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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  August 16, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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on fire. i need you to saveyo the datearh because the fox nation's annual patriot awards hasas been announced. it will be held this year on december 5th in new york. you can get your tickets at derby. derby derby at fox nation .comwl slash patriot awards. see us there. l have awe'll have a good time. >> yes. and jessica. okay. so year afte a year after partng with hellmann's titan's quarterback, it's well, levi tio right, is releasing a mayo scented cologne. it's just $8 a bottle, which honestly seems like a lot for something like that. but you can smel l like the athlete's favorite condiment. in addition to mayo, the fragrance also has notess oe of lemon, parsley, vanilla and coffee. he has a lifetime's supply nowll coming to him of mayo, and it's already sold out, but it'll be restocked. greg oh, wait a minute. he's in his coffee forhi just you can smell like. so what is it? mayo scentedr wa . e watter >> all right, i got to go. that's it for us.s. have a great night. >> welcome to a specialm will
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edition of jesse watters primetime. >> i'm will cain in fo cin forr. >> venezuela used to beo the crown jewel of latinbeit america. in 1950, it was the fourth was richest countr y in the wor world per capita that beat out capitalia, canada, mos of europe and people lead lives not unlike ours. they had moneypeople ls in the. they worked good jobs, they drove decent cars. they even had time to have fun.m they went to the moviese and went to the zo o. >> venezuela doesn't look like that anymore
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. >> today, the grocery stores hun are barren, the people are hungry and poor, and they went froan m the fourth richest country in the world to 156th behind uzbekistan, starvingan. venezuelans now break intoelan the zoos that they used to visits to kill and eat animals. so what happened? a man named hugo chavez seizedme power in the late 1990, and while the country was blesse chae god with oil reserve they were coerced by a socialist governmentd by that ss all of their money on social programs. massive inflation followed. instead of slowing down spending. though chavez took control of the food supplycontroood witm inflation, the government decided the way to handlpae that type of inflation was to control prices. the pricess of things like groceries. but just like here, the government isn't adept a particularly adept at any particular jobar job. they then overpaid for food in venezuela, which of course
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led to shortages. a few years later. venezuela's.s suffered anr economic crash bigger than the great depression. dee an oil iavhe gre rich country that spent money that it didn't have ending up in complete turmoil. to sound kind of familiar, e in it's like when you hear a new song on the radio today and you realize after a little bit, where have i heard that before? that new song sampled a tracthak from the 1970s. we're hearing a story today. we'v e heard before, and maybe we should learn a lesson from venezuela. kamala harris is ripping a page out of hugo chavez's playbook.n harris the biden-harris white house has turbo chargedtrilli inflation by spending trillions that we do not have. e do and today, camila proposed doing exactly what hugo did, controlling the price of food ai and i will work to pass w the first ever federal ban on price gauging on food.
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pe plan will include new penalties for opportune stick companies that exploit crises and break the rules. >> price she meant price g.a new federal ban on price gouging means that the government, not the free you market, determines the price of your grocerier grs. he and we know what happens when the government does this. bread linethis.ead liens. kamala justifies controlling the price of food by blamingfie quote, greedy corporations for the high price of groceries. >> ogrocer but the numbers justt on her side. >> she talked about the profits of grocery stores. their margins are incredibly thin for every dollar sale. mak they make profits of around 1 to $0.03. just try proving that thatnt prics.e gouging is going to beye incredibly difficult beyond anything else. some of the stufe.f around price gouging misidentified what caused inflation, . and inflation was caused by supply chain disruptions. the bin was causg government spd
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that accompanied the covid crisis, we've seen this kind of thing tried in lots of other countries before. venezuela, argentina, the soviet union, etc. it leadss to shortages. >> it leads to black t markets. you know, plenty of uncertainty . >> kamala doesn't just want to control the price of food. she wants to giv kamalto juse mf your money to other people. i will work as president with states like here in northnu carolina. roy cooper, thank you again. to cancel medical debt forillio more and more, millions more american. >> cancel student debt. cancel medical debt that would thats of dollars. and guess what that would do? crank up inflation. we're supposed to be tightening the belt. but if carmeseton never admitser that government spending is part of the problem, she ad io address it.n't ha and of course, she also doesn't have to accept responsibilitievs of biden nomics. just keep writing more checks
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with other people's money. here's an idea. heren payments dow on homes? >> my administration will provide first time homebuyers with $25,000 to help with the down payment on a new home. >> 20 five grand for a down payment. welln . , that does sound nice until you realize. well, that's going tizo jack up the price of homes even more. approximately $25,000. the same way endless college tuition grants and universities completely unaffordable. none of thismpletelyordabl will. inflation. it will only make it worse. it we ite that was never the goo to fix the economy. maybe it's to actually rig the economy. so no matter how hard you work, how much you tryso mattek ho, y be as poor as everyone else. >> it has to be about a goala gl of saying everybody should end up in thsayinge same place. t in and since we didn't start in the same place, some folks might need ome folk more equitable distribution, giving resources based on equity, understanding
