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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 19, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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♪ a love song that goes on forever ♪ ♪ for worse and for better ♪ ♪ we'll two-step together ♪ ♪ and i'll hold you closer ♪ ♪ each day i go through ♪ ♪ this dance of a lifetime ♪ ♪ with your hand in mine ♪ ♪ dance of a lifetime ♪ ♪ with you ♪ creature: i'm your retirement fear. but don't be scared, you're still in pretirement. woman: does that mean i have more time to plan? creature: precisely. this is woman: this isn't scary, i'm doing it. creature: whoa!
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>> carley: you are looking live at the united center in chicago, day one of the democratic national convention begins this former. former president trump and j.d. vance will kickoff their swing state tour. protesters have taken to the streets with 100,000 expected to rail against democratic policies this week. you are watch ing "fox and friends first" on monday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. the latest on dnc. first breaking news at top of this hour on the biden impeachment report. brooke singman here with details. what do we know? >> brooke: i obtained a copy of the 292-page report from house republican on the house oversight, judiciary and ways and means committee.
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they have been leading this for month and the investigation found president biden engaged in impeachment conduct and defrauded the united states to enrich his family. since 2014, the biden family and associationed received 27 million from foreign individuals and entities and while biden was serving as vice president, the biden family got 8 million in loans from democratic benefactors that have not been repaid. as vice president, president biden actively participationed in this conspiracy by attending dinners and speaking to them by phone, often on speaker phone by his son hunter biden. republicans are calling out a dinner hunter biden and his father attended where an oligarch wired money to hunter
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biden's firm. the report says several witnesses testified hundred hunter biden invoked his dad in companies resulting in millions of dollars flowing to the biden family. they are calling out biden for his handling of classified documents. during his tenure as vice president, joe biden removed highly sensitive documents from the white house despite having the power to do so. this is weeks after biden suspended his reelection campaign. >> todd: amazing synopsis there. we will talk to former attorney general pam bondy later this hour, she will explain what this means and where it goes from here, stick around for that. >> carley: what we expect to
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hear in the dnc speeches. >> todd: and former president trump and innovation will be today. >> former president trump and j.d. vance are heading to battleground states this week. we expect former president trump to double down on this message he delivered innen approximate pen over the weekend, railing about v.p. harris. >> i'm lowering taxes. she got up and started ranting that donald trump want to put a tax on gasoline, food and medication, tax on clothing and everything single thing invented. here is the truth, kamala wants to put massive taxes on american job and industry, i want to cut taxes while putting tariffs on china and foreign countries to bring our jobs back home to
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pennsylvania. >> madeleine: harris's campaign is out with a statement saying tariffs would be a burden carried by middle class families and that donald trump may hope no one notices his plan to increase cost while he lies about vice president harris's agenda. he and j.d. vance need to state clearly they disa vow plan to raise costs on americans by 3900. counter programming republicans laid out this week, covering foreign policy to immigration. the theme for first day of the dnc is for the people. they accuse trump of putting himself first. president biden is expected to pass the torch to harris opt. then he will immediately head to california. >> carley: madeleine rivera, thank you. bring in kaylee mcgee white,
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steamboat institute fellow. good morning to you. a lot of speeching from big names in the democratic party rallying folks around president harris. when you are the party in power, it is difficult to say we understand inflation is up, crime is up in 66 counties, border crossings are up and she is the change mat we need for a brighter future. what do you expect to take place? >> kaylee: looking forward to a very busy week temperature is a tough bill for harris to sell. idea she could not take action as second most powerful person in the country is something voters simply don't believe. if you look at latest fox polls, donald trump is leading on top issues like economy and immigration by double digits. heading into this convention,
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you see a split-screen moment, one side top democratic leaders, including harris preaching unity, joy and harris and other side you have anti-israel protesters who are calling kamala killer kamala, saying long live intifada, calling for a communist revolution and they are anything but happy. this shows the democratic party is not united on key issues and harris has done a poor job laying out an agenda. democratic party does not know what its party is going to be, it is isolated fringe groups and will not put forward a platform for american voters. >> carley: what do you think about the speech joe biden is going to make tonight? a speak he is begrudgingly making. it will be him officially handing over to kamala harris as
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leader of the democratic party. i imagine it is a moment that goes down in history, awkward, meaningful? yet to be determined. what do you think? >> kaylee: i think he is resentful to party leaders, like nancy pelosi, who were responsible to get him out. we can expect from kamala and pelosi and other leaders, more same tone we have seen, praising joe biden as an amazing leader doing what was necessary for his country. we know he was pushed out against his wishes and many in his campaign do not want to work for kamala harris and do not endorse her candidacy. this party is trying to put a bandaid on internal issues.
