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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 19, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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they don't believe putting a bigger police presence on the street will protect people from crime. and, yet, they are holding the convention. what they do is board up the businesses to prevent crime from happening. it's not a good look for chicago. and it's not going to be safe for the people of chicago. let's see what happened. ton of protesters, there already are. and it's just a very dangerous situation. and the last thing you want at any convention is anyone getting hurt or injured, guys. >> carley: the president of the city's largest police union says most officers are holding their breath worried and nervous about the convention. so we'll wait, watch and see what happened both politically this week and with a protest as well. pam, thank you so much for joining us. pam pam thanks. >> carley: you are very welcome. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> lawrence: east coast, monday, august the 9th. this is "fox & friends." i'm coming to you live from chicago where the dnc kicks off today. and i got a chance to catch up with some of the locals who say they aren't too thrilled with how things are going in the country. >> definitely the number one issue is the violence. the gun violence. the economy is the big -- it's a big question mark. >> ainsley: the trump campaign looking to counter the democrat's convention and their messaging by visiting four battleground states this week. >> steve: plus, are the media finally coming around to holding kamala harris accountable? >> how do you find what an acceptable price is if you don't have a benchmark is this ban to ban price gouging any more than
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a gimmick? >> brian: tough questions, long pauses. did you see this. flash flooding ripping through connecticut as a first responder jumps into action like they always do. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> steve: yep. [laughter] >> ainsley: roll the animation. ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: they were waiting on us. okay, y'all. it is day one. day one. it is monday, lawrence is there in chicago. day one for the dnc. it begins this morning as president biden is expected to pass the torch to vice president kamala harris during his speech tonight. >> brian: lawrence is in the windy city covering all the action. >> lawrence: we start with madeleine rivera with what is happening at the dnc today and the counter programming by the trump-vance team. hey, maddy. >> hey, guys, good morning. democrats this week will try to show a united front. a far cry from disarray. the president is the keynote speaker tonight. he will give handoff to vice
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president kamala harris. hit aides are not calling this a goodbye speech. framing it instead as an opportunity to pivot to the future. >> how are you feeling about yor speech tomorrow, sir? how are you feeling about your speech, sir? >> good. >> president is expected to tout his legacy even though his term has been marred by challenges. inflation went up 20% under immigration. illegal immigration and violent crime. making the case lately that those numbers have dropped in recent months. while democrats are expected to heap praise on the president. is he not sticking around after his remarks. in sign how the guard is changing, heading straight to california for a vacation amid reports that he has yet to speak for the party's heavyweight who pushed him out of the race. this is a list of themes that democrats are laid out for the week. today they will make the case that they're fighting for the american people. meantime, there are several
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protests happening this week in chicago for different causes. the biggest demonstration is being organized by the coalition to march on the dnc. they are kicking off their programming today and calling it the event of the season. nearly 300 organizations are joining it in on this protest wr in gaza. the city's mayor says they are ready. >> this is a party that can condemn terrorism and call for peace. that's the line. we're really good at this. you know, this is the city that said keep hope alive. >> the trump campaign is out with their counter programming this week. today's theme is make america wealthy again where they are expected to slam harris on the economy. lawrence, steve, ainsley and brian. >> steve: all right, madeleine, thank you very much. so tonight, joe biden is symbolically going to pass the torch on to kamala harris of course it had to be pried out of his hand. apparently, according to the "new york times," the theme of
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his speech is simply win. i wonder who vetted the president's speech. keep in mind. if he talks tonight about how he and kamala harris -- how we did this. we did that. that's not helpful for her. you got to wonder who said, mr. president, let me take a look at your speech. you got to take some of these wes out. that's not going to help. >> how do you expect him to do lawrence, brian, and steve. are they going to say gosh, we regret if he does a great job tonight, i doubt they are go going to say that because the polls are showing that kamala is doing better against donald trump than he was. what if he gets up there and has a dynamic speech? >> steve: that's not going to happen. >> brian: hasn't happened since 1978. j.d. pritzker says a celebration of him at the convention and everything we accomplished together. jill is going to speak as well. we know president obama is going to speak on tuesday.
