. it was eight blocks long. it was ridiculous. i can't take it anymore. >> sounds promising. speak of the record and price controls is 100%. you try it anywhere in the world can you get gas lines, empty shelves, rationing. you look at kamala harris and
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say "it's your bad policies, your bad economy. you are spending, you're borrowing, your rules, your controls have brought high prices." instead of dealing with the root causes, she is dealing with the effects. the effect will be better handled if you deal with -- again, let's stop spending so much money. let's free the economy and let people drill for oil. she is concerned about how much money people are spending and grocery stores. stop attacking farmers. let them grow their food. enough with the food and regulations. let them grow stuff and prices will come down. one last quick point: i'm surprised she does not have an advisor in the white house that says "i know this might feel like a good idea, and people might think it's a good idea, but this is a bad policy. maybe we shouldn't do this." her policy advisors are exactly where she is. >> "the washington post" had a piece that laid out the consequences of this and they
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put it in stark terms abournmen. they said it's hard to exaggerate how bad the policy is, all but name a sweeping set of government enforced price controls across every industry, not only food. supply and demand will no longer determine price or profit le levels. "far off washington bureaucrats -- with the ftc tell a broker in ohio the acceptable price it can charge for milk?" >> there is never any problem or an issue the government is the correct answer to solve, to step in and help. i know you work closely with ranchers, tomi, so you have a better insight than i, but i would say the most frightening thing is the government coming in and regulating, controlling inflation and the like, thinking they have a solution to the problem. having that person offer the solution be experienced in all aspects. there is zero credibility, zero specificity that she has that we can trust her.
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to the point about the policy advisors, isn't that the american people? isn't that the heads of these unions? the heads of these groups that say "this would destroy us." for anyone who still has no idea, remember covid. the supply chains were rocked, get it fell on deaf ears, and the ministrations of let's continue to ban gas." saw the effects of a minimal shutter in the supply chain industry. this would be catastrophic. >> i think trump calling it the maduro economic plan is really strong. people who have studied what's happening in venezuela would resonate with that. >> exactly. there are a lot of new republican voters as well that have fled nations like that, nations like cuba, and never want to go back. this should be a giant red flag to these people, but to go back to what you said about ranchers, and your point about farmers, that's what i'm concerned about here as well. it's only a short lead from price-fixing to the government telling ranchers and farmers how much they are going to charge,
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how much they are going to grow, how many livestock they are going to have until the government comes in and controls every aspect of our food supply. if we don't have a stable and secure food supply, we don't have anything in this country, and then there's only a short leap until the ranchers and farmers can't do it so we need to manufacture more of this lab grown meat, the more fake alternatives, which kamala harris in the past has also talked about. she has talked about having hamburgers, how we need to reduce climate change, maybe we need to move away from red meat. all of these things seem like we are really exaggerating, being fearful, but these are just incremental changes that lead us to this goal which is socialism and communism. we thought kamala was running away from radical policies, maybe she's not. maybe she is doubling down on them and that's what we'll hear more about today. >> we will hear this and 3 million new housing units reportedly, a $6 $6,000 child tx credit. this is what j.d. vance said on sunday.
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>> i would love to see a child tax credit that is $5,000. president trump has been on the record supporting a bigger child tax credit. i think he wanted it to apply to all american families. >> and kamala after that says "let's do $6,000." [laughter] >> and was produce taxes on tips. we will see where this continues to go. maybe the next look at border policy. when we are looking at this particular issue, food prices issue, i see not just the footprints of bernie sanders, but elizabeth warren. she has been riding about this and advocating since may, a letter to the president signed by democrats, bernie sanders also signing that letter, but she pointed in an article from a new day for progress polling showing that the majority of voters support increasing lawsuits against food producers, creating a new task force to investigate grocery stores and corporate food producers, and regulating -- fees. there is a liberal progressive philosophy behind all of this.
