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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  August 18, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> good morning. it's 8:00 a.m.. i'm coming live to you this morning in chicago ahead of the dnc. passing the torch. we're learning how president biden plans to honor vp harris tomorrow as his party moves on. ainsley. >> and mark disturbing house judiciary report revealing how biden harris policies contributed to the rise in violent migrant crime and murder of laken riley. congressman jim jordan joins us on that with all the details. >> tiktok ticket and both sides of the aisle making big efforts
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to win over young voters. >> the president is now on tiktok. >> the third hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ainsley: you did not sleep through your sunday. we are in because it's the dnc. we're getting text messages from people saying wait a minute, is today monday? i got confused at first. so lawrence flew out to chicago and he'll be there for the dnc for the rest of the week. brian and i are in. steve had a family obligation to do and we'll have him back tomorrow. brian, what you're missing, he always puts his coffee right at the tip of my high heel.
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i'm like don't do that to me. it always gets knocked over and ruins the white rug. brian: who was idea was it to get a white rug. lawrence: blast your heater on him this morning. ainsley: good aa or as degree. lawrence: just blast him. will: literally about to faint. best of my recollections they asking me to work and i said yoy needs me. i'm going to be gone. i wait, go. lawrence: it's incredible. he's officially working seven days a week. brian: talking about one nation
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last night. the country is still a buzz with last night's showing. meanwhile, everyone is talking about the democratic convention. there's going to be a lot of drama and something so brand new because there's a brand new person at the top of the ticket and the person that's currently no. 2 in the country as the vice president who wants to coin herself as a breath of fresh air. ainsley: exactly and thankfully we know who he was talking about because that was very confusing, brian. you did great, brian. president biden will officially be passing the torch to the vice president kamala harris. lawrence: we're live in chicago and we're live at dnc and at united. hey, jacqui. reporter: hey, good morning. i followed all that. tomorrow night the president will give his speech right up here on this stage that's really going to be the beginning of his
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farewell to politics and a rallying cry to get moten tentum that his vice president has been enjoying and trying to bring that across the finish line. he'll deliver it to a packed scream giving you a first look at convention center floor here and quite the sight. white house aids say the president will use his speech to shape the nation of legacy and themes of democracy and inherited crises and frame decision to drop out as a sacrifice to democracy under threat from trump. we're told there'll be tributes to the president throughout the convention but he's not hanging around to take part in it. after his speech, he's leaving town and the white house is framing as a symbolic changing of the guard amid reports he's not eager to smooth things over with some of the democratic party heavyweights who pushed him out of the race. and the party in the meantime is eager to turn the conversation from the past to the future.
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>> we're welcoming 50,000 people to the city to be part of the convention. this is launching kamala harris and tim walz to victory. reporter: leading trump among like lie voters in arizona and north carolina and closing trump's lead in georgia and nevada, consolidating support where the president was slipping among young, nonwhite and female voters. in the leadup to harris' speech, the main event on thursday, all this is really carefully correspondent gagged with different -- choreographed with different speakers and themes to hash out the transition. hillary clinton is kicking things off with the president on monday and the theme is for the people. obama speaks on tuesday and his theme is a bold vision for america's future. tim walz is on wednesday and his message is being built as a fight for our freedoms and she's joined by former president bill clinton and harris speaks on thursday. her theme is for our future.
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they're saying harris played this well and she stayed in her lane and the front may extend to his relationship withs his longest allies, and that i think will have a -- be an undercurrent of that at this convention. guys. brian: she found a way to consolidate delegates quickly and rapidly and knocked everybody off so they couldn't mount a counter strike and when they write a book about this, she'll get great credit. ainsley: can i ask you a question about security? what was it like getting through? i know you have your credentials but we're curious with all the fences and police officers? reporter: yeah, multiple layers of security to get into the building and multiple layers of security within the building and we left our hotel just after 4:00 a.m. and there's really no
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one out there. so i would expect that changes over the course of the weekend and later hours of the day with people on the street. but it was relatively calm when we came in and very, very heavily secure, and i've got a billion badges in my purse. you need so many credentials to get around. brian: could you not hear my on the last hour? reporter: i was hearing myself while i was talking. brian: i just wanted to know if i should take it personal because i'm very sensitive today. ainsley: he said she sounds like my wife saying i can't hear you.