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going back to what we discussed yesterday maureen dowd pay perking over problems that they have. nancy pelosi, as well as barack obama, behind the scenes to knife joe biden in the back. >> ainsley: jill was not happy about it. what is her speech going to be like. >> brian: they have not spoken since. it looks like mrs. obama. michelle obama is not happy with the bidens because of the way they treated beau's widow. that's going to be an issue. joe biden in particular is not happy with barack obama because he feels as though he was behind it. and that was the guy he ran with and also he was upset with him dating back to 2016 when he turned over and said i want hillary to be the next -- to carry my baton on down. then they talk about the party having a joshua shapiro problem. why is josh shapiro not the running mate? is it because he is jewish? democrats have an issue as van jones brought up a week ago with this huge anti-semitic faction
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that's rising up in their party. now, they could put a smiling face on. have big celebrities, lawrence. iin the big picture are there problems simmering underneath? >> lawrence: i think you highlighted, brian. let's be honest. this will be a political obituary type of speech. the ride of joe biden is over. it's not going to happen anymore there will probably be some celebrations because he decided to step down. because let's be frank, the race was over if he was on the ticket. so, there will be some celebration because the democrats have a re-set thought. now, i think the problem they are going to run into is that there's an emotional high going on right now. it's like a kid with all the candy and everything, and they haven't been forced to this point yet. to provide meat for the american public. so, after the american public waned that we may get the first
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black female to be president, she has to explain exactly how she is going to make life better. if joe biden gets on the stage and says things are going great. i changed everything for the better. it's going to put her in a pickle that americans are already feeling. there is a lot of voters and we will get to my package later, that want to be art path history. we can't deny that. that's going to be the actual problem in this election. the problem is do they want to choose history over their current circumstance? and that's the. >> ainsley: lawrence, they can't run from their record. ask anyone, they can't afford groceries at the grocery store. gas is expensive to fill you want car. under biden-harris the inflation from january when they took office to this past july, 19.4%. everything you buy that's how more it is. did you get a raise at work? did you get a 19% raise so you can afford all of this? most people can say no. >> steve: that's right. when you look at our southern border.
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this is two of the biggest issues. i bet you a dollar, which is worth a lot less today than it was four years ago. i bet you they don't talk about inflation in a profound accurate way. they are not going to talk about the number of pounds of fentanyl. look at that 64,000 pounds of fentanyl, which is enough to kill everybody on the planet a dozen times. 375 dare suspects seized at our southern border. and 8.1 million border encounters at the u.s.-mexican border. and keep in mind, kamala harris said don't come and they came. >> brian: what's fascinating is they picked chicago. chicago is used to doing conventions. all right. they do have experience at it. they are also a mess like all major cities. like the one like san francisco, los angeles, philadelphia, and chicago. look at right now, they are looking at 9.6% increase in total crime. nearly 25% increase in aggravated assault. 6.4 increase in murders. all negative numbers. and this mayor here, who taking
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over for another failed mayor is going to talk about how this is the perfect place to actually do a convention. what they are selling a lot is they are selling a lot of boards. because they are boarding up most of their -- they are boarding up a lot of their stores in order to avoid being ransacked. people feel the 100,000 protesters coming down cannot be controlled because, lawrence, they got 1700 less cops on the beat because true attrition, through retirement, unable to fill up the academy because of lack of support from the city. >> lawrence: you know, brian, it goes back to the point that i made last week, which is everyone is talking about the protesters being here. and i understand there is going to be a massive amount of protesters here. but chicago has problems with crime before the protesters even arrived to the scene. okay. there were five people killed over the weekend. now, that's not breaking news. because that happens every weekend. there's a lot of people shot every single weekend in chicago.
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every single day. and so, what brian was talking about was what was going on with the police force before they had all these people show up. so now, of course they are going to have outside police departments to try to deal with the thing. but i think it all goes back to the point of this is a progressive experience that has failed to chicago. they are hosting the convention here. and the question for americans as we look at the 11% increase in violent crime in chicago, is this the model for the country? do you want to defund the police? do you want your school and community centers taken over by illegals because they decided that they wanted to be a sanctuary city? they are draining resources. i have never seen black residents so upset and in city council meetings saying look, we were already struggling. why are you giving money to people to people that didn't follow the law to come here?
