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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 20, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> bill: the hat looks good too. >> dana: you cannot wear sunglasses but you have to protect indeed. >> bill: barack obama, 20 years ago went to the democratic convention in boston, massachusetts, and he went into that arena and he said there are no blue states, there are no red states, there is just the united states, and that launched at the time his senate career to a whole new orbits and lied to him on to two terms as u.s. president. >> dana: when he became a senator in january of zero five, we went to the gridiron, and we were seated at the same table, and sat next to each other and had the best time for four and a half hours and years later he was the president of the united states even though i predicted it 20 years from then, he showed me. >> bill: kamala harris might be in a different place tonight -- >> dana: "the faulkner focus" is next and harris hit the
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streets of chicago, here she is. ♪ ♪ >> harris: we begin with s fox news alert, chicago's businesses are bracing out again, their owners cannot risk a distraction and losing money. the left who says they are for the working people now the reason livelihoods are at stake. as these people are protesting their anger towards the democratic party. parts of the city rocked by tens of thousands of these activists, angry and in particular angry at presidential nominee kamala harris and policy toward israel. they chanted "killer kamala is her name, killing children as her game" and other taglines. and while talking with voters on the streets of chicago, my "the
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faulkner focus" team and i witnessed eye witnesses businesses closing up early on day one of the convention and putting up messages to customers hanging it in their windows letting them know due to planned protest in the city they will be closing at 5:00 p.m. so we caught them as that was happening yesterday. the city gave those demonstrators and area to air out their grievances, but they still turned into breaking news barriers down. several protesters were arrested. some of the crowd of jewish hating anti-israel protesters were waving flags of hamas terrorists. they support hamas savages who took down israel killing more since hitler's holocaust. >> are you a palestinian? do you support hamas? >> every palestinian supports moss, not just me. >> harris: again, all of that was day one of the dnc
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convention, three more days to go. i am harris faulkner, you are in "the faulkner focus." headlines weighing in on all of the madness we are seeing, the dnc just began and it's already insane. pro-hamas protesters are heirs to decades worth of anti-west propaganda, abandoned by then rebrands into a band and harris during dnc reminiscent of 1968. fox news senior correspondent steve harrigan, steve. >> harris, despite a year of preparation here in chicago for these protesters, the outer security perimeter of the dnc was breached briefly yesterday afternoon for about a half an hour. several dozen demonstrators moved away from the prescribed to roots about 1 mile loop about three blocks from the convention center and the sledgehammers that were carried in their backpacks as well as change to break down part of supposedly
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unscalable fence entering an area between two fences they did not penetrate through the second barrier has police showed tremendous patience and are being pelted with signs and bottles and cans and then some more right police came on the run for assistance. they were and helmets as well as batons across her chest and you could see them really patiently and methodically despite being pelted and sworn not just pan up those protesters and begin to arrest some of the ringleaders who were on the outer edges. many of those ringleaders wearing masks, police and law enforcement officials have been steadfast since this began saying they would not allow the destruction of property in chicago. >> there were peaceful people in the crowd and people who just wanted their voices heard, but again, when you have people who infiltrate a crowd and they want to commit acts of violence, vandalism, we are going to stop them. >> since the start of the
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convention, 14 protesters have been arrested and we expect more marches tonight, harris, back to you. it's beyond steve harrigan, great reporting has always come in during his speech president biden looked at the protesting outside of the ncn handed some credibility to those >> harris: the anti-israel hate though, watch this. >> those protesters out in the street, they have a point, a lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides. >> harris: so joe biden has said that over and over again, fox news host trey gowdy says the left's pandering to protesters is a gift to republicans. >> these protests may be the best thing republicans have going for them. the more imagery you can show of people -- go back to october the 7th, killing women -- butchering children? and you want to protest and reward that with the state? good luck selling that to people in swing states. >> harris: in focus,
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mike huckabee, former republican governor of arkansas and he has run for president. it's great to see you today, governor. let's start w with the heat on full display in the anger towards democrats especially kamala harris over israel. >> it's really hard to get your arms around the fact that the kamala harris and joe biden have done more to try to may be massage this issue, and they have even said as joe biden did last night, all of these protesters have a point, what is that point? the point is that hamas came across the israeli border and they massacred, slaughtered viciously, little babies, violently raped women in front of their families and slaughtered over 1200 people that were innocent civilians. what is the point? an effect to that a lot of people in gaza have died is largely because hamas hides all of their own weaponry among their innocent civilians. so this is something that could've been over from the