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that we fight for equality. undee fi to fight for equity and equality. >> so just often everybody should get the same thing. well, that often assumese plac everybody started out in the same place as opposed to equity, which is everyone should end up in the same place. and if you then understandt in that everybody started out in the same place, you understand some people neee dso more. >> so we all end u wp in the i deme place. that is literally the definition of communism. bobbism.y norton way is the ceo of goya and he joins me now. bob, thanks for being with wit us this evening on prime. i'm listening to kamala harris. i think we should all listen. she's telling us in theory and she's tellintelling us in practice how she will convert the american economy intoociali socialissmm. >> yes. and you hit the nail on the head. well, and thanks for having meng
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. unfortunately, they're using a nail gun to put their last nails in the coffin of this economy in this country. i have family in venezuela,u'd e and you'd be surprised. right now, there's relativ s e for t calm except for the election, thich was a fortunate election, the relative calm because it threatened iram becaq with anote these gangs have come to this country. maduro hase sent them to this not country, and he's not going to take them back from day one. from day one, the harrised a war and biden administration started a war against the middle class, a war against fossil fuels, a war with the green new scam. open borders. and it just set our weakness as a country, as an administration around the waundr world, set us into wars, which meant inflation. ifn. you take russia and ukrain, in te countries,of they have 50% of the world's
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fertilizer, fertilizer prices tripled. they have 30% of the the world wheat, 20% of the world's corn. they have sunflower seeds. they have sand for fracking in glass. inflatio inflation went out of control from day one. they they put in executive orders that set this country right on a disastrous wend now w have path and now we have the follow on policies. po you know sold to you as alleviating the problem of inflationoble but exacerbatig our fall into a socialist economacerbatiy. those policies that we heard from come on today include price controls fm. you bring two levels of expertise in this conversation, bob. first, your directdirect relationships, your knowledge with venezuela, but alsohips o your knowledge of the food industry putting price controlsh into the food industryfood on groceries, which i understand ind groceri bob opi in about a 1 to 2% margin where most industries in america
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on average operate on about an 8% profit margin. she's suggesting the problemin.n is you greedy food companies and the solution is to reduce your one and a half percent profit margiercentn. >> the problem is when problem the government gets in the way of the free market. you know, they talked years agko about a $15 wage, minimum wage . at that time, a warehouse worker might make $9 an hour.y s today it's 18 to 20 and wages have gone up. but the problem is so have costs. and so , you know, we are they ge government when they get involved with these things , pricing wages. you know, when i was a kid, if you had a lemonade stand and of course, your $0.10 for the glass, the straw, the product to go to the store to get it, and the government comes along and says, i wantr you to sell that lemonade for a penny. you know, just kind of fold up h your lemonade stand and go home. and the grocery business, which doese in
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make 1 to 2% and hireslo a lot of people. those people are forced are to we're going to put them out e of business by controlling no pricing. you know, the government has noe businessss and controlling prices. what the government should go into and unfortunatelyvolved what the government is involved in as a middleman, which is n aa terribly wrote, has testified last year the middleman in child trafficking and drugs, which is coming outt cons of venezuela. we are the biggest consumer. the latino is the biggesumt victim of this. and we are the middlemen we're making. we'rare profiting off of over 100,000 children being lost. and we're just we just want to we want the money and we sta want control. we want to stay in power so wey can continuein to abuse and exploit the working class and the people of this country. it's evil is what's happening. and they want to double down.y you know, the trump economy was cruising along and they undidg n
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everything they they destroyed it. and we're heading they're going to put the last nails in the coffinl pu nails of this economs country. if they if we if they prevail, well, i think it's blesses. i hope they do not. i think it's stunning. i think we all have to listeilli because they're giving us the direct policy. she is describing the direct policies are givin and she's gil you the theoretical philesophical goals to mov this country from free market capitalism into, at a minimuom g socialism. >> bobby, thanks for being with us tonightht. >> thank you. i win. kamala is not stealing ideasgo from the likes of hugo chavez or castro. kamala is taking the rest of herez or s campaign proposam team trump. >> first, it was team tr no taxs on tips to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for serviced hosp and hospitality workers. >> when i get to office, we are going to not charge taxespee on tips. >> people making tip ming tipss
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>> and now a cornerstone of her newly revealed economic plan i is a child tax credit that she sounds very proud of. >> we will do this by restoring two tax cuts designed to help middle class and working americans. the earned income tax credit and the child tax credit. >> what have i heard that one before? president trump and i believeev in expanded child tax credit. but we also importantly wantanae to actually get this thing done. >> i'd love to see a child tax i woule chilo $5,000 per child.. >> primetime is intrigued by the tax credit idea. we think families shouldwe cou have incentives to stay together and have children. we couldn't help but noticlp noe how these similar proposals are being covered very differently. ryhere's how axios headlined. they're nearly identical proposalical pros.
