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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  August 17, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> vice-president and democratic presidential nominee kamala harris unveiling is ambitious economic plan during a north carolina campaign stop yesterday. just days ahead of the dnc. former president trump quickly responding to the announcement saying the plan could raise costs and taxes. welcome to fox news live, i'm griff jenkins. hello, molly, here we go. >> hello, griff. we're good to go. i'm molly line. this comes as brand new fox news polling shows the economy is the top issue for voters as we're days away from the democratic national convention. senior correspondent mike tobin is live in chicago and brings us the latest on the ground there. mike, to you. >> and molly, as you mentioned the big convention is coming here to chicago. vice-president kamala harris is selling her economic agenda. she used the title opportunity economy, stressing a middle class salary should be enough for a good quality of life.
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$25,000 for first time home buyers. the child tax credit, and $6,000 for a new child and wants to place limits on new drug expenses and a federal price ban on gouging. >> as president i will be laser focused creating opportunities for the middle class that advance their economic security, stability, and dignity. together we will build what i call an opportunity economy. >> no one has forgotten the riots at the democratic convention in 1968 and everyone is aware how tense the nation is given current events. uneasy business owners spent the last two days in chicago boarding up and say they've not been getting enough communication from the city so the board are going up out of abundance of caution. >> our customers and our customers employers have told them to stay home for the entire week. so we felt since they were
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concerned about the safety of their people, we should be concerned about our safety. >> the largest protest group is the pro palestinian coalition to march on the dnc. they promise tens of thousands of protesters, the security operation is headed up by the secret service, backed by chicago police and police from all over the state. milwaukee police as well. molly, back to you. >> a lot of people working hard to keep that community safe. mike tobin we wish safety for you and your crew, thank you. griff: molly, vice-president harris is not the first politician to advocate strict government pricing controls to combat inflation. edward lawrence of fox business takes a look at how the idea has worked out in the past. >> price controls sound good on paper, especially in times of economic hardship. >> as president i will take on the high costs that matter most to most americans. >> but some research suggests they should stay in the history books.
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the st. louis federal reserve researched price controls and found higher prices help regulate demand for limited items. if you set a price ceiling like with rent control, more people will be able to buy the product for the apartments and causing sho shortages. >> when rubio's coastal grill, when minimum wage ent went to $20 an hour because they couldn't afford the employees. >> i'm ordering a freeze on all prices in the united states for 90 days. >> that was president nixon, and froze prices for the first time since world war ii #. it led to disaster and inflation and stagflation and high unemployment. pbs documented the late '7# 0s as the carter administration could not recover from price controls gasoline.
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>> by the time the pumps open many waiting for two, three hours for gas. i've been here since 4:30 this morning. it's ridiculous getting in line here. i couldn't get gas. >> and price controls leads down the wrong path. >> what you'll see if she has her way are lower supplies of goods and services to people who need them most. this stuff never worked in any country and at any time in the history of the world, let alone in the history of the united states. >> countries like venezuela use food price controls in 2014 and maduro set those and the country ill-prepared to deal with the demand still reeling from shortages. price control largely failed around the globe, argentina and greece still dealing with the side effects. >> for more on kamala harris'
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pro proposed policies, jonathan hoe anything. thank you for bringing us expertise on a saturday. we just heard from vice-president kamala harris. we just got a little bit of a history look back there, and now i want to take a quick listen to what the former president, former president trump has to say as kamala-nomics begins to take shape. >> now kamala is reportedly proposed communist price controls, leads to food shortages, rationing, hunger, dramatically more inflation, she's running on the maduro plan. we call it the maduro plan, like something straight out of venezuela or the soviet union. this announcement is an admission that her economic policies have totally failed and caused really a catastrophe for our country. >> and in fairness, he is not the only person making these connections between these ideas that are being put forth and communism and price controls and things that have gone poorly in other nations like