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beginning if hamas had surrendered. it could've been over today if they would surrender, but they don't. and joe biden's ridiculous statement that they have a point obviously, joe, did not have a point there. >> harris: it seems like they don't really know what to do with the people outside. and there is some collision of ideas on how much they matter politically doug schoen who you know as part of the clinton administration, and the advisory, was on with me yesterday and said they don't need that number of voters outside protesting, they can win without them. that's what he says it democrats, doing some calculus of how to deal with them but what they have signs to say to kill their own candidate, but they don't. and president biden took off very fast after he spoke, 12 hours ago he had not started yet, he was about to speak at 12 hours ago at the dnc and now he is two-time zones away and when
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he was in chicago, he told reporters over and over that there is no bad blood with the push to drop out of reelection. >> he claims you are pushed out of the top of the ticket, and what you make of those claims? >> stability is still going through. >> and the honor of my lifetime i love my job but i love my country more. and all those talk about how i am angry at all of the people who said i should step down, it's not true. >> harris: this is true, they delayed them over and over last night as they change the schedule and added speakers at the dnc, joe biden took the stage and editorial columnists are writing this, dems buried
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him at the final disgrace, political pay book called at the late late show, and refer to them as late night cowboy. and it went past his bedtime. joe biden appeared emotional at times and stood in front of the democratic party basically cheering for the end of his political career, decades as a congressman, senator, vice president and president. a more headlines now. for a one to joe biden, basking in the applause from democrats who dethroned him. in that cheering audience, former house speaker nancy pelosi, remember, she reportedly was instrumental in getting president biden to quit the ticket and she did not exactly shy from rubbing salt in the wound. >> does seem like there is some residual bad blood or resent man and i am wondering if you spoke to him and what your responses to that? >> sometimes you just have to take a punch for the children. i have to do what i have to do.
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he made the decision for the country. my concern is not about the president. it was about his campaign. >> harris: i had not ever heard that, was that like a knock at somehow people suffering with domestic abuse? sometimes you have to take a punch for the children? nancy pelosi there, jerry baker writes in his new column, the ruthless dispatch of the former president was les brutus and cassius and maura jack kevorkian, not a hail of knives in the back, but a soft word in the ear and a gentle squeeze on the syringe. all right, governor, i come back to you, not any of this is subtle, not the way that he was treated and not the reaction to it. >> yeah, it's kind of sad. i mean this is from the side of the aisle that are his friends, these are the people that supposedly love him that her saying be a saberi horrible things.
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and the ones that put him long on his bedtime, and a lot of america was in bed while they spoke, and wanted to make sure he was also asleep. and it was one that was kind of sad to watch the swan song and more of a head dive into a pool without water. >> harris: you know, it reminded me of something that a democrat told me on the set yesterday, brad howard who is one of the circuits for this campaign that these are shiny objects and it means that they don't have to talk about the things that they don't want to talk about. and there will be the protesters, and the anti-kamala harris crowd out there, the pro-hamas' crowd out there they don't have to talk about that. they can focus on other things like the balloons that celebrate abortion and birth control outside. the mobile van that's giving free abortions and vasectomies
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here, they can talk about joe biden's big moment and they don't have to focus on kamala harris' policy. your last quick word. >> well, i think it's interesting that the democrats don't believe in walls unless those walls are built to protect them, so you have all of these protesters very few arrested and i wonder, are they a threat to democracy? will they be chased down in their homes a year from now with s.w.a.t. teams from the fbi? will the department of justice go after them like they did the people who are at the capitol on january 6? i wait to see. >> harris: governor huckabee, always great to have you in focus. thank you. we have learned some vulnerable democratic lawmakers are skipping this, convention. it looks like they may be worried that their party could hurt them more than help them as they run. laser focus on policy, republicans go after kamala harris' economic plan. >> if you are to implement what harris is slowly starting to trickle out, you're going to
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have a less competition, you will have less choice, businesses are going to struggle, costs will go up and at the end of the day, the people who you say you are out there trying to help are the ones who are going to suffer the most. >> harris: and then there are those that say kamala harris' plan is just more biden-nomics. charles payne in focus next. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles. 30,000 followers tina in a boutique hotel.