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>> carley: getting attention, something caught our eye, one planned parenthood branch sent a mobile center just blocks from the convention center. and the planned parenthood said people will travel to chicago from all over the country and we should do what we can to show what the impact of good policy and bad policy is. there are activists that set up inflatable i ud at the convention, what do you think? >> kaylee: there were convention goers dressed up as abortion pills. but remember, j.d. vance is the one that is weird. i was just volunteering last week and what the dnc and
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democratic party is doing is minimizes distress women are facing in these situations. it is a difficult choice to make, they don't want to celebrate it, they want compassion and understanding for the situation they are in. democrats are undermining that. they should think carefully how they represent women. >> carley: interesting week from p protest to speeches to big inflatable thing we just showed on the screen, as well. thank you. we'll check back in soon, i'm sure. anti-israel protesters are making presence known at the dnc and 100,000 people are expected to be in the wind city this week. >> todd: we'll dig into that with tom homan, he is accident in next. f? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula
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begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief.
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meeting with prime minister netanyahu to help close a gaza ceasefire plan. >> carley: trey yingst live from israel with more. trey. >> trey: todd, carley, good morning, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu met with u.s. secretary of state blinken to
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discuss the current security situation. nego negotiating teams will meet in cairo to hammer out details of proposal to close gap between israel and hamas. in a statement to fox news, hamas rejected the deal saying benjamin netanyahu was responsible and hamas wants to accept a ceasefire deal from july. if agreement is not reached it will lead to iran or hezbollah atta atta attacking israel. scenes unfolded, including this one, five palestinians were killed. one other story overnight, explosion in tel aviv. initial assessment shows the man who was killed was a bomber.
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police say this was an attempted terror attack, highlighting unstable situation across the region as israel remains on high alert. >> todd: thank you. 100,000 anti-israel protesters are expected to rally outside the dnc today, highlight ing -- hundred of protesters marched through chicago yesterday in first demonstration of the week. the pro-palestinian march is coalition of 200 groups and leader of largest police union say most officers are in fear ever theseage tarpts coming to town. earlier we spoke with the researcher and expert on ex
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extre extremist groups who put this report together. >> these extremists and co communists and marxists and anarchists. they have worked together before, i have not seen them fuse together like right now. vast majority of them support hamas. many of them advocated or participationed in violence on american soil, economic sabotage, advocating attacks on police. many cases, these groups are terrorists themselves. >> todd: bring in former ice director tom homan. those words from ryan morrow are terrifying. what are you on guard for as the protesters are at the dnc this week? >> tom: the america they created, what this
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administration created. other people are protesting, too. black churches are protesting on the city of chicago, the giveaway services that the black community is not getting. they are on display. what the america they created is on display this week and i hope americans see it. >> todd: spotlight the rosey language we expect to come from the dnc and reality on streets of sanctuary city like chicago and only reason we are not seeing the crime this week, they boarded everything up, sanitized everything like when xi arrived in san francisco a few months ago. how do republicans drive home that process? >> tom: we will be telling the
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american people the truth this week. kamala harris will say how she will assign the bipartisan senate bill that will never fix the border. we won't talk about the southern border since she was vice president and nearly half million dead americans from fentanyl or she won't talk about the sex trafficking of women and children and won't talk about the 85,000 missing children they released or number of terrorists crossing the border or the millions they have knowingly released into the united states and will not talk about hr 2. she is saying president trump shut down -- six months ago we had hr 2 pass the house, that would have secured the border. chuck schumer will not talk about it, democrats shut down