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venezuela and argentina. your thoughts on what you're seeing proposed so far. >> indeed, molly, indeed price controls have always failed. every time they've been tried to the extent that they've been tried, but even more broadly, vice-president harris' economic plan is really a plan for handouts and subsidies, and the size is quite stuning, 1.7 trillion in the sirs first 100 days, housing, health care, child rearing. to me, it strikes as poor economics and heavy social planning. i mean, for example, to subsidize home buying only increases prices, puts the prices higher and the idea of coming after grocers for price gouging, if you've studied any economics, it's a little laughable. walmart's margin is about 3%, not exactly gouging. so we've got a lot of old ideas and not mentioned at all is cutting spending. vice-president harris kind of falls back on the old rich individuals and corporations paying their fair share. no talk of cutting spending at all. so, it's almost guaranteed to
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increase inflation if these policies get put through. >> it seems like they're trying to make a lot of consumers, people out there concerned about the economy feel a little better. there's fox news polling that shows the condition of the economy talking to voters 73% say it's only fair or poor and there are some headlines, too, which kind of hint to what you talked about. the times or "the washington post" saying the times demand serious economic ideas. harris supplies gimmicks atlantic, political smart. making people feel better. is there a strategy for politics? >> it's three in five americans already believe that we're in a recession and you're right, these are a lot of gimmicks and handouts. the irony the reason we feel like we're in recession is because we all pay, every american pays for the inflation that we're feeling now, not just the greedy corporations and wealthy individuals. the irony this plan increases
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the deficit, increases spending. you know, vice-president harris was correct about president trump's tariffs, they are a tax, what she's incorrect on notion of cutting the size and scope of government and this plan goes in the opposite direction setting us up for what happened under nixon's tenure. nixon tried the price hikes, the price stability and failed terribly and why inflation went higher and vice-president harris is trying the same thing. >> yeah, seems to be a lot of progressive identity. and senator warren blames price gouging for prices. food prices are up, and argues that corporate profits increased 75%, that's the comparison she draws. she likes progressive polling numbers, that people favor the lawsuits and favor task forces and that sort of thing. >> sure, going after corporations are an easy target. once again, grocers margins are
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about the thinnest in all of economics. in a 3, 4% tops. so the only one gouging here is government continuing to spend using our tax dollars in the process. >> i think what i'm getting at. there's a wing of the political party, is this kind of the vein of bernie sanders and elizabeth warren, are these ideas the types of ideas they're putting forth? >> wealth is created by ambitious entrepreneurial private citizens not government spending, not government attending to every single element of americans life, housing, groceries, raising your kid and all of these interject, social planning, interject government more and more into our lives, asking us to pay for it in the process so this enlarges the size of government and inflation all of us are dealing with right now no matter what level of the social strata you happen to be on. >> one of the proposals is the $25,000 regarding to first time home buyers.
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the interest rates are just so much higher than they were even just a few years ago, it's harder to get in, to just get the beginning of that american dream. is that something that's going to appeal to a big contingent and should we be concerned about that part of the plan. >> this is a political maneuver, not an economic maneuver. any economist would tell you when subsidize something you increase demand for it, all of that $25,000, indeed it sounds great and at a time when home prices are through the roof. all that does is increase demand for exactly that scarce commodity. the irony is that vice-president harris was about 10 years old when richard nixon was in office trying so many of the same strategies, you know, price controls et cetera. they failed then and they're going to fail once again. she's not thinking economically, supply and demand. she's thinking like a
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politician. >> jonathan hoenig, appreciate it on a saturday afternoon. griff: secretary of state antony blinken is headed to israel as gaza cease-fire talks are expected to pick up against next week. this comes after hezbollah targets northern israel with the latest barrage. and alex is in tel aviv with the latest. >> hi, griff. the sirens were blaring, and people told to stay near their shelter. it was able to locate as many as 50 projectiles fired from lebanon. all of this comes after this footage overnight, an idf air strike on what it says was a hezbollah weapons depot, but in this footage, we see the destruction there, the local media say as many as 10 people were killed, including two children. now, meanwhile, in gaza one air strike today killed at least 15 people all from the same family. the israeli military is expanding ground operations in
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the southern city, and the air force says it's taken out as many as 40 targets within the last 24 hours and is now ordering a new round of mass evacuations. >> we are running. we don't know where to go or what to do with our lives. we are tired. we are tired. i hope i will die and get rid of this bad life. >> efforts to broker a cease-fire will continue. negotiators will deal with a lot of the technical work in the days to come and senior officials will meet in cairo, egypt the end of next week and u.s. secretary of state as you mentioned, antony blinken will be in israel and he'll meet with benjamin netanyahu as the u.s. urges that this deal finally comes to fruition, not only to bring an end to the war in gaza, but of course, to decrease tension across the middle east. griff: we will be following it closely. alex live in tel aviv. molly. >> president biden spending the weekend at camp david after