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>> harris: a quick pop of what we were watching live this hour, the trump campaign allies are hosting a press conference live in chicago and have been doing this on the sidelines of the dnc convention. see florida congressman byron donalds is talking about exploding crime under the biden/harris administration
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particularly talking about on point policy is that kamala harris is known for under that administration, since she was always with biden, there is no daylight between them, that sort of thing. just wanted to show you this is going on, things we will take live this afternoon, the vice presidential candidate on the republican side j.d. vance will have a press conference on crime and safety in a battleground state today in in kenosha, wisconsin, and donald trump pulls a campaign in howell, michigan, and we will bring that to you live. are battleground states again, this is byron donalds of florida as he is hosting this news conference, it trump campaign ally. let's talk more about some of the policy as of kamala harris, no doubt that's coming up with congressman donalds and some of the other speaking on behalf of the trump campaign today. the backlash over vice president harasses economic plan is growing. the national review has this
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headline, kamala harris is proposing biden-nomics but bigger, she supports raising the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 28%. that would reverse trump-era cuts and put the kamala harris and lined with joe biden. and harris is still getting some heat for her pitch for price controls on groceries. gioia food ceo says that's a horrible idea. >> the grocery business what does make one to 2% and hires a lot of people, those people are forced to -- we are going to put them out of business by controlling pricing. the government has no business in controlling prices. they are going to put the last nails in the coffin of this economy in this country if they prevail. >> harris: a new op-ed is arguing arguing untested harris
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is repackaging biden's failure spirit she is not a change candidate, she is the status quo candidate, the policies and performance in office were scannell enough, now harris is running on the same policies which are her policies and the democratic party is as well. charles payne, host a vacant dig deep and tell us what we need to know today about kamala harris' economic policies? >> think about this. juxtapose these two things. on one hand a supermarket making 2 percent on profits is greeting, but the federal government taking business taxes from 21 to 20.8 percent is needy. think about this for a moment as we could put it all in perspective and you are right. if elected i think kamala harris' policies are the ones that she actually will propose may go further than this because she's on record for wanting corporate taxes to be well into the 30s. the problem is that the rest of the organized world, the rest of the developed world over the last decade or so has all come
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down to be competitive on a global scale. this is something that hurts us and our businesses and hurts our workers, right? and you have to understand that they are joined at the hip. there's not one versus another and that's the narrative being put forth is that somehow if she can go to war with corporate america, it will make the lives of workers better, no, it's going to make the lives of workers harsher as there will be fewer jobs. they are joined at the hip and that's why america catapulted to the top of the world has a number-one economy and the entire planet as a very young nation and we would like to stay there. but here's the real deal, all of this stuff is not steeped in economics, but steeped in the notion of yesteryears. righting the wrongs of yesteryear and that kind of thing. it has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with big government going out there and fixing all of the injustices that have ever occurred in the united states. >> harris: so past grievances
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of people who changed jobs. and some of them aren't even elected, why should the american people put up with that? >> you know, right now people are getting hammered bad. i mean, this is a really ugly time. the economic data is not even reflecting just the most of it and certainly economists are not being honest about what is going on and they are grappling. and they are grappling with who to blame and who has the answers. what harris has done to a degree of success so far to separate herself from her own policies, right? the repackaging. the more she speaks and puts thing out there, the more we can see that she has not changed and i think that people will know who is the author of my pain? who put me in this position? do i want to give them more power? >> harris: speaking of her speaking, donald trump is speaking too during a campaign stop in pennsylvania, former president trump actually criticized vice president kamala harris on her 2024 energy policies in particular, let's watch.
