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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  August 20, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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great to see you. d.j. killed me to hear sweet home alabama played. >> jesse: can you believe they played sweet home alabama at the dnc. when they showed the alabama flag i thought a lot of the people were going to lose it. no alabama flag at the dnc. >> laura: a lot of love and joy and sounded like a lot of hate last night. they get that bulging veins. >> jesse: hating trump gives them joy. that's what brings joy to the democrats. >> laura: is it hard for them when obama gets on stage, michelle, bernie sanders, they be electric personalities is, that a hard comparison for kamala to be on stage? >> jesse: i definitely wouldn't want to have to speak after those people. it's a big night and bernie, i'm really looking forward to bernie sanders, when bernie endorses kamala that's not the endorsement you want. >> laura: jesse, take it away my friend. >> jesse: thank you so much, laura, i really appreciate it.
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we expect kamala harris to get the nomination this hour but like everything else you see this week, it is phony as emma crotts nominated her weeks ago virtually after kicking biden out and rushed her in association could not be challenged and see delegates cast their symbolic votes for her and the dnc says to expectsd special guests and maybe we will be treated to dylan newsom to bring the california delegates but deep down hopes she loses so we can run in 2028 and rollcall stirs up excitement but to be honest, most people are here to hear the obama speak as barack and michelle i think it's fair to say will not be the nominee but you never know.
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last night wasn't as jubilant as the media tells u.s. east were empty and looks like a formal dress code and the lines to get into the stadium were long and silent the only joy in the building was joy reed who no one really recognizes as these liberal media anchors walking around and no one stops them for selfies and i actually feel bad for them as last night felt like a funeral and it was. >> biden known in his career as the best eulogy givers and they made him come give his own at this convention. >> jesse: the late joe biden lay to his funeral not getting onto the stage until 11:30 pm eastern as elderly visitors here exhausted and started sitting down but they couldn't leave as the entire convention behind schedule and we don't know if it is democrats personally pushing
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biden until late night so viewers couldn't see him or if the dnc is incompetent but the biden think it is intentional with an aid telling axial saying it's awful he set up a campaign and handed it over to him and do they have to cut him out a primetime? every democrat in the country is relieved. >> i think democrats today feel a kind of joy and relief that i personally have not seen in eight years? a constant slog and a joyous flight -- fight now and i think people are relieved. >> no one questioning the fact the democratic party seems much better position than they did two days ago. >> this party needed this tonight. >> jesse: talking about biden
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like he is dead and he's just going to california on vacation and he is still the president for the next five months and his back is a little soar from all the knives in it but the number 1 rule of a silent coup is never admit it happened. >> know i have not spoken to nancy and no one influence my decision or knew it was coming. >> jesse: everyone know pelosi was behind the coup and democrats wearing the godmother pen with nancy face on it because she ordered the hit. during his speech, the crowd started chanting we love joe and she could barely say the dead man's name. >> that was my daughter. >> jesse: like a nasty x., the only thing nancy loves about joe is that he is gone and democrats
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put together a nice tribute video to play after the dnc but they killed it because they were running late and biden had to push the tribute on the internet after he spoke and it's like wishing yourself a happy birthday which is something kamala harris actually does. >> to be her friend, as she calls you on her birthday and sometimes she sings to you. >> jesse: calling someone on your own birthday to saying happy birthday to yourself is weird but weird is the theme at the dnc. here is how they kicked off day number 2. [ ♪♪ ] say can you see. [ ♪♪ ] at the twilight's last gleaming.
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[ ♪♪ ] at the twilight's last gleaming. >> jesse: that was the democrats best rendition of our national anthem but it gets weirder. democrats installed a gender-neutral prayer room at the arena and we are know if that is for transgender muslims are meant to make male and female muslims pray together but empty for 48 hours in the dnc has a sustainability team policing the trash cans if you throw your water bottle in the wrong recycling been, you are in big trouble and will have johnny throw a pizza bend in the boxer plastics to to see if they arrest him. why don't we listen in on what's going down first on the floor. >> president jimmy carter, when
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we fight for our freedoms, extremists in georgia trying to silence us by kicking us off the roles and making a harder devote but when we see kamala harris in the white house, she will fight for our freedoms to vote and our reproductive freedoms and in the spirit of good trouble, georgia cast 123 votes for the next president of the united states kamala harris. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] >> announcer: gorham how do you cast your vote? >> i am the governor and the first female governor of our beautiful island.