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saying that he's optimistic that a cease-fire deal can be reached in the middle east, as secretary of state blinken is set to travel to that region to continue the peace talk efforts. lucas tomlinson is live outside of the white house to bring us the latest on this, lucas. >> that's right, molly. president biden did sound optimistic and even hopeful about these cease-fire talks. he spoke here yesterday at the white house. >> we are closer than we've ever been. i don't want to jinx anything. we may have something, but we're not there yet. it's much, much closer than a few days ago, so keep your fingers crossed. >> and the buildup of american forces in the middle east continues. the lincoln strike group sailed from the china sea in about a week to add a second aircraft carrier strike group. the tr strike group last been deployed for the past seven months and the big stick arrived, leaving a carrier gap
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which some think is not the correct message to china. there are now three destories to provide support for israel if they're attacked by iran or hezbollah to the north. the short instance and reaction time to shoot down an incoming guided missile from lebanon over the border with israel would be very short because of how close together they are. for now, the pentagon refuses to say if it's willing to strike iran should they launch an attack. >> just to be clear, the message to iran right now is if you launch another major attack, the u.s. and its allies will shoot down the mechanisms and drones. that's the message. >> i don't think we've actually been delicate in our messaging to iran. we've been very clear that if israel is attacked we will come to the defense of israel. >> recall there was a similar buildup this spring, but did not stop iran from launching that major attack on israel, and for now, it appears that iran is trying to wait out the u.s. military and we'll see how
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long those forces will remain on station. >> we wait as well. lucas tomlinson, thank you from the white house, griff. griff: some house democrats are reportedly fearing for their safety as massive protests are expected in chicago during next week's dnc. we'll dig in. that's next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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>> let's take a look. here are those boarded up store fronts. this is chicago, businesses are there are bracing for potential unrest, and anti-israel protesters are expected to gather and potential violence and destruction could occur. griff: let's bring in raymond lopez and fox news contributor, ted williams. gentlemen, thank you for being here. when we look at the store fronts that are boarding up, mr. alderman, you really get the clear message that they're preparing for violence and you can look at any of the recent riots over the years and
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realize the damage. i think the starting point for you is, is your city ready for this? >> you know, i hope that my city is and i know our law enforcement has been working to assure that the united center and mccormick place are secure, but clearly sending two different messages for those coming to the city of chicago. on one hand, we've painted the light poles and hydrants to look pretty, but stores are boarded up out of fear of hundreds descending to chicago for the purpose of creating chaos in the streets. and my hope is that we can maintain, the mayor says their rights are protected as they wreak havoc on the city of chicago. griff: we saw mayor johnson intervene. the dispute between the protesters and really the courts, and the mayor giving aid to the protesters trying to get them more access. the leader of one of the
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protest groups saying he talked directly to mayor johnson. here is a little bit from the mayor's presser yesterday, ted. take a listen here. >> i understand why people might have some trepidation because you have elements in this world that want to take us back to a very dark path and they have not accepted the results of the civil war and so they are provocation to animosity and one thing i know for sure as a social studies teacher, our democracy will not only survive, but we will come out stronger. ted, your response. >> your democracy will provide next weekend or chicago, but griff, i've got to tell you, i expect and i hope i'm wrong, some very violent demonstrations there in chicago. you're going to have state, local, federal law enforcement. for the last year they have been planning for hopefully
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what they defined as peaceful demonstrations, but i don't think that's going to happen. some of these groups are already out there calling kamala harris, killer harris, and talking about joe biden. now, they have also tried to get closer to the united center where the convention is going to be going on, so, i anticipate a great deal of havoc, unfortunately, in chicago, but i can tell you, this is not 1968. law enforcement is prepared. griff: and that's a good thing. we're seeing law enforcement, it's a great point, ted, law enforcement not only locally in chicago, but also coordinated with the secret service on point and the u.s. capitol police and the u.s. house sergeant at arms, getting involved ahead of anticipated possible violence.