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>> steve: lawrence on the cover of the "new york post" cover, democratic convention shows what happens when they are in charge, a crime ridden chicago. you know, after the rnc, about a monmonth ago. my wife and i were going to fly out of milwaukee but all the flights were taken so we went to chicago. they canceled the flight because of the crowd strike thing that day. we wound up staying in a hotel in downtown chicago. our friends who lived in chicago said you know what? you shouldn't actually leave the hotel. so we were there for about 36 hours. we never went outside. because they said it is simply not a safe place. >> ainsley: do you know what they're telling people now, democratic lawmakers that are there, don't book your hotel room under your name. it's not safe. don't engage with protesters if you are confronted. don't go certain areas because they are expecting violence. you talk to some of the folks that live in chicago to get their perspective about this election.
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>> lawrence: that's right, ainsley. i had the opportunity to talk to some church-goers. went to church yesterday. i asked them about the stay state of the city. the state of the race, and when do they want in a candidate? let's watch it. ♪ >> lawrence: you got the dnc that is here this week. how do you feel about that? >> it's kind of bittersweet. i'm glad for the city of chicago that we get to host a major convention. the bitter part of it is that i don't agree with any of the principles. the policies that they use what they have done to our community. >> what do you think the number one issue facing chicago right now? >> definitely the number one issue is the violence, the gun violence. the economy is the big -- it's a big question mark, you know. gout grocery store, eggs, bread, just small items are large in price now. >> i think for my congregation and for others, it's kind of
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changed a little bit. so many people don't agree with the policies. they are definitely broke in my church as far as being more independent in their thinking. i see that throughout the community as well. >> i believe conservative principles are much better for us as a nation and for us as a people. >> neither side has done really well. >> lawrence: you are not pleased with either side. >> no. >> where are you leaning right now when it comes to the presidency? >> probably towards kamala. >> i'm undecided. >> i'm going to say at this point, i don't know who is best because we haven't really heard their plan how to solve the issue. >> my vote would be for kamala harris. >> it would be historical for one. >> first black female president. >> does that put extra weight on your decision this elections time. >> absolutely not. >> none at all. >> no, no. >> yes. there is definitely a lot more
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pressure. >> i want to hear more about what she is going to do. being black one thing. we have had black people to disappoint us. being a woman is one thing, but we have had women to disappoint us. i think the main thing is what is your platform? >> i think it's about time for black people to start looking at the republican party. republican party profoundly pro-business. pro-education. time to do something different. >> you have to vote for a person just because they're black or a woman is totally opposite of what we need to be doing. we need to make sure that we vote for people that align with our policies. >> so, a couple things, guys. the race has changed. and i would be doing the audience a disservice if i didn't confess to that. ever since they flipped kamala to the top there is pressure in
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the community. i used to go to diners and barber shops. it was a universal thing that they were going to vote for trump and they could not vote for biden. that is not the same anymore. it the pressure of being the first, historical nature of it. one thing that outline voters told me is that things aren't going right right now with the country. they don't feel good. the economy has breaked them. the question is can donald trump make this election about the green. instead of the back and forth about who is going to be the first here at the top of the presidency. if he can make it about green, i think he can change this election completely, guys. >> steve: lawrence, you are in chicago, i was down in texas over the weekend for the baptism of my grandson. i was talking to somebody who is a democrat. i was talking to them how they saw the state of the race right now. they said look, i'm a young person. and everything costs more.
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and i don't -- you know, i think if kamala harris is another four or eight years of joe biden, i can't afford that. and this person is thinking about voting for the first time ever for a republican in donald trump. because things just cost too much. >> you heard corey brooks talking to lawrence. the last thing he said we vote for people who align with our policies. you really have to know what each of these candidates stand for. they are vastly different. kamala harris was super, super liberal. very, very progressive. if that's your thing, then maybe you consider voting for her. if you are a conservative. she was responsible for helping with the bail fund in minnesota. bailing people out. she was tweeting about it asking people to give money to this bail fund after the summer of 2020. and george floyd's death. and so, people were giving money. she was encouraging that one of the individuals, that she helped free, was later charged with murder. and is behind bars serving a life sentence in saint paul, the
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murder was in saint paul. so, people are upset with her policies, her liberal policies allowing all these illegals to come neuro country. she is saying let's give them a pathway to citizenship. it's not really illegal. let's decriminalize them and pay for everything for them. that's your thing? then maybe she is your candidate. for conservatives they don't want their money paying for policies that are extremely, extremely raferred. >> brian: pick a lane where she will distance herself from it. we already saw it. she though make one economics speech. extremely controversial not well-accepted. it put all her surrogates on defensive all weekend long. >> ainsley: price gouging? >> brian: trump has two things. immigration and he has got the economy on his side. even though it's about 8 points instead of 15 points. he was better than biden as opposed to harris. if he can go ahead and make that case strongly. he has got the wind at his back there. the only thing is he losing is on abortion. returning to the states. but i believe that's in most polls it is second or third.