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harris proposes a $6,000 tax credit for new parents. meanwhile, whewhiln the trump vt ticket talks about child tax credits, it reads vanc tr e lea into pro-family policies to spin his past cat lady commentspa. s the spot the difference game. it's getting really fun. ally funhere's one how the media covered both trump and kamala's proposals to end tax on tips.x n this time it's cbs news givingwh you two very different examples of how they handled that policy. or how aboute policy juste the announcement of their candidacy for president? nouncemendidacsame publication . this time it's time. and there' thes the trump cover in 2016. that's kamala this month. >> spot the difference. but this new push from kamalas illustrates just how few original ideas she actually has. she's a serial plagiaris fewrig just like joe biden. but maybe we should give biden an apology. yeah, i mean, he stole neipololn kinnock'nects life story in the 1980s, but at least he wasn't running againstt neil kinnock
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when he did it. a trump campaign national press secretary karoline leavitt joins me now. caroline, great to see you this evenin youg. it's interesting. kamala harris is simultaneouslye stealing from the far left policies of hugo chavez in venezuelaft hugezuela of thes and positioning herself as a a moderate who has some of she same policies, policies as donald trump. it's she's actually playin playg i don't know, the entire potential left and independent voting base. at the same time, the question right is what is real? >> well, that's a verynt t good question. and if you want to know what is real, look at what kamala ate over the pasta three and a half years. she's coming up with all of these new policy kno alleged solutions, many of which we know will not work. thoswe that she's plagiarizing from president trump are good ideas. they're popular. and that'ss plagiarizi are why g them. but these far left proposals would be a disastem bur for our country. and if americans want to know what a kamala harris tim walzonw
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administration would look like, look at the past four years. kamalaould harris has been in theen white house as vice president, where we're all of theseth alleged solutions since she's been in office. now all of a sudden she wants to fix the mess that she created. she is the arsonist. shmesse cannot be trusted to put out the fire. and i appreciatere your pointing out the fake news media's coverage of president trump's policy proposals versus kamalapy harris is fake news. s kamaone on and the fact that she still has yet to sit down with any mainstream media outlet and do an interview when they are completelyle on her side, it's so blatantly obvious proves that she doesn't evetly obvin kw where she stands on policy. her advisers do not trust her to explainstandsr herself. she's sending her campaign spokespeople out there to flip flop on every dangerously liberal policy she's ever supported because they knoe's ew it's wildly unpopular, and that's why she's ripping ideas from president trump. >>'sdeas yeah, the question, of course, is what is phony admid would day one? would day one of a harris-walzoo administration look like
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expanding child tax credit s and no tax on tips? or would iant look like, well, her years in the senate,f year her last three and a half years as the president and for prthat matr, why do we have to. wait on day one? you are vice president. couldn'tar we have an expanded? child tax credit? couldn't we have in fact, no tacouldntax on tips right now ur biden? >> harris that's exactly right. well, kamala harris is a radical liberal from r san francisco, california, one of the most high taxed, high cost of living states in this country. she voted agains it president trump's tax cuts and jobs act in 2017. she has repeatedly supported america raising taxes on the american people, taking more hard earned money out of their pockets. and she has supported the billion dollar boondoggleggp packages that have led to the increase inflationacefrom i that americans are suffering from in this country right now. and she was the tie breaking cou vote in the senate for the inflation reduction act. she put inflatiolationon
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n on steroidsnd in this country and now all of a sudden she wants to clean it up. one can't be thesuddenants t tr. only president trump can. and our message is very simple. ifmp you want more cash in your pocket, vote trump well, i think good things comed th in threes. caroline steve jobs famously stt three is a magicalnumber. number. you have to present ideas, you know ideas., three great things. about the new iphone. i think you stari thint lookingc at what the third policy that might be stolen from trump fo mightn frr the harris-t administration might be. you've got your two in start lookin g what that third policy theft might be. caroline karoline leavitt always great to see you. >> thank you. i'm sure congresswoman anna paulinangresswo luna joins primetime. primetime. >> this isn't sherman in the water. >> i don't feel as clean. >> i don't feel as clean. here's sherman also a strong oh, my bottom's been same with its diamond we've texture carmine ultra strong cleaned better with fewer seats and less effort enjoy the go with shaman. you know what's crazy? that this is better than