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[ cheering and applause ] the home of the indigenous people and where america's day begins and we proudly cast our 12 votes to the next first female president of the united states of america [cheers and applause] >> viva com a low -- viva kamala [ ♪♪ ] >> announcer: how do you cast your vote hawaii? >> thank you offer loving hawaii and the spirit of a low hot means acting with lovingkindness
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and our hawaii the first state to legalize abortion. our state was the first to ratify the era [cheers and applause] in the first to pass universal healthcare for all and target 100 percent renewable energy. our state the birthplace of barack obama [cheers and applause] in our state shares the values of kamala harris and we cast six votes present in 23 votes for kamala harris, first woman president. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] >> announcer: idaho, how do you cast your vote? >> they ripped away our freedoms but idaho democrats for the first time were running in every legislative district and we are
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not going back. idaho cast 27 votes for kamala harris. [cheers and applause] >> announcer: today is a celebration of democracy and freedom and a celebration of future. chicago, are you ready ! [ ♪♪ ] >> announcer: our convention host, illinois, how do you cast your vote? >> illinois democrats doing the work to win in november and i am proud to introduce my partner in the fight, my governor [cheers
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and applause] >> announcer: the great state of illinois ! the prairie state home of four presidents including president barack obama and the birthplace of skyscrapers and the adoptive home of superman. the cornerstone of the midwest the first state to ratify the 13th amendment ending slavery and the 19th amendment granting women the right to vote [cheers and applause] illinois cast one vote president -- one point -- one vote present and
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for future madam president kamala harris ! [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] >> announcer: indiana how do you cast your vote? [cheers and applause] >> indiana welcoming into its heart. [ ♪♪ ] indiana welcoming into its heart the mayor from rolling prairie
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and before i lived in hawkins or played the littlest player with the big heart at the university of notre dame. i want what is best for indiana and that means electing kamala harris, first woman president of the united states of america. >> on behalf. >> jesse: that was sean astin who played rudy in the movie rudy and before that was littlejohn who fox news senior analyst loves and littlejohn not little but little and how have you absorbed this convention? can a lot different than last night looking at the energy. >> the energy is up and i think the program move a lot more swiftly than last night which
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was kind of a fiasco and they got too far behind it cannot recover and do not want to eliminate antiabortion speakers to make room for the president so. >> jesse: do you think they did that to joe biden on purpose? they think it was a conspiracy to screw him. >> i don't think so look remember this about joe biden he was around the bend and he had to go you wished him well or evil, you need to go and he had to go for a great many democrats, most democrats, this is the man who kept donald trump from second term so far and they will never forget that and i've known them for a long time never been a big fan necessarily but we are friendly and he's a really good-natured guy and a
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lot of personal affection for him and that persists so think they were dying to give them a big show but they blew it. >> jesse: peter has a lot of affection for joe biden. >> got long -- got along a lot better than you might imagined. >> jesse: the relationship has evolved. >> or devolved. >> jesse: michelle obama, rumors she was going to be the nominee and tonight that probably would've been calling her name at the role call a lot of people nervous tonight will not be nominated but speaking and how effective will michelle obama be? >> greatly admired and the democratic party and a lot of corners with america but it was never anything but rumors or any
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concrete sign. >> jesse: barack obama tonight a lot of pressure he had to do a lot of work to help joe biden for the last couple of years and pretty much stabbed him in the back but a lot of heavy lifting ahead with kamala as she is not a natural campaigner and a sprint coming up and what can he do tonight and the next three months to help her when? might considered a presidency... he is there modern hero and their reagan. he will get a tremendous ovation and so will she and it should be if they keep to the schedule a good night in terms of what's going on inside the hall but you have to think about what about the voters not yet sold on kamala harris? how to they schedule it and what do the speakers do what they do
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have effects on undecided voters she's real unknown and great doubts before she was suddenly elevated to the situation's with hard to assess that. >> jesse: the betting markets have changed as trump was a favorite for quite some time and now kamala is and it takes a bit of the lead but now is not even even as trump a little bit of a sly favorite and what you attribute that? >> people are not happy with the way thanks are going on issue number 1 the economy did much better on that that any democrat has this administration records on it. immigration issue that the democrats have one major issue and that is abortion and we got
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a sense last night here how a couple of the states introduce themselves when casting their ballots they talked about what they have done on abortion and democrats on mystically the party of abortion and at times almost seems like their party a very little else. >> jesse: abortion and hating donald trump and thank you so much and i can't stop listening. former counselor to president trump and kelly and -- and contributor is here and can we play some sounds? we have some african-american women talking about kamala harris to one of our correspondence and let's listen to hear how the people on the street tell. >> she is terrible and if she comes into office, it will be done might where was she at these past four years and she's vice president, what has she done for us?