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axios reporting, mr. alderman, that some house democrats actually fear for their safety at their hotels and the sergeant of arms in the house of representatives saying that they should try not-- here is a quote, house democrats attending the democratic national convention next week advised by congressional officials not to book hotels under their own names or engage with protesters if confronted. your reaction, alderman? >> you know, this is an outrageous statement for the city of chicago to have to live up to and the fact of the matter is we've earned the statement. we've seen where our own tourists even when it's not a convention have been attacked in the city of chicago and taken over the magnificent mile 4 or 500 deep and lends people to believe they're not safe when they come here. the fact that the most democratic city in the middle of america cannot keep democratic leaders safe is very telling as kamala harris walks onto that stage and that's
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something that the democratic party, my party, is going to have to contend with as it answers whether or not we can lead this country again. griff: ted, i recently covered a few weeks ago the protests, anti-israel protests outside of congress when benjamin netanyahu was making that historic address and as you may have recalled, it got -- there's pepper spray, it got violent, they were spray painting things like hamas is coming on a statue outside of union station. is there any way to placate these protesters or do you forsee this as becoming a major issue for the dnc and really competing with the narrative that the convention wants to convey to the country? >> griff, i do not see any way to placate these various demonstrators who have their own isms and beliefs in what they're demonstrating for.
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clearly they get more attention when they're violent and as a result of that, that is the reason that i believe that they're definitely going to be violent there in chicago. they are not coming to chicago to peacefully demonstrate. they are coming to chicago to wreak havoc on that city and i anticipate that they will try that and in some instances, griff, i do believe that they will be successful, but in the long run, again, law enforcement is prepared. they are going to take as many of these demonstrators down. they're going to try to keep them as far away as they can from the center where the democratic party is celebrating the presidential election of upcoming. griff: and alderman lopez, we're out of time, but the last 15 seconds. do you have a message for the
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protesters? >> you know, i think they should be very careful what they're going to try in the city of chicago. we've seen how this playbook played out in 2020 and i don't think at that real chicagoans are going to allow 100,000 individuals to come my city and destroy it. will be ready. griff: we appreciate your time. >> thank you, my friend. >> thank you, griff. griff: molly. molly: california governor gravin newsom has signed a package of bill designed to crack down on smash and grab robberies, the shoplifters and auto thieves and increase penalties for the crimes. while it passed with bipartisan support democrats are fighting a ballot measure that would make repeat shoplifting a felony in california. griff: and a missouri woman was arrested after police say she tried to extort elvis presley's family. the alleged plot centers on a
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bogus claim that his late daughter borrowed $3.8 million from a private lender and put up the mansion. and she tried on the owes state unless she was paid off. molly: and the so-called ketamine queen involved with the death of matthew perry. christina, over to you. >> the alleged drug dealer who federal authorities referred to as the ketamine queen did not hold back on sharing her lavish life style on instagram. she touted herself as a celebrity drug dealer who took exoctober trips abroad and say she used her north hollywood home they referred to as the stash house, to store products,
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including ketamine and meth. and prosecutors believe her distribution of ketamine on october 24th of last year, caused matthew perry's death four days later. and sources tell that charlie sheen's ex-wife brook mueller, was in rehab with perry and the link to the ketamine queen. >> shows the deep connections in hollywood because matthew perry is not a one-off. when you look at the ketamine queen, what was in her home, she was charged with another drug offense just a few months ago. it can't just be matthew perry. there were thousands of pills, ecstacy, ketamine, coke, xanax, all sorts of drugs that they found in her home. this goes way beyond matthew perry. >> perry had been receiving ketamine infusion treatments for anxiety and when the doctor
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wouldn't give him more, he went to those preyed on addiction and charging him outrageous prices for it. prosecutors say one of the two doctors charged said i wonder how much this moron will pay? >> when clinic doctors refused to increase his doses he turned to unscrupulous doctors who saw perry as a way to make quick money. >> perry's former live-in assistant admitted to repeatedly injecting perry with ketamine without any training and including performing multiple injections on the day the actor died. if convicted his former assistant and four others in the case face a maximum of 120 years in federal prison, molly. molly: yeah, it's so sad to think of how he had been abused during his life by people theoretically that were there to help him. thank you so much, christina coleman for bringing that
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information and keeping an eye on what could be an expanding investigation. griff: molly, political prisoner is now free and on u.s. soil after two years in russian custody. kara will join us live on freedom and what lies ahead. that's next. y thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need, and the flavor you love. so, here's to now... now available: boost max! it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time