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get over 30% off at shop. >> man oakham common has been dodging the press. but you'd like to think she can outrun the truth. a has be
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migrant crime is on the ballot. whether she likee press it or n and a new fox news poll showbas americans are unifiedrly with nearly nine in ten saying the situation at the southern border is either an emergenc0 y or a major problem. well, that's up 9% from february. it's no wonder why since joe and kamala opened the border, america has become ka dangerous place to live. just look at new york. leadfranco torres navarro, the leader of lowe's killerss wh who won, who is wanted for 23 murders, was arrestedo's. in upstate new york in central park. migrants par as young as 11 years old are violently mugging new yorkers at this point in time. we're ready to call it this is a migrant robber iy. while there's roughly ten robberies that are in this >>t those tend to be in the park or outside the parks. we think they're responsible for moste we, if not all of the. >> and a new video shows a the prepubescent muggerscent smu smiling as they ran away after a subway nypd released their crime stats
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of central park. al parit's not exactly how you'u expect compared to the same period last year, robberieexpects are up 200%, fey assaults up 43%, major crimes up 46%, most recently, the biden-harris dhs is accusedt of releasing a senegalese migrant into the streets despite having availableio detention space. >> that migrant has now beenn sc charged with a new york city woman. this is kamala'sbut this americ. so if you think all ofink this will magically disappear if she becomesal thi president dead wrong. this is all part of their planao . >> i want to know when you become president, what would you be committing to close the immigration detention centers? >> absolutely. >> on day one. on day one. and that was kamalar pres harris running for president in 2019. she's now the democratic candidatidt in e presie press hasn't been able to getld a hold of kamala o. f >> but fox's bill milligan keeps trying, asking
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byr campaignon keeps if she sts by her past positions on immigration clothes hpositio ice detention centers. >> on day one, decriminalize illegal crossingaydecrimins star from scratch with ice bills asking those questions. it plus hours later, though, zero response. >> it's no'sw been 75 hoursin and nothing from them on the record. a florida congresswoman, an appalling aluna joins us now. >> congresswoman, great to have you on the program. i do wonde have yor. while we have the polling that shows this is an important issue and it doeg that ss seem a important issue for people beyond simply those in thent republican base. will it rise u bp to the independent voter that'sup to pass judgment on the biden-harris administration and thatjudg judgment to the harris-walz candidacme-walzy? most certainly. in fact, i actually recently did an interview on npr,intervie and that was actually one of the top questions that they np have ihave iis what done as a member of congress? because that is the top issue for some of thescongree indepeni
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voters. but i want to speak to something that you just mentioned, that she's running away froakm these questions.ay and well, i actually met kamala harris at the airport severaque years ago when she was running for president. >> and i asked her, i said as wa minority woman, like, what have you done about the member hispanic womene until she ran away from those questions. and then she recently had kamalashm questintly had hqf in front of that. so she has no solutions. i franklasy think that she's ben the worst thing to happen to our country in a while. and the fact our is, is that she had a seat at the table as a minority woman and did nothing just just realma one more on ths topic. so i don't think it's partisan i it's accurate for you and me to sit here and assume and project that four years under harris-walz would look at a minimum like four years under biden-harris. so whatever we're gettingborder at the border and the resulting crime in american cities now a there is no reason, zero reason we should assume it would be any different under the kamala harris presidency. >> i would argue that it would be worse. t wiy that because shee's no
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is not wanted to do anything, she's been in charge of the border regardlesg toythings of f the administration and the mainstream media has tried to say. and barry,t administ her record on that.ul but i would also argue that, you know, showing how she has been extremely leftist, showing that she is absolutely willingo to close detention facilities and also to not vet or check detey of these people coming here. you know, i don't want to hear anything about, you know, republicant s being anti-woman because they are complicit and women being raped and they're doing nothinbeca ar about it. no >> and it is by criminals coming here illegally. i think that's extremely reasonabled it >> w to.ould say it would be worse because we just heard her in her own words, taking a more extreme positionworse than even joe bii when it comes to the border. >> you brought up that moment betweecomes you brn you and kam. it's on the internet. it's viral. you i do want to ask you about because you are going viral as we speak as welral asl right. it's something for something old, but it's you in a bikini, not a bikini excuse me, in a bathing suit. swimsuite me a, one piece, and s gone viral. hy this again, congresswoman, i don't know why this is controversial,