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they claim they have the numbers to back this up, and it runs pretty deep. there is an entire force for the ideas we are likely to hear in the coming days and weeks. >> in california driving down i5, use the empty fields. central california which is an agricultural heart, and you see empty fields upon empty fields, signs up that say "thanks to congress." it is the government that is the source of all of the negativity we receive, whether it's on the table or -- pocketbooks. >> the water, that is the federal government. the state government of california shut off the water to those farmers picked at the breadbasket of america. >> let's put ilhan omar in charge of foreign policy, bernie on the economy. i'm sure will all work out just fine. [laughter] alerting to this. we are moments away from hearing from g.o.p. vice presidential nominee j.d. vance. he is set to speak for the milwaukee police association. we will bring you those are marks as soon as advance steps
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up to the microphone. democratic vice president of candidate tim walz is facing new accusations of lying, this time over a dui arrest. homeowner, and the family bookkeeper, you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home.
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>> we are moments away from hearing from g.o.p. vice presidential candidate j.d. vance. he is set to speak before the milwaukee police association. we will bring you those are marks as soon as he steps up to the microphone. meanwhile, vice president, harris' running mate tim walz is facing new controversy around his 1995 dui arrest, specifically how his 2006 congressional campaign explained the incident. according to police records obtained by cnn, a nebraska state trooper booked
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him speeding at 96 in a 55-mile per our zone. according to that police report, strong alcoholic odor was detected from walz's breath and person and he failed the field sobriety test. he failed the preliminary breath test and he failed the subsequent blood alcohol test when he was taken to a hospital before being booked for that dui. fast forward to 2006. when walz was running for congress, his campaign told a different story periods communications director told a local paper that walz's arrest was because of hearing loss. he suffered it in the artillery of the national guard. "cannot understand with the trooper was telling him during the fields ready test, and the trooper refused to speak up." >> first he admitted to being drunk in the plea hearing. we have court reporters that record everything being said. to the record, he admitted he was drunk driving. the legal limit back then was .1
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and he was .128. today in all states i think, it is .08 so he was over 50% above the legal limit for driving. i think it goes back to tim walz is a liar. whether it was stolen valor for his military service or what happened with the drunk driving. be honest with people. "i made a mistake." the problem is democrats are saying "this is so long ago it's irrelevant," but they are going back into j.d. vance's history pulling up pictures of him when he was in high school. with brett kavanaugh they went back to high school and college. it is relevant, your history when you are a young man or woman when you are a republican, but tim walz is a democrat, let's disregard it because it was 25 years ago. >> tomi, the critics are arguing that dishonesty is always relevant. and the issue is not drug use or dui. americans elected george bush who had a dui, president obama who admitted to using cocaine. the point is the dishonesty.
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do you think this will shine through to americans? >> i'm also wondering if the harris campaign didn't properly vet tim walz. there seems to be a few of these unforced errors that maybe wouldn't have been there with somebody else if they could have chosen. i'm wondering if they knew all this and they just didn't care, didn't think the american people would care. it's not the act: it's the cover-up. what really struck me there about his campaign talking about this in the early 2000s is that they blamed the officer for not speaking up. the worst thing that you can do is blame the officer who is just doing their job. for me, that is the most embarrassing part for tim walz, is that you are blaming hearing loss which may have been the case. the officer wouldn't speak up but you admitted you were drunk. just take accountability. it is a teachable moment. he was a teacher, a coach. take a countability, but don't try to cover it up and don't blame other people. don't blame the officer 29 years ago. to me, that's the most disgusting part. >> and being clocked at 96.
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that is almost twice the speed limit which is felony speeding in most jurisdictions. glossing over that. talk to us about the media. >> the media cover-up is fascinating. 2006, the far left daily post had this to say. "in 1995, tim walz was pulled over for speeding and arrested for dui. the only problem for the republican lie machine is that he wasn't drunk." cnn -- i love when left wing outlets attack left wing outlets, dispute one another. cnn did a fact-check of the claim in general, a more recent one. tim walz's 2006 campaign falsely described details about his arrest for drunk driving. they go into details about what you said, that level when the legal limit was .1. they go so far as to say the fields of ready was due to a misunderstanding to hearing loss from the national guard. that's what his campaign said. they also said walz was allowed
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to drive himself back. none of that was true. you know it's bad when cnn has to call you out on this. i guess good for cnn for digging into it, but eli. to your point, stolen valor and now this. what does he lie about? >> in what you expect from the harris campaign? as tomi pointed out, it raises questions as to whether he was affected properly. >> challenges they will face for 26-plus days, these integrity questions, going to pile up and up. if they are really taking a lot of open questions, could get pretty brutal. the press is going to want to dig into these him say why did your campaign manager say in 2006 you were drunk? were you not drug? are you blaming what happened on your military service? they could go into that issue. it's going to get worse and worse. you can ride these numbers, you
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can look to the next thing. at some point, you're going to have to answer questions. i'm just wondering what that's going to look like is this pylon continues. you have to hope -- >> you have to hope they are asked. vice president kamala harris is finally sitting down with an interview but it's not for the media: she is cracking jokes with her running mate.