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reporter: i'll reserve the rate to use that later. brian: shannon, you want to bring her in? lawrence: bring in fox news sunday anchor shannon bream also live in chicago. shannon, they're going to kick off the convention tomorrow. this is a different democratic party what are you expecting with this democratic national convention? >> i can hear lawrence and also can hear brian. brian: how dare you. >> lawrence, i'll answer the question i heard from you. i think it'll be a total love fest for president biden trying to soothe over the wounds and the relationships that you're talking about with jacqui. the former secretary nancy pelosi that was the one that
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hurt the most for him and they've been friends for decades and colleagues for decades, and she's out there trying to fix it saying we need to put him on mount rush mother. this group here tomorrow will have suchagelation and they'll talk about his -- suchagelation for him and the party ranged in respect that the face of the party changed and it's now a younger ticket and new enthusiasm and polling was great and fundraising was great. they'll get a bounce like you do off a convention. the question is that following 11, 12 weeks, this super condensed presidential race, do these polls shift again? is there another shift before election day? voting will start in a couple weeks anyway. ainsley: yeah, marine dow points out that democrats might not be as united as they seem. the dems are delighted but a coup is still a dew. she writes top democrats are bris ling with re-sentiments even about to try and put on a united front at united center in
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the windy city. the president already re-senned obama for -- resented obama for shoving him aside for hillary and resented hillary for squandering that opportunity and losing to trump. obama tried to do everything quietly to protect his saintly status, joe is furious that obama was sidelining him twice. what's your reaction to that? >> yeah, that's a very real current that's going through this whole conversation with the democrat party. of course when president obama speaks here, he too remains one of the most popular and that's maybe why president biden is speaking then getting out and watching the rest from the beach. you can't say anything major is happening within the party and not think the obamas have some kind of influence on that. they're still very much
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policymakers and king makers within the party, and you'll hear from the obamas a lot this week in chicago. brian: 14 million people voted for biden is the vice president as president -- as vice president. i think the president was pushed aside by public calls from elected officials for him to drop out and donors calling for him to drop out. i think that was wrong. you can can't say everything is hunky dory on the underpinnings of the democratic party. the question is what will they cover up and sparkle over and what -- spa spakle over and what might rear its ugly head. president trump was struck by the way that she does not do interviews and surrogates and reversed many opinions in past statements. listen. >> she hasn't done an interview in like 30 days or something like that . i do one every day. if i pass, i just did one backstage. you have an obligation. you're running and this is her form of the basement.
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>> we all agree president trump doesn't pass a camera without stopping to give an opinion. he likes to get out there and mix it up. others want him to have a more focused message and we'll have jd vance joining us and democrats quoted in the new york times and wall street journal articles off the record or anonymously on the record saying they don't want the vice president to do a whole lot of interviews because they know that some of her policies -- unless they have changed. brian, you talk about the fact we're hearing from surrogates or campaign officials that she's changed on fracking and the supreme court and the border and all kinds of things because they argue some of her policies are not going to sit well with the american people once they know what they are.
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lawrence: you've got a big show coming up today on nooks news sunday, shannon. we'll see you then. >> thank you. brian: they've only had one policy speech about the economy and got heavily ridiculed by the atlantic and washington post. but having said that, the main thing is turning out more men are going for tram and women are going for kamala harris. and to me it would make you wonder how do you get that message out? huckabee sanders talked about support behind the scenes on rnc and great surrogate on the stump and senator kristi noem on the stump. there's a lot of women doing a great job telling the donald
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trump story. i think the campaign has to do a better job of calling them up and giving them money and letting them travel around and give the message. trump can only be so many places. ainsley: women like kamala and as a woman, i'm voting for the person that i think will benefit our country first and foremost but also my family w. it comes to the economy, who did you do better under? kamala harris and joe biden or donald trump? brian: how about if someone like melania or kristi noem were saying that? ainsley: right. and talking about her record. i mean, she -- lawrence, you and i recollects always talk about this, but i have pains and palms of how she voted just some examples. she cosponsored that medicare for all act with bernie sanders. supports free healthcare and education for illegal immigrants, sponsored a bill providing illegal withs a right to legal representation, expressed support for sanctuary cities, supports eliminating all fracking and all drilling. i mean, it's pages and pages.
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people need to know. lawrence: it's unbelievable and they've tried to shield that record. ainsley: exactly. that's why she won't doer and views. lawrence: they shield the record and trying to buy vote withs young people. julie swetnick give them everything. they're not going to deliver till it's created this dichotomy. who will have the best campaign on tiktok? so here's the candidates making their case. watch. >> hey, guys. we're here doing our first tiktok. >> as vice president, are you on tiktok? >> i heard i was on the for you page so thought i'd get on here myself. >> the president is now on tiktok. >> i am.