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legislation that could have fixed the border and democrats and kamala harris took most secure border of my lifetime and unsecured it on purpose, she can't run >> that >> todd: how do democrats play illegal immigration this week? do you think they push far left to appeal to the base? do you think they do what kamala has been doing, appropriating trump's policy and try to appear more center and in reality is not the case or do you think they ignore illegal immigration all together? >> tom: they will go trump. she is trying to be like trump on the border. she knows the border is a big issue, she will lie about it. saying trump shut down legislation would have fixed the border. she shut down terrible legislation and would have codeified 1.5 million, did nothing to stop sex trafficking
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of women and children. that bill would have devastated this country. they will continue to lie about what they did on the abortion and numbers are down because you are putting people through the c cbp app and playing the game. mexico stepped up on the border. why do you think they stepped up enforcement? they don't want president trump to be back, they know he will secure border and that is last thing mexico want. >> todd: they are trying to sanitize numbers to make kamala and gang look good, trump look bad. it is shocking to me the american people do not see through this charade, we will get more charade, folks like tom homan need to be out there. thank you for your time. appreciate it. harris honeymoon phase may be
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over. watch. >> totally unworkable for ftc to be deciding how much kroger charges for eggs. >> is this a play? sounds like it. >> carley: joe concha reacts to kamala's policies coming up next. the itch and rash of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin, night and day. despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have rinvoq. a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema —fast. some taking rinvoq felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days— and some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as 2 weeks. many saw clear or almost-clear skin. plus, many had clearer skin and less itch,
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>> carley: fox weather alert. thunderstorms blasting northeast with damaging wind and flash flooding from new york city to wash washington, watching out roads in connecticut, prompting water rescues. whoa. some areas receiving 10 inches of rain in nine hours, that is
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1 1-200 year event. >> todd: 1800 flights cancelled and 32,000 delays. more expected today from boston to d.c. senior meteorologist janice dean is here. you tell us, if it is not making direct landfall does not mean it will not wollop you. this happened yesterday. >> janice: this did not -- >> todd: worst toss ever. >> janice: a lot of this is tropical-type moisture. this cold front produced rain over connecticut, new jersey and new york in just a matter of hours. this is live radar, potential for flooding today. flood alert for eastern long island and top rain totals for
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connecticut. close to 10 inches in five or six hours, rainfall of two to three inches per hour and the ground couldn't handle it. risk of flash flooding from democratic to burlington, vermont and potential for severe storms, meaning thunderstorms. we heard that you knowder o overnight last night. strong, gusty winds and could see flash flooding and hail and damaging winds. this is hurricane ernesto still cranked up, 85 mile per hour sustained winds. it did make landfall cloosz bermuda over the weekend. it will scrape their area and move out to sea as extra tropical. we will deal with rip currents along the east coast, keep that in mind.
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still risk for strong storms along the east coast, mississippi river valley, mons monsoonal weather. we are dealing with extreme heat for texas, oakley with heat indexes surpassing 100 degrees. f >> carley: any other weather announcements? i didn't know you were wrong. >> janice: hurricane ernesto did not even move close to us. tropical moisture is all connected. >> todd: i will stick to things i'm better at, the news. the venezuelan migrant accused of beating two nypd police officers this year is in court today after being released and rearrested for stealing. he has been arrested three times
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before and after allegedly attacking those officers and being held on 50,000 0 cash bond. five migrants charged have been released without bail. >> carley: ahead of day one of the dnc, looks like we might see beginning of end of the media honeyhoon phase with kamala harris. here is reaction to first and only policy platform we've heard from the democratic nominee. >> anything that smacks of price fixing, i don't think it works. >> is this plan to stop price gouging more than a gimmick? >> it speaks to her values. >> unworkable for ftc to decide how much to charge for eggs.
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>> is this a policy? price gouging? >> it is impossible to exaggerate how bad this policy is and i agree with that. >> todd: joe concha joins us now. is the honeymoon over or is this a lover's areael and media will circles the wagon this week for kamala. >> joe: you are better at this than the weather. lovers areael, it is p penetrating. on friday kamala harris went fuel communist. she wants to give first-time homebuyers $25,000 to buy a home? bad loans to people who can't afford to pay them back. she thinks that is a good idea?