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can he say one thing? >> i did not know she was a vice president that's what she has done. >> let's go trump. >> i don't think anything will make her qualified that when she was a prosecutor to have evidence to get people off death row she did not give up leap about it. >> jesse: i'm so confused because you see these polls are she's doing so well and then you talk to anybody in the street with african-american community and the people we talk to are not fans and what are we supposed to believe here? >> both are true that she has won back some of the disaffected democrats probably stay on the couch possibly vote for trump but she got them back and has not been expanding her base much and trump is a monk independence and hispanics and you just talked to a few of them there and jesse i think it's a short-term benefit for kamala harris in the long-term risk because trump is hounding her
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yes through his schedule talking about the economy and wars but a super pac spending $100 million on kamala harris not the laughing but when she finishes her sentences she becomes really scary as our potential commander in chief and if you don't believe us, believe her and showing in her own words and if you want trump 2019 with low inflation and low interest rates with energy independence or come 2019 with medicare for all that's the choice here and last point 2016, i coined the phrase to international riddle cool because what they were real and not embarrassed to say they were voting for trump but don't want every night if you like thanksgiving with the in-laws but want peace in their lives with your mom and we love you
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jesse's mom however it's a true thing that you won't find a single head and kamala harris voter in this country as they are all out and about in this country and we see in our own pulling a lot of liberal women picking up the phone to participate so all these people who the democrats think don't look like trump voters because of all the hate toward donald trump and the obsession he reaches into his stage five with all your bodily functions and your sense of humor but if they had spent until of the time they spent on obsessing over donald trump learning something about his voters like you and johnny to every day might be a different dynamic but instead they call them names and not interested in learning on motivating. >> jesse: after so focus on
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trump, not focus on the bow and that's all they think about and you want to tell me the old saying? >> big people talk about big ideas and small people talk about other people and that's all we have. >> jesse: icing i gossiped too much? >> not at all but if you're talking about donald trump, not they're own policy prescription and here is the other risk and not. >> jesse: we're going to go to gretchen whitmer calling the votes for michigan. let's hear it. >> good evening's the great lakes state ate and michigan democratic party chair and michigan has an incredible story as he put the world on wheels and build the middle-class. and now we are getting things done in michigan in 2022 and we
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left our state house of representatives for the first time in 40 years and we are getting a data michigan. >> i am governor gretchen whitmer [cheers and applause] we protected freedoms and we know how to win. michigan casts three present and 125 votes for vice president kamala harris ! [cheers and applause] [ ♪♪ ] prince, kiss. >> jesse: big gretchen they call her and big reception governor of michigan named as maybe a possible contender for the nomination at one point or also vp.
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kenny bring in some of my favorite people on fox? -- kenny bring in? cohost of the five, jessica who i have really deep affection for many people don't see it but she loves me behind the scenes just not on tv. >> i thought you were going to say many people don't have affection for her and not as cold but he went in a nicer direction. >> he always comes around. >> jesse: let's go in and not so nice direction, kamala harris and heather just pointed this out, we don't hear a lot about her so far on night number 2 and don't know what she'll do for the country or who she is or what her biography is and have not talked about that so when we hear more about these things many voters things are important? >> i would say we did hear a lot
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about it last night her career even videos they created about why she's the perfect match to take on donald trump and came up with the new ad with freedom of course playing in the background and certainly the democratic base knows who she is and she has room to grow. >> jesse: do they? >> the women who executed the coup right? >> jesse: nancy and barack but i've seen things are totally unaware of what their policy positions from now and 2019. >> i have seen all the clips if you gonna play them and say this is who kamala harris is she would not want in the primary or those policies but she will enter new policy positions. >> jesse: a missed opportunity for joe biden who mentioned trump's name almost twice as much is kamala harris name.