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the top one is the economy. so, if trump can make the case, use the surrogate to get the word out. withstand these four days, then he has got a strong case to make. >> ainsley: all right. now to a fox weather alert. crews are searching for two missing people swept away by floodwaters up in connecticut as flash flooding washes out roads across the state. >> steve: look at that right there. steve morgan joins us from the town of dan burry. steven, good morning. >> steve, ainsley good morning to you. we have dealt with flash flooding overnight. state history. highest alert of a flood warning has only been issued two times. one of those two times was yesterday. here in dan bury bad this morning. roads remain closed. want to show you video. happened not just here but elsewhere in south bury we saw significant rains there. in fact, that led to water rescuing in south bury.
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800 customers without power and at least 15 roads closed. whether that be because they are totally worked a out went on to say partially closed there. other video in new town connecticut saw around 8 inches of rain this was two ours that we saw. look at the numbers in a given year there is a .01% chance this could happen in connecticut given the amount of rain we saw in 22 hours. 6 to 10 inches was the was the range. back here in dan burry, in fact, this is new town road. this would take you to new town. this is flooded, too. fortunately we are beginning to see the water recede a bit which is good news. want to bring in janice dean. we have been watching specifically the still river, that's where we have seen a rise to major flood stage formally the water here on the road is
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beginning to recede. hopefully be able to open this one in maybe just a couple hours. >> good work out there, stephen. we do have the risk for more heavy rain across the northeast including the connecticut area. have to watch this very carefully. we have flooding alerts issued for eastern long island, but you can still see the rain and potential for rain later on today. hard to get out of here in some places flight delays and cancellations. that's going to be ongoing as we could see the potential for not only heavy rain but very strong winds and even severe storms later on today. here is the flash flood threat again for the connecticut area. that's not goodous up towards boston and even parts of new hampshire and vermont. severe storm alerts for parts of the mid-atlantic up towards new england. not done yet. here is the situation. watching the east coast we have showers and thunderstorms in the forecast for the southwest. going to talk to stephen again in the 7:00 hour. all right, steve, ainsley,
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brian, big deal. >> steve: what a night to remember rain wise yesterday. >> ainsley: yes. >> steve: we got a fox news alert for you right now on this monday morning. secretary of state antony blinken is in israel right now talking to benjamin trey yingst on the ground. he'll be next.
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announcer: kamala harris was given one important job as vice president - monitor and control our southern border. how did she do? did she take the job seriously? did she do all she could to protect american citizens from an invasion? did she do anything at all? lester: you haven't been to the border. harris: and i haven't been to europe. i don't understand the point that you're making. announcer: here's her grim scorecard: murders, rapes, attacks on children. a 12-year-old girl in texas. a mother of five in maryland. a nursing student in georgia. all savagely murdered by those biden and harris let into our country unlawfully. harris: we have a secure border. announcer: kamala harris was and is a complete failure at her job. now she's asking us for a promotion. who in their right mind would give it to her? restoration pac is responsible
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for the content of this advertising.
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today benjamin netanyahu is meeting with u.s. secretary of state antony blinken. the pair meeting in jerusalem to discuss the curving security situation across the region and a possibility of a cease-fire agreement. the negotiating teams are scheduled to and mask. >> the focus of my visit is
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intensely on getting the hostages back. getting the cease-fire done. it sometime for everyone to get to yes and not for looking for any excuses to say no. >> those comments come after a weekend statement delivered to fox news by hamas rejecting the current deal saying that netanyahu himself was responsible for the rejection. hamas wants to accept a pfeiffer deal from july but now the terms have reportedly shifted. there are major concerns that if an agreement isn't reached it will lead to iran or proxy hezbollah attacking israel attacking scenes unfolded over the weekend we are also tracking another story overnight of an explosion in tel aviv where one person was killed. initialing assessments indicate the man killed was a bomber whose explosive device dead ton nateed early glis are setting a say this was attempted attack.
