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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  August 18, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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welcome back, america. less than four years, we've gone from peace and in less than four years we've gone ity to rise to overwhelming illegal immigration, crime-ridden neighborhoods, massive inflation, gas and food prices unaffordable. we are at our shorelines, marxists and islamists taking over colleges and universities. gender mutilation of our children and destruction of women sports. it is not morning america, it's morning in america -- morning brought to you by the democrat party, biden and kamala harris. is this what you want to? this is what you want for your family and children? i don't think so. see you tomorrow night on life, liberty and levin. ♪ ♪ [the star-spangled banner]
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[the star-spangled banner] [the star-spangled banner] [the star-spangled banner] [the star-spangled banner] [the star-spangled banner]
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♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] pete: national anthem has begun the show which means it is a sunday show at a saturday show. it's the weekend edition of "fox and friends" and we are working today because the d&c kicks off and you are here today because lawrence is in chicago. ainslie:they are bracing for mass protests. >> reporter: we are told it will be one of the most organized in history. they've taken and passed are devised the march on washington and that's the march on
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chicago. this is typical chicago behavior, walking into work and getting mugged and that's the problem they have to deal with, chicago dealing with death and destruction that has been going on for some time and now they have to deal with the pro-hamas protesters. i hope they have control of the city. ainsley: security officials are advising house democrats not to book hotel rooms under their own names, don't engage with protesters if confronted if you are a politician or a celebrity, don't go to certain areas because they expect violence. chicago is already facing a massive police shortage. the police superintendent said we are making of the best with the number of officers we had. will: you have 500 from
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neighboring communities including milwaukee. they have seven major protest planned. on march in grant park today and a lot of people too are worried about the protests. this is telegraph, they have permits for the most part. it won't be a surprise. even before october 7th, the day chicago got this, they were protesting everything from fossil fuel use to row versus wade, you have these protests even when president biden was president, who was the nominee, if kamala harris, the protests keep saying we are upset with everything, we are protesting everything so it doesn't matter bill only people having trouble getting permits are the pro-israeli protesters who have trouble getting access so i wonder why, this could be explosive. we will look at comparisons to
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1968 with lbj had to step aside by his party essentially just like president biden was asked to step aside by his party and he will be speaking first. >> a great moment during an election process to highlight what type of america you want to live in, the went in america that highlights pro-hamas, hateful and members of congress have to change their name to check into a hotel because they don't know what type of crowd is going to be here. this is truly insane and especially when you have someone that is on the ticket like andy beshear who actually allowed death and destruction to happen in the middle of the street as governor and another person at the top of the ticket who said i am going to help bail you out even though you decided to set babies on fire. it is only fitting for the coordination, accepting the nomination, that they are met
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with the people that rallied behind the man who they support. ainsley: they sent out themes for every day, they will try to promote this as come together, passing the torch from president biden to kamala harris but we won't here -- exactly. hand the torch and grabbed it from him. we won't here kamala in her own words. all the progressive socialist policies that she voted for in the past we won't here andy beshear in his own words, the socialist policies he voted for, the radical positions, we won't hear about kamala's flip-flops, though she went medicare for all, though she not, though she want fracking, maybe now she does as of two weeks ago but her entire political career she wanted to ban fracking and we won't hear a lot from the d&c about the protests. >> is what we can expect from president biden's speech, he's in camp david working on it, he
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wants to set up his legacy, this according to reports of biden aids who previewed the themes of the current presidential marks. he will say that she, kamala harris, is the best person to finish the campaign that he started which remains rooted in protecting democratic ideals, preventing a second term for donald trump, make the case that democracy prevailed with this election and for miss harris, andy beshear of minnesota in november will mean democracy is preserved, they will talk about what a threat to democracy donald trump would be had he won. i don't know if he will talk at all about how he was ousted. i imagine not. lawrence:it goes back to how we started this. he's a sitting president of the united states and it's clear the democrats don't want him lingering around. they have to give him a
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speaking slot but had to do that on day one because they have to move on from him but so interesting, all the talk will be about democracy, people struggling with record inflation can't afford things. they are missing meals on a day-to-day basis, diners talking to people who say they have to bring children and grandchildren to move in back into the house but they want to talk about the most important issue to them which is saving democracy after they pushed president biden off the ticket, that hasn't received one vote, not one single vote but the theme of this convention is going to be democracy does. ainsley: it will be trump is terrible, kamala is the second coming and the media will be salivating if you watch any of the other channels.