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visit or a store near you. >> a ukrainian missile destroyed a key russian bridge in the region that the kremlin uses to supply troops. and ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy say they were in the captured territories in exchange. and more than 20,000 people fled the region since ukraine's surprise incursion. so for more on the russia-ukraine war live is a man who spent time in a russian
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prison and released in the biggest exchange since the cold war. pulitzer prize winning vladimir kara-murza. congratulations, i know this must be a surreal time for you and i want to talk about what it's been like for you, but i want to get first just your reaction to this key bridge taken out and the ukrainian push into the kursk region. >> the last time we spoke shortly before the invasion and my own arrest. and it's good to be back. look, when putin invaded ukraine, the original goal for the kremlin was to kyiv in five days and that's what the russian leadership promised vladimir putin the dictator, he believed it and that's what happens when you're in power a
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quarter of a century and live in your own propaganda bubble and believe your own lies. he believed he would take kyiv in five days, not five months, not in two and a half years, we're seeing ukrainian troops on our own territory in russia and the first time ukrainian troops on russian territory, real recognized russian territory since germany invaded in world war ii. and it's a public humiliation for putin. and we see the last couple of centuries, very often failed aggressive wars for regimes by their own political purposes end up back firing badly on them and actually lead to significant windows of opportunity for democratic change. for political opening. think back to the crima war
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which ended in a disaster for the regime and followed by the liberal reforms in the history of russia, alexander ii, trial by jury, local elected government, and served them so on. the beginning of the 20th century with the humiliation for the russia-japanese war, the defeat for the russia empire, followed by a constitutional monarchy with the introduction of a parliament and in our own life spans in the 1980's, the defeat of the soviet staple, the communist system in the cold war and much more visibly and concretely, the disastrous invasion of afghanistan was a major trigger for the collapse of the communist regime and opening for a democratic russia in the 1990's. this war of aggression in ukraine, that was launched by vladimir putin, you know, he was planning that it would be a triumph for him. it's ending up as public
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humiliation and likely in my opinion not so much of a politician, but historicalion, this will be followed by the collapse of the putin regime and an opportunity for a democratic russia, but for that to happen, putin must lose the war against ukraine. griff: and you wrote so eloquently in "the washington post" where you said that russia will be free. talk about freedom. let's talk about your story and i've thought a lot about the two years ago that we were together in the studio in d.c. talking about what became the ukraine-russia war and now, the emotion your family must be feeling and just how surreal your story is going from two years in a siberian penal colony to a few days ago in the oval office. you met with president biden, your family there, your wife who had been there, also, when she got news that you were being freed. what's going through your mind now that you've had a little time to reflect on it. >> thank you, griff. for the past three weeks it
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feels like i've been watching a film and it's a good film, but surreal. three weeks ago i was in solitary confinement in a strict prison in siberia, confident and certain i would end my days there. two days ago i was in the oval office thanking personally the president of the united states for the role that the united states government has played in this historic prisoner exchange. you know, events like this, events like this exchange that happened on august the 1st on the runway of anchora international airport, it's the largest east-west prisoner swap since the days of the cold war, events like this prove wrong the skeptics and the cynics and constant drum beats, all politics is about expediency and no longer room for volumes and principles, events like this prove them wrong. to me, a difference between a democracy and dictatorship, there can be no higher value in
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democracy than human life. with that exchange that happened august the 1st, the united states government and the german government and everybody involved in this on the western side, on the side of the free world saved 16 human lives in one day and i was grateful to be able to thank the president of the united states personally. you know, in the entire history of the united states, there have only been four presidents, four american prisons, two ford and reagan, and now getting political prisoners out of the hell of the soviet or russian gulag. let's not while 16 v us are free and snatched from that hell there are hundreds and hundreds russian prisoners, ukrainian prisoners of wars and civilian hostages and belarus, there's left and russia, and belarus and we must not relent
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until all are free with their families. griff: and the fight continues. in the time we have left, to your point those left behind and maybe had a chance to be part of this deal, but didn't get out. alexei navalny, tomorrow marks six months after his death, the anniversary of his death. there's a number of events planned to mark that. how will you mark it and what's the message? >> the message was given by alexei navalny himself in the documentary film in which you know, he gave an interview just before returning from germany to russia back in january of 2021. he said never give up. if this happens, i am killed, never give up. and putin has now killed two opponents. two major russian opposition lea leaders, boris, who was murdered in front of the kremlin literally 2015 and now alexei navalny this year in the penal colony in the russian far