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lawrence: i mean, walls harris camp is so inauthentic even on a social media play and was s this supposed to be normal to connect with people? at least donald trump is a real person on tiktok. ainsley: and with someone cool? tim tok. sounds like something my grandfather would do. brian: can't do interviews but can walk in the woods with his dog. lawrence: 100%. brian: everybody now that subscribes to their tiktok site could be registered with the chinese. ainsley: what are they going to do? if she's on there, he's got to do it. they both have to do that. that's with all -- you're trying how many is it? it's listed here. 41 million gen z voters. that's a lot of people. brian: hopefully they'll sober up soon.
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lawrence: there was someone i had on earlier and was a bernie guy, socialist and he said kamala is trying to buy votes and he doesn't think it's going to work. >> four years ago i was a bernie sanders employee, i was a socialist and until i started to really study the policies that they're talking about, i've came to realize that it's just a blanket promise for votes. that these policies, that they're no longer afraid to call themselves socialists. the socialist policies have ruined countries and they ruin families and they just put everything in shambles, i really just don't hope that they ever get practice in the united states of america. brian: talking about the money, $25,000 to first time home buyers and child tax credit. ainsley: paying for college. brian: yeah, erasing student loans. someone is paying for that and want to get rid of everybody's healthcare debt. i know some of the prices are through the roof, i get it. people are stunned by this, baa can't work around taking
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everyone's bills out and you're buying votes with our money. lawrence: even when the court said you can't do it they said whatever, we're go doing it anyway. this is the courts saying you don't get the right to take people's money and not going through the proper legislative process and instead opportunistic the coequal branch, they're proposing to pack the court. if you want a supreme court packed with progressives on there that doesn't follow the constitution, then kamala is your next president. brian: getting rid of the filibuster, they'd enable them to do it. ainsley: problem with giving benefits out, you have to pay for it. when you're older and listening to policies, it's like why am i -- like we're all paying for illegal immigrants to have healthcare, to have food, to come to our country?
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we're paying for young college students to go to college for free. we're all saving to try and send our own kids to college. we don't have the extra money to pay for illegal immigrants and your college tuition. how do you say that to someone that fought for our country and joined the military because they couldn't afford college and wanted a free education. how do you say that to the dad that put three kids through college and now about to retire and he's not going to be able to because a, his 401(k) is shot now and he's going to have to put all these people through college. i mean, it just doesn't make sense. brian: as tim walz recommends, we learn to make a mcflurry at mcdonalds. his headline on trump was he doesn't know how to make a mcflurry. ainsley: on his tim tok. brian: with the dog he probably
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rented. straight ahead, as both campaigns pass on pennsylvania, we'll hear from business owners in that swing state on which candidate's policies are better for the economy, period. ♪ jim caviezel here. you know, saint john paul this second profoundly impacted my life. and i just finished recording some incredible new meditations on his life, on the hallow app. this content is incredible. why don't you join us in the saint john paul the second challenge? it'll change your life. download hallow and join me today. god bless you. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections
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ainsley: harris and tim walz in pennsylvania on their bus tour today. meanwhile president trump will head to york tomorrow after his rally in wilkbur reigns leading last night. wilksbury. good morning. reporter: hi, harris and trump are in a dead heat in pennsylvania and they're ramping up their support and harris and governor tim walz making multiple stops in allegheny and beaver county today and president biden won allegheny county in 2020, republican haves been making gains in beaver county and harris is hopetology make inroads by touting efforts to boost union but former president trump is slamming harris' economic policies. during his rally in pennsylvania yesterday, he criticized her for once supporting a ban on fracking, which is a big issue in the state.
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>> your state will be ruined anyway, she's totally anti-fracking. she's been anti-fracking, anti-drilling, anti-oil and gas from practically the someday she was born. >> president trump is not the only one going back to pennsylvania tomorrow. jd vance will also be in philadelphia. harris and trump camps are flooding the airstreams as well and they've poured more ad money into pennsylvania than any other swing state. over the last month, they've spent more than $100 million on ads across seven battleground states, about $42 million of that has gone into pennsylvania. ainsley. ainsley: thank you so much, maddie. what do pennsylvania business owners think of the economic policies of each cant dade? we have -- c candidate. we are rich and dave from the swing state to discuss.