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pete: we will see what happens before labor day. if you look at national polls, new york times sienna paul among registered voters, up four in the margin of error but doesn't look like donald trump was ever in the cards winning the popular vote anyway. maureen dowd's column is interesting, democrats are delighted buttock who is still a cool and problems underneath, they talk about president obama shoving aside the bidens and they are angry, michelle obama's relationship with the bidens as soured as they ostracized michelle's friend kathleen, ron klain saying it is unfortunate because president biden won the nomination fair and square, 14 million people voted for the vice president, he went on to say he could have won, ron klain, former chief of staff, shows you on the outside looks
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like he's 80 one and going to step aside but obviously there are some real issues there. lawrence: naysayer they are unified, kamala harris has this massive movement behind her. it is obama ask is what they continue to say. right now, this is just day one, i haven't seen this mass movement of people in kamala harris shirts, shoes, i was on the obama side and 2,008 when there was an actual movement to elect him. for day one, maybe we start to see this massive undertaking of people saying they like kamala harris and they can also lay out the policies she's going to change. i look forward to seeing that at the convention. >> we are originally told tuesday but the schedule might be changing. other clinton will speak, joe biden is going to speak about governor of illinois and andy
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beshear -- tim walls will speak and hillary clinton. pete: i was saying before the shop surprise bill clinton has a prominent spot after all these revelations about the epstein situation they still have him out there is enough -- obama to me was the rock star. closer to thursday. if he's going to be there tuesday, i am shocked. ainsley: you can't have barack obama upstage everyone. everyone knows he is still the star of the democratic party but he can't run. michelle obama made clear she will never run, she doesn't like that. there's an interesting thing with the democratic party, they want him closer but they want him distant as well because it reminds people, might disagree
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with his policies come might say what he believes on this is dead wrong but you know he is a polished politician that went through the actual process and it is what the democratic party used to be. pete: i remember bill clinton was the star of obama when he came out and said even i couldn't have fixed the economy the way barack obama did and that launched obama to beat mitt romney. they were close at that point. ainsley: i wonder they will bring out michelle obama. >> kamala harris took a lot of time for pelosi and barack obama to endorse her. ainsley: president biden wanted to give a last you know what to the democratic party for forcing him out and announced that she was going to be the
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person and obama and pelosi wanted an open -- i agree with them on that point. if you force a sitting president out of the race maybe you should bring it to the voters and allow them to vote on it. apparently president biden was against that and said i'm going to anoint her to be the person and it took him a while, the obamas and pelosi to endorse kamala harris. will: donald trump and kamala harris looking to rally pennsylvania voters. ainsley: donald trump will head to york, pennsylvania after his rally last night. >> reporter: good morning. vice president kamala harris and donald trump are making aggressive plays to win pennsylvania's 19 electoral votes. harris and minnesota governor tim walls are making multiple stops on their bus tour marking
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the first time all 4 of them hit the campaign trail together. tomorrow donald trump and senator jay d vance will be in pennsylvania, trump will be in york while vance will be in philadelphia. this on the heels of rally's where he slammed harris for one supporting a ban on fracking. >> or state is going to be ruined anyway, she's totally anti-fracking, she's been anti-fracking, anti-drilling, anti-oil and gas from practically the day she was born. >> reporter: _ how pivotal pennsylvania is, wall street journal analysis shows harris, trump, and their allies into pennsylvania than any other swing state. $42 million has gone into the keystone state, both camps spending roughly $20 million each and there's more coming. harris's campaign announced a $90 million ad by through the end of the month targeting voters in several battleground
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states, super pac backing trump is spending $100 million on ads between now and labor day. will: thanks very much. ainsley: they are spending most in pennsylvania because it is such an important state and swing state. millions of dollars in ads in georgia, michigan, wisconsin, arizona, north carolina, nevada. >> $200 million trying to reach voters on their phones, on their devices, digital ads, so they are changing in real time. every campaign is a little different. they talk about micro-targeting, there's always someone ahead of the curve but see if it's effective but currently right now there's not much of a difference in total money raised, 370 million to 330 million so it looks like money is not the difference between the two but what donald
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trump is doing is interesting. adding cory lewandowski to the mix, bringing back bulldogs and test saying chelsea gabbard, you are so effective against kamala harris last time. lawrence: it goes back to bringing people who aren't afraid to go after kamala harris's record and to get down there and show this guerrilla style politics of going aggressively when it comes to her record and i think that's a brilliant move. the former president, she's not doing any interviews, the reason she's able to get away with this basement strategy is president biden did the same thing, brought it up at a rally the other day. let's watch. >> he hasn't done an interview in 30 days or something like that. i do one every day. if i pass i just did one backstage. sort of an obligation, you're running, this is her form of
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the basement. will: a relief for the trump team, they have a policy. on friday the policy to debate. you have her past, they are old tape yesterday at the event, rolled her past positions but she keeps saying through surrogates that she is changing her positions but comes out with that friday vision of an economy under harris and to me it is a gift, it is a gift to the trump campaign. she talks about price control, price gouging, price control is a failed ideas that continues to fail in socialist countries around the world, you saw the headline in the new york post yesterday. when it comes to gouging it doesn't exist. the average supermarket, their profit margin is one. 6%, average profit margin on all industries, 6. 8%. there is no evidence of any gouging and you have price
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fixes, food shortages, they finally have something to talk about. ainsley: if you increase minimum wage, which they are in favor of and they did that in california, the state she's from and she's said to our business, how will we survive? our margins are so low right now, if you increase we have to fire people, we have to raise prices, that's going to affect how much we can bring in because people will stop, we see that with inflation. mcdonald's not doing as well, coca-cola not selling as many cokes and restaurants because people aren't going to restaurants as much. will: if you go to florida, she knows a guy who owns five restaurants. we will see. meanwhile, lawrence, tossed me to do the news. lawrence: bring us some headlines, we have forgotten.