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>> i think he did a bit of a service shouting out for kamala harris for breaking a tie on the inflation reduction act and some spending and i'm not sure she wants to apply for that because it's an achievement of hers but one arm the country quite a bit and you are asking the question not to democratic voters really know this woman? idol think it really matters but a system and party they are voting for and she is the avatar for it right now and they will legally vote for her matter what our background or policies may or may not be because jesse, you can talk about her knew policies and they are getting leaked one by one through staffers through journalists and ridiculous way to run a campaign but it might work for them. >> jesse: or it might not and i will tell you why because a big dynamic change if we think this could be possible in this election and the vise presidential pick for rfk junior
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said this this afternoon and let's listen. >> there are two options we are looking at and one is staying and forming that new party but run the risk of a kamala harris and tom walz presidency because we draw votes from trump and more votes from trump and we walk away right now and join forces with donald trump. >> jesse: jessica, does that make you nervous as a democrat that rfk junior could throw his support behind donald trump in the selection which will be very close? >> the most important thing that he would burn every bridge she has in his life and have no idea someone who identifies as a democrat is from a family of that magnitude and could be
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running this type of campaign talking about the real threat kamala harris presidency so that is first and foremost so this is the risk and we talked about on the five say rfk junior will be a problem for biden but know he's a problem for trump drawing more of the joe rogan crowd people who want to burn it all down and democrats paying attention to that but there was something industry -- interesting that donors said we are out and trump is not our second-best option and much prefer kamala harris to win then trump. >> jesse: if donald trump maybe promise and exchanged for a cabinet position may be director of the cia? i am kidding. what could that possibly mean for november? >> rfk has torched most of those bridges already and his whole family endorsed against him and at that time joe biden before he
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got a coup but the margins matter a lot because he is an interesting carrier -- character pull some away from trump but the numbers might fluctuate state to state but overall based on the running mates assessment and pulling maybe would hook trump a little more so if he gets out of the race and throws his support behind trump for any reason whether an offer of a position or anything else, could be a razor thin electoral margin even if one percentage point moves it could be decisive for the democrats should be a little worried. >> jill stein. >> jesse: right now kamala probably on her way to do a big rally the same arena donald trump held his rnc. >> he packed it three and a half hours. >> jesse: that seems to be exciting for you and she tries
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to out crowd size donald trump might donald trump resorts to accusations of ai to feel better about himself and his fake taylor swift endorsement? i will text it to you he is floundering. >> jesse: according to you. why do that and go into an event at the same place rnc just to show he compactor crowd? >> it is trolling trying to get under his skin maybe not a bad idea but i am a little weirded out by those as she is stepping on her own convention a building filled with people here nominating her right now and she's like i'm going to another city to a different arena taking some attention away from the main event built around her and if you want to troll trump, that's the goal but it is all timing. >> is not usual the nominee is here every night.
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the people watching her at the forum were not able to be here but will consume the clips and watch the performances and i'm hoping for billie eilish but a great opportunity. >> jesse: littlejohn just came out and we're hearing there could be more celebrity sightings? sean astin was here from rudy and john legend and will hebert -- beer tonight? >> he was here earlier taking questions outside and supposed to be performing. >> jesse: how big of a factor will celebrities be and as a matter fact that she just crossed the threshold for delicates? should be go to it right now? listen to alive? >> it doesn't matter who you are or where you are representing your state with pride as a unite
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for the future. >> announcer: new jersey how do you cast your vote? might everybody, i am governor phil murphy we are from jersey, baby and you are not. in the great garden state, we care about protecting women's rights and lifting up vulnerable communities and nuts we mean when we say the great state. >> my name is dr joey pronouns she her and a proud resident of the garden state and i'm proud to stand with kamala harris and tim walz because they stand with the lgbtq community. [ cheering and applause ] it is time to turn the page on trump and thank you.