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at the tunnel to towers we made a commitment that commitment is to make sure, that the word homeless and the word veteran are never in the same sentence again. we're in bradenton right now because tunnel to towers has decided help homeless veterans who want to get out of homelessness, get into a better part of their life, it's a great partnership between the tunnel to towers and manatee county, to be able to provide housing for the veterans that need it most,
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not shelters, homes. it's not just a place to sleep it's actually wrap around services and that's what is so impressive. as someone who fought on the forward edge of freedom these are my people. these are my brothers, my sisters, the people we fought beside one of the hallmarks of military service is the only people behind it that sticks with me. i know that every veteran who raised their right hand and swore to support and defend our constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. we have things that we carry inside of us, what tunnel to towers is doing with this village is helping veterans that have mental health issues needs. we have veterans that suffer every day. and so to have this facility to service our veterans that are in so need it just the pride is just exploding. we want to make sure that when our veterans are coming home, that they're coming home to something that actually feels personalized and homey for them. that's a home. that's a home with dignity and walls and air conditioning. it's beautiful. i was able to walk through one of the comfort homes today. that moved my heart. i'm just telling you it did when i walked in.
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and it'll help the heart of that veteran. that's what's important. the care and the give and the love that tunnel to towers has for our veterans is amazing. the people that donate to tunnel to towers, they are amazing. that eleven dollars is changing your life because your giving and it's changing somebody else's to do it. it just an honor to be involved with it. this is all that is good in america. and i am incredibly proud to stand with them. they matter. they save lives. you should support them. it's pain o'clock! let's do this! sorry, pain. i can't let you in. what? i've had a standing appointment with mr. dubin for years! i'm expected! not anymore. mr. dubin's been taking relief factor. relief factor!! keep pain away for good, with relief factor. a natural supplement that takes a different approach to pain relief. it doesn't mask pain, it builds up your body's response to inflammation so pain won't get in. call or go online today and live your best life without pain. ♪
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i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day. it was really discouraging. but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. >> it's 126 days since vice president harris took over at the top of the ticket. we are still waiting for her to talk to reporters. instead, we get this: an interview between harris and her running mate.