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north and let's not forget that the regime we have in the kremlin today is not just authoritarian regime, a dictatorship, it's a regime led by a murderer, but as boris always believed, alexei navalny believed and as i always believed and will continue to believe, russia will be free. russia will be democratic. the arc of history may not bend as fast as we like, but it does bend towards freedom. no question about it. i am absolutely confident that the day will come when russia becomes a normal, peaceful, civilized democratic country and i think it is incumbent on all of us both us in russian civil society and russian opposition, but also the leaders of the free world and democratic country to work together to bring that day a little closer because that's going to be a very good day for everyone. griff: indeed. you'll be on the front lines fighting that fight. vladimir kara-murza, welcome home and thank you for taking time. >> a pleasure to be on your
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program, thank you. griff: molly. molly: all right, the air force says its personnel fired back at multiple shooters at joint base san antonio. this is in texas. the shots were fired around 4:30 a.m. local time this morning outside of the gate to the base's training facility. it's unknown whether the shooters have any sort of military affiliation. local police are now investigating. griff: and the biden-harris administration has been dealt a major blow by the supreme court. we'll tell you what it is. that's next. ♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did. see if you could save
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>> the supreme court has denied the biden-harris administration's request to enforce its title ix rules, that included protections from discrimination from transgender students. madeleine rivera is live with
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an update. >> in april the biden administration announce add overhaul of title ix. for the first time the new rule stated sexual discrimination included discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation and title ix prohibits discrimination in federally funded programs. and two sued, on three provisions that target discrimination against transgender people. federal judges decided with republicans, but in doing so prevented the entire rule from taking effect in several states. the biden administration asked the high court to intervene, requesting that some parts of the rule reinstated. those portions which the states did not challenge. the supreme court rejected this request in a 5-4 ruling. the court states in part, in emergency applications the government has not provided this court with the sufficient basis for the lower court's interim conclusions that the three provisions likely found
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to be unlawful intertwined with and other provisions of the rule. judge sotomayor stated by scores of regulations that it's never challenged and bear no response to the injuries, for the discrete harms here. and neil gorsuch agreed with the other judges in the court. and it will return to the lower courts and may eventually reach the supreme court again on the merits in the coming months, molly. molly: thank you. griff: molly, hurricane ernesto has made landfall over bermuda and is not done wreaking havoc next. where the hurricane is headed to next, that's coming up.
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>> hurricane ernesto made landfall in bermuda early this morning, unleashing 85 mile per hour winds, dangerous impacts of strong winds, storm surge and life threatening flooding are expected to continue throughout the day. despite being downgraded to a category 1 storm during the final approach, islanders were expecting widespread power outages and localized flooding. and the officials say the island seems to have fared pretty well despite taking a direct hit from the hurricane. molly: let's turn now to the fox weather center where adam klotz is looking at what to expect for ernesto creeping closer to the east coast. >> bermuda feeling the impacts as well. this is the only the 12th storm in the last 120 years that we've been keeping track that made landfall on bermuda. it doesn't happen so often,
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it's a small collection of islands and that's the reason. some of those folks are still dealing with the storm gus. and 45 mile per hour winds are consistently and even though the storm is moving quickly to the north. the folks dealing with it, it's going to wind down. it's sticking around as you're seeing the wind gusts, 30, 40 miles per hour, obviously as the storm gets further away it backs down a little bit, but we have times here where it could be 60, 80 miles per hour, problems are ahead because of all of this. where does the storm ultimately go before it's all said and done, here is the track. bermuda is way out to sea so people going to area beaches today, tomorrow, even ultimately into monday if you were to linger longer, the rip currents are going to be really high so we're expecting rough seas. as you notice no concern for
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landfall until you get to new foundland and even then it's unlikely, molly. molly: we'll keep an eye on that. we always want good weather ahead and we want good news. hopefully that moves on. thank you very much, adam klotz, appreciate it. griff: molly coming up, we've got knew reaction to vp harris' price controls. nd things to d. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. ♪("baby" by summer walker)♪ ♪ ♪ book in the app to find your perfect somewhere.
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griff: if former p


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