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good luck, she must think there are enough stupid people out there and offering government-run price control by evil food stores like kroger, food stores have profit margin of 1-2%. if this were to come to pass, those businesses would be out of business. they tried in venezuela and argentina and old soviet union. every time government caps prices when they please, that failed miserably. cnn and wash"washington post" hammering kamala harris over this plan. by the way, we all know why, she is not permitted to sit down for interview with "the view" or rachel maddow. that does that say about the
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confidence in her? as we saw in rare moments during this campaign for four weeks, when she speaks outside of a teleprompter, she is ron b burgundy of teleprompters. this is why we're at turning point in this campaign that will be climaxed during that debate on september 10 and she'll have to defend this and i don't think she can do it, carley. >> todd: on price gouging thing, i will jump in for a second. if biden-harris inflation was so good for supermarkets, why are so many stop and shops in my area closing? they would not be if they were making as much money as they were in the trump administration? these margins are not enough to sustain. >> carley: and slashing prices, as well. back to media reaction, it was
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so brutal and unexpected considering how things were going. "washington post," when your opponent calls you communist, maybe don't propose price control. and "u.s.a. today" columnist writes, when i read that, i laughed, no one with a brain thinks high prices are due to price gouging by corporation. this does put the harris campaign on their heels, something they did not anticipate. does this price control topic come up in any speeches this week? >> joe: if you're a democrat and you want kamala harris to wen, they will run from this like they run from everything else. think about this for a second, she's had two or three major decisions as far as since she has become the nominee, what do
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i do to show i'm going to the middle? she can bring in moderates and the first thing she does is misses one-inch putt, choosing josh shapiro, 65% approval in pennsylvania. if you win pennsylvania, you probably win the election, no, i will go with the tampon guy from minnesota who is more left than bernie sanders. he has not taken a question, yet either. that was first decision. second, release economic plan and instead of going to middle or pretending you are going to the middle, they offer up price gouging and giving out loans to people that may not bring them back. this is showing you that this is amateur hour as far as kamala harris instincts as far as where this country is. if they are getting hammered by
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the left, this will hurt them and you will see in polling in about a week or two where you will see this race in donald trump's favor if it is not already. >> carley: if she does move from this economic position she just announced, it does raise questions how firm is she and her political beliefs. >> todd: i can't believe, kamala, you need to talk, did not talk. she talks and media is like, that is horrible. we'll see. >> carley: joe's new book is on sale now. thank you. >> joe: thank you, i got a puppy to take care of now. >> carley: we'll talk about the puppy later. harris and tim walz stopping at a sheets gas station on their way to chicago. >> there they are. thank you. >> i want this.
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>> this is my go to. the original nacho cheese. any corn nuts, tim? >> todd: sheets is pretty remarkable. dnc is rolling out red carpet, star-studded line-up of special guests. trump 2024 caroline sunshine is here numbers on all of it. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> carley: former president trump and j.d. vance are in men p pennsylvania today for the first of several stops this week. trump campaign is rolling out several themes, today make america wealthy again. make america safe again, make america strong again, make america secure again and friday is make america great again. caroline sunshine joins me now. taking the rnc themes and using them again. donald trump and j.d. vance hitting swing states this week. what is strategy to use this week most effectively?
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>> absolutely, president trump and j.d. vance are going to be out speaking to the american people about how to make gasoline affordable, secure our border, make america wealthy, strong, safe again in great state of michigan, north carolina, arizona, battleground states. at the dnc, i expect to see liberal out of touch celebrities with kamala harris running same candidate different pant suit. american people do not want to hear from celebrities, that is why president trump and j.d. vance are taking it to the american people. you will see more of that and less division we will see coming out of dnc. >> carley: you are not only ones stopping in pennsylvania and other swing states. kamala harris and tim walz were in pennsylvania yesterday and
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their campaign released this video that showed them buying snacks at a sheets. watch. >> thank you. >> how many you want? this. >> this is my go to, the original nacho cheese. >> any corn nuts, tim? >> there you go. >> carley: reminiscent to donald trump at chick-fil-a, what do you think about that? >> i see members of press not asking questions of kamala harris and her not taking them. odd video, not sure kamala harris can tell you the price of a bag. when president trump shows up, he has record crowds, if you look at polls in battleground
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states, president trump is most trusted on the issues most important to american people. securing our border, building our economy again, crime, immigration, inflation, you name it, people of pennsylvania want drill, baby, drill, american nerg dominance, secure the border. leading cause of death for americans, 18 to 24, they want donald trump back. not a woman who has a hard time finding a bag of doritos. >> carley: this is something kamala harris said yesterday. listen. >> very much consider -- we have a lot of work to do to earn the vote of the american people. we will be traveling this country as we've been and talking to folks, listening to folks and hopefully earning
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their votes. >> carley: she called herself the underdog, could be strategy or how she feels, what do you think about that? >> what i know is what the american people know, kamala harris broke this economy and opened our border, she will not be the one to fix the economy or secure the border. at the dnc, we are seeing walls put up, interesting they think they can use walls to secure dnc, but not the border. walls for the, not for me. she has broken this country and will not fix it, that is donald trump and j.d. vance. >> carley: interesting contrast regarding the walls. caroline sunshine, thank you. >> todd: tom brady making himself comfortable on the
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football field. saintses and niners, yesterday, talking to players, former qb in the booth. look at the developing report with months of practice. that did not happen. rehearsing ahead of week one debut. do not miss the debut, cowboys and browns on september 8, i have heard he is crushing it. >> carley: music kicked in. i was looking for it. it feels different. we throw the football around before the show. >> todd: before the game. >> carley: before the show, we prepare. >> todd: it is magic. dnc kicks off on heels of bloody weekend in the windy city, people shot and businesses boarded up.