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>> mall harris is also on the regulatory to shut down power plants all across america. when i returned to the white house i will and the anti-american energy crusade and terminate kamala harris' so-called power plant rule. instead of shutting down power plants, we will open dozens and dozens more and i will fast, kamala stands for energy disappearance and for rectory obliteration. >> harris: vp candidate j.d. vance had this op-ed in "the wall street journal" titled "harris wages war on u.s. energy" and he writes "to the net zero project is already stifling investment in the coal, natural gas, and nuclear plants that americans rely on for base load electricity. if miss harris and the democrats have their way come in at zero will destroy the american dream for countless millions. charles, your reaction?
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>> he is absolutely right and this war on fossil fuels comes in the middle of this ai revolution. this artificial intelligence revolution we know will create an electricity crisis as it draws so much power and energy to be able to use aia that we already know that we need to do everything we can. we have been blessed to have these fossil fuels under our feet. natural gas is clean-burning and is really beautiful. fossil fuels we can extort to the governments and allies around the world. i tell people, look at what has happened to germany going down the same climate path where climate came before everything. they have destroyed their country. they have destroyed their prosperity. and now they are vulnerable. we need nuclear power plants. we need to have more fossil fuels. we need more refineries, if we were really smart about this, harris, america could be spending so little money on gasoline, so little money on energy, as we make a transition, if you want to get to a transition to renewables, fine.
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but it's a smart transition, not something forced overnight. it will take 20-30 years. why not do a smart and painless instead of this? going after us in a way that is going to rock our prosperity. >> whenever you mention ai i think of the day that kamala harris told the world it's two letters and she was put in charge of something. i think it was artificial intelligence that day. oh, boy. charles payne, it's always good to have you in focus. thank you. we have been reporting on the mobile clinic right near the convention site offering free abortions and free vasectomies, and if that is not ick enough for you, right next to it is in an 18-foot inflatable iud, if only we were making any of it up. plus too many reasons to be stat about the state of things in chicago. >> 21% of the students in chicago can read at an eighth grade proficiency level, do math at that level, this is
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the plan, this is how it works and what happens in the progressive illinois. >> harris: new data revealing just how badly democratic policies are failing children in the city schools, high crime and education, pain here in chicago. and this is where the dnc convention is being held. veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans.
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>> harris: illinois governor j.d. pritzker has been bragging about the dnc's host city as an example of how democratic policies are working. critics argue, no. it's the opposite, especially when it comes to teaching chicago's children. one illinois parent says the chicago teachers union bears some of the blame for the grim situation. >> just one in four chicago students can read at grade level. it's even less than that for our
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low income students. 40 percent are chronically absent, enrollment has dropped, and this is all well district spending has soared. and now ctu control city hall as well in the form of mayor johnson. it's a warning of what's to come and have other large city districts let a radical teachers union control overate. >> harris: let's learn more, garrett tenney on the story here in chicago. garrett. >> yes, harris, the chicago teachers union argues they should not put stock into those abysmal stores because standardized testing in itself is racist and the union argues they could turn it around if the city and state and invested billions of more dollars into education. since 2019, cbs budget has grown from just under $6 billion to nearly nine and a half billion dollars and there has been almost no improvement in test scores. but to mayor brian jansen and the union are doubling down on that strategy with a new push to
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take resources from the few schools doing well and giving them to the worst performing schools which some critics argue should be closed. to the biggest example of this is douglas academy high school which had just 34 students last year. the school had one teacher for every five students, a third of which is the national average of 15-1, and on a per student basis, douglas spent more than four times the national average. according to illinois policy institute, douglas has not had a single student proficient in math or reading for seven years. despite that, rather than closing the school and sending those students to others that are doing well, mayor johnson and the union are doubling down i want to expand the use schools all across the city. harris? >> harris: between that and the high crime, the high number of how side still leading the nation, i don't know where the mayor finds the time to you in some ways permit some of the protesting going on outside.