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but you have something somehow, once again, i guess, become controversianl for your swimweae . i mean, what's interesting is they actually try to use it against me and hit m e on it. i but, you know, i'm goingn to lean into it. i can actually define a woman. t.cayou know, while they're tryg to erase motherhood, while they are trying to call mothers, chest feederstryingo ed well, they're trying to put literally men in women's sports, which, by the way,tse the supreme court for making the correct decision and protecting women's sports todayfomaking. tryin but while they're trying to doo all that, they're going to then attack me for wearing a swimsuitthathen . i represent a wonderful, beautiful community here in florida, in pinellas county. we have some.ent wonderfu of tht beaches in the world. i make no apologies for that. but what i will tell you i nthat that i will do everything to fight for women in this country more than kamala harris. >> weltmen his col, i think it'f you were trans, if you were jerry nadler of new york and you came out in a bathing suit, i think they call you brave. >> so i think it's whold they choose to see. by the way, it would be brave for jerry nadler to come you b t in a swimsuit, but it is funny how they choose to celebrate and who they choosycommitti se criticize no word from the samen
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people criticizing you about wherd frome they stand on the y congress or any number of trans flashers on the white house lawn. >> but do you, congressmanne whf you you've gone too far herearms with your swimsuit. >> i got to gouit. . p >> well, i'll just go ahead. let me just finish up by saying this. i was i was in sports illustrated, max, then prior forcongress, i was als spoo united states air force veteran. >> but they like to hide that stuff. so i make no apologies. all right they uft. t as well, it's great to see you tonight as well, congresswoman. thank you. >> all right. climate nuts for kamala straight ahead , copd isn't pretty an out of breathwith o and often out of the picturenc, but this is my story. >> and with one staley trilogy, >> and with one staley trilogy, it can still be beautifuegy keel because witrelhree medicines and one inhaler, trilogy keeps my airways open for a full time for hours and prevents future flare ups trilogy. you also improves lung function
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transitions from near to far. >> there are lux by slr. yes. have an army to build, a school to take over and cross the black belt. >> and who are you? here's chuck. chuck, match. how can anyone not love you like you're no one until you're talked about? "gossip girl". xo. xo this fall, tv's number one new game show is back. who will conquer the floor? more players, more money, more duels. >> oh, shoot. from your september 25th on fox was doing everything she can to win back young radicalg she democrats. and she thinks pandering to them about climate change will helcan to demp. . a new poll finds that climate change is the top issue for. tew young voters with 41% saying they'll only vote for a candidatitsayinge who prioritl climate action. so it only makes sensee acti that karma's latest fundraising zoom call. climate voters for harris would
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pander to these radical people. they timed it to run today, the third anniversary of biden's inflation reduction act, whichrsary of we all know t nothing to reduce inflation or protect the environmeno reducete speakers included biden climate czar john kerry. nye bill nye, the science guy and far left. siy senator ed markey, governor jay inslee. >> things di gd get off, though, to a little bit of a rocky start. >> no one has done more tothe cl battle the climate crisis than him. thim.join me in welcoming secry john kerry. sir, over to youerry. . muted. am i mutedu.? m >> can you hear me? >> these are the best mindsrld' that we're going to put in charge of the world's thermostat. they're going to controlth.ey we the climate after they fix the wi-fi and get their noteslac in order. li >> calmness climate commanders let us know they're ready
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to deplo knoy and fight againste the america we know and love. >> we are no w at a critical moment. we know that the reasonmo this issuement. the animates soy of us is because every single person on this calltand understands that this is theista existential issue. >> that's the damages that the climate crisise. th is going to cause us.y it's going to destroyth the biodiversitye that we and our ecosystems depend on, and it's going to trigger global climate conflict around food and water. >> we did not as globak to have to change the world on account of humankind changing the climatn accoune. >> but here we are, here and here they are indeed. t and these people are pushing to change everything about the way we live our lives. toge evet thmost of them, thoug, are trying to get rich off of it. outkich ofk founder clan travis joins me now. you know, clay, i think one oft the most disturbing parts of this besides bill nye , one of the most disturbing corts of this to me is that 41% of young voters consider