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pam bondi will react. >> carley: first steve doocy will react. >> steve: i'm talking to "hannity," they are screwing with your football in the morning. >> carley: we take it out of his office every now and then. >> steve: he's in chicago, you don't have to give it back until end of the week. coming up on "fox and friends" in 10 minutes and 26 seconds on monday, democrats kickoff dnc with inflation, border crossing and violent crime up across the united states, what will they do about that? numbers do not look good in chicago. lawrence is on the ground at the danny dnc and talked to residents. >> violence, gun violence. for my congregation and others, it is changing a little bit, so
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many people don't agree with her policies. >> ending youth violence, that is where it comes from and impoverished areas. >> steve: we'll have more analysis from lawrence and ben, bret baier and karl rove. and anti-israeli protesters may steal the light today, wooy have live team coverage all morning long. could be cracks in the media praise after outlets slam her plan over price control. something i have never seen on this show before. >> lawrence: if he does not want to eat on air, he tells a story and locks you into this story and you forget about it. >> he did it. >> lawrence: steve will you know what when he figures this out, never happened in 25 years of the show.
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>> steve: steve just you know what-ed, push me over with a feather. see if he gives it a shot with a hot dog. not kidding. brian might not come in if he knows that is waiting for him. eight minutes and 43 seconds from now, the channel you trust for your morning news. todd and carley and a football back in a couple. you're watch ing "fox and friens fi first". ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term
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♪>> a fox news alert. a brand new house g.o.p. impeachment report finding that joe biden committed impeachable offenses that financially helped his family but hurt the country. the report states, quote: certain circumstances the president may be impeached for the actions of suck subordinate officials. the totality of the corrupt conduct uncovered by the committee is egregious. president joe biden conspired to influence peddling and grift in doing so he abused his office and by lying repeatedly about his abuse of office has defrauded the united states to enrich his family. >> carley: pam bond is a former attorney general and campaign surrogate joins us now. this report coming out on the say da joe biden is passing the baton over to kamala harris in a speech is he giving tonight. what do you think about the contents in this report and where things go from here? >> you know, carley. most of it is shocking but some is not surprising. you know, fox has done great reporting on this over the years. and it's really friesening to
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the american people. because, what this report says is while joe biden was vice president, his family, they were plifing a very la vish lifestyle. we all know, and they took $27 million from foreign individuals and foreign entities. 27 million. and then they said 8.5 million were in loans. yet, there is no documentation of these loans. and none of the loans, of course, were ever repaid. so, it dealt with countries like ukraine, we all know, romania, kazakhstan, russia, china, you know, it's very frightening for national security. and we also know that he took documents home while weighs vice president, very sensitive classified documents, that he had no legal right as vice president to do. so, very troubling. and, you know, extremely dangerous for our national security and the american
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people. >> todd: you just wonder where it goes from here. republicans do not want to give cam lat power of incumbenciy if they were able to ultimately impeach joe biden get him out between now and january. happening this week we have a dnc convention happening beginning in a few hours. chicago preparing to host. but this after 23 people are shot, five title fatally over the weekend. and, the chicago mayor is going to address the convention literally in a matter of hours. this is his city city, his policies are on full display. is this a good representation of what american people should want to happen in their city? >> you know, it's just frightening the american people. it's very troublesome for all the citizens who live in chicago. remember, this mayor replaced lori lightfoot who is one of the worst mayors in the history of our country in my opinion. and, yeah, a safety issue. this is a party -- this party does not believe in police.
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they don't believe putting a bigger police presence on the street will protect people from crime. and, yet, they are holding the convention. what they do is board up the businesses to prevent crime from happening. it's not a good look for chicago. and it's not going to be safe for the people of chicago. let's see what happened. ton of protesters, there already are. and it's just a very dangerous situation. and the last thing you want at any convention is anyone getting hurt or injured, guys. >> carley: the president of the city's largest police union says most officers are holding their breath worried and nervous about the convention. so we'll wait, watch and see what happened both politically this week and with a protest as well. pam, thank you so much for joining us. pam pam thanks. >> carley: you are very welcome. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪


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