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good morning, gentlemen. rick, tell us about your businesses, what you own, and how the harris and biden administration have affected you. >> well, my wife and i own four businesses and we see the policy of the biden harris administration has not helped our businesses at all, in fact they've hurt it. we've seen rising labor rates and seen rising food cost here, liquor cost, and every which way it's become very difficult to profit. we've basically been playing an arm in the restaurants and difficult to hire people and it's difficult to make a profit. we need a change. we need the policies of donald trump. we've experienced that in the
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past, you know, in 2019 we were setting records. the business was going great. biden and harris have taken over and it's been on the decline and very, very difficult. i think her policies are ridiculous and anybody that thinks she's going to do something different than what they've done in the past is mistaken. ainsley: thank you so much. dave, how is their administration affecting your businesses, and tell us more about what your businesses are. >> yeah, i always enjoy when presidents campaign and say they're going to create jobs. presidents don't create jobs, business owners and entrepreneurs create jobs. it's government policy that gives us the space to create or not create jobs and gives us the economic engine to be able to grow our business. i would agree with rick that 2019 was actually a record breaking year for us, and we're just sort of climbing back to
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that performance, not even as well. that is because of cost of goods, because of cost of labor. there was so many unintended consequences of the covid release, and there was so many things that happened when you try to create a policy, all the unintended consequences are the ones that concern business owners; right. we talk about fixing prices or stopping -- slowing down price increases on various things and forcing this. how will they regulate that? will i have to hire somebody to regulate every price i put on my menu and make sure i'm in compliance? there's some scary language being thrown around that's very chilling to the restaurant industry and the industry in general. a small mom and pop restaurant probably makes $5 out of every $100. regional chains make $10-$12 and big companies $15-$16. it's a very, very tight industry
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on profit margins. ainsley: yeah, rick, she's talking about going after companies for price gouging and why inflation is so high and blaming that instead of herself. what would that mean for you if she goes after you for raising your prices, which you'd have to do to make ends meet or says minimum wage will go up across the board like in california? >> yeah, it's completely ridiculous that think that a small business can absorb, you know, rising costs from every angle, from labor to cost of goods sold and not be able to increase prices to re-coop that. that's just the recipe for disaster, and that would shut down a lot of businesses. and probably mine too if that happens. i'm a part of a restaurant group and talk to businesses across the country every week and work
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together to try and figure out how to navigate the current laws, and everybody is hurting, especially the helicopters aunts in california -- restaurants in california. we can see right there in california where the rises labor costs are unaffordable and talking to go to work at mcdonalds to make a mcflurry and in california mcdonalds isn't going to be open. these policies are a disaster and we need donald trump, his policies to get us back on track, and i firmly believe that. ainsley: dave, they're swinging through y'all's state, both sides. they want to win your state. it's such an important state to win with so in electoral votes there. what are you hearing from your friends and people that come to your restaurant? do they like trump and his policies or staying quiet because they seem to be neck and neck?
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>> it's definitely more quiet this year. less yard signs and the five counties around philadelphia where i'm located, there were some republican counties there that have really threw the trump years become more democrat. i think there's a lot of people just being quiet at this point and unhappy with the policies and economic impact of what we've all dealt with, and i think that they don't feel comfortable necessarily saying they're going to vote for trump. there's such a stigma around trump in the five counties around philadelphia, they're probably pretty quiet. we have five businesses in florida, in florida you can openly discuss politics and political views. in the five counties around philadelphia, i don't think people are necessarily sharing their political views, and i think the biggest concern that we have is my concern with kamala harris is she's is a prosecutor, and her ideas to jump start the economy are to
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prosecute people. and businesses. not create -- yeah, not create incentives and not to create opportunities, not to do all these things to stimulate growth. instead her first idea is let me go prosecute businesses. all of what we dealt with with covid, this is where the price increases came from. close down 700,000 restaurants in the united states during covid and force all consumers to go to grocery stores, of course that drives up prices at grocery stores. it's supply and demand. very simple. you eliminated al the restaurants in america during covid and forced people to shop at grocery stores. of course there's record profits. it's logical. ainsley: rick and dave, thank y'all so much for coming on and win you the best with your businesses. >> thank you. ainsley: ohio congressman jim jordan is here in studio. go over and shake his hand, brian. brian: really? lucky me. ainsley: that's coming up.