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this number one when it comes to the voting booth. >> yeah, and i know you've got young kids like i do, will and t and i spend a lot of timethem talking about this with them. a couple of things. coup one, that john kerry clipncredi is incredible. the only thing that could have made itblng better is if he were trying to stream in from his private jet that he flieying ts all over the world o talk about the dangerslk wa climate change. right.denl if you really thought the world was going to suddenly fall off the facef it of its earth and we were all going to be underwater, wouldn't you at least be willing'tlease be to fo commercial when you went around to your climate change heres? nce aro so that's point one. point two, though, and i actually think these are interconnected .1., and i dt know how much time you've been spent thinking about it will, but the population timu spen ine world is absolute actually scheduled to collapse . and i think these are connected because there are a lot of young people thatpeople are profoundly afraid of the future. t arand one reason they're pro-family, if they are afraid of the future, is because they believe climat e change is basically going to haviicate the human populationde
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to such an extent that they're not actually starting to have kids themselves in waysthat h that had traditionally been the case. you look at china, population may wellave traditionally have already peaked, scheduled over the next 70 or70 80 years to collapse in half. italy, japan, our own united states, great britain,f there are lots of places out there where the population is collapsing. in i spend a lot more time in my head worried about the fact heade aren't having enoughkids kids because kidsca are ultimately a votuse kie for the future and optimism itself. there's not very many people wit y peoph a baby who are thinking about things being awful in the futureing awl think sadly that our young people have bought into the liek . remember, go back and watch inconvenient truth. we were all supposed to be underwater andinconvll sup by. now, even the new york times, you read the piece where they looked at all those islands that werthe pithooe supl to be submerged, that have actually grown in size and hav e more land mass than they were. same would be underwater just a decade ago. and so i think this is just an example of fear and its power to influence action
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and terrify. yeah, i think there's a deep and fascinating conversation to be had over a longer period of time about why people are attracted to these dystopian death idea a s. the future. it's it is. it is anti-human. it is. itit iistic is pessimistic. but why is it attractive? i think that's an interesting and fascinatin g conversation. and just one last point. if you can't i don't want to kick a man for not being able to operate the mute button on zoom there, but for the grace of god, go i.. but i'm not also asking for control of the world's thermostat t a. so i think that competency should go hand in hand. claye of travis, always great.ou >> so thank good. by brooke by the way, when it whenh is my bathing suit company going to go viral? i mean, anna paulino luna has gone virale gary como go vir years later. i mean, people that want to see me in a speedo, i think jerry and me, we got a great business. >> we got a new model. but yeah, you and jerry nadler on a new swimsuit line. >> very brave. hew swbravy, do fat guys too fas in speedos? it's -- it's a it's a burgeoning business. >> all right, then. i'll see you soon. let's go back to septemberni
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23rd, 1995. it's the first nightgh of falld in dodge county, nebraska. it was a quiet night. everer'sdawes co over. >> college football is back. everyone's happy. and maybe some people a little bit too happy. tim walzld hig, a 31 year olds, high school teacher, kicked back some beers, got behindhind the the wheel, hit t. hemmy was tipsy, so when a cop tailed him, he sped up. >> he whipped 96 and a 55. >> and when the joyride ended, the patrolman noticed a stale stench of alcohol wafting through his 93 mazda. >> waltz failed the field sobriety test first, then the breathalyzer. he blew a poinbreathalert. >> one two weight well above the legal limit. he was the 0n transported to a hospital for a blood test for and then his worst nightmare.l e a photo he'll never forget. waltz was booked at dawes county jail, charged with a duin and speeding. and months later, he pleaded guilty to reckless driving. a misdemeanouilt r. fo >> he lost his license for
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90 days. he paid a fines at ten, tim hung u up his headset. >> he resigned in disgrace as thep hi coach of alliance high school and packed his bags for fres andh start. minnesota waltz has been running from his past, but it bt has now come back to haunt him. first, bac ten years later, timo his eyes on congress and here's how his campaignhis ca said this went down that fall. september night. or the dui charge was dropped forrs a reason. wasn't true. the trooper had hion asn't trm drive toe the station and then leave on his own after being at the statioafter n. >> they describe it as a whole big on misunderstood ending.m tim had, quote, hearing issues from his time in the guardarin and couldn't hear the trooper during the sobriety testty test >> so also never got a hm he drove himself to the statios . >> he got booked for a speeding ticket. it was all the cop's fault for not speaking loud enough allfau that's not what is in the police report. n e policethe cop who arrested t night is speaking out and het is is saying.