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♪ ♪ >> that these tacos. >> mayonnaise and tuna? >> ground beef and cheese. >> do you put flavor in? >> no. here's the deal: tesco [laughter] -- like peppers the top of the spice in minnesota. >> i believe i'm the first vice president who has grown chili peppers. >> i will try to expand myself. >> my first car was summer of 1980, 8-track player. bob seger's "night moves." it's kind of the soundtrack of my life. >> my husband dug him, i'm more of a hip-hop girl and he's more of depeche mode per. >> hot first interview. >> there trying to introduce walz in a controlled manner and
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themselves as a team work in a controlled manner. it seems to be working num numberswise. they had their mom, they are continuing this. i was curious as to how it would be received. would be cringe inducing? theralink, the one they sent out -- go to the youtube and look at how democrats, how pro-this ticket-people are receiving this. look at the door, the energy is what they are saying. i think there is a contingent of people that are liking this. of course, there are a lot of people who will say it's cringe and they should be doing real interviews and sit downs and taking questions from journalists instead of creating content which is what this is, but i think there is a contingent of people where this appealed. >> i watch the full thing. it was interesting. i was watching a reality show. it went for 10 minutes, like "that was the first part which was more humorous and light," but then kamala get into personal stories. the reality show format i
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wondered if it works with gen z. >> it does and with millennials. and fortunately i think it works with a lot of independent and swing voters. i hate to say that, but it's the truth. to your point, they are coming off as very positive. it might not feel positive where they are in our lives right now, but when they see somebody making light of a bad situation and making them feel better, for some people, that's going to work. the people that don't pay attention to the radical policies or how the economy is going over the open border. unfortunately, a lot of voters out there do not pay close attention to the day-to-day as we all do. i think that's why the trump campaign needs to strike a positive tone. they need to make donald trump a little more relatable, may be more positive. we understand that the biden/harris administration destroyed america, but every speech from him can't be that, because people are going to say "this is doom and gloom. we want optimism for the future." donald trump to do that. he's a very relatable person. we just need more of that side of him, may be more with his
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grandkids. i know it seems cheesy, but for a lot of people, relatability and likability matters to them. they've managed to make tim walz and harris likable and relatable. whether they are or not doesn't matter. perception is reality for a lot of people. >> they put out a video with their kids grandfather after the conviction and it went viral. he does have a charming side. putting that out there i think is smart. there were white guy talk was mentioned by tim walz. concern for low-hanging fruit. reminded me of another democrat who talked about tacos and it didn't go so well. it's friday. let's watch it. will speak of of this community, as distinct as -- and as beautiful as -- of miami, and is unique as -- oppo tacos here in san an. >> i would stay away from
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putting the same group of people as tacos. >> tim walz can say it in the liberals love him. i don't give a damn about your tacos: i care about inflation, the price at the pump, the opportunity for my kids. i think we can think this is reality tv, yes. reality tv can be fake. i thought this came across partially fake and scripted. one other point they were talking about, democrats care about their neighbors. tim walz let his neighborhoods burn. you don't care about your neighbors when you let your whole city burn and open your windows so you can smell the burning of the american dream, small businesses in those neighborhoods that serve those neighborhoods, let them fry >> or you tattle on your neighbors for covid violations. that's neighborly. >> again, i'm a different generation, but i don't think this plays well and i think you have to get to brass taxes and ask how to fix this.
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i don't think this works. >> i expect more from my candidates and for my vice president. to your point, would it be a jeffersonian dinner? sure. put them around with other thought leaders. let me hear them banter about policy. i don't care about the chemistry together: i care about their individual chemistry with global leaders, union leaders, everyday americans. i want to know how they listen and react to that. to your point, i thought this was a total waste of time. i would rather see my vice president actually doing something and see governor walz telling the truth for once. for me, it was a turnoff and it was just the sort of signaling to those people that speak that language, which is the tiny small portion of the population. >> we will see. they are communicating to gen z in the places they watch so we will see if it works. and a reporter reveals exactly which democrats threatened biden to get out of the race or else. we will tell you that is.
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♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ >> over three weeks after getting forced out of the 2024 race, president biden is back on the campaign trail. he joined vice president kamala harris at an event yesterday. check out the love in the room. >> it is my eternal and great, great on to serve this most extraordinary human being and american and leader, our