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i've seen him on local news every night. garrett tenney, thank you. this is happening near the democratic convention venue, a pro-choice group has set up an 18-foot tall inflatable iud, and they called it freedom woom, a contraception device. just outside of the center dnc site, a mobile clinic is giving out free medical abortions and vasectomies. planned parenthood says they are fully booked, popular site, they are just getting started today, a torrent of criticism over this period marked. marc thiessen was on set with me yesterday. speak of the democrats used to treat abortion as a necessary evil, safe, legal and rare, not something to be celebrated. kamala harris the first vice president ever to look at an abortion clinic. when your party is offering free abortions at its convention, there is something deeply morally wrong with your party.
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>> harris: the satirical outlet posting this image captioned dnc dies, chicago river read to celebrate abortion. an excerpt from an op-ed, this one reel. that was just satire, the democratic party has become the party of single women the party obsessed with avoiding family responsibilities and pessimistic about the nation's future. democrats may pretend to celebrate the united states at their convention this week, but the vasectomy van parked out front portrays the real priorities. tammy bruce, fox news contributor. first of all, we knew that this was, and was much talked about and put it out a an end agenda report we would first see the balloon pop up, what you make of all of the waiting list? i mean, people are signing up. >> it's a horrible reflection even with your last conversation about education, the failure of the children, this creation of
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generations of ignorant people, specifically i would argue knowing the left and the democratic party which is where i came from is that they rely on people being ignorant and being hopeless and living in fear, and when you have no hope for the future whether it's because global warming is going to kill you in 12 years or because he can't get a job or because of the gang violence, it's a horrible way to live. and what is the answer? castrate yourself. have an abortion, get rid of the next generation. where is the next generation would arguably be someone is going to be a savior in that generation. several people who can solve many of our problems, but no, this is a cult of victimhood, beyond a cult of death, but the victimhood is an extraordinary dynamic, which keeps people afraid, it keeps them on their heels, relying on people who reinforce that fear and that panic, and this is why you have
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the nature of the democratic party which is about anger and is about demonizing people. it's about condemning the united states and it of itself, and it is a horrible -- really end result for a party that used to represent the working people, a party that i remember well being again safe, legal, and rare and much more in line with the american people and with frankly some respect for women! is this what women are for as opposed to better economies? 70% of abortions occur because women can't do it economically. in my opinion, that's enforced abortion by the government when it creates an economy that does not give you a choice. if you had a choice and you had money and a decent job, he would keep that baby. this is part of what the argument is and it's a horrible thing to watch in this country, but we can turn it around. and i know democrats don't like
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it either. >> harris: look at, we will get into this a little bit later this hour, but there are number of democratic lawmakers that are not coming to the convention, because they have to run and don't be a part of the estimate of what they see and would have on their own careers. the way that you talk about women as something that we don't hear from the left right now, that's the choice is, the better choices that these women have to make and how may be the economy plays into that, so reporter tijuana low with the "washington examiner" writes that pro-choice protesters offer her, protesters offered me free plan b within 5 minutes before the dnc. your reaction to that? >> again, it's ghoulish. it's a ghoulish condemnation of the future and of what women have become. you know, the feminist movement and the american value basic dynamic of this country is that
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we are radical individuals. we are in charge of our own lives. we have fought to be in charge of our own lives, certainly regardless of your color. black women understand that struggle especially, the nature of moving forward and make choices you want to make and it's difficult because of being on the margin economically. this is what hurts people of color first. we see it in chicago and those are the ponds for the democratic party. this is the decline, and they talk about joy, harris, they talk about look into the future and it's a happiness as they descend into dante's seventh level. where is the joy when you tell men who are around you that they need to castrate themselves? what is the joy of the future when you are relying on people being too afraid to have children? it destroys our lives it destroys our sense of safety, and this is what the democrats have done to women. but the republicans have a moral