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just this however we learned that hamas and islamic jihad are taking response ntd for the explosion. >> lawrence: out of control. great job, trey. so today the dnc will tout the biden-harris, quote, accomplishments and results as president biden is expected to pass the torch to kamala harris during prime time speech in chicago tonight. with inflation, border numbers and violent crime up across border cities can democrats really defend the harris record. bring in biden 2020 campaign surrogate you have kevin wallen. >> hey, lawrence, good to see you. >> lawrence: good morning, brother. how are they going to tell americans i sea what happened inflation. see what happened border and major elements in our cities and still say we made life better for you. >> great question. i think we saw a a bit of that already in what the vice president said in north carolina on friday. where she acknowledged the high
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prices of some of these goods and she ticked off some of those prices. she effectively said we are working to bring down these costs but they are far too high. a little bit of a change we have seen prosecute president biden who has been 100 percent cheerleader for the economy. leading the g 7 out there she is tailoring that message really a populist message taking a play from donald trump's playbook from 2016 saying i feel your pain. i understand what is going on. they are still far too high this is what i'm going to do about it. >> lawrence: i feel your pain but give me four more years. this is some of the numbers we are looking at right here when it comes to inflation under the biden-harris administration from january 2021 to january 2024. we are looking at 19.4%. then you go to violent crime up 25% across 66 major cities and, we can go through the border numbers how do you make the case
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give me four more years: in that weekly meeting you have with the president right now do you ever tell him the plans you want to do right now. >> lawrence, she is going to strike that right balance. the fact that on the border, for example you spnt a lot of time down there. the fact we are seeing lowest border encounters since july 2019 is a good indicating. inflation year over year is back down. still too high as the vice president said. the trend lines are heading in the right direction. hopefully we will see a rate cut in september from the fed that will spur more housing investments. delicate balance with this passing the torch moment today with the president. >> lawrence: make the argument summertime, 110 in texas. >> we actually got good weather in chicago. >> lawrence: greg abbott out there securing the border. we are bracing for 100,000 pro-hamas protesters here. and it's become this real
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problem because you have democratic officials been encouraged not to put their name down when they check in a hotel. is this a problem for the party. >> i think it's a problem optically. i have seen at love interviews with these protesters. they say why weren't you in milwaukee. they have said they're protest guilty the current occupants of the oval office and their agenda. i hope that we will not see any kind of violence. i got in yesterday. i checked into my hotel. there is a full force of police out there on the street. a lot of bicycle path. a showing of force. i hopefully we can maintain some semblance of peace. give them a right to protest and hear them out. tamp down any violent actions like we have seen in d.c. and covered before. >> lawrence: it's sad to me that they didn't approve the pro-israeli group to be able to protest as well. we will be following it, kevin. >> i'm with you 100 percent. >> lawrence: thanks, brother there could be cracks in the wall of the media praise for kamala harris after multiple outlets question her economic
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policies. watch. >> some democratic economists say her plans to target corporate price gouging and eliminating taxes on tips likely would not bring prices down or significantly help low income workers. ♪ g a fresh deal at subway has never been easier. just buy any footlong in the app, get another free. the only hard part is, telling travis he doesn't get the second footlong. wait, seriously? i got you next time, buddy! order now in the subway app. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ (♪) ♪ i feel free ♪ (♪) ♪ to bare my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪
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aaasssiii... ...iiisssttt. linda asistencia. lowe's knows what a great assist can lead to. >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert. all new this morning house republicans finding president biden and his family received more than $27 million from foreign individuals and entities since 2014 lawmakers call it an impeachable conduct. brooke singman. >> brooke: good morning, ainsley. i obtained a copy of 294 page report from the house republicans on the house judiciary and ways and means committee. they have been leading this impeachment inquiry against president biden for months. they said their investigation found that president biden engaged in impeachable conduct and said he abused his office