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>> i am leroy jones and the chairman of the new jersey state home of the late great whitney houston. and new jersey in these amazing delicates cast to votes present and 142 votes for kamala harris president of the united states of america we fight, we when and when we fight cockily when [ chanting ] [ ♪♪ ] born in the usa instrumental. [ ♪♪ ] [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: that was interesting my home state right now new jersey we got a pronoun introduction and that was fun
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florida congressman byron donaldson is here and you were also in milwaukee and our here and it's got a little more exciting as last night was a little dark and how have you taken in this convention and our people being nice to you? >> i am fine and i can go anywhere people will be respectful because people actually think i'm really big and that's fine but the first time in this convention i heard a policy talking about 35-dollar insulin and donald trump did first but they talked about it but this entire convention not about policy but this orchestrated excitement with the glowing wristbands and the backgrounds but this convention will and in what are her policies and what will that look like? how will that translate to the wives of the american people? with all the excitement she should be up for-five points and
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she is not. >> jesse: it was go to new york my former home state. [ ♪♪ ] >> mr secretary, i am from the great state of new york. [ cheering and applause ] unions not only builds our state but they build a strong middle class across this country why i am so proud to introduce the governor of the greatest labor state of the country, governor. >> as governor of the greatest state that ever existed, for new yorkers, get used to it and from seneca falls, the birthplace of
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the women's right movement to stonewall, the birthplace of the lgbtq movement to stone king mountain, birthplace of the environmental justice movement and the birthplace of the labor movement. we are also not just the birthplace of great progressive movements but the birthplace of shirley and the birthplace of geraldine and the home of hillary clinton. and that is why is the work -- first woman governor kaka am so proud to cast votes to make kamala harris the first female president of the united states of america. [cheers and applause]
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>> jesse: there was spike lee but he didn't say anything but let's bring back florida congressman and donald trump's programming this week in michigan talking about crime and safety and here's what he said about kamala harris. >> we are going to stop the kamala crime wave. >> radical liberal kamala harris the ring leader for the anti- crime and the anti- police crusade and you can't walk across the street to get a loaf of bread and you will get shot. >> i will crack down on those who refuse to enforce the law and get the dangerous offenders behind bars and stand up for law-abiding citizens of america. >> jesse: trump has talked a lot about the economy and he could talk more about crime and i would be very effective.
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>> kamala harris one of the early das before that became a thing as her record one very soft on crime bailing out rioters during the summer of love with the black lives matter riots in minneapolis and she put up for legislation in the senate to incentivize states to move towards a cashless bail system something that will make every city in our country significantly less safe because cities like my former city of new york city with a cashless bail has been a disaster and that is her record so the other thing since a pandemic ended, crime rates have soared in america and now the democrats are trying to say crime is down and why there is an elevated massive crime spike under the regime. >> jesse: there not reporting all the cities to the fbi and people are victims of crime not always report them. the democrats talk about crime
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and only about trump and crime in january 6 and trump but never talk about crime victims and if the former president were to bring crime victims together may be a victim town hall because he's very empathetic and when you put a face on, shames the democrats who have been out to lunch on a life-and-death issue. >> they have been out to lunch on almost everyone but having victims come forward and we had some at our convention a couple weeks ago. >> jesse: it's all politicians >> the kamala harris record has been destructive to family so how you bring american citizens here and say by the way, she did a great job and it simply not true as we have regular citizens every night talking about the failures and translating it to
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the successes under donald trump so when all of this is over and looking out the outcomes of policy between, and easy choices november. >> jesse: don lemon and is now imitating johnny going out to the streets and doing packages where he talks to real people and that is good and we like that but talk to somewhere people and one of these battleground cities and let's hear what the real people had to say my i am going for trump and i feel like every time they don't want someone who is good for us they throw someone black in our face thinks it will make us vote for the black person. >> i voted for obama because he was black. >> and voting for trump and i think she is phony and think. >> she was on biden's team and i don't like biden. i am going for trump.