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duty to be able to speak to these women, speak to women like myself and trump does a debate, there needs to be more the recognition of the state of the american woman in the 21st century and it is the start. >> harris: it's so true, you talk about the party a pro-choice, talking about being pro-choice, supporting women wear if they have to make a decision that they think they might not be able to live with, what economic choices can government provide rather than just providing the free -- now that they are doing it here, but they are supported by people that are providing the free abortions and vasectomies right outside this convention center as we know. it is such an important topic. i'm always glad to have you on, fear itself is your book. i am reading it now again for the second time. it's good. thank you, tammy, for your perspective. my team and i had the streets of chicago to talk with people who live here about what matters most. some of what tammy was talking
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about an education and crime. watch this. >> when she becomes president, she is going to do all of these different things to fix and secure the border, well, what have they been doing for the last three and half years? >> what is the number one issue is at the border or economy? >> it's the border, it's the taxes. have you seen your tax bill? it's like a telephone number. >> why do you support her? >> i support her because i see a lot of myself in her, the great that she has, and her growth, or growth journey. how she has gone to historical black college, how she has obtained her law degree, how she has just climbed her way through the ranks. >> harris: and when that young woman and i were talking about the growth that she saw, i said well how long does it take? and we looked and i said 29 days, right?
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i mean, if you want to know not sitting down into a news conferences, if you want to know that works with people, it works for some people, because it is a shortcut to the end for the politicians and you will get some support from some democrats with that. recovering all of it. it's good to talk to everyone. we will have more coming up. vulnerable democrats are saying thanks but no things to the national convention this week, why is that? well, what they are choice to stay away says about the top of the ticket. plus a bp kamala harris is really ducking press questions as i just mentioned 30 days and counting, voters are calling her out. >> she is going to hide in the basement until she is forced out. >> she does not want anybody to know what she's four, because she can change it all the time. >> it's constantly really cowardly of her.
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>> harris: all right, it's been a month. 30 days and counting since vice president kamala harris launched her campaign and bumped her boss out of the way to go to the top of the ticket. still no news conference, no formal sitdown interview with a journalist, axios is calling her out for "cautious hold the details campaign." and even though normally friendly legacy media are pushing back at some democrats are defending her.
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>> well, i think that people should watch this week. this is the big launch and roll out and what she is going to talk about our policies and vision. >> it's not the same as a press conference where an interview where she has to answer direct questions. just answer me that, do you think she needs to do more unscripted events where she has to answer direct questions? >> she is doing a lot of -- >> she is doing a lot of speeches, that's not the same thing. >> harris: politico has a headline, democrats are jubilant, but now comes the hard part for harris, power panel now, kaylee mcgee white is here, "washington examiner" restoring america editor and blankley fellow, and richard fowler is here, fox news contributor. great to see about. richard, i will start with you. first of all, kamala harris can just hire you to handle her comments, because you have friends everywhere, what's going on with this? is it a strategy? >> i think it's a good question, for those in the media, we want to see her sit down and take
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tough questions. when you ask voters at large, when she appeared and use all the energy is that voters felt, for the voters in the polls are reflecting that, they are saying press conference to be darned, we like it, we love her. and you see her flipped and all the major polls in her direction, so i think there is a media class that we want to ask her tough questions and the voters are saying we like the rallies. spin on the voters who are coming to the rallies. >> the american people in general. >> harris: this place on hold, all of the american people and you always tell me you can put everything in a poll. >> the polls are -- >> but they look at her policies are, people are not sure, but some of them do, i spoke with one woman, they have the warm fuzzy feeling inside that does not pay your bills, you need to know -- >> and bribes are not a good replacement per policy and sustenance, and kamala harris' campaign seems to be completely based on good vibes, whatever that is defined as, because in here we are told that it's joy