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and, quote, defrauded the united states to enrich that family biden family more than $27 million from foreign individuals and entities. they also found that while biden was serving as vice president, the biden family got more than $8 million in loans from democratic ben factors. they say those loans have not been repaid. this report says in part, quote as vice president, president biden actively participated in a conspiracy by, among other things, attends dinners with his family's foreign business partners and speaking to them by phone. often when being placed on speaker phone by hunter biden. republicans with calling out a 2014 dinner that hunter biden and his father attended with a russian oligarch. after that dinner the oligarch wired $3.5 million to hunter biden's firm. now, this report says, quote: several witnesses testified that hunter biden invoked his father in business dealings with romanian, chinese, coagulate
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establish and ukrainian companies resulting in millions of dollars flowing to the biden family they are calling out biden for his handling of classified documents. >> house republicans are now calling for biden to be impeached. ainsley? >> ainsley: thank you so much. the media is no longer turning a blind-new concerning economic plan. >> some say her plans to target corporate price gouging and eliminate taxes on tips likely would not actually bring prices down or significantly help low income workers. >> republicans, as you know, aoea could you seeing i just said it's not price controls. can you explain then how you define what an price is if you don't have a bench mark? nonpartisan committee for responsible federal budget
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estimated that plan would add $1.7 trillion to the federal deficit. are you comfort wbleg that. >> i am comfortable with that because what we need to do is get rid of the trump tax cuts for the wealthy. >> here to react the beltway newsletter author chris bedford. hey, chris. >> good morning. >> so this would say the can go into a target and say too much money, you are asking too much for that for that gallon of milk. and then punish these businesses, some of them could be small businesses for increasing the price. what's your reaction to this it's not the sort of thing is that is going to work. and causes fear throughout the marketplace and holds things up. my mother-in-law is a rancher and her prices have skyrocketed to buy her beach it costs more money because shipping costs more money. feed costs more money. fuel costs more money. there is no profit being made and price gouging. it's not that simple of a
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solution. what kamala harris is running up against is this uniparty consensus in washington, d.c. her friends in the media definitely want her to win this election. they want to make it look like she is cool and fun and intelligent. they have confines around what is acceptable. and that's why they hate donald trump so much. he pushes back against some of that economic wisdom that they perceive. kamala harris has pushed against it in another direction. and she is going to find out that these guys generally they don't want the structures in the oval office. they want to-to-support people who keep the american foreign policy basically on the same lines in europe and the middle east and people who have -- they can kick around the edges of the american capitalist idea they certainly can't go after wall street in the finance years and these sorts of wage and price controls are nod only bad for the economy but create enemies on wall street as well. >> ainsley: look at her nic agenda child tax increase increase, $6,000 for the first year of your child's life for middle income families. the price gouging ban which he auto we talked about.
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affordable housing to boost construction. first time home buyers assistance $25,000 for a down payment and no tax on tips. trump made this his plan first, does this help the average american person. >> no taxes on tips can help people struggling in that industry. funny to see her announce even in las vegas where donald trump came up with the idea of just copying that because it seems popular child tax credit pushed by people like j.d. vance. families struggling with the incredibly high cost of child care could get a benefit. something the american people want. other things like tinkering with housing. the kind of handout or bribe to those people who don't remember the housing crisis. how the george w. bush pushed this sort of thing and ended up with implosion helped wrecked american economy. if you just give $25,000 to people. while that's helpful in one aspect. the prices are simply going to go up $25,000.
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all those people who already own homes, they are not going to like that bailout either. >> ainsley: hard parts about that interest rates are so high many people cannot even afford to buy first house and make those payments. chris, thank you so much for coming on. >> thanks for having me. >> ainsley: you are welcome. trump and vance head to battleground pennsylvania, seeking an opening with disaffected democrats. is that the key to the keystone state? ♪ working for a living ♪ working for a living, working ♪ working for a living ♪ living and a working ♪ living and a working ♪ i'm taking what they're giving because i'm working for a living. with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. empower. what's next. (♪) (♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with tums gummy bites, and love food back.