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president, joe biden. >> folks, i have an incredible partner. the progress we have made. she's going to make 1hell of a president. >> harris is now at the top of the ticket because democrats pressured biden out. while there may space might be love in that room, things are not so rosy within the party. the new daily mail report describe how nancy pelosi forced biden out with a brutal call and humiliating ultimatum 50 years of friendship ruined. joe and jill biden reportedly are still furious. the daily mail, according to four sources with intimate knowledge who severally conveyed it to them -- the white house denied it but here's the reporting. as biden nursed his covid infection that fateful saturday,
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former house speaker nancy pelosi sent an urgent message to the president. she was prepared to go public with her concerns that he could not defeat trump the ultimatum was clear: drop out now or pelosi trashes her political ally and friend of over 50 years on the global stage. what a friend. >> democrats don't care about much besides winning. winning as their sole focus and concern. it's probably why they would make so much which is unfortunate for republicans. republicans and conservatives get sidetracked with these things, like loyalty and decency and integrity. not democrats. democrats have a single focus, and that is winning. democratic operatives that is, and of course not the voters. the people in charge of the party like the nancy pelosi's and the barack obama's. those people in charge of the operation will cut off their friend of 50 years if it means winning an election. republicans have to remember that. they don't want to lose. losing is the ultimate failure
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for them. nancy pelosi pushing joe biden off the cliff doesn't surprise me. these are strategic, manipulative folks, and they are running this operation, make no mistake. >> "the new york times" posted what was happening from the delaware beach house. it's interesting. this is set so i want to prepare viewers. this is apparently what was happening with biden according to "the new york times." in the end, he was alone, confined to a spare bedroom in his vacation home and fighting off bouts of coughing from co covid. present biden was exhausted when he turned in for the night july 20th, and whether he slept soundly or not at all, he took the hours to mule over his historic decision he was about to make. that is sad, but that's not the picture of someone who i think is going to be a strong commander-in-chief for the next five months. >> i appreciate your generosity of heart. i don't think it's sad. i think it's fitting. he is the commander-in-chief, so take your time to make those
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decisions. made a lot of decisions in the last three years that have resulted in, for example, the loss of 13 service member's lives and others. i hold no pity for the person whatsoever. that bullying behind the scenes, all that does is belie the democratic party's tactics. win at all costs and i will stab you in t the back. it will be a caesar. the media has taken it and slunk away. to me, the media -- where do the questions go? things were leaking before that stabbing in the back. we were talking about his nonfitness, raising questions about his ability to campaign let alone lead. he is still at the helm. israel in the middle east are -- so the fact that he is all of a sudden supposed to garner sympathy for someone nursing covid, do your job and get to the oval office. >> we have talked about it all our. we will bring it as fox news alert, as j.d. vance is now speaking in wisconsin. the milwaukee police association. >> the environment. there were always a lot of
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protesters and people around. you did an incredible job, so thank you for what you do. i think what we want to talk about today is how we need to have a law enforcement policy that is supportive of the people who are keeping us safe. i noticed we were in the room earlier, a little round table for the media to be aware of. we did a roundtable. the people -- i didn't notice until i stood and looked at it, it was all these photos of fallen heroes across the state of wisconsin. people in law enforcement who had given their life for public safety. i think the most important way to honor their sacrifice is to make the job of their brothers and sisters in arms easier. why did they give their lives? for the basic idea of public safety. we need a president, donald j. trump who makes the job and not harder. we have to cut it with the nc law enforcement craziness, and the hairs of administration -- that make it harder for the police to do their job. thank you all.
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let me just -- let me just say a few words about the policies that have made it harder to be a police officer and most importantly harder to just be a citizen who wants basic public safety in this country. kamala harris is on a tour where she is trying to redefine her record as a tough on crime prosecutor. if you look at kamala harris' record as a prosecutor, it's the opposite of tough on crime. for example, kamala harris pursued a policy that would recategorize people who had committed sex crimes with minors and people who had raped unconscious victims as nonviolent crimes. what does that mean? that means those people get out of prison earlier, their victims have to suffer the psychological abuse seeing them walking around our streets sooner, and the police officer have a few more sickos they have to take care of instead of being in prison where those sex offenders -- if she
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was tough on crime why she making easier -- kamala harris refuses to answer questions. this is important stuff. grew up where we didn't have a lot of money and i was raised by a tough as nails grandmother who, despite the fact that we didn't always live in the easiest neighborhood, we have something that our country believed every child deserved, whether they were rich or poor our country believed everyone deserved public safety. we don't believe the government should do everything, but the things it needs to do, it has to do well. public safety is at the top of the list. how can you have a country, american dream, f national poor children who look to the future with optimism and hope if they can't walk down the streets safely? these police officers fight to make a better reality every day.