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>> jesse: and make sense. >> it does make sense but i thought don lemmons was going back in time to re-create waters world with the truth of the matter people have witnessed the biden-harris agenda and it has been a disaster and they remember his presidency and they know things were good when he was president and i may not like with tweets but things were amazing but now fall into the joy in the vibes because joy does not put food on the table and vibes is not secure the border and the emotion the democrats are trying to get people to vote will not make the country great but leadership and policy does that and donald trump does that. >> jesse: with people having more money, kamala play footsie with a new policy to say she wants to raise taxes and capital gains and so she wants a wealth tax on realized gain so if your
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portfolio goes up and you don't sell she wants to tax that. >> more insanity from someone who never worked in the real economy and been a public official her entire life and not have to go out and work in the business sector and deal with competitors and employees so she doesn't know what she's talking about and second of all was she 100 percent the joe biden agenda? she will take that terrible agenda and go more to the left and none of this will work in tax revenue will come down and inflation go up and scarcity of food rich people will do all right and get food but poor people in chicago and new york and philadelphia and milwaukee those of the people who will suffer. >> jesse: is she running as a
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biden democrat? you don't hear about her as vice president but now wants to run as a former prosecutor taking on donald trump and how she is positioning herself and will the republicans let her get away with running away from joe biden? >> and now we will not let that happen as we are here in chicago and scottie pippen can't run for michael jordan and joe biden is not michael jordan but kamala harris will be able to separate herself from the disaster? it is there disaster together. >> jesse: thank you so much byron. going over to pennsylvania governor josh shapiro we believe is up. >> i am the mayor from the great city and beaver county and my city is the city of legends and the only high school in america with three hall of fame were's
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in 2009 when my sister was murdered, i wanted to do better in 15 years she has been gone and 12 years the city on my watch and grateful for the opportunity to lead my city and the state of pennsylvania and god bless everyone and i love the state and thank you. [ cheering and applause ] >> i am governor josh shapiro. [cheers and applause] the proud governor of the commonwealth of pennsylvania and the birthplace of democracy and the birthplace of freedom and the greatest commonwealth of all and together pennsylvania casts 178 votes for the next madam president of the united states, kamala harris and vice president tim walz. [cheers and applause]
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>> jesse: that was josh shapiro who said they said he should be on the ticket and maybe it's because he's jewish but take it over to the senior white house correspondent who was on the dnc floor and we hope he is safe might we found former presidential candidate dean phillips and you were right about the fact that convention would come and it would not be for joe biden and you feel vindicated? >> i feel like one of thousands who knew that maybe i was only one to say that out loud and i have to tell you i never imagined based on three weeks ago what a transformation and that does feel good this was not about a resentment campaign but it feels good to be welcome back to the popular kids table.
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>> thank you much for your time and we will touch base. so as you can see, everyone has a wristband waiting to get through to the rope call and get up to the front as we have the georgia delegation here after hosting littlejohn and i guess we can see as close to the stages we can get. >> we will witness and flip florida. >> we will flip it and we will win. >> jesse: feeling that on the floor and back up to you. >> jesse: looking very tall out there and thank you peter and outside we feel like there's little action. tobin is with us. >> what you're looking at right now as they're burning some of
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the flags and take a look at their burning american flags and the jewish flag or a combination of the stars and stripes and that's a conflict right away someone came in and stop them from burning the flag and then we saw pushing and shoving looks like it would turn into a fight but i should mention this demonstration this group calls themselves behind enemy lines see a lot of the familiar close made a very deliberate confrontation with the police formed the police and the media outnumbered the number of demonstrators and put a couple of banners in front of them and marched directly into the police line aggressively so quick flurry of arrests at least four arrests and then they came back here and made a line and started burning flags and a bit of pushing and shoving but looks like now they're back to making speeches. >> jesse: mike tobin and i
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think that is an american flag and stay safe. let's go to senior white house correspondent in milwaukee covering the rally. >> campaign framing this as an extension of the convention broadcasting the role call vote above the cloud dose above the crowd 1500 people we were told they take the speeches from milwaukee and beamed them to chicago but what is fascinating is unclear why kamala harris decided to skip out in chicago given a big display and it is obama's night as harrison walls can come to milwaukee anytime but all these reports biden left and thought he did not want to
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be around him but now the vice president trying to keep respectful distance and from obama a lot of stories that drop today talking about the close relationship with obama even though they are miles away and there won't be that embrace trying to see maybe nothing becomes a thing and could be attributed to biden as four years ago today he would be accepting the nomination and milwaukee as a pandemic canceled dnc in 2020 so some symbolism can't ignore rnc held here last month and democrats may be trying to send a message that they can fill this arena and we are watching and waiting for the night to get underway and we already heard from tim walz
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looks like they didn't beam his remarks. >> jesse: thank you so much jackie. former bernie sanders advisor and former press secretary and former democrat, a bernie person but independent and are you satisfied how things have turned out putting come in there with no competition? >> i called for president biden to be primary years ago one of the wand say we need an open primary because he made the promise that he will run one term so i was a part saying i'm in the buick let's ride all the way out but the democrat party