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brian: and take a single shot? okay, here we go. some serious stuff now. let's talk law enforcement can georgia sheriff's deputy is dead in what officials are calling in ambush, it happened last night, brandon cunningham was responding to a domestic dispute, had a call right outside atlanta, gunshots rang out, cunningham and the gunmen were both killed. >> we've lost a hero. cunningham succumbed to a gunshot wound at the emergency room. i asked the community to join behind us, stand beside us. is going to be a tough time for all of us and all our guys. even if you are not in this county pray for this family. lawrence: a woman was found with a gunshot wound, she's now in critical condition. possible work stoppage at the largest railroads could affect the supply-chain in the us,
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already stopped shipping some goods around the country. one of the railroads plans on cutting shipments that start in canada and deliveries from the us north of the border on tuesday, railroad union and both companies continue to talk all workers are looking for better conditions, quality-of-life improvements and we will keep you up to date. how about nfl preseason action the new york giants daniel jones throwing two pics in a loss to the houston texans. the detroit lions edging out the super bowl chiefs 24-23 but look at this, patrick marhomes pulling off a bit of magic. pause and watch. >> third down. he keeps it going behind him. gunning for the first down. meanwhile the san francisco
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49ers quarterback playing a game against the saints. you can catch the game at 8:00 eastern on fox. it is amazing. brian: travis kelsey ran the wrong route, he goes i can't go by body so i went behind my back. it bothers me when this game is too easy. i get resentful at this point. lawrence: ainsley: we need a little positivity and time away from the chaos and football is that for me. brian: you turned away when the giants were playing because daniel jones, two horrendous pics. lawrence: overall good to have football back. ainsley: more "fox and friends" coming up. stay with us. sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. ♪ ♪ [ engine revving ]
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donald trump poses if he returns to the white house. joining us is former deputy press secretary, your thoughts. we've never seen anything quite like this over the last 25 days, the democrats have changed leaders, what do you think is going to be the biggest challenge? >> is going to be historical. forced and foremost we know kamala harris, she's been vice president, now she's center stage. she's been campaigning less than 30 days. it is historic but to pick up this campaign in terms of money, the biggest challenge will be introducing to maltose vice president a candidate but that's not big challenge. the campaign is new and fresh and energetic. we see it in the polls. people are very excited to see what is going to unfold in chicago this week.
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brian: democrats and republicans, 30% say economy is number one, 14% almost half, immigration, number 3, abortion clearly in the democrats column, immigration is not in almost every paul and neither is the economy. having said that friday we found out her vision for the economy, the only thing we have found out. if not we go by what her administration has done for the last 3. 5 years. where does the cleaver start between harrison biden? what i will do as opposed to what i did? >> a great question. people should judge kamala harris on the biden/harris administration on the results. inflation was 9%, a year ago, notice 3.5%, things are looking up. kamala harris said things are too expensive still, we've got
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to continue to bring gas prices down, housing costs, she revealed an incentive yesterday to build 3 million homes intended for new construction, incentives for homeowners, down payment assistance, she is telling people are detailed economic plans which i would argue a lot more detailed than donald trump has been doing in the last couple months. i think again i think that energy we have seen for kamala, the proposals we saw yesterday is what the american people -- let me say something quickly, a digital donation campaign, republicans for harris, 70,000 people are connected, that tells you something. there's a gap. a bunch of republicans who say i don't want another term of donald trump. brian: she does stick to her policy when it comes to the economy.