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ainsley: a new house report accusing the biden harris policies causing more violent crime including the murder of laken riley, the 22-year-old nursing student killed by a illegal immigrant jogging at university of georgia last winter. brian: the suspect was living in ecuador and was drawn to enter illegally under the "biden harris open boarders no consequences immigration policy". joining us now with more from that report, house judiciary committee jim jordan. they done want us to talk about victims but the percentage of illegal immigrants that commit crimes is lower than the general population. what do you find? >> the american people know that when it administration on day one said we're not going to build the wall or remain in
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mexico evaluating your client and you get here, you'll not be detained, everyone came including really bad people that they let in the country. they knew this guy that killed laken riley had a criminal record, knew about his brothers that very involved in a gang and yet they let him roam free and this terrible tragedy happened with laken riley. it talks about these issues letting bad guys in the country to do bad things, and the fact the report we released a couple weeks ago, 99 people on the terrorist watch list they released in the country. the person in charge of all this, the border czar, they made their nominee. 10 million people coming in illegally, they're on pace to get to 12 million, the equivalent of the state of ohio and we're the seventh largest in the union. that's how serious this is and making the border czar their candidate and that's one thing that will help president trump be the next president. ainsley: kamala called the wall
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a vanity project and wants us to pay for everything for the illegal immigrant withs taxpayer dollars and 99 released through from the terror list. do you suspect we're in for another 9/11 attack in the country? >> the guy that chairs our subcommittee on immigration, he's talked about this and speaking about this for the last year and a half saying if we keep doing this, we don't want it to happen, god forbid we hope it doesn't happen. but the potential is certainly there. we got 99 folks coming in and there are others on the terrorist watch list they've encountered but how about all those they don't know about? it's basically an open boarder and it's a real concern. it's amazing that the lady who is the border czar they make the nominee. the lady doing the tie breaking vote on inflation reduction act and caused inflation. brian: and mocked the fact that it's not for inflation. >> yeah and that same individual is going out talking about price controls and creates scarcity. again, at some point these things get through and past this
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sort of honeymoon period with the vice president. ainsley: they know about her record and that's why she's not giving interviews and she wants to hide it. a lot of americans don't realize how left she is. >> these debates are coming, and president trump we saw how great he did in that debate with joe biden and he'll do a great job again. jd vance against tim walz. he'll do great. walz is a guy that said -- he is the guy that started the whole weird thing and i was talking to a group yesterday and i said weird. jd vance came from the humblest of families and a family on public assistance. united states marine, ohio state grad, yale law school, successful in business, best selling author and sold so many books they made a movie about it. united states senator from the seventh largest state in the union and vice presidential candidate and he's 40. that is not weird, that's amazing and exceptional. that's the american story. they're going to make fun of that. go ahead and keep going. wait for the debates and our guys will win it. brian: austin has keep austin weird and keep portland weird.
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that's their base. real quick, she's going to come back and say kamala harris, i was tough on the border, i cracked down as the ag on transnational gangs. how do you react to that? >> again, i think we have something we very well -- very seldom get in the united states this this great country and can compare the last two great administrations back-to-back. the biden harris administration and got what all the good things hamming under president trump. we went from a secure board tore no border, safe streets to record crime, $2 gas to $4 gas and stable prices and now record inflation. went from a commander in chief in president trump and projected strength and russia not going into ukraine and hamas and hezbollah not attacking our best friend israel to joe biden and kamala harris. step back and look at last eight yeyears and which four do you like? that becomes even more clear during the debates coming up where president trump and jd will make those points.
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when the american people are smart people and have common sense and i like the previous four years. brian: he likes ohio because that's where a lot of great wrestlers are from ohio. >> the suffolk county police department endorsed president trump and going to accept that . ainsley: that's biden's county. brian: close, nassau. ainsley: you're nassau? i thought you were suffolk. brian: we should talk once in a while. ainsley: thank you so much. brian: straight ahead, 28 days since the vice president rose to the top of the ticket, and she's only revealed one of her platforms, but some democrats say they don't mind. why they're willing to wait until after election day.