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anyone can get a dui. wit it's what you do with it after you get the dui. >> if he had stuck with his story of loo hk, it changedd drn my life and i stopped drinking, i would commenkid him 1, the cop is pointing out that'sct not what she has done in response to that story. preshe's running for vice president and his past is on the ballot. >> and even democrats are now questioning, did anybodyors on r vet this guy? >> the dui story is is indefensible. congy, you and i know a thing or two about congressional campaigns. there's usually like a paid campaign manager in s. therida paid spokesperson, and that's it. so the idea that this came from his spokesperson and it didn't come from him. i don't buy. e and the idea that he tried to lay it off on a hearing disability layf from the national guard service through the spokesperson whilees denying things that the case filed investigation proved to bleigation e inaccurate, i ta real issue for him. to me, the dui is bigger than be the stolen valor allegation, not because of thean drinking,
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but because of the lie. >> so, look, everyone's got skeletone of tveryone s in theit and america forgives mistakes. but we don't like liars. time a and waltz has proven timee and again that he is allergiis c to the truth. the real life walter from breaking bad. >> next, introduce a new advil. targeted relief. targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with four powerful pain fighting ingredients that start working on contacttargeted to tt tough pain at the source for up to 8 hours of powerful relief new advil. targeted relief 50 times more powerful than heroin. it was causing the most deaths that i'd ever seen. it was the first time i ever heard the name. fentanyl is a kind of a sociopath will on me or sociopath. >> marquart was real life with walter white, definitely the smartest criminal i ever met. this guy is a death merchant. this thing was far before it
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turned into a. israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children in this orphanage, bomb shelter. we're praying for god's help, praying to a venus volcano. our father, our king, countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets thousands of rockets have forced over 100,000 israelis to become refuge jews in their own homeland. israeli familiess is on are in. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground reaching jewish people of all ages children, mothers, the elderly, evenople holocaust survivors. but we can't do it without you. your gift of $45 will make suret that the people of israel have
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you've ever tried before, get over 30% off at shop. >> mando ecom. well, fennel is the number one killer of people 18 to 45,nb killinerg 100,000 americans a year. and its origin story is straight out of breaking bad . a new fox nation series,bad. the godfather of fentanyl is today and it tellsto the untold story of thday ane ft fentanyl overdose epidemic, which was back in the 80 firsts. >> here's a taste. police are warning of a new toxic drug, a drug that can kill within seconds. emergency rooms are seeing more overdoses than ever befor an ever entheti . >> officials worried it is ac ru new synthetic super drug. >> my analysis concludedwa that it was fentanyl. 47-year-old george marquart is the alleged kingpin. marquart really was a real lifel
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walter white. this is the trueas story of thee deadliest clandestine chemist in american history and the birth of this street fentany bl epidemicfe. i'm john roberts, and this is the godfather of fentanyl. >> former del.a special agent herman blanco joins me now. hermann, great to have you on the program. so teepee tell me, i'm fascinated. so this guy, he was a chemistpie he pioneered the fentanyl industry. >> he's walter white. >> well, nice. nice to meet you. here. it's a pleasure to be here. i really don't know much about the chemist becausdon'e im not the primary case agent on the investigation. i waarn thes the undercover.em to my role was basically coming into the investigation in the middle of the investigation and to meet with the the persont that was funding the investigation in thies case was christopher muscatel, who was a connected to the mob up in boston and basically
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talked to hi austim. the ma and the main focus of myin u undercover role, the main objective was to try to find out wher nde the fentanyl lab was being held and where the marker was manufacturing fentanyl. yl. >> and really, i got i've got to go. but where was that? so where was gt the lab? >> hermann wichita, kansas. >> wita, kansas. wow.ut how about that? i mean, so this is on fox nation. it's about fenton, which,tood by the way, i've always understood. i knew it was a real medical grade therapeuti.t wac drug ingn the beginning that became an illicit street drug. but i did nog e an illicitt knoo had dated back to the eighties in the nineties. na's a fascinating the story. we've got to check it outit on fox nation. herman, thank you for being with us tonight and pointing us in that direction for the work that you did, by the way, not justt in bringing the story out, but to shutting this down as well. herman blanc this downo. o than >> thank you, pete.k it is on deck. where is h> e?