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and happiness and then just blocks away, we are met with protesters who are anything but, there is a massive split screen within the democratic party right now and kamala harris as part of the problem. >> harris: you know what, let's get to this. the three major broadcast networks have given a vp harris overwhelmingly positive coverage since she began or became the presumptive nominee. the right-leaning media research center analyze the nightly news cast from july 21st, the day joe biden dropped out through august 17th, so nearly a month, it found 84% positive coverage of kamala harris compared with 89% negative coverage of former president donald trump. i guess you don't have to sit down if they are going to write the stories that have you talking anyway in such a nice way. >> look at, i think she has benefited from positive coverage in the media, we are not in a normal electoral cycle, three weeks ago and it's important to have this conversation. three weeks ago we had an assassination attempt and we had a convention and then a naming
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of one g.o.p. named their vice presidential candidate, then we had the president of the united states up out of the race and a new candidate jump in. there's a lot that has happened over the past three weeks and we as the media industry as well as voters have had to digest. i think there's a lot of things that have happened here. >> harris: i want to point out there are very few democrats who i have at least interviewed who will even talk about that assassination, and to hear you start there actually, it is pulling us together, more so than the -- that's based on fact and we are all in that together as americans when a former president is shot. >> i think that something else that democrats have not wanted to touch on at all so far during the convention is joe biden and how he was forced out. he got up on that stage last night and yet did not mention the fact that he was pushed out by party leaders. >> he did mention that. >> did he say why? >> hold on a second, he said and i will paraphrase what he says, he said i decided to leave the race for a lot of folks out there said that people push me
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out, but i decided to leave. there was a line in a speech. speak about why? no one will say why he is out of the race? because we all know that -- >> it's up to the intent what he wants to do or not to. it's not our job to make the decision. it's joe biden's job. he gave a 52 minute address to the american people. >> harris: most american people did not see that, because it was 11:30 p.m., 12:30 in the morning on the east coast. >> sure, but he did address it. >> so let me ask you this, why do you think that joe biden abandon his reelection? >> he had a poor debate performance, looked at everything and said i'm not the right candidate. >> why was he still fighting after the debate? >> there were a lot of things that determine why he did not or did decide to do it. he sat down and sat with his family and decided the best thing for him to do in this moment was to not continue, but i have a capable and very capable skilled and experienced vice president that can take this party forward and when he made that decision, look at what
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immediately happen, right after it happened, immediately that night, sunday 944,000 black women got on a call and after that 62,000 black men got on a call and said we are endorsing her and putting our support behind her and then delegates all across the country to say kamala harris is democratic nominee. >> harris: irony as you talk about it as a preaching talking point and it leaves out the voters. those 44,000 people don't represent all of the black women across the country. >> those are 44,000 voters. >> harris: there are 101,000 uncommitted voters in the state of michigan, and some of the people, the pro-hamas crowd out there are protesting on the heels of this convention, right outside the doors, so you want to talk about numbers, look at the map, i mean, where you see some of the highlights, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of people who may not vote for your candidate. you are going to need more than what happened -- >> and i was out talking with
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them yesterday went to the protest and talk too many of them, many young adults, the gen z adults that kamala harris think she's going to win by running a vibes campaign, they told me clearly they will not vote for whoever the democratic candidate is. that's a massive problem. >> listen, there are a couple of things here. number one -- >> harris: we are short on time. >> the the present and address those protesters directly saying there's a reason why they are out there. >> harris: you know what he did not say, kamala harris' name on signs that say killer kamala, not one word after three weeks ago he started with donald trump was shot in an assassination attempt. they can't even pretend their own candidate with their words to say take the signs down. >> that's why they are out there and what's happening as we speak as the president secretary of state is loading the cease-fire. >> harris: i will have you both back. both back. richard, good to see you. thank you for watching. "outnumbered" is next. to perfect your process.
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