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decide on what they wanted to do so this is the candidate we are choosing. >> jesse: how excited are you? say this is the candidate they are choosing but doesn't sound very enthusiastic? >> i am an organizer so i see what enthusiasm means people are excited about bernie sanders more youthful including hillary clinton but did not go to the polls so one thing to be exciting to see what the numbers will look like. >> jesse: can you translate enthusiasm into organization and getting peoples to the polls as they are excited to be in the role call everyone's excited to see littlejohn and does this mean anything in november? >> people were excited about kid rock on the republican side and
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about donald trump and everyone's excited but exciting does not necessarily mean engagement saw early voting coming up soon still a long way to go so i think the democrat party decided joe biden decided to go get ice cream and wanted an ice cream social and have to see what it looks like and wait for the numbers. >> jesse: we are hearing from donald trump that kamala not doing the fox debate supposed to be the fourth before the agreed-upon september 10th debate and what does that tell you? >> she is not necessarily trying to win over the middle of the country and she has progressives might have an uncommitted line problem but needs to win over independence and drive up numbers with suburban moms and
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joe biden wants suburban whidden -- one suburban women so come on a place like fox news make into the middle of the country to suburban women and just passing them over is a little bit of what you need you need more than that and if you want your basic, you need that middle of the country. >> what he think about the money she dropped on fox news? >> smart and you want to go to places where people can hear your message and pick up new voters but you have to thread the needle. you just played the protest outside. the uncommitted voters are she said thread the needle to call anti-semitism but winning those same voters is a hard needle to thread. >> jesse: people who used to work for donald trump, stephanie grisham just said something. >> i wasn't just a trump
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supporter but a true believer one of his closest advisors and behind closed doors, a trump amoxil support or and calls them basement dwellers and has no empathy or morals and no fidelity to the truth because unlike my boss, i never wanted to stand at the podium and by and now here i yam behind a podium advocating for democrat. >> jesse: she was press secretary for a time but never did a single press conference and now at the dnc convention. >> it is crazy. i never heard donald trump and marcus supporters and had the total opposite as president trump i spoke on the rnc station 2020 about when i have high -- one had a primitive mess act to me, gave me a call and that's the man i know and i don't know how you go from being a
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conservative to speaking on the stage at the dnc and you want to protect life as a conservative with economic freedom you do it nikki haley did an ron desantis and you speak your principles may be had a radical shift but i don't know how you speak if there are abortions outside and a gender-neutral prayer room. >> michelle obama may be coming out and great community organizers and i know you are an organizer take us into that world what is it mean with the ground game? >> being able to knock on doors not just speaking from a top view of what you think people will do but knocking on doors to talk to voters organized 300 people in georgia two years ago coming from all over the country
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who said we want to get candidates and operatives and no one was a democrat or republican but people said they want the skills so i believe giving people the tools to get people on the side talking about how conservative switch out that the liberal sites which as you had a union president teamster speak at the rnc so how can you truly be a liberal speaking there so i think we're at a place where people picking their side where they want to be changing their mind and position and the only way is what the numbers look like. >> jesse: do the republicans have a ground game? >> the ground game on make all of the difference and it is razor thin you have to have the ground game democrats good at the mail and vote democrats good a social media and it is then.
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>> jesse: thank you now let's go to johnny on the floor right now. >> we have some exciting people on the floor with speeches coming up with barack obama and tim walz and the end who are you guys most excited to see? >> president obama ! >> the bed night is kamala harris coming up and what does her economic plan? >> protect big corporations from buying all the single-family homes. >> how will she do this? >> democrat majority in the senate. >> capping the cost of pharmaceuticals. >> how? >> she will continue as she already started as vice president. >> that time is every day and chicago folks, heading on over
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here now another excited boater and who are we excited to see? >> i'm excited to see michelle obama. might what you think maybe michelle obama for president? >> i would love to say yes, but that is up to michelle. >> jesse: everyone is here for a common low right? >> how will she bring down inflation? >> they have the procedures already putting in place and so following with that and she will do it and it's already coming down. >> they are doing it now. >> will listen, rollcall going on people here are excited but excited for obama.
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>> jesse: come and obama and let's go back down to the floor for the rest of the rollcall might and honor to pledge five vote -- nine votes present and the rest for vice president come the harris [cheers and applause] [ ♪♪ ] >> west virginia how do you cast your votes? >> my name is jean and i am 83 years old and as such, i am the oldest of the delicates in west virginia. most 83 -year-olds that i know
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are spending time with their grandchildren or traveling. i am here suited up and ready to battle. because i will not, i repeat, i will not let everything i have fought for be taken away. >> jesse: good old west virginia and sean 'hannity' is here and sean has invited me to train with him tomorrow morning so if i show up with no teeth, it is this guy. >> i would never do that to you. >> jesse: to hurt my wrist. my training and breakfast. >> jesse: again, on you. thank you very much.


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