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kamala harris is making the job harder, and donald trump will make their lives easier. that's why we will reelect him, 47th president of the united states. [applause] let me offer one final observation. so many of these issues are connected, so many problems are links to one another. talking to a roundtable of police officers, the sheriff's really drove that point home. i talked to one sheriff who lives about an hour away from downtown milwaukee. even though he lives an hour away, he has mexican drug cartel members who have been doing business selling drugs and harming the citizens of his community. when you hear republicans say every state as a border state, that's not just a slogan: that is a sad reflection of the reality that we have drug cartels operating about as far north in this country as we possibly could. what a disgrace. you hear people talk about
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arresting illegal immigrants, and how the illegal immigrants completely run away, refused to obey the commands of law enforcement. why do they completely refuse? because they got into this country in the first place under the premise that law enforcement wouldn't stop them and wouldn't enforce the law. the border policies that we have at the southern border make our communities less safe even as far north as wisconsin. it means mexican drug cartels operating in our communities. it means people dying of conventional. another police officer. we have fentanyl not just in heroin and opioids, and even prescription pills, or i guess nonprescription pills that are sold on the street: we have heroin -- we have fentanyl, excuse me -- we have fentanyl in our marijuana bags that our teenagers are using. look: i have three young kids. my wife is here. we have a 7-year-old, a
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4-year-old, and a 2-year-old. i'm certain because kids are kids that one day, when my kids will take something that i don't want them to take, but i don't want that mistake to ruin their life. i want them to learn from it. , their parents to be able to punish them. i don't want our kids to make mistakes on american streets. >> that was wide-ranging. we heard a tough on crime message, tough on the border message from j.d. vance. it stands in contrast from the other side of the aisle. i was reading reporting that congress wants to go heavy and hard on the record as prosecutor. tough on crime, and the tongue is with the cartels. you know her record intimately. you are from california. it's not quite as tough on crime as one would purport. >> and that's what j.d. vance was focusing on. he started out by saying it's getting harder and harder for americans to exist here with faith in public safety. we are all less safe hunter biden/harris' watch. he went on specifically to talk about the reclassification of
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crimes. under the old watch, for exa example, pedophilia and certain nuances, they would be locked up but they are going free now. whether she likes it or not, touted her negotiation with cartels, policy that as she points out, has resulted in an explosion of drugs as far north as he said as wisconsin where he is standing. we know in california where we used to live, the explosion of fentanyl has increased 1066% in three years. those are -- and of his vice president's watch, not a candidate for presidency. he was taking them off one by one in a really organized, i thought, effective manner. >> absolutely. any thoughts, you are from wisconsin. >> in wisconsin, we still like our cops. when you have police officers endorsing, it's not just them and their families: they touch a lot of people, talk to a lot of people. member that waukesha christmas
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parade massacre? that's fresh in people's minds. we are great neighbors with minnesota. people come to wisconsin, many have come from minnesota because of the soft-on-crime policies and disaster of that state. it's in the forefront of people's minds that they want to have fair but also really good law enforcement keeping their communities, families safe, there streets walkable, and that's what j.d. vance is laying out. >> moving on, new accusations that big tech is censoring conservative contents. actor dennis quaid says facebook is censoring efforts to promote his new film. >> remember when we met, you taught me you wanted to make a difference in this world. you know what you have to do. >> typically against such a proposal. >> there you go again. >> not afraid to take us on.
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>> a president, he can do that. ♪ ♪ >> i was a lifeguard on the river. i learned how to read the currents. not just the ones on the sur surface. also the ones deep underneath the water. i'm about to start the biggest war of this century and i'm not going to fire a shot. >> blowup eight years of diplomacy? >> if you think that, you just wait. >> what did the president know and when? >> i want you to fight. ♪ ♪ >> mr. gorbachev, tear down this
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wall. >> quaid tells joe rogan there were attempts to cancel him and the movie. >> we are going through with reagan right now, the movie, we are going through -- censorship is happening to us through facebook. facebook banned advertising and a lot of podcast, the reason being was the content in it was an attempt to sway an election, a movie. the last time i heard reagan was on the ballot was 40 years ago. to me, just the act of censoring that material as you were talking about is an attempt to sway an election. >> that's powerful. >> even just listening to that interview, it's like he hasn't
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quite let the reagan he embodied go yet if you can see a taste of it. i can't to watch this. i think these types of historical movies are great, especially people that want to live during the reagan era. i was a kid in the '80s. they were a fantastic time to be a child. space race. reagan was the president. he gave these amazing emotional speeches. that whole era is why i wanted to become a reporter and cover politics. go watch the movie yourself. don't allow ai or anyone else to censor your interest in something. this is a great way to make it enjoyable this amazing actor t too. >> did an amazing job even from that short part. facebook has responded, saying while there are no restrictions on the page that would prevent admins from posting, did identify them that were incorrectly rejected. mistakenly determined that the
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content about president reagan required prior authorization in accordance "with our policies for ads about social issues, elections, or politics. this was a mistake in the restriction has been lifted." here sometimes quaid responded to our trace gallagher. >> here's the thing. content was that this happens on a regular basis. this is not the first thing. you go back into the production of this movie and the advertising of this movie. it has happened before. does it make you angry or are you just baffled? >> i am baffled to tell you the truth. it was banned, and they haven't even seen the film. seems like they don't want other people to see the film either, i guess. will set up a screening and they can see for themselves. >> but they jump to conclusions before seeing for themselves.