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the housing was look at more positively with price controls and everything else in the washington post not impressed, the times demand serious economic ideas, that's the washington post. that's when you find out what she's made him. when she says what she will do, how it is different from what president biden did and how she can defend it because as a candidate, her policies seem to be an epic fail and she's to be reversing herself on every single one of them. correct? >> i would argue polls say otherwise. every swing state in america the kamala harris campaign is up by one, 2, 3 points, well under the margin of error. i'm not a huge believer in polls, remember in 2016 hillary clinton was winning every single paul and we lost the election. i wouldn't tell people, look at polls, they tell you a picture in time but we have to go out and vote. the field game will make the
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difference on election day. brian: a lot of star power if they want to use it. hollywood will be there in great numbers. this will be an interesting week, appreciate it. 29 after the hour now. could antis really protests disrupt the dnc. our next guest has a counter rally and says threats won't accomplish anything, stick around. herbal essences is packed with naturally derived plant-based ingredients your hair will love. and none of the stuff it won't. our sulfate free collections smell incredible and leave your hair touchably soft and smooth. herbal essences. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ (♪)
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amid concerns about major differences between israel and hamas about what comes next. negotiations wrapped up friday after two days of intense but productive talks that will resume later this week in cairo. a joint statement was released by the egyptians, guitars, and americans saying the meetings were serious, constructive and conducted in a positive atmosphere although that description came from parties not directly involved in the decisionmaking, tension remains high over fears that failed talks will lead to iran launch a highly anticipated attack and it comes as fierce fighting rages on in gaza. the israelis issued new evacuation orders for palestinian civilians as ground forces puts pressure on central gaza. this is coupled with talks trying to exert leverage on hamas, a group that holds 100 hostages, some dead and some alive. and in the city of janine,
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israeli strikes in the west bank are relatively new. they are consequential in the region, the release looking to evert a crisis for the first time since those successful cease-fire talks. lawrence: thousands of protesters will take the street for possible unrest. our next guest is holding a counter demonstration this week. thank you for joining us. the statement from this coalition calling at the march on dnc. this is what they had to say. the democratic party leadership switching out the presidential nominee washed the blood of
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over 50,000 palestinians off their hands. when it comes to genocide in gaza, no difference between biden or harris. the last time there was a big march was the march on washington. that is when black votes and jewish votes marched for equality. looks like a portion of the party has gone away from that movement. >> no question a portion of the party has gone away. 85% of americans are pro israel, the democratic party to represent a large portion of pro-israel supporters and got to continue and will continue to be pro-israel. lawrence: there's been a change, they will have a demonstration, the first amendment, they can't do violence but have a right to protest.
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you would think a group your works, pro-israeli jewish organization would have the same opportunity to protest. instead you haven't been granted a permit to have the same type protest they have. how is that fair? >> i don't think that is fair. it's a problem. the city and democratic leadership, whoever was in charge of the decisionmaking should have provided an opportunity for a counter protest. >> how do you feel as someone who believes in the values of the party, you supported every movement within the party for equality and won but when it is time to support the jewish community they haven't done the same. how does that make you feel? >> part of the democratic party that have been very supportive, president biden clearly has a
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love for israel but there is also fringe elements of the party which have been very problematic and very upsetting because to me right now the real issue is the hostages. we need to bring home the hostages. that's one of my complaints about the pro-palestinian rally. i agree the first amendment, having the ability to air your beliefs is incredibly important and both sides should have the right to air their opinions and there are certain issues which are nonnegotiable which is everybody, even the pro-palestinians should say bring home the hostages. lawrence: i don't understand how democratic they would not give you the same opportunity
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to protest. appreciate you getting up with us. vice president kamala harris doesn't mention interest rates and her new economic agenda as she pledges to give first-time homebuyers $25,000. how much our taxpayers on the hook for? that is next. we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. ♪
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>> reporter: look at these temperatures across the south.