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>> next has two forms of my id and the online pet store that was breached and they have my payment information. >> think of all the places they can expose your info. lifelock monitors millions of data points for identity theft. if there's a problem, we fix it. guaranteed. >> i avoided the mirror. i felt alone for a long time. i remember going home and praying for it to go away and not thinking it was something wrong with me. i go into a lot of things thinking it's not going to work and thought measly would be the same thing, but it actually worked. >> more than seven hundred thousand patients have regained their confidence with using these prescription treatments. >> and you're hopeless. and then you find other women who are in the same boat as you. you suddenly feel, okay, we're going to get out of it together. that's what usually did for me . as he benton told fox news is live at nine. a lot of moving pieces. we'll take you through it all, bill and dana have unmatched insight on america's newsroom. then at 11, we will cover every
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move they make. >> harris says that top stories covered on the phone didn't focus only on fox news channel>l . it's friday, so it's time for water cooler. let's bring in my for cooler. mt pete-host's frid hegseth. what's going on? well, it's great to see you. see you tomorrow morning. >> few hours very soon. let's do this first. first up, pete, ifan "fox and friends" weekend doesn't work out for you. you can always work on kamala's campaignn workkamala'st if you. perfect. but if you do, you have you can't forget to brino yog a your pronouns when applying for a job to work for the borders. ah, it prompts you t o pick yourram. preferred pronoun. here's your options. zoom options fe fair and whoo! >> who? who, who, who? >> which one would you pick? identify it just for what woulds you pick? please stop. i would go with who? lee d go witt me. >> fine. yeah. if you just walk in a room, go. hey, i'm pete hegseth, and my pronouns are. whoo hoo! i'm n mynoun who? >> you should. you should start doingou sho th.
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or fe fe here, here, zim, i don't remember. rea is what is fe fair like? how does it do? they. this is. these are not real. these are not thingsrl.ier se i was real options. capture your earlier segment. not to get serious with caroline about which is the real camilla. the realgmennoto get camilla ri. >> yeah. it's not the stealing of the policy proposals that make it'slicy. bap >> this is what she's been baptized in, is whwho who o she >> who. harris it's a real option. all right. kamala did her first sit downor interview since becoming the nominee, but it wae s her with her running mate and it was scripted and it was inorgani c, just like you wouldmusi expect. so they talked about the campaign trail musicc an and favorite topic, food. >> like i have white guy tacos. and i like mayonnaise. and so now what doground b you . pretty much ground beef and cheese. that's okay. you put any flavorany flr and i? >> i know. here's the deal. no, they sai d be carefullack and let her know this. that black pepper is the top of the spice leve l in minnesota. >> you know, you're minnesota. not completely wrong white guy. >> you know, white, white, thate level, not pegged on in
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minnesota. that's true. i'm sick of the whole like white guy apologizes true. for u background somebody else makes fun of white guys don't like flavor all the white guys of guys do mayonnaise that but whatever add it to all that tuna taco that's not what's not a real thing that's a it's a mocking thing by the way. >> everybody knows it. if you want a good taco? well, this is where you go right here yout tood taco thise >> okay. everybody knows. do we have it? do we not have it? had d to import elements. >> i brought elements. happy cinco de mayo, the best th are made at trump tower grill. >> i lovl.e this. >> so if you want a great taco, it's here in manhattan. and donald trump knows where to find it. okay, it's a white guy, taco, go get a taco bell right now. >> it's not that far from here. you have. m but we have a minute and 10 seconds left in this show and you're here to makseconds eg announcement. >> it's a big announcement. we did it this morning. we're do it again tonigh>> we sn t. the patriot awards is back the sixth annual decembes r the fifth. >> it's a thursday night. will cain put it in your calendar, but write it down. >> i don't even have a calendar. i keep the calendar.
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>> he doesn't have one. i'll keep it for you. i'll emailll k reminder, december 5th, go to fox nation .com slash pagean two words sign up. >> you'll get a reminder to sign up for tickets right away. yotoe in new york. >> you said beautiful venue but it's not new york city. yorks long islan.t isd adjacent to new york city which is culturally new york adjacentl . >> but it's also lonang island's good people. >> great people. we're going have a great crowd, good people in manhattan. but you get what i'm saying. you'you pick up what i'm putting down our kind of people. >> i really do. we have the same kin>> ared of patriots. >> patriots will go to the patriots going te kind? o be a party and we're going to need it. it's going to be a party december 5th. put it in your calendar. >> that's right. i also put in your calendar, set your alarms tomorrow morning, pete, and i'll be oyonr fox friends weekend. >> that's going to do it for us tonight. wes tonighp. lineu f >> so six a m, everybody will rest. we'll see you in just a few hour wils. t sean is next. hannit >> and welcome to hannity. and tonighgh


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