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steve all right, welcome back. donald trump and j.d. vance are in pennsylvania today aiming toy democrats dis disaffected. switched party affiliation this year compared to the republicans. look at the numbers right there. joining to us discuss we have stephano of the philadelphia infirier, she joins us. jennifer, good morning. >> good morning. >> i read your material. it's really good. you make it this easy. donald trump can win the commonwealth of pennsylvania if he does, what? >> so what i say if he focuses
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on the price of rump roast and not roasting his opponent. and that was given to me by a voter in philadelphia. his name is vince. i was talking to him. what do you want to hear from donald trump he went on and on about rump roast and how important it was and how important it was to feed a family of four for under $20. now he can't do that he doesn't really like how he roasts kamala. his opponent. not that he doesn't want to hear what trump thinks about kamala. but, rather, speak to th to the. >> steve: chuck roast $32. your friend, who gave that you line is absolutely right. so, stick to the issues. and you can win; however, in pennsylvania, one of the interesting things and tonight as joe biden gets a hero's welcome for dropping out, when joe biden was the nominee, when you look at the hispanic vote in pennsylvania. it was one place. since kamala harris has come on
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board, it's gone up 10 points. >> that's right. that's right. so there has been a move of people who were supporting biden and then she got a 10% jump. she got that's a pretty significant jump. now, here's the thing. donald trump can still win and win over a number of hispanics. number one, hispanics are now 5% of the voting population in pennsylvania. trending republican. which is true nationwide. but i think because kamala is undefined. i think people are excited she a woman. i think they are excited she is a woman, am off with color that will not supersede the pain that people feel. in pennsylvania, hispanics, 88% of hispanics say the cost of living is their number one problem. and the number one thing they are going to vote on. that compared to only 77% of non-hispanics. so i think it's evening more important to the hispanic community in pennsylvania. and trump needs to go speak to their pain and define kamala but
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not in terms of just roasting her or ad hominem attacks. he needs to define her lack of policies and policies that have hurt people. >> steve: jennifer, day one of the dnc you get in the way back machine at a month ago at the rnc it looked like donald trump who was way ahead of joe biden, it was his -- it was a done deal. but so much can happen in a month. and given the fact that now, you know, the rest of the campaign begins in earnest after the dnc, anything can happen. >> this is america, right? we are never sure until we are sure and even when we're sure we are not sure. pennsylvania not have all the votes certified on election day. which is catastrophically bad. but i think what you're really looking at is who is going to define kamala harris first and will donald trump bring discipline to talk about the pain people are feeling and show that he has the solution but
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also, the question the pennsylvanians want to know and showing up in polling, which candidate do they feel sincerely cares about them most. and this is nationwide. and it's point not talked about enough. in polling, the candidate people feel cares about them more than the other one, even if they are not as good on the economy, they will vote for that candidate. >> steve: all right. great point. jennifer, thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. >> steve: all right. brian, over to you. >> brian: thanks so much, steve. it's time now for special sports edition of fox and trends. carley shimkus, would you play yourself in segment? >> carley: i certainly will, brian, check out. this a familiar scene but in a much different context. tom brady making himself comfortable on the field before yesterday's preseason game between the saints and 49ers. talking to players, coaches and fans up and down the field. even throwing the old pig skin around. 7 time super bowl champion was in the broadcast booth rehearsing with kevin burkhardt.
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don't miss his fox broadcast debut during the cowboys-browns regular season opener on september 8th. that's a great matchup, brian. and also going to be really exciting to see him make his broadcast debut. >> brian: i know he is working hard on it ufl games and these games. he will not so doo a preseason games. much like veteran quarterback these don't like playing in preseason. first game will be a real game. now talk basketball. >> football to women's basketball. caitlin clark breaking the record for the most assists in a season by a rookie last night ditching out her 256th assist. >> from lloyd, clark to play ahead. in. >> carley: clark nine assists in the game giving her 232 so far this season the indiana fever taking down storm 92-75. >> brian: carley. i was watched about 40 minutes of this game.
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and i could not believe what a great passer she is. other thing is she has got a temper. she punched the turn -- >> carley: she got a technical foil over it? >> fiery player. she is going to be rookie of the year. i think she is going to get some mvp votes. >> carley: no doubt. not a superstar in the making already one. to the golf course we go. donald trump's oldest granddaughter kai trump verbally committed to play golf at the university of miami. buckeye wrote on instagram i would like to thank my mom vanessa and dad don for supporting me throughout my journey. thank my grandpa for giving me access to great courses and tremendous support. not something everybody can say. she can certainly say it. >> >> brian: this is one of the stars of the rnc. how far is mar-a-lago to miami roughly about an hour? >> steve: yeah. >> brian: they can go watch her play how great is that? >> carley: playing golf in college in miami. fun four years.
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>> brian: absolutely. >> steve: she is going to make golf great again. >> brian: absolutely. i wonder if she is eligible for any financial aid. great to talk sports with you, carley. >> carley: great talking the x's and o's. i love it. >> brian: she loves it. get her a telestrator for christmas. more "fox & friends" in a moment. ♪
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