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while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. lawrence: so a live look at chicago where the dnc kicks off tomorrow. this might be vp kamala harris revealing one of her plat for the purposes and some democrats say they're willing to wait for the rest. telling politico "they rather lay out a specific plan post-november when a potential president elect, harris, would have to staff up her
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administration and determine her governing priorities. our next guest led an effort for biden to run in 2016 by bernie sanders and left the democratic party last year and become ago republican will pierce joining us now. i want to get to your story on what the democratic party is saying in politico and may not know everything about kamala harris and elect her first and then she'll tell us what she's about. >> that's ridiculous and she's been the vice president for how many years and border czar and look at her record, look at california. you want to know what's walz's record, look at minnesota. look at the democratic record in chicago. there's terrible crime going on and the leader of -- running rampant around the city and the city not being taken care of. lawrence: coming to the democratic party, looks like a lot of brothers, a lot of black
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voters are leaving -- black male voters are leaving the democratic party. what did you think is the number one issue why? >> the thing, i think overall the thing is like the tipping point is if you look at legal embracing issue going on. all the federal funding and all the state and local from it. i just heard recently that in new york city, spent upwards of 3-5 million and just overall with legal immigration and at the same time look at our brothers. we do not have jobs and our communities don't have funding and we are electing democrats over and over and over and they say we'll take care of you next time. we'll take care of you next time. we'll help the community next time but they're not doing it. lawrence: why is trump different real quick? >> overall look at what he's done. his record from day one and brought african americans into the midstream and he's a businessman and i myself run a business and know what it's like to sit and do payroll as well. lawrence: will pierce, thank you so much. strong words this morning. and a move with stock crime and
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long island community bans face masks. could the state soon follow suit. we'll ask nassau county executive bruce blakeman, he'sdn nexted. amount. a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. the farmer's dog makes weight management easy with fresh food pre-portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. >> no application fee if you apply by august 29 at university of maryland global campus, offering online and hybrid courses and lifetime career services. learn about our more than 135 degrees and certificates at
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brian: nassau county here in new
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york passing the first ba ba on face masks making it illegal for anyone above 16 to wear face coverings on public property with the exception for health or religious reasons and a push to reduce crime and anti-semitic harassment. our next guest sign that had bill and bruce blackman at it again. bruce, why did you feel as though you had to take this severe action? >> well, i was approached by the county legislator and she suggest that had we enact this ban for a lot of different reasons. one, because it's easier for people to shop with and carjack, rob banks and harass people based on race, religion or ethnicity. it was a great idea, and the republican majority on the county legislature thought it was a great idea and they passed it and i signed the bill. brian: the law makes the use of a mask to con sale one's identity -- conceal one's identity punishable up to a year in jail and fine of $1,000.
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how does this -- when you talk to commissioner, how does this work? how would can work and what do the men and women, what do the police officers and how do they enforce this? >> commissioner is grateful for this law and giving them another tool in the tool box. weaver the safest county in america, which is amazing because we're on the border inny city and more in population than ten states and we've got a great police department, district attorney andy donnelly is doing a great job, but they need tools to be successful against shoplifters, carjackers, bank robbers, and people that would harass people based on race, religion or ethnicity and we've seen as columbia offer and other places around the country, people use masks for hate speech, use masks to commit violence, vandalize, occupy buildings and stop on bridges and our cops will be cautions people that look suspicious if they have a reasonable suspicion may may be committed a crime and wear ago mask, they'll stop them
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and if they believe to have a reason to believe they're engaged in something nefarious, they'll arrest hem. brian: awesome. governor hochul talked about it but you did it. you're the safest community county in the country. but at the same time there's a city where crime is extremely high and you definitely have challenges in suffolk too. why is your enclave, why is your county safe? what are you doing different? >> we work another it every day and i hired over 200 new police officers in the last two years. our district attorney andy donnelly is serious about prosecuting crime. everybody in our law enforcement community does a great job and they have the support of the people. nassau county loves their cops so we're unlike a lot of communities that they look at cops as the enemy. we look at cops as people that are protecting us and as a result we've got such a safe county considering we're so large and we're on the border of new york city. and we're not a sanctuary county. we don't allow migrant programs here in nassau county.
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brian: all combined to do it and when you back up your police commissioner, it ripples down to everybody. congratulations, bruce. hopefully this will really make a difference in the rest of the country will follow in your wake. bruce blakeman, nassau county executive. thanks. >> angler thats, brian. brian: that's why a lot of people think he needs to run for governor. political deja vu and comparing conventions and this year's dnc and power roles between 1968. you're not going to believe it. don't move. ♪
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♪ ♪ lawrence. okay, you're not dreaming, it is sunday, it's the 9 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" weekend, and the weekday people are coming to you.


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