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83 in dallas, is 5:43 in the morning, really warm temperatures, triple digits, not the case to the north, a big cooldown coming. it will almost feel like fall for a few people, this is our big storm that will bring a lot of rain through the day. it won't be a washout all day long but there will be some big storms, one flash flood morning across parts of central new jersey. for about the afternoon expect some spots, 2 to 3 inches of rain in a short time. because of that, a big bull's-eye for flooding that goes from dc through philadelphia and the i-95 corridor towards the hudson valley looking at big rain and potential for flooding. temperaturewise, the heat is on across the south, one hundred for today in dallas, the heat stays with you but watch what happens across northern plains towards tuesday, high in new york, 72. lawrence: vice president kamala harris proposing $25,000 in
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down payment support for first-time homebuyers, donald trump says policies like this will destroy our country. >> communist takeover of our country. the plan is dangerous because it may sound good politically. we have to be careful because when somebody gets up and says we are going to give you everything, $45,000 for a house, we will give you all sorts of little goodies, free healthcare. communist, marxist, fascist. >> reporter: kamala harris makes no mention of the crippling interest rates, how high they are, current average rate on a 30 year fixed mortgage is 45%, up one hundred 33% since the biden/harris administration took over. grant cardone joins us. how will we afford this? 25,000 if you are a first-time
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homeowner, we will pay for all the legals, healthcare, make everyone pay into a single system healthcare. how will we afford this, they are paying for college tuition. >> kamala harris is either financially illiterate or she believes her audience is. this is come on marketing, $25,000 credit won't happen, $6,000 child credit, two kids of the same year is a come on. 4 million homes yesterday and four years is absolutely impossible in this country. to control prices is a, on. this is a marketing strategy where there's a promise of an offer of that cannot be delivered. it is a bait and switch, hidden costs and exaggerated claims. she's the come on queen, should
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be her new title. lawrence: it takes $25,000. >> they are being delivered by builders, the government doesn't need to do this, builders willing to do it today but even if you could do that the average loan is $400,000, average cost, even if you gave a credit the first-time homebuyer does not have a down payment on average this year is the down payment. much less the ability to maintain the house to take care of the insurance of one hundred thousand dollars a month. hoa fees and property taxes. while she uses she will give 25,000 away, it's like the car dealer who says payments will be $90 a month and no money down but you leave with a $600 payment. it is impossible to deliver like the american rescue plan
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and inflation reduction act the delivered nothing to this country, $3.2 trillion, that could have built 8 million homes or provided 48 million black households with $300,000 cash but that didn't happen either. lawrence: appreciate you waking up early for us. have a good one. as chicago braces for a migrant surge ahead of the dnc, one florida sheriff has this message about the border, after arresting a group of colombian gangsters. >> we don't have a broken immigration system, we have a nonexistent immigration system. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪)
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ainsley: after taking down a ring of colombian gangsters for breaking into houses in florida and stealing $1.7 million worth of jewelry and clothes a sheriff had enough of the immigration system under the biden/harris administration. brian: how bad is this problem compared to past years? >> thing about the colombians
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coming here with organized groups through the mexican border and stealing millions of dollars, these are high yield burglars, they have jamming equipment the ways to bypass security alarms. they focus in this event, seven about nine cases on asian americans who came to this country the right way, had small businesses that were very successful, they patterned them, followed them work to home, determine who the owners were and then they attack their homes while they were sure they were at work and stole 1.7 million from nine different business owners. you live in a gated community two of these four guys are at large. they might be near you right now.
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lawrence: you said the immigration system is nonexistent. we won't hear the names of women raped by illegals or the people murdered by illegals, won't here about people with terror ties who came across the border who are here illegally, won't here about the illegal criminals the kamala harris let's back out on the street after they commit crimes, are we? >> no and with the group here, policies in new york arrested these folks and one of them already had an outstanding picket by the federal government for a cut monitor. they didn't report it to ice and ice deported another of these folks when we tell them we are getting ready to file charges. you cannot be leave, if the american people saw from the inside out what we see every day you would find out this catch and release, notices to
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appear, they don't show up, then they show up in your gated community committing burglaries. nonexistent policy. if you keep electing the same people at the state and federal level that you always have you get what you have always gotten and doesn't seem to bother anybody until their child dies of an overdose or their house is broken into and all their high end jury stolen. the reality is this is alive and well and it is a porous border allowing every bit of this. ainsley: some people call you american sheriff. a large population of illegal migrants to come to the city, dealing with pro-hamas people and they say cops in the city of chicago have a problem plus they are saying they depend on locals coming out-of-state.
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how does an out-of-state cop police an area like this that is out of control. >> they put out requests for law enforcement officers but i wouldn't send any of mine to any of those big blue states. i may send them to help and they are criminally charged. in chicago, in minneapolis, portland, criminals coming here illegally across the border to commit crime than they do law abiding citizens and cops trying to protect them. brian: sheriff grady, thanks so much. lawrence: new polls show how close this race is, where trump and kamala harris stand in swing states next. parodontax active gum repair breath freshener
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