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>> how many times will we get the excuse that it was a glitch and then they apologize? same with the kamala harris ads, the google searches, should have had a disclaimer. the assassination attempt photo. how many times with the social media companies claim something is just a glitch? it only goes one way. the glitch only impacts conservatives and conservatives themselves. it never impacts the liberal -- i never hear a liberal cause or liberal person or democrat say facebook censored me or twitter censored me. even when twitter at elon musk at the home, liberals, it only goes one way. we have a thousand hearings on this and nothing ever happens. they claim it was just a mistake. >> and you were part of those hearings. >> a fox news alert on this.
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>> been throttled on facebook. talking about how they don't want to let you influence elections. if you allow people to have a conversation like this -- love trump and paige trump. that is the american conversation that you should let brief. what they are doing now is -- more content from conservatives in favor of trump. going to take down the conversation on politics. >> the media coverage of it too appeared not sing without evidence, conservatives saying that they were suppressed. there is no support in that. >> joe rogan asked a very good question to dennis quaid, said "do you think if you made a positive obama movie it would be flagged as swing an election? he pointed out that in 2020 there was a positive obama movie. my question is just to underscore yours. did they flagged the obama mo
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movie? to the automated bots flagged it? these bots come up to your point, only go in one direction: against conservatives, but then we cleaned it up and fix it. >> i'm sure they did not. >> i venture you are right. >> more "outnumbered" in just a moment,. out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans. she grew up in a middle class home. she was the daughter of a working mom. and she worked at mcdonald's while she got her degree. kamala harris knows what it's like to be middle class. it's why she's determined to lower health care costs and make housing more affordable.
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what say you? >> a soft white dude from minnesota i don't think of tim walz and think masculine. men actually get up and check where the noise is coming from. gun fea god-fearing, gun toting republicans. you protect people if you are a man come if you are masculine, not just your family but your neighborhood. not this guy. this guy is anything but masculine which is why liberals can celebrate it because it is not true masculinity. >> kayleigh why did it become okay, i thought they were supposed to be frightened of all white men? >> masculinity is toxic and less it is tim walz. trying to appeal to groups, evangelicals, putting out -- you are not going to deceive evangelicals, your radical abortion stance, hunters who want their second amendment rights just because you put tim walz in a camel hat. nice try. >> who do you think is falling for this? >> we are supposed to define masculinity in this way, it
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wasn't supposed to be holding a gun, that isn't what makes you masculine unless it is tim walz holding a rifle, then masculinity is back. that's what gets me and i find so condescending. i'm from west virginia. it was a democratic stronghold for the longest time, now it is turning red and not because people are masculine are not. it has nothing to do with it and it cracks me up and i find it all kind of silly. >> well, i don't look at tim walz and think the picture of masculinity, but i will say, the campaign is smart and strategic enough to realize they do have a spot they need to fill in that is with young men peered i don't think this is going to fill it, but they recognize that. again, the trump campaign needs to realize their vulnerability with women at if they do that they will have young men and young women and that's the best we can hope for. >> to all of you young men and women watching us, thank you. don't forget to ddr the show and now here is "america reports." mesic musical >> we are awaiting vice president harris. is


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